Indoor balsam is very beautiful flower. There are more than 20 varieties of this plant. Indoor balsam flowers can be red, pink or white. There are also varieties with two-color buds. The peculiarity of an adult balsam is that its root system does not have a central root, although the seedling has such a root. It dies off as the flower grows, decomposes and fertilizes the soil. Thanks to this, all balsam roots develop equally well, and the above-ground part of the flower forms a tall stem, which hardens over time.

The central shoot of the plant develops more slowly than its lateral growths. Side shoots, growing, descend to the ground like branches weeping willow, therefore, from a flower planted in a flower pot you can form a small tree. If you start forming a flower at the seedling stage, then balsam is ideal for planting in a hanging pot. After formation, the central shoot will stop its growth, so the lateral growths will begin to grow faster.

If you do not form the balsam, then its buds will bloom earlier, while the flower will spend a lot of energy and nutrients on the growth of the central shoot, and therefore will form fewer peduncles.

Formation of balsam

The first shaping of balsam can be done within three weeks after planting the seed in the ground. By this time, the seedling will throw out four seven-lobed leaves. If you want to form a flower into an ideal plant for planting in a hanging pot, then the top of the central shoot must be pinched as early as possible. After this formation, the side shoots will actively begin to grow.

To form a balsam tree, you need to wait another two weeks until the plant stem hardens. Then cut off all the lower leaves of the balsam and pinch the central shoot of the flower. All sections are treated with crushed coal and wrapped with electrical tape. After some time, lateral growths will appear from the top of the central balsam shoot. About two weeks after formation, the flower will look like a small willow, and after a few more days it will bloom.

After the balsam is formed, the plant must be fertilized with vermicompost. You can also use chemical fertilizers, for example, urea in combination with potassium fertilizer. It is necessary to fertilize with a warm fertilizer solution.

Kirill Sysoev

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Decorative flower “Vanka wet” or as it is also called Indoor balsam - care at home and its propagation is not difficult. But this floral fireworks can decorate the interior of any home with a lush bouquet of bright, picturesque flowers. All kinds of bud colors, depending on the type indoor plant, at proper care will delight their owners with colorful flowers framed by lush green foliage all year round.

What is indoor balsam

Perennial or annual flower belongs to the Balsam family. The bushy plant is distinguished by straight, succulent and fleshy shoots. On the stems, serrated, lanceolate or solid sheets without stipules. Their color varies from green to reddish-bronze depending on the variety. The flowering period of "Impacts" continues from May until December inclusive.

The plant comes with smooth or double flowers, which can have a variety of colors in their collections: white, crimson, pink, red, lilac, yellow, orange, and also all kinds of shades of the listed palette. There are varieties of Balsam with an original combination of several colors of one flower (two-color). The fruits of the plant are multi-seeded capsules; touching them will cause them to crack.

Homeland of Balsam

“Vanka wet” comes from the island of Zanzibar, eastern India, southern China, Malaysia, so Balsam prefers subtropical and tropical climates. This origin explains the flower’s love for warmth, light, and abundant soil moisture. Balsam, brought to Europe in 1596 from Africa and Asia, quickly gained popularity among the local population.

In England, for its rich and long-lasting flowering, it was nicknamed “Business Lizzy”. From the Austrians, the flower miracle received the nickname “Beautiful Wreaths”. But “Vanka wet”, the plant began to be called for the crystals of sugar dew appearing on the edges of the leaves. Because of the instantly cracking seed pods, some call it from the Latin name Impatience simply “Touchy”, and also “Spark”.

Types of Balsams

Garden or indoor plant Impatiens has more than 500 varieties in nature. But in decorative floriculture, from 8 to 15 of total number varieties. Lovers of blooming indoor flowers choose the "Impatiens" variety, which is characterized by long and perennial flowering. And in addition, good survival in areas with a temperate climate.

A representative of the flora from the Balsam family is abundant in the following main groups:

  • Waller's balsams combine a series of numerous hybrid varieties.
  • Peters' balsam differs from its predecessor in larger dimensions.
  • New Guinea balsam is an artificially bred variety. New Guinea hybrids tend to flower in room conditions all year round.

