There are two predators in nature with which people are compared, saying that they are powerful, like a lion or a bear. These are magnificent animals that are kings of their habitats. In fact, no one knows who is stronger - a bear or a lion. One rules in taiga forests, the second in savannas, and their meeting in wildlife extremely unlikely, even impossible. Let's look at these animals separately and figure out which of them is endowed with greater physical strength.

Where does the brown bear live?

In Russia, this bear is distributed in almost all forests. They live in dense vegetation with windbreaks, deciduous trees and many shrubs. It can also go out into the tundra and thrive in high mountain forests.

A meeting between a person and a bear is possible; many of them end in disaster for the bear if it encounters a hunter. If an ordinary mushroom picker or forester comes into the sight of the owner of these places, then there is an opportunity to disperse peacefully, without bloodshed. Under no circumstances should you run from the beast, it will still be faster, but it is better to quietly move back, backing away and not turning away from the predator.

When you find yourself in places where brown bears live, you should talk loudly and make noise. Although these are large animals, they are very cautious, and the owner of the forest would prefer to avoid meeting people.

Lion habitats

Lions are distributed on two continents: Africa and the Asian part of Eurasia. Many prides live in India (Gir forest), and in Africa they are found mainly in the southwest. They inhabit savannas, sometimes venturing into forests or dense bushes. Previously, these big cats lived almost throughout the entire territory of our planet, but people exterminated them and contributed to extinction in certain areas due to environmental disturbances.

When meeting a person, a lion will show curiosity rather than aggression. People are not of interest to this cat as food. If the person himself begins to throw different things and wave his arms, then the lion, of course, will begin to defend himself, and the instigator of the quarrel will not be able to escape. In most cases, a lion will avoid getting to know a person closely and, sensing his scent from afar, will disappear in another direction.

Brown bear mass

The largest representatives of this species of bear live in the territories of Kamchatka and Alaska. Adults in autumn period can weigh more than half a ton, and there are bears that reach eight hundred kilograms. IN middle lane Our country is inhabited by smaller predators; they weigh from 80 to 180 kilograms.

If the bear stands in full height, it will be much taller than a large person. Its size can be more than two meters. His height at the withers, when he stands on all four legs, will be about a meter.

The largest is considered to be an inhabitant of the Berlin Zoo, which was brought from Kodiak. The mass of a brown bear is more than 1130 kilograms! This giant feels great outside of freedom, gets along well with zoo workers, and gladly shows off his beautiful appearance to visitors.

Lion sizes

An adult lion rarely weighs more than two hundred and fifty kilograms. Males of these cats are 20% larger than females. The body length, not including the tail, reaches three meters; it is very rare to come across lions whose size is less than two and a half meters.

But height and weight are not the main indicators of who is stronger - a bear or a lion. It is necessary to compare the force of their blow, the size of their claws and teeth.

Bear's punching power

An adult bear is very strong. He can easily break the backbone of a large cow with a blow of one paw, and tear it to shreds with non-retractable claws. The bear's claws do not retract, so it will not be possible to hide from them if he suddenly decides to wave his paw. If you measure the impact force in kilograms, you will be surprised, it averages one and a half tons! With one blow, this beast can throw a large animal weighing one hundred and fifty kilograms fifteen meters away. The bear prefers to “hugg” its prey until its bones crunch. No one has ever survived such a compression.

The bear's claws are long and powerful. In an adult male they can be from eight to ten centimeters. With these “knives” an angry predator can tear off the bark from a two-hundred-year-old tree or break dry things into splinters.

The bear's teeth are also huge, the fangs are ten centimeters long, but the animal uses them mainly for tearing food apart, and not for catching it. A bear can bite, its jaws clenching with a force of eighty atmospheres, which is much stronger than that of the most vicious fighting dog.

Lion's punching power

So who is stronger - a bear or a lion? We have looked at the strength of the bear, now let's study the lion.

If a cat with a mane wants to hit you with its paw, then at least half a ton of weight will fall on you. This would be enough to break the legs of a buffalo or the back of an antelope.

The lion's claws are shorter than those of the bear; they reach seven centimeters in length. This weapon is very dangerous and is the main thing for capturing the victim, but not for killing him. With its claws, the lion firmly holds future food or fights with enemies; they are retracted and released at his will.

