Suriname is considered one of the most exotic countries in South America. Before traveling to Suriname, tourists are "armed" with a Dutch vocabulary and a passion for travel. In this country they really speak Dutch, and there are a lot of opportunities for interesting adventures. More than 80% of the territory is occupied by tropical forests with mountains, nature reserves and national parks. In the north, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, there are many kilometers of snow-white beaches.


Suriname is located in the northern part of South America. Suriname borders Guyana to the west, French Guiana to the east, and Brazil to the south. In the north, the country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Total area - 163,821 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 1,707 km.

The country is geographically divided into two regions - coastal lowlands in the north and rainforests with savanna in the south. Most of the population lives in the north.

The two main mountain ranges are the Bakhuys Mountains and the Van Asch Van Wijck Mountains. The highest local peak is Mount Juliana, whose height reaches 1,230 meters.

It should be noted that more than 12% of the territory of Suriname belongs to national parks and reserves.

In the northeast of the country is the Brokopondo reservoir, into which the Suriname River flows. This is the largest reservoir of water in Suriname.

Capital of Suriname

Paramaribo is the capital of Suriname. More than 250 thousand people now live in this city. Paramaribo was founded by the French in 1640.

Official language

The official language is Dutch.


The predominant religion is Christianity (Catholicism and various concessions of Protestantism). About 19% of the population are Muslims.

State structure of Suriname

According to the Constitution of 1987, Suriname is a parliamentary republic, headed by a President elected by the local parliament for 5 years. The President is the head of government and he appoints the Cabinet of Ministers.

The unicameral local parliament is called the National Assembly (it consists of 51 deputies elected by the people for 5 years).

The main political parties are the Megacombinatie coalition and the National Front.

Administratively, the country is divided into 10 regions, each of which is headed by a commissioner appointed by the President.

Climate and weather

The climate in Suriname is hot tropical. There are two dry seasons - from August to November and from February to April. In addition, there are two wet seasons - from April to August and from November to February. The rainiest month is May. In the dry season, the average air temperature is +27.4C, and in the rainy season - +23C.

The country is outside the hurricane zone, but there are very frequent showers, which leads to floods.

Seas and oceans of Suriname

In the north, the country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The length of the sea coast is 386 km. The average sea temperature near the coast is +26C.

Rivers and lakes

The largest reservoir of water in Suriname is the Brokopondo Reservoir, into which the Suriname River flows. This reservoir is located in the northeast of the country.


The culture of Suriname was formed under the influence of the Dutch, as well as immigrants from Indonesia and India. The result is a multicultural society. Surinamese architecture, for example, has a Dutch colonial character, although the influence of South American traditions is sometimes noticeable. The influence of South American architectural traditions is most noticeable in the Cathedral of St. Paul and Peter, built of wood in the 19th century.

The multicultural nature of Surinamese society is reflected in the variety of local celebrations and festivals. This country celebrates Christian, Indian, Hindu and Muslim holidays.

Every year before Easter, Paramaribo hosts the Avond-Virdaagse parade, which lasts for four days. Another grandiose Surinamese holiday is celebrated from December to January - Surifesta. These are Christmas and New Year festivities, which take place almost a whole month throughout the country.

In rural areas, parents still choose partners for their children. Almost always, marriage partners are selected from the same ethnic group. Even after marriage, a woman in Suriname cannot claim equal social status with her husband.

Cuisine of Suriname

The cuisine of Suriname is quite noticeably different from the culinary traditions found in other South American countries. This country was colonized by the Dutch. Indonesians, Indians and Chinese were brought there to work on the plantations. These workers made their favorite dishes from local ingredients. Gradually, the culinary traditions of all these population groups were mixed, resulting in modern kitchen Suriname.

The main feature of the local cuisine is the wide use of fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits. Other staple foods are cassava, rice, potatoes, lentils, corn, bananas. Pepper, garlic, onion, ginger and cumin are often used in cooking.

Tourists are advised to try "Pom" (chicken with vegetables), "Pastei" (Creole chicken pie), "Dhal" (lentil stew), chicken curry, vegetables with peanut sauce, Bakbana (fried plantain with peanut sauce), Goedangan (vegetable salad with coconut sauce), Bojo cake (made with coconut and cassava), Phulauri (fried lentils).

Traditional soft drinks- fruit and vegetable juices, tea, coffee.

Traditional alcoholic drinks - ginger beer, rum.

Attractions Suriname

There are not very many historical and cultural attractions in Suriname. But there are many architectural sights and national parks, which, by the way, occupy more than 12% of the country's territory.

In the coastal region of Para, there is the Jodensavanne plantation, which was founded by Portuguese Jews in the 17th century. In general, there are a lot of medieval plantations in the Para area, where thousands of tourists come every year.

Suriname's national parks and reserves are of great interest to tourists - the Central Reserve of Suriname (16 thousand sq. Km.), Brownsberg National Park, as well as the Raleigh Falls Voltsberg and Galibi reserves (4 thousand hectares of rainforest).

Cities and resorts

The largest Surinamese city is Paramaribo (more than 250 thousand people now live in it). The rest of the local cities are not very large by Western standards. Thus, the population of Lelydorp is more than 20 thousand people, and about 16 thousand people live in Nieuw Nickerie.

Since in the north Suriname is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, it is clear that this country should have beautiful snow-white beaches. Almost all of the 386-kilometer coastline is occupied by beaches. Unfortunately, the tourist infrastructure is not developed there.

Tourists in Suriname are offered exciting sightseeing adventure tours, during which they visit the villages of local residents, national parks, nature reserves, and try traditional local dishes.


Tourists in Suriname buy handicrafts, local clothes, shoes, hats, handmade jewelry, local alcoholic drinks.

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 07:30-14:00

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 07:30-16:30
Sat: 07:30-13:00


Ukrainians need to apply for a visa to visit Suriname.


The Suriname dollar is the official currency in Suriname. Its international designation is SRD. One Surinamese dollar = 100 cents. Credit cards are not widely used. Only some major hotels and travel agencies accept credit cards.

Customs restrictions

Import and export of local currency is limited to 150 Surinamese dollars per person. Foreign currency in the amount of more than $10,000 must be declared.

It is forbidden to import drugs, pornography, vegetables and fruits. Pets are allowed from Australia, New Zealand and the UK. To import firearms and ammunition, you must obtain permission from the Surinamese police.

Permission is required for the export of archeological, antiquities and art objects. Items made from sea turtle shells cannot be exported without special permission.

Useful phone numbers and addresses

Embassy of Suriname in the Netherlands:
Alexander Gogelweg 2, 2517 JH The Hague
T: 31 70 365 0844

The interests of Ukraine in Suriname are represented by the Embassy of Ukraine in Brazil:
SHIS, QI-06, Conjunto-04
Casa-02, LAGO SUL, CEP 71615-040 Brasilia-DF
T: (8 10 5561) 3365 1457
Email mail: This adress Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Emergency Phones
115 - All emergencies


Behind Kyiv for 6 hours. Those. if, for example, in Kyiv 13:00, then in Paramaribo - 07:00.


Hotels and restaurants usually add a 10-15% service charge to the bill.

The medicine

Doctors recommend tourists to get vaccinated against yellow fever, diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, malaria, tetanus, rabies and typhoid before traveling to Suriname. The risk of malaria is high throughout the year in the southern regions, while the risk is almost non-existent in the coastal regions and in the city of Paramaribo.


Recently, the number of petty crimes has increased in Suriname, mainly thefts. Therefore, tourists there are advised to observe reasonable security measures.

Basic moments

About 90% of the territory is occupied by forests. The landscape of the coastal strip of the Atlantic Ocean (where 90% of the country's population lives) outwardly resembles Holland with a developed system of dams and drainage channels that form polders. The main role in the economy of Suriname is played by the mining industry, represented in fact only by the extraction of bauxite. Agriculture is low productive (up to 40% of food is imported). The most informative route for tourist acquaintance is from the capital of Paramaribo up the Suriname River to the Brokopondo reservoir and to the city of Malobbi.

The population of Suriname - 558,368 people (2016) - is a real ethnic kaleidoscope. A third of the inhabitants are descendants of Indians brought here in the 19th century, about 30% are Creoles, almost 15% are Indonesians, and about 10% are blacks. Until recently, up to 2 thousand people per month emigrated to the Netherlands - the former metropolis (Suriname gained independence only in 1975).

The climate of Suriname is hot and constantly humid. The average annual temperature is 26 °C. About 200 days a year are rainy. The driest period favorable for visiting the country is from September to November.


On the territory of Suriname, one can distinguish the coastal Guiana lowland, the savannah belt and the tropical forest belt of the Guiana Plateau.

The Guiana lowland, from 25 km in the east to 80 km in the west, is composed of alluvial and marine sands and clays. The surface is flat, marshy, in some places crossed by coastal ridges and dissected by rivers. Separate forest areas have been preserved. Small centers of agriculture are confined to coastal ramparts and drained areas of marshes.

To the south, on the slopes of the Guiana Plateau, a narrow belt of savannahs is common. The soils here are infertile, agriculture is poorly developed and has a consumer character.

The Guiana Plateau is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. The surface is largely covered by tropical rainforest. Against the general smoothed background, watershed mountain ranges and ranges stand out, especially the Wilhelmina Mountains with the highest point of the country - Mount Juliana (1230 m). On the southern slopes of the highlands, partly located within Suriname, savannahs reappear.

