Increasing popularity in the Russian market finishing materials buy non-woven wallpaper. What is hidden under this name? After all, all new products will certainly acquire various myths. You can often hear that non-woven products are harmful to health. Consider what non-woven fabric is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what types of non-woven coatings exist on the market.

What is fleece?

Interlining is a whole class of non-woven materials based on cellulose. Strictly speaking, paper is also a type of non-woven fabric. The name itself comes from a registered trademark of a German company, and in Russian is used as a common noun for paper-like materials.

Non-woven fabric is made from modified paper fibers with the addition of polyester and various specific additives. The liquid mass is pulled into a tape and pressed, if necessary impregnated with adhesives. The composition of each individual brand of non-woven fabric is the secret of the manufacturer, since the added modifiers change the technical properties of the material.

Interlining has long been used as a substrate for fabrics in the textile industry, in packaging and cushioning materials, and even in medicine. It is distinguished by the following properties:

  • low moisture content;
  • good breathability;
  • no shrinkage upon drying;
  • greater abrasion and tear strength than paper;
  • fire resistance;
  • good susceptibility to non-aqueous paints;
  • the material practically does not wrinkle and easily restores its original shape;
  • does not accept pollution.

Thanks to these qualities, the material gained great popularity and became widely used as a substitute for paper - this is how non-woven wallpaper appeared.

Varieties of non-woven wallpaper

The term "non-woven wallpaper" used by sellers includes a fairly wide range of products for pasting walls. How to choose from the many options offered? To begin with, it is necessary to distinguish between the actual non-woven and non-woven wallpaper.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. They are often perceived as an improved paper version. This is a canvas of one or more layers of non-woven fabric, firmly soldered together. They can be smooth or embossed, with an embossed pattern. Often they are used for painting, but there are products with a factory pattern already applied.
  • On a non-woven basis. In the production of such products, interlining is the basis, the bottom layer. Another material is applied on top of it - paper, polyvinyl chloride, textiles. Depending on this, the canvas will differ in technical specifications. The general advantage of the non-woven base is moisture resistance, "breathing" properties, tensile strength and inability to wrinkle. When pasting, the canvas does not stretch, and the glue is applied only to the wall.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each type.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper has all the advantages of paper, but thanks to the addition polymer materials do not suffer from its shortcomings.

  • The increased density allows you to hide minor flaws in the preparation of the walls.
  • The material is breathable but does not absorb moisture.
  • Does not accumulate dust and dirt.
  • Flame resistant.
  • When burning, it does not emit harmful substances.
  • Does not fade in the sun.
  • Easy to glue: the glue is applied only to the wall, the canvas does not swell and does not shrink after drying.

When decorating walls, non-woven wallpaper strips are glued end-to-end. In this case, you do not need to be afraid that after drying there will be a gap, since the wallpaper does not stretch.

The disadvantages include the following properties:

  • low resistance to mechanical damage - scratches, bumps;
  • if the surface is textured, then dust will collect in the relief;
  • high cost - non-woven fabric is not produced in Russia.

A paper-coated non-woven base will cost significantly less. Such canvases can be safely glued in a children's room, since they meet all the necessary requirements: inexpensive, fairly stable and environmentally friendly. Modern manufacturers compensate for the shortcomings of paper with various impregnations, thanks to which the material can better withstand moisture and is more resistant to dirt. Non-woven paper wallpapers can be single-layer, two-layer and three-layer. A filler is introduced between the layers, then the fabric is rolled under pressure and an interesting relief pattern is obtained.

The advantages of this type of wallpaper:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • pass air;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include the following items:

  • unstable to mechanical damage;
  • not intended for wet areas;
  • smooth wallpaper does not hide the imperfections of the walls well.

Vinyl on non-woven base

Perhaps the most popular type of non-woven wallpaper is vinyl. The top layer of such a canvas is made of polyvinyl chloride, which has many advantages:

  • resistant to mechanical damage;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • easy to clean;
  • can be used for gluing walls in wet rooms;
  • low cost;
  • a wide variety of textures and colors.

The disadvantages of non-woven vinyl products include the following nuances:

  • vinyl is highly flammable (temperature 110-120 degrees), and when burned, it emits harmful substances;
  • The vinyl covering does not allow air to pass through, as a result of which condensation can accumulate on the surface of the walls.

The permeability of vinyl models is successfully increased by many manufacturers using micropore technology. On a roll of such wallpaper there should be a corresponding mark on the coefficient of air permeability.

