Chrysanthemum – favorite plant many summer residents. Because of her beauty, they are willing to spend a lot of time and effort. And, indeed, chrysanthemum can overwinter in open ground. Depending on the variety, they easily tolerate wintering not only in the south, but also in the central zone of our country. Of course, in order for a plant like the globular chrysanthemum to winter in the open ground without consequences, you need to prepare accordingly.

Preparing for winter

With the arrival of autumn, chrysanthemum flowers fall and leaves wither. This means it’s time to make sure that your favorite flower easily survives the winter.

To do this, the bushes are pruned to a height of about 10-12 centimeters. It is advisable to use sharp pruning shears for this - the stems are quite delicate and easily damaged. A dull pruner will chew them rather than cut them.

In the southern regions of the country, where frosts do not occur, this is quite enough. If you are growing in the middle zone, you need to take care that the first frosts do not kill the stems and roots. To do this, the chrysanthemum is covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of sawdust. The first option is more convenient - you will not need to remove sawdust in the spring. But the second one is more accessible - not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on the required amount of spruce branches.

If the winters in the region are very frosty and with little snow, then the only way out is to transplant them into flowerpots and store them in a basement or cellar with subsequent planting.

Spring work

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and it becomes warm enough, you should remove the spruce branches from the chrysanthemum or remove the sawdust. Excess moisture must go away so that young shoots are not affected by rot and mold. But if the nights are cold, the cuttings should be covered with rags in the evenings.

In general, it is not advisable to grow one chrysanthemum bush for more than two years in a row - there are fewer flowers, and the bush itself disintegrates. Therefore, at the end of the second season, the bush should be divided into cuttings and planted. Then the flowerbed will delight you with its beauty for many years to come.

The video will tell you in detail about wintering chrysanthemums:

In late autumn, private traders sell planting material chrysanthemums Is it possible to buy them at this time of year, and what to do with them: plant them or store them in the cellar until spring? How do large-flowered chrysanthemums winter?

Fall-blooming perennials are best divided and replanted in the spring. However, buying planting material in autumn has its advantages. In autumn, chrysanthemum bushes are often sold along with flowers, so you can’t go wrong in choosing a variety. In the spring, when only the leaves of the plants are visible, you can purchase late-flowering chrysanthemum species, which in our conditions do not have time to bloom in the ground. In September, their buds are just forming, and for flowering the bushes have to be grown in a greenhouse.

HOW TO BUY. If you decide to buy chrysanthemums in the fall, choose plants that do not have buds on the stems, but withered flowers. This increases the likelihood that this variety blooms in the ground and not in a greenhouse. As a rule, these are small-flowered Korean chrysanthemums. They winter well, grow quickly and form a lush flowering bush.

Large-flowered varieties are very beautiful, but in mid-latitudes they are more labor-intensive. Their growing season is long, the buds are formed late, so they need a film shelter or a greenhouse to bloom. For the winter, bushes of large-flowered chrysanthemums must be dug up and stored in a frost-free room with a low temperature.

It is no secret that on the market private traders sometimes pass off small-flowered species as large-flowered ones and vice versa. To avoid mistakes, pay attention to the leaves and stems when purchasing. Large-flowered chrysanthemums have larger and denser leaves, strong, woody stems, and pencil-thick peduncles.

Make sure that the roots of the plants are not overdried and that the young shoots do not show signs of rot. Give preference to plots with a lump of earth.

HOW TO STORE. Planting material for small-flowered chrysanthemums can be stored in the cellar or planted in the ground. To store the purchased bush, plant it in a pot of soil and lightly moisten it. Do not water too much, otherwise the roots may rot. Mulch the soil with sawdust or moss to reduce moisture evaporation.

In winter, make sure that the soil in the cellar does not dry out. But you shouldn't water the plant. It is enough to sometimes sprinkle the soil in the pot with water or moisten it with snow.

The roots of large-flowered chrysanthemums are stored in the same way. At large quantities queen cells, they are buried in boxes with soil. And here Roots cannot be kept in plastic bags, much less tied to retain moisture. From waterlogging in a cold cellar they develop fungal diseases, and the plants die.

In April, chrysanthemum mother plants are brought out into the light and germinated in a cool room. This procedure allows you to speed up flowering. The first shoots are selected for propagation and rooted. Planted in mid-May.