The country is crossed by four large rivers flowing in a northerly direction: Koranteyn, along which part of the border with Guyana, Koppename, Gran Rio, Suriname and Marowijne (the latter forms the border with French Guiana) passes. For agriculture and transportation of goods, the Kottika and Commeweine rivers, which flow into the Suriname River near its mouth, the Saramakka, which flows into Koppenam, also near the mouth, and the Nickerie, a tributary of the Korantein, are also of great importance. Because of the rapids, ships can only move within the coastal lowlands, so until recently, the southern regions of the country were practically isolated from the outside world.

The climate of Suriname is subequatorial, humid and hot. The average monthly temperatures range from 23° to 31° C. The average annual rainfall is 2300 mm in the plains and more than 3000 mm in the mountains. There are two wet seasons (from mid-November to February and from late March to mid-July) and two dry seasons (shorter from February to mid-March and longer from August to mid-November).


In the 1990s, Suriname's annual population growth averaged 0.9%. About 90% of the population is concentrated in the coastal zone, primarily in Paramaribo and its suburbs. In the interior, the population density is extremely low.

The birth rate in Suriname tends to decrease - from 26 per 1000 in 1985–1990 to 18.87 per 1000 in 2004. The death rate is 6.99 per 1000. Thus, the natural increase of the population, 1.7% per year, is one among the lowest in Latin America. At the same time, the actual population growth is significantly reduced due to emigration, which increased sharply after 1950. By 1970 its level was 2% per year, by 1975, when the country gained independence, it reached 10%. A new wave of emigration rose after the political upheavals of 1980 and 1982. The total number of emigrants to the Netherlands reached 180 thousand by 1987. In 1998, the emigration rate was 9 people per 1000. At the same time, immigration into the country remains very small.

Surinamese society is characterized by ethnic stratification. According to 1997 data, 37% of the population of Suriname were Indians, descendants of immigrants who came to the country in the 19th century; 31% are blacks and mulattos, who are called Creoles in Suriname; 15.3% are from Indonesia; 10.3% - the so-called. "forest negros", descendants of runaway slaves living in the interior of the country; 2.6% - Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of the country; 1.7% are Chinese; 1% are Europeans and 1.1% are representatives of other ethnic groups.

Creoles, who make up two-thirds of the urban population, are settled mainly in Paramaribo and its suburbs. Indians are concentrated in the most productive agricultural areas. They make up less than a quarter of the urban population. The Indonesians are located in the less fertile agrarian areas, they form the majority only in the district of Commeweine, where they are employed as wage laborers on the plantations. Indians and "forest blacks" mainly live in the interior of the country.

The ethnic diversity of Suriname is also manifested in the language. The official language is Dutch, but many Surinamese do not consider it their mother tongue, and some do not know it at all. The language of interethnic communication was the Sranan Tongo language, born in a Negro-mulatto environment, in other words, Negro English, or bastard English, also called Toki-Toki or Surinamese. At least 16 other languages ​​are spoken in the country, including Hindi, Indonesian, Chinese, two "forest black" languages ​​- Aukan and Saramackan, and at least four Indian languages.

The same diversity is observed in confessions. Christianity is represented by Protestant (mainly Moravian, 25.2%) and Roman Catholic (22.8% adherents) churches. Indians practice Hinduism (27.6%) or Islam (19.6%). Most Indonesians are Islamists, part of the population are Catholics. In Suriname, there are supporters of Judaism and Confucianism. Negroes practice syncretic African-American cults, which include elements of Christianity and pagan rites of healing and evocation of spirits.

The class structure of Surinamese society is very blurred. The struggle for economic and political dominance unfolds between different ethnic groups that dominate some areas of activity. At the same time, class stratification is also observed within ethnic groups. Thus, in the Negro-Mulatto environment, there is a narrow stratum of specialists who have received a European education and government employees, as well as a wide lower stratum of workers with low qualifications or even unskilled ones. Indians in the first half of the 20th century established control over agriculture, and after the Second World War they began to actively master urban professions and now compete with other ethnic groups in all areas of the economy. Indonesians generally remain on the sidelines, forming a stratum of agricultural wage laborers. The Chinese, predominantly employed in urban retail, belong to the middle and upper classes, the "forest blacks" and the Indians living in the wilderness, represent the marginalized groups of the population.

In the 1980s, Suriname experienced a reduction in welfare programs. The Netherlands and some religious communities bear the cost of medical care for the population. The average life expectancy in Suriname in 1998 was 70.6 years (68 for men and 73.3 for women).

Suriname has declared compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Economic difficulties have a negative impact on the quality of education. In 1993, 94% of children attended primary schools. The University of Suriname (founded in 1968) and other institutions of higher learning had 4,400 students in 1992. Competently 93% of the adult population. If in 1975 there were 7 daily newspapers in the country, then at the end of the 1990s there were only two (“West” and “Ware Tide”), which are published in the Dutch language.


The indigenous people of Suriname lived in separate tribes in small settlements, earning their living by hunting and primitive agriculture, the basis of which was the cultivation of root crops, mainly cassava. The coastal tribes spoke the languages ​​of the Arawak family, the Indians of the interior - the Caribbean languages. The coast of Suriname was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498 during the third expedition to the New World. However, for a long time the Spaniards and the Portuguese did not try to colonize the area. Only at the end of the 16th century. the British, French and Dutch began to take an interest in Guiana, as rumors spread that the fabulously rich country of El Dorado was located there. The Europeans never found gold, but they founded trading posts along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

The first permanent settlement was founded on the Suriname River by Dutch merchants in 1551. At the end of the 16th century. Suriname was captured by the Spaniards, in 1630 by the British, who then, under a peace treaty in Breda (1667), ceded Suriname to Holland in exchange for New Amsterdam (now New York). Among the first colonists of Suriname were many Dutch and Italian Jews who fled from the persecution of the Inquisition. In 1685, on the Suriname River, 55 km southeast of modern Paramaribo, they founded the colony of Yodensavanne (lit. Jewish Savannah). Until 1794, Suriname was under the control of the Dutch West India Company and since then has remained a colony of the Netherlands (with the exception of two short periods in 1799-1802 and 1804-1814, when it was captured by the British).

The basis of the economy of the colony was the plantation economy. Slaves were brought in from Africa to work on the plantations. Along with the main crop, sugar cane, coffee and chocolate trees, indigo, cotton, and cereals were grown on plantations. The plantation economy expanded until 1785. By this time, there were 590 plantations in Suriname; of these, 452 cultivated sugar cane and other cash crops, and the rest cultivated crops for domestic consumption. At the very end of the 18th century. the colony began to decline. By 1860 there were only 87 sugarcane plantations left, and by 1940 only four.

In Suriname, as in other sugar-producing colonies that used the labor of slaves, there was a sharp stratification of society. At the highest rung of the social hierarchy was a very small layer of Europeans, mostly colonial officials, large merchants and a few planters. The European population was dominated by the Dutch, but there were also Germans, French and British. Below this elite was a layer of free Creoles, which included descendants from marriages of Europeans with slaves and slaves who received or bought freedom. The lowest and most numerous category of society were slaves. Among them, they distinguished between slaves brought from Africa legally until 1804 and illegally until 1820, and slaves born in Suriname.

The system of slavery in Suriname was characterized by extreme cruelty. Slaves had no rights. Colonial laws were intended to give slave owners unlimited power over slaves and completely isolate the latter from the free population. Therefore, the slaves, at every opportunity, fled from their masters into the interior of the country and created settlements in the forests (“forest negros”).

From the beginning of the 19th century in Europe, the campaign for the abolition of slavery was expanding. After the British (1833) and then the French (1848) abolished slavery in their colonies, the Dutch decided to follow suit. However, it was feared that the freed slaves would not want to work on the plantations. Therefore, following the abolition of slavery, it was decided that the slaves should work on the former plantations for 10 years for a minimum wage. The decree on the abolition of slavery was adopted in 1863. After that, the freed slaves were faced with the need to feed themselves and their families and poured into Paramaribo, where labor was better paid and it was possible to get an education. There they replenished the middle Creole layer of society, becoming servants, workers, merchants, and their descendants - even elementary school teachers and petty officials. At the end of the 19th century some Creoles moved into the interior of the country, where they engaged in gold mining and rubber collection. In the 1920s, Creoles found work in bauxite mines, and also emigrated to Curaçao (where they worked at oil refineries), the Netherlands and the USA.

In search of labor for the plantations, the colonial authorities began to recruit residents of Asian countries under the contract. In the period 1853-1873, 2.5 thousand Chinese were brought to Suriname, in 1873-1922 - 34 thousand Indians, in 1891-1939 - 33 thousand Indonesians. The descendants of these migrants now make up the majority of Suriname's population. During the Second World War, there were many American soldiers in Suriname, along with them, capital appeared to serve the US military bases.

For a long time, Suriname was governed by a governor appointed by the metropolis. Under him, there were two councils elected by local electors and approved by the Dutch authorities. In 1866, these councils were replaced by parliament, but the governor retained the right to veto any decisions of this body. Initially, a strict property and educational qualification was in effect to participate in the elections, but as it was softened, planters began to penetrate the parliament, and after 1900 the majority in it was already made up of representatives of the upper and middle strata of Creole society. However, the electorate did not exceed 2% of the population until 1949, when universal suffrage was introduced.

In 1954 Suriname received autonomy within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. At the same time, the metropolis still appointed the governor and controlled the defense and foreign policy of the country, and the Surinamese elected the parliament and government.