Its eight-centimeter sharp teeth help the lion kill its prey. It is impossible to free yourself from the grip of a huge cat, as the jaws are compressed with a force of 160 atmospheres! This is twice the force of a bear's teeth.

Lion and bear: who is faster?

In order to compare the strength of predators, you will need knowledge of the speed limits of the competitors.

Lions in the wild can reach speeds of up to eighty kilometers per hour. They easily catch nimble antelopes, maneuvering remarkably well. Its flexible body and long tail help it jump up to three meters, which is an important hunting skill.

Also, lions are not the toughest of animals. They have a very small heart compared to their body weight and size, so they cannot for a long time maintain high speed. It is not uncommon to see an adult lion walking slowly after a failed hunt. Other cats that do not catch the prey the first time try again immediately. And a lion needs to rest in order to regain strength, even if the prey is very close.

Bears, unlike a lion, are not so fast, but still do not confirm the prevailing opinion about their slowness. The heavy predator reaches speeds of up to fifty-five kilometers per hour, and can maintain it for a long time. Bears, although clumsy, are very stubborn. If he has identified a victim, then he will chase it for several kilometers over a long period of time. That is why, when meeting the brown owner of the forest, do not attempt to escape. The bear will not stop, and you will get tired much faster than him.

Let's sum it up

So, now you can compare who is stronger - a bear or a lion. We have learned everything we need about these animals and can draw conclusions on this basis.

The lion wins with its jaw strength and agility, but it is unlikely that it will have time to grab the bear with its teeth if they suddenly meet. A huge enemy can kill big cat with only one blow from his powerful paw, and he himself will withstand its attack. The skin of a bear is very difficult to penetrate even with the claws of a lion, so the king of the savannas will need to manage to hit him several times in the same place.

Bears are still clumsy animals, and if a lion rushes unexpectedly, then the clubfoot most likely will have no chance to avoid the cat’s jaws clenching on itself. But again he still has a chance of survival. We have already written about the deadly hugs of bears, so he will be able to crush a rushing cat.

If we compare physical strength, the bear wins. But we did not consider the mental abilities of these predators. And in this regard, the lion will emerge victorious; he is much smarter than the taiga inhabitant.

Mammal bear family. It is found in Europe, Northern and Central Asia, and North America. Together with polar bear This the largest predator in the world.

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However brown bear sizes vary greatly depending on the region. - not a collective animal, the most he is capable of is to live in pairs. A tireless nomad, he stays in one place only for a short time, while occupying a fairly vast territory. Diet of brown bears very diverse: they feed on plants, insects, fish, and rodents; Sometimes prey of brown bears
Large mammals - deer and elk - also become. Although the bear gives the impression of a good-natured animal, its mood changes quickly. With the onset of cold weather, a brown bear hides in a den or somewhere under a rock and spends the whole winter there. It's not exactly hibernation: bear

it simply begins a period of low activity, when he sleeps almost all the time, consuming huge reserves of fat accumulated in the summer. The female carefully arranges the den before the appearance of the cubs - in late December - early January. White polar bear habitat - seas beyond the Arctic Circle, covered with drifting ice. It has a high neck, a graceful head and small round ears. The toes on its short paws are connected by a membrane, thanks to which swims well, and the feet of the paws are covered with hair, which slows down sliding on ice. Polar bear skin yellowish-white color, it almost merges with whiteness polar ice and does not get wet in water. White bears hunt fish, seabirds, seals. Despite their impressive weight, they easily move in the snowy expanses and, seeing a victim, slowly approach it, gliding on all fours, unexpectedly attack and kill with one blow of their paw. Smell helps polar bears find the hiding places of their victims in order to drive them out.
The reproductive period usually begins in April: only at this time do males live with females; they spend the rest of their lives alone. In the fall, pregnant females dig a hole among the ice and snow, in which the cubs will be born by mid-December. All females, and in some areas also males, spend the winter in dens, falling into a deep sleep.

Do you know that...

