
If you suffer from constant or recurrent pain in the neck, back, lower back, or chest, consult a doctor. Perhaps these are symptoms of one of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis. When a pathology is detected on early stages the process of destruction of cartilage tissue can be stopped with the help of tablets. Properly selected medications will help relieve pain and significantly improve the quality of life.

Objectives of drug treatment for osteochondrosis

It is impossible to completely restore cartilage tissue with tablets alone, even if you take the most expensive and most effective means. Drug treatment of osteochondrosis helps to stop further progression of the pathology, relieve joint pain, and improve the patient’s mood. The restoration of motor functions and the composition of cartilage tissue is facilitated by physiotherapy, proper nutrition and gymnastics. The main goals that doctors pursue when prescribing medications are:

  • restore blood circulation in the affected area;
  • eliminate painful sensations;
  • relieve the inflammatory process;
  • restore joint mobility;
  • relieve muscle spasm, which is accompanied by compression of nerve endings;
  • prevent further damage to the soft tissue adjacent to the joint.

Types of tablets for osteochondrosis

The patient must carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise the necessary therapeutic effect will not be achieved. To relieve unpleasant symptoms and achieve all set goals, complex treatment of osteochondrosis with medications is often used. For this, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

  • muscle relaxants – reduce skeletal muscle tone;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – have an anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic effect;
  • antispasmodics – relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • vitamins – strengthen the immune system, help improve the patency of nerve fibers;
  • sedatives – relieve tension, calm, help relax;
  • vasodilators - help normalize blood circulation in the damaged area.


Drug therapy always begins with the prescription of non-steroidal painkillers. They help relieve inflammation of soft tissues and cartilage, slow down the course of the disease, and relieve swelling. Most often, NSAIDs are available in the form of gels, ointments, and special solutions, but tablets are also available for sale. Based on their composition, all commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs can be divided into three groups:

  • medications with diclofenac - Voltaren, Naklofen, Diclak, Diclofenac;
  • drugs with ketoprofen - Ketonal, Flamax, Artrosilene, Ketoprofen;
  • medicines based on naproxen - Nalgesin, Naproxen.

Diclofenac is one of the most powerful painkillers. Once in the body, it prevents the synthesis of arachidonic acid (the main substance that provokes the onset of the inflammatory process), affects nerve receptors and the pain center of the brain, relieving discomfort, morning stiffness, and severe pain. The average cost of a package of 20 Diclofenac tablets of 0.1 g is 67-120 rubles.

The drug is taken before or after meals, 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day. After achieving the required therapeutic effect, the dosage is gradually reduced. Tablets with diclofenac are prescribed with caution for bronchial asthma, stomach or intestinal ulcers, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood), diabetes mellitus, and children under 14 years of age.

Ketoprofen capsules have a similar principle of action. They relieve pain localized in the lesion, relieve inflammation, and have an analgesic effect. You can purchase the drug at the pharmacy for 77-98 rubles per pack of 20 tablets of 50 mg. To achieve a therapeutic effect, up to 4 capsules per day. The anti-inflammatory effect becomes noticeable after a week of treatment. Unlike Diclofenac, Ketoprofen and Naproxen have a wide range of contraindications and side effects, therefore they are used less frequently as main medications.


In addition to tablets, special multivitamin complexes are prescribed for osteochondrosis. They help improve nerve patency, restore sensitivity of soft tissues, and reduce pain. In addition, taking vitamins helps boost immunity and support the functions of all organs and systems of the body. Relevant for the destruction of cartilage tissue are complexes, the composition of which includes the following vitamins:

  • Retinol (A) – participates in the formation of new cells, regenerative and oxidative processes. The vitamin reduces the degeneration of cartilage tissue and ligaments.
  • Riboflavin (B2) – takes an active part in metabolic processes, restores the elasticity of cartilage tissue, and affects the process of reproduction of cartilage tissue cells.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – helps proteins to be better absorbed and processes amino acids. The vitamin helps improve nerve-fibrous patency and strengthens muscles.
  • Thiamine (B1) – stimulates the growth of muscles and bones, indispensable for carbohydrate metabolism. The vitamin stops the aging process and enhances the delivery of oxygen to tissues.
  • Ascorbic acid (C) is an important vitamin for maintaining immunity. It is also responsible for collagen synthesis, strengthens small vessels and capillaries.
  • Calciferol (D) – necessary for the complete absorption of calcium from food.
  • Tocopherol (E) – protects the body from toxins, participates in cellular metabolism processes. This vitamin has an antioxidant effect (prevents premature aging) and has a positive effect on the elasticity of ligaments and the tone of capillaries.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) – actively participates in protein-carbohydrate metabolism, helps to cope with stress more easily, and controls inflammatory processes.


Painkillers are an important part of the treatment of osteochondrosis. They can temporarily completely eliminate pain and improve well-being. According to the principle of action, such drugs are of two types:

  • Non-narcotic - Analgin, Citramon. Such drugs for osteochondrosis are prescribed in the early stages of treatment, when pain occurs periodically.
  • Narcotics – Tramal, Pentazocine. It is advisable to use in the later stages of development of osteochondrosis for acute and burning pain. They have many contraindications, cause various side effects and can be addictive, so they are only available with a prescription from a doctor.

The most popular analgesic tablets are Analgin. This drug contains only one active component - metamizole sodium, in the amount of 500 mg per 1 tablet. Analgin suppresses the synthesis of endogenous substances (those that cause pain), has moderate antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory properties. Average cost for 10 tablets. 500 mg in Moscow ranges from 15 to 24 rubles.

Analgin is taken whole after meals in an amount of 0.25-0.5 mg. The maximum daily dosage is 3 grams, and the frequency of administration is 2-3 times. Analgin affects the composition of the blood, so it is not recommended to take it without the knowledge of a doctor. Tablets for the treatment of osteochondrosis are not prescribed to patients prone to bronchospasm (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi), with severe impairment of kidney or liver function, or low blood clotting.


Muscle spasm, which often occurs in patients with osteochondrosis, leads to compression of blood vessels and poor circulation. To relieve this condition, the following vasodilators are prescribed:

  • Actovegin - activates metabolic processes in cells, improves trophism (passability) and stimulates regeneration processes. The active ingredient is deproteinized hemoderivative from calf blood. The dosage and duration of use of Actovegin depend on the severity of the degenerative processes and are therefore determined by the doctor. The average cost of a medicine in the amount of 50 tablets. 200 mg - 1600 rubles.
  • Trental – improves blood microcirculation, has angioprotective properties (reduces capillary permeability). One capsule of Trental contains 100 mg of pentoxifylline. The dose is set individually, depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient. The cost of a package of 60 capsules of 100 mg is 548 rubles.
  • Cinnarizine is a slow calcium channel blocker. The drug reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of arterioles and enhances the vasodilatory properties of carbon dioxide. One capsule contains 25 mg of the active component cinnarizine. For peripheral circulatory disorders, you should take 50-75 mg of the drug three times a day. The duration of use is determined by the doctor. The cost of one pack of 50 capsules of 25 mg is 54-57 rubles.