HOW TO PLANT. If it is difficult to monitor chrysanthemums in the cellar, then it is worth growing only small-flowered species. They winter well in open ground. In autumn they can be planted before frost. When planting at a later stage, the planting hole is made larger than a ball of earth, and the roots are covered with loose compost. The root collar is buried 4-5 cm. The plants are watered abundantly and then covered with earth.

Additionally, they are insulated with leaves and pressed against the wind with branches. At least one bucket of leaves is used per plant. The planting site is marked with a peg so that it is not accidentally dug up in the spring. In the future, there is no need to insulate Korean chrysanthemums.

In harsh winters, chrysanthemums planted late may freeze. In spring they wake up reluctantly. Sometimes it seems that the bush is completely dead. But you shouldn't pull it out. Most often, shoots grow from dormant buds on the roots or stems, and the plant recovers. To speed up this process, in the spring all chrysanthemums are watered with a urea solution, even those that do not show signs of life. Good results are obtained by watering with growth stimulants, “Zircon” or “Epin”, and humic preparations.

You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Garden" 2007 No. 21.

Number of impressions: 15412

Chrysanthemums are considered one of the most beautiful autumn garden flowers because they begin to bloom when most of the flowers in the flower beds have already faded (or are finishing their blooming).

And some gardeners are convinced that these cultivated plants do not need care either in summer or autumn. It is necessary to find out - is this really so?

It turns out that some chrysanthemums require care in the fall and some preparation for winter. So, they need to be dug up for the winter and stored in the basement or other cool and dark room. But there are varieties of these flowering perennials that can winter well in open ground with appropriate preparation.

Preparing chrysanthemums for winter different regions start at different time, starting around the end of summer, August. Typically, caring for these flowers consists of pruning them, fertilizing them and preparing them for winter. Different types These flowers require their own approach to wintering:

  • some varieties should be dug up and stored in a dark, cool and dry place;
  • and other chrysanthemums overwinter in open ground without digging.

It is worth talking about each of these agrotechnical activities in more detail.

Autumn pruning and fertilization

At the end of summer - beginning of autumn (August-September), complex fertilizers containing potassium (less) and (more) are applied to each chrysanthemum bush. These elements are necessary for flowers so that their root system accumulates the nutrients it needs for normal wintering.

Pruning chrysanthemums in the fall is a necessary procedure that makes it easier for gardeners to cover for the winter those varieties that overwinter in open ground. And those flowers that are put away in the basement for the winter should also be trimmed - this makes them easier to store, long stems You can accidentally break it.

Chrysanthemum stems are pruned immediately after the onset of the first autumn cold weather. In this case, the length of the cut shoots should not exceed 14-15 cm.

How to preserve chrysanthemums in winter

Unlike other flowering perennials, which are left in the open ground for the winter and practically not covered in case of severe cold, chrysanthemums require special attention. They should either be dug up and put in a basement or cellar, or carefully covered before cold weather without digging up, if the variety is left in open ground for the winter.

These measures will allow chrysanthemums to be preserved in winter for active flowering in the following seasons. And you should remember: if these measures are not taken, then some perennials will simply freeze out even in a fairly warm winter.

Which varieties overwinter in open ground, which require digging?

For chrysanthemums that require mandatory digging, This includes most varieties grown exclusively for cutting. But large-flowered (Indian) species of these flowers also do not tolerate winter well, so it is advisable to dig them up immediately before frost and keep them in basements.

Cut Indian large-flowered varieties (Golden Orpheus, Helen and similar species) are usually carefully dug up and transplanted into greenhouses, conservatories or glassed-in loggias, where these flowering perennials feel great until the onset of the warm season. In regions where warm summers do not last long, it is recommended to grow cut varieties directly in heated greenhouses or greenhouses.

But for most regions of our country (Middle Zone, Urals and Siberia), we can offer flower growers the following Korean (small-flowered) varieties of chrysanthemums for cultivation on their plots, which can be left on winter time in open ground without digging. The most popular of them are:

  • Oak;
  • Korean;
  • Chamomile;
  • Purple Haze;
  • Malchish-Kibalchish;
  • Red Moscow;
  • Everest.

But in the southern regions, all types (Korean and Indian) of these beautiful flowers can be safely left to spend the winter in flower beds - the winters there are so warm that chrysanthemums do not freeze out.

Methods of preservation: digging and leaving in the ground with shelter

There are only two main ways to prepare these perennial flowering plants for winter:

  • digging;
  • leaving in open ground followed by shelter.

If chrysanthemums are left to overwinter in flower beds, then the bushes should be covered in stages with the onset of frost.

