Irina Dubtsova was born in the winter of February 14, 1982, in the city of Volgograd. The girl will definitely become a singer, her parents thought back in the maternity hospital, since she screamed louder than all the other babies. From a young age, the little girl was surrounded creative people and musical art, for example, my father was a famous musician in the jazz group "Dubcoff Band".

Irina Dubtsova in childhood

While studying at school, Ira slowly discovered her creative abilities, she began to compose romances and poems. The parents discovered that the girl not only sings loudly, but also draws beautifully, and transferred their daughter to an art and architectural class.


When Irina was eleven years old, the group “Class” came to their city with a tour program, they gave a concert at the local theater where Irina’s parents worked. Admired by the performance of this group, the Dubtsovs decided to create a similar group for their local theater. Some time later, the musical group “Jem” was formed in Volgograd, which included Irina and two more soloists Mona and Sonya. Irina’s mother was the leader of the team, and her father was a producer.

At first, the group delighted only a narrow circle of people with their performances, then their popularity grew and they became famous in their hometown and beyond. "Jam" began to be invited to various events and concerts. In total, the group performed over forty compositions, the author of most of the songs was Irina herself.

After school, Ira entered the Art College named after. P.A. Serebryakova in the vocal department and graduated in absentia in 2001.

At the age of fifteen, the father gets his daughter a job in an elite restaurant, where in an instant she became the star of the establishment. Visitors deliberately came to listen to the compositions of famous stars Alla Pugacheva and Irina Allegrova, performed by Irina.

Irina Dubtsova as part of the group "Girls"

Irina’s father saw great potential in his daughter, and he had no doubt that she would be a real star! Having made a decision, he took the disc with her recordings to Moscow and gave it to producer Igor Matvienko to listen to. Igor appreciated the talent of the young performer and invited her to the new group “Girls”. Irina moved to the capital and accepted the invitation. The first composition of the musical group was the song “I want to be a bird.” The group "Girls" began to slowly gain popularity, but two years later the group broke up. The participants expressed a desire to go on a solo swim


Dubtsova achieved her peak of popularity when she became a participant in the musical project “Star Factory”. Throughout her time at the Factory, the girl dreamed of performing a song of her own composition. And then fate prepared such an opportunity for her... Irina performed the song “About Him”, the song instantly became an absolute hit, and the performer herself won the final of the project.

Irina Dubtsova at the musical project "Star Factory"

After “Factory”, the singer continues to tour with concerts throughout the country and abroad, winning crowds of fans. At the same time, Irina writes songs for famous Russian artists.


The young performer represented Russia in the New Wave competition and took second place. In 2005, the first solo album “About Him” was released, it included 12 best compositions.

Two years later, the singer presented her second album, “Vetra,” which included the famous composition “Medals.” In 2009, a new single "Who? Why?" was released. performed by Irina Dubtsova and Polina Gagarina. The song topped all the hit parades and was awarded many awards.

Irina Dubtsova and Polina Gagarina video "Who? Why?

In 2014, Dubtsova tried herself in the TV show “Exactly”, and unconditionally won! A year later, the singer was awarded the Golden Gramophone prize for the song “Lyuba-Love”.

Irina Dubtsova on the TV show "Exactly Exactly", in the image of Lolita Milyavskaya

Every year, the talented performer Irina Dubtsova delights her fans with new musical works.


The singer’s personal life was not as successful as her creative career. She met her husband Roman Chernitsyn in her hometown, at that time he was performing in the group "Plazma". For a long time the couple dated, and in 2004 they decided to legalize their relationship. A few years later, the first-born son Artyom is born into the family. The couple’s family life never worked out; in 2008, the couple officially divorced.

Irina Dubtsova and her son Artyom

The beauty's next relationship was with entrepreneur Tigran, but the romance ended two years later.

In 2014, a new love, musician Leonid Rudenko, came into the singer’s personal life.


According to the artist, she absolutely loves cooking and considers this process very exciting, plus it is a pleasant reason to please her household. She loves to travel and also loves fishing; she has had this hobby since childhood.

Irina Dubtsova with her son fishing

Irina plans to open a production center for talented children and release a collection of children's clothing.

The young, bright and beautiful modern singer, poetess and composer Irina Dubtsova is well known in Russian show business thanks to her remarkable artistic and musical talent and extraordinary charisma. Getting to the topic “Irina Dubtsova: biography, personal life”, it should be noted that her creative career began with the once very popular program “Star Factory-4”, then she became its winner. As a reward, she received a Peugeot car, the shooting of three video clips, the recording of a solo album, and the right to participate in the New Wave 2004 competition, where she eventually won second place.

