Due to, let's say, numerous requests, I decided to start publishing lessons for those people who are weak PC users, but, commendably, want to improve their knowledge. This series of instructions and guides will cover many topics of working with images and other media files, setting up your operating systems, reviewing alternative systems such as Linux and the like.

Since my main activity is system administration, I can publish material and questions from users at least daily. Although, naturally, laziness and lack of time will not allow me to do this. So, welcome to the first mini lesson.

How to set a specific default view in Windows 7 folders?

I was asked this question today. Naturally, I pointed to the standard way of selecting the type of materials in a folder. But the question became different, how to make sure that files in all folders are displayed as a list by default. After going through the settings, I found a way:

Open any folder with files, set the view convenient for you, in this case I displayed everything in the form of a table. After that, click on the menu Organize->Folder and Search Options:

And in the window that appears, in the tab VIEW click on the button Apply to folders

Windows Vista Explorer has many improvements over Windows XP. However, some of the problems with the previous operating system have migrated to the next OS, causing a lot of inconvenience to users as before. In particular, one of the most annoying problems is the OS's inability to display the appearance of folders the way users want to see it. This bothers not only those who use Explorer as a file manager - after all, windows Open And Save as Everyone uses it. First of all, we are talking about the “forgetfulness” of Windows, losing user view settings. Added to this is the not always correct determination of the folder template depending on the files in it, which is an innovation in Windows. How to customize the appearance of folders and avoid inconvenience when working with them will be discussed below.

Resetting the folder view

If you have already encountered the fact that Windows does not remember the type of folders you installed, you will have to reset it and start over. The problem here is that the OS can remember the settings of only a limited number of folders, which, however, can be increased. But first things first. There are two ways to reset folder view settings.

Method 1 - Control Panel

In Control Panel, open Folder properties, go to the tab View and press the button Resetting the folder view.

Method 2 - Registry

This method boils down to deleting registry settings that store folder view settings. In particular, you need to remove the parameters Bags And BagMRU from sections:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\

You can do this manually, or you can simply use the REG file provided below and import it into the registry. This file does however include three more parameters, which we'll look at in a little more detail.

Disable automatic template assignment for folders

We are talking about templates that you can set for a folder in its properties on the tab Settings.

We'll look at templates in more detail a little later. Windows automatically assigns folders a template based on their contents. Sometimes the OS detects the pattern correctly, sometimes it gets it wrong. When he makes a mistake, it’s annoying. Therefore, auto-detection can be disabled in the registry.

In chapter

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags

you need to create a subsection AllFolders, and in it there is a subsection Shell. Then in the subsection Shell you need to create a string parameter FolderType and assign it a value NotSpecified.

Note. Instead of a parameter NotSpecified you can specify some others, and then the OS will automatically assign the specified template.

Parameter Description
NotSpecified All elements
Contacts Contacts
Music Recording details
MusicIcons Music icons
Documents Documentation
Pictures Images and videos

Increasing memory cache for folder view

You can increase the number of folders for which Windows remembers view settings. In chapter

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell

you need to create a DWORD value called BagMRU Size and assign it a decimal value, say 20000.

Remembering display options for each folder

By Windows default remembers the display parameters of each folder. In Windows Vista Control PanelFolder propertiesView there was a checkbox Remember display options for each folder.

In Windows 7 and later this checkbox is not present. The DWORD parameter in the registry is responsible for this behavior. NoSaveSettings In chapter


for which you need to set a value 0 (which, however, is equivalent to the absence of a parameter).

REG file to perform the above steps

To save time, I suggest you use REG file, which you can import into the registry to simultaneously reset the folder view, disable automatic detection templates, increase the memory cache and set the display parameters of each folder to be remembered. After importing the REG file, you must log out for the changes to take effect.

Correctly customize the appearance of folders

Much of the dissatisfaction with the display of folder views is due to the fact that users do not have a very good understanding of the operating principle of this OS element. I will briefly describe it.

