It's attractive exotic flower, which is unpretentious in care, it has taken root well in our country. This plant not sensitive to dry air, it can be grown in partial shade or on a brightly lit windowsill. Even when the soil dries out and the temperature in the room rises above 27 degrees, Zamioculcas feels quite good. However, sometimes problems arise when growing this flower; some people wonder: why doesn’t zamioculcas grow at home, why does the plant start to get sick?

Proper care

Although the flower is unpretentious, in order for it to feel excellent, the conditions of its maintenance must be very similar to natural ones. If zamioculcas is grown in apartment conditions, then it is better to place the pot with it on the southern windowsill. To speed up the growth of new branches and the appearance of shoots, the flower must receive enough sunlight. If light falls on the bush only occasionally, the leaves will grow more slowly and become smaller. When it is warm outside, it is advisable to keep the plant either outside or on the balcony. Many gardeners recommend placing zamioculcas in the fresh air.
The soil for this plant should not be heavy or clayey. It is advisable to plant this flower in a light and loose substrate, which should contain river sand. A good option There will be a purchase of soil for cacti at a flower shop. To remove excess moisture, it is advisable to add a layer of drainage to the bottom of the pot; this can be large screenings, pebbles or expanded clay.
Zamioculcas grows well in poor soil, but it is advisable to feed the bush from time to time; fertilizers will benefit it. It is necessary to apply fertilizing only during the period of active growth of this plant. Fertilizers for cacti would be suitable; they need to be applied in small portions about once a month, or less often. When the flower goes into a dormant state, there is no need to fertilize it, otherwise next season the bush will be exhausted, grow poorly and often get sick. Watering during the dormant period is also necessary to a minimum.
Transplantation is necessary for zamioculcas only when the root system becomes very crowded. In this case, you just need to change the pot to a flowerpot large sizes. In order for the transplant to be successful and the bush to quickly take root in a new place, the tubers do not need to be buried completely; their surface should always be open.
So, for Zamioculcas to develop and grow normally, it needs a lot of sunlight, the room should be warm, and watering should not be excessive. The plant definitely needs a dormant period when it does not need to be fertilized and practically does not need to be watered. During the dormant period, you need to moisten the soil once or twice a month.
There are various problems that occur when growing this flower, for example, Zamioculcas does not produce new shoots or Zamioculcas does not grow.

Inferior, very slow development

Why has Zamioculcas stopped growing or is growing very slowly? Because the plant is not cared for correctly. When the bush stops growing, it begins to lose weight, the stems stretch out, this indicates insufficient lighting. It is urgent to place the pot on a brightly lit windowsill. If this is not possible, then you need to buy a special lamp, the light of which is very close to sunlight. Ordinary household light bulbs will not be able to help in this situation.
What to do when zamioculcas does not grow? To solve this problem, you can try to transplant the bush into a larger pot, since zamioculcas can slow down its growth and cause its roots to become crowded. Why doesn't Zamioculcas grow new shoots? Often, zamioculcas does not grow and new branches do not appear because it lacks microelements. It is necessary to fertilize the bush with preparations containing nitrogen, magnesium and potassium. If a plant stops growing, then first of all it needs nitrogen.

Spots appear on leaves and twigs

If spots appear on the leaves of zamioculcas, this indicates a violation of the watering regime, namely an excess of moisture, and also indicates that the temperature is unsuitable. In order for the dark spots on the leaves to disappear, it is necessary to increase the temperature in the room and remove the bush from a draft. In addition, it is necessary to reduce soil moisture, make holes in the pot to drain excess water, and pour drainage material into the bottom of the pot. Sometimes replanting the plant into a new pot helps get rid of dark spots.
There are several other reasons why Zamioculcas becomes spotted. Dark spots can appear not only on the leaves, but also on the stem due to pests. One of the most common pests is scale insects. It must be combated with a solution of fungicides.
In addition, dark spots on the stem may occur due to sunburn. Although Zamioculcas is a light-loving plant, it should not be in the sun after spraying. Droplets of water, being on the stem and leaves, enhance the light and act like small lenses, which is why small dark spots appear.

Why do leaves dry out and change color?

The leaves of this plant turn yellow naturally, natural reasons. First, the lower leaves begin to die, then all the rest. But if the bush produces leaves that immediately turn yellow, then this is a cause for concern. If young foliage turns yellow, the culprit is low temperature in the room, draft or excessive watering.

Plant diseases

Zamioculcas diseases often appear due to pests, such as spider mites, when a white cobweb appears on the stem and leaves. This pest is controlled with soapy water or commercially available insecticides. There are other pests, for example, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs, which need to be combated with special preparations.
Why do zamioculcas stems shrink? They shrink due to drafts or because pests damage the roots and tubers of the plant. If the stems wrinkle, you need to remove the zamioculcas from the draft and check its root system.
Why does Zamioculcas cry? This plant cries, often due to high humidity. Also, the bush sometimes cries due to inappropriate fertilizers. When a flower cries, you need to stop feeding it and move it to a room with drier air.

