The baby's heartbeat inside the mother's belly can say a lot about the child's health, but, unfortunately, says nothing about his gender.

When can you hear a fetal heartbeat?

A small heart gradually forms already in the third or fourth week of gestation, and already in the fifth it begins to pulsate. At the eighth week, the baby’s heart becomes four-chambered, and already resembles the heart of an adult, but is still very different and has its own characteristics.

You can hear the baby's heartbeat using a transvaginal ultrasound as early as the fifth week, and with a conventional ultrasound through the abdomen - in the sixth week. But these data are approximate.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a baby by its heartbeat?

It was once believed that the sex of a baby could be determined by the heart rate (HR), the rhythm of the small heart beating, or the correspondence of this rhythm to the beating of the mother’s heart.

In our time, such methods have been convincingly refuted by scientific point vision.

Of course, there is a chance that using this technique you will guess the sex of the child, and the probability is quite high - 50%, because there are only two options: a boy and a girl. But if such a sex determination test works, it will be nothing more than a coincidence.

The essence of the technique

The first method is to count your heart rate. It was previously assumed that future princesses' hearts beat faster - about 140 beats per minute, while future princes' hearts beat less than 140, approximately 120.

The second method is heart rate. It was generally believed that in babies it is smooth, and in babies it is more chaotic.

The third method is a comparison with the mother’s heartbeat: supposedly boys’ hearts beat in the same rhythm as their mother’s, but girls’ hearts do not.

The fourth method is location. If the heartbeat was heard on the left side of the abdomen, the mother was predicted to have a boy, if on the right, a girl.

What is the normal fetal heart rate?

The baby's heart rate changes throughout the entire gestation period.

Until the sixth week it is about 85 beats per minute. In the sixth week - 100-130 beats, by the tenth week it increases to 170-190 beats, and starting from the eleventh week, it is about 149-160 beats per minute.

What does a deviation from the norm indicate?

If the baby’s heartbeat rhythm is not adjusted or its frequency differs from the norm, this does not mean that the mother is expecting a boy or a girl, this indicates disturbances in the baby’s body.

Deviations from the norm may be a sign of:

  • hypoxia ( oxygen starvation);
  • heart disease;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
In addition, such disorders can be caused by various diseases of the expectant mother; deviations from the norm can also be caused by the mother taking various medications or stress.

Today we will talk about:

Are you anxious to find out the sex of your unborn child, but nothing can be seen on the ultrasound yet? There is another complementary method that allows you to determine the gender of the fetus by.

Baby's heartbeat

Around the 25th day after conception, the tiny heart of the fetus begins to form in the mother's womb. The first contracting movements in the 6th week can already be recorded during a transvaginal examination using an ultrasound machine.

A routine examination, called a transabdominal examination, will show heartbeat in the 7th week. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetal heart rate is very variable. For example, after the start of pulsation, the rhythm can fluctuate from 110 to 130 beats per minute. Starting from the 8th week, the heart rate increases to 180. And already at 12 weeks obstetric weeks Heart rate decreases and normalizes between 140 and 160 beats per minute. These indicators will be recorded until birth.

This variability in heart rate early stages pregnancy is the norm and indicates the formation of work nervous system, which will further be responsible for the functioning of other organs. Heart rate indicates fetal viability and is an important indicator. For example, if the rhythm slows down to 90 beats or, conversely, increases to 200, then this may indicate the presence of pathology. In this situation, immediate diagnosis of all causes is necessary. If an embryo measuring 7 mm does not have heartbeats, then in obstetric practice this is called a frozen pregnancy.

When determining the sex of a child by heartbeat you need to be guided by the above information. Traditional methods It is better to use diagnostics after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the rhythm should already become even.

Determining gender by heartbeat

This method has been used for a long time, since the times when there were no such diagnostic devices in medicine as there are now. This method of determining the sex of a child is not officially recognized, but it has been tested empirically and shows effectiveness.