Singer Irina Dubtsova: biography

Irina was born on February 14, 1982 in the city of Volgograd. She grew up in a musical environment. Her father Victor worked in the jazz group Dubcoff Band, which was very popular in their city at that time. He almost immediately felt that his daughter would connect her destiny with music. Since childhood, Irina was gifted with many talents. The biography of Irina Dubtsova says that at school she read poetry very well, then even composed romances and performed them superbly. However, it soon became clear that she had a passion not only for music, but also for drawing. Then her parents sent her to an art and architecture class for primary education. But a year later Irina gave up drawing.

The beginning of a creative career

Her musical career began quite early. The biography of Irina Dubtsova contains information that one incident contributed to this. One day the group “Class” of Andrei Pryazhnikov came to her city. They began performing at the local Variety Theater, where Irina’s parents worked. They were so impressed by the performance of this group that they decided to create a group “Jam” for their eleven-year-old daughter, where she became a soloist, and two more girls sang backup.

The team was led by Irina’s mother Natalya Dubtsova, and her father, Viktor Dubtsov, undertook to produce the group. There were about 40 compositions in their arsenal, and Irina herself became the author of many of them.


After school, Irina, without hesitation, went to study at the vocal department at the College of Arts. Serebryakova. Irina was a very capable student and therefore graduated as an external student in 2001. When the girl was 15 years old, her father got her a job at a prestigious restaurant, where she worked with professional musicians. There she earned recognition and success in a short time, because she performed popular compositions of the most famous singers. The main springboard in Big world Show business became the song Hijo de la Luna performed in Spanish in 1999.

And the girl passed this exam of her father, and then he decided to make his daughter a real star. But first, Victor took the disc with her songs to the capital to Igor Matvienko himself. Just at that time he was looking for soloists for his new project, which was called “Girls”. Irina passed the casting and was immediately accepted.

Group "Girls" and "Star Factory"

Irina moves to live in Moscow and settles in Matvienko’s apartment in Moscow. The debut of the new group was the song “I want to be a bird.” Their first video was released in 2000. It became MTV's best of the year. However, the team lasted only two years and broke up. The girls are starting solo careers. Irina continues to work in the music business and becomes the director of the SBS-Entertainment studio.

She was invited to the “Show Behind Glass” project, but she refused due to her negative attitude towards it. The peak of the popularity of singer Irina Dubtsova was her participation in the musical project “Star Factory-4”. Having learned that Igor Krutoy himself was producing it, she decided to become a participant. And Irina was declared the winner of the competition.

Her musical composition “About Him” became one of the most popular in the entire history of the project. The song immediately fell in love with millions of listeners. In 2005, an album of the same name was released.

Irina Dubtsova - biography, personal life

During Irina's stay at the Factory, she had a love affair with lead singer Roman Chernitsyn. During one of the broadcasts, he proposed to her. The wedding took place on May 29, 2004. The biography of Irina Dubtsova, unfortunately, indicates that the marriage lasted only 4 years; the couple had a son, Artem. Then Irina began dating DJ Leonid Rudenko, and now she is happy with musician Marcel.

Development of creativity

After “Factory” Dubtsova began touring and composing. Then she will write a song called “Heart of 1000 Candles” for the Russian pop king of the musical Olympus Philip Kirkorov, which will win the Golden Gramophone.

In 2008, Irina Dubtsova created another hit “To whom? For what?" and performs it with his friend from “Factory” Polina Gagarina. This song took high positions in the Russian charts and was awarded numerous awards and prizes.

In 2012, Irina takes part in the Ukrainian program “X-Factor” together with the Belarusian showman and music critic Sosedov.

In 2014, the TV show “Exactly” started, Irina immediately became its leader. Although she had some shortcomings and rough edges, the judges and spectators noted her hard work and desire to win, so she shared the palm with

The biography of Irina Dubtsova contains absolutely fresh facts that in 2015, for the 10th anniversary of her work, she released new album and gave a grandiose solo concert, which was sold out. It is immediately clear that Dubtsova does not stop there and is full of life and grandiose creative plans.

Many people know the singer Irina Dubtsova - a talented pop performer with original vocal abilities and a bright appearance. But behind this attractive image with a gentle smile lies a strong personality who has worked hard on herself to achieve real success.

Her biography will tell you how she reached the musical pedestal, as well as where she now lives and with whom she is dating, who won the hearts of many domestic and foreign listeners.

First creative steps

The biography of Irina Dubtsova is certainly interesting to fans of her work. The future singer was born on February 14, 1982 in Volgograd. Irina was born on the most romantic day of the year - Valentine's Day - into a family of people directly connected with the world of music.