Trimmed bushes should be hilled up so that there are no holes or depressions around them in which water can accumulate - plants do not need excess moisture before frost. Hilling of chrysanthemums should be carried out so that the cut stems are completely covered with earth. The next stage is covering the flowers with spruce branches, dry leaves or sawdust. Chrysanthemums should be covered with these materials after the cold weather sets in (that is, in October-November). You can also use slate or iron sheets as a shelter.

A “wall” of several rows of bricks is laid around the bushes, on which sheets of slate are laid. Such a shelter does not allow water or snow to get inside, but is a well-ventilated structure. Important! Thus, Korean (small-flowered) chrysanthemums must be covered in Leningrad region

, Middle zone (Moscow region), in the Urals and Siberia.

Video: how to cover chrysanthemums for the winter

Features of the preservation of spherical and dwarf chrysanthemums Globular chrysanthemums were bred by breeders relatively recently; this species is intended for decorating garden plots or balconies and loggias in an apartment. If such varieties grow within summer season

Dwarf chrysanthemums are mainly intended for growing in room conditions, but they are also grown in open ground. If these flowers grow on a balcony, in an entrance or in a room, they should be cut off before winter, leaving stems no more than 10 cm long. Then the plant is placed in a bright room, the temperature in which is kept around +8 C, watering once every 25-30 days . If this is not possible, then you can keep cut chrysanthemums in the room in winter, watering them in the same way as in summer.

Not all types of dwarf chrysanthemums can overwinter in open ground. And if the gardener has decided not to dig up these flowering plants, then they should be well covered with the onset of frost. To do this, cut the stems to a length of 10-12 cm, cover them with soil or peat (necessarily dry) or leaves. And cover the top with any covering material.

Typical mistakes in caring for chrysanthemums in autumn and preparing for winter

The main mistakes that gardeners make when caring for chrysanthemums in the fall may be the following:

  • do not apply fertilizer to flowers in late summer - early autumn;
  • Do not dig up for the winter those varieties that should be kept indoors during cold weather;
  • They do not properly cover these perennials that overwinter in open ground.

Caring for chrysanthemums in the fall and preparing these flowers for winter is not a very labor-intensive process. However, incorrectly carried out procedures to preserve these beautiful flowers can cause plants to freeze. And only compliance with all the rules for caring for chrysanthemums will allow you to preserve these flowers in winter period to enjoy their bloom again next year.

Video: caring for chrysanthemums in autumn and preparing for winter

Many people think that chrysanthemums in winter feel great without any additional care. In fact, if you don't take any care chrysanthemums in autumn, then in the spring you will get weak bushes prone to disease. And then - if the plant manages to overwinter, and it does not freeze or dry out.

Therefore, if you want your chrysanthemum to be healthy and pleasing to the eye, pay a little attention to it in the fall.

Preparing chrysanthemums for storage

Eat different ways storage chrysanthemums in winter, but they can be divided into two main groups: chrysanthemums are left in the open ground or dug up and stored indoors. Unlike, for example, dahlias, where there are no options and you always have to dig up tubers for the winter, chrysanthemum owners have options. To be on the safe side, experienced gardeners dig up some of the plants and some chrysanthemums in winter left in the ground.

Which method should you prefer? This depends on two main factors:

Climatic conditions.

For most varieties of chrysanthemums, snowy winters, even very cold ones, are not a problem. It is worse when the winter is very wet, or snowless, or with sudden temperature changes. Here, no matter how you cover the chrysanthemum for the winter, it will be difficult to protect it from damping out or freezing. Chrysanthemum variety. There are heat-loving varieties - Indian, for example. These chrysanthemums for the winter

left in open ground unless the region has very mild winters. But Korean hybrids of chrysanthemums (we also call them “oak”) can overwinter with the slightest shelter. Chrysanthemums in the fall begin to prepare for cold weather only after the first minor frosts. This is October, and sometimes early November. The plant must have time to harden, and only before the soil freezes chrysanthemums for the winter

cut off leaving “stumps” 10-20 cm high (for ease of identifying the variety).

Storing chrysanthemums in winter

1) Wintering chrysanthemums in the ground Mulching chrysanthemums for the winter

2) . Suitable for frost-resistant chrysanthemum varieties and snowy winters. At the same time, with the onset of the first frosts, the plant is hilled up (sawdust, shavings, compost, humus, peat, etc. are taken), and in case of severe frosts, it is covered with spruce branches or simply with branches and sprinkled with dry leaves.

3) Construction of a shelter for chrysanthemums in winter.

