Almost at each garden plot there is raspberries. Shrub gives fruits with many useful properties. Unfortunately, most gardeners face the same problem from year to year - raspberry diseases. Causes are different, starting from incorrect care And ending. Consider the main problems.

Brush Raspberry: How to understand that the shrub is sick?

Malina - one of the common types berry Sustainerswho require special attention if you wish that the plant be fruitful from year to year. The main thing is to notice changes in time, for example, the deformation of the leaves, education at the bottom of the spots in order to avoid the disease in a timely manner and restore the plant.

Malina requires special attention.

Types of raspberry diseases

Consider the main diseases of the raspberry.

What are the diseases of the raspberry?

Deformed, curly leaves

Often, the summer houses complain that the leaves of the raspberry became curly, and their color can remain green, or shy, covered as if a rusty raid.

Wrinkles appear on the leaves, and the berries themselves become acidic. If not to overcome the disease, then the shrub can perish in 3 years.

If you do not fight with curlyness, raspberries can die.

Curlyness is a viral pathology. It is desirable to remove the infected bush until the virus moved to other shrubs.

Fucking leaves, the appearance of rusty plaque

This sign indicates the presence of a fungal disease. Unfortunately, to overcome the disease completely impossible.

Rusty stains can have different diameter.

If rust appears on the shrub, that is, dark, rusty spots are formed on the leaves different diameter, and on the stems - brown ulcers, then it is better to remove the infected shrub from still healthy plants . Undeside can only be prevented by spraying with crimson with preventive means.


Mosaic can have a color from light yellow to dark green.

The disease received such a name because of its color. On leaves, cracks of a different shade are formed, reminiscent of the mosaic.

Colors can be from light yellow to dark green. Unfortunately, sick by this virus, a bush dies, so it is better to carry out preventive measures in the spring.

Purple spots

Purple stains appear due to increased humidity.

Purple spottedness often appears on the leaves of raspberries, if the summer was rainy.

A provocateur of the disease is increased air humidity . So, on the leaves, purple spots are formed, black dots (picnides). Over time, the leaflets themselves can crack and dry out, which leads to the death of the shrub.

As prevention, various spraying agents can be used, as well as a solution with a boric alcohol.


This is one of the options for fungal disease, which is subject to all parts of the shrub - bark, fruits and leaves.

Antraznosis on the raspberry branch.

White spots may appear at different parts of the plant, while their edges are painted in a bright red shade. On the stems and the crust can appear black spots.

Shrub eventily perishing due to instability to cold and frostSo it is better to spray it with special drugs. Board liquid will help. For the first time, the bush spray after the kidneys dissolve, the second - after the formation of boutons, the third - after harvesting.


Due to chlorosis, the leaves become yellowed.

One of the types of serious diseases, which is recognized only by small tasteless fruits.

The leaves become yellowed in the summer, which causes bewilderment from the owners. The virus can be transferred to other shrubs, so the plant is better to dig. Moreover, in its place it is better not to plant shrubs with raspberries, as the infection goes to the soil.


The disease in the people is called the gray rot due to the damage to the fruits and the appearance of a dark gray laid that resembles rot.

Botritis on the fruits of raspberries.

Because of fungal infections, berries begin to rot. The disease can be transferred to stems and leaves.

The shrub with the symptoms of sulfur rot it better burn. So that Malina does not get sick of this disease, it is desirable to spray it in the spring, for example, burgundy liquid.

Witch Ment.

This viral disease affects internal system Plants through the bites of rodents and insects.

As a result, the plant stops completely fruit. In order for the disease does not spread to raspberries, it is desirable to process a bush several times a year, including ants.

Due to the disease, Malina stops fruit.

Puffy dew

The disease has fungal origins.

Puffy dew on raspberry leaves.

Often the disease suffer from plants due to wet, rainy summer. The sign is the appearance white Nalea On leaves, because of what they begin to deform and dry. In the fight against illness, the prevention of antifungal agents is carried out.


Splitters Tly - Ants. They can at any time change the place of habitat, and transfer it to raspberry. Therefore, try to destroy TRU even on wild plants.

Often, Malina suffers from the appearance of Tly.

Small malicious insects settle on the plant, begin to gradually eat it. The leaves begin to deform, twist and change the color. The female Tley lays eggs, so the disease lives on the plant from year to year.

To save the shrub, the main thing, to detect the disease. The struggle will help the Caberofos and Aktellik solutions.


Gallians, or raspberry mosquitoes often settle in shrubs, and also lay eggs.

The name of the gallians is a crimson mall.

On the leaves, shoots, stems appear swelling, after which the plant begins to dry. In the fight against raspberry mosquitoes, solutions with such drugs as an ambush and carbofos will help.

Malinous beetles

These insects, the length of which is about 4 mm, can settle in buds and flowers of plants.

The beetles are easy to distinguish - they have a stroke of a yellowish or gray shade. So that insects do not postpone their larvae, you need to detect them on time and shake off the bush.

You need to detect and shake the malinous beetle on time.

For the struggle, carbofos and desiis solutions are used. Experienced gardeners also advise switching the soil next to the shrub, as there may be larvae of raspberry beetle.


Insects look like a butterfly.

The glass windows have a bluish-black body, sizes resemble the wasp. They can appear on shrubs in a rainy summer. The plants in the southern strip of our country are less susceptible to infection.

Glassnitsa on raspberry.

Insects quickly breed, lay eggs. Infected stems need to tear off and burn. Shrubs can be sprayed with protective solutions from insects.


These insects can also settle on the raspberry bushes.

