Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    See the figure person V black hood And raincoat, who later turns out to be a priest, means that he will have to immerse himself in reflection on the meaning of life and his purpose. A mourning dress or scarf represents loss. Had a dream put it on yourself in dream- to health problems. A crepe veil covering the face of a woman with a scarlet robe conveys that her rival, whom she did not care about, will separate her from her lover.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed about it Human V black hood, there was darkness all around, he stood, his face was not visible, I looked at him, it became wildly scary, I screamed in dream, but move away from person I couldn’t. It felt like I didn’t dream I actually lay down on the bed, time passes and suddenly I see 2 near the bed person V raincoats And hooded, and I think they were whispering about something, raincoats I think they were dark red, I didn’t realize anything at first and tried to take a closer look, I started to get up but I couldn’t see anything, it’s strange but there was no fear at that time...

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Interpretation sleep Hood: To you dreamed about it Hood what is this for - you will find person who will protect you and help you in everything. Imagine person whose face is covered hooded.Psychoanalytic dream book. Meaning sleep Hood: What does it mean in dream Hood. 1. Dreamed Human V hood always perceived as threatening and uncertain.

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  • Dream Interpretation "listname"

    Seeing a demon in dream for a woman - yours dream means that you perceive your man as a certain dark a force that suppresses you and your will. It’s not that you don’t like obeying him, but you experience an incomprehensible fear of him. Dream Interpretation Black of magic. If dreaming Demonic types (images) – All kinds of monsters, vampires, werewolves, devils, devil (male V black raincoat With hooded), ghosts, witches, a winged demon, various demons in all sorts of overt demonic forms (gray and black...

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  • Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If you dreamed about it Human V hood covering his face - your enemies are organizing a conspiracy against you. The woman who saw this dream- expects deception from a loved one person.A piece of clothing such as hood, seen in dream- portends that, easily succumbing to other people's influence because of your gentleness and good character, you can easily fall under someone else's influence, which will not always be beneficial for you.

“The Rich Also Cry” was once a famous Brazilian TV series about how money is not always synonymous with happiness. Dreams in which a man in black appears are most often interpreted in approximately the same way. But in dream books there are other predictions for a similar plot. So why do you dream of a gloomy person in a dark robe?

Bleak Prophecies

Alas, almost all dream books, commenting on the vision of a human figure dressed in a black robe, predict something bad. Although the versions regarding why such a plot was dreamed differ markedly.

Yes, according to Summer dream book, a man in black, is a harbinger of obtaining material well-being, in the absence of happiness and peace. In the Autumn Dream Interpreter it is an image of a difficult, joyless life, and in the Spring Dream Interpreter it is an image of moral death. It turns out that the dreaming person in the dark is trying to warn the sleeping person about something. And if the person in the dream was brown-eyed, then the dreamer in reality will face treachery, cruel betrayal.

In a dream, were you afraid of a stranger in a black cloak? This means that very soon and in reality you will feel fear, looking, as they say, into the eyes of your enemy. Sometimes such an image is a hint - the business started on the eve of the dream will not work out, moreover, it will only bring trouble. And the longer the shadow of the “black man” was in the night dream, the worse the consequences of the undertaking will be.

Miller's opinion

From the point of view of professional psychiatrist Gustav Miller, seeing yourself in a mask means adversity. The reason is misunderstanding. Your colleague or comrade will not believe you or will doubt your honesty and sincerity of intentions, and from here tension and even hatred will arise. You will have to look for the right words in order to convince your comrade or partner of the opposite, the dream book warns.

If a lady dreamed that she was trying on a black mask, then in reality the woman will not resist the temptation to deceive some gullible person. Why do you dream of strangers dressed in black, and even with their faces hidden by masks? Miller, warns about the machinations of enemies, envious people and hypocritical hangers-on.

Reason for optimism

But it is not all that bad. For example, if you are dressed in all dark, then the dream book predicts good luck and prosperity for the sleeping person.

Things will soon go uphill if in the night story a stranger in dark clothes gives the sleeping person gloves.