All members of the bear family very similar in appearance: a massive head with small ears and a large, clumsy body on strong paws with strong claws.
Sloth bear differs from others bears long shaggy skin and fleshy mobile lips, and the lower lip extended forward makes him look like a monkey. Sloth bears found in Sri Lanka and Central India. They live in forests and tree-lined savannas and feed on both plant and animal matter. Sometimes sloth bears suck up termite nests, from which they noisily inhale the inhabitants.
White-breasted or Himalayan bear Easily identified by the long fur that covers its shoulders, back of the head, and neck, and the distinctive white Y-shaped pattern adorning its black pelt. It lives in the mountain forests of Asia at an altitude of 1400 to 3300 m. White-breasted bear excellent at climbing trees, among which he spends most of his life. It feeds exclusively on berries, fruits and young shoots.

Spectacled bear- the only bear living in the Southern Hemisphere - in South America, in the forests of the Andes, where it climbs to a height of 3000 m. It prefers vegetarian food, and builds its nest in dense foliage high on a tree and spends the night there.
Malayan bear Most of their lives also live in trees. It has a varied diet, including fruits, leaves, and small animals. Malayan bears uproot palm trees, the pith of which they feed on, and they are also big fans of ants.
Black bear, or baribal, is an illustrious representative of the North American fauna. This peaceful animal eats only fruits and berries. It was baribal that gave one New York toy manufacturer the idea to create teddy bears and dedicate them to the then President of America Theodore Roosevelt, nicknamed Teddy.

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The brown or common bear is a predatory mammal from the bear family. This is one of the largest and most dangerous species of land predators. There are about twenty subspecies of brown bear, differing in appearance and distribution area.

Description and appearance

The appearance of a brown bear is typical of all representatives of the bear family. The body of the animal is well developed and powerful.


There is a high withers, as well as a fairly massive head with small ears and eyes. The length of the relatively short tail varies between 6.5-21.0 cm. The paws are quite strong and well developed, with powerful and non-retractable claws. The feet are very wide, five-toed.

Dimensions of a brown bear

The average length of a brown bear living in the European part is usually about one and a half to two meters with a body weight in the range of 135-250 kg. Individuals inhabiting the central zone of our country are somewhat smaller in size and can weigh approximately 100-120 kg. The Far Eastern bears and bears are considered the largest, their sizes often reaching three meters.

Skin color

The color of a brown bear is quite variable. Differences in the color of the skin depend on the habitat, and the color of the fur can vary from a light fawn shade to a bluish-black. Brown color is considered standard.

This is interesting! A characteristic feature of the grizzly bear is the presence of hair on the back with whitish ends, due to which there is a kind of graying on the coat. Individuals with a grayish-white color are found in the Himalayas. Animals with reddish-brown fur inhabit Syria.


IN natural conditions The average lifespan of a brown bear is approximately twenty to thirty years. In captivity, this species can live fifty years, and sometimes more. Rare individuals survive in natural conditions up to the age of fifteen.

Subspecies of brown bear

The brown bear species includes several subspecies or so-called geographical races, which differ in size and color.

The most common subspecies:

  • European brown bear with a body length of 150-250 cm, tail length of 5-15 cm, height at the withers of 90-110 cm and an average weight of 150-300 kg. A large subspecies with a powerful build and a pronounced hump at the withers. General coloration varies from light grayish-yellow to blackish-dark brown. The fur is thick and long enough;
  • Caucasian brown bear with medium length body 185-215 cm and body weight 120-240 kg. The coat is short, coarse, and paler in color than that of the Eurasian subspecies. Color ranges from a pale straw color to a uniform gray-brown color. There is a pronounced, large dark-colored spot in the withers area;
  • East Siberian brown bear with a body weight of up to 330-350 kg and a large skull size. The fur is long, soft and dense, with a pronounced shine. The wool has a light brown or blackish-brown or dark brown color. Some individuals are characterized by the presence of fairly clearly visible yellowish and black shades in color;
  • Ussuri or Amur brown bear. In our country, this subspecies is well known as the black grizzly. The average body weight of an adult male can vary between 350-450 kg. The subspecies is characterized by the presence of a large and well-developed skull with an elongated nasal part. The skin is almost black. Distinctive feature is presence long hair on the ears.