Cellite ticks are often settled on plants in July-August, especially in hot drunken weather. In the fight against them, such drugs will help Aktellik, Iskra-M, Fufanon, Tiovit Jet and sulfur garden .

Ceborate ticks appear in hot and dry weather.


This fungal disease Also called white spotty.

Multiple whims spots of different diameters appear on sheets and shoots, which have a dark brown kaym. Leaves over time dry and disappear.

Septoriasis on raspberry.

Infected bushes do not serve for a long time. It is better to get rid of them so that they do not harm healthy shoots. Prevention is the treatment of plants with a special solution in spring and summer.

Verticillese Vilt.

In this case, the disease leaves and fruit rapidly fad and fade.

With a verticilest welt, the leaves begin to fill up.

The disease penetrates deep into the plant, which is why it is less fruit and quickly dies. Gardeners are recommended to conduct preventive measures in early spring And in June.

How to deal with disease and pests of raspberries?

If you want to get a lot of fruits every year, then for better choose more stable varieties.

  • Also pay attention to the type of shrubs , and disembarking. As a rule, each grade is suitable for certain latitudes. For example, for the northern regions, choose shrubs more resistant to cold.
  • If you have already had experience with an infected plant, which you dug up, it is better not to plant new bushes of raspberries in his place. Must go through at least 3-4 years.
  • Raspberries of raspberries do not like moisture Therefore, they are better not to plant in lowlands and near the reservoir.
  • So that the bush bloom well and fruity, Eliminate badly blooming and infected shoots Autumn or early spring.
  • When there is a disease or insects on the shrub or insects, immediately handle them special solutions . Today you can find drugs from various ailments in specialized stores. But also do not forget about preventive measures In the spring and early summer, even if the plant is healthy.
  • Do not forget to comply with elementary rules for Malina - on time and regularly water shrubs (Take care of the rains), feed them, do not allow the weed, loose next to the root of the earth, not allowing the laying of eggs in it with various insects.

If insects appeared on raspberry, it is necessary to treat the plant with a special solution.

Video about raspberry disease

What happened to Malina?

Malina struck Didimella, or purple spotty. This is a widespread fungal disease. It manifests itself not only on the stems of the raspberry, but also striking the cutters, leaves, kidney of plants. On shoots and stiffs, spots of lilac-reddish or brown brown color. Such stains, "sprawling", cover the lower and middle part of the raspberry stems. In the future, the bark begins to crack. With a strong fungal outbreak of stuffs with leaves dry and fall. And they also appear dark brown-brown spots.

Why are the raspberry bushes?

The causative agent of the disease winter on the affected stems and fallen leaves. The infection is transmitted to the wind, infecting healthy raspberry bushes. Development of fungus contributes to strong thickening of landings. Plants are especially ill on heavy soils, where a lot of nitrogen.

When is the "flash" of raspberry disease?

The rapid spread of the disease "helps" warm wet weather. Fungal disputes ripen in July-August. The mushroom cares from one plant to another, infecting the landing of the raspberry. And in some years it is possible to completely lose the harvest, if the pest will join the disease - the stem gallicle.

During the collection of berries, you can only cut the sick stems that fled leaves and burn them. Apply "chemistry" is unacceptable.

After harvesting, it is necessary to inspect all the raspberry plants again. Repeat the clipping "re-" stems, if they manifested themselves again, as well as cut repose and underdeveloped shoots. Collect fallen leaves and burn everything, or bury in composted piles. In this case, a fungicide planting should be treated, for example, the Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to feed raspberry, making a double dose of potassium in conventional nitrogen and phosphorus.

Prevention and protection against disease.

In the spring, twice, to the dissolution of the kidneys and before flowering, the raspberry bushes should be treated by the Bordeaux mixture, following the instructions.

On the garden plot It is better to initially plant a healthy planting material, as fungal "sores" move with them into the garden. Hut down newcomers, you need to briefly cut the stems, almost to the root. Growth kidneys near the rhizoma is enough to resume the growth of stems.

It is necessary to plant raspberries with a margin so that the plants are well ventilated. If the bushes fall on the ground, then they should be raised on the sleeper.

Many gardeners growing on their plot of raspberries often faced the fact that the foliage of shrubs begins to be prematurely yellowed, and shoots, without visible, to dry out. It is unambiguous to answer why this phenomenon touched the plants is impossible, but some factors can be allocated.

Malina is a fruitful shrub, which, like many others garden plants susceptible to all sorts of diseases. Most often it is to understand that the raspberry unhealthy is possible by its foliage: it becomes yellowish, dries, and in some cases it is twisted. Establish a shrub from these ailments in most cases can be comprehensive treatment, but prevention, as many know better than.

Yellow leaves in raspberry: reasons

The yellowing of the raspberry foliage can for various reasons, most frequent - viral and bacterial diseases, as well as the invasion of pests that violate the normal development of the plant. From the above, we can conclude that to follow the state of the leaves and shoots of the raspberry is very carefully (after all, only in a timely manner taken measures Sustainer from death can be saved).

First of all, it is necessary to deal with the reasons for a certain age. If the leaves changed the color, and at the same time the berries lost the taste, and the new shoots are over short, it is required to inspect the roots of the plant: the existing bloating says that the shrub struck the root cancer. A similar bacterial disease amazes exclusively perennial raspberry plantations, as for treatment, it is not. Plants with such a disease are required to dig and burn. It is worth noting that the soil on which sick bushes grew is unsuitable for planting new bushes at least five years. So that Malina does not affect this disease, stick to a few simple rules:

Before boarding raspberry bushes, process the roots with a solution copper Kaper;

Do not allow weeds to grow on plantations with raspberries;

Feed shrubs with potash and phosphoric fertilizers;

Do not pour plants.

