Any work with server equipment requires more skills and much higher qualifications. We will connect the required servers to the network, install software, configure server services, such as: web server, proxy server, DNS server, file server, anti-virus center, office network domain controller, information services and much more.


Server- a computer (or special computer equipment) dedicated and/or specialized to perform certain service functions.

Server software (server, English server from to serve- serve; plural servers, in colloquial language servers are also used) - in information technology- a software component of a computer system that performs service (maintenance) functions at the request of the client, providing him with access to certain resources or services.

Server role

Concepts server And client and the roles assigned to them form the program concept “ client-server».

To interact with a client (or clients, if simultaneous work with several clients is supported), the server allocates the necessary interprocess communication resources (shared memory, pipe, socket, etc.) and waits for requests to open a connection (or, in fact, requests for the service provided ). Depending on the type of such resource, the server can serve processes within one computer system or processes on other machines through data channels (for example, a COM port) or network connections.

The format of client requests and server responses is determined by the protocol. Open protocol specifications are described by open standards, for example, Internet protocols are defined in RFCs.

Depending on the tasks being performed, some servers, in the absence of requests for service, may be idle, waiting. Others may perform some work (for example, work on collecting information); for such servers, working with clients may be a secondary task.


The word “server” has another meaning - a computer that performs server tasks, or a computer (or other hardware) specialized (by form factor and/or resources) for use as a hardware base for service servers (sometimes services of a certain directions).

Hardware servers are highly specialized solutions with built-in software. firmware; unlike computers, where software must be installed), determining the specialization and possible services provided. Hardware servers, as a rule, are simpler and more reliable to operate, consume less electricity and, sometimes, are cheaper. But at the same time, they are less flexible (since they are initially limited in the tasks they perform) and are often limited in resources.

It is important to understand that a server, as this article understands it (that is, a server that provides some service, such as a proxy server), is always a program (or software module) running on some kind of hardware. Without this program, the hardware cannot provide anything. Even “hardware servers” (or routers) are no exception, because in them the service is also provided by (built-in) software. Sometimes, for simplicity, the service server (for example, the same proxy server) refers to the software and hardware as a whole, especially if this hardware and software complex performs only one task.

Theoretically, an arbitrary number of servers can simultaneously run on one piece of hardware (with the exception of servers that conflict with each other in terms of resources or their number), they will share hardware resources among themselves. In practice, between the extremes “one computer - one service” and “one computer - all services”, everyone finds their own compromise.

Service servers can be run on a workstation to run in the background, sharing computer resources with programs that the user runs. This mode of operation is called “non-dedicated”, in contrast to “dedicated” (eng. dedicated), when the computer performs only service functions. Strictly speaking, on a workstation (for example, under Windows control XP) there are already several servers always running - a remote access server (terminal server), a remote access server to the file system and printing system, and other remote and internal servers.

Classification of standard servers

Typically, each server serves one or more similar protocols. Servers can be classified by the type of services they provide.

Universal servers

Universal servers are a special type of server program that does not provide any services on its own. Instead, universal servers provide service servers with a simplified interface to interprocess communication resources and/or unified client access to different services. There are several types of such servers:

  • inetd(from English i nter net super-server d aemon- IP services daemon) - a standard tool for UNIX systems - a program that allows you to write TCP/IP servers (and network protocols of other families) that work with the client through standard input and output streams redirected by inetd (stdin and stdout).
  • RPC(from English R emote P rocedure C all- remote procedure call) - a system for integrating servers in the form of procedures that can be called by a remote user through a unified interface. Interface invented by Sun Microsystems for its operating system(SunOS, Solaris; Unix system), currently used on both most Unix systems and Windows.
  • Windows application client-server technologies:
    • (D-)COM(English) (D istributed) C omponent O bject M odel- model of composite objects), etc. - Allows some programs to perform operations on data objects using the procedures of other programs. Initially this technology is intended for their “implementation and linking of objects” (OLE English. O bject L inking and E embedding), but in general allows you to write a wide range of different application servers. COM only works within one computer; DCOM is accessible remotely via RPC.
    • Active-X- COM and DCOM extension for creating multimedia applications.

