The best fortune telling in the world

Collection of free fortune telling

Fortune telling is not just casting lots, it is a ritual that helps you tune in to the right wave and achieve resonance with the hidden mechanisms of Fate. Since ancient times, our ancestors have used various spiritual practices to help us look into our tomorrow, and fortune telling is one of these methods. Our website presents the best free online fortune telling services with original interpretations of all possible layouts.

Ask this Book any question - about love, about fidelity, about happiness, about marriage, about money - and get the answer of the ancient oracle. The Book of Fates contains invaluable experience accumulated over centuries...

What awaits your love? Find the answer in a deck of Tarot cards! Free online fortune telling*7 stars* with a full interpretation of the alignment will tell you everything about your relationship with your loved one and give valuable advice. Fortune telling uses 7 cards, each of which reveals the situation from its own perspective.

The best way test your luck. Mentally formulate your wish and start fortune-telling: the cards drawn will show your chances of success and WILL tell you what needs to be changed so that luck turns a smiling face towards you...

What will your day be like? Free online fortune telling *Card of the day* - the most quick way get answers to your questions. The *Map of the Day* layout will tell you in detail what awaits you today, giving you the necessary tips and advice.

The most famous fortune telling on Tarot cards with a full interpretation of the layout from Nadezhda Zima. The layout uses 10 cards, each of which answers a specific question, describing your situation in detail and allowing you to look into the future.

“What happened, what will happen, how will my heart calm down?” Who hasn't heard this gypsy proverb? Gypsy card fortune telling is famous all over the world for its accuracy. Amazing art The gypsies brought card fortune telling from distant India.

Confucius used this book to tell fortunes; it was used by great philosophers, scientists, rulers and generals. They were convinced that the Book of Changes (I Ching) knew all the secrets of the past and future.

A quick online fortune telling that allows you to answer the innermost question of whether your cherished wish will come true. Mentally make a wish and click on one of the fruits on the tree. The answer will appear on the scroll under the tree, whether it will come true...

This fortune telling was the favorite fortune telling of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. It uses special cards with symbol pictures. The meanings of three pictures drawn during fortune telling are linked into a single prediction...

Can you use wax to guess what the year will be like? And a ring for the groom? What about a cat if you wish? Do you want to use needles to find out if your love is mutual? Try it, because Christmas fortune telling always comes true

What could be stronger, sweeter and more tormenting than love? And how you want to know for sure how your chosen one treats you: he loves you, he doesn’t love you, he will spit, he will kiss you, he will press you to his heart... Since ancient times, it has been fortune telling for love... >>

Created in the depths of Altai. In its very core.

They came to us from a true master of shamanic trance. In deep meditative peace, he created these drawings and called these cards “The Wisdom of the Ancestors”, because they contain simple everyday wisdom - after all, Life itself is very simple.

A person is complex, which is why it is so difficult for him to understand his Life.

The cards that we have placed on this page are intended for extraordinary people who seek, understand themselves and the world.

You can start each day with an event forecast, asking a question to the cards and drawing one or more cards from the deck

And receiving instantly accurate and wise mini-predictions for the day, for the situation

“Trinity” layout will help you solve the problem based on three parts:

The mind is generally accepted judgments, “cold calculation”.

Emotions are your subconscious, your inner “gut feeling”.

Consciousness is your Spirit or the help of the Ancestors, the help of the Gods.

To do this you need state the question clearly, then draw the first card, which will show you an answer to a question that logic or reason can follow.

The next card will show you the answer to a question from the depths of your subconscious.

The third card is the help of the Ancestors, the Wisdom of the Gods.

By putting all three parts together, you can look at the situation more broadly and make a wise decision.

Four powerful trees with huge roots stand in the four cardinal directions. Each tree personifies its own world - past, present, future, eternity. Between the trees there is a bed made of branches, on which rests the body of a shaman who left the world of Umai (the world of the present). Even after leaving the present world, the Great Shaman is ready to provide help to all those in need, he is open to all people, to all Souls, to all Gods.