Chlorosis is one more viral disease In which the leaves of the raspberry are yellow, and the residents of foliage remain green. Secondary signs of this disease - the formation of dry berries, as well as a weak growth of escapes. Provoking the disease can increased acidity Soil, its high humidity, so the first thing to be done is to lower the soil acidity (add gypsum into it (100 g per square meters. m.)). It should also limit watering for a while.

Prevention of chlorosis raspberry

Delete branches with dry and yellow leaves in a timely manner;

Make a compost in the soil once every two years per kilograms per square meter. m;

Conduce the soil looser as often.

Rust - a disease in which the leaves of the raspberry dry and twist, then fall. The first signs of the disease - formation on the lower part of the leaves of dark spots with disputes, on the shoots - brown ulcers. The way to combat this disease is only one - the destruction of patients of bushes. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to process the bushes twice a year (in spring and autumn) to handle a single-survive mortar of burglar fluid, to remove the fallen leaves in a timely manner, fertilize in spring manure. It is worth noting that there are raspberry varieties that are resistant to such a disease as "rust". The most common varieties are "progress", "Russian" and "eternositive".

Tip 3: Raalina degenerates: how to understand, truth or fiction

Sometimes outstanding gardeners say that their raspberries were degenerated, ceased to give a harvest, it became a little and berries were made. Can Malina degenerate?

Almost all grown raspberries in gardens are created by breeders. And required years to release new Sort In "People". Science workers themselves say: "This can not be." The former grade can give new forms, to mutate at the expense of hereditary changes for the best or worse, but the raspberry can not be deregulated biologically. Otherwise why then breeders? The reason lies on the surface - this is launched raspberry, thrown on the arbitrary of fate through the fault of the gardeners themselves. This picture can be found often.

If you take a seedling from the started plot and put it in a good manned ground with a soil on a sunny place, then in a couple of years it will be very good harvest Large sweet berries. Before laying the raspberry plantation, it is necessary to think about what and how to make a harvest for at least 10 years. What does Malina love?

Malina gives abundant yields only on well-lit sunny places. Soil requires fatty, nutritious with plenty of organic. Plant roots are located in the upper layer of the soil, so it is necessary to water it in the hot time. And for the winter to mulk plant residues. With the supply of organic, it is not necessary to feed it additionally. If there is an opportunity to make ash, it is brought in spring or autumn. Especially sharply react to potassium large-scale varieties.

The crop of raspberries is the enemy of the raspberry. With her always need to fight. It is necessary to clearly understand that there can be no rich harvest without destroying the swords. Remove the growing pig loose, cutting it at a depth of 3 ... 5 cm under the ground. Only then the plants "bathe" in the solar rays and gain weight, the wind of the plants are blown away from all sides and do not hurt. Strong bushes and pests bypass.

Large-like modern raspberry varieties makes sense to grow to those gardeners who have the ability to provide all care activities. Large size of berries and stable yields such a raspberry gives only high agricultural equipment.

Malina is a delicious and incredibly useful berry. It is for these qualities that the culture is so appreciated and love that in almost every garden or garden you can see this plant. However, it is worth noting that the taste of raspberries and the size of the berries from year to year may change, there is a lot of depends on the care and weather conditions.

The leaves will dry from the lack of potassium and phosphorus, the shoots from the lack of nitrogen are atrophy, etc. Malina is best to feed three times a year - immediately after melting snow, while flowering and after harvesting or falling. As a fertilizer, it is better to use complex industrial preparations or self-made on-based manure or humus.

Grind and become acidic raspberry berries can from lack of light. From this we can conclude that if the Malinik thickened (for a long time he was not thinned), or any construction was erected nearby, which enhances the culture from direct sunlight, then waiting for sweet berries. Only removing unnecessary shoots and the transfer of the design will solve the situation.

Temperature ambient Also contributes to ripening and pouring raspberries. All processes in plants slow down in cool weather, which suffers from the taste of berries, their size and quantity. Since it is impossible to influence the weather conditions, the output is only one - at least at night to cover the Malinik by observing material.

The insufficient and excessive irrigation also negatively affects the crop (and not only raspberries). The fact is that the lack of water in the soil makes it impossible to absorb nutrients from the soil (the plants are simply starving), but the excessive excess of its excess dilutes the nutrients to such an extent that the culture, absorbing water, gets little minerals and also "starving." Conclusion: Watering should be moderate. In the period of rains, it is necessary to dig up the furrows and build drains from the perimeter of the Malnix.

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Raspberries - Description

A winding riveted raspberry rhizome forms many apparent roots, due to which the root root system is made powerful and very branched. Structuring stalks reach height from one and a half to two and a half meters. The shoots of the first year are grassy, \u200b\u200bjuicy, sizo-green, covered with frequent, thin, small spikes. On the second year, shoots are treated and become brown, and after fruiting dry, but instead of them the next spring, new green stems grow up. The raspberry leaves are sweet, the next, complex - with three-seven oval leaves, the upper side of the sheet plate is dark green, and the bottom whitening due to the small pile growing on it. Small busy inflorescences of white flowers with a diameter of about one centimeter are located in the sinuses of the leaves or on the tops of the stems.

The raspberry berry consists of small hairproof strokes that have grown in a complex fruit. Most often, red rapid raspberries are grown, but yellow raspberries and even black raspberries are also cultivated. After landing, raspberries starts usually on next yearIn the very first year, the flowering kidneys are only laid on its stems, of which, then, with the next spring, the fruit sprigs develop. However, today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are removable raspberry varieties that are fruitful on the shoots of the first year.