It's easy to tell who's going to be born based on your heart rate. To do this, it is enough to know how many beats the baby’s heart makes per minute. PoMedicine recommends doing this in the following ways:

  • when undergoing ultrasound diagnostics;
  • during the planned gynecological examination, where the doctor can listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope.
According to doctors, a boy’s and a girl’s heart works at different frequencies. Determine speed heartbeat you can, knowing two indicators: frequency and heart rate. As follows from medical practice, a boy’s heart beats louder and more regularly, with a frequency of 110 to 120 beats per minute. In girls, on the contrary, it is more chaotic, with the heartbeat recorded up to 160 beats. Although there is an exception that the heart of a male child beats faster, but, as a rule, the son’s heartbeat coincides with the mother’s. There is also another method related to folk diagnosis - depending on the location of the fetus.

Some have noticed that boys and girls lie differently in their mother’s womb, this is due to the characteristics of their development. If the heartbeat is recorded on the right side, then there will be a girl, on the left - a boy. However, the unreliability of this method is that in the early stages of pregnancy the baby has quite a lot of space in the uterus, and he can constantly move in different directions. That is why, every time you visit a antenatal clinic, the heartbeat can be heard either on the left or on the right.

You must always remember that the results of determining the sex of the fetus by heartbeat are reliable only until the 5th month of pregnancy. At later stages, this is impossible to do, because the closer the birth is, the more measured the baby’s heart begins to beat.

When trying to determine the sex of a child in this way, you need to be extremely careful and careful. You need to know that the work of a tiny heart depends on many features of the development of the fetus and its current condition. For example, if the baby is alert in this moment, then his heart beats much faster. If he sleeps, the heartbeat slows down. When there is a lack of oxygen, the heart rate changes regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. The nature of the heartbeat is also affected by other disorders in the intrauterine development of the fetus. That’s why you need to be careful with the results, and first of all you need to find out whether possible genetic abnormalities are hidden behind the heartbeat characteristics.

There is no need to talk about the 100% reliability of this method of determining a child’s gender. The most highly effective, according to doctors, is the ultrasound diagnostic method, but even this cannot guarantee a 100% result. Experienced gynecologists say that only with sufficient experience and good intuition can you trust ultrasound to determine the sex of the unborn child. During the diagnosis, the specialist not only records the heart rhythm, but also compares it with the following data:

  • current gestational age;
  • ratio of rhythm and ;
  • comparison of the obtained data with the work of the heart of a pregnant woman.
As follows from the above, the doctor uses not only the result of the ultrasound examination, but also general analysis. It will be possible to find out how reliable the result of determining the sex of the child by heartbeat turned out to be in the later stages, starting from the 6th month of pregnancy. Then all the indicators are compared, and after the birth it will be possible to compare correct and incorrect predictions. True, hardly anyone will do this, since this is already in the field of sociological research.

Reliability of the method

Everyone speaks differently about the veracity of this method of determining a child’s gender. For some pregnant women, this method has become key and correct, while others completely refute such a diagnosis. Official medicine only recognizes ultrasound as the simplest and most informative way to help see not only a boy or a girl, but also timely diagnose possible developmental abnormalities, which can be indicated by a heartbeat. However, ultrasound also has errors.

The most accurate result can only be given by laboratory test anamniotic fluid or part of the placenta. According to doctors, the heartbeat directly depends on the duration of pregnancy, the position of the body of the expectant mother, and the condition of the fetus at the moment when the listening is performed. Disturbances in the development of the heart also affect the nature of its work. Despite this, many experienced obstetricians and gynecologists can draw their own conclusions based on the results of the audition.

Due to the many nuances that can affect a child’s heart rate, diagnosing gender by heartbeat is just an unproven myth with a minimal degree of probability. In ancient times, people used various signs and guesses for this. Some did this by looking at the shape of the pregnant woman's belly, while others found out in which direction the wedding ring on a string moved over the belly.