Did you notice a dark silhouette in the window while you were sleeping? If you are a man, then upon awakening you will have a pleasant acquaintance, and if you are a lady, then you will have an extremely ardent admirer.

Scary tales

Sometimes dreams about a man in black are more like children's horror stories or eerie fairy tales. For example, a phantasmagoria about a mysterious figure in dark robes, who during the course of the dream turns out to be a clergyman, is a hint that the sleeper should reflect on the meaning of life, own actions and intentions.

Losses, losses, this is what a mourning dress or headscarf can mean in a dream. If you put on a widow's outfit in a dream, then in reality you are likely to have health problems.

If a woman dreams that she hid her face under a crepe veil, then in reality she will have a serious fight with her rival. Moreover, one should not underestimate the homewrecker, she is very strong and insidious.

A man who appears in a night vision in a strict black suit is a harbinger of sad news about distant relatives. If you notice a girl in a dark outfit, then rejoice, all possible misfortunes will pass you by, the Muslim dream book promises.

"My head is waving its ears,
Like a bird with wings.
Her legs are on her neck
I can't bear to loom any longer.
Black man,
Black, black,
Black man
He sits on my bed,
Black man
Keeps me up all night."
S. Yesenin

This story began 3 years ago in Egypt. I fell asleep on the sofa in the living room and at some point I felt that someone was suffocating me with a pillow, and I could not move my arm or leg. The whole body is shackled with fear and the feeling that it is impossible to breathe. I try to scream, but I don't hear any sound. Terrible feeling. Then for several months, from time to time I experienced some kind of inexplicable fear and someone’s presence.
It was at this time that I heard from three people about a black man whom people saw at night either wearing a hat or a hood. And they were all afraid to talk about it, because the situation is simply unreal and clearly smacks of a mental hospital :)
I started looking for information on the Internet and, surprisingly, it turned out that many people all over the world see exactly this person and feel exactly this way. The Russian Internet and the English Internet have the same stories.
I will give examples from different sites.

This happened about 5 years ago. I went to bed as usual, then I passed out......I woke up because I was very cold. I open my eyes and see that some man was holding me by the hand. He was very tall, about 2 meters tall He was dressed in a long black raincoat that reached to his toes, and a wide-brimmed hat of the same color. I didn’t see his face. I wasn’t very scared, but I realized that my body was numb and I couldn’t move, I closed my eyes then opened it and he was still here. I realized that I was starting to feel my body and tried to pull my hand away.
He was so strong and I couldn’t do anything. Then he stuck his long, sharp nail into me just below my shoulder, it hurt, so I curled up all over and closed my eyes. I open my eyes and he’s not there. I don’t remember how I fell asleep…..I wake up in the morning and I think fuuuuhhhh what a dream. I turned over on the bed and felt that my arm hurt, I looked and there was a wound. I told my parents, but they didn’t really believe it. "

"Third visit.
Plus one year.
I almost forgot what it was like when I imagined it. Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night in wild fear and could not move for hours.
And now, again, such an awakening.
I opened my eyes with the thought “Again”, only this time a surprise awaited me. By the bed, on the right side, HE stood. Even then, I couldn’t understand why I decided that it was HIM, but I’m still sure of it. Someone was standing near the bed. The black silhouette seemed to be wearing a cloak with a hood that completely hid its face. I lay silently, without moving, watched and waited for Him to disappear, and probably only after a couple of minutes I felt that the night visitor was grinning. I don’t know how long this “invisible contact” lasted. For five, ten minutes, it was difficult to immediately orientate oneself, but he disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared.
I didn’t know what to think, I again blamed it on hallucinations and obvious problems with my head. Well, what else should I think? Nobody let me touch it! But despite this, I remembered..."

