Ex-deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly Denis Noskov created a new social movement

Denis NoskovYaromir Romanov

Former member of the Legislative Assembly Sverdlovsk region of the first convocation, Denis Noskov announced the registration of a new public movement “Law Abiding Citizen”, the goal of which will be to fight corruption and the ineffective work of officials. As Noskov explained in his Facebook page, the work of the movement will not be related to any political party.

“To begin with, we plan to work in two directions, one of which includes the direct fight against corruption. Personal receptions of citizens and anonymous reception of messages will be organized. Each information will be verified,” explained Denis Noskov.

In addition, the ex-deputy intends to offer citizens “a qualitatively new system for assessing the work of officials and deputies of the Sverdlovsk region,” including State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council from the region. “We need to finally stop trusting corrupt parties and, united, put things in order together,” Noskov sums up. According to him, the official website of the movement is currently under development. Later, the site will open appointments and the ability to send anonymous messages.

Let us remind you that during the elections of the new convocation of the Legislative Assembly, held in September last year, Denis Noskov was unable to get onto the LDPR electoral lists. Later, the ex-deputy called the lists formed by the party “a cynical drain of territories in favor of candidates of the party in power when choosing obviously weak candidates from the LDPR,” accused the federal leaders of the party of the collapse of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the party and left the LDPR. After this, his social and political activities were suspended for almost six months.

Former Sverdlovsk deputy Denis Noskov founded a social movement to control the work of government officials

A new social movement “Law Abiding Citizen” has been registered in the Sverdlovsk region. Its main goals: protecting ordinary people from illegal attacks by government officials, uniting citizens, organizations and institutions civil society in the fight against corruption. The founder of the movement was former deputy of the regional Legislative Assembly Denis Noskov, who believes that today none of the political forces meets the real interests of the people of Russia.

We have already told how in the summer of 2016 Denis Noskov, disappointed with the political situation in the Sverdlovsk region (many undesirable candidates who enjoyed the support of the population were removed from the elections by hook or by crook), left the LDPR party and decided that he was giving up the fight to maintain his place in Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly. Six months after this fundamental step, the former parliamentarian founded the Sverdlovsk regional public movement to combat corruption and ineffective work of officials, “Law Abiding Citizen.” In an interview with our publication, Denis Noskov spoke about the tasks and operating principles of the new public association.

– Denis Anatolyevich, six months ago you did not rule out the possibility of returning to the political agenda. Can we say that this has happened now?

– In July 2016, I refused to participate in the election campaign, left the corrupt LDPR and realized that I would no longer join any of the rotten parliamentary or other parties. In my opinion, the political system has degenerated so much that people are simply sick of most official politicians. Why is this happening? Party representatives have become disconnected from the people, earning money and preferences; they do not care about the common man. That is why I had the idea to found a new social movement that would unite people to protect their interests.

After the September elections, as I see, the local authorities stopped responding to the problems of citizens, since people loyal to the authorities became deputies, perhaps with rare exceptions, which are not of great importance. During the election campaign, the political field was cleared of inconvenient candidates who were able to express their point of view on any issue and take the side of voters.

In addition, an official from Yekaterinburg, Tungusov, was appointed vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region. This doesn't fit into any corners anymore. We remember the program on OTV “Full Paragraph”, in which the corruption schemes established by the administration of Yekaterinburg were revealed in detail. But the entire Legislative Assembly unanimously raised their hands in favor of the appointment. Not one even abstained. These are the political parties we have in the region and such a serious, explosive situation in society.

We recently learned about another attempt to transfer funds major repairs in the amount of 5 billion rubles collected from residents to the treasury of the Sverdlovsk region. No matter what anyone says in the government, all this is done in order to use this money at their own discretion at any opportunity.

But this is illegal, since federal law prohibits using the money for other purposes.

Or here's another glaring case. Recently, a representative of the regional parliament publicly stated: “Let's legalize corruption!” Can you imagine? Of course, thanks to the prosecutor of the Sverdlovsk region Sergei Okhlopkov, who spoke and pointed out the inadmissibility of such proposals. But in general, such antics cast a shadow on the entire legislative body. I believe that such things are unacceptable.

All this cannot but worry the public and our movement.

– One of the tasks of your social movement will be oversight of the activities of government officials?

- Exactly. When I worked as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, not one of my colleagues, even from the party in power, could understand what Chernetsky was doing in Moscow, what achievements he had in the Federation Council, what he had done for the Sverdlovsk region. What do we see in this convocation? Again, almost unanimously, the Legislative Assembly nominates Arkady Mikhailovich as the most worthy person to represent the interests of the Sverdlovsk region in Moscow.

Today officials and deputies are leading dangerous game with public transport. When developing and approving the new transport scheme, no one consulted the population. There were no public hearings or discussions with the traffic police.

– For what purpose, in your opinion, is this reform being so persistently promoted?