After 1949, the Creoles gained great influence in parties organized along ethnic lines. They formed a coalition with the Indonesians, who also supported the independence of Suriname, won the 1973 elections and formed a government led by Prime Minister Henk Arron, leader of the National Party of Suriname (NPS). Negotiations with the Netherlands were successful, and on November 25, 1975, the independence of Suriname was proclaimed. After that ok. 40,000 Asian Surinamese emigrated to the Netherlands. The former metropolis pledged to provide financial assistance to the young state in the amount of $ 1.5 billion within 15 years. Before independence, two more political parties formed in Suriname: the Indian Progressive Reform Party and the Indonesian National Unity and Solidarity Party.

Arron, re-elected in 1977, was accused of corruption and removed from his post in 1980 in a military coup by a group of army officers led by Lieutenant Colonel Desi Bouterse. The National Military Council came to power, which dissolved parliament by February 1982, repealed the constitution, and dismissed the last representative of the civilian government, President Henk Chin Ah Sen. The latter, together with thousands of Surinamese, emigrated to the Netherlands, where, in order to fight the dictatorial regime, he formed the Movement for the Liberation of Suriname. The economic crisis was added to the political crisis, caused by the fall in world prices for bauxite. Economic losses were only partly compensated by money transfers from emigrants to their homeland.

After the military tortured and killed 15 known citizens of the country, the Netherlands stopped financial assistance to Suriname. Under domestic and international pressure, the National Military Council in 1985 authorized the formation of a new parliament and lifted the ban on political parties. After that, Arron entered the National War Council, renamed the Supreme Council.

In July 1986, with the support of the Movement for the Liberation of Suriname, several hundred lightly armed "forest blacks" revolted in the south and east of the country. Led by Ronnie Brunswijk, Bouterse's former personal bodyguard, they formed the Surinamese Liberation Army, designed to restore constitutional order to the country. Within a few months, they destabilized the work of bauxite mines and oil refineries. Bouterse accused the government of the Netherlands and Surinamese emigrants, among others, of aiding the rebels, which led to the rupture of diplomatic relations between Suriname and the Netherlands in early 1987. The Surinamese army tried to suppress the uprising with cruel measures, often violating the rights of its own citizens and foreigners. This policy caused widespread discontent, and the population demanded reforms. In a referendum in September 1987, 93% of voters voted in favor of the new constitution.

In the November 1987 parliamentary elections, representatives of the Bouterse party received only three seats out of 51, while the multi-ethnic Front for Democracy and Development received 40 seats. In January 1988, Ramsevak Shankar, a businessman of Indian origin, became president, and Arron became vice president and prime minister. Bouterse retained some power as head of the five-member Military Council. Shankar's policy was aimed at improving relations with the Netherlands and the United States. The Netherlands again began to provide assistance to Suriname, promising to pay 721 million dollars over 7-8 years. Bauxite mining resumed.

However, in December 1990 the military removed the civilian government and dissolved the National Assembly. Under pressure from the world community, the military was forced in May 1991 to hold elections with the participation of international observers. In these elections, a coalition called the New Front for Democracy, which included three traditional ethnic parties, the Front for Democracy and Development and the Labor Party of Suriname, gained 30 votes in parliament. In September, Ronald R. Venetian, candidate of the National Party of Suriname, took over as president; the leader of the Indian Progressive Reform Party, Yul R. Ayodiya, became Vice President and Prime Minister. Colonel Bauterse remained commander-in-chief of the army.

In August 1992, Venetian reached peace agreements with the Surinamese Liberation Army rebels. Bouterse was replaced as commander-in-chief by Arti Gorre. In the first half of the 1990s, Suriname, along with some other Latin American countries, embarked on the path of liberal economic reforms. Venetian managed to curb inflation and improve relations with the Netherlands, which increased financial aid to Suriname and investment in the economy. However, trade union opposition and the collapse of the New Front coalition led to Venetian's defeat in the May 1996 elections. Indonesian parties and with a number of small parties approved their candidate Weidenbosch as president. At the same time, the coalition turned out to be rather weak, and in 1997-1998 the new government was unable to put its legislative program into effect. Behind Weidenbosch stood Bouterse. Under him, Suriname became the main transshipment base for drugs on the way from Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia to the Netherlands and the United States. The police were led by Bouterse's closest associate, Colonel Etienne Burenveen, who was convicted in Miami in the 1980s and served five years in prison for dealing cocaine. Another Bouterse employee, Henk Goodschalk, became head of the Central Bank of Suriname. In August 1998, at the request of the Dutch government, Interpol issued an arrest warrant for Bouterse on charges of drug dealing and financial fraud.

The coastline of Suriname has a length of 360 km; from north to south, the country stretches for more than 400 km. The population of the country is 428 thousand people (1998). The capital and the only major city is Paramaribo (180 thousand inhabitants). Other significant cities are Nieuw Nickerie, Albina and Mungo.


On the territory of Suriname, one can distinguish the coastal Guiana lowland, the savannah belt and the tropical forest belt of the Guiana Plateau.

The Guiana lowland, from 25 km in the east to 80 km in the west, is composed of alluvial and marine sands and clays. The surface is flat, marshy, in some places crossed by coastal ridges and dissected by rivers. Separate forest areas have been preserved. Small centers of agriculture are confined to coastal ramparts and drained areas of marshes.

To the south, on the slopes of the Guiana Plateau, a narrow belt of savannahs is common. The soils here are infertile, agriculture is poorly developed and has a consumer character.

The Guiana Plateau is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. The surface is largely covered by tropical rainforest. Against the general smoothed background, watershed mountain ranges and ranges stand out, especially the Wilhelmina Mountains with the highest point of the country - Mount Juliana (1230 m). On the southern slopes of the highlands, partly located within Suriname, savannahs reappear.

The country is crossed by four large rivers flowing in a northerly direction: Koranteyn, along which part of the border with Guyana, Koppename, Gran Rio, Suriname and Marowijne (the latter forms the border with French Guiana) passes. For agriculture and transportation of goods, the Kottika and Commeweine rivers, which flow into the Suriname River near its mouth, the Saramakka, which flows into Koppenam, also near the mouth, and the Nickerie, a tributary of the Korantein, are also of great importance. Because of the rapids, ships can only move within the coastal lowlands, so until recently, the southern regions of the country were practically isolated from the outside world.

The climate of Suriname is subequatorial, humid and hot. The average monthly temperatures range from 23° to 31° C. The average annual rainfall is 2300 mm in the plains and more than 3000 mm in the mountains. There are two wet seasons (from mid-November to February and from late March to mid-July) and two dry seasons (shorter from February to mid-March and longer from August to mid-November).

population and society.

In the 1990s, Suriname's annual population growth averaged 0.9%. About 90% of the population is concentrated in the coastal zone, primarily in Paramaribo and its suburbs. In the interior, the population density is extremely low.

The birth rate in Suriname tends to decrease - from 26 per 1000 in 1985–1990 to 18.87 per 1000 in 2004. The death rate is 6.99 per 1000. Thus, the natural increase of the population, 1.7% per year, is one among the lowest in Latin America. At the same time, the actual population growth is significantly reduced due to emigration, which increased sharply after 1950. By 1970 its level was 2% per year, by 1975, when the country gained independence, it reached 10%. A new wave of emigration rose after the political upheavals of 1980 and 1982. The total number of emigrants to the Netherlands reached 180 thousand by 1987. In 1998, the emigration rate was 9 people per 1000. At the same time, immigration into the country remains very small.

Surinamese society is characterized by ethnic stratification. According to 1997 data, 37% of the population of Suriname were Indians, descendants of immigrants who came to the country in the 19th century; 31% are blacks and mulattos, who are called Creoles in Suriname; 15.3% are from Indonesia; 10.3% - the so-called. "forest negros", descendants of runaway slaves living in the interior of the country; 2.6% - Indians, the indigenous inhabitants of the country; 1.7% are Chinese; 1% are Europeans and 1.1% are representatives of other ethnic groups.

Creoles, who make up two-thirds of the urban population, are settled mainly in Paramaribo and its suburbs. Indians are concentrated in the most productive agricultural areas. They make up less than a quarter of the urban population. The Indonesians are located in the less fertile agrarian areas, they form the majority only in the district of Commeweine, where they are employed as wage laborers on the plantations. Indians and "forest blacks" mainly live in the interior of the country.

The ethnic diversity of Suriname is also manifested in the language. The official language is Dutch, but many Surinamese do not consider it their mother tongue, and some do not know it at all. The language of interethnic communication was the Sranan Tongo language, born in a Negro-mulatto environment, in other words, Negro English, or bastard English, also called Toki-Toki or Surinamese. At least 16 other languages ​​are spoken in the country, including Hindi, Indonesian, Chinese, two "forest black" languages ​​- Aukan and Saramackan, and at least four Indian languages.

The same diversity is observed in confessions. Christianity is represented by Protestant (mainly Moravian, 25.2%) and Roman Catholic (22.8% adherents) churches. Indians practice Hinduism (27.6%) or Islam (19.6%). Most Indonesians are Islamists, part of the population are Catholics. In Suriname, there are supporters of Judaism and Confucianism. Negroes practice syncretic African-American cults, which include elements of Christianity and pagan rites of healing and evocation of spirits.

