"Churchhel what is it?" - In the head there is an involuntary question. Anyone who at least once visited the Caucasus, in the Krasnodar Territory or on the Black Sea, it was sure to hear this mysterious word. Local merchants are also offered to try an unfaught dish. What is it, and is it possible to prepare Churchhel at home?

Churchhel - East sweetness, popular among the Caucasian peoples, is also common in Armenia, Greece, Turkey. In each country, this dish is assigned its name, but his essence does not change.

Churchhel is a nut thread covered with condensed grape juice, sweet taste, has a high nutritional value. Since individual components are very useful in themselves and contain a large number of essentials the necessary organisms, then as a whole, the dessert is replete with vitamins, minerals, natural sugars, unsaturated fatty acids and vegetable protein.

The question of the origin of sweetness is controversial. Churchhel is considered to be Georgian national delicacy. However, there is information that at first a very similar dish appeared in Armenia. The prototype was called "spots" and was a thick grape kissel, mixed with nuts. Stuffing did not ride a thread, but simply added to caramel. Dessert did not give to dry, it was ate immediately after cooking.

But in 2011, Georgia registered their rights to Churchhel. And now the dish is considered truly Georgian. Despite this, it is prepared in many other countries.

Some are asked: "How correct: Chuchhela or Churchhel"? The answer is obvious. Georgian word is pronounced both "Churchhela", and other options do not exist.

Main ingredients

Mostly Churchhel is preparing from walnuts and grape juice.

However, the use of other components is not prohibited. A stuffing can serve a hazelnut, almonds, cashews or nut Pecan, Curds, Raisins, Prunes, Kuraga, Dried Cherry, etc. Sweets are also made on the basis of a mixture of different varieties of nuts and mixes from nuts and dried fruits.

Grape juice thickened with corn flour, but this rule is not immutable. Instead, you can use conventional wheat flour. The taste and utility of the dessert does not affect this.

If desired, even grape juice can be replaced with pomegranate, apple, peach, plum, cherry and any other. There are no harsh requirements. Each component brings something its own, changing the taste and appearance of the dessert.

A red or chocolate delicacy is obtained from grape juice. Apple Churchhel becomes amber. Pomegranate juice is very valuable in itself. It is rarely directed to the manufacture of Churchhel, as because of it, the cost of the product is growing greatly. At home you can experiment with different tastes and make oriental sweetness from those fruits that is at hand.

Contraindications to drink Churchhel

In any article, where there is a speech about this delicacy, the section "Churchhela benefit and harm" occupies very little space. Made in traditional way oriental sweetness contains only natural components. Therefore, for a healthy person, it is not dangerous, but very useful. However, people with some problems should arrange excessive use.

So, due to the high content of Churchhel sugar, it becomes very calorie. At 100 grams of the product accounts for 400-500 energy units. Wishing to lose weight should not be overdoing in eating. People with excessive weight and should be abandoned by the use of Churchhel.

Due to the same sugars, it does not suit diabetics suffering from a serious stage of the disease. There are many both complex and simple carbohydrates in Churchhel, which quickly fall into the blood.

This dessert is rich in minerals, and their excess loads the kidneys. Therefore, Churchhel should limit people with relevant problems by using it moderately.

How to cook Churchhel at home

Examine recipes. Look at the video, as Churchhel make, and then proceed to independent making. This process is not time-consuming, but long. Burst, give dessert to mature, and only then remove the samples.

Find a place in the kitchen where you make nut threads. Some time with Churchhela will flock juice. Think in advance that under it should be checked so that it is easy to remove the sirop puddles.

Prepare the dry container in which to fold the workpiece. Churchhel will need to be removed in a dark place where it will diverge to acquire a harmonious characteristic taste.

Classic Churchhela recipe

Walnuts are involved in the classic recipe. There are raw and most fresh fruits. We define their condition to the eye: we need bright, homogeneous, straw color, without darkening and bitterness.

You can supplement them with cashews, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds. Raisins, Kuraga and prunes also do not interfere.

Walnut must be divided into halves. The larger the particles of the filling, the more elegant will look Churchhel.

Prepare a dense cotton thread and a thick needle. We will also need thimble, it will be pretty hard to pour nuts without it.

We ride a stuffing. We make a sausage with a length of 15-20 cm. Leave the end of the rope free. Subsequently, hang Churchhel so that it dries on any basis. And to attach to the base will be a free end of the thread.

Cook Pelamushi. It is a thick grape syrup that envelops the strung nuts.

On 350 grams of the filling, 2 liters of red or white grape juice are consumed. It is better to take fresh, as a last resort, to buy in the store. You can work hard and make it yourself. The juice is done by pressing berries in the juicer. Either we smoke the grapes by a blender and press the resulting mass through a gauze or sieve.

One half pour into a saucepan, we assume the other aside. That part that in a saucepan, boil and continue to cook for 15 minutes.

In the second half of the juice, soluble a glass of flour. It must be gradually pouring and stir so that no lumps formed. Add this mixture to boiling juice. We will cook until the mass decreases in a quarter. In general, it should thicken and according to the consistency to become like a craying caramel.

Take turns to lower the walnut sausages in grape kissel. Slightly mooring them with a wooden blade so that they are soaked with juice from all sides. Finished knitting suspend for half an hour to dry.