“I also had something similar, it’s like a waking dream and it’s scary. In the dream I was in the entrance of the house where my aunt lived, I don’t remember the details, but someone started approaching me from behind, I felt scared, I looked back and I saw a man in black and a hat with a brim, his face was not visible, everything was black, he chased me, I was seized with horror, I ran, he pulled his hands towards me, I began to fall straight onto the stairs face down, and then the most incomprehensible thing happened me: during the fall, I began to wake up, opened my eyes and for a while I saw everything as if in reality, my face and hands physically felt the touch of the stairs on which I fell, and a feeling of flying upward appeared, then horror seized me, and I finally woke up. I was lying. on the bed, breathing rapidly, as if from a jog and in the same position in which I fell on the stairs in a dream. For a long time I could not get away from this state. I was about 18-19 years old. And still remembering this, I am scared by this image of a black man. Maybe someone knows what this is?

Just now I read what people write, and the picture just gives me chills, it’s so similar"

“It’s strange that many have some kind of aggressive Blacks. Mine (in dreams) was very kind, constant love emanated from him, he explained a lot to me. Before him I always felt my smallness, as before a being far superior to people. He came several times throughout his life, predicting in advance the events that needed to be experienced in order to achieve the desired understanding... The last time he appeared in white robes and with an open beautiful face. Since then he has been gone. :) But I still have great gratitude to him for everything. Subsequently, I thought that this is something in ourselves - a supraconscious part of us that predicts, helps, accompanies us through trials. :)"

There are a huge number of such stories on the Internet. Many people consider this nonsense, BUT since I experienced it myself and know people who have seen CC, I’m trying to look for information, but I can’t find an explanation for this, alas.

There is an opinion that we see our own SPIRIT. The fact is that when a person falls asleep, his astral body (Spirit) separates from him, which either simply floats above the sleeping person in space, or it leaves and wanders around the astral plane so that you can see dreams. And at that moment, when your brain is half asleep and half awake, you fall into a state of sleep paralysis, and with your consciousness you look into the astral plane, and it seems to you that all the objects in your room are in place, furniture and so on, but you , you don’t know that your eyes are closed, it seems to you that you are not sleeping. At this moment, your body is blocked by your brain, and you cannot move it, this is necessary so that you do not harm yourself in the real world. You never know, suddenly you want to get up and do something out of the ordinary. By the way, here's an example: Sleepwalking.
Well, when this passes, your astral body apparently somehow senses your fear and returns back to you, a kind of natural protective mechanism is triggered, if you get scared in a dream, you wake up due to the fact that your double returns to the body back, and this is where you see the “Black Man” - that is, a shadow of himself. Why is HE wearing a hat, you ask, I will answer that he doesn’t have to wear a hat. For example, I saw myself not wearing a hat, but just an outline in the form of a shadow - 2 meters tall. Although, in fact, growth can be any form, too. My friend told me how he felt in a dream the size of a 5-story building. In general, this is the opinion.

Has anyone had similar stories? In general, I wrote briefly. This story lasted for six months. But sometimes something happens in the apartment. And in Egypt I hear these stories often. Either this is the place here, or...

People who have experienced “nightmares” give more or less similar descriptions. For the most part, they talk about the phenomenon of the so-called “contact stupor,” or paralysis, which temporarily immobilizes the body of the contactee during the ““. Also, for the most part, people talk about the feeling of extreme fear that they experienced in situations of direct interaction with the essence of the other world.

This means that the human body demonstrates two psychophysiological reactions to contact - short-term paralysis of the body and a feeling of horror at what is happening. It can be formulated another way: the night aliens completely consciously, of their own free will, drive a person into a state of tetanus, and then - also consciously! - they begin to intimidate him. To do this they use a variety of means.

Galina Ivanova experienced a real shock when she woke up in the middle of the night with a feeling that she had never experienced before. A huge hand, five-fingered and covered with fur, grabbed her palm tightly and squeezed it tightly twice. A fairly long period of time passed before Ivanova decided to open her eyes. Having opened them, she saw, in her words, “a kind of flickering - I didn’t really look at it. Something like a cloud of glowing smoke.”

