15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian linguist Dietmar Elyashevich Rosenthal: “ Omitting a personal pronoun of the 1st or 2nd person as a subject gives the speech dynamism and speeds up its pace».

Using syntax, you can convey dynamics or static, speed up or slow down the narrative or dialogue. This property of syntax is well known to writers and is often used by them. For example, in the famous poem by A. A. Blok “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy...” a series of one-component nominal sentences paints a static picture of a frozen and unchanging circle of existence.

In the text of K. Paustovsky we find both one-part and two-part sentences. Moreover, those mentioned by D. E. Rosenthal - definitely personal - we see in the dialogue. Petrov is calling from the station, he is in a hurry to say as much as possible, to convince his interlocutor, the conversation can be interrupted at any moment. The author conveys the hasty, slightly confused tone of the young officer with the help of several one-part and incomplete sentences, among which the definitely personal 28, 30, 31 stand out. They really add pace to Petrov’s speech.

Speech young man noticeably contrasts with Elena Petrovna’s remarks, which are expressed in complete, even as if rounded, two-part sentences, for example 14, 21, 35. The impression is created. That Petrov speaks nervously and a little hastily, and the girl speaks calmly and leisurely. And the author achieved this effect precisely through the use of one-part and two-part sentences.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentences in the text: “ - No! This is impossible! - Elena Petrovna said loudly and jumped up. - So I'll go crazy».

Elena Petrovna is worried about a call from an unfamiliar man who has seen her before, but whom she does not remember at all.

Petrov remembered Elena Petrovna, whom he had seen before at the station - probably before being sent to the front. She must have made a strong impression on him to remain in his memory for so long. And now he, wounded, is passing through Moscow and wants to talk to the woman who amazed him so much. But the conversation is about to be interrupted, and there is a line to the phone, but you can’t walk through the capital at night: the patrol will stop him.

When the conversation is interrupted, Elena Petrovna is waiting for a new call and is nervous. She does not remember her interlocutor at all, but this does not change anything: the woman is still worried about the officer, who is now sitting wounded at the station. Maybe there are a lot of people there, it’s noisy, it’s cold, you have to sit right on the floor, since there are no seats on chairs - and there is a man wounded in the head. That’s why Elena Petrovna could not be indifferent to Petrov’s call.

Elena Petrovna takes off and rushes to the station in the middle of the night, although she cannot help the officer in any way, except that there will still be someone next to him who is not a complete stranger. It seems to me that the meaning of the phrases from the text is precisely that people should try to provide each other with at least some help, even if it is impossible to truly help. Still, the sympathy of others gives us strength to endure suffering and difficulties.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is compassion?", taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Compassion is a quality human soul It is difficult to understand another person and sympathize with him if he is feeling bad.

In an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s story, Elena Petrovna shows compassion. She took pity on the unfamiliar officer who had once seen her at the station, and now, wounded and on his way to a place of treatment in Moscow, would like to see her again. The woman doesn’t remember this man at all, but it’s still hard for her to think that a young man with a serious wound will spend the whole night at the station, unable to rest. She rushes to the station, although in reality she cannot help him with anything other than sympathy. But sympathy in such a situation is already a lot.

I think this is correct solution. You can often hear different people arguing that you can’t help everyone, so there’s no point in trying. But if each of us helps only one person or animal who finds himself in difficult situation, then everyone will feel better, and the world will become kinder. Sometimes all you need is a little help: a couple of kind words, a little emotional involvement, just friendly interest. I can give an example from the life of my grandmother. She knew that her friend had recently buried her cat and was very sad. And suddenly my grandmother came across a stray kitten on the street. She picked up the cat, gave it a bath, took it to the veterinarian to check its health and get vaccinations, and then gave it to a friend. At first she didn’t want to take it, but her grandmother persuaded her to take it at least for a while. And now the cat lives with this woman, and they get along great. It might seem like a small thing, but two creatures are happy, and that’s a lot!

The essay contains references to the story by A. Pristavkin “Golden Fish”.

Option 1

Mercy is the kindness of the heart, because it is not for nothing that this word was formed from the words “sweet” and “heart”. It seems to me that the absence or presence of mercy largely determines a person’s behavior.

In A. Pristavkin’s story, the girls who caught a baby with a fish near the aquarium showed real mercy. They neither scolded Lucy nor punished her. The sight of this little girl amazed them. She herself looked like transparent fish. The girls realized that only terrible hunger forced Lyusenka to eat goldfish.