Caring for Balsam at home

Among unpretentious indoor plants, “Touch-me-not” also occupies its niche. It is important to know what kind of care is required for Vanka wet at home and the peculiarities of cultivation. In order for an exotic flower to delight its owners all year round abundant flowering, care involves providing for basic needs decorative flower for good health it is partial shade and moisture.

There are several reasons why balsam sheds its leaves:

  1. Dry indoor air.
  2. Excessive or insufficient watering.
  3. Low or too heat in the habitat of an exotic indoor plant.


Decorative indoor balsam - care at home includes providing the flower with fresh soil and substrates suitable for its variety. Cultivation should be carried out in a pot selected according to the size of the root system. Before planting “Vanka wet” in such a pot, you need to fill it with a nutrient mixture: black soil, moist soil, sand, peat, drainage. It is recommended to add humus to the substrate, because the plant prefers a moderate acidic environment.

Optimal temperature

Picturesque indoor balsam - care at home requires maintaining a moderate temperature and the absence of drafts. When keeping Balsam indoors, the winter temperature should be maintained in the range of 15-20 degrees. And in summer you can’t place the flower in the open rays of the sun. The sweltering heat has a detrimental effect on “Vanka wet”; it begins to dry out and wither. Comfortable temperature for Balsam from spring to autumn should not exceed +25 degrees.


Impatiens are light-loving indoor plants; lack of lighting prevents their growth, the formation of buds, and in addition, their leaves turn yellow. But “Touchy” prefers partial shade to bright lighting. Exposure to direct sunlight is not recommended. Therefore, it is better to place Balsam on a windowsill facing north, east, southeast or west. If indoor flower located near the southern windows, they should be shaded with any material, tracing paper or tulle.

Proper watering

The “Vanka wet” flower is moisture-loving, so the watering regime should be regular. Improper watering and lack of moisture immediately affects the plant, its foliage begins to wither and its flowers fall off. But overwatering can damage the root system. Excess moisture, especially with the onset of cold weather, leads to rotting of the root system.

It is recommended to spray the crown of a houseplant carefully, avoiding contact with flowers, and only at temperatures above 20 degrees. When it’s warm, Balsam is moistened more often, and water is poured so that the trays are slightly filled with it. In winter, watering should be less frequent, about once every two weeks. In the cold season, moderate humidity should be maintained as the soil dries, and lightly add water at room temperature.


For lushly blooming indoor Impatiens, care at home is impossible without fertilizing the soil. When feeding “Touch-me-not”, it is better to use fertilizers of organic origin. In addition, it is allowed to use varieties of natural nitrogen fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out twice during the warm season and once a month during the cool season.

Balsam Reproduction

The touch-me-not flower is very easy to grow yourself. Balsam is propagated by several methods:

  1. Propagation by seeds.
  2. Propagation by cuttings.

To propagate by seeds, they need to be sown in moist soil and covered with film, creating a greenhouse atmosphere. Reproduction through apical cuttings is more in a fast way. The propagation method using cuttings involves cutting beautifully formed and healthy shoots from a bush, which are kept in a humid environment until roots appear.

How to root Balsam

This exotic houseplant has a peculiarity of rooting - in cramped pots it blooms better. If you plant "Impatis" in a spacious container, it will devote a lot of effort to the growth of roots throughout the entire territory of the pot and the flowers will not appear soon. Therefore, to accelerate the growth of the above-ground part of the “Impatis” and the rapid start of vigorous flowering, you must initially plant it in a small pot. And as you grow, select a container bigger size- plants can easily tolerate transplants no more often than annually.

How to pinch balsam

The method for pinching balsam is simple: the apical buds and at the ends of the shoots of the indoor plant are removed. Bud pruning is done to ensure vigorous growth and lush flowering for the bush. To maintain a neat crown design and aesthetically attractive appearance decorative culture. The only exceptions are the dwarf varieties "Impacts".

Diseases and pests of Balsam

Due to the hybridization of some Impatiens varieties, they are very susceptible to disease. The leaves of indoor plants require special attention. If you look at even one damaged shoot, this may be followed by the death of the entire plant. And if you manage to save Balsam from the disease, then it will lose its decorative effect. You should also be wary of the appearance of pests on the above-ground parts of a houseplant.