We repeat the procedure. We will make it repeatedly until the nuts get short of the grape juice with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Then we throw a knitting for drying and leave it for two weeks.

Outside the juice hardens and turn into a smooth shiny glaze, the mass remains soft. In this state, Churchhel is ready to use, but you can gain patience and give it to grow.

To do this, it should be wrapped in a parchment or waffle towel, put in container and send to the dark, dry place for 2-3 months. Churchhel, as good wine, in the process of ripening reveals its best properties: it becomes harder, enriched with aromatic substances. Its surface is covered with thin sugar raid.

The juice in mature churchhele becomes homogeneous, as a consistency is like a dense jelly. The dessert is pleasantly laid out, it is easy to bounce, does not knit and does not stick to the teeth.

Ready sweetness under the observance of conditions is last saved.

How to keep Churchhel? It should be a dark, well-ventilated room with normal humidity.

Churchhel with Kalenny Nuts

Fried walnuts become brittle, it is almost impossible to ride on a thread. Therefore, for such a recipe it is better to take a kaneylene hazelnut.

You can buy nuts ready or to fry them yourself. Place the hazelnut on a dry hot frying pan. Fry on medium heat, constantly stirring until golden and appearance of a characteristic smell.

If the nuts have become too dry, it is not possible to ride them. They will split. Therefore, before further cooking, it is desirable to soak in warm water. Nabult nuts will no longer crumble.

For Churechhela, you will need:

  • 200 grams of hazelnut;
  • 1 liter of grape juice;
  • 130 grams of flour (approximately 2/3 cups).

The juice is separated by half. One part will boil, and we will boost for 15 minutes. In another part, we will add flour and all this mixture will be added to the reduced juice. Boiling another 10-15 minutes, turn off the fire.

From nuts make beads, riding a solid thread. From the bottom tie to the node. We form a loop from above, for which we will hang sweetness.

Three times with a break in 30 seconds, the beads in turn in grape kissel. Let the Churchhel hang. Let's give extra juice dragging, and the workpiece is a little dry. Again the syrup and repeat until it gains the required thickness.

Wipe churchhel in a dark place. Sweetness will dry over one or two weeks. After that, it is ready for use, but for better consolidation it can be sent to ripening.

Spicy churchhel

The basis of the spiced churchhela is all the same grape juice. Nuts take any, raw or kalen. Their total weight should be 300-350 grams. Also need as in a classic recipe 2 liter of grape juice. Sweet lovers can add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar to it.

The taste becomes spicy due to the presence of cinnamon and cloves. Take a third of a teaspoon of the first seasoning and 4 pods second.

We divide grape juice into two parts. Half put on fire. Boil at a slow heat for 15 minutes. In another container mix cold juice with a glass of wheat or corn flour.

We swell the flour mixture to boiling vesaw. Add sugar and seasonings to the overall boiler. Hold on fire even literally 10 minutes and proceed to the main action.

Lower the threads with nuts into the prepared mass. Let them dry a little, and do it again. Wipe churchhel for drying. We are waiting for 1-2 weeks when it hardens.

Armenian Churchhel

For Armenian Churchhel, take a liter of apple juice. We will thwate it with corn flour (120 grams). We do everything as usual. One part put on fire. In another breeding the thickener. Connect both parts in a saucepan, add vanilla or cinnamon to taste. Warm syrup to consistency of thick jelly.

For the filling, connect your favorite nuts, prunes, dried cherries and grapes. Gently nange to double thread. Lower the beauty in boiled juice.

We spend sweet threads in a secluded corner, pre-inspired parchment paper under them. We will dry in the absence of direct sunlight about two weeks. Will not forget that the room at the same time needs to be well ventilated.

Churchhel's recipe from plum

We will prepare Churchhel with natural plum juice. We will select 2.5 kg of ripe fruits. We free them from bones and peel. The flesh is scrolling on a meat grinder or grinding with a blender. I move it through the sieve and get juice.

We mix it with 120 grams of flour or potato starch. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Put on the fire. Long leave. We will give the mixture to boil and thickening to the desired consistency.

Prepare a filling of nuts, citades and dried fruits. Let's make beautiful dense beads. We cut them out several times in the plum caramel. Hang to dry. Check the readiness in two weeks. If the Churchhel surface ceased to stick, eastern sweetness can be removed from the crossbar and consults in their pleasure.

Now you have learned how Churchhel do at home. It is quite simple. The main thing is to gain patience, comply with all the conditions of preparation and do not eat a delicacy until it is ready.

Georgian delicacy was invented in order to preserve the useful properties of nuts and berries for the winter. People have long been learned to boost grape juice or grenade, connecting it with flour to form a thick mixture. She covered nuts collected on the thread. In this process did not participate. Residents of the South knew how to keep Churchhel's better, so that she would not spoil and lost softness inside. Before buying oriental sweets, you also need to find out.

Initially, Churchhel was not a perishable product. This refers to the present delicacy prepared by the traditional recipe. Therefore, you need to learn to distinguish the classic recipe and products that are offered in ordinary stores.

Algorithm for the preparation of classical Churchhel:

  1. The nuclei of not fried walnuts are rid of an unpainted thread.
  2. Grape juice is boiled and thickened corn.
  3. The thread with the kernels will dip in the mixture, dry 2 hours.
  4. If necessary, it will appear again in the mixture.
  5. It hangs in a dry dark place for 1-2 weeks.