The girls begging for a piece of bread for Lyusenka in the middle of the night makes us believe that they will grow up to be kind, caring people.

Compassionate people make this world a better and kinder place.

Option 2

Mercy is kindness, it is the ability to feel someone else’s pain with your heart and ease it with deeds. The basis of mercy, in my opinion, is sincere pity and true love for a person.

Were it not these feelings that destroyed the anger of the girls, the characters in A. Pristavkin’s story, as soon as they saw the fish thief undressed? Pity for Lyusenka, who was so similar to the same transparent fish, made the girls’ hearts tremble. And Inna’s answer to the night nanny’s question indicates that the baby will not be left without attention. I think that everyone will remember this lesson of compassion: both Lyusenka and the girls.

An example of mercy today is the behavior of people who respond to requests to donate blood for the sick. This is what my grandfather and many other people did when they became donors for the victims of the subway disaster.

I think charity brings people together and makes them better people.

Option 3

Mercy is kindness combined with pity for someone and a desire to help. In life it is very important to be merciful, because mercy gives rise to a reciprocal feeling of love and gratitude.

You can imagine how the girls from A. Pristavkin’s text felt when they watched the goldfish disappear from the aquarium one after another. Imagine their amazement when they found the smallest girl, Lyusenka, at the crime scene. But the sight of the undressed baby left them speechless: Lyusenka herself looked like a bloodless fish. Pity for the child and kindness made the girls understand that this baby needs to be looked after and fed. That’s why Inna went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to ask for a piece of bread for Lucy.

I think that Lyusenka will never be evil, because she received an inoculation of mercy.

In the story by L.N. Tolstoy’s “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” the girl Dina also showed mercy to the captured officer Zhilin: seeing how he was suffering, she helped him escape.

Mercy can work miracles.

Option 4

Mercy is a complex concept that includes kindness, compassion, cordiality, the desire to take care of the weak and protect them. I consider mercy one of the most important qualities of a person.

The girls from the orphanage, about whom we learn from A. Pristavkin’s story, showed mercy when they did not punish Lyusenka for eating fish. Her fragility and exhaustion amazed them. Therefore, they did not tell the night nanny about Lyusenka’s theft, but asked her for some bread for the baby.

I can call my rhythmic gymnastics teacher Marina Yuryevna merciful. She organized a shelter for stray dogs and attracted caring citizens for this purpose. Volunteers help her find homes for the shelter’s pets. I believe its creation would not have been possible if not for the kindness of everyone who participated and is participating in this matter.

Mercy makes even the weakest person strong.

Option 5

By mercy I mean the ability to have compassion for another person. This concept includes pity and the desire to help someone who is in trouble or in a difficult situation.

The story we are introduced to in A. Pristavkin’s story is, of course, about mercy. The pupils of the orphanage did not notice the smallest of them, Lyusenka, they did not care about her. When the girls caught her with a fish in her hand, they could severely punish the little girl for stealing. But they didn't do this. Lyusenka's vulnerability awakened mercy in them. After all, she herself resembled a skinny fish that she wanted to protect. That’s why Inna rushed to get bread for the baby.

There are many merciful people living in Russia. On television, viewers are regularly thanked for helping to raise money for children for expensive treatment or for not leaving the region affected by a natural disaster in the lurch.

Charity unites people, and that's wonderful! Material from the site

Option 6

I think that mercy is humanity, compassion, compassion, kindness. Mercy is tested only by a person's actions.

Let us turn to the text of A. Pristavkin for an example. When it was discovered that Lyusenka was stealing fish from the aquarium, the reader saw her through the eyes of the girls. “It was scary to look at her,” “thin, bloodless little body,” transparent skin. Lyusenka’s exhaustion forced the girls to immediately forgive her for the theft, and in this they showed real mercy!

There are also many examples of true mercy in our lives. Everyone knows the charitable foundations of Chulpan Khamatova and Natalia Vodianova. I think it was nothing other than mercy that pushed these people to the decision to use their fame for a good cause. The result of their activities is thousands of lives saved throughout the country and dozens of playgrounds in different regions of Russia.

The more mercy there is in our life, the less grief and suffering there will be.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Use the search



Be able to

  • Algorithm for writing an argumentative essay
  • Express your point of view;
  • Give arguments;
  • Write an essay-reasoning

  • Have pity on every patient
  • And reassuring hopelessness,

With all my heart, with all my soul,

And don't consider it a stranger

No matter how alien he is.