Determine the sex of the baby by the frequency of its beat

The fetal heartbeat, according to medical representatives, does not depend on the gender of the baby, but on the duration of pregnancy and the state of the embryo for a certain period of time (whether it is sleeping or not). In addition, even the position of the mother's body while listening to her can affect the heart rate. Also, pathologies in the development of the baby can affect the nature of contractions of the heart muscle.

But, nevertheless, many gynecologists do not fail to make an assumption about who will be born by listening to the frequency of the fetal heartbeats. Is this the answer to the question of whether it is possible to find out the sex of a child by its heartbeat? Moreover, even doctors themselves use this method. And how can you find out the sex of a child by the frequency of its heartbeats? Let's try to figure it out.

How to determine the sex of a child by heart rate

Exist various interpretations this technique. First of all, it is believed that the sex of a child can be determined by such a parameter as the number of heartbeats.

They say that girls' hearts beat faster than boys'. The pulse of a female embryo beats at a frequency of 140 beats per minute or more, and in a male baby it beats within 130-140 beats. Some interpretations of this technique specify that the test will be reliable only for up to 20 weeks.

The second version of determining the sex of a child is based on differences in heart rate. The rhythm, according to some, is different for boys and girls. For girls it sounds agitated and chaotic, while for boys it sounds more rhythmic and smooth.

According to the third version, the son’s heart beats the same as that of the expectant mother, and the daughter’s heartbeat rhythm is different from the mother’s.

You can also find out the sex of the child by factors such as heartbeat, depending on the position of the fetus. If his heart is heard on the right, one should expect a daughter, and if on the left, a son.

How to listen to your baby's heartbeat at home? This can be done using a fetal doppler. This device is compact in size and easy to use. With its help, you can track your heart rate during pregnancy from 12 weeks. But it must be taken into account that over time the baby’s heartbeat changes.

Is the above method correct? It all depends on whether its results coincide with the gender of the baby that will be born to the expectant mother. But, according to statistics, the effectiveness of this method is approximately 50%. That is, whether to believe him or not is entirely up to you. In any case, listening to the baby’s heart is very interesting, and has a calming effect on many expectant mothers. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure!

When can you hear a fetal heartbeat?

A small heart gradually forms already in the third or fourth week of gestation, and already in the fifth it begins to pulsate. At the eighth week, the baby’s heart becomes four-chambered, and already resembles the heart of an adult, but is still very different and has its own characteristics.

You can hear the baby's heartbeat using a transvaginal ultrasound as early as the fifth week, and with a conventional ultrasound through the abdomen - in the sixth week. But these data are approximate.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a baby by its heartbeat?

It was once believed that the sex of a baby could be determined by the heart rate (HR), the rhythm of the small heart beating, or the correspondence of this rhythm to the beating of the mother's heart.

In our time, such methods have been convincingly refuted from a scientific point of view.

Of course, there is a chance that using this technique you will guess the sex of the child, and the probability is quite high - 50%, because there are only two options: a boy and a girl. But if such a sex determination test works, it will be nothing more than a coincidence.

The essence of the technique

The first method is to count your heart rate. It was previously assumed that future princesses' hearts beat faster - about 140 beats per minute, while future princes' hearts beat less than 140, approximately 120.

The second method is heart rate. It was generally believed that in babies it is smooth, and in babies it is more chaotic.

The third method is a comparison with the mother’s heartbeat: supposedly boys’ hearts beat in the same rhythm as their mother’s, but girls’ hearts do not.

The fourth method is location. If the heartbeat was heard on the left side of the abdomen, the mother was predicted to have a boy, if on the right, a girl.

What is the normal fetal heart rate?

The baby's heart rate changes throughout the entire gestation period.