The fact is that her father was one of the participants and at the same time the founder of a popular musical group in Volgograd. It was Viktor Viktorovich who initiated the fact that his daughter took an artistic path from an early age. Therefore, the creative destiny of the future celebrity, a talented composer and poetess, began early.

The parents not only encouraged their daughter’s desire to write poetry, but also developed it with everyone possible ways. And she presented her first works, the author of which was Irina Dubtsova (poems and lyrical songs), when she was about nine years old.

In addition to her talent for writing, the girl discovered a penchant for drawing. But when Irina Dubtsova was faced with a choice of what to do next - vocals or drawing, she without hesitation gave preference to the first. And it was the right decision, because music and singing became the main instrument of expressing emotions for the future owner of the Golden Gramophone (for the text “Heart of 1000 Candles,” which was included in the repertoire of Philip Kirkorov).

It was not difficult to assume that Ira’s active creative activity would begin early. Indeed, her debut on stage took place in 1993, when Irina’s parents, inspired by the performance of one pop group, decided to organize a teenage group for their beloved daughter. This is how a children's musical group called “Jam” appeared, which almost immediately became popular in Volgograd. Ira was 11 years old then.

The scent of the first victory

By the time she graduated from school, Irina Dubtsova was already a celebrity. And the question of where to enroll did not arise for her. The promising performer submitted documents to the Volgograd Institute of Arts. Serebryakova. There she studied vocals until 2001, while working part-time on the stage of one of the city’s restaurants.

Irina Dubtsova became noticeable in wide circles after she performed the song “Hijo de la Luna” in Spanish. Irina’s father transmitted this and other songs of his daughter, recorded on the disc, to Igor Matvienko through his close friend in Moscow. Just at that time, the famous domestic producer was looking for soloists for his new female pop group. After listening to a disc with Irochka Dubtsova’s songs, Matvienko without hesitation decided to take the talented vocalist into the “Girls” group.

In the same 1999, Irina, together with her new friends, performed the song “I want to be a bird.” A year after their debut, “Girls” performed the composition “Mama Spoke” on stage, which immediately became a hit, and the video shot for it was recognized as the best video of 2000, according to the MTV music channel.

Two years later, when the participants of “Girls” gained stage experience, the group disbanded. And if the other participants decided to pursue a solo career, then Irina Dubtsova, last news from whose life already then constantly appeared in the media, she got a job as executive director of the SBS-Entertainment studio.

After some time, having learned about the casting for the TV show “Star Factory”, Irina Viktorovna Dubtsova decides to try her hand at it, because Igor Krutoy himself took on the production of the project. A few months later, the young singer becomes a finalist on this TV show, gaining invaluable experience and the opportunity to work with pop celebrities.

As the winner of the “Star Factory” in 2004, Irina Dubtsova received, among other awards, the opportunity to record her own album and shoot three video clips for her best songs, including the song “About Him,” which became the most popular during the entire existence of the “Factory.”

Continuing to work as a composer and singer, Irina Dubtsova begins touring throughout Russia and abroad. Since then creative biography Irina Dubtsova and her personal life are becoming closely connected. The singer successfully performs in concerts, her albums become popular, and she has successful duets with other pop singers. For example, everyone remembers the joint work of Irina Dubtsova and the hit called “Who? For what?".

A place for love

The personal life of Irina Dubtsova interests her fans no less than the singer’s work. Relationships with men did not always go smoothly for the girl, but Irina Dubtsova and her husbands (including her common-law husband) were able to maintain a warm relationship.

The heroine of our article has a strong system of life values ​​and believes that family is sacred. And, of course, she wanted to get married once and for all, to live with her loved one in perfect harmony, to trust him in everything, to always be confident in the support of her husband.

Irina Dubtsova’s first chosen one was Roman Chernitsyn, whom many know as the lead singer of the popular group “Plazma”. His marriage proposal, as well as Irina Dubtsova’s wedding, were public, because all these events took place during the participation of the aspiring singer in “Star Factory” (2004).

The couple did not live together for very long after official registration. And although the common son of Irina Dubtsova and Chernitsyn was born in the marriage, even he could not cement the relationship between the parents. Soon a divorce was filed, which was filed by Irina Dubtsova’s legal husband (now ex) Chernitsyn. As the singer herself explained, the reason for the divorce is painfully banal - a difference in views on life.

After such an event, unexpected for many fans of the star, Irina and her son began to live separately. Soon, a dentist who had his own business in Moscow, Tigran Malyants, began caring for her. Irina Dubtsova and Tigran Malyants began an affair that lasted for two years.