Having loved everything and forgiven everything,

Show such tenderness,

So that the dying becomes alive!

  • Let a cripple reach out to you,
  • And you will be happy again

As to a good mother - a child;

Let there be a person in a person

He will see you, his heart flying towards you.

All this sad land...

Have pity on every patient

I listen to him sympathetically.

Igor Severyanin



Preparing to write an essay-reasoning “What is compassion?”


  • Introduction- thesis . Let's define the word.

(The introduction can be a question with a comment)

  • Argument 1 ( from the text read , confirming the reasoning with the indication of sentence numbers).
  • Argument 2 ( from my own life experience) .
  • Conclusion.

Remember, the essay must contain at least 3 (THREE) paragraphs !!!

Word count at least 70 words !!!

A thesis is a position, a statement that needs to be proven.

Arguments are evidence, facts that confirm the thesis put forward.

A conclusion is a conclusion, the result of the reasoning.

TASK 15.3

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word compassion ? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic: "What is compassion" , taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example -give an argument from the text you read, and second – from your life experience.

The essay should not be less than 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Compassion is pity, sympathy caused by the misfortune of another person.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

Compassion is sympathy for someone else's suffering, participation aroused by the grief and misfortune of another person.

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary



  • indifference
  • cruelty
  • mercy
  • sympathy
  • a pity

To whom do we feel?

What happens?

old people, orphans,

sick people, animals

  • sincere
  • deep
  • genuine
  • sharp
  • true
  • limitless
  • hot
  • immeasurable
  • authentic
  • involuntary...


suffering living beings

The basis:

desire to free

them from suffering

Hypernyms - words with a broader meaning, expressing a general, generic concept


  • living water
  • elixir of life
  • magic wand:

transforms the situation

What can S. do?

What can you do with it?







  • arise
  • manifest
  • be called upon
  • test
  • elevate
  • study
  • feel
  • manifest
  • feel
  • to express….

Looking for arguments

in literature

in history


in proverbs

in the environment


in the text

Why is it necessary?

  • brings people together
  • makes a person happier, kinder
  • helps to survive
  • develops spiritually and emotionally
  • strengthens faith in yourself and others...

Work with text

(1) From the very day my old passion for stamps was passed on to my son, my quiet life ended. (2) I again began to lead the existence of a wild stamp hunter...

(3) I bartered, begged, bought, was nervous...

(4) - Well, why are you worried? (5) In a boy, it is an age-related disease like measles. (6) A turning point in the psyche. (7) This will pass! - my wife convinced me.

(8) It will pass... (9) Holy maternal delusion! (10) If she knew that from the stash, which now significantly exceeded my former pre-philatelic needs, it would be possible to buy her a long-promised fur coat, she would not speak so frivolously...

(11) Philatelic storms continued to shake the hull of our family ship and caused an ever-increasing financial leak. (12) And the brands were to blame for everything!

(13) In the end, I came to terms with it: they forced my son and me to dive into different dictionaries and reference books, each time making us feel like pioneers. (14) I was already imagining the world fame of my outstanding collector...

(15) “Well, brother,” I once turned to my son after evening tea, rubbing my hands in blissful anticipation. (16) - I managed to scratch out two very interesting stamps from British Guiana. (17) Get out your album...

(18) - You see, dad... - the son looked at me with his eyes wide open. (19) - I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time... (20) I don’t have an album...

(21) - Lost it?! - I sobbed and, in a pre-infarction state, sank onto the sofa.

(22) - Well, daddy! - the son shrugged condescendingly, somewhat shocked, apparently, by such blatant stupidity of his parent.

(23) - I just don’t have it now.

(24) -Yeah... - a joyful guess dawned on me. (25) - Did you let your friend watch it for a while? (26) Well done! (27) Does he live far away, this friend of yours?!

(28) - Dad... (29) This is a boy whose both legs are paralyzed, our school is patronizing him. (30) He can’t walk, you know, he can’t walk at all! (31) Can’t go anywhere. (32) Can you go far in his stroller? (33) I gave him my album... (34) You won’t be very angry with me, eh, dad? (35) I can go to the museum, and to the stadium, and to the cinema, and then, later, go to other countries...

(36) - Don’t you regret your album? - I asked mercilessly. (37) - Only honestly?

(38) -Yes, dad, I’m sorry... (39) At first I was very sorry, but now I’m a little bit... (40) You see, he was so happy that he even cried. (41) You see, he didn’t shout, didn’t laugh, but cried. (42) Is it really possible to cry from joy too? (43) Eh, dad? (44) And now I feel very, very good... (45) So you’re not angry?