– In fact, the theme of this year’s reform is not accidental and was created by Yekaterinburg officials to kill two birds with one stone:

1. This is political blackmail of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region E. Kuyvashev before the elections for the termination of urban planning powers, which the mayor’s office so diligently and persistently tried to return from the region to the city.

2. Taking revenge on rebellious private carriers, create a new structure, inflate the staff and ask for more money from the budget, establishing new corruption schemes.

The developers of this project, who are foreign citizens, also raise questions...

– What will be the mechanism of the social movement?

– We will present two projects soon. The first will be aimed directly at combating corruption. Receptions will be held throughout the Sverdlovsk region, we will collect all facts of corruption. A website will open where anonymous messages will be received. It is very important. Often a person is afraid to complain about an official, fearing possible retaliation. Of course, we will filter messages and sweep away slander. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in this matter.

The second project will be aimed at assessing the effectiveness of officials and deputies at various levels: from the governor and city heads to members of the State Duma and the Federation Council elected from the Sverdlovsk region.

What are deputies doing now? They take photographs and post them on social networks. This is done to report to the authorities, but where is the real work, real requests, answers and, most importantly, the result? Often officials create profanity, but in reality they do not work.

– Will ordinary residents give ratings?

– Currently, there is no system for assessing the performance of officials. Sometimes the media makes the assessment. You can do nothing, just chat, and you will be recognized as effective. It is not right. The government has a group to evaluate the performance of heads of municipalities in the Sverdlovsk region. I remember that several heads were recognized as ineffective on roads and housing and communal services, all this went to the governor’s desk, and what was the reaction? No! I and my like-minded people are sincerely convinced that the quality of work of officials and deputies should be assessed by ordinary residents. Therefore, we will help people set up this process, we will give them a mechanism.

It's time for people to stop trusting corrupt political parties. We see what the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region did after its re-election. Deputies of various parties, who before the elections took the initiative to refuse their salaries, citing the need to save the budget, voted in September for their return. This is what today's politicians do.

We will act incorruptibly and objectively. We will work in the fields. A person who works honestly, pays taxes, adheres to the laws of the Russian Federation, and expects protection. Until society begins to actively defend its rights, there will be no order. Armchair troops, when you are outraged by everything but do nothing, are useless, the authorities do not take them into account. Therefore, I urge citizens to be active and stand up for their rights.

– Will your movement accept help from the population?

– Of course, we won’t mind if someone wants to help. But we are different from many social structures. Our movement will include only citizens in its ranks Russian Federation. We will not accept payments from abroad, from foreign individuals or legal entities. We will not even give a chance to foreign states and intelligence agencies to interfere in our activities. We have a problem in our country - corruption, but we must deal with this problem ourselves. For this to happen, people must unite. This is our task.

– When will “Law Abiding Citizen” start working?

– Our social movement has already been registered. On January 19, we made an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and now we are ready to work. There are still some small organizational issues left, such as creating a website.

– While there is no website, how can citizens contact you and your like-minded people?

– It’s very easy to contact me, as before. You can send a message to in social networks(“VKontakte”, “Facebook”, “Instagram”). I manage my pages on social networks independently. Eat Email: [email protected]. A reception office is also open in Yekaterinburg, at Zwillinga 6, office 513. If anyone has an urgent matter that requires a face-to-face conversation rather than via the Internet, you can come to this address now. In the cities of the Sverdlovsk region, we will notify with the help of the media when receptions will be organized.

– The “Law Abiding Citizen” movement is called a famous thriller. Is the name of the movement related to the film?

– I’ll answer briefly. I saw this film, the film is good. He says that if a person is driven into a corner and deprived of the protection of the system, he will be forced to live outside it, which should not be allowed.

Maxim Boykov © Vechernie Vedomosti

The company SVERDLOVSK REGIONAL PUBLIC MOVEMENT TO COMBAT CORRUPTION AND INEFFECTIVE WORK OF OFFICIALS "LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN" 6671065134 is registered at 620142, SVERDLOVSK REGION, EKATERINBURG CITY, ZWILLINGA STREET, BUILDING 6, OFFICE 419. The organization is managed by the CHAIRMAN OF THE SOCKS MOVEMENT DENIS ANATOLIEVICH. In accordance with the registration documents, the main activity is Other activities public organizations, not included in other groups. The company was registered on January 19, 2017. The company was assigned the All-Russian State Registration Number - 1176600000037. To obtain more detailed information, you can go to the organization’s card and check the counterparty for reliability.

01/19/2017 The Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg registered the organization "LAW-ABEDIING CITIZEN" MOVEMENT. On January 23, 2017, the registration procedure with the Department was initiated Pension Fund Russian Federation in the Leninsky district of Yekaterinburg. The company MOVEMENT "LAW-ABIDING CITIZEN" became registered with Branch No. 15 of the State Institution - Sverdlovsk Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation on 12/27/2017 0:00:00. In the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the last entry about the organization has the following content: State registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity related to changes in information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application.