Raspberry yellow

Very often, the readers of the site worry such questions: why raspberry yellow leaves and what if Malina turns yellow? If this happens in the fall, then, most likely, you are watching the natural seasonal changes, but if the raspberry turns yellow in spring or summer, this is an alarming sign. The reasons for this phenomenon are several, and one of them is bacterial diseases of the raspberry roak cancer and the roots of the roots. The symptoms of these diseases are similar: on the roots of the plant form growths in the form of tubers, the growth of shoots is stopped, the raspberry leaves are yellow, and the berries are losing sweetness.

The plants in areas with a slightly alkaline or neutral soil are most often ill. To avoid infection with root cancer or gobbiness, carefully inspect the raspberry seedlings before planting, and if you see a swirling on the roots, remove the affected part of the rhizomes, and the cutting is treated with a single-surfactant solution of copper sulfate.

Swimming leaves of raspberries and from various kinds of mosaics - viral diseases that are manifested on the leaves of rashes mesh, spray, spotty or divorces. Medicines from viral diseases do not exist, so try to protect the raspberry from infection with mosaic good care and prophylactic treatments of bushes against TI, which is a peddler of the disease. Immediately remove from the site and destroy the instances affected by the disease.

Sometimes the premature yellowing of the leaves occurs because your Malinik too thickened - the thickets are badly ventilated, there are not enough plants. Spend good trimming with thinning bushes, and then adopt the plants with chicken litter or overworked.

Chlorosis of raspberry

Another answer to the question why yellowing raspberries, There may be causative agents of viral diseases that penetrate the tissue through the cuts and dorms of the crust. The carriers of viruses are insects - nematodes, ticks or a solard, subject to raspberry infection with such a serious illness as jaundice or chlorosis. First, the sections of the leaf plate between the veins are yellow, then the yellowness is asymmetrically poured onto the entire sheet, and it is wrinkled. The shoots are pulled out, thinning, berries become small, deforming and dried quickly.

Provoke the development of infection too wet primer And too high soil acidity on the plot. It is possible to move the reaction into the alkaline side by making the gypsum to the plot under the peroxide of the gypsum at the rate of 120 g per 1 m², and the excess of moisture is eliminated by a reduction in irrigation. And be sure to destroy insects, expanding infection. If your raspberry is sick with chlorosis, you will have to dig up the affected specimens and burn them, and in the place where they grew, it will be possible to grow raspberry not earlier than ten years: there are no medicines from chlorosis yet.

Viral disease crickerness raspberry

The leaves of the sick plants are minor, become wrinkled and rigid, and the lower side of the sheet plate acquires a brown color. Berries on sick bushes are made with sour, deform and dry, and the plant itself dies for three years. Be careful, inspect the planting material on the subject of symptoms of the disease, because it is impossible to cure this disease, and the affected plants need to be immediately removed from the site and destroy.

Mycoplasma disease

There is another malicious disease of the raspberry, which is called an upgrooment, or "witch broom": the plant forms many non-smoking small shoots with a height of 30 to 50 cm - up to 200 per bush. If such an instance appeared on your site, destroy it immediately until the disease has shutdled to neighboring bushes, because this disease is not treated. It was cicada to put it on the site, or the causative agent of the disease came to you with the landing material, so be careful when buying and landing raspberries and destroy insect pests.

Malina drier

Another question that our readers often ask: why does the raspberry dry? This happens as a result of a violation of the rules of the Malina. Here are the reasons from which the leaves will dry and even stems of raspberries:

  • lack of moisture;
  • nitrogen hunger;
  • too dense landing and, as a result, insufficient lighting.

Examine the state of your Malinnik, determine and eliminate your mistakes, and do not neglect the annual trimming of reposing second-year shoots.

It will dry by raspberries and from diseases, the description of which is shown below, as well as from the shoots and stem gallicle - pests, which will be discussed in a separate chapter.

Rust raspberry

Sometimes the fact that raspberries dry, the malina fungal diseases are, one of which is rust. In May, dark spots appear on the bottom side of the sheet, the raspberry leaves dry and fall, brown ulcers appear on the stems. Sick bushes will have to destroy, because it is impossible to cure rust, but you can take preventive measures that will not allow raspberry infection with this disease. Spring and autumn processing of Malinnik, a single-surplus mortar of burgundy fluid, will protect the bushes from the defeat by this fungus.

Spotted raspberry

More often than rust, striking Malina purple spottedness, or Didimella, as a result of Malina dry. First, light-purple spots appear on young stems, which are gradually blurred and darken around the edges to red and brown, and black dots appear in the lighter center of stains - picnides. Over time, the stains merge, their surface cracks, breaks break, and the kidneys do not develop on them. Wet summer the disease can cover the entire area.

Destroy the mushroom-infected copies, carry out the processing of bushes with a single-percent solution of burglar fluid: for the first time, when young shoots achieved a length of 15-20 cm, the second time before flowering, the third is immediately after flowering and the last time after harvesting. Do not bother the plot.

Puffy Dew on Malina

An dangerous fungal disease is a mildew, covering in the first half of summer, especially if there is a wet weather, terrestrial parts of raspberries with a white loose bloom, which will dry the leaves, and the berries are deformed. If you find martherny Dew In Malinnik, immediately after harvesting, trees the plants as well as the same time and the same means as with the damage to other fungal diseases.