Do you know that…

Manufacturers have learned to create a treat from other juice. Instead of walnuts, any cores are used, even pumpkin seeds. Some manufacturers achieve taste and long storage by adding preservatives, including sugar. By purchasing such products, it is worth thinking about its utility.

It is important that nuts for Churchhel have been well succumbed, but not roasted. The presence of moisture will lead to a sparrel of the product, and the roasted kernels will crumble when the thread is rolled

To save Churchhel as much as possible, it needs to choose the right:

  • When you get a delicacy, you should bend the protruding thread to make sure that it does not behave like rubber. Otherwise, this taste will be the product.
  • Do not take care of oriental sweetness, the surface of which is covered with sugar grains. This indicates non-compliance with cooking technology.
  • If you find cracks, it means that the production added too much flour.

The best option is to purchase freshly prepared Churchhel. It can be dried alone. Ready high-quality product should have a dried crust and a soft inner part.

The shelf life of Churchhel depends on the quality of raw materials, compliance with production technology, drying, transportation conditions. But since the kernels of the walnut can be kept no more than a month, even with high-quality making sweetness can only lie for 1 month.

How to Store: Conditions, Place, Terms

The main reason for damage is mold. It develops on a nutrient mass of juice and flour rather quickly, if it contributes to being in a warm humid room.

The main conditions for successful storage are:

  • dry air with moderate ventilation;
  • temperature from 15 to 21 ° C.

To keep Churchhel at home, you can use a dark room with good ventilation. Someone is recommended to wrap in paper breathing tissue. Wrapping not only protects from insects and dust, but also will behave extra moisture. A good place can be a cabinet shelf.

Hostess at a notes

Do not keep Churchhel in a plastic bag. The lack of ventilation will lead to the formation of moisture inside the package, and this is a favorable environment for the development of mold.

The best way to save Churchhel is to hang it in a dark ventilated room where there are no rodents

In a refrigerator

In ancient times, the delicacy was stored without additional cooling. Since today there is a refrigeration unit in every home, many are interested in how much Churchhel can be kept in the refrigerator? Answer: Not at all.

In regulatory documents, such an opportunity is not written, so it's not worth using the refrigerator instead of the cabinet. The air temperature in it is below the norm, the air is not ventilated. This will negatively affect the quality of the product. In addition, he can absorb foreign smells.

In addition to the refrigerator, you should not keep Churchhel with flour products. It can be powered by pests.

Without refrigerator

Now we'll figure it out how much Churchhel can be stored without a refrigerator.

In suitable conditions, sweetness can lie for a long time, the crust on it will start hard only a month later.

If you have acquired a treat, which with Churchhel has a common only name, then it is worth using for 1 week. We recommend carefully read information on the package, where it should be written how much to store the product. However, some manufacturers indicate the possibility of storage within 6 months, which does not comply with GOST.

On the way

To please your loved ones by real Churchhel, it needs not only choose correctly, but also to take home.

  • If a long trip is planned, you should choose a well-dried delicacy, wrap it into a cloth or put in the glassware from clay. During the transport, you need to take care of the product from the effects of sunlight, hot air, from which it dries ahead of time.
  • If you wish to give Churchhel a parcel, it is worth contacting the proven transport company. The product should not be too long in the closed container when shipping. In addition, during transportation, temperature regime can vary. Strong overheating or in the cheese, poorly ventilated warehouse will result in mold formation. Your relatives are hardly appreciated.

In the Middle Ages, Georgian wars took Churchhel with themselves in hiking as dry soldering, since the product differs not only by the duration of storage, but also

How to understand that the product is spoiled

The product is quite easy to understand that it is not suitable for food. To testify to this will be its appearance and consistency:

  • It should not even try a treat, which falls apart on the part, has a wet surface with a softened crust. This indicates a violation of production technology or storage conditions.
  • A spoiled product will have traces of mold. Sometimes they are not visible on the surface. Even if you have already purchased Churchhel, break it before it is. If the mold is visible in it, sweetness is spoiled. It leads to this use of low-quality products, improper storage.

It's important to know!

The danger of spoiled delicacies is that they become the dissemination of pathogenic bacteria. A person can get food poisoning or to infect mold mushrooms.

No matter how delicious and useful is Churchhel, it is not recommended to eat in large quantities. The product consists of a thickened juice, flour, nuts. All these ingredients are very satisfying and calories, even separately. In order for the body to be benefit, a small piece is enough per day. Knowing how to keep Churchhel for a long time, you can not worry that it will deteriorate, and enjoy it with the benefit for myself.

Keep it right and be healthy!

Classical Churchhel, like all food products, has a limited shelf life. About the terms of the suitability of Churchhela, let's talk in the article.

How to store chocolate at home? Find out about this from our article.

What does it depend on?

Churchhel, made according to traditional recipes, does not apply to perishable food.

The shelf life of Churchhel depends on the production technology: the factory Churchhel, in the manufacture of which preservatives and sugar were used, and she herself was packed in vacuum packaging, it can be stored for a very long time.

Classical Churchhel, made according to the traditions of Georgian cuisine, is stored a shorter period, which depends on the compliance with the technology of manufacturing and the conditions for transportation and storage.