Non-woven textiles

By itself, the textile wall covering looks very stylish and elegant. Using a non-woven base as a substrate, manufacturers improve performance without compromising the aesthetic side of things.

The textile layer can be made from different materials: velor, silk, linen and others. The cost of such products is quite high.

Advantages of textile options:

  • spectacular appearance;
  • the joints between the strips are almost invisible;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • additional heat and sound insulation of walls.
  • require careful care;
  • absorb odors;
  • accumulate dust.

Wallpaper for painting

Most often, non-woven wallpaper is used for painting. Such models have an embossed top layer and are painted in light colors: white, cream, yellowish. It should be noted that when paint is applied, the breathability of the web is reduced, since non-aqueous formulations are mainly used.

When painting, the joints between the stripes become invisible, and the wallpaper itself becomes more durable. The advantage of this wall design is that the surface can be painted 3-5 times, changing the interior of the room without significant costs.

For coloring use water-based, acrylic or latex paints. Depending on the type of dye, the canvas may acquire additional properties. For example, when using latex paint, the surface can be washed.

There are several paint options.

  1. Wallpapers are painted entirely with a roller after sticking them to the wall.
  2. Embossed options are painted with a short pile roller. Thus, only a convex pattern is painted over, and the base remains unchanged.
  3. The vinyl-coated canvas can be painted before the walls are pasted. In this case, the paint will be absorbed into the non-woven base, and the pattern will remain unchanged.
  4. By painting the walls before wallpapering, you can achieve gentle pastel colors. The paint in this case will shine through the light non-woven wallpaper.

They start painting the wallpaper only after they are completely dry - about a day after pasting the walls.

Factory painted wallpapers can also be repainted several times. For this, it is better to use darker tones.
There are also rare types of non-woven fabrics that are exotic for the Russian market: metallized with a top layer of foil, bamboo, reed and reed wallpaper.

How to choose high quality wallpaper?

Real non-woven wallpaper is pleasant to the touch, their texture is matte. To distinguish a non-woven base from a fake, you need to tear the edge and look at the structure of the canvas in the section. Interlining - fibrous structure, and the paper will be homogeneous. By pressing your fingernail on the wrong side, you can evaluate the strength and elasticity of the material - there are no scratches or damage on the non-woven fabric. Also, when crushing the non-woven fabric, it is easily straightened and there are no creases on it - unlike paper.

To assess the quality of the coating, exercise your right to the buyer and ask for quality certificates and a sanitary and hygienic conclusion for the product. The presence of these documents ensures that the wallpaper is made from high-quality raw materials without the use of prohibited additives.

For painting, choose multi-layer wallpaper with a deep relief - they can withstand a greater number of repaints.

It is taken into account that single-layer wallpaper sheets can transmit light, therefore, when preparing the walls, all stains are carefully primed.

Caring for non-woven wallpaper

Wallpaper made on the basis of non-woven fabric does not require special care. Dust can be removed from them with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Depending on the coating, the surface can be subjected to varying degrees of wet cleaning:

  • embossed non-woven wallpaper can not be washed;
  • vinyl flooring can be washed with liquid detergents;
  • the durability of paper products depends on the impregnation of the top layer;
  • textile coverings are cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

In any case, the manufacturer will come to your aid, who is obliged to indicate information on the roll label. Here's what the conventions say:

  • three wavy lines - can be wiped with a wet cloth;
  • one wavy line - wipe only with a damp cloth;
  • brush - can be washed with detergents.

As for the question of the dangers of non-woven coatings for health, such an opinion is not based on any reliable facts. The only moment - in case of fire vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis, they can emit a gas harmful to humans due to the decomposition of polyvinyl chloride.

The use of non-woven fabrics for pasting walls and ceilings is a favorite technique of modern designers. This material has a lot of advantages: environmentally friendly, breathable and at the same time strong enough to tear and wrinkle, durable and beautiful. Interlining is used as a substrate, applying polyvinyl chloride, paper or fabric fibers to it. In this way, non-woven-based wallpapers with a wide variety of properties are obtained. The cost of non-woven wallpaper also fluctuates depending on the raw materials used to make them, but real material will never be too cheap.

Non-woven - the common name for two different types wallpaper, having in its composition a material called interlining. In fact, there are wallpapers that are made entirely of non-woven fabric, and non-woven-based coatings.

What distinguished so unusual material how interlining? Everyone who deals with sewing knows that interlining is sewn to some parts of clothing in order to make these parts more dense and durable.