Antraznosis Rasina

Anterapa - also a fungal disease, from which raspberry in the garden often suffers. On the leaves and stalks of the plant, small gray stains with a purple rim appear, growing, merging between themselves and forming ulcers, which are collapsed and the leaves are dying, the bark is peeling on the stems, and the berries do not have time to ripen, deform and darken. It is necessary to struggle with the anthracnose by the same methods as with any other fungal disease.

Launched and thickened Malinik can also hit the peptic spottedness of stems and autumn spot - fungal diseases, whose ways we have already called you, telling about purple spottedness. Try, if the raspberry dried, immediately remove the dry stems so that insects are not settled in the insects, and the green shoots are desirable to cut, if they are weak or directed inside the bush.

Trimming is a shrub sanitary processing, and if you spend it right and at the right time, this measure strengthens the stability of the raspberry to diseases and pests, which will also settle more often on a weakened plant.

Raspberries crushed leaves

It is a symptom of raspbernosis disease, which we wrote above, but sometimes the deformation of the leaves does not testify not about the illness, but about the lack of one or another element in the soil - for example, boron or potassium. If the case is in the lack of potassium, then the leaves of the raspberry wock the edges down. The lack of potassium can fix the raspberry of the raspberry ashes, and the boron deficiency is eliminated by a solution of boric acid entered into the soil at the beginning of summer.

TLL on Malina

Malinous leaf TLL and Malinous Way - widespread pests of raspberries, blackberries and other garden berry crops. The shooting failure is settled by the colonies at the ends of the shoots and in the inflorescence of raspberries, and the leaf wave of small group lives on the lower side of the leaves and feeds on their juice. The shooting TLL slows down the growth of raspberries, and the sheet besides this is a carrier of viral diseases. The method of combating aphids is to spray the plants with a carbophos or accomplish during the dissolving of the kidneys of the raspberry.

Malina Clean Tick

This insect is striking not only Malina, suffers from him also gooseberry, black and red currant, strawberries, blueberries, elderberry, rose and grapes. The tick, located on the underside of the leaves and feeding them with the juice, wounds the leaves with a thin cobweb. Damaged places are discolored, with the course of the disease, the leaves become marble, gradually dry and in the end fall. The precursor appearance on raspberry ticks is a steady and long-term heat without precipitation.

Effective measure in combating ticks is the spraying of raspberry bushes (gooseberry, currant, etc.) by acaricides, which belongs to such drugs such as carbofos, phosphamide, colloidal sulfur, ciden, metaphos. With too much susceptible tick treatment of plants, acaricides can be carried out repeatedly - up to four times a season with an interval of ten days. In order not to create a comfortable environment for ticks, except for watering into a dry heat practicing spraying of bushes with water in the evening.

Gallians on Malina

Malina and gallians of two species are harmful - a raspberry mosquito, or shooting gallicle and malinous stem gallicle, laying eggs in cracks and damage to the bark at the bottom of the shoots, forming galls - bloating. At the affected shoots, the bark smells and peels off, they dry. Soothes with characteristic signs of lesion (bloating in the root sections of stems) It is necessary to cut and destroy together with pests, the soil in which the gallians winter, in the spring and autumn need to be pulled to a depth of 15 cm, and the plants to handle the carbofos or accutelic.

A malinous nutproofer behaves in a similar way, larvae to shoot raspberries, on which galls are formed from this. To spray raspberries in case of detection of this pest, you need all the same carbofos or accomplish, as well as an ambush before the start of flowering.


This is a small insect up to 4 mm in length covered with yellow or gray hairs. It winter in the upper layer of the soil, and by the end of May it moves into raspberry buds and eats them, damaging also opened flowers and leaves. At the end of July, the larvae is returned to the soil again, they pour out there to turn into beetles in the fall.

It is necessary to get rid of malinous beetles during the bootonization period, shaking them from the bush and destroying. The soil peroxide is required under the bushes and in the aisle during the pounding period of the larvae. Good results for the destruction of this pest gives a spraying of raspberry with confident, desisis or a decade-free carbofos solution.


This bug harms not only raspberry, but also strawberries, therefore the appearance of a weevil on cottage plot Extremely undesirable. Winter bugs under fallen foliage and commissions of the Earth, and in the spring, eggs put eggs into buds, where the larva is powered by a flower, eating it from the inside. One female weevil, laying out one egg to the bud, can damage up to 50 flowers to damage. In June-July, a new generation of weevil appears, eating leaves.

In order not to give Zhuks to destroy the harvest, spray the Malinnik during the bootonization and no later than five days before the disclosure of flowers, carbofos, accomplish, metaphos or other drugs of this action.

Malinous kidney mole

This is a butterfly with dark brown wings with small golden stains, moth caterpillar - red with a dark brown head. Most of all this insect harms early varieties raspberries. The caterpillars in the cracks of the stems or under the vegetable remnants on the ground, and the early spring are moved to the shoots and the kidneys are stretched, and then they are embedded in the flesh of escape, they are puzzled there at the end of May, and from the beginning of blooming raspberry out of the pupae, butterflies, laying eggs in raspberry flowers . The caterpillars that appeared from them eat berries, destroying the harvest of raspberries.

In order not to help winding the binding moth, during the pruning of old shoots, do not leave hemp from them. Spray Malinnik confident, spark, desisis or three-percent carbofos emulsion in early spring, when the kidneys are just beginning to swell.

Malinous stem fly

Also a dangerous pest, the larvae of which stretched the spiral passes inside the stems on top to the roots, why the tops of the shoots are withering, then black and rot. When bloom begins, the larvae go into the soil, where they winter and turn into butterflies, departing in the spring and larvae, eating stem from the inside. Carefully inspect the bushes and immediately cut off the affected tops of the shoots to a healthy stem. Spray with accuters or carbofosoma raspberry early spring when it just starts to grow shoots. In the fall, remove the foliage from the site.