Until the sixth week it is about 85 beats per minute. In the sixth week - 100-130 beats, by the tenth week it increases to 170-190 beats, and starting from the eleventh week, it is about 149-160 beats per minute.

What does a deviation from the norm indicate?

If the baby’s heartbeat rhythm is not adjusted or its frequency differs from the norm, this does not mean that the mother is expecting a boy or a girl, this indicates disturbances in the baby’s body.

Deviations from the norm may be a sign of:

  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation);
  • heart disease;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;

In addition, such disorders can be caused by various diseases of the expectant mother; deviations from the norm can also be caused by the mother taking various medications or stress.

Date: 2018-01-04 01:00:10

How did you find out the sex of a child in the past?

Our resourceful grandmothers knew without any ultrasound whether a boy or a girl was living in the expectant mother’s belly. There were several ways to determine gender:

  1. According to the shape of the belly. A pointed, “tucked up” belly was considered a sure sign of a boy, and its rounded shape indicated a girl.
  2. According to the gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother. A pregnant woman expecting a daughter usually digs into something tasty: sweet pastries, candies, fruits. With mothers of boys, everything is different: serve them pickles, meat and tart and sour dishes.
  3. According to the metamorphoses of a pregnant woman's appearance. It was believed that the mother shared her beauty with her daughter, so the pregnant woman’s hair became dull, dark spots appeared on the body, pimples and excessive fat deposits. If the expectant mother looks so wonderful that you can’t take your eyes off her, it means she has a son under her heart.

  4. According to how I feel. It is more difficult for a woman to bear a baby of the opposite sex, so boys “cause” toxicosis, which during pregnancy with a girl is weakly expressed or absent altogether.

Of course, all these folk tricks cannot be taken seriously. Even if in half the cases such predictions come true, it is nothing more than a coincidence, doctors say.

Modern methods of determining the sex of a child

Ultrasound examination is not the only procedure that can be used to “declassify” a baby in the mother’s womb. Modern diagnostic medicine offers several more effective ways determining the sex of the child.

  1. One of them is invasive diagnostics, during which placental cells or amniotic fluid become the material for research.

  2. It is believed that a method based on recording the latest period of blood renewal of the future parents can provide a truthful answer to the question that is relevant for the expectant mother about the gender of her baby. Scientists once proved that male blood is renewed once every 4 years, and female blood - once every 3 years. It is logical to assume that the gender of the child should correspond to the gender of the parent, whose blood was “younger” at the time of conception.
  3. A fairly popular, albeit unofficial, way to determine the sex of a child is chinese calendar conception, according to which expectant mothers make calculations, taking into account the number of their full years at the time of conception and the exact date onset of pregnancy.

Determining the sex of a child by heartbeat

We deliberately left this diagnostic method “for dessert,” with the help of which you can also find out who exactly is growing in mommy’s belly. This method can be called the borderline between the past and the present. It was invented long before the advent of ultrasound, but continues to be used successfully today.

Modern obstetricians and gynecologists have adopted the experience of their inquisitive predecessors, who managed to record the connection between the sex of the baby and the individual indicators of his heart. But let's talk about everything in order.

The tiny creature’s heart comes to life 20–22 days after conception has taken place. Isn’t this a miracle: all the organs of the fetus are still in their infancy, but it beats and knocks! Some scientists even claim that the clot of cells from which the heart will later grow begins to contract within 12 to 14 days after conception. By the way, scientists still find it difficult to answer what forces force a certain group of cells in the tissue of the embryo to contract and create what we used to call a heartbeat. It turns out that during pregnancy from 4 to 12 weeks, the heartbeat is the only reliable indicator that a woman has been born and has begun to develop. new life. By moving and kicking, the baby will independently make itself known much later - only by the 16th - 20th week of pregnancy.

It will not be possible to immediately register the baby’s heartbeat - this will become possible only at 6-7 weeks of his intrauterine life. At first, the baby’s heart rate inherits the work of the mother’s heart (it is difficult to distinguish between them), but a little later it increases significantly.