Interestingly, to the touch he resembles fabric, outwardly he looks like paper. So what is actually its composition and features of production?

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The basis of non-woven fabric (70%) is cellulose- the same of which the paper familiar to us consists. Cellulose fibers are arranged in a special way, impregnated with a small amount (30%) of binders.

The components are pressed - this is how a non-woven fabric is obtained. How is it different from plain paper? Greater density, wear resistance and strength.

Therefore, wallpapers containing non-woven fabric differ from paper ones in that will last a long time and won't break so easily. However, they are more fire resistant and are not afraid of water. The fleece itself is breathable.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

So, let's take a closer look at how the types of such wallpapers differ:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper.
    Often the question is: non-woven wallpaper - what is it? It is correct to call non-woven wallpaper those wallpapers that are made entirely of this material. They are multi-layered. All layers, except for the top, are smooth and even. The top layer is usually embossed, having a peculiar pattern. It is these wallpapers that are mainly intended for painting. They are durable, last a long time, and they can be repainted several times without harm to the appearance. And this gives you the opportunity to change the interior at your discretion.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper.
    They consist of the lower non-woven layer and the second - paper, vinyl or textile. The bottom layer is glued to the surface of the wall or ceiling. The top one determines how the coating will look. By the way, the top layer is also responsible for what bandwidth the wallpaper will have, whether it will be possible to paint it, and so on. The price also depends on the ingredients.

A very interesting look has canvases made hot stamping process. Application special technology allows you to get a three-dimensional pattern that imitates printed fabric or leather trim.

A similar result is obtained using the stencil method of applying an ornament. The material for the top layer in the technology of manufacturing non-woven wallpaper hot stamping is foamed vinyl.


As already mentioned, the main advantage of wallpaper with interlining in the composition is the ability to use them for a long time. Additional qualities gives the material a top coat.

Depending on the characteristics of the top layer, such wallpapers can, for example, be painted, washed or brushed. Their surface can be either embossed or smooth.

Here you can use your imagination to choose what really decorates the interior.

For gluing such wallpapers, a special glue is used, which differs from what is intended for paper wallpapers.

Non-woven wallpaper heavier, and therefore the glue is needed thicker. But it is applied directly to the wall, and not to the wallpaper strips. This greatly simplifies the gluing process. That's just the surface of the walls should be plain, because transparent interlining will not hide color differences, as, for example, with selective putty or plaster.

Wallpaper designed for subsequent painting allows you to play with color. Usually this type of coating is chosen by those who like to fantasize and invent something, do it with their own hands.

With the help of wallpaper for painting, you can create a truly unique interior. Perhaps this is not only due to the paint itself, but also to the surface of the wallpaper, which can be pimply (structural), patterned or wavy.

For painting non-woven wallpaper use paint on water based . They do not contain solvents, so they are safe for health.

As for the interlining itself, what can be said about its environmental safety? Eco-friendly wallpaper - can non-woven fabrics be considered as such?

Since the basis of non-woven fabric is cellulose, it can be argued that it does not cause harm to health. The binders present in the canvas do not emit harmful substances (formaldehyde) at normal room temperature.

Only the dust that accumulates in the relief surface of the wallpaper can pose a danger to allergy sufferers.

Important! Both the wallpaper itself and the glue for them should be purchased from reliable manufacturers, after checking the documents confirming the quality.

Advantages of non-woven wallpaper

What are the pros and cons of a non-woven coating? Undoubtedly, there are many factors in favor of purchasing non-woven wallpaper. Among them, the following can be especially distinguished:

  • dense structure;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of painting;
  • ease of care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability.

You can even glue wallpaper with non-woven fabric on walls that have small defects. The coating structure itself is such that easily hides cracks and irregularities. Of course, this quality will save time and effort for the perfect alignment of the walls.

Since only the wall is smeared with glue, there is no need to specially allocate a place for applying glue to the wallpaper strips. And due to the fact that the rolls have a large width, less seams on the surface. The gluing process itself is faster.

By itself the canvas does not get wet from the glue and does not stretch. When sticking the strip on the surface, no bubbles are formed. Working with non-woven wallpaper is very convenient. And they can be glued to almost any surface. You can remove the old wallpaper in just one movement, and there is no need to wet the surface.

Interesting! The top layer of wallpaper can be removed very easily, and new wallpaper can be glued onto the remaining bottom layer.

On top of that, these wallpapers are quite easy to care for, many of them can be washed, even with the use of detergents.

What are the disadvantages?