It also behaves malinous glass glass, but she prefers to winter in the core of the stem or the root of the raspberry, forming a bloat. That is why it is very difficult to destroy it insecticide. Cut the old shoots that will no longer be fruiting without leaving the hemp from them, make sure that there are no cracks and mechanical damage on the stems.

What to treat raspberries - prevention

Treatment of raspberry spring

As soon as snow comes down and the earth will begin to warm up, Mouse over to the area where Raspberry grows: Cut the frostbed tops of shoots, remove broken or different from the other color of the stems, as well as those growing the bush. Switch last year's foliage And burn it, and in the soil on the plot, make nitrogen fertilizers and make them in the ground. After that, bring the raspberry to the sleeper and inspect it again for trimming - something you could miss.

Treatment of raspberry from diseases

It is best to spray with raspberry in spring with a nitrafen or burglar liquid as prevention, and not only bushes, but also the soil under them. The first spraying must be carried out before the kidneys begin to bloom. Whether it will be necessary to repeat the processing in the spring and in the summer, depends on what kind of hands you have noticed in the raspberry last year. However, after harvesting, it is necessary to carry out the last year of the treatment of raspberries and soil under the bushes by nitrafen or burgundy liquid to destroy the pathogens of the diseases that could appear on raspberry for the summer months.

Treatment of raspberry from pests

At the beginning of the spring, before the kidneys dissolve, treat raspberry with carbofos or accutelle. If you carry out this processing twice a year, it is in time to cut unnecessary stems and observe the agricultural conditions for growing raspberries, then you will not have to complain about the health of the plant or the crop of fruits. If you have noticed some pests during the last growing season season, you will fight with them using our information - process raspberries insecticides according to the type of pest and as many times as you need to get rid of it. The last processing of insecticide in the season should be carried out after harvest.

Treatment of raspberry in autumn

Pretty Malina

Than to feed raspberries

It is necessary to start to fertilize raspberries at the landing, closeing in the soil under the step a large number of Manure and mineral fertilizers. After that, the need for feeding arises only in two seasons, that is, on the third spring. In the spring, Malina needs nitrogen fertilizers, which need to be made annually in the snow at the rate of 8 g of urea or 12 g of ammonium nitrate for one square meter.

In the fall in the soil, it is necessary to make 100 g of ashes (as potash-phosphoric fertilizers) and 6 kg of humus or manure to the same unit area - autumn feeding is made once every two years and only if you have not used manure or humus as mulch. The exceptions are Maliniki, located on the Supayes - such a soil requires annual fertilizer. Suglinic soils need to fertilize every two years, but the dosage is increased by a quarter. The manure can be successfully replaced by a compost by adding ash and mineral fertilizers.

Fighting Malina

How to deal with raspberry

All raspberry varieties give roasting pigs - one is smaller, others are more. This pigproof spreads over Malinnik, and if you go, it will be even where it should not be. It is easiest to trim unnecessary shoots with a sharp shovel to a depth of ten centimeters, but to leave them in the same place where they are gradually dried. In order to protect the garden from the penetration of the shoots of the raspberries, Malinnik is covered by the slate slices into the ground to a depth of 35-40 cm.

You can also put around the raspberries garlic or sorrel, and even better - beans

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Like other plants, Malina is subject to the development of many diseases. In each particular case, leaves are affected, shoots, berries or root system of the bush and in most cases it is possible to determine the disease almost immediately. So today we will look at the main diseases of the raspberry and their treatment.

There are many raspberry varieties, but not everyone has resistance to various kinds of diseases

Begins a list of raspberry diseases fungal disease, which manifests itself in the form of single spots on stems and leaves. First, the stains have a purple color, later grow up and acquire a grayish-white color and a purple kaym. The leaves begin to gradually be frown, and the fabric in the affected places dries out and disappears. Subsequently, such leaves completely die away, and the bark becomes gray. The antraznosis is striking and the fruits of raspberries - purple spots appear on them, the berry becomes dry, and its taste quality deteriorates.

On a note! This ailment is most common in regions with high humidity and a warm climate.

Measures of struggle

  1. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to initially choose only healthy bushes.
  2. Before dissolving the kidneys, the struck a bush is treated with 3% enclosure fluid.
  3. 1% Bordeaux liquid is reused in the plant bootonization phase.
  4. It is impossible to allow the settlement of landings and regularly pour a plot.
  5. Surprised by the disease shoots cut out.
  6. The foliage felling with sick branches is collected and burned.
  7. After harvesting, the culture of the liquid is treated for the third time.

The anthracosis significantly reduces the fosterness of the shoots, reduces their winter hardiness and ruins most of the crop

Ring spottedness

This disease is viral and distribute its nematodes. Yellow spots on the leaves and their subsequent twisting will be evidenced about his appearance. The annular spot develops very slowly, and it is dangerous that the yellowness on the leaves will be marked only in the fall and in the spring. The leaflets will gradually be twisted, thinning and as a result of breaking from the slightest touch.

Measures of struggle

  1. If nematodes are found in the soil, the substrate must be treated with non-natocides.
  2. Do not plant raspberry bushes after tomatoes, cabbage and strawberries.
  3. The affected plant needs to dig completely along with the root and burn.
  4. After extracting the patient, the bush should be treated with a solution of ammonium nitrate.