Despite its unpretentiousness and enviable endurance, Zamioculcas sometimes makes its owners seriously alarmed. Why does zamioculcas turn yellow, and what to do if the stems wither and the leaves dry out? The answer to the questions that concern the gardener most often lies in mistakes made during care or lack of attention to the guest from the tropical, but not too humid regions of Africa.

Not considering biological features crops, the florist runs the risk of encountering a situation in which Zamioculcas indicates ill health by yellow spots, drying tips of leaf blades, and loss of elasticity and juiciness of stems. The longer the plant is in uncomfortable conditions, the more serious the consequences and external signs ailments.

If the rules of care at home are not followed, the zamioculcas turns yellow, the number of leaf lobes decreases, and their color becomes visibly paler. But lack of attention threatens not only the loss of decorativeness, but also rotting of the root system, the base of the shoots, their drying out or wilting due to attack by pests.

Why does Zamioculcas not produce new shoots?

The reason why zamioculcas leaves turn yellow and lose their richness green color or completely fade, often due to lack of light. Unfortunately, flower growers forget about the change in illumination during the autumn-winter period.

The pot with zamioculcas located in the back of the room needs to be moved closer to the window; when this is not possible, the culture is provided

To the owner ornamental plant Those who complain that Zamioculcas does not produce new shoots should pay attention to the location of the pot and the quality of the soil in it. Although the plant cannot be called fast-growing, the slowdown in the formation of young foliage is often explained by a substrate poor in nutrients or the need to replant a green pet. In this case, the root system occupies the entire volume of the pot, leaving no room for soil. Because of this, the flower suffers, the leaves of the zamioculcas turn yellow, growth stops, and the existing greenery withers.

To rectify the situation, for decorative culture select a pot of the proper size, transplant or feed zamioculcas with a complex composition.

Zamioculcas has a shriveled stem

What most gardeners mistake for the stem of Zamioculcas and its pointed, lance-shaped leaves is actually a complexly shaped leaf. If thickened petioles lose their elasticity and zamioculcas leaves turn yellow, the reason may lie in violation of watering rules.

In nature, the plant faces drought and accumulates moisture in powerful, succulent leaves to maintain life. When zamioculcas chronically does not receive enough water, that is, watering is rare and superficial, this threatens yellowing and withering of all above-ground parts. A similar situation is observed after flooding of soil, which led to damage to the root system.

Asking: “What to do, and why does Zamioculcas turn yellow?”, the gardener must analyze the care of the plant and find possible reason pet's ill health.

If the stem of Zamioculcas has shriveled due to overwatering:

  • the flower is removed from the pot;
  • carefully remove the soil and wash the roots;
  • damaged areas are removed with a clean, sharp knife;
  • sections of healthy tissue are sprinkled with powder from charcoal and dry.

Having discovered signs of rot or fungal infection, the amateur indoor plants should not be limited to coal processing. In this case, it is worth resorting to fungicides that will destroy one of the causes of the problem and protect the roots and tubers in the future. .

Zamioculcas is planted in pots slightly larger than the volume of a healthy root system. The substrate must be loose, permeable to air and moisture. It is important that irrigation water does not accumulate in the soil, so powerful drainage is made in the pot, and sand, perlite or vermiculite and charcoal are added to the soil composition.

When zamioculcas leaves turn yellow after transplantation, this may indicate incorrect selection substrate that was too dense.

A similar situation awaits the grower if, in an effort to feed the plant, he incorrectly selected the concentration of active substances. Unable to cope with excess nutrition, zamioculcas experiences discomfort and weakens. This is why Zamioculcas turns yellow, but what to do in such a situation? Unfortunately, even here it is impossible to do without transplanting the bush into new soil and washing the roots.

What to do if the leaves of zamioculcas turn yellow and then become covered with dark spots and dry quickly. Such symptoms indicate that the temperature of the plant is too low and excessive watering. Most often this happens when the season changes, when the grower has not had time to adjust the care. If the green pet’s discomfort is noticed in time, it will be enough to arrange watering or move the pot to a warm place.

Zamioculcas pests

If zamioculcas leaves turn yellow, the flower may signal an attack by pests.

A plant taken out into the open air in summer is at risk of infection by aphids, which cling to young shoots and the rear areas of foliage. The insect causes the greatest harm to immature plants.

Therefore, after bringing the pot into the room, it is better to quarantine the zamioculcas for a week, and if pests are identified, treat the greenery with an insecticide.

In addition to aphids, the crop is threatened by:

  • spider mites that spread quickly in dry room air;
  • scale insects falling on zamioculcas from the street or neighboring plants;
  • thrips and mealybugs.

WITH spider mite It is not enough to fight with systemic acaricides. Chemical substances will give only a temporary effect if you do not take care of zamioculcas that has turned yellow at home.

Systemic insecticides are used against scale insects, thrips and scale insects, and for the last two pests it will be necessary to carry out not one, but several treatments.