This option is more reliable, especially if winter is capricious. To do this, in the fall, supports are placed around a bush or several chrysanthemum bushes (bricks are laid, for example), and a board or slate is placed on top of them. Now all that remains is to put the covering material on top and secure it. You can take the same spruce branches, or you can use materials like Spandbond or Lutrasil. The main thing is that the shelter has the opportunity to be ventilated, otherwise the chrysanthemum may die in winter from excess moisture.

It is this method that experts advise to resort to. Bushes chrysanthemums, for the winter dug out of the ground, they form a strong bush, get sick less often, and bloom earlier. In addition, it is possible to monitor the storage of chrysanthemums in winter - whether they are drying out, dampening off, or rotting, and if necessary, chrysanthemums can be watered or treated with a fungicide.

True, there are situations when there is no suitable place for storage (temperature - 0...+5 degrees). This could be a cellar, basement, veranda or garage.

If you are the happy owner of a cellar with an earthen floor, then dug up chrysanthemums are placed directly on the floor for the winter - the plants will draw moisture from it. And the temperature, as a rule, in such rooms is kept at an optimal level, which will not allow the plants to wake up too early.

But most often, flower growers dig up their shortened chrysanthemums in the fall and place them in specially prepared boxes for wintering. The boxes should contain a mixture of sand and peat (1:1). And even after the chrysanthemums are dug up and placed in containers, you should not immediately bring them indoors - let the plants stay in the cold air until the final frost.

If you have a choice of where to store chrysanthemums in winter, give preference to a bright room. There is an opinion that without light during the winter the chrysanthemum becomes depleted, becomes pale and powerless.

These are all the main secrets that will make chrysanthemums feel great in winter. The main thing is to monitor changes in temperature and moisture: so that the chrysanthemums do not freeze and dry out - on the one hand, they do not start waking up early due to high temperature and didn’t say it out - on the other hand. If you create the right conditions For chrysanthemums for the winter- flowers will thank you generously. Moreover, doing this is not at all difficult.

The autumn decoration of the garden is chrysanthemums; this is a real delight for most summer residents. Already many plants are only suitable for covering beds with their dry tops, but your flower beds continue to burn with gold. Of course, growing chrysanthemums in open ground is a very attractive experience that will definitely not hurt any gardener. Bright, unpretentious flower with a tart smell - this is a generous gift from nature that will extend the summer days.

Number one choice

Among the variety of garden flowers, the chrysanthemum stands out. The selection of varieties is simply amazing, and each of them is very beautiful in its own way. It’s not for nothing that she is called the Queen of Autumn. Today we will talk about how chrysanthemums are grown in open ground. It's not too difficult bright flowers will readily grow in almost any conditions. Having correctly composed the composition, you will enjoy the colorful splendor for many years in a row.

Varieties and varieties

Lush, fragrant inflorescences can not only add variety to personal plot, they change the gardener’s life too. According to legend, they inspire optimism even in the most sad person. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground is a magical experience, and it is almost impossible to stop choosing forms. Every time you buy another bag of seeds, you are surprised by the magnificent color of the flowers, their durability, the height of the plant, the shape of the leaves, and the degree of terry. Moreover, by purchasing sets of seeds of different varieties over and over again, you can be sure that they will not be repeated.

If you want to see a really bright and elegant flowerbed, then you definitely need to combine different varieties and forms among themselves. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground is the same, regardless of which heads will delight you in the fall. A combination of borders and tall bushes in the background looks best.

Selecting a location

Excellent growth and lush flowering- all this depends only on you. Chrysanthemum is not too demanding, but a very heat-loving plant. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for it. It must be remembered that these flowers do not tolerate moisture retention and do not tolerate dark areas very well. Therefore, lowlands are more likely to be places for lily of the valley. Choose open, sunny areas that are slightly elevated. Dampness will cause plants to die in winter, and lack of lighting will cause the green part to deform.

Growing chrysanthemums in open ground for sale is an even more interesting business, since in the spring the plots sell like hotcakes. However, the requirements for conditions in this case are even higher. After all, you definitely need to get a good result. For excellent flowering and rapid growth, the plant simply needs good soil. Only the optimal composition of microelements will allow you to obtain powerful bushes with magnificent heads. They love loose and permeable soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, if you want to prepare a place for plants in advance, dig a planting hole, fill it with drainage and humus, and top it with good, fresh soil. And during the warm period, be sure to apply seasonal fertilizing. However, there is no need to be overzealous. If there is an excess of nitrogen and phosphorus, the plant will become fatty. You will have huge bushes without flowers.