The basis for displaying a folder's view is its sample, which is indicated in the folder properties. The template defines the tasks for files located below the address bar, as well as the displayed columns (Name, Size, Modified Date, etc.) and/or views (List, Table, Tile, Small Icons, etc.). Once you've specified a template, you can then fine-tune the folder's appearance by choosing the appropriate columns and views. Next, I'll demonstrate how you can customize folders using this information. It is assumed that you have reset the folder view by following the instructions above (otherwise you may not achieve the desired result). The procedure is as follows:

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Apply a single template for all user folders

The first step is to bring all user folders to a single form. These mean all user profile folders, including Documents, Music, Pictures and others. Open File Explorer and go to the folder Users, located at the root of the system disk. Right-click on an empty space and select from the context menu Setting the folder view All elements .

Click OK. Now all user folders should have the same appearance. But of course, the template we chose doesn't work well with folders like Music and Pictures, so they require some additional customization.

Applying templates to individual user folders

For folders where you store music, pictures, and videos, it makes sense to assign your own templates. Let's look at how to specify them using the Music folder as an example. Open it from the Start menu or enter the command in the search there shell:My Music and press Enter. Right-click on an empty space and select from the context menu Setting the folder view. Select as template Recording details and make sure the checkbox is checked Apply the same template to all subfolders. Click OK. Now all music folders should have a uniform look based on the selected template. You can do the same with the Images folder by selecting a template Images and videos.

Fine-tuning the appearance of user folders

Let's continue setting up the Music folder. A lot here depends on how the user places files in the folder, so there cannot be a universal recipe. I have a separate folder for each artist, and it already has its own folder for each album. So, I have the Music folder open, i.e. the list of subfolders in it is displayed. You, like me, may not be happy with the standard list or order of columns displayed. Right-click on any column and check the boxes for the columns you want to see. If the columns offered in the menu are not enough, there is an item at the bottom of the menu More details, from where you can select all available columns.

Once you select the columns you want, you can change Kinds, but I'm happy with the standard one Table, which is a completely logical choice in this case.

Apply a view to all subfolders

Now the most important thing! On this moment We only have the Music folder configured, but not its subfolders, which you can verify by opening any of them - you will see a standard set of template columns. You need to apply the settings of the Music folder to all its subfolders. It's easy! While in the Music folder, press the ALT key to display the menu at the top of the file. Select from menu Service paragraph Folder properties, go to the tab View and press the button Apply to all folders.

All! Now all folders subfolded in the Music folder have the appearance that we wanted to install.

When I go into each album, I see exactly the columns that I selected while in the Music folder before applying the settings to all folders. Of course, you can directly change the appearance of the Music folder according to your preferences - for example, add or remove some columns. Just customize the view as you like, but do not apply it to all folders, so as not to change the look that is already configured and suits you.

Setting up other user folders (Documents, Images, Downloads, etc.) is done in the same way. The algorithm is the same everywhere. First, the template is configured, then the type of parent folder, which is applied to all subfolders. After which the view of the parent folder can be changed. Of course, these actions do not have to be done at the top level of user folders - you can do this setup at any level, but it makes sense to start the initial setup at the top.

I hope this information helps you successfully customize the appearance of your folders and have fun working with them!

Files and folders are the main means of presenting and organizing information in Windows. How effectively the user can work with data depends on the methods and parameters for displaying files and folders. To set the properties of files and folders, you must do one of the following:

  • select a team Start>Control Panel, click on menu Service and select a team ;
  • select a team Tools>Folder Options in any Explorer window or in a folder window My Documents, My computer, My drawings.

Window contains four tabs, which are discussed below.

General Tab

Tab Are common allows you to configure such parameters.