But the collapse of this union could not be avoided due to the busy work schedule of our heroine. For some time after the breakup of this relationship, Irina Dubtsova did not plan to make new connections. The son became the main man to whom the performer sought to give her love and attention.

But three years ago it became known that the talented performer had a new boyfriend. At the same time, Roman Chernitsyn returned to her life. Previously, Irina Dubtsova’s ex-husband did not seek to participate in raising their common child. But over the years, when their son Artem grew up, the lead singer of “Plasma” changed his point of view and resumed ties with his ex-wife.

In 2014, changes appeared in Irina Dubtsova’s personal life; the news more than once covered the singer’s appearance in public with musician and DJ Leonid Rudenko. However, this relationship was not successful for the famous singer and caring mother.

Irina Dubtsova and Leonid Rudenko were together for about a year. Then they broke up, and our heroine again went headlong into work. Around that time, Irina Dubtsova’s house on Rublyovka was purchased (she also has her own apartment in the capital). Later she had a new boyfriend - a participant in the famous TV show “Dom-2”, but the relationship with him turned out to be unpromising.

Currently, Irina Dubtsova, who has no other children except her son Artem, is single. She actively travels throughout the country with concerts from summer to the end of winter (in the spring the singer always takes a vacation due to a severe allergy to flowering plants).

She is currently working on her new album. Irina is also involved in charitable activities. For her age (Irina’s age is 36 years old), she has achieved a lot in the world of Russian show business. Today Dubtsova is one of the most sought-after performers. Author: Elena Suvorova

Irina Dubtsova is a singer, composer and poetess. She loudly announced herself in the “” project, which allowed her to find her audience. The artist has crazy energy, so she is ready to burst forth with new musical ideas without interruption. Her tracks bring prestigious national awards, and solo concerts are held at venues such as Crocus City Hall.

Childhood and youth

Irina Dubtsova was born in February 1982 in Volgograd. The parents realized that their daughter would certainly become a singer while still in the maternity hospital. The baby screamed so loudly that no one heard the other newborns.

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Irina Dubtsova in childhood with her father

And what else could the girl become if Irina’s dad is the most famous musician in Volgograd. Viktor Dubtsov is the founder of the jazz group Dubcoff band, which is popular in Volgograd.

Parents tried to pay attention not only to raising their daughter, but also encouraged and developed the child’s musical talent. At school, Irina recited poetry and even began to compose her own romances, which she performed herself.


The creative biography of Irina Dubtsova started early. The girl’s parents created the musical group “Jam” in Volgograd, in which the leading place among children was given to 11-year-old Irina Dubtsova. In addition to her, Sonya Taikh (group “Lyceum”), Andrei Zakharenkov, who later took a pseudonym, and Tanya Zaikina (group “Monokini”) sang in the group.

The leader of the group was Natalya Dubtsova, Irina’s mother, and the performer’s father was the producer. “Jem” sang about 40 compositions, most of which were written by Irina.

After Dubtsova graduated from music school, her father realized that his daughter could be made a Russian pop star. The man decided to take a disc with Irina’s recordings to Moscow and present new compositions to a famous producer. He was just creating a new musical group and was looking for soloists. So Irina got to the casting of the group “Girls”, where she was accepted without delay. After the collapse of the creative team, 2 years later, Irina goes “free swimming”.

Irina Dubtsova and Polina Gagarina - “Who? For what?"

The peak of Dubtsova’s popularity is considered to be the time spent on the “Star Factory – 4” project. The producer of the 4th season of the music competition was, which attracted the attention of the artist. As a result, the singer won “Factory”. Irina’s solo composition entitled “About Him” became the most popular song in the entire history of the project.

The new star had the honor of representing Russia at the New Wave competition. As a result, she got 2nd place. In 2005, Irina Dubtsova pleased fans with a solo disc, to which she gave the name of the hit “About Him.” In 2007, the singer presented the album “Vetra”. The album consisted of 12 compositions. At this time, the clips “Winds” and “Medals” also appeared.

In 2009, a new hit by Irina Dubtsova and “To whom?” was released. For what?". The song won Russian charts and was also awarded numerous awards. After the resounding success, the star sang in a duet with. A video for the song “I Love Him Too” soon appeared.

Dubtsova not only performs songs, but also writes music herself. Her hits are included in the repertoire of such show business stars as, and others.

Personal life

Irina Dubtsova’s personal life was less successful than her musical career. She met her future husband Roman Chernitsyn, the lead singer of the group, back in 1998 in Volgograd. The wedding took place in 2004 right at the Star Factory project. This gift was presented by the producers of the show. After 2 years, the couple had a son, Artem. But family life Irina and Roman did not work out, and their common child could not save the marriage from collapse.

