American donuts are completely different from ours. They are incredibly tender and delicious thanks to the glaze. It is not surprising that all Americans are so fond of donuts, which they call donuts. Would you like a recipe for American donuts?

To prepare deep-fried donuts, take the following products:

250 g flour
10 g yeast
30 g sugar
a pinch of salt
30 g butter
150 g chocolate
50 g chopped nuts
1 egg
500 ml vegetable oil
50 ml milk

  1. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water, add and leave to activate for 10 minutes. Cut the softened butter into pieces and rub it with sifted flour. Add flour, sugar, egg and yeast. Stir and knead, adding flour if necessary. The finished dough should be soft, but not stick to your hands.
  2. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave it warm for 40 minutes. Then roll it out into a sheet 1 cm thick. Use a glass to cut out circles and make a hole in the middle using a glass. Leave the cut out dough to rise for half an hour.
  3. Heat sunflower oil in deep fat and fry the dough in it until golden brown. Place the finished donuts out of the oil on a paper towel and let cool completely.
  4. Prepare the glaze: melt the chocolate and add it. Dip one side of each donut into the glaze and leave on a wire rack until the chocolate hardens.
  5. If you don't want chocolate glaze for donuts, you can make any other one.

Bon appetit!

Daily Challenges from today (February 4, 2016) they are replacing the bonus for daily entry into the game (remember, once every 5 days you could win something in ?).
But now it will be possible to get paid for it every day when you complete tasks. donuts, donuts, donuts!

Only from tray Part 1

Homer: Apu, I need a dozen donuts... and a dozen more to eat.
Apu: I'm sorry, but we've run out of FRESH. Everything CRASHED! There is a HOLE in supplies. We must not forget this fact!
Apu: Hmm... a joke about a hole was once a bomb on the stand-up "Na" a quick fix».
Homer: There is no time for jokes, it's time to panic!

Make Homer rush into "Quickie" - 6 seconds

Homer: You must have something hidden, Apu. Just roll the hot dog into a donut while I'm not looking.
Apu: But this is against the seller's rules of conduct. Besides, I'm out of hot dogs.
Apu: But I heard rumors that a donut shop had opened in town...
Apu: He could become a threat to me. We need to maintain customer loyalty like... Apu: Gone.

Only from tray Part 2

Lisa: Are they giving out free donuts? Hmm... I don't like it. Free treats only happen in a mousetrap.
Homer: One donut is not a treat, honey! IN best case scenario snack.
Cletus: Free donuts? Brandin, you don't need any downed animals for dinner. We'll have donuts! And roasted animals!
Milhouse: I heard they have vegan, gluten and pesticide free donuts...finally!

Make Homer cause a stir - 30 seconds Put a big box

Only from tray Part 3

Teenager: Welcome to the Big Opening! Please form a donut-shaped line.
Lisa: That is, a circle? Some kind of nonsense. I want to talk to the owner!
Teenager: I'm sorry, but I don't know who the owner is.
Teenager: There's nothing suspicious here. He just always wraps himself in a cloak and hides in the shadows.

Make the people of Springfield form a donut formation - 5 characters x 60 seconds Make Lisa Show Skepticism - 60 Seconds

Lisa: Doesn’t anyone find it suspicious that we don’t even know who opened this store?
Lisa: And where are the police? Why didn't they investigate?
Wiggum: Well, of course we did an investigation! We explored the frosting, the filling, the bear claw. Everything is of the highest quality!

Only from tray Ch. 4

Teenager: Every day is free donut day! And all you need to do are seemingly simple tasks!
Homer: If, of course, they can then be called “free”.

The rumors were almost true! Get rewards and donuts in the most legal way. Let's start with something simple!

Complete a daily challenge

Collect income from buildings and get 1 donut

By sending Homer to take a nap in the brown house for 30 seconds, you get 3 donuts!

Lisa: Dad, these donuts are too good to be true. Do you remember how you sold your soul to the devil for a donut?
Homer: And then he fed me all the donuts in the world? That was a great example, Lisa!

Only from tray Ch. 5

Teenager: Um, sir, people complain that the tasks are too difficult.
Legs: You can't please them forever. First, give them insanely easy tasks with big rewards, but now they don’t like that either! What to do, boss?
Fat Tony: OK. Give them the opportunity to replace one task with another once. But not a word to anyone that I made a concession.

Once a day you can replace one test with another. To do this, click on the “replace” button in the corner of the test!

Replace test

Ned: Free donuts for prayers??? If I pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, then maybe I'll get another donut!

Come every day for new tasks and receive sweet rewards for completing them! Here are two new challenges to get you started!