(46) Well, what could I say? (47) He had the whole world in his hands - he generously gave it to another.

(48) This was my son, and he became an adult. (49) Therefore, I did not hug him or kiss him as before, but only silently extended my hand to him.

(50) And we exchanged a strong, understanding handshake...

(According to L. Kuklin)

Philately is the collecting of postage stamps . Philately is not just a hobby of collecting stamps, it is a whole world, because the collector studies history, geography, world art and science.

Compassion is ………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………… .


1. Formulate the thesis. Let's define the word

Compassion is mercy, a positive character trait when a person seeks to provide help to those who are in dire need of it. At the heart of this feeling, In my opinion , lies love for all living things, because without it compassion cannot be sincere. There can be different reasons for showing feelings of compassion. To prove my words, I will give the following examples.


1. Formulate the thesis. Let's define the word.

Possible start:

What's happened ……………? I think (I think, I believe) that ……………………….. To prove my words, I will give the following examples.


1. Formulate the thesis. Let's define the word.

Possible next beginning

What's happened compassion? I think that compassion is a feeling (property, quality) of a person, which manifests itself in the willingness to alleviate the suffering of those who need it . This is the same regenerating force as the spring rays of the sun, which warm and awaken to life. To prove my words, I will give the following examples.


2. We present an ARGUMENT from the text we read, confirming our reasoning. (Indicate offer numbers)

Let us turn to the text by L. Kuklin. In a sentence 33 the author tells us about the boy, the hero of the story, who gave a valuable collection of stamps to a paralyzed, unfamiliar “comrade.” The writer emphasizes that the hero of the story, having generously given his album to a disabled boy, gave him the opportunity to rejoice in this world, in which there is nothing more valuable than kindness and compassion, what is said in the sentences 40-47 .

Important questions to myself

  • How compassionate are we?
  • Are we able to calmly pass by a hungry, homeless living creature?
  • Do those who ask us for help when they are in trouble leave us indifferent?
  • Are we ready to shelter refugees, people affected by fire or flood?

Essay structure (step by step)

3. Arguments from life experience


experience includes examples from

  • artistic,
  • scientific literature,
  • movies,
  • facts of public and personal life.

  • V.G. Rasputin

"French lessons"

  • V.G. Korolenko

"Children of the Underground"

  • A.P. Platonov


  • L. N. Andreev



3. We present the SECOND ARGUMENT from our own life experience (optional)

“We often encounter manifestations of compassion in Everyday life: One of the residents of our building cooks lunches at a homeless shelter on Saturdays, not for money, but out of compassion.”

“Another argument can be an example from the life of the world-famous Mother Teresa. It was love for people that was the basis for the construction of dozens of shelters and hospitals for the poor and sick people. She received the Nobel Prize for her complicity in this matter and her mercy.”


I can confirm my opinion with an example from life experience. We often encounter manifestations of compassion in everyday life: one of the residents of our house prepares lunches at a homeless shelter on Saturdays, not for money, but out of a feeling of compassion.


4.Formulate the conclusion

Thus , …….


So, ……….


4.Formulate the conclusion

To summarize, I would like to say that Only those who accept other people's pain or problems as their own can truly be compassionate.

What is compassion?

Compassion is mercy, a positive character trait when a person seeks to provide help to those who are in dire need of it. The basis of this feeling, in my opinion, is love for all living things, because without it compassion cannot be sincere. There can be different reasons for showing feelings of compassion. To prove my words, I will give specific examples.

Let us turn to the text by L. Kuklin. In sentence 33, the author tells us about a boy, the hero of the story, who gave a valuable collection of stamps to a paralyzed, unfamiliar “comrade.” The writer emphasizes that the hero of the story, having generously given his album to a disabled boy, gave him the opportunity to rejoice in this world, in which there is nothing more valuable than kindness and compassion, as stated in sentences 40-47.

I can confirm my opinion with an example from life experience. We often encounter manifestations of compassion in everyday life: one of the residents of our house prepares lunches at a homeless shelter on Saturdays, not for money, but out of a feeling of compassion.

To summarize, I would like to say that only those who accept other people's pain or problems as their own can truly be compassionate.

  • Compassion is not a feeling; rather, it is a noble disposition of the soul, ready to receive love, mercy and other virtuous feelings.
  • Compassion is often the ability to see one’s own in the misfortunes of others; it is a premonition of disasters that can befall us too.