You will need to carefully inspect the flower from time to time - balsam is damaged by whiteflies and aphids. And the presence of spider mites, which settle in the internodes on the stems, is most dangerous for “Vanka mokrogo”. A sign of the disease is cobwebs on the leaves (spider mites). In the case of whitefly, the disease is identified by white spots on the leaves and their slight curling. Aphids are recognized by brown marks and deformation of the leaves.


Delicate indoor balsam - growing and caring for it at home is rarely complete without the preventative and healing measures of the flower. To resist pests exotic plant It is recommended to carefully inspect its above-ground part before watering. If traces of spider mites, whiteflies, or aphids are detected, treat the “Impatiens” with appropriate medicinal products.


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A plant with fleshy stems and oval-lanceolate leaves blooms profusely from July until the first frost. Thanks to such a long period, the British call him “busy Lisey”, the Germans call him “zealous Lisa”. For the expressive color and variety of shades of flowers, Austrians call impatiens a “beautiful wreath,” comparing them to an attractive girl.

In the CIS countries, balsam has acquired many affectionate and interesting second names “Vanka wet” is a name that comes from the fact that drops of sugary liquid protrude along the edges of the leaves. The plant was nicknamed “Spark” because of its bright buds.

Impatiens is known as "touch-me-not." It is connected with the peculiarity of the fruit: a light touch to mature oblong boxes leads to their cracking. They shoot out seeds.

Indoor varieties

Growing “light” begins with choosing a variety. The table lists the main types that can be used indoors.

Table - Varieties of balsam

Tempo F1 Hybrid- Plant height can reach 25 cm;
- apricot or rose buds
Stardust F1 Mixed- Silver plated petals;
- wide border around the edges in orange, red or pink
Bruno F.T.- Abundant flowering and lush green foliage;
- large petals from red to lilac
Firefly- The plant has a large palette of flower colors: orange, pink, purple
Fiesta FT- Double flowers have a rich red color
Balsam New Guinea- Abundant flowering that lasts all year round;
- leaves can be bronze, bright green or variegated in color
Paradise- Lanceolate leaves can be dark, bright green or variegated;
- flowers of various bright colors
Java- Bronze or green leaves;
- flowers of bright “tropical” shades
Jangle Rain- Flowers in delicate pastel colors

Caring for balsam: what to consider

In order for the “light” to grow well and please with a healthy appearance, it needs to be created with favorable conditions. Knowing how to care for balsam after flowering or during the growth period, and observing simple rules, you can achieve year-round flowering or enjoy the beauty from May to December.

Lighting and location

The plant loves light, so it cannot be kept in shade or partial shade, since it does not bloom in such conditions. But you should avoid exposure to sunlight. The ideal place in summer and spring is an east window. In autumn and winter it is better to place the flowerpot on the south side.

“Vanka wet” can grow not only in natural, but also in artificial light. In order for it to have a uniform, healthy crown, it should be placed on different sides to the light source. Otherwise, the balsam may stop producing buds and become unattractive. appearance.

Ogonyok does not tolerate smoke from tobacco products. Therefore, a healthy plant cannot exist in a room where people smoke.


Ideal temperature regime in summer 21 °C. Based on reviews from gardeners, if it is higher, then the plant needs to be provided with high humidity and intensive watering. IN winter period 10-16 °C are excellent conditions. Frost, cold air is something that should be avoided.

Starting in spring, the “light” can be taken out onto the balcony or terrace at a temperature of at least 15 ° C. This should be a place protected from rain, wind, and direct sunlight.

The culture is sensitive to sudden temperature changes and drafts. It is necessary to ventilate the room, but it is better to do it carefully.


“Vanka wet” does not like a dry microclimate, especially in the cold seasons when the heating devices are turned on. Humidity is maintained through periodic spraying. Water should not get on the flowers. It is better to keep a plant with abundant flowering on a tray with pebbles or expanded clay. Spraying is carried out in the early morning hours or in the evening. This allows you to avoid sunburn.

A dangerous enemy of the “light” is the spider mite. It appears and reproduces in dry climates. But by observing the humidity regime, you can effectively combat it.