Non-woven wallpaper also has some disadvantages. And perhaps, given them, someone will decide that this type of coverage does not quite suit him:

  • dust will accumulate on the relief surface, which implies the need for regular cleaning;
  • a large relief pattern can be damaged by pets or small children, which is important to consider when choosing;
  • having purchased wallpaper for painting, you will also need to spend money on the paint itself;
  • some types of non-woven wallpaper (structural and embossed wallpaper non-woven base) have a high price;
  • when playing, children or pets may accidentally damage the wallpaper.

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We have already mentioned the transparency of the interlining itself. So working surface must be plain or the wallpaper itself must have more dark color so that stains on the walls do not show through them.

The glue itself can also leave traces, so its excess must be removed immediately when gluing.

The exception is - they are not translucent.

Features of care

If you maintain non-woven wallpaper in proper condition, it will extend their service life. As a rule, there is nothing complicated in the care itself. So, dust can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or brushed off with a dry brush.

Can non-woven wallpaper be washed? Yes but not all. How and what non-woven wallpaper can be washed?

If the coating can be washed (the so-called washable non-woven wallpaper), then on the roll itself is indicated degree of protection against moisture. The icon of three waves indicates that these wallpapers are not afraid of moisture and can be washed with a wet cloth. One wave - wipe wet. The brush symbol means that you can use soapy water when washing. Thanks to wet cleaning, such a coating will always look well-groomed. Embossed non-woven wallpaper can not be washed.

When repainting wallpaper, even reusable, their structure does not change. But the strength and sound insulation increase.

It can be argued that non-woven wallpaper is a practical type of wall covering, suitable for pasting walls and ceilings, environmentally friendly and durable.

They are harmless to health and beautiful. With their help, you can create a unique interior and make the room cozy - see for yourself:

Wallpaper plays an important role in home decoration. Today, all kinds of colors, textures and textures simply cannot be counted. But there are also especially attractive models, just for those who want to stand out from the background of others. in an unusual way. These models include non-woven wallpaper. The pros and cons inherent in them, we will consider below in detail.

As you might guess from the name, non-woven wallpaper is not made from cellulose, but from its analogue - a paper-like material with the addition of some chemicals.

Fibers modified in this way acquire new positive qualities. For example, if we compare ordinary paper or non-woven wallpapers, then the latter are much more environmentally friendly, because their production takes noticeably less natural raw materials.

Important! At the same time, it is noteworthy that outward difference between the products of non-woven fabric and ordinary cellulose, the average consumer will not find - both in appearance and to the touch they are almost identical.

Non-woven products also have a special production method, namely, by hot stamping:

  • This is a slightly more labor-intensive process, but the final product is much stronger, more durable and more resistant to stress than ordinary paper.
  • That is why, when comparing paper or non-woven wallpapers, the latter are often referred to as “anti-vandal”.

The widespread opposite opinion about the alleged impossibility of using them in children's rooms is a delusion.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

In total, there are three main types that differ in their characteristics and area of ​​​​application:

  • Fully non-woven, this cellulose either does not contain at all, or contains at a minimum. It is this material that is the most common on the market;
  • Based on non-woven- they only have the reverse side made of non-woven fabric, which greatly simplifies gluing. In fact, this type includes vinyl wallpaper, which combines the front decorative layer and the back practical one.
  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting- the same as fully non-woven, but without a pattern; other models from well-known manufacturers able to withstand at least 10 painting, while maintaining its decorative qualities. The price of models for painting is the lowest.

Important! Often simple paper wallpaper sellers are trying to pass off as non-woven. Of course, with an overestimated cost, there is a fairly simple way to independently determine the material - to make a small tear on the sample, if its edges are perfectly even, then you have interlining. Paper ones would develop burrs in the fibers.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

But even this period was enough to thoroughly study all its positive and negative qualities. Let's just say that the latter is still less. But in order to characterize non-woven wallpaper as objectively as possible, we will give the pros and cons separately.


  • Do not shrink after gluing.
  • High density of the canvas - even if there are small cracks or irregularities on the wall, they will no longer be noticeable.
  • Fire resistance - interlining is not afraid of exposure high temperatures, does not burn and does not smolder.
  • They let air through.
  • They are not afraid of water, however, wet cleaning should be carried out no more than twice a year (see How to wash non-woven wallpaper correctly).
  • Repairable - this applies only to wallpaper for painting.
  • The damaged area can be easily repainted, up to ten times over the entire period of operation.

In addition, we note the significantly lower labor intensity of gluing and cleaning after repair - since there is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself, there is no need to protect the floor covering.