Ring-spot virus develops in the soil and is dangerous because it infects young healthy cultures through it

Purple spottedness

This disease is distributed by the arms of the mushroom - the kidneys, leaves, stems and stalks of the plant are affected. At the initial stage, the disease is manifested in the form of light lilac spots with black dots located in the center, most often this happens in the places of fastening sheet to the stalk. Over time, the stem is destroyed, numerous cracks appear, the place of the lesion becomes red-brown, and the bush himself dries.

Methods of struggle

  1. The sick bush must be cut and destroy.
  2. For prevention, landing regularly thinned.
  3. Young shoots 15 days before their flowering and after harvesting spray with 1% enclosure fluid.

Often purple spottedness affects plants, weakened by pests

White spotting

Another fungal disease that meets quite often and can affect both raspberries and strawberries. With his arrival, stalks and leaves suffer from which brown spots appear and their size can reach about 3 mm. After some time, the stains become white, and a brown edging is formed around them. When the spioning begins you can notice black dots. White spots with dots also appear in the central part of the branches, near the kidneys, while the cortex cracks.

Methods of struggle

  1. As with other fungal lesions, patients with raspberry bushes need to dig up with the root and burn.
  2. The place of growing an infected plant is recommended to be cleaned of fallen foliage, which is also burned.
  3. For prophylaxis, it is necessary to regularly cut forwarding and produce cultures with solutions containing copper.

White spot development will be promoted by humidity and excess organic fertilizers

Ulcerative spottedness

Fungal disease characterized by brown spotsthat apply over the entire length of the stem. Spots have blurred shape and convex formations that spray gray disputes. Soon, the stains acquire a loose structure. The most intense this disease is developing during rains, dears and abundant irrigation.

Methods of struggle

  1. The use of any chemical preparations does not give results - a sick bush need to dig and destroy.
  2. For prevention, landings thinned and follow the level of soil moisture.
  3. In the spring and autumn spend a spraying of copper with melting solutions.

Infection of peptic spotting occurs in the middle of summer and continues throughout the growing season


It is not uncommon for raspberry is such a fungal disease as rust. The first signs of the lesion can be seen in the spring - small yellow spots appear on the tops of the leaves. In the summer, the fungus spreads along the entire bottom surface of the sheet, where it is manifested in the form of orange fungal pads, which are dark after a while. On the shoots are formed gray ulcers with red edging. And even in the fall, when foliage leaves the branches, this fungus continues to exist and is experiencing winter on fallen leaves. The most intense this disease will develop in conditions of high humidity.

Measures of struggle

  1. Those shoots that are affected by weakly shocked, and the bush itself is then treated with a cheap liquid.
  2. With a strong infection, the bush is digging and burned. Also come with fallen foliage.
  3. The soil should constantly loose and prevent the Malinnik coincidence.

Due to rust, a significant reduction in yield occurs, and the plant will soon die

Bacterial cancer

To establish the presence of this disease at the initial stage of its development is quite difficult. It manifests itself as follows: the growth of the bush slows down, the leaves become yellow, and the berries for the taste - fresh. Most often, the fact of the presence of bacterial cancer is installed only during the transfer of Malinnik. At the root in this case, one or more tumors can be seen, the size of which is usually about 1 - 5 cm. These tumors have a smooth coating of brown in color and eventually begin to grow together. As a result, the root becomes a bug, rough, and the convex zones are covered by cracks. Most often, this disease begins to develop due to alkaline reaction of the soil or with long-term grown of raspberry bushes on the same site.

On a note! This disease is most common in regions with a wet climate!

Measures of struggle

  1. If the defeat is insignificant, then it is enough to dig up the sick bushes and burn them.
  2. With a serious defeat, the old, infected Malinnik is destroyed, and the new one is planted at another place. In this case, the soil on the selected area must be treated with a solution of copper mood and for 7 minutes to withstand roots of seedlings in it.
  3. At the site of sick plants, nothing is planted for 4 years.

Due to bacterial cancer, the plant becomes weak and dies in winter


Continuing a list of raspberry diseases infectious disease called chlorosis. Consider the symptoms and fight against it. This disease occurs everywhere, since not many raspberry varieties can be stable against it - immunity has only some species cultivated in the United States.

Chlorosis is manifested in the form of small streams on a sheet that have a greenish yellow or yellow shade. The entire sheet plate is covered with mesh patterns, which is why this disease is often taken for the yellow retinal virus. Some varieties on this disease react somewhat differently - on the leaves, clearly defined local stains appear, the leaf itself is twisted and dries.

Chlorosis refers to thermal stable diseases, so air humidity and temperature conditions It does not affect its development and flow. Arises due to the vital activity of APHIS IDAEI, transmitted by vaccinations. Often its development provokes already infected planting material.

Methods of struggle

  1. It is much easier to prevent the disease, so it is recommended to prevent condenses of landings, fighting weeds in time, especially if the Malinik is located near the apple trees and other fruit trees.
  2. As for the fight against the disease, the radical measure itself is the destruction of infected bushes.
  3. For chemical struggle The mineral drugs are traditionally used with chlorosis: without waiting for the dissolution of the kidneys, the plants are treated with a 3% burglar liquid, after harvesting - 0.05% solution of topaz or 0.1% solution of Fundazola.

Most often, chlorosis are damaged by such varieties like yellow spin, the news of Kuzmina, Usranka, Turner and Malboro

Witch Ment.

This virus penetrates in the bite of insects, through a non-sterile tool, wounds and root piglets. It is characterized by the emergence of numerous thin shoots on the root of the bush. As a result, the growth of culture is slowed down, the branches do not grow higher than 20 cm from the ground level. The leaves are minor, bushes are growing, and fruiting stops.