This group drugs is the main one in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chondroprotectors restore damaged cartilage tissue, replenish synovial fluid reserves in intervertebral discs, and normalize nutrient metabolism in soft tissues. For osteochondrosis, the following is often prescribed:

  • Artron Flex – contains glucosamine (a substrate component necessary for the construction of cartilage tissue). Systematic intake of the drug into the body enhances the synthesis of collagen and proteoglycans (complex proteins). These substances prevent the destruction of articular cartilage and prevent degenerative processes in adjacent soft tissues. Artron Flex for osteochondrosis, take 1-2 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months. The medicine can be purchased in pharmacies from 467 rubles for 30 tablets in a bottle.
  • Dona tablets - the drug replenishes glucosamine deficiency, has a moderate analgesic effect, stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid, and ensures normal calcium deposition in bone tissue. The active ingredient of the drug is glucosamine sulfate sodium chloride. The drug is taken for a course of up to 6 weeks, 1 tablet 2 times a day. The average cost of Don is 60 pcs. 750 mg – 1397 rubles.
  • Artron triactive is a cartilage tissue stimulator. Contains three active components at once - sodium chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and methylsulfonylmethane. The drug stimulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase (a substance that disrupts the integrity of cartilage tissue), and has a weak analgesic effect. For osteochondrosis, you should take 1 capsule 1-3 times a day for three months. The average cost of a bottle of 30 capsules is 520 rubles.


To relieve muscle spasms, eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations, and improve blood flow, antispasmodic tablets and muscle relaxants are prescribed. They help quickly eliminate cramps, headaches, and dizziness. For osteochondrosis, the following medications are most often used:

  • Mydocalm is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. Reduces muscle rigidity (numbness), improves coordination of movements, increases muscle tone. The drug contains a muscle relaxant - tolperisone hydrochloride. Treatment begins with minimal dosages (50 mg each), gradually increasing them to 150 mg 2-3 times a day. Side effects of Mydocalm are minor and occur very rarely. The average cost of 30 tablets of 150 mg is 389-420 rubles.
  • Baclofen - reduces the excitability of the terminal sections of nerve fibers, relieves muscle spasms, and prevents the occurrence of seizures. Baclofen is taken 5 mg (1/2 part of a tablet) three times a day. The drug may cause drowsiness, nausea, and urinary retention. Contraindicated in psychosis, pregnancy and lactation. Price for 50 tablets of 10 mg – 278 rubles.
  • Sirdalud is an alpha2 receptor stimulator. It helps relax muscle tone and has a mild analgesic effect. The active component of the drug is tizanidine. For painful muscle spasms, 2-4 mg of medication is prescribed 3 times a day. Sirdalud is contraindicated in cases of severe liver dysfunction and pregnancy. Price in pharmacies for a package of 30 pcs. 2 mg is 235 rubles.


Limited movement and constant pain not only interfere with sleep, but also lead to destabilization of the psycho-emotional background. In addition to painkillers, anti-inflammatory and other tablets, sedatives are prescribed. They enhance the effect of analgesics and improve mood. For supporting nervous system mild sedatives (calming) drugs are used: Valerian tablets or Motherwort tincture. In severe cases, preference is given to the following medications:

  • Amitriptyline is an antidepressant, has a weak analgesic effect, calms, relieves anxiety and fear, improves psychological state. For depressive disorders, it is prescribed in dosages of 25-50 mg at night. Dispensed by prescription average price per pack 50 pcs. 25 mg is 30 rubles.
  • Aminazine is an antipsychotic, has a sedative and antiemetic effect. The medicine relieves psycho-emotional arousal, reduces anxiety and restlessness. Aminazine dosages are determined individually. tablets are dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription, per pack of 10 pieces. for 0.025 grams you will have to pay about 150 rubles.
  • Phenazepam is a tranquilizer, has anticonvulsant properties, and has a mild sedative-hypnotic effect. The drug reduces psycho-emotional stress, helps treat depression, and reduces feelings of anxiety and fear. The tablets have multiple side effects and have serious contraindications, so they are available only with a prescription. You can buy 50 tablets of 1 mg of Phenazepam in pharmacies for 135 rubles.

Tablets for cervical osteochondrosis

With degenerative processes of cartilage tissue occurring in the neck area, many patients are bothered by headaches, dizziness, a feeling of numbness or tingling of the fingers, and decreased concentration. To eliminate these symptoms, tablets, injections, and pain-relieving ointments are used. Complex therapy additionally includes taking vitamins, therapeutic exercises, and massage. Tablets for osteochondrosis cervical spine selected taking into account the operating principle:

  • To relieve pain and relieve inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Naproxen, Meloxicam. Lidocaine is often prescribed as a local analgesic.
  • To restore blood supply to the brain and relieve vasospasm, neotropic drugs are used - Trental, Vazonit, Pentoxifylline.
  • To restore the structure of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors with glucosamine are prescribed - Artra, Dona, Teraflex.
  • Cinnarizine helps dilate blood vessels, thin the blood, and improve blood supply to damaged tissue areas.

Medicines for lumbar osteochondrosis

This type of pathology of the musculoskeletal system is especially common. Patients with lumbar osteochondrosis are bothered by pain in the lower back, which often radiates (sends) to the perineum, buttocks or thighs; the process of urination (frequent and painful urge to go to the toilet) and defecation may be disrupted. Drug treatment of spinal osteochondrosis involves the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) – Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Celecoxib. This group of drugs, by reducing inflammation and blocking nerve receptors, helps reduce pain and swelling.
  • Chondroprotectors – Structum, Arteparon. They prevent further destruction of cartilage and have a mild analgesic effect.
  • Muscle relaxants – Baclofen, Mydocalm. They relieve muscle spasms and improve blood flow in the problem area.
  • Vasodilators - Berlition, Eufillin. Restore impaired blood circulation and promote dilation of blood vessels.