Soon after the divorce, it became known that Irina had a new boyfriend named Tigran Malyants, a famous Moscow entrepreneur and dentist by training. This romance lasted 2 years. In 2014, fate gave the singer a new love. The press has repeatedly reported that Irina Dubtsova began a relationship with musician and DJ Leonid Rudenko.

Fans often discuss the appearance of the Russian performer. Irina Dubtsova never struck me as thin. In one interview, the singer noted that it is not a matter of diets, but of seasonal allergies, from which she suffers every year. During the period of exacerbation it is necessary to take hormonal drugs. But when the allergens disappear, so do overweight.

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Irina Dubtsova with her son and ex-husband

For a long time, the weight of the artist, with her height of 168 cm, remained at around 75 kg. But in 2018, Irina managed to lose 25 kg. According to the singer, the extra calories began to go away after she began to take a simpler approach to life. Dubtsova has long adhered to healthy eating, and also constantly resorts to the services of massage therapists. Manual facial massage and hardware procedures allow her to look younger than her age.

Irina Dubtsova is a popular Russian performer and aspiring composer, born in Volgograd on February 14, 1982.


The baby was born into a musical family. Her father was a fairly well-known musician in the city, played jazz music, and was the leader of a popular band. Mom also sang beautifully and played the piano. When she heard her daughter’s loud cry in the maternity hospital, she realized that with such ligaments she was definitely destined for a career as a singer.

Naturally, the parents encouraged and developed the girl’s musical talent in every possible way, which manifested itself in preschool age. Simultaneously with the general education school, she was sent to music school. And when my daughter turned 11 years old, they helped create the children’s pop group “Jem,” which was often invited to perform at all city events.

Irina herself not only played, sang and danced, but also very early began to compose poems and even set them to music. The famous producer Igor Matvienko heard the songs of “Jema” and invited Dubtsova to his new team “Girls”, which included four performers. With “Girls” Irina starred in a video, which then became very popular, but she did not like working in the group and quickly left it.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, having decided to try her hand at a large-scale project, Dubtsova went to the Star Factory casting, which she passed brilliantly and became one of the main participants. It was this project that made the aspiring singer a real star. Plus she won it.

The prize was a luxurious convertible, the opportunity to release a debut solo album and film three videos. But the main thing for Irina was a ticket to the “New Wave” - one of the most prestigious international music competitions. Irina did not disgrace herself there either - she took an honorable second place. And the hit “About Him,” with which she won the “Star Factory,” still remains the singer’s calling card.

Dubtsova today

The first solo album was followed by a second, which became no less popular. In addition, Irina began writing songs for other star performers and became known as an author.

The hit “Heart of 1000 Candles” brought her the first Golden Gramophone as a composer. Today she successfully collaborates with many famous singers.

The singer's popularity grew even more after she showed herself to be a talented producer, acting as a jury member and mentor on the Ukrainian X Factor. There she presented her new hit “What have I done to you.” In total, during her very short career, the singer has already released 12 discs, which brought Irina many prestigious musical awards and prizes.

The singer is active civil position and takes part in various charity events and concerts. Thus, she donated all the proceeds from the sale of a lullaby recorded together with other popular performers to purchase a tetanus vaccine for newborns and their mothers.

Personal life

But “Factory” was not only a musical breakthrough for Dubtsova - it also turned her entire personal life upside down. During the project, a passionate romance broke out with Roman Chernitsyn (Plasma group), who proposed to the girl in one of the live broadcasts. Naturally, she immediately agreed, and a luxurious wedding took place even before the project was completed.

With Roman Chernitsyn

After winning the “Factory”, Irina begins an active touring life, which was not prevented even by a sudden pregnancy. The singer gave birth to a son in March 2003. However, the marriage was short-lived; already in 2006, the couple officially divorced the relationship, without explaining to anyone the true reasons for the divorce.

But the omniscient paparazzi believe that the reason for everything was the betrayal of Dubtsova, who had a persistent admirer of eastern blood - businessman Tigran. The girl lived with him for about two years, about which she did not have the best memories. Quite often in these relationships there were violent scenes of jealousy, and there is even talk of violence that came to the point of assault.

After breaking up with Tigran, the singer did not want to enter into a new relationship for a long time. Only many years later, a new constant companion appeared next to the star, who became a popular musician, DJ Leonid Rudenko. It is difficult to predict how this relationship will end, but Irina, taught by past experience, is no longer in a hurry to enter into a legal marriage.