What is used for manufacture?

The components of the Churchhel factory are listed on the packaging of the product. Classical Churchhel is prepared manually, as a rule, in the fall, to then be stored and used in the autumn-winter period.

In the manufacture of this Churchhel, sugar, starch or, moreover, preservatives are not added.

The unchanged components of the real Georgian Churchhel are:

  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds);
  • flour (corn or wheat);
  • fruit juice, as a rule, grapes are also used apricot, pomegranate, apple, etc.

Nuts are risked on a fine thread, and then covered with syrup prepared from the scored juice thickened by adding flour.

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After that, the finished threads hang for drying in the sun or indoors. The drying term is 1-2 weeks, after which Churchhel can be used or removed for long-term storage.

How to choose fresh?

It is best to acquire a ready-made Churchhel what is called "from the hands" - immediately after the manufacture, and the drying is already engaged in the person. If there is no such possibility, it is better to acquire Churchhel with the already dried crust, but still soft inside.

When buying a delicacy, you can try carefully bend thread. If it bends like rubber, then it will be the corresponding taste.

Also worth refuse to buy a product, the surface of which is covered with sugar. With a classic recipe, this means that the conditions for cooking syrup from the juice with flour were not respected.

Cracks on the surface of the delicacy are a consequence of the fact that in the syrup oversupply of flour, which means that the recipe during preparation is not observed.

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Acquired Churchhel should be:

  • moderately solid;
  • without cracks on the surface;
  • without traces of damage to mold.

How much is ice cream stored in the freezer? Read about it here.

How to store at home?

The greatest danger for Churchhel represents the mold, so it is necessary to store the finished delicacy in a dry, moderately ventilated room at a temperature not exceeding + 22 ° C.

When stored, the delicacy usually turn the cloth or paper, which absorb excess moisture.

It is not recommended to store the product in polyethylene packages, as Churchhel "suffocates" in them due to the lack of ventilation.

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This process leads to the formation of moisture on the walls of the package, and subsequently to the formation of mold. It is best to put a delicacy on the cabinet shelf, not affordable by the sunshine.

The second storage option is to hang churchhel fry on hooks in a dark and ventilated room, for example, in Chulana. However, in this case, you need to ensure that there is no access to insects and dust.

Is it possible to keep in the refrigerator?

Store Churchhel in the refrigerator is not at all necessary, but it is quite possible.

In this case, the risk of mold formation is lower, however Churchhela can dry up faster.

As at room storage, the product turns into paper or cloth and stacked on the shelf or the refrigerator door. In freezing, the finished product does not need.

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How much is stored at room temperature?

If you comply with the conditions for proper storage, then Churchhel does not deteriorate and, in theory, has an unlimited shelf life. However, this is hampered by the elementary drying of the crust of the delicacy consisting of a condensed flour of grape juice.

Already after 1-2 months, Churchhel is almost impossible to settle so that this time period is the shelf life of Churchhel.

For softening dried churchhel, you can try to put it in the breadhead with bread, in which case it is a little soften and it will be possible to use it without the risk of damage to the teeth.

How to understand what she spoiled?

It should be abandoned by the use of Churchhel in case:

  • the delicacy fell apart;
  • the surface of Churchhel is wet, and the external crust softened;
  • on the surface there are traces of mold.

The presence of these signs is evidence of improper storage or violation of technology in the manufacture of delicacy.

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Is it possible to poison nonsense?

Danger represents the surface of the finished product on which pathogenic bacteria and mold can be divorced.

The use of such a delicacy can lead to food poisoning or infection with mold fungi, which is extremely dangerous to human health.

How to transport a product?

Is it possible to send Churchhel a parcel? You need to transport Churchhel in the same conditions as stored, that is:

  • wrap with cloth or paper;
  • preventing sunlight or dust;
  • avoid high temperatures.

If you wish, you can even send it by mail to the package, however, it is necessary to calculate the delivery time, as some parcels can go for so long that by the time of the delivery of Churchhal will have spoiled from the lack of ventilation.

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In addition, when sending a delicacy, the package does not have the ability to control the temperature conditions of transportation.

Therefore, it is better to use Churchhel at the place of acquisition or transport it yourself.

Churchhel is a popular Caucasian delicacy, which, when stored, you need to protect against moisture and exposure to high temperatures. In compliance with these conditions, Churchhel may not be cleaned for a very long time, and its storage period is limited only to the gradual drying of the product.

What is the shelf life of rolls after cooking? Discover the answer right now.

How to cook Churchhel from high-quality ingredients, you can know from the video:

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I am a Caucasian woman !!

Alice about TV, cartoons and pickabu :)

Paustilaaa And a little freezing secretik)


Perhaps added to my list of Pyatigorsk city planned to visit cities. I have never tried Churchhel.

There is beautiful and tasty. Be sure to visit Pyatigorsk. And flavoring the local sea! I truth on business trips was shortly in time, but completely fascinated by our host five-hospitmen-mining!

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Good city)) be sure to visit)

Oh, God, as I rzhalla, when I read your drochlorian history about Churchhel. I adore her too! (Well, Duck in the Caucasus was born, and this explains a lot). My ideal Churchhel was sold in Abkhazia, but I was weakly ride there, I was weakly, to do the most weakly, so I just envy your culinary talent and persistence. And perhaps I will now also dream about a trip to Pyatigorsk. And in the summer such a taste in Pyatigorsk is sold, eh? And then right very necessary. It became just necessary to buy it after your appetizing and humorous post.