  • Increased pollution - interlining, due to its texture, contributes to the accumulation of dust, regular cleaning is necessary;
  • Relatively high price - the cost is noticeably higher than that of conventional paper, vinyl; the exception is fiberglass.

Important. Some advantages, such as air permeability, do not apply to non-woven vinyl wallpapers.

Compare non-woven and paper wallpaper

For clarity, let's compare point by point:

StrengthSince they are a non-woven product, they are more durable and allow gluing on a wall with cracks and bumps (see How to glue non-woven wallpaper correctly).Less durable, shrink after gluing, not suitable for uneven surfaces.
Environmental friendlinessMore environmentally friendly due to less wood consumption in production.Less environmentally friendly.
CareFlizelin contributes to the formation of dust deposits. Regular cleaning of the wallpaper is obligatory - dry cleaning, vacuum cleaner, as well as cleaning non-abrasive products.They do not need maintenance, as they are not exposed to pollution.
UV resistanceBoth types of materials are equally vulnerable to sunlight, as a result of which they tend to fade and lose color. The exception is non-woven vinyl wallpaper.
Labor intensity of gluingOne of the most important advantages of this type of wallpaper is that it does not require any glue to be applied to its reverse side, only to the wall.AT without fail impregnated with glue and the surface of the wall, and the reverse side of the wallpaper.
decorativeDecorative qualities are about the same.
PriceThe cost is several times higher than that of paper counterparts.4-5 times cheaper than non-woven products, 2-3 times cheaper than wallpaper for painting.

Note. Summing up a brief conclusion, we note that non-woven models are only an analogue of paper wallpaper, and in no case can they be fully replaced. When choosing the type of wallpaper, the owners should be guided by what qualities are preferred in their case.

If price is a priority - we buy cellulose products, if durability and simplicity - non-woven. If it is important to maintain a certain style in a home setting, before going to the store, it is advisable to study a photo or video of wallpaper to select models of a suitable texture and color.

We glue non-woven wallpaper correctly

However, it is for non-woven products that there are a number of strict rules that must be observed:

  • If wallpaper light tone and not for painting, then you need to even out the color of the walls - non-woven is much more transparent than paper, and the contrast will be clearly visible through them.
  • We use special glue - it is thicker, for vinyl - glue for heavy wallpaper. We are guided by the requirements that the instruction on the roll leads.
  • Glue only end-to-end - non-woven fabric will not provide a good adhesion of the glue, therefore overlapping, acceptable for cellulose, is prohibited in our case.
  • Be especially careful when gluing wallpaper with a vinyl face - it is very fragile.

As you can see, interlining as a material has enough advantages and obvious disadvantages. Even a specialist will not give an unequivocal answer, whether to prefer non-woven or paper wallpapers, because everything is determined by the end result that the owners expect to receive after the repair.

Talks about what interlining is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what types of non-woven coatings exist on the market.

What is fleece?

Interlining is a whole class of non-woven materials based on cellulose. Strictly speaking, paper is also a type of non-woven fabric. Non-woven fabric is made from modified paper fibers with the addition of polyester and various specific additives. The liquid mass is pulled into a tape and pressed, if necessary impregnated with adhesives. The composition of each individual brand of non-woven fabric is the secret of the manufacturer, since the added modifiers change the technical properties of the material.

The main properties of interlining

Low moisture capacity;

Good breathability;

No shrinkage upon drying;

Greater abrasion and tear strength than paper;

Good fire resistance;

Good susceptibility to non-aqueous paints;

Interlining, practically, does not wrinkle and easily restores its original shape, and also does not perceive pollution.

Thanks to these qualities, the material gained great popularity and became widely used as a substitute for paper - this is how non-woven wallpaper appeared.

What are non-woven wallpaper

The term "non-woven wallpaper" includes a fairly wide range of products for pasting walls. How to choose from the many options offered? To begin with, it is necessary to distinguish, in fact, non-woven wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is often perceived as an improved paper version. This is a canvas of one or more layers of non-woven fabric, firmly soldered together. They can be smooth or embossed, with an embossed pattern.

Non-woven wallpaper

In their production, interlining is the basis, the bottom layer. From above, another material is applied to it - paper, polyvinyl chloride, textiles. Depending on this, the canvas will vary in technical characteristics. The general advantage of the non-woven base is moisture resistance, "breathing" properties, tensile strength and inability to wrinkle. When pasting, the canvas does not stretch, and the glue is applied only to the wall.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper has all the advantages of paper, but, thanks to the addition of polymeric materials, does not suffer from its shortcomings. The increased density allows you to hide minor flaws in the preparation of the walls. The material passes air, but does not absorb moisture, does not accumulate dust and dirt, is resistant to ignition, does not emit harmful substances during combustion and does not fade in the sun.