Tablets for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

With this type of pathology, patients are bothered by pain in the heart area, behind the sternum, between the shoulder blades, along the ribs and in the area of ​​​​the projection of the stomach. Often, people with spinal problems have difficulty breathing, there is a feeling of coldness or numbness in the extremities, and gastrointestinal disorders are observed. With complex therapy, the following medications are prescribed for osteochondrosis:

  • Analgesics and NSAIDs - Analgin, Dolobid, Diclofenac.
  • Antispasmodics – Mellictin, Sirdalud.
  • Chondroprotectors – Mucosat, Rumalon, Chondroitin.
  • Painkillers – Naproxen, Butadione.
  • Vitamins – Vitrum, Calcium D3 Nycomed.


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Cervical osteochondrosis is a common dystrophic-degenerative disease of the spine that occurs due to a number of causative factors. Treatment of the disease requires an integrated approach, including therapeutic exercises, massage treatments and drug therapy. If at an early stage of development it is possible to cure the disease with the help of physiotherapy and diet, then at later stages it is necessary to use tablets for cervical osteochondrosis, since medications tend to act on the affected area from the inside.

Of all the parts of the human body, the neck is considered the most mobile. The cervical spine includes 7 individual vertebrae. Between these vertebrae there are elastic discs that with the development of osteochondrosis, they become damaged and deformed. As a result, the distance between the vertebrae gradually decreases, causing pinched nerves. The main reason for the development of pathology is a violation of metabolic processes in the cervical spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis can affect anyone, regardless of gender or age. But there are certain factors that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • mechanical damage to the spine in the neck area;
  • improper or unbalanced diet;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • passive lifestyle.

Orthopedic chair

On a note! At an early stage of development, as a rule, it does not appear, so the patient can simply not pay attention to the pathology. As a last resort, he will take a painkiller tablet if the illness does manifest itself. But such ignorance will not lead to anything good.

To avoid serious complications, at the first signs of cervical osteochondrosis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by attacks of vomiting, loss of consciousness, general weakness body, increased fatigue, decreased sensitivity in the hands, pain in the neck, and dizziness.

The task of the therapeutic course

If the presence of cervical osteochondrosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, which, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of this pathological condition. To achieve maximum effect, therapy must be comprehensive, so doctors often prescribe different groups of drugs aimed at relieving pain, improving blood circulation in the affected area, as well as regenerating affected tissues.


To eliminate pain, which is an integral sign of osteochondrosis, doctors prescribe muscle relaxants, the action of which is aimed at eliminating antispasmodic contractions. To relieve the inflammatory process in the cervical spine, anti-inflammatory drugs (non-hormonal or hormonal) are used. To reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, doctors use conventional analgesics.

Improved blood flow

Medicines are prescribed to improve blood supply to the affected areas of the body, which makes it possible to stop degenerative processes in this area or at least slow them down. Also, regular use of such medications helps to dilate blood vessels, thereby restoring normal blood clotting.

Slowing down destruction processes

As noted earlier, osteochondrosis (cervical or lumbar) is accompanied by the destruction of the cartilage tissue of the spine, but to slow down these processes, doctors resort to using chondroprotectors – effective medical preparations based on chondroitin. As a rule, they need to be used for a long time, since the desired therapeutic effect can be achieved no earlier than after 5-6 months. As a supplement, antioxidants are prescribed that neutralize negative impact hypoxia (pathological process caused by lack of oxygen).

Indications for use of tablets

The main indications for the use of tablets for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine include the following:

The appearance of at least one of the above symptoms should be a reason to use medications. It is also recommended to take tablets when diagnosing the initial stages of pathology. This will prevent the development of serious complications caused by the progression of cervical osteochondrosis.

If you want to learn in more detail and also consider the symptoms, diagnostic features and treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Types of drugs

Due to the fact that modern pharmacology offers a large number of medications for the treatment of osteochondrosis, you need to know which of them really help with diseases of the cervical spine. Of course, only the attending physician will be able to determine which drug would be better suited in a particular case, therefore self-medication is highly not recommended. Below are the main groups of drugs used for cervical osteochondrosis.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The main task of anti-inflammatory drugs is to relieve swelling and inflammation in muscle tissue. They can also help relieve pain. The most common drugs in this class include Naproxen, Indomethacin and Ibuprofen.

Vascular agents

Prescribed to prevent the development of migraines, speed up metabolic processes and improve blood flow to the brain. The peculiarity of vascular drugs is that they have virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components. But, despite the absence of contraindications and side effects, self-medication is still not recommended. Most often, from the class of vascular drugs, doctors use Trental and Eufillin.

Used to restore muscle tone in the neck area. Muscle relaxants actively release nerve endings that can be pinched due to osteochondrosis. There are quite a lot of drugs belonging to the group of muscle relaxants, but not all of them help with cervical osteochondrosis. “Sirdalut” and “Mydocalm” are rightfully considered the most effective.


Effective drugs used in medicine to treat osteochondrosis. They have an analgesic effect on the body. Often, patients, faced with a pronounced pain syndrome, decide to start using analgesics on their own, but this cannot be done due to the possible excess of the dosage. Among all painkillers used to treat cervical osteochondrosis, the most effective are Baralgin, Analgin, Amidopyrine and others. In rare cases, doctors resort to narcotic analgesics. As a rule, they are used for serious complications of pathology.

"Analgin" - release forms

The main task of this group of medications is to restore cartilage tissue damaged during the development of cervical osteochondrosis. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, treatment courses are required, that is, chondroprotectors are used for a certain period of time (about 4-6 weeks), after which a pause is made for several weeks. The active components of this group of drugs are glucosamine and chondroitin– they affect the patient’s body, accelerating the regeneration of damaged tissues. Most often, when treating cervical osteochondrosis, doctors prescribe Structum and Chondroxide.

Vitamin preparations

As an addition to drug treatment, doctors often prescribe vitamin complexes. They are prescribed taking into account the clinical picture of the patient, his current condition and the lack of certain substances in his body. Below are the most common vitamin supplements prescribed by doctors.

Table. Vitamin complexes for cervical osteochondrosis.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

An effective vitamin remedy that almost everyone is familiar with. The drug contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

The peculiarity of this drug is its anti-inflammatory effect on the body. In addition to nourishing cells with useful substances, Cyanocobalamin promotes the regeneration of affected tissues.

Due to the large number of useful substances contained in this drug, its regular use helps improve the functioning of all internal organs and systems. This allows you to speed up the healing process.

Prescribed to accelerate regeneration processes in bones and cartilage that were damaged during the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

Another vitamin preparation that is successfully used in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Its therapeutic effect is to restore spinal cord tissue, as well as strengthen it.