You understand me like no one))

Abkhaz did not try, but I think that it is exactly the same)) and sell in the summer, but it is already dry. Delicious but harsh. But you can transport freely - it will not deteriorate. And in the fall - fresh))) she is directly melting in the mouth) How will you be in the Caucasus I will tell you where to go behind Churchhele))

Elina, you are the Lord of all Churchhel))) Well, what power you possessed so that so much with it to carry, I honestly, I could not stand it. But it turned out you are beautiful. Very very! I also love her, but I buy very rarely, as it takes it in ordinary markets in ordinary Caucasian faces - a broach ((

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The strength of grapes and nuts)) there was a lot of them this year and I decided))

It is certainly a mutually, but it is worth it)) I made it once - I walked off and go happy for all year))

)))))))))) I never heard about this miracle)))))))) But you have written so tasty that I almost felt! You are generally unusual! So much new open in you!

Unusual Caucasian woman!

If you suddenly see you have such a thing - I try to try) it is delicious!))))

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If I ever find a way to send it, I will send you necessarily)))

Aaaa, ealina) what's you cool.)))) How interesting was to read)

You urgently need to me! We will go to Pyatigorsk together for Churchheley))) I promise - you will not be left))))

Thank you, dear my little man, for such kind words in my address)))

I told you or not, but I somehow dreamed a dream that I came to visit you)))))) Emotions hit))))))

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Well, you are all in a dream and in a dream)) I have long been waiting for you for a long time.)))

I also love Churchhell very much, and now whenever mom leaves on vacation at sea, please bring her her. But Churchhell, brought from one holiday destination, is not very similar to the taste of another. And the last, lying in a plate next to each other, really began to mold - it was so sorry. And my friends (now there are such people) do not know what it is. That's what it means, never ride on your city and the village, even on the sea, never happened. And I am proud that I know what it is, and mom personally brings me home Churchhell. And I buys a piece from her and I think how great it will probably eat it in front of the computer: to include the film and leisurely "burst" - yes, it is to burst, a whole stick at a time. But before the film Churchhell, I never live, because Afterbiding one piece, I will eat it almost all there, in the kitchen))

Yes, she has this big minus - storage! I somehow my mother handed out a whole package. I open it and there is one mold. Almost disappeared ((

Thank you so much. Let's use no misters"?)))

Elina, you are my hero)) I love Churchhel, but never even thoughts had that you can do it) We do not buy it normal, unfortunately. And so wanted.

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You raised me straight into the rank of royal churchhel park)))

You know, it is generally almost anywhere to buy a normal one (either the old sell, or unnatural ((children giving scary. And fornacious cooking went with a bang) Children squeezed still half)

Mmm.) Elin, and you don't do the pastile?

Did in the dryer. Such yummy turned out! I even froze a few things for the winter. Photographed, and write to write forgot. Thank you for recalled)

I am your churchhel hero))))

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I understand you so much! We also do not buy it, although I live 300 km from Pyatigorsk ((

Oh, Elina, you are a true Caucasian woman. ;))))) How much are you still taiting surprises!?)))

I'll tell you a quietly to you)))

Elinchik, I saw such Churchhel in Sevastopol, but I didn't buy it, she was acidic green and did not inspire confidence. (The dye added and probably a preservative too (I will know now that it is necessary to look for a real, well, or at least similar to it Your home churchhel!)

You know how I explained to me, Natural Churchhel is either here is such a color - from grape juice or even more brown - it is from apples. But in my opinion, her natural so rarely meet ((I already do not even trust Pyatigorsk. Prepare it not from the present juice, but from canned. And this is not that ((

And on the sea so at all, all year round is sold. And this means that she is old. Because fresh is only in September October, when nuts are sleeping and grapes

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Well, I'm not in vain I doubted! Now I know! I remembered from where I churchhelch a familiar taste! I brought her sasha from Turkey, not very tasty it seemed to me, because not fresh was! And also molded quickly (((

Honestly I say, I never eaten, but you wrote so tasty that now I want to try terribly. But we do not sell this!

If you suddenly see - buy - it's true very tasty))) or better come to us - I grove!))

Dared to the soul! You really caucasian woman! I would definitely not dare exactly on such a culinary feat :) I used this delicacy only on the sea, but I still liked him sooooo and when a couple of years ago my parents went there to relax alone, I ordered some kind of souvenirs, and spices and Churchheli :) So what was my disorder, when I revealed the package and there are five moldy sour smelling stinks: ((((But there were another five more than five more type, they drove away and safe :)

I also had it when I was asking me to pass the bag. They are literally overnight twisted (at that and outside and inside. So there is only a fed)))

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How to keep Churchhel?

Churchhel is an extremely useful and tasty sweet delicacy from nuts strung on the thread and a condensed grape or pomegranate juice. The authentic Georgian recipe for the preparation of the product does not contain sugar sand and implies at the output to obtain the composition as valuable for the organism. To implement it, juice is welded to a decrease in the amount of several times, after which they thicken with corn flour and covers the nuts obtained several times on the thread. In the future, the products are dried in the shade within a few weeks to a dense crust outside and the soft consistency of the delicacy inside.