Only from tray Ch. 6

Frink: That's it, guys, how similar it all is to a console game. The daily game bonus has been deprecated.
Frink: They hinted to me, and quite strongly, that it would be better for me to shut up now than to remain silent forever, such little screws.
Lisa: Oh! Did the owners of the new donut shop threaten you?
Frink: No idea! They broke my glasses. I couldn't see a thing!

Due to the cancellation of the daily play bonus, keep the mystery box. Was there a bonus?

Drive the dough part 1

Louis: Okay, candy store dude, it's time to squeeze the roof payment out of you.
Teenager: But we have practically no income. We're just giving out donuts.
Legs: Do you want to get away? Listen, Louis, we came for excuses?
Louis: I remember exactly that the boss asked us to raise money, not excuses.

Make Louis collect donut holes - 1 hour

Drive the dough part 2

Fat Tony: Hey, take it easy, gentlemen. You are trying to attack your own people.
Legs: Wait a minute, are we the idiots who own the donut shop? But he doesn’t bring money!
Fat Tony: Do the words “money laundering” mean anything to you?
Louis: Separately yes, but together no.
Fat Tony:*sighs*

Make Legs wash donuts - 8 hours Make Louis wash donuts - 8 hours Make Fat Tony Watch - 8 hours

Lisa: Fat Tony! Are you the owner of this donut shop? I knew there was something fishy here.
Lisa: No one will just give out donuts! What are you up to?
Fat Tony: I would tell you, but my daughter is not getting married today, and therefore, according to the mafia regulations, I cannot do this.
Lisa: What a strange tradition.
Fat Tony: This is nothing yet. For my birthday I got to kiss a duck!

Drive the dough part 3

Lisa: Wiggum! The donut shop is just a front for the gangsters' dealings. You must investigate!
Wiggum: But Fat Tony convinced me that there were no gangsters in Springfield.
Lisa: You can't trust him!
Wiggum: He's the boss, Lisa. I am absolutely sure that his authority did not grow out of nowhere.

Get Wiggum to examine the big box - 4 hours

Drive the dough part 4

Fat Tony: Wiggum. What an unpleasant surprise. What brought you here?
Wiggum: Well, this is a little inconvenient, but I looked at my contract, and it turns out that my duties include finding out if this store is a front for the mafia.
Wiggum: And it also turns out that I have to deal with the destruction of thieving raccoons. And who would have thought?
Fat Tony: Would bandits give free donuts to the police?
Wiggum: Hmm, of course you're right, Fat Tony! That is, the boss.

The most paradoxical thinker of our time lives in the animated series "The Simpsons", loves donuts, beer and never gives a damn about anything. We, at Titre, believe that this Homer Simpson is not so simple, there is something brilliant about him:

It takes two to lie. One lies, the other listens.

Oh my God! Space aliens! Don't eat me. I have a wife and children. Eat them!

I'm not actually a religious person, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

Do not worry, we do not have money. After all, there are things that cannot be bought for any money. For example, a dinosaur.

Frame: 20th Century Fox

I don't see any point in leaving the house. We still come back every time.

You help me, and in return I will accept help from you!

How many interesting things you say! What a pity that this doesn't interest me much.

There's no need to grieve. People die all the time. Who knows, maybe you will wake up dead tomorrow too.

Sometimes I lie in bed and think that nothing will make me get up. And then I feel it getting wet underneath me, and I realize that I was wrong.

frame: 20th Century Fox

Education won't help me. Every time I remember something, it takes up space, pushing something else out of my brain. Like the time I took a winemaking course and forgot how to drive a car.

I see the smiles of my children. And I understand that they are up to something evil.

For alcohol! The cause and solution to all problems.

If you get mad at me every time I do something stupid, I'll have to stop doing stupid things.

frame: 20th Century Fox

We don't need a psychiatrist. We already know that our child is disabled.

Marge, I don't want to scare you, but I think I love you...

Children, you tried your best and failed. Hence the conclusion: never try.

I'll do anything for you... as long as it's not too difficult.

A fool and money are quickly parted. I would pay a lot of money to anyone who could explain this pattern to me.

Donuts in America are no less popular than McDonald's products. In the United States, there is even a national holiday, Donut Day, which Americans celebrate annually on the first Friday of June. But, if initially the holiday was dedicated to the girls who delivered donuts to the soldiers of the First World War, over time it became more and more associated with the Dunkin’ Donuts brand. The image of these donuts covered with multi-colored glaze has acquired a cult significance and has gone beyond gastronomic interests. The brand, recognized all over the world, began to be used in the filming of advertising, music videos and films, turned out to be an element of computer games and an object of pop art art.