The contraction of the fetal heart is a faithful assistant to obstetricians in determining the overall health of the baby. Experienced specialists can even determine the sex of a child by its heartbeat. How long is this realistic?

When an egg is fertilized, it allows only one sperm into its cavity, which, as is known, is the carrier of sex gametes with an X or Y chromosome. Here he is - the most important point, when Mother Nature decides whether a woman will give birth to a boy or a girl. Neither the expectant mother herself nor the doctors can yet know this, because the embryo is only at the beginning of its development. Organs reproductive system They begin to take shape in the fetus at about the age of 8 weeks, and at this moment they look the same in future girls and boys. But very soon everything will change: at 12 weeks, the sex of the child can be determined with a fairly high probability by the heartbeat, according to experienced obstetricians.

Ways to find out the gender of a baby by heartbeat

This technique relies on the doctor's keen and sensitive hearing. From the 20th week of an “interesting” position, auscultation becomes a mandatory procedure for routine examination of a pregnant woman. The baby's heartbeat is listened to and assessed using a phonendoscope or a special tube. The instrument is applied to the pregnant woman’s belly and the signals given by the fetal heart are carefully listened to. The hearts of girls and boys, as you may have guessed, beat differently. So, here are the main indicators, taking into account which doctors inform a happy mother about her son or daughter.

Beat frequency

Here girls are ahead of boys: their heart beats at a speed of about 140 - 150 beats per minute. For males, this figure is slightly lower and equal to 120 beats. However, there is still no single opinion regarding this diagnostic method. The fact is that some sources claim that the sex of a child can be determined by heart rate only up to the 20th week of pregnancy, while others insist that such an experiment is reliable until the last weeks of the “interesting” situation.


Nature has decreed that the male heart be more powerful and resilient than the female, therefore the heart muscle of a male fetus contracts, as a rule, more rhythmically. The girl's heart beats out more chaotic and excited music. The tone of the heartbeat of boys and girls also differs: in boys, the heart beats clearly and loudly, in girls it is a little quieter and more muffled. In general, it is believed that a mother’s heart is dissonant with her daughter’s heart and beats in unison with her son’s heart.

Fetal location

Some doctors are convinced that the location of girls and boys in the mother's womb is fundamentally different. So, if the heartbeat is heard predominantly on the left, it is most likely a boy. When the heart beats on the right side, a girl is born. We do not undertake to say that this method can be considered reliable, but many specialists, nevertheless, use it and predict the gender of the child very successfully.

Of course, all of the methods listed above are not recognized by official medicine, which questions whether the sex of a child can be determined by its heartbeat. The fact is that the activity of a child’s heart muscle is determined by a number of certain factors. Here are the main ones:

  • period of activity and sleep (the baby’s heart beats more often when he is awake);
  • gestational age (at different stages of gestation the fetal heart beats differently);
  • the health status of the expectant mother (some diseases of the woman cause oxygen starvation of the fetus, so its heart beats at a slow pace);
  • psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman;
  • the degree of formation of the baby’s heart;
  • the position of the mother's body while listening to the fetal heartbeat.

Taking into account all these factors, we can conclude that all characteristics of the baby’s heart cannot be taken as constant indicators. That is why official medicine treats attempts to find out the sex of a child by the fetal heartbeat with a great deal of skepticism.

No matter how much you would like to find out whether a daughter or son is hiding under your heart, remember that the method of determining the sex of a child by its heartbeat does not give a 100% reliable result! After all, even ultra-precise ultrasound equipment sometimes makes mistakes. Take all attempts to declassify the baby as entertainment; you will madly love your baby regardless of his gender, right?

How to determine the sex of a child by heartbeat?