Churchhel's proper prescription can be stored for a long time even at room conditions. Just put the delicacy in a paper bag or simply wrap the cloth and put in a dry place.

Currently, Churchhela's production is delivered to stream and often the recipe does not quite correspond to the original. Grape or garnet juice is diluted with water, squeeze with sugar or completely replaced with fruit surrogates, at best, compote. The product is also insufficient, and therefore it should be submitted more responsibly to its storage. Where, how and how much time can you keep Curchhel at home at home? We will tell about this in more detail below.

How to keep Churchhel at home?

As we have already mentioned above, the real Churchhel is absolutely unpretentious to storage conditions, and can be stored as much as you like. But among the widest range of delicacy, submitted now in the markets, it is almost impossible to meet. That product that often offers us sellers in the market is better to use during the week. With each day of products based on diluted juice or compote, if you hang them in a dry place will become even tougher, and to cut them without causing the teeth will be problematic.

How to keep Churchhel in the refrigerator?

Save Churchhel soft for a long time will help the refrigerator. To do this, put a delicacy in a paper bag and put it on a dry shelf. But even in this case, we recommend that you use Churchhel for a month, otherwise it can simply be twisted.

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How to keep Churchhel on the road?

By purchasing Churchhel in the southern edges in order to transport it to the house, try to acquire the most natural product. Too wet (raw) Churchhel is hardly suitable for transportation. It can quickly mold or fall apart. Ideally, if the product is already well dried outside, and inside is still soft. In this case, a couple of days on the road in the Paper Package Churchhel will definitely suffer safely.

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Churchhel /

Churchhel is the traditional Eastern and Caucasian sweetness, which is prepared from a syrup based on grape juice and strung on the thread of nuts.

The manufacture of Churchhela is one of the most ancient traditions directly related to winemaking. A lot of evidence came to this day that the ancient peoples inhabiting the Caucasus prepared Churchhel. And in our time, this dearness uses well-deserved demand.

Churchhela has many varieties. These are traditional Georgian, Imeretian, Guri, Rachin, Abkhaz and Mingrelskie delicacies, each of which is distinguished by its taste and appearance (caloricator). However, in general terms, all four phases of Circhel are traced in all recipes for the preparation of the species of this delicacy.

Churchhel usually do not store for more than a year due to the fact that it can be prepared again during vintage.

Calorie Churchhela is 410 kcal per 100 grams of product.

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Composition and beneficial properties Churchhel

Churchhel is very nutritious, as it contains a large amount of glucose and fructose (an average of 30-50% of the entire mass of delicacy). It also contains vegetable fats, organic acids and all major vitamins. Churchhel has a large calorieness, so hunger quenched perfectly.

Cooking Technology Churchhela in Georgian

Cooking Churchhela in Georgian enough simple and includes four stages:

  • Stage first - preparation of syrup. Grape juice with wheat flour is digested on slow heat to the necessary density and temperature.
  • The second stage is the fooling of the thread with nuts into syrup. The rope or thread, on which walnous nuts are riveted, lowered into the resulting mass. Then it hangs it to hide the juice. And again after a few hours they lower the rope to the ground, while the layer of 1.5 - 2 centimeters is not formed over the nuts. Usually, hazelnuts, almonds, kishams and any other nuts can be used as a filling.
  • Stage Third - drying. The thread with the Churchhel received leaves to be dried on the ride on the bright sunlight of about two weeks before the upper layer hardening. At the same time, the product itself should not lose the original softness.
  • Stage fourth - sugar. After the drying, Churchhel is put in boxes, alternating with high or parchment paper (Calorizator). After two to three months of surgery, the delicacy acquires that familiar look and special, wonderful taste.

Tunsi - Saytyik

Churchhel (cargo. ჩურჩხელა, tour. Pestil Cevizli sucuk - literally: Sudzhuk with walnuts) - Eastern sweetness from the nuts strung on the thread in the thickened syrup based on grape juice.

This recipe somehow found on the Internet, he seemed to me the most simple and clear.

juice - 3l., (Classic option - grape)

nuts (usually walnuts, I used a mixture - cashew, hazelnut, almonds).

Nuts: nuts should be walnut, halves (halves of nuclei), delicious, white, dried, without any porch. All this is important because poorly dried or torn nuts can refue and then moldy, then Churchhela will be a taste of mold.

Flour: flour need to take a very fine grinding and sift.

Take the whole, disgraced, dried halves of the nut and gently rip them on the thread so that they firmly fit together. The needle is better to take not very fat so that it can not break the halves of nuts. The length of already strung nuts on the thread should be composed of 20-25 cm, and from the remaining part of the thread need to make a loop.

Stage first: Fresh grape juice strain, pour into a saucepan (iron or aluminum) and put to boil on slow lights. During cooking, add sugar, and the foam formed constantly shoot. Juice must be expensive exactly half a half, that is, if we had 4 liters, then 2 liters should remain. Weled in this way Juice is called - Badagi.

The second stage: From the finished Badagi, you need to cast a couple of glasses into a wide bowl so that it is faster than cooled, and the Okolnye also cool down to temperatures. Flour to dilute in a bowl (with those a couple of glasses) of cold badges, so that there are no lumps, but just in case, I still focused on everything through the siter. Only after this Badagi with flour pour into the main mass.