The plant needs abundant watering throughout the year, except winter. With the onset of cold weather it is limited. If water stagnates in the pan, then you need to reduce its amount. Finding out whether a plant has enough moisture or too much is simple: when watering excessively, green moss appears on the soil.

"Touchable" in summer time Watered at least three times a week. Winter care for balsam in a pot - water only once or twice a week. Spraying of leaves is carried out in the early morning or evening. This allows you to avoid sunburn.

Use soft filtered water at room temperature. If you take liquid from the tap, over time it will form on the ground. white coating. This is a sign of alkalization of the soil. You will have to replace its top layer.

Excessive soil moisture is a favorable environment for the appearance and reproduction of sciarids. Small midges can destroy the plant. Also, excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system and stems.

Top dressing

From April to November, the plant must be fertilized every ten days with mineral complexes. After transplantation, fertilizing is carried out after two to three weeks. The plant's dormant period is not very pronounced, so additional nutrition is needed in winter. After the buds have appeared, a small amount of fertilizer is added to the soil. It is applied after watering into moist soil.

If you decide to feed the “light” during the flowering period, then fertilizers with a large amount of nitrogen are not recommended. During this period, formulations of phosphorus and potassium will be the most effective and useful.

Trimming and pinching

In order for the touch-me-not to have a well-groomed and healthy appearance, annual pruning is necessary. In early spring elongated long branches are cut off. The procedure is not carried out immediately, but gradually, so as not to injure the plant.

The procedure is necessary so that the bush grows actively and blooms lushly. It is better to pinch balsam after picking, since during this period it is actively growing. A simple manipulation is carried out at the top of the plant. Together with it, you can remove limp and dry leaves. Dwarf varieties do not need to be pinched.

Soil and replanting

“Vanka wet” grows in light, loose and moderately nutritious soil with a slightly acidic environment. In too loose soil the plant will be unstable. Excessive amounts of minerals, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate will result in heavy leaf growth and few flowers.

You can make a composition from turf soil, humus, compost and perlite. All components are taken in equal parts. Another excellent option is another composition of sand, peat (one part each) and leaf soil (two parts). Humus can be taken from under linden and maple.

Replanting is carried out every year in the spring. It is better to do this in March or April. Having decided to transplant the “light”, the gardener must adhere to certain rules. It is very important to choose the right size flowerpot. If it is too large, the plant will spend energy on the formation of roots and there will not be enough of them for flowering. Maximum comfortable conditions for “touch-me-not”, this is when the roots completely fill the pot. It should be of medium volume with a small amount of soil.

Reproduction methods

After three to five years, balsam loses its decorative properties, so there is a need to grow a new plant. Cuttings allow you to preserve all varietal characteristics, unlike planting seeds.


Peculiarities . Before propagating balsam by cuttings, you should prepare materials and tools. You will need a knife with a sharp blade, a container for water, perlite, glasses, soil, a pot. For successful rooting, you can leave the cuttings in a greenhouse or cover them with polyethylene. It is better to keep them under diffused light and maintain a temperature of 22 ° C.

Work progress

  1. Below the node we cut a cutting 10-12 cm long.
  2. Leave the shoot in warm water (30 °C).
  3. We remove leaves, colored buds and make two top leaves.
  4. We fill disposable glasses with perlite and immerse the cuttings 3 cm into it, pouring warm water.
  5. We wait two to three weeks until rooting occurs.
  6. Replant into a pot.


Peculiarities . Growing balsam from seeds at home is possible only for simple and non-terry varieties. Seeds are sown in February or March. But if you want the plant to bloom in May, then the procedure is performed in January. Seeds germinate in bright, diffused light and a temperature of 22°C. After transplantation, the temperature drops to 18-20°C. Maternal characteristics are practically not preserved.

Work progress

  1. Before planting, soak the seeds in warm water for three hours or in a solution of potassium permanganate for ten minutes.
  2. Gently press the seeds into perlite and water.
  3. We create a greenhouse effect using cellophane.
  4. We wait two to three weeks.
  5. Seedlings can be planted only when two leaves have developed.