  • According to heart rate. They say that girls' heart beats faster than boys'. In early pregnancy (6-7 weeks), you can count the number of strokes during ultrasound examination. If the heart rate is more than 140 beats per minute, a girl will be born, if less, a boy. They say that this method is reliable only for up to 20 weeks.
  • According to the rhythm of the heart. It is believed that girls' hearts beat chaotically, while boys' hearts beat calmly and rhythmically. In addition, boys have louder blows.
  • According to the location of the fetus. If, when listening, the heart beats on the left, then most likely you should expect the birth of a son; if on the right, then a daughter will be born.
  • By the heartbeat of a pregnant woman. According to this theory, to determine the sex of a child, you need to listen to her heart rhythm. The unborn boy has the same rhythm as his mother, and if the rhythms do not match, then a girl will be born.

What is it really like?

Medical science has not confirmed this theory, and it is officially believed that the heartbeat of an unborn baby has nothing to do with its gender.

Heart rate

Heart rate does not depend on gender, but on the period of gestation and how its heart works.

Based on the heart rate, the doctor determines whether the child is developing normally. At different periods, heart rate values ​​​​are different:

  • 6 weeks – from 90 to 110 beats/minute;
  • from 6th to 8th – from 120 to 170;
  • from 8th to 12th – from 160 to 190;
  • from the 12th week – from 140 to 180.

If, when listening, the baby’s heart rate corresponds to the presented values, then this means that he is developing normally. Deviations from the norm most often indicate pathological conditions, such as:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • malformations of blood vessels and heart;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • illness of a pregnant woman.

Another reason for the heart rate not being normal is the mother’s taking certain medications.

In the later stages of pregnancy (from the 34th week), deviations in the development of the unborn baby can be detected by heart rate using cardiotocography.

Heart rhythm

The heart rate of the unborn child completely depends on the functioning of the main organ, and is in no way related to gender. If the fetus develops normally, then the heart will beat evenly and calmly, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl. If the rhythm is off, then the reason is more likely to be a malformation of the heart, and not that the mother is carrying a daughter.

Baby's position

In the first and second trimester, the fetus actively moves in the amniotic fluid and can take any position. Starting from the 32nd week, he has fewer and fewer such opportunities; he presses against the right or left side, but this choice of place by the fetus is in no way related to gender.

Heartbeat of an expectant mother

A pregnant woman's heart rhythm and heart rate may change for various reasons. This usually occurs against the background of some diseases from which she suffers. But there is no connection between the baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s heartbeat, and changes in a woman’s heart rate and heart rate are not affected by the gender of the child.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, future parents want to know who they will have, so they ask the gynecologist if it is possible to determine the sex of the child by the heartbeat. And if some couples are driven by simple interest, then for others this issue is really important.

Since ancient times, people have tried to determine the gender of a baby who is in the mother’s womb based on various characteristics. We paid attention to the shape of the abdomen, the taste preferences of the pregnant woman, as well as changes in her appearance. One of the methods is also considered to determine the sex of the child by the beat of his heart. How reliable is this technique? Let's try to figure it out.

Between attempts to find out the baby's gender external signs a pregnant woman and an ultrasound examination find a way to determine the sex of the child by. Many, even experienced obstetricians-gynecologists, do not neglect this method of determining who a woman is expecting: a boy or a girl.

When male and female reproductive cells merge, a new life is formed, which begins to rapidly grow and develop. Already on the 20-21st day, the heart is formed in the embryo, and some scientists call an earlier period - 14 days after fertilization of the egg. However, at this stage it is impossible to hear its contractions.

Using ultrasound sensors, heart pulsation is first determined at 6-8 weeks, and you can clearly hear the heartbeat through the abdomen using a stethoscope starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. During this same period, the woman begins to feel the first movements of the fetus.

The genital organs are formed during intrauterine development, but up to 8 weeks they look exactly the same in female and male fetuses. After a short period of time, the gender characteristics that distinguish boys and girls will be quite clearly defined.