Homeland of Donut donuts

Massachusetts is considered the birthplace of Dunkin' Donuts. There, in 1950, the enterprising Bill Rosenberg registered the first point of sale of donuts under such a trademark. Quite quickly, donut shops with this logo became one of the favorite establishments of residents of the United States, and later of other countries.

American donuts are deep-fried, completely immersed in boiling oil. When prepared in this way, donuts acquire an appetizing outer crust of golden color. At the same time, from the inside, an American donut resembles a bun - both in appearance and in taste. Donuts are filled with chocolate, various creams, fruit jams and other sweets. And to decorate hot donuts, their surface is covered with a special glaze with the addition of colored confectionery powder, ground nuts, chocolate chips, etc.

An interesting detail about the promotion of donuts to the market in those early years were the Miss Donut competitions, in which American beauties of the 50s enthusiastically competed for the title “ Donut Queens”, cheerfully advertising the delicacy.

To clarify controversial issues in the field of competition and authorship, there were even The Great Donut Debate (Great Doughnut Debate), in which, in particular, the court established that the donut hole was invented in 1847 by the Dutch emigrant 15-year-old Hanson Gregory.

Time is like the highest court. It awarded the palm to Dunkin' Donuts coffee shops and confectioneries. Through franchising, the style and culture of Dunkin' Donuts has spread throughout the world.


Donut chains

The second most popular is the coffee shop chain " Krispy Kreme" Their logo, featuring a bitten donut, is amusingly reminiscent of Steve Jobs' badge.

Both corporations mentioned have thousands of retail outlets in different countries peace. But despite the fact that Krispy Kreme was founded back in 1937, in terms of sales volume it is significantly inferior to its famous competitor.

Smaller chains and single sellers are forced to find narrow, specific niches through creative marketing approaches. An example would be the owners of an unusual donut shop. Voodoo Donut. For the second decade, their establishment specializes in donuts, the filling of which is… bacon. Every day, Voodoo Doughnut Bakery bakes ten times more bacon donuts than any other type. These donuts look disgusting: salted bacon
seems out of place on a sweet donut with maple syrup. But with the advent of the culinary “miracle,” the line at the donut shop increased significantly. Unusual donuts with bacon are sold like hot cakes at Slavic train stations.
Catching on to the hidden trend, the bacon dessert began to be offered by hundreds of candy manufacturers, from small confectionery shops to the American grocery giant Safe Away. And recently, the donut chain Dunkin Donuts began serving its visitors for breakfast - sweet glazed donuts with bacon and eggs sticking out from the inside.

Another option for resourcefulness was the search for the “right” trading place. For example, Randy's Donuts manage to survive by setting up a donut shop near Los Angeles Airport. Their signature giant donut is visible even from an airplane.

Donuts in painting

The gigantomania inherent in Americans, as well as the exaggerated importance of fast food in their food culture, was trolled by a pop art classic back in the 60s Claes Oldenburg , presenting his art compositions to the audience "Giant Hamburger" Some pop art artists from Los Angeles continue these traditions, adding sarcasm and the grotesque with a modern twist. In the epic paintings of a Californian artist Kenny Scharfa (Kenny Scharf) Giant donuts float in space or hang in the sky above strange surreal landscapes, taking on a truly universal scale.

It should be noted that it was in Los Angeles in the seventies that such an artistic movement as Lowbrow, or pop surrealism. It has experienced a revival thanks to young artists and has now become mainstream. Los Angeles illustrator Eric Joyner(Eric Joyner) has been working in the genre of pop surrealism for about 20 years. The main characters of Eric's paintings are Japanese old robots and giant donuts.

It is impossible not to mention the origins of all these modern techno-art movements in painting that use donuts in their works. Classic American pop art was one of the first to have its eye on the sweet glazed dessert. The work of the pioneer of this genre, artist Mel Ramos, has already been discussed in previous articles. He became famous for his colorful paintings of naked girls against the background of branded American products, including Dunkin’ Donuts.

But paintings, like books, are increasingly becoming rarities. The new era, with the development of communications and technology, ensured the penetration of “donut mania” into all types of art and mass media. To verify this, you can turn to American cinema and chronologically trace the appearance of donuts on screens.