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to glue: the glue is applied only to the wall, the canvas does not swell and does not shrink after drying. When decorating walls, non-woven wallpaper strips are glued end-to-end.

Their disadvantages include the following properties: low resistance to mechanical damage - scratches, bumps; if the surface is textured, then dust will collect in the relief; and high cost.

Non-woven paper wallpaper

Non-woven base with paper coating is much cheaper. Such canvases can be safely glued in a children's room, since they meet all the necessary requirements: they are inexpensive, fairly stable and environmentally friendly. Modern manufacturers compensate for the shortcomings of paper with various impregnations, thanks to which the material can better withstand moisture and is more resistant to pollution.

Non-woven paper wallpapers can be single-layer, two-layer and three-layer. A filler is introduced between the layers, then the fabric is rolled under pressure and an interesting relief pattern is obtained. These wallpapers are environmentally friendly, breathable and relatively inexpensive.

Their disadvantages include: unstable to mechanical damage and are not intended for wet areas; smooth wallpaper does not hide the imperfections of the walls well.

Vinyl wallpaper on non-woven base

Probably the most popular type of non-woven wallpaper is vinyl wallpaper. The top layer of such a canvas is made of polyvinyl chloride, which has many advantages: resistant to mechanical damage; does not accumulate dust; easy to clean; can be used for gluing walls in wet rooms; low cost; a wide variety of textures and colors.

Their disadvantages of non-woven vinyl products include the following: vinyl is highly flammable (flash point 110-120 degrees), and emits harmful substances when burned; The vinyl coating does not allow air to pass through, as a result of which condensation may accumulate on the surface of the walls.

The permeability of vinyl models is successfully increased by many manufacturers using micropore technology. On a roll of such wallpaper there should be a corresponding mark on the coefficient of air permeability.

(Ending to follow)

Non-woven wallpaper are two-layer wallpapers, which consist of one layer of composite non-woven material (non-woven fabric) and a polyvinyl layer, which allows any pattern to be formed on the non-woven fabric. Interlining is a material that appeared relatively recently, but at the same time it was able to make a small revolution in the world of wallpaper production.

Interlining is a non-woven material, which is made on the basis of cellulose. While in the composition of ordinary paper, the percentage of cellulose content is about 90%, in non-woven fabric it does not exceed 70%. Non-woven wallpapers are stubbornly and quickly conquering the market, becoming more and more popular and gaining new admirers. To a large extent, the high demand is due to the operational characteristics of the wallpaper.

Obvious. A number of advantages include increased strength and plasticity of the material compared to other types of wallpaper on a paper or fabric basis. Non-woven wallpaper provides an opportunity to hide any cracks on the walls, which is especially true for new homes, where such a problem appears due to shrinkage of the building.

Non-woven wallpaper is very environmentally friendly- the material does not contain chlorine, PVC, fiberglass and other substances that can be dangerous to humans. Despite the fact that the wallpaper is not based on natural materials, in terms of quality and lack of impact on the human body, they can be compared with paper wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpaper completely not afraid of moisture and even water, since they do not deform when wet, but, after drying, they acquire their original appearance. So this species wallpaper can be used in the decoration of non-residential and residential premises, bathrooms, kitchens and even rooms where the pool is located.

Wallpaper is breathable, allowing the walls of the room to "breathe", so after the work there is no need for expensive ventilation systems or constant ventilation. Non-woven wallpaper is completely fireproof, which is also important. They have increased resistance to mechanical damage and are very easy to clean using ordinary water and a rag.

Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted. This will require water-based paint and a regular roller. As a rule, manufacturers indicate the number of stains and this figure reaches 6 times. But experienced builders recommend painting non-woven wallpaper no more than 5 times, otherwise they will lose their appearance. Moreover, coloring is possible as already finished wall(after making sure that the glue is completely dry), and still unglued canvas.

The disadvantage of such wallpapers for many may be their price and a slightly limited (compared to other types of wallpaper) choice in terms of pattern. After all, you can choose any color, and if it does not fit, then at any time the wallpaper can be painted. As for the soundproof and heat-insulating characteristics of the material, they are at an average level - heat is stored well, but this type of coating is far from carpet wallpaper, for example.

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