The class structure of Surinamese society is very blurred. The struggle for economic and political dominance unfolds between different ethnic groups that dominate some areas of activity. At the same time, class stratification is also observed within ethnic groups. Thus, in the Negro-Mulatto environment, there is a narrow stratum of specialists who have received a European education and government employees, as well as a wide lower stratum of workers with low qualifications or even unskilled ones. Indians in the first half of the 20th century established control over agriculture, and after the Second World War they began to actively master urban professions and now compete with other ethnic groups in all areas of the economy. Indonesians generally remain on the sidelines, forming a stratum of agricultural wage laborers. The Chinese, predominantly employed in urban retail, belong to the middle and upper classes, the "forest blacks" and the Indians living in the wilderness, represent the marginalized groups of the population.

In the 1980s, Suriname experienced a reduction in welfare programs. The Netherlands and some religious communities bear the cost of medical care for the population. The average life expectancy in Suriname in 1998 was 70.6 years (68 for men and 73.3 for women).

Suriname has declared compulsory education for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Economic difficulties have a negative impact on the quality of education. In 1993, 94% of children attended primary schools. The University of Suriname (founded in 1968) and other institutions of higher learning had 4,400 students in 1992. Competently 93% of the adult population. If in 1975 there were 7 daily newspapers in the country, then at the end of the 1990s there were only two (“West” and “Ware Tide”), which are published in the Dutch language.

Government and politics.

In 1975, when Suriname gained independence, a constitution was adopted, according to which the country was proclaimed a parliamentary republic, the former governor-general remained the formal president of the country, and real executive power passed to the cabinet of ministers. As a result of the military coup in 1980, the constitution was abolished. The new constitution, approved by popular referendum in 1987, provides for the popular election for a term of five years of 51 deputies of the legislative body - the National Assembly, which in turn elects the president (head of state) and the vice president, who heads the cabinet, who is appointed by the president himself. The President forms the State Council of 15 people - representatives of political forces, trade unions, business and military circles. The Council of State makes recommendations to the Cabinet and has the power to veto laws coming from the National Assembly. In practice, Lieutenant Colonel Desi Bouterse, who led the coup d'état in 1980 and ruled the country until 1987, enjoyed almost unlimited power as Councilor of State, although his power was somewhat limited after his resignation from the post of commander-in-chief of the army in April 1993.

The judiciary of Suriname consists of a Supreme Court composed of six judges appointed for life by the President and three lower courts. Administratively, the country is divided into 10 districts under the administration of the administrative representatives of the President: Brokopondo, Commeweine, Koroni, Maroweine, Nikeri, Para, Paramaribo, Saramacca, Sipaliwini and Wanika.

After the Second World War, three political parties were formed in Suriname: the National Party of Suriname (founded in 1946), expressing the interests of the small and middle national bourgeoisie of Creole origin, the Indonesian Party of National Unity and Solidarity (1947) and the United Hindustani Party (1949, since 1969 called the Progressive Reform Party, which unites Indians. These essentially ethnic parties were banned after the Bouterse coup d'état in 1980. In 1985 they emerged from the underground and two years later formed the coalition Front for Democracy and Development led by Ronald Venetian. The Front initially opposed the National Democratic Party (NDP), founded by Bouterse in 1987. In the same year, the Suriname Labor Party emerged, which in 1991 joined the Front, which won the 1987 elections. The Front briefly lost power during a military coup in December 1990 , but in the 1991 elections he again won and brought Venetian to the presidency. In 1996, the NDP entered into a coalition with the Indonesian Party and a number of minor parties and led to the victory of its candidate in the elections. Jules Weidenbosch became the new president.


The country's economic development was hampered by a small population, lack of well-maintained roads, and political instability. In 1996, Suriname's GDP was $523 million, i.e. $1,306 per capita (GDP reached $1.08 billion in the 1980s). The decline in GDP was due to guerrilla warfare in bauxite mining areas, economic mismanagement, and falling demand and prices for bauxite and aluminium, Suriname's main export products. Bauxite mining, which previously accounted for 80% of exports and 30% of GDP annually, fell in 1997 to 70% of exports and 15% of GDP. In Suriname, large-scale development of bauxite deposits began after the Second World War: then more than 75% of bauxite was exported from Suriname to the United States. Currently, Suriname mined approx. 4 million tons of bauxite per year, and it is one of the ten largest producers of bauxite in the world. The main deposits are concentrated in Paranam and Mungo in the northeast of the country. The bauxite mining industry is controlled by American and Dutch companies. Bauxite mining is highly mechanized, so less than 5% of the working population is employed in this industry. In the 1990s, Suriname exported approx. 300 kg of gold. Deposits of iron ore, copper, nickel, platinum, manganese and kaolin have been explored, but they are not being developed.

In 1981, oil fields were discovered in Suriname. In 1997, its production reached 300 thousand tons and continues to grow at a rapid pace. About 40% of crude oil is exported, the rest goes to energy service for the production of alumina and aluminum. Thus, Suriname has sharply reduced its dependence on other energy sources and imported energy carriers (oil products and coal). In the 1960s, a hydroelectric power station was built in Afobak, providing cheap electricity that is used in the production of aluminum. The country has a number of public and private thermal power plants.

The industry of Suriname as a whole is underdeveloped, so the country imports many essential industrial products, although it provides itself with food. In addition to bauxite mining and processing, Suriname produces beverages, tobacco products, footwear and cement.

60% of all agricultural production in Suriname is rice, mainly from the Nickerie district. Under this culture, approx. 50 thousand hectares. The largest rice plantation is located near Wageningen, it is mostly Indonesian workers. However, in general, small farms predominate. Bananas, palm oil, coconuts, citrus fruits, coffee, beef, chickens stand out among the agricultural products of Suriname. Sugar cane, which for centuries was the basis of the colonial economy, now occupies a very modest place. The importance of shrimp and timber harvesting is growing.

Between 1983 and 1988, the official unemployment rate was 13.2%. In fact, this figure was even higher, especially in Paramaribo, where seasonal agricultural workers flocked in search of work. Unemployment continued to be a serious problem in the 1990s, marked by an economic downturn. In 1998, the share of employees was 49% of the working population (100 thousand), of which 35% are employed in the private sector and 16% in state-owned companies. In the 1980s, due to the persistent budget deficit, the country's foreign exchange reserves were significantly reduced. The situation has improved since 1988, when Suriname began to receive financial assistance from the Netherlands, the US, the EU, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

In 1996, Suriname's export earnings were $457.7 million and import expenditures were $415.5 million. After bauxite, alumina, and aluminum, rice, timber, bananas, and shrimp were important exports. The latter are exported mainly to the USA (25%), the Netherlands and the EU countries. Suriname imports engineering products, oil, steel and rolled products, agricultural products and consumer goods. 50% of imports come from the US and the rest from Brazil, the EU and the Caribbean.


The indigenous people of Suriname lived in separate tribes in small settlements, earning their living by hunting and primitive agriculture, the basis of which was the cultivation of root crops, mainly cassava. The coastal tribes spoke the languages ​​of the Arawak family, the Indians of the interior - the Caribbean languages. The coast of Suriname was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1498 during the third expedition to the New World. However, for a long time the Spaniards and the Portuguese did not try to colonize the area. Only at the end of the 16th century. the British, French and Dutch began to take an interest in Guiana, as rumors spread that the fabulously rich country of El Dorado was located there. The Europeans never found gold, but they founded trading posts along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

The first permanent settlement was founded on the Suriname River by Dutch merchants in 1551. At the end of the 16th century. Suriname was captured by the Spaniards, in 1630 by the British, who then, under a peace treaty in Breda (1667), ceded Suriname to Holland in exchange for New Amsterdam (now New York). Among the first colonists of Suriname were many Dutch and Italian Jews who fled from the persecution of the Inquisition. In 1685, on the Suriname River, 55 km southeast of modern Paramaribo, they founded the colony of Yodensavanne (lit. Jewish Savannah). Until 1794, Suriname was under the control of the Dutch West India Company and since then has remained a colony of the Netherlands (with the exception of two short periods in 1799-1802 and 1804-1814, when it was captured by the British).

The basis of the economy of the colony was the plantation economy. Slaves were brought in from Africa to work on the plantations. Along with the main crop, sugar cane, coffee and chocolate trees, indigo, cotton, and cereals were grown on plantations. The plantation economy expanded until 1785. By this time, there were 590 plantations in Suriname; of these, 452 cultivated sugar cane and other cash crops, and the rest cultivated crops for domestic consumption. At the very end of the 18th century. the colony began to decline. By 1860 there were only 87 sugarcane plantations left, and by 1940 only four.

In Suriname, as in other sugar-producing colonies that used the labor of slaves, there was a sharp stratification of society. At the highest rung of the social hierarchy was a very small layer of Europeans, mostly colonial officials, large merchants and a few planters. The European population was dominated by the Dutch, but there were also Germans, French and British. Below this elite was a layer of free Creoles, which included descendants from marriages of Europeans with slaves and slaves who received or bought freedom. The lowest and most numerous category of society were slaves. Among them, they distinguished between slaves brought from Africa legally until 1804 and illegally until 1820, and slaves born in Suriname.

The system of slavery in Suriname was characterized by extreme cruelty. Slaves had no rights. Colonial laws were intended to give slave owners unlimited power over slaves and completely isolate the latter from the free population. Therefore, the slaves, at every opportunity, fled from their masters into the interior of the country and created settlements in the forests (“forest negros”).