Donuts in cinema

The first mention of donuts in American cinema appeared shortly after the First World War. It was then that donuts first entered the world stage, becoming a popular treat for American soldiers. Donuts were prepared and brought to the front line " donut dolls » ( donut dollies) - this is what the volunteer girls who arrived in Europe from the United States were called.
Therefore, it is not surprising that donuts appeared in the post-war, black-and-white film of 1923 "Short Orders" ( Short Orders). The role of the waiter was played by comedian Arthur Stanley Jefferson, better known under the pseudonym Stan Laurel . He was one of the members of the most popular comedy duo in cinema at that time - Laurel and Hardy.

In the scene with the donuts, Laurel measures them with a ruler, comically proving to the client that their thickness is quite decent. Charlie Chaplin’s starving character is also “stuffed” with something very similar to donuts, secretly stealing them from the counter.

But the time of simple-minded gags and sketches quickly passed. And in the 50s, without knowing it, Hollywood laid a “time bomb” under itself, ironically linking donuts and police officers. For many years this became a persistent stereotype in cinema and the reason for the emergence of an entire subculture « police donuts» .

Police donuts

In most films about American police officers, scenes began to appear with overweight cops chewing donuts in a car or on the go, and hastily sprinkling powdered sugar on their uniforms: it was at the moment of eating that something unexpected happened to them. Comedy series of the 80s " Police comedy ", which consisted of 7 films, was made in a parody manner and, of course, could not do without such banter.

It should be noted that jokes about cops' addiction to donuts have a very real basis. Donut shops became popular among the police because they were practically open until the last customer. This was convenient for the men in blue with their 24-hour duty. Besides the donuts and coffee itself, it was important for the police officer to have some place to just sit down. By the way, the police themselves also like to sneer at their “addiction” to donuts. For this purpose, in the USA they even created a specialized website for police officers, where they post all kinds of photo jokes with “police donuts”. And graduates of the Houston Police Academy are traditionally given a box of fresh donuts.

In the cult series " Twin Peaks» (directed by David Lynch) the comedic goes hand in hand with the mystical. If owls, traffic lights and mysterious drawings act as mystical symbols in the series, then donuts have a clearly comedic overtone. They flash in the frame from the very first episode, and at some point there are so many of them that Agent Cooper and Sheriff Truman find themselves with nowhere to work: the conference table in the police department is completely littered with fluffy donuts. This is how the directors of the series ironically played up the stereotype that cops eat only donuts.

In the late 80s, breaking out of the boundaries of comedy, the donut appeared in a military drama « Full Metal Jacket » directed by Stanley Kubrick. Those who watched it know what fate befell this lonely “military donut,” along with its owner and fellow soldiers. For those who have not yet seen this anti-militarist masterpiece, despite its venerable age and not at all comedic content, we advise you to watch it.

Having crossed the line of the 90s, the donut began to master modern film genres. In the horror movie Blood and donuts"drops of blood stained the favorite food of American cops... ( joke).
In fact, it is a charming low-budget movie that tells a sophisticated story of friendship between a vampire and a common man. Thematically and atmospherically, the film is reminiscent of the 2008 Swedish film Let Me In. Only the Nordic romance was replaced by soft humor. The film got lost among the cheap knock-offs on the subject, but some consider it one of the best vampire films made to date.

Recently, Hollywood has experienced a culinary renaissance. Every year films with a gastronomic focus are released. Even Jon Favreau, known to viewers as the director of the first two “Iron Man” films, made a completely original film in 2014. Chef on wheels ».
He himself wrote the script for the film, produced it and starred in the leading role. Picturesque scenes of food preparation and tasting take up almost half of the screen time. In one of the scenes, according to the plot, he and his son visit a modest and unassuming-looking Café du Monde. Few uninformed viewers realize that this is an iconic New Orleans cafe, where for a century they have been serving a single dish - square French beignets (beignets) with coffee au lait (cafe au lait).
After treating his son to donuts, the wise chef tells him: “ don’t rush to eat the donut... this is your first taste of a donut... don’t forget it... ».

But the donut became truly “homeric” after the appearance of the cult animated series “The Simpsons”. One of his main characters Homer Jay Simpson - the father of a funny American family. Homer embodies several working-class American stereotypes: he is unkempt, clumsy, lazy, a heavy drinker, and ignorant. In addition, Homer is overweight. And not least because of the love for donuts and beer.
Homer has been declared by most art critics to be “the greatest comic character of our time.” On the list of outstanding cartoon characters, he ranks second only to Warner Bros.'s cheeky rabbit Bugs Bunny.
Homer's image has become the emblem of thousands of consumer goods, and Homer Simpson's excessive love for pink donuts - remember how in one of the episodes he sold his soul to the devil for a donut! — gave rise to a “viral” Internet meme of grotesque images of Homer with a donut.