Universal servers are often used to write all kinds of information servers - servers that do not need specific work with the network and do not have any tasks other than serving clients. For example, as servers for inetd Ordinary console programs and scripts can act.

Most internal and network specific Windows servers operate through generic servers (RPC, (D-)COM).


Strictly speaking, a routing server is not a server in the classical sense, but is a basic function of the operating system's network support.

For TCP/IP, routing is a basic function IP stack(TCP/IP support code). Any system on the network performs routing of its own packets to its destination, but only routers (also known as routers or gateways) perform routing of other people's packets (forwarding). Router tasks when forwarding a packet:

  • accept the package
  • find the machine to which this packet goes, or the next router on the route to it (in the route table)
  • transmit the packet or return an ICMP message indicating that it could not be delivered for the following reasons:
    • destination unattainable Destination unavailable) - the package has run out of " lifetime" before he reached his destination
    • host unreachable ( Host unreachable) - the computer or next router is turned off or does not exist
    • network unreachable ( Network unreachable) - the router does not have a route to the destination network
  • if the packet cannot be delivered due to router (or network) overload - discard the packet without notification

Dynamic routing

Dynamic routing solutions are designed to collect information about the current state of a complex network and maintain a table of routes through that network to ensure that a packet is delivered along the shortest and most efficient route.

Of these solutions, only BGP uses the client-server model. B order G ateway P rotocol- Border Gateway Protocol) used for global routing. Local solutions (RIP OSPF) use broadcast and multicast broadcasts in their work.

Network Services

Network services ensure the functioning of the network; for example, DHCP and BOOTP servers provide initial initialization of servers and workstations, DNS - translation of names into addresses and vice versa.

Tunneling servers (for example, various VPN servers) and proxy servers provide communication with a network that is not accessible by routing.

AAA and Radius servers provide unified authentication, authorization, and access logging across the network.

Information services

Information services include the simplest servers that report information about the host (time, daytime, motd) and users (finger, ident), and servers for monitoring, such as SNMP. Most information services operate through universal servers.

Servers are a special type of information services time synchronization- NTP; In addition to informing the client about the exact time, the NTP server periodically polls several other servers to correct its own time. In addition to time, the speed of the system clock is analyzed and adjusted. Time correction is carried out by accelerating or slowing down the system clock (depending on the direction of the correction) in order to avoid problems that may arise from simply changing the time.

File servers

File servers are servers for providing access to files on a server disk.

First of all, these are on-demand file transfer servers using the FTP, TFTP, SFTP and HTTP protocols. The HTTP protocol is focused on transferring text files, but servers can also send arbitrary data, such as dynamically created web pages, pictures, music, etc., as requested files.

Other servers allow mount server disk partitions into the client's disk space and fully work with files on them. NFS and SMB protocol servers allow this. NFS and SMB servers operate via the RPC interface.

Disadvantages of a file server system:

  • Very high load on the network, increased bandwidth requirements. In practice, this makes it almost impossible for a large number of users to work simultaneously with large amounts of data.
  • Data processing is carried out on the user's computer. This entails increased hardware requirements for each user. The more users there are, the more money you will have to spend on equipping their computers.
  • Locking data when editing by one user makes it impossible for other users to work with this data.
  • Safety. To be able to work with such a system, you will need to give each user full access to the entire file, in which he may be interested in only one field.

Data access servers

Data access servers maintain the database and provide data upon requests. One of the simplest services similar type- LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol- lightweight list access protocol).

There is no single protocol for accessing database servers, but a number of databases are united by the use of uniform rules for forming queries - the SQL language. Structured Query Language- structured query language). Along with them there are others - NoSQL databases.

Messaging services

Messaging services allow the user to send and receive messages (usually text messages).

First of all, these are email servers that operate using the SMTP protocol. SMTP server receives the message and delivers it to the user's local mailbox or to another SMTP server (destination or intermediate server). On multi-user computers, users work with mail directly on the terminal (or in the web interface). To work with mail on personal computer mail is collected from mailbox via servers using POP3 or IMAP protocols.

To organize conferences, there are news servers running using the NNTP protocol.

There are chat servers for real-time messaging. Exists a large number of chat protocols such as IRC, Jabber and OSCAR.

Remote access servers

Remote access servers, through the appropriate client program, provide the user with an analogue of a local terminal (text or graphic) for working on a remote system.