Stage Three: Put a saucepan with badges to the middle fire and with constant stirring to continue to cook. It is necessary to interfere in constantly so that it is not burnt. After the mass boils and thickening a little need to slightly reduce the fire. Mass need to boil until it lost to the taste of flour and does not acquire as if lacquered shine and at the same time the mass should also be farewell (it should be wondering 1/4 pieces, and there should be 3/4 parts), so do not be afraid. The mass that will turn out is called - Tatara. We will remove the finished mass from the fire, as for the preparation of Churchhel Tatar, we are already ready. The Tatar should turn out to be sufficiently thick (as very thick kissel), then it will not drain very much from the nut ligament.

The Tatar must be soft, but not boiling water. Now we take a string with nuts, we have done a finger in the loop and lower the nut thread in the Tatar. At the same time, it is necessary to help a spoon, so that the threads completely plunge seconds for 20. Threads with nuts should plunge so that the nuts are completely immersed in Tatar. After that, get and hold the Churchhel seconds 10 over the horses and then hang it on a stick for a loop for drying. Give Churchhele a little dry (

2 hours) and then repeat the dive again. After that, hang again and let dry. The thickness of the Tatars on Churchhele can be from 1 to 2 cm.

At the beginning, Churchhel's drying is hanging in the sun and dried within 2-3 weeks. Finished Churchhel should not stick to his hand, but it remains soft to the touch. After that, the dried churchhels need to be wrapped in a linen towel and hang over the loops in a dry ventilated place at a moderate temperature for longer maturation. After 1-2 months, Churchhel are ready. Finished Churchhel remains soft, fragrant with a light white sugar sprout, which has been separated in the process of maturation.

The saucepan needs to choose deep. In a deep saucepan, it is easier to dip the bundle of nuts. Bundles can not bend it should be vertically dive into Tatar.

Tatar should not be very hot. Very hot tatar will quickly drain and will not have time to stick or stick to lumps.

After you are glad, get Churchhel hold over a pot of 5-10 seconds, so that the tatar of the glass in the pan.

In order for the Tatara evenly distributed in Churchhele, it will be necessary to dip the bundle several times.

Churchhel is sweet or sour-sweet with a pleasant nut-grape taste and a thin aroma.

If the grape juice is not sweet, then during cooking you need to add sugar.

Merila flour 250 gram glass.

The number of dives Churchhel in the Tatar depends on the denotation of the Tatars.

Yes, the fans of Georgian cuisine will be forgiven, but sometimes I resort to the lazy way, after which I get Churchhel, but without a thread and without painful piercing nuts. Just fall asleep into the finished Tatar, and then laying out the resulting mixture on a flat surface with parchment. After a couple of days, when the mass gets up, I turn over and let me dry by the other side. After drying, you can cut into squares, or just disintegrate with your hands. Believe me, this method does not affect the taste.

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How to keep Churchhel

We recommend using Churchhel for 6-8 days from the date of purchase, because every day it becomes tougher. If you follow the perfect storage conditions, then Churchhel will not deteriorate. Is it possible to say that the delicacy has an unlimited shelf life? Probably not. Because the crust of flour and grape juice becomes very dry, you can hardly be safe to paint the product. Therefore, Churchhel's storage is 1 month, because during this period it becomes as hard as possible. Avoid unfavorable conditions for the product - cold, darkness and high humidity.

Churchhel can store for a long time:

  • In the Churchhel refrigerator can persist with a softer 2 months. So that it does not absorb smells, keep in a separate hermetic container (glass, ceramic) or in a closed sachet, this will prevent it over drying;
  • to store as long as possible, keep Churchhel in a ventilated dry and dark place in paper packaging (kraft paper) or tissue at temperatures ° C;
  • Chulad or pantry - suitable for hanging Churchhel on hooks, where dark, dry and no access in the insectochodko in this case, you need to ensure that there are no access to insects and dust to the delicacy.

Mold prevention: Chuchhel is afraid of strong humidity (dampness), shaggy and dirt, in which pathogenic microorganisms will quickly multiply on the sweet surface of the product.

We avoid the formation of condensation: do not place the product in plastic bags or film, it is deprived of ventilation. The package is formed on moisture walls, which leads to the formation of mold.

For transportation: Buying a completely fresh product for long-term transportation, make sure the product is good. Wrap in a dry cloth Churchhel and go to the road. Alternative - clay dishes.

How to understand that Churchhel spoiled and should be abandoned from her use:

  • wet surface;
  • it has a characteristic smell of rot, the crust is covered with mold trails, the use of such a delicacy can lead to food poisoning;
  • oblocked part.

How much is churchhel stored? Historically, this is a long-term storage product. The very long and solid cooking technology is aimed at keeping sweetness for a long period, saving for cold time all the benefits of nuts, fruits and southern sun.

This natural product of nuts and a scored thickened juice is traditional Caucasian sweetness. It is prepared in the Caucasian regions of Russia, in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey.

However, if earlier we were drove sweets from vacation as a hotel from the sea, now Churchhel can be bought in the markets or in private shops with ethnic products in many large and medium-sized cities. But is it always done according to the classic recipe?