As Pavlova recalled, one night she heard someone’s footsteps, and then someone invisible stroked her bare arm. The woman opened her eyes in horror and noticed “a faint flickering that vaguely resembled a human figure.” Her friend, who stayed overnight in Pavlova’s house the next night, also experienced the influence of unknown forces, similar to what was described by the mistress of the house.
O.O. Valkina also talked about the touch of someone unknown whose hands touched her body in the dead of night. It is curious that she not only felt their touch, but also saw with her own eyes long, black and, as it seemed to her, feminine hands:

– The arms did not go into the shoulders... They hung in the air, like two large intestines living an independent life.
The hands disappeared when Valkina began to read a prayer. At the moment of their disappearance, a certain devilry(aren’t they the same hands?) threw the woman out of bed onto the floor.
Again, late at night, another woman - Olga Ukolova - suddenly woke up from a feeling of fear. She saw a “smoky shadow” next to her bed, whose hand was reaching for Olga’s head.
- That hand grabbed my braid... How “he” pulled the braid! And I’ll scream! And “he” will pull again!
Elena Kozlenke also experienced the sensation of tactile contact with “evil spirits.” For a whole month, the Unknown regularly invaded her life. But if Pavlova says that during a nightmare she noticed a faint flickering that vaguely resembled a human figure,” and Valkina mentions “female hands living an independent life,” then Elena Kozlenke describes, in turn, a certain creature, naked and hairy , – in all its glory. The unexpected materialization of the creature was accompanied by the smell of burnt electrical wiring.

The last one is a highly interesting detail. If that hairy creature were some very real animal, then it would have to emit a very real animal smell. But, judging by Elena Kozlenka’s story, he didn’t smell of anything at all. A strange smell appeared only at the moment of its appearance, it did not appear for long - and this smell was by no means animal. A wave of the stench of burnt electrical wire swept through the room!

From the story of Tatyana Sheveleva, she and her mother-in-law were awakened by a strong roar, and then, to their horror, they both saw a “black creature of an unclear, vague appearance” no more than a meter tall, overgrown with fur. The creature approached the bed where Tatiana was lying and put its hairy hands on her shoulders. And then it melted into thin air.

Anatoly Zubashev saw the “hefty hairy monkey” after midnight, awakened by a heavy blow to his own forehead. A few seconds later, the “monkey” mysteriously disappeared from the Zubashev family’s apartment, as if it had dissolved, like Tatyana Sheveleva’s “black creature,” in the air.

A mysterious, but this time completely invisible stranger invaded the life of Tatyana Erina when she picked up a “ring on a string” type pendulum and began experimenting with it. The result of the experiment was the so-called “possession of a demon” in a person.

“I recognize it,” says Erina, “as a kind of energy field wrapped around me like a cloud.” Every day I feel worse and worse... I'm sick and tired of this scoundrel's nightly antics: at least twice a week he leans on my chest after midnight and suffocates me.
... Vladimir Putilin, in turn, woke up from a very strong roar and saw a small ball, white, translucent. The ball fell on Putilin's chest and began to choke him.
“I have never experienced such horror as that night,” says Putilin, “I have never experienced in my life.”
And then in Putilin’s testimony there is one nuance in the description of the contact procedure, which, according to my guesses, sheds some light on the mystery of the “pressure” phenomenon. The ball unexpectedly, that is, almost instantly, turned into a woman.
“She was dressed in something white... I remember well her hands stretched out to me and grabbing my neck,” the contactee recalls.

It is very important to note here that the appearance of the ball, which turned into a woman dressed in white, was preceded by the visit of certain creatures to Putilin’s apartment. These were creatures that “resembled people, but seemed to consist of tobacco smoke.” One of these mysterious figures approached Putilin, and Vladimir, through intuitive insight, recognized her as his deceased mother. An analysis of the “Putilin case” will be given a little later.
Let's return once again to the story of Tatyana Sheveleva. She saw a black monster covered in fur. Soon the creature disappeared.
Tatiana recalled:

“I pulled myself out of bed and at that very moment I saw two small luminous balls rolling along the carpet hanging on the wall.
Let us return to the message of O. O. Valutnaya, who saw two long black hands, but did not see the body of the one to whom the hands belonged. When the woman began to read the prayer, the hands disappeared, and some unknown force threw Valkina out of bed onto the floor. While falling, Valkina saw out of the corner of her eye:
– A ball the size of an orange is flying around the room low above the ceiling.