Possible difficulties during cultivation

Green pet is exposed negative factors– diseases and pests. If you have the necessary information and react correctly to the problem, then you can save the “touchable”.


The appearance and proliferation of pests is the result of unscrupulous care. The table shows the worst enemies of the “touch-me-not” and the symptoms of damage to them.

Table - Pests attacking balsam

Spider mite- Small yellow spots form on the bush;
- over time, the spots increase and turn into colorless, dried areas;
- small mites are visible on the inside of leaves in the web
Multi-clawed mites- Leaves harden, become deformed, curl;
- small mites white appear and reproduce in conditions of elevated temperatures, in humid environments
Trips- Spots appear on the flowers, they turn brown along the edges;
- deformation is observed during growth;
- insects accumulate in the stamen area
Aphid- Leaves and flowers become yellow and curly;
- flowering stops
Whitefly- When severely damaged, balsam leaves turn yellow and fall off

Preventive measures and treatment are the same: the affected areas are removed, the plant is treated with water and a soap solution. When there is a large concentration of insects, spraying preparations such as Akarin, Fitoverm, Vertimek, Aktara and analogues are used. They must be applied in a course of several procedures.


Why did the balsam stop blooming? What happens to the leaves? All these conditions are quite understandable. The leaves turn yellow and dry - this means there is not enough moisture. The buds fall off - the soil is waterlogged or overdried. The stems are stretched, the plant blooms poorly - there is not enough light. Problems are solved by normalizing and adjusting the frequency of watering and lighting. But there are diseases caused by viruses that require surgical intervention. Examples of symptoms are in the table.

Table - What and how does the “light” hurt?

The affected areas are removed. Biological products are used for spraying, including “Alyet”, “Ridomil Gold”, “Fitosporin-M”, “Fufanon”.

Despite the fact that the composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied, there are known cases of its use in folk medicine. Ural, Caucasian, and Siberian healers know how to care for balsam and prepare infusions and decoctions from it. The drugs are used to treat kidney stones, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism.

A garden flower garden fragrant with aromas and full of bright colors is not as expensive a pleasure as it might seem.

For example, balsams, which are striking in their variety of colors and can decorate even the most sophisticated flower bed, can be easily grown from seeds at home.

The result will be double savings, because you won’t have to spend money on seedlings, and from the resulting plants you can collect seeds for sowing next year.

Today we’ll talk about garden balsam such as Carmelita and Camellia, namely, about growing seedlings for subsequent transplantation into a flower garden.

Impatiens - a plant with an easy-going character

This inhabitant of flower beds and flower beds is so charming in its shy beauty that it never ceases to attract the attention of breeders. The result of the painstaking work of scientists was the creation of more than 500 species and subspecies of the multi-colored balsam family.

Despite their apparent capriciousness, balsamers are quite unpretentious. And they acquired the popular name “touch-me-not” because of their special method of reproduction: with the most fleeting touch of a mature seed pod, a whole volley of mature seeds immediately “shoots” out of it.

In order for the beautiful balsam seedlings to turn out healthy and viable at home, you need to know something about the “character” of this amazing plant.

  • So, for normal growth, seedlings need a lot of light and heat.
  • Just like many herbaceous plants, they cannot tolerate drying out the earthen clod.
  • On early stages growing them may be subject to the insidious “black leg”, but in general balsam bushes do not cause much trouble.

To achieve the desired result, we must first decide what exactly we want to get in the end. For growing in a flowerbed “in company” with other inhabitants of a wildly blooming garden, balsam species such as the mentioned Carmelita or Camellia are perfect.

They differ from their indoor relatives in the very narrowed shape of their leaves, under and between which hide stunningly beautiful flowers of the most festive shades.

Growing garden balsam from seeds begins with choosing this one seed material. Balsam peas remain viable for up to 8 years, depending on the species and varietal characteristics.

Considering that the seeds produce the first shoots within 7-10 days, there is no need to rush into sowing them too much.

For a region where spring arrives more or less according to the calendar, this is January and early February. Such early sowing makes it possible to obtain healthy seedlings ready for planting by the third ten days of April.

If the warmth usually comes late, you can sow the seeds in early March.