Dante Alighieri

Francois de La Rochefoucauld


  • Learn the structure of an essay
  • Write an essay-reasoning “What is compassion?”


S3K1 Interpretation of the meaning of the word (give a definition and comment on it) – 2 points.

S3K2 The presence of example arguments (one from the text, the other from life experience) – 3b.

S3K3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence, consistency (absence of logical errors, violations of paragraph division) - 2b.

S3K4 Compositional harmony (no errors in the construction of the text) – 2b.

Maximum points - 9


GK1 Compliance with spelling standards (no more than 1 error) – 2b.

GK2 Compliance with punctuation standards (no more than 2 errors) – 2b.

GK3 Compliance with grammatical norms (no more than 1 error) – 2b.

GK4 Compliance with speech norms (no more than 2 errors) – 2b.

FC1 Actual Accuracy writing(there are no errors in the presentation of the material, in the understanding and use of terms) - 2b.

Maximum points - 10


Presentation ( content; compression of the source text in several ways (three ways: exclusion, simplification, generalization); semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation ): 7 points

Tasks 2-14 ( multiple choice questions, etc. .): 13 (1 point for each correctly completed task)

Part 3. Essay-reasoning: 9 points

Practical literacy of the examinee’s written speech and the actual accuracy of his written speech: 10 points


Mark "2" - no more than 14 points

Mark "3" - no less than 15 and no more than 24 points

Mark "4" - no less than 25 and no more than 33 points. At the same time, the student must score at least 4 points for literacy!!!

Mark "5" - at least 34 points. At the same time, the student must score at least 6 points for literacy!!!


  • Define the words: friendship, courage.
  • Give an argument from your own life experience for each definition.
  • (54 words) Compassion in literature is manifested not only between characters, but also in the author’s attitude towards his character. Thus, the author of the novel “Eugene Onegin” - Pushkin, sympathizes with Tatyana Larina, who finds herself in a tragic situation. She is hopelessly in love with Onegin, but remains faithful to her husband. “I shed tears with you” is a manifestation of the author’s compassion for his heroine.
  • (50 words) In the novel “Crime and Punishment,” compassion is one of the main character traits of Dostoevsky’s favorite heroine, Sonya Marmeladova. Having learned that Raskolnikov was suffering from the Fall, she did not turn away from him in fear, but, on the contrary, helped him take the true path of rebirth of the soul. It was Sonya who sympathized with the hero and did not let him go crazy.
  • (42 words) Compassion is the willingness to selflessly help people, and not just sympathize with their troubles. Natasha Rostova from Tolstoy’s War and Peace desperately helped wounded soldiers get out of the city, and the moment of the heroine’s farewell to Bolkonsky leaves no doubt that Andrei’s suffering was also unbearably difficult for her.
  • (47 words) In Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush,” the heroine sincerely sympathizes with her husband, who cannot pass the exam. He put a blot on the drawing and corrected it for a bush, but the professor did not credit the work. Vera pawned all her jewelry to buy a lilac bush and plant it in this place. The husband passed the exam, and she once again proved her devotion to him.
  • (60 words) In Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” Tikhon sympathizes with Katerina throughout the play, because he understands how difficult it is for her to establish relationships with Kabanikha, and is not even angry with her for betraying her. He feels sorry for his wife, but he is afraid to put his mother in her place. Only Katerina’s death and compassion for her fate prompted Tikhon to express his position to Kabanikha, but, unfortunately, his unexpressed sympathy did not correct the situation.
  • (54 words) Compassion is also self-sacrifice and nobility. In Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, Woland promises to fulfill the main character's desire. However, Margarita sacrifices this opportunity for herself, wanting to end the torment of Frida, whom she met at the ball. By saving Frida from the daily torture of the handkerchief with which she strangled her baby, Margarita shows mercy and compassion.
  • (46 words) Turning to Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man,” we understand how much compassion can help anyone. Main character, Andrei Sokolov, left alone after the war, meets a little boy Vanya, who was left an orphan. Showing condolences and humanity, the hero is called the boy's father and thereby gives him hope for a new life.
  • (49 words) What, if not compassion, can one feel for the main character of Karamzin’s story “ Poor Lisa"? The girl could not stand the test of unhappy love, and, finding herself alone without her beloved Erast, she threw herself into the water. Having compassion for the heroine, many readers cried over Lisa’s fate, because in such a situation it is difficult not to show compassion and remain indifferent.
  • (52 words) Compassion is one of the most important qualities in a person, helping to look at many things differently, and, perhaps, to be happy... What is difficult to say about the main character of Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. Often he put his own goals above the feelings of other people, and did not show compassion and empathy. Therefore, Pechorin remained a lonely and unhappy hero.
  • (60 words) The ability to compassion is valued in any manifestation: both in the willingness to listen and in the desire to help. The mercy of heroes with a difficult fate is especially appreciated, who, no matter what, are ready to lend a helping hand. Matryona from Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona’s Dvor” buried six children, remained poor in her old age, without receiving a pension. However, the heroine still showed compassion for others and selflessly helped people.
  • Arguments from personal life