Olga Blinova - twice, according to her, she witnessed the appearance in her house in the middle of the night of a woman “in a white robe similar to nightgown, falling from the shoulders in folds.” The second visit of that woman ended with the woman suddenly disappearing, and at the moment of her disappearance Blinova felt a warm round ball touch the sole of her foot. It rolled up her leg... Olga lost consciousness.
Women in white clothes. They seem to turn into balls, and then they appear to emerge from balls. Take my word for it, in my personal archive there are simply a great many such messages about such transformations. Once again: women either turn into balls, or emerge from balls... So who are they, these ladies in white robes?

As you can see, we are faced here with the famous phenomenon of the Woman in White.
The Woman in White is one of the most popular characters in stories about “encounters with the alien.” Over at least the last ten centuries, so-called Women in White have been recorded hundreds of times in all European countries without exception. The book “Encounters with Nonhumans” provides detailed historical information on this matter.

In the minds of people who have seen such a phantom, the Woman in White is usually associated with , or “ “. Some recognized her as their recently deceased relative or friend, others as one or another lady who had previously lived in the place where the ghost appeared and had also already died.

There are reports, quite a few, the authors of which are perplexed: they clearly remember what specific clothes the deceased was wearing in the fob, who then appeared to their gaze in the form of a ghost in a completely different attire - in some kind of white chlamys. What's the matter? – the authors of such messages shrug their shoulders. Why did the spirit of the deceased come from the other world in different clothes - in a snow-white shirt, similar to a robe, falling in folds to the heels?

Judging by the monotonous description of the external appearance of “female ghosts in white,” in the other world there is... um... well, something like a single uniform for female ghosts. In any case, many, even very many of them (but not all!), appearing to living people, turn out to be equipped in more than a similar way. All their attire is a white shroud.

I repeat once again: the phenomenon of the afterlife, manifesting itself through the appearance of the Woman in White, is mysteriously linked in the stories of contactees with the phenomenon of certain mysterious balls. In the “case of Putilin,” the ball instantly transformed into the ghost of a lady in white robes. But in the “case of Blinova” everything happened the other way around. The woman in white, as if by magic, turned into a small ball.

Similar dynamics of the process of “transmutations of ghostly formations” are noted in the story of Viktor Promyslov. We remember that Victor was completely taken aback when, around midnight, a coffin without a lid (), standing vertically on the floor, appeared in his bedroom. In the coffin was an elderly deceased woman who suddenly opened her eyes - to Victor’s horror. Then the coffin disappeared, and in its place a “foggy creature, stooped, hairy” appeared. Almost immediately the creature began to lose its outline, “crumple” and melt. Instead, a ball the size of an orange appeared, flew up and disappeared.

There are many testimonies of people who woke up and suddenly saw a black man in the dark.

Black man,
Black, black,
Black man
He sits on my bed,
Black man
Doesn't let me sleep all night.

We will not make any conclusions or assumptions, but will simply listen to people who have encountered this anomalous phenomenon:

I remember dark silhouette, dense darkness, just like a cut out of black cardboard, the brim of a hat, the outline similar to a full-length cloak... and that’s what else I remember, what (may seem crazy...) in the place of the right eye (where it is in theory it should be if you see his face) he had a partial moon... I remember the situation in the room, my parents sleeping nearby... it felt like... yes there was a numbness... when your gaze is riveted and you can’t even look away and move you can’t, even with your finger... however, I can’t say that I was very scared then - no, on the contrary... but according to my feelings about the person - he was more impartial than evil or kind... I remember that he told me He said something, told something... long and calmly... but no matter how much I try since then to remember at least one word from his story, I can’t...