For seedlings to be viable:

  • Before sowing, seeds should be kept in a weak, warm solution of potassium permanganate for at least a quarter of an hour;
  • The best soil mixture for seedlings is store-bought for flowering plants or prepared independently from sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Before sowing, it is advisable to disinfect the soil mixture with a fungicide against blackleg and other fungal infections;
  • It is better to sow in small plastic containers up to 7 cm in diameter - this will make it easier to care for the seedlings and remove them for picking;
  • When sowing, you need to deepen the seeds too much - a maximum of 0.5 mm, or even better, just spread them on a damp soil surface and sprinkle them with the same earthen mixture or sand (layer no more than 3 mm);
  • If containers with seeds are covered with glass or transparent film, we get a greenhouse effect. It is advisable not to forget to ventilate them, removing the cover every day for 20 minutes, and maintain the temperature inside the mini-greenhouses at 18-20 o C, soon we will get friendly shoots, after which the temperature should be raised by 2-3 degrees. Seedlings must be additionally illuminated before picking.

Another way to grow beautiful balsam seedlings without much hassle is to germinate the seeds in advance. To do this, you will need a small piece of fabric that absorbs water well. It needs to be slightly moistened, seeds “sown” on it and carefully wrapped. The fabric should be kept warm and not allowed to dry out. Carefully embed the hatched seeds into the soil, as in the first case.

The second method of cultivation is good because it significantly speeds up the production of seedlings.

Such a nuisance can happen if the seeds are planted in the ground ahead of schedule. When the room with balsam seedlings is too warm and there is insufficient lighting, the result will be just as sad.

The best way to get healthy, proportional shoots is hardening at a temperature of 15-18 ° C and artificially extending the day using daylight lamps.

It is quite simple to transform excessively long and fragile young plants into strong, well-developed seedlings and thereby correct an annoying mistake in their cultivation. So, if the balsam seedlings have become very elongated, it is advisable to:

  • Urgently pick it up - when transplanting, the plants will spend energy on building up the root mass and will “forget” about growth for a while;
  • When planting in separate small containers, you need to deepen the seedlings a little more than usual. Very long stems in this case, you can slightly bend it in the form of a ring in the planting holes and sprinkle it with substrate - they will form additional roots, which will significantly increase their nutrition;
  • Pinch the topmost leaf of each plant, so they will begin to bush;
  • Treat overgrown seedlings with Atlet, a drug that inhibits stretching.

When 3-4 full-fledged leaves are formed on each green sprout, it will be possible to start picking, that is, planting them in separate 200 ml cups - such a container will be quite enough for a young plant.

Before picking, the main thing is not to forget to water the sprouts thoroughly so that you can easily separate their thread-thin roots.

Soil for flowering plants is perfect for this procedure. You can also use a mixture of sand and peat, in which we sowed the seeds.

Having planted the seedlings, we shed the soil, place them closer to the light and do not forget to control the temperature. During this period, it should not rise above 20 degrees Celsius.

Planting balsam in open ground

Having made sure that no more frosts are expected, we begin to “relocate” the strengthened and grown plants to a permanent place - a flowerbed or a garden bed.

In order for balsam to please the eye with lush flowering, planting must be done in accordance with all the rules of gardening.

It is important not to make a mistake with the place: in too bright sun our beauty will simply wither, and if there is not enough sunlight, you may not wait for flowering, especially with high humidity.

In general, balsams are not too demanding: planting and care are almost standard for most garden inhabitants:

  • lace penumbra,
  • constant soil moisture (without overwatering),
  • air temperature during flower formation is within 22-25 o C,
  • air humidification in case of excessive air heating,
  • pinching out the growing points at the first hint of stretching - these are the main requirements of this plant for the external environment.

Garden balsam can bring a lot of joy to those who decide to grow this plant from seeds and are able to understand its delicate nature. My next post will tell you what his family relative is like.

One of the most common house flowers is indoor balsam, caring for it at home has certain subtleties. In fact, this plant can be called unusual and even capricious; it has its own characteristics and specific differences from other flowers. Balsam is not the only name for this plant; due to its unusual properties, it has several names that are used by the common people.