  • By switch Tasks You can configure the folder display mode. In particular, if you set it to position Display a list of common tasks in folders, then various tabs with links to system programs, utilities and others will be displayed on the left side of the window Windows folders. In the standard folder display mode, there is no panel on the left side of the window.
  • Switch Browse folders allows you to set the mode for opening a new folder. If you set it to position Open folders in the same window, That new folder will open in the same window as the previous one. In this case, you can use the buttons to switch between folders Forward And Back, located on the toolbar of the folder window. To open a new folder in a separate window, set the switch to Open each folder in a separate window.
  • Switch Mouse clicks is designed to select the mode for selecting and opening folders, files and shortcuts. When installed in position Open with one click, highlight with pointer the icon will be highlighted when you hover the mouse over it, and you will need to left-click to launch the icon. In this case, icon labels can also be highlighted both initially and when hovering over the icon with the mouse pointer.
  • Click the button Restore to default to return the previous folder display options.

View Tab

In field Folder view of this tab there are two buttons Apply to all folders And Reset for all folders. Button Apply to all folders only available if the window was opened using the Tools>Properties command in a folder window. In this case, click on the button Apply to all folders will cause the settings for the custom folder to be used for all folders on the computer. Click the button Reset for all folders to restore Windows default folder display settings.

In field Extra options By checking the appropriate boxes and selecting the position of the switches, you can configure individual display options for folders, files, and shortcuts. Moreover, for each checkbox there is presented detailed description. To ensure a more comfortable experience, it is recommended to configure the following settings.

  • Check the box Show descriptions for folders and desktop items.
  • Check the box Show file size information in folder suggestions.
  • Uncheck Display the contents of system folders.
  • Select radio button Don't show hidden files and folders.

Hiding system files and folders is necessary to prevent a crooked user from accidentally or intentionally deleting or changing any of the system files, which could lead to the failure of the operating system.

File Types Tab

Using the File Types tab, you can see what file types are registered with Windows and what applications they are associated with.

At the top of the tab in the field file extensions registered in the system are listed. When a file type is registered in the system registry, data is recorded about which application will open files with that extension (for example, files with the .mp3 extension are opened by Windows Media Player by default).

The bottom part of the window provides brief background information about the file type currently selected in the field Registered file types. To register a new file type in the system, use the button Create. After clicking this button, a window will appear Creating a new extension. In field Expanding this window you should enter the extension of the new file type.

Button Change is designed to change the program that opens the file specified in the field Registered file types. When you click this button, a window will appear on the screen Program selection, in which you should select the required application. If the program you need is not in the list, click the button Review and in the window that opens, specify the path to the required program. Button Additionally will be needed to configure additional parameters for the file type currently selected in the field Registered file types.

Changing Applications Associated with various types files can be very useful. For example, many users do not like the features Windows programs Media Player, which launches any video and audio files by default. When you install a new program for watching videos (such as BSPlayer) or listening to audio files (such as Winamp), you can specify that from now on all such files will be opened by the program you install. Most programs will automatically re-register the file extensions associated with them during installation. For example, after installing the ACDSee program, all graphic files will be opened by this program by default. And, as already mentioned, extension registration can be changed manually.

IN operating system Windows 10 all folders have properties and they can be changed. To do this, you can use the classic Control Panel or Explorer options.

Where can I find folder properties in Windows 10?

In order to open folder properties, you should do the following:

  • Open Explorer and go to the “View” tab, select “Options”.
  • From the list, select “Change folder and search settings.” A new window will open in which three tabs will be available: “General”, “View”, “Search”. Each tab is responsible for certain folder properties.

  • In the “General” tab, you can set folders to open in a new window or in the same window.

  • Here you can also specify how to open the folder: with one or double click.

  • Depending on the build of Windows 10, in the “General” tab there is also a “Privacy” item, which is responsible for quick access to frequently used folders and files. You can also clear Explorer history here.

  • The View tab has changed little. Here you can set the display of hidden folders and files, menu thumbnails, and restore the initial view of the window. This tab gives greater access to folder properties.

  • In the “Search” tab, you can specify how Windows 10 should respond to queries when searching for system files and folders, including non-indexed ones. Here you can also add archives and application folders to the search list.

Also, the settings of any folder in Windows 10 can be configured in the classic way. To do this, right-click on the folder and select “Properties”.