Methods of struggle

  1. Constantly monitor the colonies of ants, which are pedestroces.
  2. Most often infected bushes are recommended to dig and burn outside the site.
  3. In the period of dissolving the kidneys, flowering and at the last stage of vegetation, it is necessary to constantly check bushes for pests.
  4. For the treatment of infected plants, a 10% carbofos solution is used, which is bred in a ratio of 75 grams per 10 liters of water and is used twice - before flowering and after harvesting.

On a note! But still easier and better sick bushes dig and burn!

Bushes affected by this disease are able to live about 10 years and throughout this time to safely infect other plants


Another viral disease, which is characterized by the fact that the leaves from the pins become motley and bug. The entire plate is covered with alternating light and dark green areas, acquires an incorrect shape. The most intense disease is manifested in June, at the end of the growing season and late autumn.

Sick plants give a scant harvest, berries lose their taste and become hard. Young shoots minor, the leaves are becoming wrinkled and thinned. In the fall, the affected leaves are painted in bright yellow color. At the spring increase sometimes there is a slightly spoiled collity. Root increase significantly weakens, becomes thin.

Measures of struggle

  1. For the treatment of raspberry from mosaic use chemicalsThe action of which is aimed at the destruction of TLI, which is a carrier of this disease. But at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the tool used does not show activity against non-commander.
  2. The most effective measure is the destruction of patients with plants, and the bookmark of the new planting material on clean territory.
  3. Preventive measures: Sular of landings, timely struggle with weeds and the location of the Malinnik away from fruit trees.

Mosaic raspberry begins to develop due to the action of the virus complex

The treatment of raspberries from pests and diseases should be carried out throughout the entire period - starting from spring and turning out the fall. It should be remembered that the plants can hit both viruses and fungi and insects with birds, for this reason the drugs must be selected in accordance with the defeat.

In the spring it is necessary to clean up the Malinnik: cut off the frostbite tops of the branches, remove shoots that differ from others in color and grow inside the bush. At the same time, nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the soil and tied with raspberries to the sleeper. As for processing from diseases, the plants and the soil under them it is necessary to make a wiping fluid or nitrophen - the first procedure must be carried out before the dissolution of the kidneys. To repeat this treatment or not, it will depend on what diseases were noticed in raspberries last year. Pest processing will be to treat the culture of the carbonic or accuters.

In the fall after harvest, the raspberry is reused, and the choice of means will be based exclusively on the detected disease. In addition, under the winter, the second year stems should be cut under the root, as well as remove patients and weak shoots. Next, the bushes remove the foliage and bend bushes for wintering. If necessary, the Earth between plants loose and fertilizers contribute.

Malina is one of the most popular plants that is on every summer cottage. Berries have excellent taste, health and widely used in cooking. Malina contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, strengthens immunity, useful for people of all ages. Many harness arises from gardeners, if one of the many ailments attacks the shrub. A description of raspberry diseases with photographs, methods of treatment will help to identify them in a timely manner, and save the harvest of the beloved culture.

In the photo infectious chlorosis on raspberry leaves

Viral diseases of the raspberry: photo and fightingand

Mosaic- Viral, incurable raspberry disease. It's not difficult to identify the mosaic. Shrub is amazed entirely, which manifests itself in the yellowing of the stem and leaves. The plant begins to lag in development, new shoots are not formed. The leaves are deformed, have twisted edges. Allowers are yellow.

According to dachnikov, the Milina mosaic virus is entered into a plot with infected seedlings, juice insects. Often the wine lies on the gardener itself. When trimming bushes and trees, garden equipment is important to expose disinfection after working with a new plant. If you ignore this rule, you can easily transfer the virus from one bush to another. Disinfection does not take much time. It is enough to wipe the blade scissors 96% sports.

Fighting the mosaic virus Mosaica. The pathogen is rapidly spreading across the plant and affects all of its parts. Raspberry will inevitably die. It is recommended to immediately destroy all copies of infected plants in the heat when identifying the symptoms of the disease. Neighboring plants for prophylaxis are treated with insecticides from pest insects. Chemical preparations can be used: "Afitoks", "confident", "Pisa".

Important in the prevention of infection of bushes with a mosaic virus is attached to the fight against the tool. These insects are most often carriers of the pathogen.

In the photo Viral Mosaic Raspberry

Witch Ment. - a dangerous viral disease that cannot be treated. Viruses penetrate the vascular rumble of raspberries through microtraums and insect bites, distributed through infected garden inventory. After infection, the bush is reborn, and growth goes to the formation of numerous thin, dwarf shoots. The size of the leaves decreases, the fruiting does not occur. The affected bushes are subject to destruction.

TO viral diseases Raspberries include the following agers:

  1. Infectious chlorosis or jaundice.
  2. Curly leaves.
  3. White dwarf.

The symptoms of the defeat in all cases are almost the same, and the gardener notes that the stems, the leaves of the raspberry are yellow, the shoots are faded, the fruit of the bush is reduced. Treatment of viral lesion - the destruction of the plant on fire.

In the photo Rust leaves raspberry

Fungal diseases of raspberries in pictures and their treatmente.

Fungal diseases are most common and affect the plant in crude, cool weather. Spores of fungi grow up, germinate, hitting the entire overhead part of the bush. Infected berries are covered with white mold, cracking and fall. As the progression of infection, the stem, the formation of an ulcer and dents can be observed. The most common fungal lesions of the raspberries are the following diseases:

The fungal lesions of the raspberry are treated by spraying shrubs by colloid gray, the preparation of "phytoosporin", "zircon". Dachnips recommend 2-3 processing. Spraying is accompanied by concomitant activities, such as the destruction of weeds, soil loosening.