Prices for vitamins and minerals


Often, when treating cervical osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed psychotic pills. First of all, they are needed to eliminate the patient’s anxiety caused by pain. Also, with the help of antidepressants, you can reduce cardialgia by relieving pain in the chest and thereby improving the general condition of the patient.

To improve blood flow

Effective medications that improve blood flow to the patient’s brain, thereby improving nutrition of the central nervous system and spinal column. Thanks to this effect, some symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, such as pain and dizziness, are reduced. As a rule, when treating osteochondrosis, doctors resort to drugs such as Detralex, Actovegin and Trental.

Are there any contraindications?

Despite the large number of positive properties, almost all drugs have contraindications, which must be taken into account when treating cervical osteochondrosis. In addition to medical recommendations and orders, it is necessary carefully read the instructions for the drug you are using. It may contain components whose use requires compliance with certain restrictions.

Achieving the maximum therapeutic effect in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is possible only if two main rules are observed. First, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations throughout the therapeutic course. Secondly, taking this or that drug is allowed only after the consent of a highly qualified doctor.

Also, upon completion of the course of treatment, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive measures, including regular exercise, refusal bad habits and adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Video - Drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

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Osteochondrosis - specialists in Moscow

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Currently, a huge number of people suffer from osteochondrosis. Many of them are not even aware of the problem. Meanwhile, if treatment is not started on time, complications will occur that will make themselves felt for the rest of your life. Osteochondrosis, like many other diseases, makes you “younger” and significantly worsens the quality of life, knocking you out of its usual rhythm.

In our article we will get acquainted a little with the disease itself, and also dwell in detail on the drug method of treating it.

Osteochondrosis and its types

Osteochondrosis is a deformation of articular cartilage, bone tissue of the spine and intervertebral discs.

Osteochondrosis occurs:

  • lumbar (lumbosacral),
  • cervical,
  • chest

Causes of osteochondrosis:

  • upright posture,
  • rachiocampsis,
  • spinal injuries,
  • flat feet,
  • frequent lifting of weights,
  • frequent changes in body position,
  • staying in uncomfortable positions for a long time,
  • spinal overload,
  • physical inactivity and obesity,
  • malnutrition,
  • stressful conditions.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis

  1. Due to certain changes in the intervertebral disc, vertebral instability appears. The spine is very susceptible to injury.
  2. The destruction of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc begins. The intervertebral gap decreases.
  3. The annulus fibrosus ruptures. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc protrudes. Due to the formation of an intervertebral hernia, spinal deformity is provoked.
  4. A pronounced pain syndrome occurs. Due to the formation of bone growths and ossification of the spinal ligaments, movements become limited.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Lumbar (lumbosacral) region

  • Constant aching back pain.
  • Feeling of aching and numbness in the limbs.
  • Decreased physical activity.
  • Increased pain when making sudden movements, lifting weights, physical activity, while sneezing and coughing.

Cervical region

  • Pain in the arms and shoulders, headaches.
  • Vertebral artery syndrome(burning throbbing headache, dizziness, noise in the head, colored spots and “floaters” before the eyes).

Thoracic region

  • Pain in the internal organs, in particular the chest (“stake” in the chest) and the heart area.

Determining the diagnosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis with medications

To begin with, it should be noted that initial stage The development of osteochondrosis in certain cases can be avoided without medications. It will be enough to use therapeutic exercises, all kinds of applicators (Lyapko roller, Kuznetsov applicator), as well as reducing stress and eliminating other causes of the disease. If the symptoms become stronger, and studies have shown characteristic changes, you should use medications that help influence both the cause and the symptoms of osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with medications is indicated during the period of its exacerbation and is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process, relieving pain and enhancing metabolic processes through internal administration or administration of medications using injections.

Due to the fact that osteochondrosis is a systemic disease that negatively affects various organs and systems, its treatment must be comprehensive. Medicines For the treatment of osteochondrosis, the following tasks are carried out:

  • anesthesia,
  • relieving inflammation,
  • improving blood circulation in affected tissues,
  • restoration of cartilage tissue,
  • restoration of mobility to joints,
  • eliminating depression caused by constant pain.

So, what are they medications can be prescribed by a neurologist for the treatment of osteochondrosis?

  1. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)

Eliminate inflammation and pain. They are used externally (gel, cream), internally (capsules, tablets), and also in the form of injections (intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous).

  • diclofenac(voltaren, diklak)
  • ibuprofen(Nurofen, Dollit)
  • ketoprofen(ketonal, febrofide)
  • nimesulide(nimesil, nise)
  • meloxicam(movalis, movasin)
  1. Vasodilators (vasodilators)

As a result of muscle tension and pain in osteochondrosis, narrowing of blood vessels occurs. In order to avoid this background of undesirable consequences, your doctor may prescribe pentoxifylline(trental), dilates blood vessels and improves tissue nutrition, as well as actovegin And berlition for better restorative effect.

  1. Muscle relaxants (muscle relaxants)

They have a relaxing and calming effect on the muscles. The healing process without drugs of this group proceeds more slowly, since thanks to their properties, blood circulation is normalized, pain is dulled, mobility returns, and the affected tissues are restored faster. For these purposes, your doctor may prescribe sirdalud,mydocalm or baclofen.

  1. Chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors do not cause further destruction and stabilize the condition. Taking chondroprotectors is long-term, lifelong; the effect occurs after treatment for at least 6 months. Chondroprotectors are used externally, internally and in the form of injections.

  • glucosamine(don)
  • chondroitin(chondroxide, structum)
  • glucosamine + chondroitin(arthra)
  • glucosamine + chondroitin + vitamins(teraflex)
  • alflutop(concentrate of 4 species of sea fish)
  1. Sedatives (calming) drugs

Long-term pain can trigger stress and depression. In this case, valerian, motherwort, and combined herbal preparations are prescribed. For more severe disorders, antidepressants are used (Cymbalta), and to improve the process of falling asleep and quality of sleep - sleeping pills (donormil).

  1. Vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes

B vitamins are of greater importance here, as they can restore the sensitivity of damaged nerve fibers and reduce pain. They are included in such drugs as milgamma(tablets and solution for injection) and neuromultivitis(pills).

For the purpose of general strengthening of the body, vitamin and mineral complexes can also be prescribed. (compliment, multi-tabs).

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a condition that has many consequences, affecting the functioning of the heart, internal organs, and the health of the lower back and limbs. Degenerative changes affect cartilage, intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies, disrupting the biomechanics of movements. As a result, the mobility of the spine changes, the roots of the spinal nerves are compressed, hypotension and muscle spasms develop. The joints of the cervical spine cease to receive sufficient blood supply.