To provide access to command line telnet, RSH and SSH servers serve.

The graphical interface for Unix systems - X Window System - has a built-in remote access server, as it was originally developed with this capability. Sometimes the ability to remotely access the X-Window interface wrong called "X-Server" (this is the term used in X-Window for the video driver).

Standard server for remote access to a graphical interface Microsoft Windows called a terminal server.

Some kind of management (more precisely, monitoring and configuration) is also provided by the SNMP protocol. The computer or hardware device must have an SNMP server for this.

Game servers

Game servers are used for simultaneous play by several users in a single gaming situation. Some games have a server in the main distribution and allow you to run it in non-dedicated mode (that is, they allow you to play on the machine on which the server is running).

Server solutions

Server solutions are operating systems and/or software packages optimized for a computer to perform server functions and/or containing a set of programs for implementing a typical set of services.

An example of server solutions is Unix systems, which were originally designed to implement server infrastructure.

It is also necessary to select packages of servers and related programs (for example, a web server/PHP/MySQL kit for quick hosting deployment) for installation under Windows (Unix is ​​characterized by a modular or “batch” installation of each component, so such solutions are rare [ source not specified 726 days], but they exist. The most famous is LAMP).

In integrated server solutions, the installation of all components is performed at once; all components are, to one degree or another, tightly integrated and pre-configured with each other. However, in this case, replacing one of the servers or secondary applications (if their capabilities do not meet the needs) can be a problem.

Maintenance and control of the web server. Server configuration control. Restricting access to the server. Data transfer optimization

Web server

Web server- A server that accepts HTTP requests from clients, usually web browsers, and provides them with HTTP responses, usually along with an HTML page, image, file, media stream, or other data.

A web server refers to both the software that performs the functions of a web server and the computer itself on which this software runs.

The client, which is typically a web browser, makes requests to the web server to obtain resources identified by URLs. Resources are HTML pages, images, files, media streams or other data that the client needs. In response, the web server transmits the requested data to the client. This exchange takes place over the HTTP protocol.

Additional functions

Web servers may have different additional functions, For example:

· automation of web pages;

· keeping a log of user requests to resources;

· support for dynamically generated pages;

· HTTPS support for secure connections with clients.

Often, a mail server is also installed on the computer along with the web server.

Server log- files containing system information about the operation of the server, which logs all user actions on the site, as well as information used to analyze and evaluate sites and their visitors.

Authentication- an authentication procedure, for example, verifying the authenticity of a user by comparing the password he entered with the password stored in the user database.

HTTPS- Extension of the HTTP protocol to support encryption to improve security.

Server configuration

The server used to manage the main processes that occur on the local network requires quite a lot of power. The more server roles the management server has to perform, the more load it experiences. For this reason, it should not be surprising that server performance requirements are significantly different from those of a typical desktop.

The choice of server configuration can be made both at the network design stage, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the cost of creating a network, and after the installation of the network is completed and the issue of choosing a method for its operation is being decided.

If the choice is made towards using a domain structure, then the stage of selecting a server configuration will be mandatory, and purchasing a server is a necessity.

When choosing a management server configuration, you should consider the following features of its use:

· uninterrupted operation;

· ensuring authentication of network users;

· storage of all data about user and computer accounts;

· the ability to be used to perform additional roles, for example DNS(computer distributed system for obtaining information about domains) – and DHCP(a network protocol that allows computers to automatically obtain an IP address and other parameters necessary to work on a TCP/IP network) servers;

· Possibility of use for servicing web applications;

· the ability to use additional software, such as a corporate anti-virus system;

· the ability to connect a data archiving system, such as a streamer;

· time synchronization on all computers on the network.

In addition, an important issue is the choice of server design: standalone installation or rack installation.

A separate installation implies the use of a separate server, which over time leads to the fact that the server room is loaded with servers for various purposes. To maintain order, you have to use improvised furniture racks, which allow you to install servers in two or three tiers.

Very often (especially for large networks) there are special server racks in the server room, which are used to install rack-type servers for various purposes. In this case, as a rule, to control servers, one keyboard with a monitor and a KVN switch system are used, which allows you to switch input systems and display systems to the desired server. This is quite convenient, since the front panels of the servers are always in front of your eyes, which allows you to visually monitor their performance, and the racks themselves have quite acceptable dimensions.