From the beginning of the 19th century in Europe, the campaign for the abolition of slavery was expanding. After the British (1833) and then the French (1848) abolished slavery in their colonies, the Dutch decided to follow suit. However, it was feared that the freed slaves would not want to work on the plantations. Therefore, following the abolition of slavery, it was decided that the slaves should work on the former plantations for 10 years for a minimum wage. The decree on the abolition of slavery was adopted in 1863. After that, the freed slaves were faced with the need to feed themselves and their families and poured into Paramaribo, where labor was better paid and it was possible to get an education. There they replenished the middle Creole layer of society, becoming servants, workers, merchants, and their descendants - even elementary school teachers and petty officials. At the end of the 19th century some Creoles moved into the interior of the country, where they engaged in gold mining and rubber collection. In the 1920s, Creoles found work in bauxite mines, and also emigrated to Curaçao (where they worked at oil refineries), the Netherlands and the USA.

In search of labor for the plantations, the colonial authorities began to recruit residents of Asian countries under the contract. In the period 1853-1873, 2.5 thousand Chinese were brought to Suriname, in 1873-1922 - 34 thousand Indians, in 1891-1939 - 33 thousand Indonesians. The descendants of these migrants now make up the majority of Suriname's population. During the Second World War, there were many American soldiers in Suriname, along with them, capital appeared to serve the US military bases.

For a long time, Suriname was governed by a governor appointed by the metropolis. Under him, there were two councils elected by local electors and approved by the Dutch authorities. In 1866, these councils were replaced by parliament, but the governor retained the right to veto any decisions of this body. Initially, a strict property and educational qualification was in effect to participate in the elections, but as it was softened, planters began to penetrate the parliament, and after 1900 the majority in it was already made up of representatives of the upper and middle strata of Creole society. However, the electorate did not exceed 2% of the population until 1949, when universal suffrage was introduced.

In 1954 Suriname received autonomy within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. At the same time, the metropolis still appointed the governor and controlled the defense and foreign policy of the country, and the Surinamese elected the parliament and government.

After 1949, the Creoles gained great influence in parties organized along ethnic lines. They formed a coalition with the Indonesians, who also supported the independence of Suriname, won the 1973 elections and formed a government led by Prime Minister Henk Arron, leader of the National Party of Suriname (NPS). Negotiations with the Netherlands were successful, and on November 25, 1975, the independence of Suriname was proclaimed. After that ok. 40,000 Asian Surinamese emigrated to the Netherlands. The former metropolis pledged to provide financial assistance to the young state in the amount of $ 1.5 billion within 15 years. Before independence, two more political parties formed in Suriname: the Indian Progressive Reform Party and the Indonesian National Unity and Solidarity Party.

Arron, re-elected in 1977, was accused of corruption and removed from his post in 1980 in a military coup by a group of army officers led by Lieutenant Colonel Desi Bouterse. The National Military Council came to power, which dissolved parliament by February 1982, repealed the constitution, and dismissed the last representative of the civilian government, President Henk Chin Ah Sen. The latter, together with thousands of Surinamese, emigrated to the Netherlands, where, in order to fight the dictatorial regime, he formed the Movement for the Liberation of Suriname. The economic crisis was added to the political crisis, caused by the fall in world prices for bauxite. Economic losses were only partly compensated by money transfers from emigrants to their homeland.

After the military tortured and killed 15 known citizens of the country, the Netherlands stopped financial assistance to Suriname. Under domestic and international pressure, the National Military Council in 1985 authorized the formation of a new parliament and lifted the ban on political parties. After that, Arron entered the National War Council, renamed the Supreme Council.

In July 1986, with the support of the Movement for the Liberation of Suriname, several hundred lightly armed "forest blacks" revolted in the south and east of the country. Led by Ronnie Brunswijk, Bouterse's former personal bodyguard, they formed the Surinamese Liberation Army, designed to restore constitutional order to the country. Within a few months, they destabilized the work of bauxite mines and oil refineries. Bouterse accused the government of the Netherlands and Surinamese emigrants, among others, of aiding the rebels, which led to the rupture of diplomatic relations between Suriname and the Netherlands in early 1987. The Surinamese army tried to suppress the uprising with cruel measures, often violating the rights of its own citizens and foreigners. This policy caused widespread discontent, and the population demanded reforms. In a referendum in September 1987, 93% of voters voted in favor of the new constitution.

In the November 1987 parliamentary elections, representatives of the Bouterse party received only three seats out of 51, while the multi-ethnic Front for Democracy and Development received 40 seats. In January 1988, Ramsevak Shankar, a businessman of Indian origin, became president, and Arron became vice president and prime minister. Bouterse retained some power as head of the five-member Military Council. Shankar's policy was aimed at improving relations with the Netherlands and the United States. The Netherlands again began to provide assistance to Suriname, promising to pay 721 million dollars over 7-8 years. Bauxite mining resumed.

However, in December 1990 the military removed the civilian government and dissolved the National Assembly. Under pressure from the world community, the military was forced in May 1991 to hold elections with the participation of international observers. In these elections, a coalition called the New Front for Democracy, which included three traditional ethnic parties, the Front for Democracy and Development and the Labor Party of Suriname, gained 30 votes in parliament. In September, Ronald R. Venetian, candidate of the National Party of Suriname, took over as president; the leader of the Indian Progressive Reform Party, Yul R. Ayodiya, became Vice President and Prime Minister. Colonel Bauterse remained commander-in-chief of the army.

In August 1992, Venetian reached peace agreements with the Surinamese Liberation Army rebels. Bouterse was replaced as commander-in-chief by Arti Gorre. In the first half of the 1990s, Suriname, along with some other Latin American countries, embarked on the path of liberal economic reforms. Venetian managed to curb inflation and improve relations with the Netherlands, which increased financial aid to Suriname and investment in the economy. However, trade union opposition and the collapse of the New Front coalition led to Venetian's defeat in the May 1996 elections. Indonesian parties and with a number of small parties approved their candidate Weidenbosch as president. At the same time, the coalition turned out to be rather weak, and in 1997-1998 the new government was unable to put its legislative program into effect. Behind Weidenbosch stood Bouterse. Under him, Suriname became the main transshipment base for drugs on the way from Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia to the Netherlands and the United States. The police were led by Bouterse's closest associate, Colonel Etienne Burenveen, who was convicted in Miami in the 1980s and served five years in prison for dealing cocaine. Another Bouterse employee, Henk Goodschalk, became head of the Central Bank of Suriname. In August 1998, at the request of the Dutch government, Interpol issued an arrest warrant for Bouterse on charges of drug dealing and financial fraud. President Jules Weidenbosch commits many serious economic and political mistakes and leads Suriname to a state of complete instability. Allegations of corruption against this president are not unfounded.

Suriname in the 21st century

In the elections held on May 25, 2000, the New Front won. In August 2000, Ronald Venetian was elected President of Suriname for the second time. He was to restore economic stability and increase foreign investment in the country. Jules Ajodia became prime minister.

Ronald Venetian inherited from his predecessor a devalued currency, high inflation, a collapsing healthcare system, and a bloated bureaucracy. Urgent and emergency measures were taken to curb inflation and stabilize the exchange rate. The government of Ronald Venetian managed to cut government spending and stabilize the banana industry with the help of international loans.

In August 2005, Ronald Venetian was re-elected President of Suriname. Although neither Venetian nor his new political rival, Rabindra Parmessar, received enough votes in Parliament to become president, the candidacy of Ronald Venetian was left to the discretion of the regional bodies. 560 deputies out of 879 voted for him.

Parks, reserves
Official name: Republic of Suriname
Capital: Paramaribo
The area of ​​the land: 163.3 thousand sq. km
Total population: 487 thousand people
Composition of the population: 37% Indians, 31% Creoles, 15% Javanese, 2% Maroons, 2% Chinese, 2% Europeans.
Official language: Dutch. Sranan Tongo (the most common language of interethnic communication, based on English with borrowings from many languages ​​​​- the so-called "bastard English"), Hindi, Javanese, Chinese.
Religion: 47% are Christians, 27% are Hindus, 20% are Muslims.
Internet domain: .sr
Mains voltage: ~127 V, 60 Hz
Phone country code: +597
Country barcode:


Subequatorial, hot and constantly humid. The average air temperature is around +26°C and changes little throughout the year. Even at night, the temperature rarely drops below +24°C, and in the dry season it can reach +36°C in the shade. Constant northeast trade winds bring some coolness, but this is felt only in the coastal zone.

Precipitation is 2300-3000 mm per year, and rainy are about 200 days a year. The rainy season usually lasts from November to January and from May to July (during this time the rains often cause severe flooding). Although Suriname lies outside the hurricane zone, during the rainy season, powerful downpours with "sibibusi" winds (literally - "forest broom", such rains really often cut off almost all the foliage from the trees), during which up to 300 mm of water falls in a few hours, are not uncommon.


The Republic of Suriname is located in the northeastern part of South America. In the east it borders with French Guiana, in the south - with Brazil, in the west - with Guyana, in the north it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Almost the entire territory of Suriname is a swampy coastal plain of about 80 km. wide, bordered by the Central Plateau. In the south are the mountains of the Guiana Plateau, overgrown with dense subequatorial forest. The total area of ​​the country is 163.3 thousand square meters. km.

The Guiana lowland, from 25 km in the east to 80 km in the west, is composed of alluvial and marine sands and clays. The surface is flat, swampy, in some places crossed by coastal ridges and dissected by rivers. Separate forest areas have been preserved. Small centers of agriculture are confined to coastal ramparts and drained areas of marshes.

To the south, on the slopes of the Guiana Plateau, a narrow belt of savannahs is common. The soils here are infertile, agriculture is poorly developed and has a consumer character.

The Guiana Plateau is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. The surface is largely covered by tropical rainforest. Against the general smoothed background, watershed mountain ranges and ranges stand out, especially the Wilhelmina Mountains with the highest point of the country - Mount Juliana (1230 m). On the southern slopes of the highlands, partly located within Suriname, savannahs reappear.