Drug treatment of cervical osteochondrosis always comes first, since it requires relief from an acute condition: pain, inflammation.”

The neurologist chooses how to treat osteochondrosis, focusing on the clinical picture and examination results. The spasm of the anterior scalene muscle, characteristic of the disease, is associated with compression of the neurovascular bundle, nagging pain in the forearm and elbow. Humeroscapular periarthrosis and thoracic outlet syndrome are the results of advanced asymptomatic disorders in the cervical spine.

Reading reviews from other patients, it is difficult to choose which pills will help in a particular case. The disease has a wide range of symptoms that are not always associated with the neck. Patients turn to surgeons and neurologists with the following complaints:

  • pain in the neck and shoulders;
  • decreased mobility in the neck;
  • the appearance of a crunch;
  • headache;
  • numbness of hands;
  • breathing problems;
  • vision problems.

Drugs for cervical osteochondrosis will primarily combat symptoms, and the most common of them is pain.

Acute pain and severe muscle spasms are the most common reasons for visiting a doctor. At an early stage of treatment, it is advisable to use medications that will eliminate inflammation and spasm.

The prescribed drug will work for a certain period, then the recovery phase for joints and muscles begins.

To reduce pain, use various anti-inflammatory tablets for cervical osteochondrosis:

If tablets for complicated cervical osteochondrosis are ineffective, paravertebral blockades are performed with novocaine or a steroid mixture.

Epidural steroid injections are indicated when persistent pain is caused by disc herniation and joint inflammation. Drugs for chronic cervical osteochondrosis are injected into the epidural space, which surrounds the membrane covering the spinal cord and nerve roots. Nerves pass through connective tissue and branch throughout the rest of the body. Sometimes when they are pinched, radiculopathies are observed, which can interfere with the work of the hands and provoke pain in the shoulder. After injection, steroid drugs relieve inflammation from the nerve root and restore its impulses.

Injections into the facet joints at the neck level are rarely required when their function is impaired due to spondylosis. It is the joints that are responsible for the mobility of the neck and ensure the stability of the vertebrae. Inflammation of the articular surface can cause pain when rotating the head.

The attending physician prescribes a comprehensive, step-by-step treatment consisting of a complex of internal and external drugs. The treatment regimen for neck osteochondrosis is always individual and has several stages.

Local remedies

Ointments help relieve mild pain, of which there are three types depending on the active ingredients:

It is better to learn from a neurologist or surgeon about what medications to use in the acute and chronic phases of the disease, as well as in osteochondrosis, aggravated by whiplash injury or instability of the cervical spine.

Vitamin support

Drug treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is supplemented by taking vitamins:

The most affordable remedies for chronic cervical osteochondrosis are diets filled with vegetables and fruits.


Diseases of the cervical spine are manifested by damage to the vertebral body and intervertebral disc. The activity of chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid in the restoration of the nucleus pulposus and cartilage has been confirmed by clinical experiments. Doctors prescribe chondroprotectors in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs, and independent experts compare their effect with the placebo effect.

For the treatment of severe cervical osteochondrosis, maintenance medications are useless because:

  • chondroitin sulfate restores the mineralization of joint fluid, but is not justifiably used to restore intervertebral discs where it is absent;
  • glycosaminoglycans and chondroitin have a high molecular weight and do not penetrate the joints in the form of ointments. For inflammation, their dosage should be tens of times higher than suggested;
  • a chondroprotector taken for pain and limited mobility does not bring relief.

It should be understood that it is impossible to treat neck osteochondrosis with cartilage-supporting drugs alone. It has been proven that there is no deficiency of chondroitin and glucosamine in the human body.

Substances can be prescribed simultaneously with anti-inflammatory therapy. In the early stages of degenerative changes, cracks and erosions appear in the vertebrae. Over time, they lead to the formation of a hernia.

Chondroitin sulfate and
glucosamines help stop early inflammation and prevent the development of the disease, but it must be taken for 3–6 months. After operations to remove intervertebral hernias, they must be drunk to stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue. The most popular drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis from the group of chondroprotectors: Dona, Teraflex, Structum.

Additional drugs

When choosing how to treat cervical osteochondrosis in a particular patient, an experienced doctor looks at the constitution of the body and asks about lifestyle, quality of sleep, and work characteristics. Therefore, he will recommend the use of sedatives and antidepressants if he sees a tendency towards hypochondria, characteristic posture or complaints of depression and chronic fatigue. Pain syndrome in the cervical spine often depresses a person, which slows down the recovery process by adding psychosomatic dysfunctions.

If there are disorders at the level of the brain, you will need to take vasodilators that will relieve spasm small muscles and improve blood flow in the vertebral arteries. Sometimes anticonvulsants are prescribed. It involves complicated cervical osteochondrosis, treatment of concomitant diseases associated with dizziness, hypertension, tachycardia, which is part of the vegetative-vascular dystonia complex and is the result of compression of the nerve roots.

Effects of drugs and muscle spasms

Any drug therapy does not cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but only removes the complaints with which the person himself comes. The main emphasis is mistakenly placed on getting rid of the pain that prevents the patient from living.

Painkiller medicine for cervical osteochondrosis act temporarily, but the cause of the pathology does not go away. There is a hypothesis of muscle spasms that provoke a violation of the position and function of the vertebrae. However, muscle relaxants, used to relax muscles by increasing blood flow and stabilizing cell membranes, still provide a temporary effect. It is believed that it is osteoarthritis that gives rise to a tendency to spasm, since the attachment of muscles to the vertebrae is disrupted. On the other hand, the biomechanics of the body changes if one of the muscles relaxes and the other contracts compensatoryly. Therefore, muscle relaxants and massages give a temporary effect. When a vertebra is well stabilized, it receives sufficient blood supply and is encouraged to move.

The cause of muscle weakening can be prolonged static loads, incorrect posture and muscle imbalances, lack of vitamins and microelements. Neck problems are closely related to breathing, since many spasmodic muscles (scalenus, sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor) are auxiliary during inhalation. Rejecting the drug approach, many patients cope with the disease with the help of breathing practices and yoga.

Medicines for cervical osteochondrosis are the first step to restore full movement. To maintain the result, therapeutic massage and individual gymnastics are necessary.