In this case, the available options will be in the following five tabs: “General”, “Access”, “Settings”, “Security”, “Previous Versions”.

The General folder will contain folder parameters such as size, location, creation date, attributes (hidden or read).

In the “Access” tab, you can specify access to the folder for an individual user or several.

In the “Settings” tab, you can optimize the folder for storing documents, music or other files. Or choose a general type.

The “Security” tab is responsible for security, and in “Previous Versions” you can see the presence or absence of previous identical folders (relevant if the folder has been renamed).

Many users are looking to improve the functionality of Explorer, and much more. This can be done through the folder settings settings. In this material we will consider, how to open folder properties in Windows 7, 8, as well as enabling these options, and what parameters are worth paying attention to.

Where to find folder properties in Windows 7, 8

There are several ways to open folder properties. Consider them and choose the best one:

2. The method is to use search. Click the Start button, enter “folder options” in the search form and select the first item found.

In figure eight on the desktop you can press (Logo key) + W to call up the curtain with search. Select "options" to trim off any unnecessary stuff, type "folder options" and press Enter.

3. In Windows 7 Explorer, click “organize”, then select “folder and search options” (on the left). Eat alternative way Open folder properties, click Alt to display the hidden menu, click “tools” and select “folder options” (right).

4. In Windows 8 Explorer, visit the “View” tab. Then click the "options" button.

After using one of the methods, you will see the Windows 7, 8 folder properties window, containing the tabs: “general”, “view” and “search”. In different versions of the OS, the window looks almost identical, but with 8 options there are a little more.

Description of useful parameters

The “general” tab (picture above) displays a limited set of configurations. Here you can set the folder to open in the same or separate window. You can choose to open files and folders with one or double click.

The View tab contains many options. The user decides which options to use individually. I recommend paying special attention to the following folder properties settings:

  • Always show icons rather than thumbnails– this option is useful when you work with large volumes of files and folders. If your computer loads thumbnails slowly, enable this option.
  • Hide empty drives in a folder– if you insert an empty flash drive or other removable disk, it will not appear in Explorer, which can cause confusion. It is strongly recommended that you uncheck this option.
  • Hide extensions for registered file types– disabling this property shows file extensions. It will help distinguish normal files from virus ones. There is malware that specifies two extensions, for example filename.doc.exe. If the parameter is enabled, you will only see file_name.doc and treat it as a regular text file. Uncheck this option.
  • Use checkboxes to select items– allows you to mark elements with the mouse. The setting is equivalent to holding Ctrl and then clicking the mouse button on the selected elements. The property is useful when you need it for subsequent actions.
  • Hidden Files and Folders – Contains two options that show or hide items with matching attributes.

The “search” tab contains options for searching for files and folders. The default configuration works very well. If you are not satisfied, then experiment with the available options to improve the result.

Don't forget after making any changes to the folder properties, click OK to save.

How to enable folder properties

Sometimes there is a situation that folder parameters on Windows 7, 8 cannot be opened using the methods listed above. This is due to the fact that the virus blocked the ability to open, or the administrator restricted your access to this component.

To fix the problem, check your computer with an antivirus program. Gain administrative access and perform the following enable methods:

1. Press Win + R, copy gpedit.msc and click Enter (does not work in all editions of Windows). In the Group Policy Editor window, go to “User Configuration”, then to “Administrative Templates”, then to the “Windows Components” section, and to the “Windows Explorer” subsection.

On the right side, find the item responsible for folder parameters (shown in the image), double-click on it with the left button. In the new window, select “disable” or “not configured” and click OK. Folder properties in Windows 7, 8 will again become available in Explorer.

Those who do not want to change the registry can download ready-made reg files. The archive contains 2 files Vkluch.reg (enables) and Otkl.reg (disables). Extract and run Vkluch.reg to enable folder properties in Windows 7, 8, click “yes” everywhere. Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Now you know what they are folder properties in Windows 7, 8, how to open them and enable them in the event of a virus attack. Experiment with configuration options and find the one that works best.