Your whole life was the same preparatory stage for a new, fuller life - the Supreme Spirit. This card speaks of your high purpose and great prospects. The moment is approaching when you will have the opportunity to be reborn again, rising above habitual reactions, above old thinking and outdated methods. People may come to you for help. Don’t be afraid to “get off the ground” and express yourself outside the box to achieve the desired result.

MEANING OF THE CARD (for everyday affairs) – ASPIRATION, CHANCE.

Your entire environment and your entire way of life speaks of your originality. You prefer unconventional actions and the desire for leadership. Take advantage of the advice that will come to you in the near future. Selectivity and openness will help you “rise” above your usual behavior and vision of the situation. You have a chance to find new life and new experience.

Ancient solitaire online fortune telling is a method that came to us from antiquity. Our ancestors also knew that this particular alignment is capable of revealing all the secrets of life to those who turn to it for help.

Today, Russian solitaire is one of the most interesting layouts that exist.

Experienced magicians can not only do this layout online, but also at home. It's easy enough to learn and if you want you can read it in real life.

Almost everyone can guess. Even if you have not previously noticed that you have a predisposition to magic, you can try to perform this ritual.

It is a reflection of all the wisdom of our ancestors, which has reached our time, but it is impossible to accurately name the date of its creation.

An ancient solitaire game consists of many cards that are laid out one by one to form different patterns. Depending on which images match in your layout, this will be the result. The meaning of the pictures is the answer to your question.

This ritual can be used if you need to find an answer to any question or decide on a solution to a problem. You can ask each question only once, otherwise you can change your future. In order to find out all the answers, just click on the deck of cards and the veil of secrets will open.

In contact with

(Deck) >

The fortune teller sits at a round table covered with a purple cloth.
Purple is a psychic color, while pink color The Fool's sweater symbolizes purity.
Preparing to read the layout, she holds the Fool card, with an image of herself (symbolizing the idea of ​​​​infinity).
The cards lie face down in front of her and are laid out on a silk scarf adorned with the four Queens of the Tarot.
The empty turquoise pouch is decorated with an embroidered figure of Pan/Devil.
Behind her head, there is an oval mirror mounted on a chair. The mirror is meant to reflect the Seeker.
It is also a symbol of infinity and indirectly hints at the number of the Fool, i.e. to zero.
There is a spiral pattern carved on the back of the chair and two figures of jesters on the sides.
Below them hang three dolls, one of which is the Fool of the Tarot.
The Modern Fool in the "Tarot Path of the Ancestors" implies the continuity of traditions transmitted by the ancestors and sets us the task of studying their wisdom.

The Fool is the Sacred Clown in the Indian tradition, a mirror that shows our strengths, weaknesses, obsessions, and what we are hiding from.
The Holy Jester controlled the emotional and mental health of the community by pointing out behavioral inconsistencies that were considered harmful (dangerous) to the individual and/or society.
Sometimes the Holy Jester became invisible (zero property).
The fool is also a medieval European jester. His specialized niche outside society allowed him to work independently of established norms.
The method of the jester - the ridicule of the saint - provided a sense of perspective, an analysis of accepted customs and the appropriateness of their continuation.
The role of the Fool in the "Path of the Ancestors Tarot" is the place of the Tarot diviner straight from the shamanic tradition.
The Wise Fool is your entry card into the spiritual realm through the Tarot.
This is an invitation to explore the Tarot as one of the paths leading to the wisdom of the ancestors.

Start. The moment before a reckless plunge into the future.
A feeling of restless anticipation before the experience begins. Exploring the unknown. Risk. Acceptance on faith.
Take an untested path. Consultation with the oracle. Pay attention to omens.
Using divination to clarify a confusing situation.

Zero. Depending on its position, it shows the paradox of representing nothing and/or everything.
While zero is a digit representing nothing, virtually everything is contained within within the circle.
This symbolizes potential that has not yet been realized.

Correspondences between the major arcana:
This is the beginning, middle and end of the Tarot - the bridge between the Major and Minor Arcana and runs through every card.
However, unique to the Path of the Ancestors Tarot, the Fool forms alliances with the other Major Arcana.
The prophetic nature of the Fool puts him on par with