  1. (53 words) Often, showing compassion is caring. When my friend and I were walking in the park, I saw a chick lying on the grass. Looking up, I realized that he had accidentally fallen out of the nest. Realizing that he would not be able to climb back on his own, we decided to help him. Having taken the chick, we climbed the tree and put it back in the nest.
  2. (43 words) My friend is studying to become a psychologist, she often talks about how compassion is an integral part of friendship. When I'm worried about something, she can help me, even just by listening and supporting me. Realizing that she has compassion for me, I begin to look at my problems differently.
  3. (51 words) Recently, our classmate was hospitalized. We were all worried and called him and his parents to find out about his well-being. As graduation approached, we thought the best way to express our compassion would be to make him happy. Therefore, on our common holiday, we decided to visit him, taking with us fruits and wishes for a speedy recovery.
  4. (43 words) One of my friends believes that the duty of any person is to help others. Always sincerely sympathizing with sick people, he increasingly understood that his recognition was to become a worthy doctor. Thus, having determined his path in life, he realized that he could turn his compassion into real help to a person.
  5. (58 words) My mother and I love watching dance shows, so we vote for our favorite artist. If he does not have enough votes and his continued participation in the project is in question, we continue to support him by leaving comments under videos of his performance. We understand that this is not an easy path, therefore, empathizing with the dancer, we are ready to help as best we can. Support is also one of the ways to express compassion.
  6. (45 words) Last year, my deskmate was very worried about test work, although I thoroughly prepared for it at home. Realizing that she was worrying in vain, I calmed her down and supported her. She got an A and said that my compassion helped her stop stressing and focus on her assignments.
  7. (59 words) One day, my friend showed compassion, fully supporting me and not leaving me to be sad alone. She and I were invited to a holiday with friends, and the day before I had a fever. I was very pleased that my friend not only did not go to the holiday without me, but also brought me medicine instead, sympathizing with my cold that appeared at such an inopportune time.
  8. (49 words) My classmate often organizes trips to a shelter for homeless animals. She is always very worried about the fate of the animals that find themselves on the cold street, so she often saves money to buy them food. Her compassion not only helps people be kinder, but also saves animals from starvation. Any charity is a worthy manifestation of compassion.
  9. (55 words) One day I noticed a friend’s aquarium with a small turtle. She said that she came across an advertisement about giving the animal to good hands. At first she doubted whether to respond, but decided to call anyway. The owner explained that due to the move they were forced to give up the turtle, and my friend could not indifferently give up the animal. So compassion gave her a new friend.
  10. (58 words) My friend always shows compassion for others when helping older people. Every time grandma has a hard time going up the stairs, he either takes her arm or helps her carry her bag. He also always responds when it is necessary to help an elderly person cross the road. My friend believes that everyone can feel sorry for others, but showing compassion and helping is a completely different matter.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Mercy is one of the most important qualities of a person; it means the desire to help someone who finds themselves in difficult situations. life situation and needs help.

I believe that mercy in our time is a very important manifestation of the human soul because only mutual help and support helps us survive in this world. This wonderful quality needs to be developed in oneself from an early age. A person who is capable of a selfless act for the sake of another can be called merciful, despite the fact that the consequences of this act may negatively affect him.

Confirmation of my thought can be found in the text of V.P. Astafieva. The author-narrator, as a child, committed a merciful act when he overcame his fear and, despite the great risk to his own life, saved the geese, which were in serious danger.

We can encounter manifestations of mercy in everyday life. We all know about the situation in Syria, about the difficult life of the Syrian people.

The Russian military shows mercy when they risk their lives to clear cities of bombs and unexploded ordnance.

Thus, mercy helps us to feel compassion for other people and a desire to help them.

Updated: 2017-06-13

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