For example, in England this flower was nicknamed “Diligent Lisa”; it earned this name for its ability to bloom all year round. Most species of this plant, with proper care and suitable conditions, are capable of long and lush flowering. On English language it is also called Impatines, which means “impatiens”, due to the fact that at the moment the seeds ripen, if you touch the box, it will suddenly open and all the contents will fly out.

The flower has another interesting nickname - Vanka wet. After the flower is watered, droplets of dew appear on its leaves, and the bush seems completely wet. It is believed that the birthplace of this plant is Africa and Asia; the flower eventually spread widely throughout Europe. Its beauty and grace appealed to many; breeders worked to develop new varieties, and their work was crowned with success.

Today, in the world of cultivated varieties of balsam, there are more than 400 species of this plant. Each of them has its own characteristics, which are manifested in appearance and require compliance with the rules of cultivation.

There are varieties that are designed for open ground, but there are only indoor flowers. All balsam plants are divided into several genera: impatiens and hydroceras.

Description of balsam

This plant can be either annual or perennial. Its stems, as a rule, reach a length of 20 to 50 cm. The foliage, depending on the type of flower, can be dark or light green in color, and in some cases even purple.

Externally, the flower resembles a neat and compact bush, in which the flowers are located on elongated cuttings and are densely framed in the lower part by foliage. The leaf has an elongated oval shape with a pointed end, its length is 10-15 cm. The flowers have a beautiful wide-open shape, consist of 5 petals, which are arranged like a fan in a circle, the color can be varied, from white to dark red, there are beautiful and sophisticated flowers with a combined color.

Each variety has a different appearance and root system structure from others, and care requirements can vary greatly.

Impatiens varieties

Exists big choice Balsam varieties that can be grown indoors. The following types are considered the most common and not too demanding to care for:

  1. New Guinea balsam (Impatines New Guinea). This flower is distinguished by its impressive size, it has a very large flowers, which have a variety of colors. The stem is straight and reaches a height of half a meter. It has a powerful root system that is actively developing, so it is customary to use more spacious flowerpots.
  2. Balsam Valerian (Impatines Walleriana). Most often found in home cultivation. It is considered the result of a combination of many varieties; this hybrid has properties inherent in other types of balsam. It has tall stems, more massive leaves and bright, large flowers. It can bloom almost all year round. There is one difference in this variety: leaves with brown.
  3. Balsam Peterson (Impatines Petersiana). Its main difference is its tall stems and wide oval-shaped leaves. This variety is considered one of the largest indoor species. Due to their length, the stems and petioles have a slight slope, as if slightly lowered. But main feature Impatines Petersiana has an unusually beautiful bronze color of foliage and stems.

These are the most common plants of this species, which are adapted to home growing. In order for the plant to grow healthy and strong, it is necessary to follow the rules of caring for it.

It is worth finding out in advance what kind of care for balsam at home is required and how to properly transplant and pinch this shrub so as not to harm the flower.

Rules of care

When purchasing a flower in a special store, you need to ask what conditions it is used to, how it was watered, and what and when it was fertilized the last time. This information will allow you to properly prepare the environment for optimal adaptation of the new plant.

Many gardeners say that this type The plants are actually unpretentious and require only regular attention and properly selected conditions for growth. And the first thing to start with is choosing a place for a flowerpot.

Selecting a location

This plant loves sunlight and warmth, so wet Vanka will feel great on the windowsills of the eastern side of the house. But with all his love for light, direct sunlight can harm him; to avoid burns, it is worth slightly shading the windows in the hot summer season. But in winter and cloudy periods, these flowers require additional lighting. If desired, you can use fluorescent lamps; they perfectly imitate daylight. The fact is that the regime of extending daylight hours is necessary for this plant, good lighting allows it to bloom throughout the year. It is important to periodically turn the flowerpot with different sides towards sunlight, this will provide a uniform shape to the bush.

Humidity and temperature mode

Vanka wet is fully consistent with a tropical plant; it feels great at a temperature of +20...+25ºС, but at the same time it must be provided with fresh air and regular watering. Ventilation is one of the most important rules in care. It requires moderate humidity, but with a significant increase in temperature, it is worth additionally humidifying the air. To do this, you can use containers of water or a special humidifier; the humidity level should not exceed 45-50 units. Spraying is allowed, but it should be done very carefully so as not to get on the flowers and their buds.