The country is crossed by four major rivers flowing in a northerly direction: Koranteyn, along which part of the border with Guyana passes; Koppenam, Gran Rio, Suriname and Marowijne (the latter forms the border with French Guiana). For agriculture and transportation of goods, the Kottika and Commeweine rivers, which flow into the Suriname River near its mouth, the Saramakka, which flows into the Koppename also near the mouth, and the Nickerie, a tributary of the Korantein, are also of great importance. Because of the rapids, ships can only move within the coastal lowlands, so until recently, the southern regions of the country were practically isolated from the outside world.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world. The Guiana Plateau is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. The surface is largely covered by tropical rainforest. Against the general smoothed background, watershed mountain ranges and ranges stand out, especially the Wilhelmina Mountains with the highest point of the country - Mount Juliana (1230 m). On the southern slopes of the highlands, partly located within Suriname, savannahs reappear. The country has a very diverse flora. There are forests in the mountainous regions and on the hills. Here there are oak, pine and birch groves, white acacias, poplars, willows, as well as a riot of scarlet poppies. Evergreen trees and shrubs, pines and alpine pines, mastic trees, palms, holm and cork oaks, cypresses, cacti and agaves, plantations of cultivated plants grow on the coast: almonds, olives, citrus fruits, pomegranates.

In the Alps in deciduous forests hornbeam, chestnut, ash, beech grow. Among fruit trees - vineyards, crops of rye, potatoes, coniferous and beech forests are located high in the mountains: fir, different kinds spruces and pines, as well as alpine meadows.

Animal world. Of the representatives of the animal world, monkeys, jaguar, puma, tapir, anteater, small deer, armadillo, crocodile, a large number of birds, snakes live on the territory of Suriname. Landmark of the country is the endemic Surinamese frog.


The history of the country is quite typical for this region. The Carib and Arawak Indian tribes that settled these lands at the turn of the millennium formed a powerful tribal conglomeration covering all the Lesser Antilles, with their own culture and complex social hierarchy. However, the arrival of Europeans forced them to retreat from these swampy plains deep into the selva, and already in 1616 several Dutch settlements were formed at the mouths of several rivers between modern Georgetown, Guyana and Cayenne. In 1667, a new colony appeared on the map - Dutch Guiana, whose economy made ends meet by growing sugar and logging. After the First World War, the American company ALCOA began developing alumina in the east of the country, and since then, almost the entire country has been "tied" to the production of aluminum (suffice it to say that during the Second World War, more than 75% of American aluminum was made from Surinamese raw materials). After the war, Suriname began to gain more and more independence from the Netherlands and December 15, 1954 becomes an autonomous part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. On November 25, 1975, the country gains independence, but just five years later, the civilian government was overthrown by the military regime, which announced the construction of a socialist republic. In 1987, international pressure finally forced the authorities to hold democratic elections, but in 1990 the military overthrew the civilian government, but did not last long - already in 1991, power again passes into the hands of a multi-party democratic coalition, which still governs the country.

As a result, Suriname has remained a quiet country, strongly tied to foreign partners, with almost no outstanding historical monuments. But it is widely known among tourists as an unusual cultural enclave with extraordinary ethnic diversity, large tracts of virgin forests and excellent conditions for outdoor activities.


The noisy and somewhat chaotic capital of the country, often referred to simply as Parbo, lies on the west bank of the Suriname River, near its mouth. It's quite an interesting "hybrid" European civilization and tropical America - imposing brick colonial buildings interspersed with grassy squares of squares and wooden buildings, narrow streets lined with tall palm trees make up entire urban areas, and mangroves still fringe the coastal strip of the capital. The historic core of the city is so picturesque that it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique example of a mixture of Dutch, British, Creole and Asian traditions, formed so far from the centers of development of these cultures. At the same time, the original and very characteristic building plan of the historic center remains completely intact, and local urban planning methods and materials give it a recognizable appearance. Mosques and synagogues literally stand side by side, vendors peddle local wine and Dutch beer right under the walls of British-style buildings, and traditional local rum is the basis of the wine lists of numerous cafes and bars, many of which are quite French located right on the sidewalks.

The center of Paramaribo is Onafhankelijnsplein, or Independence Square, which lies at the walls of the Presidential Palace. Immediately behind the palace is the Palmentwin, or Palm Garden, an attractive urban park with tall palm trees inhabited by numerous tropical birds. To the east of the Onafhankelinsplein rises the carefully restored Fort Zeelandia, a 17th-century coastal fortified stronghold used to hold and torture political prisoners during the dark times of military coups. Today, its walls house the Suriname Museum (open from Tuesday to Friday - from 9.00 to 14.00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10.00 to 14.00) with an extensive collection of cultural and historical nature. Every first Sunday of the month, cultural evenings are held in the courtyard of the fort with performances by the best music and dance groups representing the various nationalities of the country.

Also in the fort area you can find the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul built entirely of wood (XIX century, considered the largest wooden cathedral in the region), a reformist church (XIX century), two synagogues (XVII century), a pharmacy ( XIX century) and a furrier's shop of the same period, a numismatic collection, as well as a library on Sorg-en-Hop, which is part of the museum complex, with the largest collection of antique works in the country (a small museum hotel for scientists, young professionals and students is also located here) and even a museum bar.

The city's main market lies on Watercrantz Boulevard, which runs along the waterfront from the walls of the Presidential Palace to the Meerzog ferry across the Suriname River. At a short distance from the city lies the "twin" of Palmentuin - the beautiful Kulturtuin Park. And very close to the center is the resort area of ​​Kekemba. The water route from Paramaribo up the Suriname River to the Blommestein Reservoir (Brokopondo) and the city of Malobbi is also informative. In addition to almost the entire panorama of the capital, during it you can see the most characteristic landscapes of the country, the Brokopondo dam (1961-1964, provides more than 90% of the country's electricity), this beautiful reservoir on the Suriname River itself, and also get acquainted with the life of representatives of various cultures . Here, in the vicinity of the reservoir, one of the best national parks in the country is located - Brownsburg, the small Mazaroni Plateau with its quiet mountain resort of the same name, the Irene and Leo waterfalls, the Whitticcreek ecological resort with its noisy bird community, the old settlements of the gold miners Gross Rosebel and Nyiv- Coffeekamp, ​​as well as the picturesque town of Braunsweg.


The Para area (it is clear that this coastal region also got its name from the name of the capital, and it is located almost around it - on both banks of the Suriname River south of the city) is especially attractive for day trips. This is a very pleasant place with many streams and small rivers, as well as with the largest number of old plantations in the country, many of which are quite well preserved and are popular holiday destinations. The most picturesque are the old "fazendas" Kolarkrik, Carolinakrik, Bersaba, as well as entire areas of these colorful complexes in Saramakka and Koroni. But the most famous of them is, perhaps, the Jodensavanne plantation, which was founded in the 17th century by Portuguese Jews. After a century of prosperity and growth, it was abandoned after a fire in 1832, and during the Second World War served as a colony for persons suspected of pro-Nazi sympathies - such a historical irony. Today you can see the ruins of the synagogue of Berasha ve Shalom (1639-1685 - the first synagogue in the Western Hemisphere), the old cemetery and healing mineral springs, as well as the picturesque nearby village of Cassipora and the resort town of Blakavatra, which was opened in 1960 as a resting place for the prime minister of the country. You can also visit the village of Santigron, founded after the abolition of slavery (1863), on the Saramacca River (30 km south of Paramaribo), inhabited today by Maroons, as well as a popular swimming place around Kolarkrik (50 km south of Paramaribo), surrounded by numerous streams with clear brown water and a small belt of savannah.


The Commenwijn area, located on the right bank of the Suriname River, is also replete with old mansions and plantations. The most famous plantations are Meersorg, Peperpot, Frederiksdorp, Alliance and Marienburg, which played an important role in the country's economy during its heyday. Many of them are still inhabited and are popular ecotourism centers and starting points for visiting forest areas. Also good are the colorful fishing villages of Pomona, Joanna Margareta, or simply Margrita, Rust en Werk and Bakki, or Reinsdorf. Here you can observe the life of the locals or take a ride along the coast of the Matapika area, which is the most important breeding ground for sea turtles. A little to the west lies the town of Braamspunt with its old fort Butteridge Byams Point (XVIII century) and its later bastion Butteridge Braamspunt. And the capital of the region - the city of Nieuw-Amsterdam is famous for its vast old fort (1743-1758), on the territory of which there is now an open-air museum.

Upper Marowijne and Tapanakhoni

The colorful region along the Marowijne (Maroni) River and its tributaries Lava and Tapanakhoni is considered one of the the best places to study the original culture of the country. These areas are inhabited by the Paramakkaner (Paramakkan) tribes - the descendants of runaway slaves of almost all ethnic groups in Africa, so the local culture is a fantastic fusion of all kinds of traditions of the Black Continent. The most picturesque settlements of this region are the small town of Albina on the border with French Guiana river Maroweyne and Langatabetye, or Langatabiki ("long river island"), where the tribal leader paramakkaner - "granman" lives. Also worth visiting is Stelmansieland, near which Lava and Tapanakhoni merge into Marowijne (there is a whole cascade of picturesque rapids downstream), the village of Drietabetye - the residence of the "granman" of the Aukan tribes - and the gold mines of Benzdorp on the Lava River.