Even though the rack server takes up less space, it has a significant disadvantage compared to a stand-alone server - as a rule, only one power supply is used. A stand-alone server almost always has two power supplies installed, one of which is a backup, allowing the server to remain operational even if the main power supply fails.

Functioning of any information system impossible without timely, competent server maintenance. The availability of data, its safety and security, as well as access to it and its speed directly depend on the quality of server equipment support.

Our specialists have extensive experience in server administration, accumulated while working with a variety of systems, from simple SOHO solutions to the most complex ones, constantly under the highest load. We successfully connect and support a wide variety of server solutions: universal servers for small organizations, terminal, file, vpn, Web, multifunctional Internet gateways, VoIP, database servers, BackUP servers and mail servers.

Over the many years of our work in the field of IT services, we have encountered a wide variety of, and often even exotic, solutions to certain problems. This has allowed us to accumulate vast experience and knowledge in the field of server hardware, software solutions and technologies used. It is because of this that we are ready to provide system administration and server maintenance services to any company, regardless of the software or hardware used.

What does server maintenance (support) include?

Our company provides comprehensive server maintenance services. Conventionally, server maintenance can be divided into two components: server administration (server software maintenance) and Maintenance server (maintenance of hardware components). We provide support services for any hardware and software solutions.

System administration. Server software support.

Often, system administration, erroneously, means only setting up server software and server services. This is wrong. System administration is a combination of procedures and processes designed to secure and reassure the operation of the server.

  • Connecting a server. Procedures that are designed to increase the reliability of your server. Connecting a server includes: backing up data stored on the server, backing up the power connection circuit, backing up the ability to access the Internet and, if possible, backing up the functions that the server performs.
  • Server optimization is a set of measures whose main objective is to increase server performance. Maximum return, and therefore financial benefit, from the server can be
    obtained only with proper configuration of all software products installed on it. Optimization work is carried out after a thorough analysis of the services provided and an assessment of the priority of certain business tasks. As a rule, optimization work is carried out immediately after the server is transferred for maintenance, and then when any new services are introduced
  • Server status monitoring – we understand that some of your organization’s business processes do not stop for a minute, even at night, weekends or holidays, that some of your employees need round-the-clock access to certain services, such as email. It is to ensure constant access to critical services that we monitor the condition of the servers we serve around the clock.
  • Regular backups. Our specialists necessarily develop and then implement a backup system for information stored on the server. Moreover, based on its criticality, copying can be carried out at different time intervals, and copies of data can be stored for as long as desired.
  • Updating server software. Updating the software used allows you to secure the server and speed up its operation.
  • Analysis of server logs. Logs, or more simply put, system logs, are special files in which the server and installed software create marks, so-called notifications, about all events, including errors, that occurred during their operation. Analysis of such log files allows you to detect a problem on early stages, preventing data loss and equipment failures.
  • Anti-virus protection. Anti-virus server protection, systematic updating of anti-virus signatures and comprehensive checks of the operating system allow you to avoid infection of your
    servers viruses and worms. Since everyone on a corporate network interacts with servers and stores or exchanges files on them, protecting servers from malware is critical.
  • Security settings. The server is the concentration of corporate information, and therefore a critical segment of the IT infrastructure. Its failure can last for a long time
    paralyze the work of the office, and sometimes the entire company, and the theft of information stored on the server leads to catastrophic consequences. Comprehensive, full-fledged server security configuration, which includes both protection from intrusion from outside and from within the network (for example, from accidental or intentional deletion of files) is a prerequisite for its stability.

Hardware support, server maintenance.

Like any device, the server and its components have their own service life and threshold of maximum permissible loads. For the correct functioning of servers, many factors must be observed, for example, temperature regime and indoor air humidity. As part of the server hardware support, we will carry out the following work:

  • Constant monitoring of the state of server hardware components;
  • Upgrading or replacing server hardware;
  • Preparation of recommendations for organizing a server room;
  • System organization uninterruptible power supply;
  • Automatic server recovery in case of failures.

Why should you entrust server administration and maintenance to us?