One of the largest subspecies in our country is the Far Eastern or Kamchatka brown bear, whose average body weight often exceeds 450-500 kg. Large adults have a large, massive skull and a broad, raised front of the head. The fur is long, dense and soft, pale yellow, blackish-brown or completely black in color.

The area where the brown bear lives

The natural distribution area of ​​brown bears has undergone significant changes over the last century. Previously, the subspecies were found in vast areas stretching from England to the Japanese Islands, as well as from Alaska to central Mexico.

Today, due to the active extermination of brown bears and their eviction from inhabited territories, the most numerous groups of the predator are recorded only in the western part of Canada, as well as in Alaska and in the forest areas of our country.

Bear lifestyle

The period of activity of the predator occurs at dusk, early morning and evening hours. The brown bear is a very sensitive animal, orienting itself in space mainly through hearing, as well as smell. Poor vision is characteristic. Despite their impressive size and large body weight, brown bears are almost silent, fast and very easy to move predators.

This is interesting! The average running speed is 55-60 km/h. Bears swim quite well, but they can move through deep snow cover with great difficulty.

Brown bears belong to the category of sedentary animals, but young animals separated from the family are capable of wandering and actively looking for a partner. Bears mark and defend the boundaries of their territory. In the summer, bears rest directly on the ground, sitting among forbs and low trees. shrub plants. With the onset of autumn, the animal begins to prepare for itself a reliable winter shelter.

Nutrition and prey of the brown bear

Brown bears are omnivores, but the basis of their diet is vegetation, represented by berries, acorns, nuts, roots, tubers and the stem parts of plants. In a lean year, oats and corn are good substitutes for berries. Also, the predator’s diet necessarily includes all kinds of insects, represented by ants, worms, lizards, frogs, field and forest rodents.

Large adult predators are capable of attacking young artiodactyls. Roe deer, fallow deer, deer, wild boar and elk can become prey. An adult brown bear can break the back of its prey with one blow of its paw, after which it covers it with brushwood and guards it until the carcass is completely eaten. Near water areas, some subspecies of brown bears hunt seals, fish and seals.

Grizzly bears are capable of attacking baribal bears and taking prey from smaller predators.

This is interesting! Regardless of age, brown bears have excellent memory. These wild animals are able to easily remember mushroom or berry places, and also quickly find your way to them.

The basis of the diet of the Far Eastern brown bear in summer and autumn is salmon going to spawn. In lean years and poor food supply, a large predator is capable of attacking even domestic animals and grazing livestock.

Reproduction and offspring

The mating season of the brown bear lasts a couple of months and begins in May, when the males engage in fierce fights. Females mate with several adult males at once. Latent pregnancy involves the development of an embryo only during the hibernation stage of the animal. The female carries the cubs for approximately six to eight months.. Blind and deaf, completely helpless and covered with sparse hair, the cubs are born in a den. As a rule, the female bears two or three babies, whose height at the time of birth does not exceed a quarter of a meter and weighs 450-500 g.

This is interesting! In the den, the cubs feed on milk and grow up to three months, after which they develop milk teeth and become able to independently feed on berries, vegetation and insects. However, on breastfeeding cubs stay for up to one and a half years or more.

Not only the female takes care of the offspring, but also the so-called nurse daughter, who appeared in the previous litter. The cubs live next to the female until they are about three or four years old, until they reach puberty. The female usually produces offspring once every three years.

Brown bear hibernation

The sleep of a brown bear is completely different from the period of hibernation characteristic of other species of mammals. During hibernation, the brown bear's body temperature, breathing rate, and pulse remain virtually unchanged. The bear does not fall into a state of complete stupor, and in the first days only dozes.

At this time, the predator listens sensitively and reacts to the slightest danger by leaving the den. In warm and little snowy winters, if available large quantity food, some males do not dive into hibernation. Sleep occurs only with the onset of severe frosts and can last less than a month. In a dream, reserves are wasted subcutaneous fat, which was accumulated in the summer and autumn.

Preparation for sleep

Winter shelters are established by adults in reliable, remote and dry places, under a windbreak or the roots of a fallen tree. The predator is able to independently dig a deep den in the ground or occupy mountain caves and rock crevices. Pregnant brown bears try to create a deeper, more spacious, warm den for themselves and their offspring, which is then lined from the inside with moss, spruce branches and fallen leaves.