First once I saw a black man when I was 8-9 years old. I woke up at night as if someone had woken me up. Without raising my head, I began to look at everything in the room, trying to make out familiar objects: I saw a table, shelves with books, a closet, and then a dense black clot - nothing was visible through it, I began to look up and saw a black hood, there was no face inside - there was everything was black and large oblong eyes without a pupil - yellow in color - looked at me point-blank. I was very scared, there was animal fear, I could not scream - I only had the strength to cover my head with a blanket, and then I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. In the morning I thought that I had dreamed everything, because... I’ve never heard of this (Soviet times), no one talked about it, especially on TV.

Some years ago I saw him too. I woke up, he was standing over me, I couldn’t move, at first there was no fear, only surprise. The dark figure of a man in a cloak, a matte black silhouette in which it is impossible to see anything. He was very explicit and clear. He leaned over me and stretched out his hands and plunged them into my stomach, I clearly felt how he was fingering my insides with his fingers. I woke up in panic again, this time it was a normal reality. Like a dream within a dream

Six months It's been a while since I saw him... But I still can't figure out whether it was CC or not...
Everything happened like a dream within a dream. That is, I dreamed that I was sleeping, suddenly I woke up (this all happens in a dream) from a strange feeling that someone was waiting for me. I get up from the bed, go to the window and see the shadow of a man. No peeking eyes were observed. Just a black silhouette. He raised his hand and pointed to the sky. There were TWO moons there. Then I turn to the bed, and it’s already sitting on it and telling me something while gesticulating.
And so I keep thinking, what if I woke up in reality, would I see him? Could it be that Black appears in a dream?...

I I also saw a black man. I think that this essence came out of my husband while he was sleeping. His body is as muscular as a black man's. He lifted my body easily and laid it on the floor by the door. tried to have sexual contact with me. When I touched him, thinking that my husband wanted to make peace with me, he had fur like fringe on his sides. I cried out, “Oh my God,” and was immediately transferred to the sofa. Next once he timidly and timidly sat at my feet in the moonlight. I said again, Lord, and he disappeared like a Gogol character. Doesn't come anymore.

I I saw him for the first time at the age of 5... I also have him in a raincoat, tall, his eyes are burning (red), he just stands there and looks... and at that moment I can’t move, speak or anything -do... But the more often he came, the better I felt, in this moment, when he comes, my right leg is taken away, and I can communicate with him mentally... He tells me some parting words, what to do, etc. But they told me that I can’t talk to him and it’s just my a power that I don’t use... And when I started saying Namaz (the five-fold prayer for Muslims), he stopped coming... What’s strange is that from the age of 5 he came to me in different times and in different places... we often hung out... and when I began to pray, he also stopped pursuing me... I was absolutely not afraid of him...

U I was like this...
I don’t know what. I wake up at 7 o'clock to study. That time I woke up from the heat at 6.55. Thinking that I would have to get up soon, I threw the clothes off my feet so that it wouldn’t be too hot, crossed my legs and closed my eyes. The room had light from an aquarium.
After some time I feel that my heel is being tickled. I open my eyes and see someone standing at my feet. Human outline, tall. At first I thought it was the father, but I remembered that he was not at work.
I ask him:
- What?
- Get up soon.
- When?
- After a minute.
I turn around, take the phone, it’s 6.59.
I looked, he wasn’t there. I don’t know who it was. He answered me in a calm voice. I didn't feel afraid. There was even some kind of indignation that they were tickling... I didn’t see him again..

co it came to me when I was a child too
At first it was when I was 5-6 years old, he stood at the door but didn’t come inside, my grandmother was sleeping peacefully next to me, I never managed to wake her up, he appeared for several weeks, then I just got tired of being afraid. I remember that night well, he didn’t even stand at the very doorway, but rather even half-hidden by it, I repeated to myself to him, go away, go away and kept looking without taking my eyes off, so the whole night passed with dawn, he left and did not come for quite a long time, so Another thing, the next morning I experienced great relief, but at the same time some feeling of guilt appeared
then he came when I was 10-11 years old, then I already began to understand that it was him, I began to follow him more closely:
a black man, definitely voluminous, looks like a clot of fog or something like that, black dense hollow, it seemed to me that he has bones but they are quite hollow like birds in plumage, I didn’t see a hat, tall (above 1.2 I can’t say more precisely , but he was DEFINITELY taller than me)
he also definitely has eyes and a mouth, but they are hard to see, I can’t say about the nose, but there’s definitely no gap
At first, as in childhood, he simply stood at the door, but the less I was afraid of him, the more active he became, soon he began to wave his hand at me (as if he was saying hello), then he began to walk around the room, never showed any aggression, and then disappeared until I don't see him anymore