Bardukova Elena Anatolievna
neurologist, homeopath, work experience 23 years
✔ Article checked by a doctor

Famous Japanese rheumatologist:“THIS IS MONSTERAL! Russian methods of treating joints and spine cause only bewilderment. See what doctors offer to treat your back and joints in Russia: Voltaren, Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Milgamma, Dexalgin and other similar drugs. However, these drugs DO NOT TREAT JOINTS and BACK, they only relieve the symptoms of the disease - pain, inflammation, swelling. Now imagine that...”

Read the full interview" The article contains the most effective methods

treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis is the most common and dangerous disease of the cervical spine. It is no secret that it appears in 80% of the world's population.

To effectively cope with the symptoms of the disease and eliminate acute pain, an integrated approach to treatment is necessary. It includes drug treatment: ointments, injections, tablets. Also, do not forget about taking vitamins, using manual therapy and therapeutic massage.

Let's consider the goals of treatment and all types of medications to combat cervical osteochondrosis (tablets, injections, ointments, patches).

I promise it will be interesting! Importance of treatment AN INCREDIBLE STORY THAT WILL SHOCK MANY:“My name is Olga, I’m 38 years old. My lower back hurt very badly. I came to the hospital and they did an MRI and said: “You have hernia and osteochondrosis 4 degrees. Get ready for operations, which then became chronic, aching, and then a lumbar hernia formed! She made it difficult to sleep and walk. I refused the operation because I was afraid of the anesthesia: I might fall asleep and never wake up again. I also have heart problems. As a result, they prescribed me a bunch of useless medications, and when I returned, the doctors simply shrugged their shoulders, saying, what do you want, you have to do an operation... A couple of months ago, on the Internet, I came across an article that literally saved me. I regained my health and the pain went away! I am so grateful to fate, to the incident that brought me to this article! Finally my spine is healthy, all thanks to this article! Anyone who has PAIN IN THE BACK AND JOINTS - read NECESSARILY ! Now there is NO PAIN, I sleep normally, walk and work in the country.” Read more"

Medicines mainly serve the following purposes: restoration of soft tissues, improvement of blood supply and easing attacks of pain.

Accelerates tissue regeneration and prolongs the analgesic effect

Vitamins B1, B6, A, C. Often, taking these vitamins complements basic drug treatment. also improves the condition nerve cells, metabolism, reduce the load on the spinal cord. These drugs are used as antioxidants.

B vitamins help prevent exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Stages of drug treatment

DOCTOR'S OPINION! “I have been working as an orthopedist for many years. During this time I had to deal with various diseases of the back and joints. He recommended only the best drugs to his patients, but still the result of one of them surpassed himself. It is absolutely safe, easy to use, and most importantly, it acts on the cause. As a result of regular use of the product, the pain goes away in a few minutes, and within 7 days the disease disappears altogether. An excellent tool for quick and stable results...” Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, orthopedic doctor. Find out more"

The first stage of treatment therapy is aimed at:

  • elimination of pain and inflammation;
  • restoration of normal blood supply to tissues, improvement of metabolic processes;
  • regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • performing exercise therapy and physical therapy to consolidate the result and prevent the destruction of intervertebral discs.

Cervical osteochondrosis of 1st and 2nd degrees is treated with the help of drug therapy.

Japanese rheumatologist: “Do you have a sore Back and Joints? A new safe treatment method at home!” Good article, must read"

Some medications have various side effects, so it is prohibited to carry out treatment without the supervision of the attending physician and without taking into account contraindications.

Treatment during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis

Stories from site readers:“My wife has long suffered from acute pain in her joints and back. Over the past 2 years, pain has always been present. Previously, I could not imagine that a person could scream like that in pain. It was terrible, especially in the middle of the night, when blood-curdling screams were heard in complete silence. According to her, it was like dogs chewing her legs and back. And there was nothing to help her, I just held her hand and reassured her. She injected herself with painkillers and fell asleep, and after a while everything happened again... In the morning, when she woke up, she cried more often. The smile completely disappeared from my face, the sun left our house forever. She also had difficulty moving - her knee joints and sacrum made it possible to even turn around. The first night after using this new remedy was the first time without screaming. And in the morning a cheerful woman came up to me and said with a smile: “But there’s no pain!” And for the first time in these 2 years I saw my beloved wife happy and smiling. She flutters around the house like a swallow, the rays of life play in her eyes.” Read more"

Drug treatment at this stage is very important, since arteries and blood vessels supplying the brain pass through the cervical region.

During the acute period of the disease, it is very important to relieve pain. If it is strong, then injections are used, and later, after eliminating acute pain, tablets and ointments and other local remedies are used.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle spasm is a protective reaction of muscles when an inflammatory process occurs. Muscle relaxants effectively reduce tension in the neck muscles, which leads to reduced pain. Treatment with muscle relaxants lasts 2-4 weeks.

Paravertebral blockade

This method is mainly used for lumbar osteochondrosis. The anesthetic blockade includes Novocaine or Lidocaine. The effect of the injection lasts up to 3 days.

To eliminate swelling, a combination of novocaine and hydrocortisone is also used. This injection works quickly. And the analgesic effect lasts for a long time. If Novocain and Diprospan are administered together, the beneficial effect will last longer. This drug treatment consists of 5-7 injections, which are given every other day.

Only a qualified specialist should perform a drug blockade!

Depending on the method of administration of drug blockades, there are:

  • muscular;
  • subcutaneous;
  • intradermal;
  • radicular (injection and nerve are injected);
  • perineural (injection next to the nerve);
  • articular (placed in the area between the vertebrae);
  • epidural (injection into the spinal cord).

It is important that therapeutic therapy be combined with non-drug treatment methods that the vertebrologist will prescribe for you.


This is a very convenient form of treatment for the disease, which has few contraindications and side effects. List of the best patches for neck chondrosis:

Versatis. These patches contain lidocaine. The product will help cope with exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Doesn't relieve inflammation. Do not use for more than 7 days in a row. The patch is valid for 12 hours, after which you need to take a break for the same amount of time and stick on a new product. Price - from 850 rub.

Voltaren. Contains diclofenac sodium, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used for no more than 14 days. The patch is valid for 24 hours. Many people note that the Voltaren patch does not adhere well to the skin. Price from 300 rub.