You can avoid the unpleasant sight for the gardener when the zamioculcas turns yellow, the leaves of the flower wither and fall off, you can provide the plant optimal temperature maintenance, lighting, watering, etc. We must not forget about timely transplantation of decorative crops and careful attention to the selection of substrate.

Features of caring for zamioculcas so that the foliage does not turn yellow - video

Zamioculcas is a plant that takes root very easily in any conditions and does not require extensive, frequent care to survive. From the basic rules of care, we know that it needs a lot of light and a normal air temperature of about 22 degrees, however, if necessary at some moments, Zamioculcas can live in the shade (if possible, create partial shade). The period also plays an important role - in the summer the plant feels great (we will talk about watering during this period below), but in the winter you need to focus on planned care. It starts with the fact that when buying zamioculcas in winter, we need to properly transport it to the house. Firstly, it can freeze and die within a few days, and secondly, during transportation, leaves can break off or the stem can be damaged, viruses or pests can be introduced, which will then create a number of problems with its care. Just a change in temperature, and an abrupt one at that, instantly causes the leaves to turn yellow, healthy young shoots never grow, and then water it, don’t water it, it won’t come to life.

Rarely, but aptly, you can notice that the stem of the zamioculcas began to bend strangely to the side, and then completely lay down on the flowerpot. The obvious reason may seem to you that the plant is dehydrated and you will begin to water it more intensively, however, in this situation, this is absolutely not necessary. The main reason for the decline may just be excessive watering. You simply flooded the plant, it can no longer receive oxygen, the soil does not drain and the roots have rotted and do not hold the stem, or there are not enough substances that are necessary for regeneration. This means that we need to restore it gradually - first let the plant move away, lightly spray the leaves, check whether the roots have rotted. If they are rotten, then treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate. Pink colour or special preparations that will cure rot. If necessary, transplant the plant into another soil if this one is no longer viable. For soil, use loose soil (with sand in it), add drainage elements to the flowerpot. Also check zamioculcas for pests, some species different plants may lead to such changes. If you also notice that the leaves have turned yellow or are completely covered brown spots, or the plant has an incomprehensible whiteness on the stem and under the leaves, then the culprits of such innovations are definitely pests, therefore, after consulting with a gardener or in a special store, buy treatment for zamioculcas so that it quickly recovers and takes on its naturally healthy appearance.

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Zamioculcas is turning yellow, what should I do?

What kind of land is needed for Zamioculcas?

How to transplant Zamioculcas into another pot?

How to save zamioculcas if the tuber has rotted?

How to transplant zamioculcas correctly step by step?

Family Araceae. Homeland o. Madagascar. Zamiakulkas is an evergreen tuberous plant with dark green, fleshy leaves that are pointed at the end. The surface of the sheet is glossy. The stems are thick, the leaves sit on them symmetrically, alternately. The plant is large, grows in an apartment to a height of about 1-1.5 meters. Blooms in room conditions, if he is provided with appropriate conditions of keeping white flowers, but at a fairly old age. Undemanding in culture.

Care secrets:

Temperature: Moderate, preferably 16-18 °C in winter, but not lower than 12 °C.

Lighting: A bright place with diffused light. In summer, he prefers to sit outdoors - on the balcony, in the garden, etc. In winter, you will have to move the zamioculcas closer to the window.

Watering: Moderate from spring to autumn, but no water should remain on the tray, watering is rare in winter, the soil should dry well before the next watering. Zamioculcas tolerates some dryness more easily than stagnant water in the soil - this can lead to rotting of the roots and the formation of stem rot.

Fertilizer: From April to August, fertilizing is carried out every two weeks, since Zamioculcas quickly consumes nutrients. You can use fertilizers for succulents.

Air humidity: Zamioculcas does not require spraying the leaves, but sometimes it is necessary to wash it so that the plant does not become dusty and does not lose its attractiveness. In summer, outdoor rainfall is sufficient.

Transfer: Every year in the spring. The soil should be quite nutritious. For young plants - 1 part turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat soil and 1 part sand. You can add a little well-rotted humus soil. Old Zamioculcas specimens are replanted every two years in the spring. The pot for zamioculcas should be commensurate with the root system. Good drainage required.

Reproduction: By dividing the bush, leaves, cuttings. It is better to dry the leaf a little before planting. It is advisable to root cuttings or leaves with soil heating and the use of phytohormones for better root formation. Rooting can take up to 2 months.


The only kind is Zamioculcas zamifolia(Zamioculcas zamifolia). Powerful leaves grow to approximately 60 cm in height. Afraid of waterlogging.

Most often, zamioculcas suffers from excess moisture; if watering is too frequent, the roots rot and the plant dies. They also often suffer from a lack of sunlight, especially in winter. At the same time, their stems are elongated, the leaves are smaller and sit less frequently on the trunk. Excessive direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. Planting in heavy clay soil does not benefit these plants either. It does not evaporate moisture well and there is no aeration.