I I also saw something similar when I was a child. But these memories do not leave my head. It was morning, I slept with my feet towards the balcony. I woke up because someone was looking at me intently, there was no one in the room except me, I listened, my mother and grandmother were in the kitchen, without moving I looked first at the ceiling then at the balcony, there stood some creature that looked like a silhouette of a person, just as if someone had drawn him, he had no face, no eyes, nose, lips, nothing. he didn’t move, he just stood (for about 3-5 minutes) and I felt that he was looking at me. I was so scared that I couldn’t move or say anything, I closed my eyes tightly, and when I opened my eyes he disappeared.
then he didn’t appear, but since then I’ve been wildly afraid of the dark (when the lights suddenly turn off, it seems to me that someone is looking at me, and this picture from childhood appears before my eyes) and being alone in the room

I I also saw this -black man-. I was very small, I was probably 2-3 years old. I slept with my mother, and at night, like all people, I tossed and turned a lot. And then one night, as I was turning over, I opened my eyes and saw him. He stood over the bed and looked at me with red burning eyes. It was a black silhouette in a raincoat and a huge brimmed hat. He stood and spoke. And I clearly remember what he told me. He kept repeating -two-, -two- and showing it with his fingers. I, looking at him, turned over on the other side and fell asleep soundly, not at all afraid. But I still clearly remember how he whispered -two-..

Not I know whether this is it or not...
I dreamed of a similar person in my childhood. He was not present at my bed, did not speak to me, he simply stood on the corner of the house in which I live, in some unnatural, motionless, broken pose. His eyes glowed red, he himself was completely black. Then, it seems, I dreamed that he was coming out of a dark closet.
Since then (I dreamed about it when I was 5 years old, now I’m 20) I haven’t forgotten him; in a dark room, if I suddenly expect to see something unpleasantly supernatural, it’s him. I didn't think anyone else had seen something like this.

U I also had something similar, it was like a waking dream and scary. in a dream I was in the entrance of the house where my aunt lived, I don’t remember the details, but someone started approaching me from behind, I became scared, I looked back and saw a man in black and a hat with a brim, his face was not visible, that’s all black, he chased me, I was seized with horror, I ran, he pulled his hands towards me, I began to fall face down straight onto the stairs, and then the most incomprehensible thing happened to me: during the fall, I began to wake up, opened my eyes and saw for some time As if in reality, my face and hands physically felt the touch of the stairs on which I fell, and a feeling of flying upward appeared, then horror seized me, and I finally woke up. I lay on the bed, breathing quickly, as if from a jog, and in the same position in which I fell on the stairs in my sleep. For a long time I could not recover from this state. I was about 18-19 years old. And still remembering this, I am scared by this image of a black man.

IN 15 years old woke up at night from a feeling of fear, a creature about 2 meters tall in a black cloak and bright red eyes stood by the bed. It stood motionless for 3 minutes then disappeared...

Food for thought:

1. In Indian myths South America CC is a werewolf animal created by a sorcerer, capable of turning into a human and entering into unnatural sexual intercourse with women.

2. In the literature G.F. Lovecraft, CC acts as the shepherd of the Black Mass, he appears to people prone to superpowers and helps them go through the initiation rituals of the cult of the Ancient Gods. More often appears in a dream or a state of borderline sleep.

3. In the esotericism of the CC, this is an egregor created to perform various functions (energy protection/blockade, attack, etc.) By the way, an egregor can be sent to anyone, but such creatures do not have their own mind, rather a residual consciousness.