In winter and cool periods, it is worth monitoring the air temperature; it should not be allowed to drop below +10...+15ºС. It is worth remembering that close proximity to heaters can lead to withering of the plant.

Balsam care at home requires careful and attentive care, since even the wrong level of moisture in the room can harm the flower.

Rules for watering and feeding

Watering requires Vanka wet, regular and timely. The main indicator for this is the top layer of soil in the flowerpot; as soon as it dries, it is worth watering. Do not let cracks appear and earthen crusts form on the top layer of soil; this can harm the root system. Water with settled and soft water, it is important not to get it on the stem and foliage; it is best if you use a watering can with a thin and narrow spout when watering, this will allow you to carefully pour water along the edge of the pot and not touch the plant. It can go without watering for some time, but this will still affect its growth and flowering duration. Flowers are the first to react to drought; they wither and fall off without sufficient quantity moisture in the soil.

It is worth feeding the flower in spring and summer, approximately once every 14 days, the fact is that Vanka wet does not have a pronounced rest period, it produces young buds even in the cold season. But it still needs fertilizer, since it spends a lot of energy on constant flowering. Therefore, after the buds appear, it is worth adding mineral fertilizers. It is better to provide complementary feeding after watering, when the penetration of liquid or dry preparations is optimal. It is better to use complex fertilizers; they are purchased in special stores or flower salons.

It is important for this plant to periodically loosen the top layer of soil; this will allow oxygen to penetrate to the root system and prevent the occurrence of dampness.

Impatiens transplant

Every year this shrub needs to be replanted, this is due to the active growth of the root system. Therefore, in spring or summer it is worth transplanting the flower into new pot. It is worth noting that over time, this plant may lose its appearance, so experts recommend resorting to rooting cuttings from the apical part after 3-4 years. This will help renew the plant and restore the splendor of the crown.

The choice of pot should be made based on the size of the roots; in fact, it should be no more than 2-3 cm higher and wider than the previous one. The root system quickly and actively fills minor voids and after that gives the flower enough strength for long-term flowering, but in a large and spacious flowerpot it will spend time and effort on root growth, and the period and type of flowering will suffer significantly.

The substrate can be purchased ready-made at a specialized store, or if desired, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you will need the following components in equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

Second option for preparing soil:

  • turf land;
  • perlite;
  • compost;
  • humus.

It is important not to forget about drainage during transplantation; you can use small pebbles or expanded clay for it.

During transplantation, you can also prune the plant. During the winter, the stems may grow too much and need to be shortened by half. To form a beautiful bush you need to pinch the balsam. Pinching the upper stems will help the bush to give rise to young side branches, thus achieving fullness and volume for the bush. You should not forget about regular hygienic cleaning; it involves removing dried branches, foliage and faded flowers.

Breeding rules

These flowers are propagated in two ways - by cuttings and sowing seeds. The most common and effective is cuttings. Experts say that balsam cuttings take root very easily and tolerate adaptation. The main thing is to prepare them correctly, and for this you need to cut off a branch 7-10 cm long from the mother stem, with at least two internodes. The cuttings are placed in wet soil or water. After rooting, they are planted in small pots; peat pots with a diameter of 10 cm can be used. Often, after planting in the spring, a young plant can bloom in the same year.

Sowing seeds is a more labor-intensive task and requires certain knowledge. Growing these flowers from seeds can lead to unexpected results, because maternal characteristics are significantly lost with this method of reproduction.

Wet Roly, like all plants, is susceptible to some diseases, but all of them can only arise if the rules for caring for it are violated. Too high a temperature, lack of moisture, lack of fertilizer - all this can lead to slow growth and wilting, as well as the appearance of harmful insects.

Get rid of spider mite, aphids and whiteflies can be eliminated with the help of special preparations and following the rules of care.

In general, these points show how to properly care for balsam at home. By observing all the requirements, you can grow a flowering shrub of extraordinary beauty that will delight you with its brightness and grace all year round.