And with the permission of the local administration, you can visit the nearby Galibi Reserve (accessible only by boat), where thousands of green sea turtles lay their eggs in June and July. This is one of the few places in the world where you can watch vivo this process, and, importantly, thanks to the skill of local guides, such excursions do not bring any inconvenience to the turtles themselves. There is practically no recreational infrastructure in this region, but it is completely natural to hang a hammock right in a village park or rent a bed in a private house, so for fans of eco-tourism this is one of the best places in South America.

Nieuw Nickerie

The capital of the Nickerie region, an important port and the second largest city in Suriname, Nieuw Nickerie is located on the south bank of the Nickerie river, almost opposite the Guyanese city of New Amsterdam. The city is widely known for its "moves" - twice in its history, in 1870 and 1879, it was transferred almost entirely to a new location, as the land was quickly destroyed by rapid erosion. Therefore, today it is protected from the sea and the mouth of the river by a powerful wall. Upstream of the Nickerie are the famous Blanche Mary Falls, where regular river tours are organized, during which you can get acquainted with local tribes, go fishing (and it is notable here, according to many tourists), or take a simple excursion under the canopy of the rain forest.

And in the upper reaches of the Corantane (Corantine) River, bordering Guyana, near the border with Brazil, lies the Sipaliwini region. The Trio, Wayana, and Acurio Indian tribes that inhabit this region have only recently come into contact with the outside world. Usually only inveterate thrill-seekers get here, but the difficulties of the way are more than compensated by the pictures of the beautiful waterfalls of Uonotobo, Kau and Itabru on Korantein and the rapids of Teiger, the wooded slopes of the Wilhelmina mountains with the Tafelberg nature reserve teeming with life, as well as the picturesque local villages of Palumeu, Pelelutepu and Kwamalasamutu, whose surroundings inhabited by the most archaic tribes of the region.

Banks and currency

Banks are open on weekdays from 7.00 to 14.00.

You can exchange currency in banks and exchange offices. It is not recommended to change currency on the street (there is a high risk of fraud), as well as in hotels, where the exchange rate is usually much lower than in exchange offices or banks. Currency exchange in many provincial banks is often time-consuming and requires a number of documents. Almost all stores and institutions accept US dollars at the normal rate, many stores even list prices in both Surinamese and US dollars, although this is illegal.

Credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, almost all hotels and many stores (American Express is the most widely used, MasterCard and Visa are slightly less). ATM ATMs are quite widespread in the capital - they can be found both in banks and in post offices in the central regions.

Traveler's checks can be cashed at banks. To avoid additional costs due to fluctuations in the exchange rate, it is recommended to bring checks in euros (they are accepted in all hotels and only at the official rate) or US dollars.

Surinam dollar (SRD, S$), equal to 100 cents. Since January 1, 2004, the Surinamese dollar, pegged to the US dollar, has replaced the previously used Surinamese guilder.

In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 dollars and coins in denominations of 250, 100, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cent. Although the Surinamese dollar is considered the only legal tender in the country, coins in guilders (their current denomination should be calculated based on the proportion of 1000 guilders to 1 Surinamese dollar) can still be found in circulation, which are exchanged at the offices of the Central Bank of the country. Also, almost everywhere you can pay in US dollars.

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Suriname, the official name of the Republic of Suriname (Dutch. Republiek Suriname), formerly known as the Netherlands Guiana (Nederlands Guyana) - the smallest state in South America, located in the northeastern part of the continent; it borders on the west with the Republic of Guyana (eng. Guyana Republic), in the east - with (fr. Guyane Française), in the south - with Brazil (port. Republica Federativa do Brasil), and in the north it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The total length of the state border is 1.71 thousand km. (including: from - 597 km, from French Guiana - 510 km, from - 600 km), and the length of the sea coast is 386 km. The country, with a total area of ​​about 164 thousand km², is home to more than 560 thousand people.

by the most major city, the main port and capital of the country is (Dutch. Paramaribo).

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The main air gate of the country is Paramaribo Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport, located 45 km south of Paramaribo.

By the way, what is interesting is that such famous players of the Dutch national team as Ruud Gullit, Frank Rijkaard, Edgar Davids, Clarence Seedorf, Patrick Kluivert, Ryan Babel and many others come from Suriname or have a direct Surinamese origin!

general information

State. country structure: According to the form of government - a parliamentary Republic. The head of government and state is the President, elected by the Parliament for a 5-year term, and the number of terms is not limited by law. Parliament - unicameral National Assembly (51 deputies) is elected by popular vote also for a term of 5 years. The state is divided into 10 administrative districts, each headed by a Commissioner appointed by the President.

At the next presidential election on July 19, 2010, he was elected head of the country (Dutch. Desire Delano Bouterse; 11/13/1945) - a military man, politician, former dictator (in the 80s of the twentieth century). On August 12, 2010, Bouterse officially assumed the leadership position.

State language: The official state language is Dutch (Dutch). The most common language of interethnic communication is Sranan Tongo (Sranan Tongo - "Surinamese language"), the so-called. "Bastard English", an adapted language based on English. Numerous languages ​​and dialects are spoken in the country: Arawak, Akurio, Warao, Waiwai, Wayana, Eastern Maroon, Creole, Guyanese Creole, Caribbean Hindustani, Caribbean Javanese, Carib, Mawayana, Quinti, Ndyuka Trio, Sikiana, Saramaccan, Sranan, Hakka. Dutch Sign, English, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and dialects of Arabic are also common in the country.

Religion: About 30% of the inhabitants profess the Catholic faith, up to 28% of the population are adherents of Hinduism, Protestants (mostly Moravans) make up more than 17%, Muslims - about 20%, 5% are adherents of other religious faiths.

Currency: The official currency was the gulden (Suriname Gulden; International designation: SRG). From January 1, 2004, it was replaced by the Surinamese dollar = 100 cents, International designation: SRD (S$). In circulation there are banknotes (value: 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 $) and coins (value: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 Cent). Although the Surinamese dollar is the only legal tender in the country, there are often guilders in circulation (the current denomination of which is calculated based on the proportion: 1000 guilders = 1 Surinamese $). Due to strong inflation, small denominations have almost no circulation, the most common foreign currency is US dollars. Credit cards are not common in the country, they are accepted only by some reputable travel agencies and large hotels.


The population of the country is more than 560 thousand people. Urban dwellers make up almost 69%, with almost 90% of the country's population (about 500 thousand inhabitants) living in the capital Paramaribo and on the adjacent coast.

More than 91% of the territory is covered by jungle, but only 5% of the population (mostly indigenous Indians and Negro tribes - descendants of runaway slaves) live in tropical forests in the interior of the country.

The ethno-racial composition of the country's population is as follows: Indians make up 37% (descendants of immigrants from northern India), Creoles (descendants of European conquerors of South America and slaves brought from Africa) - 31%, Javanese (the main Indonesian population of the island of Java) - 15 %, Maroons ("forest blacks") - 10%, native Indians - 2%, immigrants from China - 2%, immigrants from European countries (whites) - 1% and about 2% are from neighboring countries.

The average life expectancy of local residents: men - 69 years, women - 74 years. The average literacy rate of the population is almost 90%.

Local residents are unusually good-natured, open and friendly, have an excellent sense of humor. The country is characterized by large families-clans and a pronounced community, they are distinguished by respect for the church, for their national roots and for family values. Representatives of various ethnic groups carefully preserve their historical and cultural roots, while respecting their neighbors, no matter what people they belong to, no matter what faith they profess.

Excursion into history

The history of the country is typical for this region. For thousands of years, the Indian tribes of the Caribs, who inhabited these lands, formed a powerful tribal association covering all the Lesser Antilles (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Sint Eustatius, Saba), with an established culture and their own social hierarchy. The European invasion forced them to retreat deep into the swampy coastal plains. The coastal part in 1499 was discovered by one of the first expeditions to the New World of the Spanish conquistadors (Spanish: Alonso de Ojeda) and (Spanish: Vicente Yáñez Pinzоn). For the first time, the coast was mapped in 1500, after the expedition of another Spanish navigator Diego Lepe (Spanish Diego de Lepe), having received the name from the river that crosses the territory of the country.

The colonization of the country began to be carried out by the British only in the first half of the 17th century, but in 1667 England exchanged Suriname for New Amsterdam (now New York), giving it to the Netherlands, in whose possession the country was for almost 3 centuries. In 1667, a new Dutch colony (Dutch Guiana) appeared on the map, the economy of which was based on growing sugar and logging.

By the end of the XVII century. the country became an important supplier of sugar to Europe. For the cultivation of sugar cane in the state, a system of plantations was created, on which Negro slaves, who were imported from Africa, worked.

Due to the establishment of its own production of beet sugar in Europe, as well as due to a shortage of labor (due to the abolition of slavery in 1863), in the second half of the 19th century. Suriname experienced a sharp economic downturn.

The solution of the problem was outlined only by the end of the 19th century. with immigration to the country of more than 60 thousand immigrants from Asia (Indians, Indonesians, Chinese), when the plantation system was replaced by a privately owned peasant economy. In the 20s of the twentieth century. the active development of industry began, which was based on mines for the extraction of gold and bauxite, as well as at various enterprises for the processing of agricultural products.

In 1922, the country officially ceased to be a colony, becoming an annexed territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. After World War I in the east of the country, the development of alumina by the American company ALCOA began, since then the country has become practically "tied" to the production of aluminum. It is a well-known fact that during World War II more than 75% of American aluminum was produced from local raw materials. After this war, Suriname, becoming more and more independent from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, on December 15, 1954, acquired the status of its autonomous region, and on November 25, 1975, acquired independence, becoming an independent Republic. In November 1977, the first general elections were held in the country, which were won by the national party.