Sale of cut flowers

This is very profitable business, so it’s worth considering if you are seriously interested in growing chrysanthemums in open ground. Features of the variety Valentina Tereshkova, Alek Bedser suggest the formation of large inflorescences. Huge flowers on strong stems can remain fresh in vases for a long time.

Moreover, they continue to delight us with bright colors even after the onset of cold weather. Here it is necessary to clarify: the warmer the climate, the easier it will be to grow such hybrids. Quite the opposite is the case in regions with harsh climates. Where can you easily organize the cultivation of chrysanthemums in open ground? Kirov region with a mild climate, without sharp fluctuations, is ideal. Here you don’t have to stress the plants every time, dig them up in the fall and plant them again in the spring. Thanks to this, the bushes respond with stunning flowering.

In Siberian conditions, large-flowered chrysanthemums are planted in large pots, which are dug into the ground for the summer. With the onset of autumn cold, they are moved indoors, where the temperature remains around -5 degrees all winter. This will ensure beautiful blooms every year.


Growing chrysanthemums in open ground for sale assumes that you will occupy a fairly large area of ​​your garden for cultivation. May is best time for decorating a flower bed. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants will have time to get stronger.

In addition, it is very important not to plant bushes in in bloom. In mid-October, such planting is guaranteed to lead to the death of the plant. If you bought planting material late, it is better to leave the flowers not in the open ground, but indoors. A dry basement with a stable temperature is ideal. But they will not tolerate dampness and low temperatures.

Some gardeners specially arrange high beds. There is one trick here that will allow the mother plants to overwinter well and wake up very early in the spring. The bottom layer of the bed is filled with fresh manure, and on top there is a layer of fertile soil. When it burns out, it will provide a lot of heat, which will allow the plants to bloom until late autumn, and with good shelter they will survive even in the most severe frosts.

Making a flower bed

With the onset of steady warmth, chrysanthemum wakes up outside. Growing conditions should allow for wintering in its permanent place. To do this, the gardener makes sure that there is no rotting of the plants, that is, the flower bed must be created on a hill. With the onset of cold weather, the roots of the plants are mulched and covered with hay or sawdust. From above they are covered with snow, and your plantings can easily survive the whole winter.

In the spring, with the onset of warmth, it is necessary to remove all covering materials, after which the plantings will begin to grow. If the planting material was stored in the cellar, at the end of May it is time to prepare it for planting. Just at this time the first frosts end.

Planting must be done according to variety. Be sure to provide your flowerbed with labels or other markers. Complex fertilizer, for example, well-rotted manure, is first added to the prepared trench. All that remains is proper care. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground is not difficult; even an amateur can do it.

So, the distance between planted plants should be from 30 to 50 cm. The larger the bush is planned, the more space it must be left for him to grow and develop. Planting and replanting must be done with a large lump of earth. Immediately after this, the ground should be watered generously with a solution of “Kornevin” or any other drug that promotes growth.

Climate of central Russia

In order to get it in the fall beautiful flowers chrysanthemums, in the summer they need to be provided with proper care, regular watering and fertilizing. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is especially successful. With high-quality shelter, they can easily tolerate frosts down to 30 degrees, and with the onset of spring they will delight you with excellent flowers. Growing mother plants is very simple. We will now look at one of the options, and you will understand that any gardener can have a piece of sun on their plot.

These plants take root very easily. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is also made easier by the fact that every year you can get new plants from some of the old ones or from green cuttings. Young root shoots, side shoots on old stems - all this is material for a new bush.

There is a slight subtlety here. It is not advisable to leave plants in one place for a long time. We have already said that they do not like to be disturbed during the flowering period. This is true. But once every two years they need to be planted in a good fertile soil. Otherwise, it loses its attractiveness, the branches become woody. However, if the bush has already lost its charm, it can become the parent for an entire flowerbed.

Growing technology in the Urals

Here the climate is not so much harsh as unpredictable. Heavy snowfalls and frosts, winds and prolonged drought - all this makes growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Urals a little more difficult. To make life easier for the gardener, we can recommend the following option. After flowering, the stems from the mother bushes are cut with pruning shears. There should be stumps of 10-15 cm remaining. For the winter, the bushes must be covered with peat crumbs, along with manure. The height of the layer should be 10-15 cm. What is left after cleaning the garden is laid on top for insulation. These are tops and branches. In winter, snow will accumulate on them.