The contraction of the heart muscle of the unborn child is an important indicator that determines its full development and the normal course of pregnancy, as well as answering the question of who will be born to a woman.

Methods for determining the sex of a child by heartbeat

Determining the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat is carried out on the basis of various cardiac indicators, which have slight differences in male and female fetuses:

  • Heart rate – a value that shows how often per minute the heart muscle works. In boys, the heart rate is 120-140 beats, girls' heart beats more rapidly, so this indicator fluctuates between 140-160 beats. Various conflicting opinions are expressed regarding this point: some doctors talk about the reliability of sex determination only for a period not exceeding twenty weeks, others prove the possibility of conducting such a test at any period of pregnancy.
  • Heartbeat . Reflects the sequence of atrial and ventricular systole and diastole. In future men, the heart beats more evenly, smoothly and rhythmically. Girls are characterized by a chaotic, excited rhythm. In addition, in a female fetus, the heart muscle works a little quieter.
  • Topography of the heart . You can try to determine the sex of the child by the heartbeat by listening to the heartbeat through the abdominal wall. If the contractions are on the right side of the pregnant woman’s abdomen, then a girl will be born, if on the left, a boy will be born.
  • Connection with maternal pulse . The heart of a male fetus beats more loudly, clearly and simultaneously with the pulsation of the mother; in girls, such a relationship was not found.

Reliability of the method

Is it really possible to accurately determine the sex of a child based on the fetal heartbeat? Some married couples claim that their assumptions about who will be born to them have been confirmed. Other parents were unable to find out the answer to this question, and they refute the theory by saying that they gave birth to children of the opposite sex to the expected results.

Doctors call this technique ordinary entertainment, which helps to the expectant mother and for the father to brighten up the time of waiting for the moment when the sex of their baby becomes reliably known. The only accurate medical method for determining the gender of an unborn child is the study of amniotic fluid. However, it is performed only according to indications and not in order to find out whether a boy or a girl will be born, because amniocentesis in some situations carries risks.

The sex of the child can be determined traditional way only when the fetal genitals are clearly visualized on an ultrasound device. Usually, young parents are informed whether they are having a boy or a girl at about 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy.

Oh, this is already curiosity!

Some married couples are burning with curiosity, wanting to find out the sex of the baby much earlier. There are a lot of folk signs and secrets for this, which, however, quite often demonstrate false results. For example, some expectant mothers try to guess the sex of the child by the shape of their belly.

  1. It is believed that the more convex and sharp it is, the more likely a boy will grow in it. And vice versa, if the stomach is too round and “blurry”, we're talking about about my future daughter.
  2. There are other, even stranger and more bizarre signs. Our grandmothers had a belief that if a woman carries a girl under her heart, during pregnancy she doesn't look good– her hair falls out, acne appears and becomes noticeable excess weight. You may be surprised, but our ancestors associated this with the fact that the future daughter " takes away mom's beauty».
  3. Some people make assumptions by the presence of age spots on the belly of a pregnant woman, “predicting” the birth of a boy by a dark oblong strip from the navel to the pubis.
  4. But there are also more adequate versions of how the gender of the unborn baby can be identified in the early stages. They are also associated with the conservative method ultrasound examination. But in this case we are talking about the fetal heartbeat, which can be heard from the 12th week (and even earlier).

Determining the sex of a child by heartbeat has no scientific basis and is viewed very skeptically by obstetricians and gynecologists. “Folk” versions of determining the sex of the unborn baby are also diverse, and today we will talk about each of them.

The essence of the method of gender identification by heart rhythm

Today, the fetal heartbeat can be heard on a special computer device that visualizes both image and sound simultaneously. Previously, this was done using a stethoscope - a special tube that was applied to the stomach. The stethoscope has special widened ends, one of which the doctor applies to his ear.

Next comes a simple calculation - the gynecologist counts the rhythmic contractions heard in one minute. Among expectant mothers, it is believed that using this indicator it is quite possible to make a verdict regarding the gender of the unborn baby, and find out exactly who is growing in the womb.