However, after only 3 years, the civilian government was overthrown by the military regime, which announced the construction of a socialist republic. The military coup on February 25, 1980 was organized and led by Desi Bouterse, a 34-year-old senior sergeant, an army basketball coach. Bouterse ruled the country like a dictator, he, having given himself the rank of lieutenant colonel (the highest military rank in the Surinamese army), became the head of the State Military Council he created. He abolished the former Constitution, dissolved the Parliament, introduced a state of emergency in the country, creating a special Tribunal, which considered the cases of the figures of the former government. Bouterse announced "a program for the moral recovery of the nation." When several members of the previous government were executed, the Netherlands in response to these actions stopped providing financial assistance to Suriname. Meanwhile, the dictator began to actively nationalize the country's industry, as a result of which significant economic difficulties arose here - production dropped sharply, protests and strikes of the population began.

In 1986, a partisan struggle broke out against the dictatorial regime. In 1987, under the pressure of international pressure, Bauterse was forced to agree to the restoration of the Constitution and the holding of democratic elections, but on the condition that he remain the head of the state's Armed Forces. In 1990, Bouterse, who overthrew the current government for the second time, lasted less than a year, he agreed to hold snap elections, ceasing to be head of state. Already in 1991, power again passed to the multi-party democratic coalition, which governs the state to this day. Since that time, coalition governments have been at the head of the state, today the economic situation in the country has improved as a result of diversification measures and the development of oil fields.

On the regular elections In 2010, the former dictator returned to power again.

Suriname to this day remains a quiet country, firmly attached to foreign partners, with practically no outstanding historical monuments of history. But among tourists, the country is famous as a unique cultural enclave with a phenomenal ethnic diversity, huge tracts of virgin forests, numerous rivers, excellent sea beaches and excellent conditions for outdoor activities.

Geographical position and relief

The territory of the country, located in the northeast of South America and washed in the north by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, can be conditionally divided into 2 parts:

  • north, the area off the Atlantic coast, where most of the population lives and the land is cultivated;
  • the south, whose territories are covered with savanna and tropical rainforests, and there is almost no population.

To the south of the coastal strip stretch foothills covered with savannah, the soils of which mainly consist of clay and sand, that is, they are of little use for agriculture.

typical south

The inner southern part of the country is occupied by the Guiana Plateau, the two main chains of which are the Bakhuys Mountains and the Van Asch Van Wijck Mountains. The highest peak of the mountain system is Mount Juliana (Dutch. Julianatop; 1230 m). This area, covered with impenetrable selva, due to the lack of population here, does not play a big role in the economy of the state, but it is distinguished by a rich flora and fauna.

It should be noted that more than 12% of the territory of the state belong to the National parks and nature reserves.


Due to its location near the equator, the climate is hot and humid. During the year, the air temperature changes slightly (about 2 °C from season to season). The average annual temperature in Paramaribo is +27°C, even nighttime temperatures rarely fall below +24°C. In the coastal zone, regular northeast trade winds bring pleasant coolness.

The region has 2 rainy seasons (up to 200 rainy days a year on average): from late November to February and from early May to August.

The rainy season is often accompanied by heavy floods, and during the rainy season, powerful downpours with gusty winds, called “shibibushi” (which means “forest broom”), are not uncommon, because such rains often cut off almost all the foliage from the trees.

The average water temperature of the Atlantic Ocean (with which the country is washed in the north) near the coast is + 26 ° С.

The most favorable for visiting the country is the dry period, which lasts from early February to May, then from mid-August to December.


The territory of the country is crossed by many rivers, among which 4 are the largest, flowing in a northerly direction: Korantein (Dutch. Corantijn), part of the border with Guyana passes along it; Koppename (Dutch Coppename); Gran Rio (Dutch. Gran Rio); Suriname (Dutch. Surinam); Marowijne (Dutch. Marovijne) - border with Fr. Guiana. For agriculture and cargo transportation, the rivers are also important: Kottika (Dutch. Cottica) and Commewijne (Dutch. Commewijne), which flow into the river. Surinam near its mouth; Saramacca (Dutch. Saramacca), which flows into the river. Koppenam, also near the mouth; The Nickerie (Dutch Nickerie) is a tributary of the Corantein. Local rivers are full of water, but they are distinguished by an abundance of rapids, as a result of which navigation along them for medium and large river vessels is possible only at the mouths, on the territory of the coastal lowland, therefore, until recently, the southern regions were considered practically isolated from the outside world. But small boats link the hard-to-reach hinterland with the coast, moving upstream some rivers for distances of up to 300 km.

Suriname River

In the north-eastern part of the country is the Brokopondo reservoir (Dutch. Brokopondostuwmeer; one of the largest reservoirs in the world), into which the Suriname, Maroni and Nikerie rivers flow. The dam, located near the city of Brokopondo in the district of the same name, was built in 1964 to provide electricity to aluminum plants.

Flora and fauna

The Guiana Plateau is largely covered by tropical rainforest (more than 90% of the country). The lowland flora is represented by tall-grass savannahs, marshy areas are overgrown with mangrove trees. On the general plain background, massifs of mountain ranges stand out. Savannahs appear on the southern slopes of the Surinamese highlands. The territory of the country is distinguished by a diverse rich flora, which is represented by almost 3.5 thousand plant species. The mountainous regions and hills are covered with evergreen forests with such valuable tree species as virola, nectandra, carapa, sarrania, etc. growing in them. Pine, oak and birch groves, poplars, white acacias, and willows are found here. Shrubs and evergreen trees grow on the coast, including alpine pines and pines, palms, cypresses, mastic trees, holm and cork oaks, agaves and all kinds of cacti, as well as plantations of cultivated plants: olives, almonds, pomegranates, citrus fruits.

The animal world is rich in biodiversity. In total, there are more than 100 species of mammals, over 600 species of birds and up to 300 species of fish in the country. Various types of monkeys live here, there are jaguars, small deer, cougars, tapirs, crocodiles, anteaters, armadillos, as well as a huge variety of birds and all kinds of snakes. Among representatives of amphibians, Pipa Surinamese (lat. Pipa pipa) is of particular interest. This frog, endemic to the region, is unusual in its reproduction. During a certain period, the male and the female perform a mating dance underwater, during which the female throws several eggs (from 40 to 140), and the male simultaneously releases a portion of sperm. The female dives down, the eggs fall directly on her back, sticking to her, the male, facilitating the process, with the help of his hind legs presses the eggs to the female's back, evenly distributing them over the entire surface of the skin. After 11.5 - 12 weeks, formed small "peeps" appear.

Among the animals aquatic species piranhas, electric rays, arapaima and many others are widespread. Some species are dangerous to humans.

During an expedition to Suriname undertaken in 2005 by specialists from Conservation International (CI), a non-profit International Conservation Organization environment- 24 species of animals previously unknown to science were discovered. New species include a frog named "Atelopus spp" with glowing purple spots, and other amphibians, fish and reptiles.

Economics of a country

Relatively underdeveloped industry locals predominantly employed in agriculture or the service sector.

The bowels of the country are rich in minerals. The economy is based on the extraction of bauxite, on the export of oil, aluminum and gold, however, Suriname remains the poorest country in South America. To date, the state program for oil production on the sea shelf is being implemented. In order to develop the extraction of gold and bauxite, the state is assisted by the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary and the European Development Fund (European Development Fund).

The country has well-developed forestry and food industry in particular the processing of fish and seafood.

The agricultural sector employs 8% of the working population, the contribution of agriculture to the state's GDP is 10%. Rice (which uses about 50% of arable land), bananas, coconuts, and peanuts are grown in the country. Increasing attention is paid to the breeding of cattle and poultry.

The country exports aluminium, crude oil, gold, timber, seafood, rice and bananas to the following countries: Canada, Belgium, USA, UAE, Norway, Netherlands.

S. imports mainly industrial and food products, fuel.

The main suppliers are the USA, the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, China and Japan.

Largest cities



Most of the state's roads are located along the coast, and the hinterland, overgrown with dense forests, is practically inaccessible to land transport. The only connection between the inner districts and the densely populated coast is by river (although rapids are often difficult to pass) and air transport.

In cities, in addition to ordinary buses and taxis, water transport is very common, which is especially typical for the capital. Water taxis are more convenient and faster than classic cars: in 10-15 minutes you can easily get from one area of ​​the city to another.

Culture, holidays

As a result of the fact that the local culture was formed under the influence of the Dutch, immigrants from India, China, Indonesia, a kind of multicultural society was formed here. For example, the architecture of the country has a Dutch colonial style with noticeable features of South American traditions.

The multicultural nature of the population of the state is most clearly reflected in the variety of local festivals and holidays: the country celebrates both Christian and Hindu, Indian and Muslim holidays.

Every year before Easter, Paramaribo hosts the picturesque Avond-Virdaagse Easter parade, which lasts 4 days. Another grand national Surinamese holiday, which is celebrated for almost a whole month, from December to January, is the most noisy, incendiary Festival of the country - Surifesta, a typical Latin American Festival. Christmas and New Year festivities are noisy and fun all over the country.

January 1, like all over the world, is celebrated here New Year, February 27 - Carnival "Curacao Carnival", July 1 - the whole country celebrates the Day of the Abolition of Slavery ("Keti Koti", literally means "fetters thrown off"), November 25 - Independence Day.

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