Spring work

With the onset of spring, it is imperative to remove the tops and branches. But it is not necessary to sweep away the peat. This is mulch and fertilizer, without which it will be difficult to expect good flowering. After the root growth has appeared, it is removed using pruners. The resulting cuttings are 6-7 cm long. They need to be dipped in the Kornevin solution and planted on a bed with well-fertilized soil, on top of which there is a layer of sand (about 2 cm).

It is imperative to spray and water the cuttings every day. You need to stretch the film on top and be sure to provide shading from bright, sunlight. Don’t forget to ventilate, and within 2 weeks your plantings will produce good roots.

Young plants are planted in a permanent place in May, when the threat of frost has passed. Don't forget to water and mulch the soil well. As soon as the height of your plants reaches 15 cm, the most painstaking work begins. To get a tall stem with a lush flower, you must pinch off all the side shoots and buds, leaving one. Moreover, the choice is not always obvious; the central one may turn out to be underdeveloped or ugly, so you need to carefully monitor your plant.

Gardening in Siberia

It is both complex and very exciting process. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in Siberia is quite possible, but the gardener is faced with additional tasks. First of all you need to choose winter-hardy varieties. It can be a Cream or Early Raspberry chrysanthemum, Pink Perlinka or Podarok. They need to be planted in a high, dry bed, but even this does not guarantee a successful wintering.

We have already talked quite a lot about outdoors. Preparations for winter must be carried out very carefully. In the fall, the plants are trimmed, covered with humus and covered with spruce branches. But even in this case, there is no guarantee that the flowers will survive the winter safely. It happens that cold season appears to be unusually soft. Then there is a risk that the plants will wake up very early and may die from excess moisture under the covering material. Another time, on the contrary, the ground freezes to 2 meters, which means that chrysanthemums have even less chance of survival. Therefore, the only option is to take the uterine bushes to a cool place. This could be a basement or garage.

In late autumn, when the first frosts hit, the chrysanthemum is carefully dug up and placed in a 5-liter bucket. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part. You can leave only lignified stumps 10-15 cm high. The dug up queen cells should be removed to the cellar and kept at a temperature no higher than +2 degrees. Somewhere at +4, chrysanthemums will begin to sprout, which is extremely undesirable.

Growing a new variety

If you are lucky enough to get good seeds, you can grow amazing plants on your plot, for which all your neighbors will come to you. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground from seeds is not at all too difficult. In this way, you can grow both annuals and perennials, which will decorate your garden for a long time.

Both the first and second need to be planted in early spring. At the beginning of March, you should already have shallow boxes filled with earthen mixture on your windows. It is advisable to take it ready-made, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take greenhouse soil, humus and peat. All this needs to be calcined or steamed.

Now let's start sowing. fall asleep to a depth of 0.5 cm, and perennials are simply left on the surface. Now the crops need to be watered, covered with glass and placed in a warm place. Periodically, the crops are checked and sprayed with water.

Planting in open ground

The gardener will have to tinker with his seedlings for a long time before they become beautiful flowering bushes. When the seedlings have sprouted, they are most often located very densely. Therefore, as soon as the second pair of leaves appears, you need to pick them into separate cups. At the same time, try not to crush the stem. Now caring for young seedlings consists of timely watering. It is advisable to carry out hardening, that is, take the boxes out onto the balcony.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, you need to plant the seedlings in open ground. Remember that chrysanthemum loves light and warmth. Leave the dark corners to other plants, and give it a place in the middle of the area. It is in such conditions that she will reveal all her beauty. And one more thing: immediately after transplanting, you need to pinch off all the tops. This is not the last procedure this season. As soon as the side shoots grow 15-20 cm, they also need to be “headed”. Then you will get compact bushes with many inflorescences. They will delight you with long and very abundant flowering.

For newbies

If this is your first year of gardening, then growing small-flowered chrysanthemums in open ground will be an excellent option for you. These bright, daisy-like flowers make a wonderful fall addition to your garden. It should be noted that they are unpretentious and in temperate climates do not need warm winter huts. But in the conditions of Siberia, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that your plants will survive the winter. If the ground freezes too much, they most likely won't wake up.

To do this, you can leave 2-3 mother plants, which can be taken into the cellar. And it’s even easier to sow annuals. They will delight you until the coldest weather and even after the first snow they will remain bright and fresh. And then you can simply remove them and make room for new plantings. In this case, you are not limited in your imagination. Flowerbeds may differ in shape and content every year.