Interesting article in continuation:

Treatment beyond exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis

Stories from site readers: How I helped my mother heal her joints. My mother is 79; she has worked as a literature teacher all her life. When she first started having problems with her back and joints, she simply hid them from me so that I would not spend money on medicine. Mom tried to be treated only with decoctions of sunflower root, which, of course, did not help. And when the pain became unbearable, she borrowed money from a neighbor and bought painkillers at the pharmacy. When my neighbor told me about this, at first I was a little angry with my mother - I asked to leave work and immediately came to her by taxi. The next day, I made an appointment for my mother to see a rheumatologist at a paid clinic, despite her requests not to spend money. The doctor diagnosed him with arthritis and osteochondrosis. He prescribed treatment, but my mother immediately protested that it was too expensive. Then the doctor came to his senses and suggested an alternative option - home exercise and a herbal-based drug. This was cheaper than injections with chondroprotectors and did not even cause possible side effects. She began using the drug and doing physical therapy. When I visited her a couple of days later, I found her in the garden. She was tying up tomatoes, and apparently had already done a lot. She greeted me with a smile. I understood: the drug and physical exercise helped, the pain and swelling went away.” Read more"

Treatment carried out during the acute period of the disease does not remove the cause of the disease. Restorative treatment should be carried out after the acute symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis have been eliminated.

For example, the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are chronic and last quite a long time (for example, chest pain).


Let's look at what medications are taken outside of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis.

To slow down the destruction of spinal discs and to accelerate the restoration of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are used. The substances included in this type of preparation are part of animal cartilage or are made artificially. Therefore, the medicine gradually penetrates and accumulates in the body. The treatment regimen lasts from 2 to 6 months.

Chondroprotectors are available in the form of injections, ointments or tablets. Doctors recommend using the ointment for prevention. The ideal method of use is a course of 10-12 injections, followed by treatment with tablets. It is possible to administer drugs as an intravertebral blockade to effectively restore the structure of the intervertebral discs.

These may be the following drugs:

Medicines for the treatment of dizziness in osteochondrosis

With cervical osteochondrosis, a disruption of the blood supply to the brain occurs due to spasm of blood vessels and arteries. This leads to dizziness, fainting, ringing in the head, tinnitus, problems with skin sensitivity, headaches, darkening and double vision.

To improve the condition and relieve symptoms, it is necessary to take vasodilators. There are several types of medications that your doctor may prescribe for you.

Nootropic drugs

They have excellent vasodilating and relaxing properties. List of effective neuroprotectors for osteochondrosis.

Drugs to improve the condition of the vestibular apparatus

  • These remedies are aimed at eliminating dizziness, ringing and tinnitus, as well as restoring cells in the brain. Betaserk
  • . Tablets cost from 460 rubles. Vestibo
  • . Price from 160 rub. Glycine

. Cost from 50 rub.


These products improve blood circulation in tissues and protect blood vessels.


The drugs prevent stagnation in the blood and improve venous blood flow. This reduces pain and inflammation in the painful area, and improves tissue nutrition in the spine.

For dizziness, the doctor usually prescribes a special diet, in which spicy, fatty, salty foods, as well as alcoholic drinks, are prohibited.

To significantly increase the effectiveness of all treatment methods for cervical osteochondrosis, the body must receive sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals. Vitamins that are taken for illness:

B vitamins

These vitamins improve the functioning of the nervous system, reduce pain, and restore skin sensitivity. In addition, nausea and dizziness are eliminated. Vitamins can be taken in tablet form or administered intramuscularly.

Vitamin D

These vitamins must be taken in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Calcium, which is included in these vitamins, is the most important building material. At the same time, intervertebral discs, bone and cartilage tissue heal several times faster. These vitamins can be taken to prevent osteoporosis, which often occurs in older people.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed. Chewable tablets cost from RUR 325.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Vitamins A and E

These are strong antioxidants. When inflammation occurs in the human body, free radicals appear. They develop degenerative processes in tissues.

These vitamins significantly accelerate the removal of radicals from spinal tissues. Vitamins A and E contribute to the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue. Vitamins of this group must be taken together, since taken separately they are destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract and do not have time to enter the blood.

All vitamins are usually taken once every 3 months, alternating them to enhance effectiveness.

Shantz's neck collar

Stories from site readers:“I love working at my favorite dacha. Sometimes you work so hard that it’s impossible to straighten your back and pain appears in the lower back - no matter how much you cry. I don’t take painkillers because I have a bad stomach. A doctor I know advised me to pay attention to the newest product, which is specially produced only for the domestic foreign market. I ordered and applied it before bed. I felt a slight burning sensation, but then a warmth spread throughout my lower back. 2 days after using it, the wild pain in my back almost disappeared, and after another 2 weeks I forgot the feeling that your back was aching wildly. 4 (!) months have passed, and the result lasts, which means the product really works.” Read the article»

The Shants collar is designed to eliminate the symptoms of osteochondrosis. There are several types of collars, and only the attending physician should select the appropriate one.

It is a solid cushion that is fixed around the neck and prevents it from bending or turning to the side. In this way, peace is achieved around the inflamed area and the recovery process is faster.


If within 6-8 months drug treatment and other methods have not brought relief, then the neurosurgeon may prescribe surgery.

Exercise therapy (therapeutic physical education)

Therapeutic exercises are prescribed approximately a couple of weeks after the start of drug treatment. Exercises should be performed without sudden movements, smoothly, avoiding painful sensations or extraneous crunching. Therapeutic exercises are aimed at stretching the muscles of the neck and spinal column.

It is very useful to do swimming or yoga, it relaxes the muscles and reduces pain.

You can also try going to the kinesiotherapy center or to Bubnovsky’s clinic. According to patient reviews from forums, osteochondrosis is treated well in Israel.

Video: Effective gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis

Traditional medicine

In addition to modern treatment methods, you can use folk remedies for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. They are mainly based on medicinal herbs. You can also use clay, which is heated and applied to the painful area.

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis

This method also allows you to relieve the symptoms of osteochondrosis. It can be performed every day, except at the stage of exacerbation of the disease. Simple rules that should be observed:

This is a device that will perform a massage using the shiatsu technique at home. A pillow will help relieve stress and tension after a hard day at work. The rollers built into the device imitate the movements of a massage therapist and give an unforgettable experience.

How to give yourself a neck and shoulder massage?


  1. sit on a chair, place your left hand on your knee;
  2. fingers right hand run from the back of the head to the shoulder;
  3. do the same yourself using the edge of your palm;
  4. then make circular movements with your hand from the back of your head to your shoulder;
  5. lightly massage the tubercles behind the ears;
  6. repeat all movements using your right hand.
  7. Perform a massage for at least 15-20 minutes.