The experience accumulated by our specialists gives us the opportunity to offer you any mutually beneficial cooperation scheme and vouch for the quality of the services provided. We are ready to provide support for any server solution running on any platform, be it a solution based on Linux Server or Microsoft
windows Server.

We will be happy to provide support services for servers based on any operating systems:

  • Maintenance and support of Microsoft Windows Server 2000 servers;
  • Maintenance and support of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 servers;
  • Maintenance and support of Microsoft Windows Server 2008 servers;
  • Maintenance, support for Ubuntu servers;
  • Maintenance, support for CentOS servers;
  • Maintenance, support for FreeBSD servers;
  • Maintenance, support for Debian servers;
  • Maintenance, support for Mandriva servers;
  • Maintenance and support for RedHat servers.

Based on the size of your company and the number of full-time IT specialists (if any), we will develop for you a personal, mutually beneficial cooperation scheme that meets your needs, without going beyond your budget. A flexible pricing policy is determined by an individual approach to each client. We are ready to offer you comprehensive server maintenance services, which includes all the work necessary for the optimal functioning of your server. If for some reason you cannot transfer all the server equipment to us, we are ready to take over any segment of the enterprise’s server infrastructure for maintenance, for example one or more servers, any server service (corporate mail, Internet gateway, web server, etc.) d.) or hardware support for servers.

In addition to server maintenance, we are ready to offer our clients a lot of related services. For example, if necessary, the contract for server maintenance may include the possibility of providing a replacement server, because, as a rule, warranty or post-warranty server repairs take a long time, and the availability of any server is critical. We are also ready to provide replacement server hardware components, rather than the entire server. If you are expanding, you are opening a new office, representative office, store or warehouse and you need a server, we are ready to provide you with a server for rent for any time you need, with or without the possibility of further purchase. If you are afraid for the safety of your information, or the physical safety of the server, for example, you are afraid of breaking into the office, we will help you place your servers on favorable terms in the most reliable data centers and organize round-the-clock access to them remote access.

our clients

Maintenance and control of the mail server Control of sending and receiving mail. Setting up user access rights to mail accounts.

You can work with letters not only through the Yandex.Mail web interface, but also using various email programs installed on your computer.

You can see settings for email programs on mobile phones and tablets in the Access from section mobile phones and tablets.

  1. Configure the program using the IMAP protocol
  2. Configure the program using the POP3 protocol
  3. Problems with the mail program

Configure the program using the IMAP protocol

When using the IMAP protocol, the mail program synchronizes with the server and preserves the folder structure of your mailbox. The letters you send through your email program will be stored not only on your computer, but also on the server, and you will be able to access them from various devices.

Before setting up your email program, enable the IMAP protocol:

  1. Open the Settings menu:
  1. Enable the option From server via IMAP protocol.
  2. Save your changes.

To configure an email program using the IMAP protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

· mail server address -;

connection security - SSL;

· port - 993.

Outgoing mail

connection security - SSL;

· port - 465.

IMAP protocol support will be enabled automatically the first time you log in to your email program.

Configure the program using the POP3 protocol

When using the POP3 protocol, all messages from the folders that you specify in the Settings → Mail programs menu will be saved by the mail program to your computer in the Inbox folder. If necessary, you can set up filters in your email program to automatically move emails to the desired folders. Emails you send will only be stored on your computer.

Note. When downloading emails from a server using the POP3 protocol, Yandex.Mail automatically saves copies of emails on the server, but you can delete emails manually using the web interface. If you want to delete emails using an email program, use the IMAP protocol.

Before setting up your email program, enable the POP3 protocol:

  1. Open the Settings menu:
  1. Select Mail Programs.
  2. Enable the option From the server using the POP3 protocol.
  3. Save your changes.

To configure an email program using the POP3 protocol, you must specify the following information:

Incoming mail

· mail server address -;

connection security - SSL;

· port - 995.

Outgoing mail

· mail server address -;

connection security - SSL;

· port - 465.

To access the mail server, enter your Yandex username and password (or application password if you have enabled two-factor authentication). If you configure receiving mail from a mailbox like " [email protected]", the login is the part of the address up to the "@" sign. If you use Yandex.Mail for a domain, you must specify the full mailbox address as your login.