This is interesting! Baby bear cubs always spend winter period along with his mother. Such a company can be joined by bear cubs in their second year of life.

All adult and solitary predators hibernate alone. The exception is individuals living on the territory of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Here, the presence of several adult individuals in one den is often observed.

Duration of hibernation

Depending on weather conditions and some other factors, brown bears can stay in a den for up to six months. The period when a bear lies in a den, as well as the duration of hibernation itself, may depend on the conditions imposed by weather conditions, the yield of the fattening food supply, gender, age parameters and even the physiological state of the animal.

This is interesting! An old wild animal that has gained a lot of fat goes into hibernation much earlier, even before significant snow cover falls, while young and insufficiently fed individuals lie down in a den in November-December.

The period of occurrence lasts for a couple of weeks or several months. Pregnant females are the first to settle in for the winter. Lastly, old males occupy dens. The same place for hibernation in winter can be used by a brown bear for several years.


Shatun is a brown bear who has not had time to accumulate sufficient quantity subcutaneous fat and, for this reason, unable to hibernate. In the process of searching for any food, such a predator is capable of wandering around the surrounding area all winter. As a rule, such a brown bear moves uncertainly and has a shabby and relatively exhausted appearance.

This is interesting! When meeting dangerous opponents, brown bears emit a very loud roar, stand on their hind legs and try to knock down their opponent with a strong blow from their powerful front paws.

Hunger forces the beast to often appear in close proximity to human habitation. The connecting rod bear is typical of northern regions characterized by harsh winters, including the territory Far East and Siberia. A massive invasion of connecting rod bears can occur during lean seasons, approximately once every ten years. Hunting connecting rod bears is not a commercial activity, but a necessary measure.

What animals live in the savannah, you will learn from this article.

What animals live in the savanna?

Savannas are wide open spaces, heavily covered with grass, with occasional trees. They are geographically located in Australia, Africa and South America. There is no summer or winter here, but there are 2 seasons - the dry season and the rainy season. Data climatic conditions fully determine that animal world, which inhabits the savannah.

Herbivores of the savannah

The largest representative of herbivores is African elephant. The weight of the animal sometimes exceeds the mark of 7.5 tons, and the height of the elephant reaches 4 m. The tallest savannah animal is the giraffe - the animal's height reaches 5.8 m.

List of savannah herbivores:

* Antelopes of such breeds are Sable, Wildebeest, Greater Kudu, Bushbuck and Impala

* Zebras of such breeds are Burchellova, Mountain and Desert zebras

* Rhinoceroses – white and black

* Wild pigs

* Wild horses

Predatory animals of the savannah

Savannah predators inhabit not only the land, but also water spaces. The most massive predatory animal is the hippopotamus, which reaches 3.2 tons and a body length of about 420 cm. The skin of the hippopotamus does not have hair, only the tail and muzzle have a small layer of hair.

In the savannah you can still find such predatory animals.

Brown bears are very strong and beautiful, and are rightfully considered a symbol of our country. The appearance of this large animal is impressive both in its power and grandeur. Currently, this animal is the largest land predator in the world.

Its lifespan in nature is estimated at 30 years. In captivity, the predator can live up to 50 years. Linguists believe that the name of this beast is made up of two words - “knowing” and “honey”. And this is understandable: despite being a predator, the bear is a big fan of sweet honey and, in general, an omnivore.

Description of appearance features

What is the weight of a brown bear? The weight and height of the animal depends on its habitat. On average, the mass of an individual can vary from three hundred to six hundred kilograms, and its length from one and a half to two meters.

However, bears that live in central Russia are slightly smaller than their counterparts and weigh about one hundred twenty kilograms. Grizzlies and Far Eastern bears are considered the largest.

The record holder in this area was a bear found on Kodiak Island: its mass reached one thousand and one hundred thirty-four kilograms. Closer to hibernation, in the fall, the animal gains about twenty percent fat of its total mass. Usually males are much larger than females approximately twice.