Version 1

It is possible to “declassify” the sex of a child by heartbeat as early as 12 weeks. Despite the skepticism towards this method, the obstetricians-gynecologists themselves gave the reason for its use. It was they who noticed that the hearts of boys and girls beat differently in the womb. It is believed that if the contractions per minute are less than 140, you are probably carrying a boy. And if it’s over 150, most likely you’re expecting a girl.

  • I must say that this method is very confusing in itself. For example, some obstetricians think quite differently. They say that in boys the rhythm of contractions should exceed 160 beats per minute, and in girls it should not be higher than 120. Such disagreements mislead future parents, and in the end it becomes unclear who they are waiting for. Especially if the study of information on this matter is verified in different sources.

In addition, no doctor can say for sure whether it is possible to determine the sex of an unborn child by its heartbeat at such an early stage.

  • Many doctors are inclined to believe that the heart rate of the embryo finally “settles down” at about 20 weeks of pregnancy, which means that all earlier calculations are completely meaningless.

On the other hand, at this time, subject to the use of modern and quality equipment for ultrasound examination, the sex of the embryo can be indicated quite clearly and objectively. However, there is an alternative point of view: many people who have encountered similar calculations and methods claim that this method does not produce errors or failures almost from the moment of fertilization.

Version 2

Another version of “recognizing” the sex of a child by the fetal heartbeat is not to count the number of muscle contractions taken in one minute, but to pay attention to their nature.

There is a common opinion among doctors that the heart of male babies beats more rhythmically, measuredly, exactly in time with the mother’s. According to their theory, girls’ hearts beat chaotically, unevenly, without matching the mother’s rhythm.

Version 3

Third, and latest version How you can determine the sex of an unborn child by heartbeat is based on the location of this organ. There is an assumption that boys and girls are positioned differently in the womb. If the fetal heart is clearly audible in the left side of the abdomen, a boy will be born, and if in the right, a girl will be born.

Whether to believe these versions or not is up to mommy herself to decide. Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about statistical objectivity here, since each woman bases her attitude to the theory on whether her test results coincide with reality. And with the same success we can consider the veracity of fortune telling using chamomile...

What do doctors think about this?

Doctors' opinions regarding such an interesting and unusual “diagnosis” were divided from the very beginning. Some reject this theory completely, not even wanting to hear about it; others, on the contrary, are happy to share their assumptions, based specifically on this method, with patients.

However, the vast majority of doctors believe that the fetal heartbeat does not depend on its gender, but on factors such as:

  1. Obstetric gestational age;
  2. Times of Day;
  3. Mom's blood pressure level;
  4. Baby's activity in the womb;
  5. Possible fetal hypoxia;
  6. Uterine tone.

It is for this reason that obstetricians almost always rely only on specific results of ultrasound performed in the second trimester.

In their opinion, the theory about the heartbeat is nothing more than a guessing game, since the main indicator in this event can vary even depending on the position of the mother’s body.

Conservative methods for determining the sex of an embryo

Modern medicine is replete with a variety of innovative devices and technologies, and it would seem that now women do not need to rely on folk signs and other inventions in determining the gender of your baby.

  • However, unfortunately, everything here remains the same: early gender identification, guaranteeing an accurate result, is only possible if invasive diagnostic intervention. During the procedure, a small amount of amniotic fluid or a fragment of the placenta is taken from the woman.

Typically, such tests are necessary if there are obstetric pathologies or suspected developmental abnormalities in the fetus. For example, amniocentesis, or amniotic fluid puncture, is often prescribed if standard prenatal screening indicates the presence of Down syndrome and other genomic pathologies in the unborn child.

This procedure entails certain risks and is not safe for mother and child. Therefore, it is simply impossible to conduct it “of your own free will” in order to determine the sex of the fetus.