Video: self-massage of the neck

There is also cupping massage, which is used not only for osteochondrosis, but also for radiculitis, hernia and other diseases of the spine. This method of therapy perfectly accelerates the blood and restores the condition of the muscles. For cervical osteochondrosis, it is performed using cupping with smooth movements from the back of the head to the shoulder area, without affecting the vertebrae. This improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, metabolism, and helps relieve spasms and tension.

Applicators Kuznetsov and Lyapko

With their help, they influence biologically active points. With this method of treatment, metabolic processes in the body are improved, pain is reduced and microcirculation in tissues is normalized.

Good materials in addition:

Be sure to consult with a professional before you begin. home treatment cervical osteochondrosis.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

In addition to drug treatment, it is advisable to conduct a course of physiotherapy. Their benefits:

  • pain reduction;
  • increasing immunity;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

Physiotherapy methods can be prescribed both in complex therapy and separately. Only the attending physician should select the appropriate type of procedure due to possible complications and contraindications.

Manual therapy

In some cases, this is a very effective type of treatment. The duration of the course of manual therapy depends on various factors, such as the course of the disease.

After completion of the course of treatment, mobility of the cervico-brachial region is partially or completely restored. Inflammation and pain in nerve fibers are eliminated, and muscle tension is reduced. Contraindications:

If the patient has one of these contraindications, the manual therapy session is postponed until the relevant factors are eliminated.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

The most important rule is to adhere to healthy and active image life. In addition to this, there are other no less important rules prevention:

  1. do not allow heavy load on the spine;
  2. when playing sports, you should not make sudden movements of your neck and head, tilt it back less;
  3. the back of the chair should be rigid, and the back and neck should not strain during sedentary work;
  4. when working for long periods of time, get up and walk around the room once every two hours;
  5. get yourself orthopedic mattress and a pillow;
  6. arrange regular massage sessions;
  7. in the spring and autumn, take multivitamins;
  8. spend more time outdoors;
  9. eat more foods containing proteins and substances that synthesize the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs;
  10. If possible, eat less spicy, fatty and salty foods.

Doctors say that best treatment osteochondrosis – constant prevention of the disease.

How to properly treat cervical osteochondrosis: answers to questions

  1. How long is it allowed to use NSAIDs in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have various side effects that negatively affect the condition of the gastric mucosa. These medications can be taken for a maximum of two weeks.
  2. When should surgery be performed to treat cervical osteochondrosis? A direct indication for surgery is the ineffectiveness of medications and other types of treatment for 8-12 months. It all depends on the severity of the disease.
  3. Is there any benefit to the use of chondroprotectors in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis? Chondroprotectors can be included in the combined treatment of osteochondrosis. The effectiveness of these tools has not yet been proven, although there is still debate in scientific circles about their pointlessness.
  4. What is the best way to take vitamins – in the form of injections or tablets? There is no significant difference. In addition, vitamin injections can cause pain.
  5. What should be done first in case of exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis? Make an appointment with a doctor, ensure peace and reduce physical stress on the spine.

Real patient reviews

Anna, 35 years old

I went to the doctor because the first signs of cervical osteochondrosis appeared - acute pain in the neck, dizziness, etc. The doctor prescribed injections of Milgamma and Mexidol. In addition to this, I went for acupuncture and massage sessions. My health has noticeably improved.

Christina, 29 years old

I decided not to see a doctor, but to treat it myself. I used Chondroxide ointment, went for a massage to a very good specialist, and spent a lot of time in the pool - floating on my back. I very rarely wear a cervical collar and a supporting corset for the spine, only during exacerbations. It relieves the symptoms of the disease as if by hand!

Maria, 55 years old

I have had cervical osteochondrosis all my life. From time to time I go to the chiropractor. But the main thing is that you need to do gymnastics on the collar area every day. This is how I live – the symptoms of the disease rarely bother me.

Svetlana, 47 years old

My regimen for drug treatment of osteochondrosis during exacerbation:

  1. I have been taking Movalis injections for three days. In addition to them, I take Mydocalm, Combilipen, Elbona and Normoven.
  2. For ointments I use Voltaren gel.
  3. I am taking a course of Actovegin to improve blood microcirculation.
  4. During a calm period of illness, I go for a swim in the pool and do a massage with Horsepower.

This treatment method works well for me.

Mikhail, 45 years old

I have a medical education, and I want to break everything down for you regarding the treatment of osteochondrosis. Firstly, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, pills and novocaine blockades are only a temporary measure. Manual therapy gives a slightly better effect.

The most important thing is to start doing physical therapy after eliminating the pain and symptoms of osteochondrosis. If you choose the right exercises, the improvement can be permanent. For example, when swimming, inflammatory processes may increase. Exercises associated with painful techniques can cause an even greater exacerbation of the disease.

Video: health complex exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis

When cervical osteochondrosis appears and worsens, the most important thing is drug treatment. This disease can be treated very quickly only at an early stage.

Remember - self-treatment without competent advice can lead to serious complications. Be healthy!

Conclusions and Conclusions

What are our Russian doctors keeping silent about? Why in 90% of cases does drug treatment give only a temporary effect?

Unfortunately, most of the remedies “treating” back and joint diseases that are advertised on TV and sold in pharmacies are completely divorce.

At first it may seem that creams and ointments help, BUT in fact they only TEMPORARILY relieve the symptoms of the disease.

In simple words, you buy a regular painkiller, and the disease continues to develop into more severe stage. Ordinary pain can be a symptom of more serious diseases:

  • degeneration of muscle tissue in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs;
  • pinched sciatic nerve;
  • development of arthritis, arthrosis and related diseases;
  • acute and sharp pain - lumbago, which leads to chronic radiculitis;
  • cauda equina syndrome, which leads to paralysis of the legs;
  • impotence and infertility.

How to be?- you ask. We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested in practice most of the remedies for the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. So, it turned out that the only thing new remedy, which does not remove symptoms, but truly cures - this is a medicine that is not sold in pharmacies and is not advertised on TV! So that you don’t think that they are selling you another “miracle drug,” we will not tell you what an effective drug it is. If you are interested, you can read all the information about it yourself. Here is the link" .

List of used literature

  1. Evgeny Cherepanov "Healthy Spine School", 2012;
  2. Alexey Ivanchev "Spine. Secrets of Health", 2014;
  3. Victoria Karpukhina "Spinal health. Popov, Bubnovsky systems and other treatment methods", 2014;
  4. Yuri Glavchev “The spine is the provocateur of all diseases”, 2014;
  5. Stephen Ripple "Life without back pain. How to heal the spine and improve overall well-being", 2013;
  6. Galli, R.L., Speight, D.W., Simon, R.R. "Emergency orthopedics. Spine.", 1995