Body type of brown bears very powerful, with a rather massive head. The animal is quite high at the withers, the ears are very small, as is the tail, the length of which is about two centimeters. And on the large paws there are very long and strong claws, ten centimeters long, which help the animal hunt and cut up prey.

The bear's body is covered with thick, evenly colored, slightly stiff and, undoubtedly, very beautiful fur, and what color it will have depends on reddish, dark brown or dark gray, depends on the region where the predator lives. Bear offspring have light spots in the chest or neck area, however, they gradually disappear with age.

When bears move, like people, they tend to shift the weight of their entire body weight onto one paw, which is why these predators are classified as plantigrade animals. And also bears periodically change their fur coat, and the first time this happens is immediately after the first hibernation. It should be noted that the very first molt is more intense than all subsequent ones. In the fall, before hibernation, this process proceeds more sluggishly and slowly.

Where does the brown bear live?

Bears inhabit a fairly wide area. If we talk about the European part, these animals can be found in areas such as the Alps, Apennines, Pyrenees, and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

One of the places most populated by brown bears is this is Finland. Rarely, they are found in the central forests of the European part and in the Carpathians.

In the Asian part, the range of bears is separate territories of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Japan, Korea and even China. In Russia, bears can be found in almost all forests, in addition to those located closer to the south.

The North American continent is almost completely populated by these predators. More individuals live in Canada, Alaska and the islands adjacent to it.


How and where does a bear live? Bears are uncohesive animals; they are solitary and only come together during the breeding season. They do not have a shelter to which they will return again and again, in other words, a permanent place of residence.

They drive wandering lifestyle, because their main goal is to search for food. However, if the territory is quite rich in various living creatures and other food for bears, then they still prefer not to linger on it, but also do not go too far, so that if something happens, they can return to where they definitely have everything they need for a comfortable existence .

Bears prefer dense and deep thickets and forests, next to which there are any bodies of water. Looking at this huge and powerful predator, it is difficult to imagine what dexterity it has, however, it is so. Bears are skilled hunters. IN at a young age They easily climb trees of various heights, and their talent for swimming develops from childhood and remains until the end of their lives.

Most often, bears prefer to rest during the day, but in the late afternoon, at night, they wake up and start hunting. Most brown bears hibernate for the cold season, but some of them are very active image life and winter.

How long do bears live? Everything again directly depends on the region in which they live. Lifespan in nature, that is natural environment habitat varies from twenty to thirty-five years. But in the case when the animal is kept in captivity, this number becomes much more significant, because, if you trust the statistics, many bears in various zoos, where they are provided with the necessary care, reach the age of five decades!

What and how does a predator eat

Despite the fact that the brown bear is a predator, most of its daily diet consists of food of plant origin. These animals do not disdain insects, including various larvae. And as everyone knows, he loves to eat honey.

Animals that are too large are not often the prey of predators, but small animals he eats with great pleasure. A strong bear paw is capable of breaking the backbone of a young elk or deer, as well as roe deer, fallow deer and mountain goats in one blow. Sometimes even wild boars are the prey of these predators.

It should be noted that bears are wonderful fishermen, which is why the presence of a reservoir in the territory inhabited by them is so important. In total, the bear's daily diet is as follows:

  • wild berries, such as blueberries or raspberries;
  • oats and corn;
  • fish, such as trout;
  • mice;
  • hens, chicks and eggs;
  • tubers, nuts, acorns.

Times can sometimes be quite difficult when searching for food is a difficult task. However, the bear is saved by one of its main advantages - omnivorousness and unpretentiousness. Thanks to them, and not just their strength and power, they are able to survive even in the harshest conditions.

Interestingly, clubfooted animals are very thrifty animals. They skillfully hide uneaten food, disguising it under many branches.

Types of brown bears

The brown bear family includes more than one subspecies. Let's look at the most common of them.

Reproduction of brown bears

After the predators feel completely rested and full of strength, the mating period begins, which usually begins in late spring, in May, and lasts about a month.

It's interesting that at this time females tend to mark territory. Males find their chosen ones by special smells and try to protect them from rivals.

Sometimes a serious dispute breaks out about who will get the bear. In this case, the battle is literally life and death. Winners sometimes even eat their dead rivals.