How to prepare a real churchhel

Caucasian sweetness is prepared from walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and natural grape or pomegranate juice. Juice is durable long, defended and filtered, thickened with corn flour (in some wheat recipes).

In the resulting mixture, the nuts rented on the thread. Do it several times, slightly drying the intermediate layer. When Churchhel acquires the desired volume, the product will dry during the week-two and then stored within 2-3 months, wrapped in the canvas. These months sweetness "rushing" to the desired condition.

The recipe for cooking is slightly different in different regions of the Caucasus, one principles are similar: strung on an unpainted natural thread nuts, natural juice of white grape varieties or grenade, drying.

Interestingly: In some regions, apricot kernels, pumpkin seeds and raisins add to Churchhel.

Some lovers are especially valued by the degree of drying, when the outer layer is already sufficient enough, and the sweetness is still quite soft and gentle, others prefer a dry consistency. No wonder in a different way, this delicacy is also called fruit judger.

ATTENTION: Sugar is not added to the natural product! But many at home cooking still use it or replace honey. This can be considered already variations on the topic.

Where stored

The main enemy Churchhela is mold, so it is important that the storage place is not wet. Store the classic Churchhel even at room temperature, be sure to be in a dry place, wrapped into paper, dry canvas or by placing in clay dishes, which absorbs excess moisture.

Do not store the product in plastic bags or film, it is deprived of ventilation, which contribute to the formation of condensate.

The maximum storage temperature should not exceed to + 22˚C. Too high temperature will not benefit the product, like hesitation of storage temperatures. In general, the traditional dry and cool place for your home - will become perfect.

However, we repeat, it will be guaranteed for a long time only prepared by the traditional recipe product.

If you are not sure as the acquired delicacy and there are doubts that only natural ingredients were used in production, without adding sugar, starch, water dilution with water or fruit surrogates, then it is better to use the product as early as possible.

In order to be purchased in your Churchhel region longer, place it in a paper package in the refrigerator, with moderate humidity it will be saved for a month.

Important: Churchhel is a high-calorie product. Despite its delightful taste and unconditional natural usefulness, this should be remembered if you stick to balanced nutrition.

Oddly enough, the subtleties of sweetness storage cause much more questions than many other products. Want to be surprised more? Learn all about the quality and properties of honey and, at least, the question will forever be resolved in your life.

How to cook Churchhel in Georgia

Churchhel is a product obtained from a mixture of grape juice and nuts. It can withstand long-term storage and transportation only when performing certain conditions. If the product is made of high-quality components, it is capable of not sparing for several months. Tourists buying a treat in Georgia has fewer storage time, but they are sufficient for safe transportation and consumption of sweetness.

How to cook Churchhel?

True Churchhel is preparing in the Caucasian regions of Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

The recipe for delicacy, long and solid cooking technology is calculated specifically for the maximum possible storage under the observance of the conditions.

Churchhel can be prepared from almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, grape or pomegranate juice, which is obtained from fresh berries. It is digested for a long time until the thick mass (pelamushi) is obtained, then corn or wheat flour for additional thickening is added to it. The resulting mixture is dipped to the cotton thread nuts; This action is performed several times before getting the desired thickness. In the intervals between dives, each product is dried about 15 minutes.

Ready sweets hang on hooks or rope. Then you need to wait 4-5 days so that the outer layer of the product strengthened. After that, the product is ready to use.

Storage of delicacy at home

If the use of Churchhel is transferred to an indefinite time, it will have to be kept at home in the refrigerator or cellar, wrapped in paper. Initially, the delicacy dried, laying them on the table in the room. This process continues from 6 to 8 days. It is necessary to ensure that insects do not get to delicacy. To do this, it is recommended to cover their gauze. This measure will prevent the reproduction on their surface of various microbes and bacteria.

Homemade sweetness at home can be ruined from month to 45 days. After that, the flour crust will start spinning and the mold will appear. So that it does not happen, it is necessary to check the products every week, and then re-solder them into the protective layer.

It will be possible to store the product to be properly made by all standards, if you wrap each churchhel into a thin cloth, and then hang in a dry and cool cellar. In such conditions, the product is suitable for 30-60 days until it becomes dry.

It is impossible to place the product in an overlooking, wet and dark place. Flour and grape juice will quickly stand: after that, the consumer will not be able to take such a "wand" without harm to his teeth.

There is a delicacy in paper bags transmitting air, or tissue bags with the same properties. At the same time, sweetness is not recommended to wet - this leads to the formation of mold.

If the delicacy is made independently, then when complying with all the conditions of Churchhel, you can store without a significant loss of quality from 1 to 2 months.

How to save the product during transportation

  • Place in a portable refrigerator. When laying Churchhel into hermetic glass, ceramic container or in a closed paper package, products are saved about 40-60 days.
  • For long-term transportation of fresh product, it is prepared, drying well. After that, the delicacy wrap in a dry canvas or placed in the dishes of clay, then you can already take it on the road. In compliance with these conditions with sweetness, nothing happens for 1 month.
  • Turn in container, temperature inside which does not exceed 20-22 ° C. Then Churchhel can transfer the "journey" over long distances.

You can not put Churchhel in polyethylene packages, depriving them of ventilation. Then the condensate will appear on the film, which precedes the development of mold fungus.