Maraschino liqueur is a clear alcoholic drink with a bright almond flavor. Its strength varies from 24 to 32%. The product is made from small, sour Marasca cherries, which gave the drink its name. It is thanks to them that Maraschino acquires its unique taste - tart, cherry-almond, with unobtrusive notes of bitterness. Berries are also used to garnish cocktails.

Maraschino is a constant inhabitant of all bars and a favorite drink of bartenders all over the world. It has gained such wide popularity due to its ability to give cocktails an invigorating, original sound and a refreshing cherry aroma. The huge advantage of liqueur is that it gives alcoholic mixes an extraordinary taste, and, being colorless, does not affect their appearance.

Production stages

Marasca cherries differ from other berries in that they have virtually no pulp - only a thick skin covering the pit. That is why the fruits are crushed together with the seeds, which give the liqueur a characteristic bitter taste.

The technology for creating Maraschino is reminiscent of the cognac production process. The pressed berry cake is infused with distillate obtained from cherry pits for several months. Then the drink is distilled, after which it is sweetened with sugar syrup, filtered and pumped into glass or light wood containers. This is where it matures, which lasts from 3 years or longer.

Maraschino differs from other liqueurs in that during production it is not mixed with fruit extracts and juices.

Historical path

The liqueur recipe goes back hundreds of years. The first manual for its manufacture appeared at the beginning of the 16th century in the city of Zadar, which at that time was part of the Venetian Republic (now part of Croatia). The first bottle of cherry drink appeared within the walls of a Dominican monastery. The wonderful nectar was given a name - Rosolio, which translated from Italian means “sun and dew”.

Two centuries later (1759), the drink was put into industrial production by Francesco Drioli and became known as Maraschino. The liqueur became widely known in the 18th century, when European monarchs noticed it.

The zenith of its fame comes in 1829, when the Italian Girolamo Luxardo acquires a production license. The Luxardo company begins to produce cherry liqueur using improved technology and deserves worldwide recognition. After World War II, the company moved to sunny Italy and opened a plant near Padua, which today produces a liqueur called Luxardo Maraschino.

The city of Zadar has not forgotten about its legendary creation. The production of liqueur was taken over by the Maraska company, which produces a cherry drink under the Original Maraschino from Zadar brand.

The Drioli company, based in northern Italy, not far from Venice, is not far behind them. They have been producing liqueur since the 70s of the 20th century under the name Drioli Maraschino.

Today, the production of the legendary drink is represented by such brands as Luxardo, De Kuyper, Drioli, Bols, Zadarski Marascino. Each of these companies prepares liqueur according to its own recipe and technology, so the taste of their products may vary. Only two criteria remain unchanged - almond bitterness and cherry aroma, which have become the hallmark of the famous drink.

Favorite of monarchs

According to historians, Maraschino liqueur managed to win the attention of many European rulers. Napoleon Bonaparte loved to savor it after a hearty lunch or dinner. French monarchs and Russian tsars, including Nikolai Pavlovich, also feasted on it. Maraschino was the favorite drink of George V (Prince of Wales), who, according to the English royal chronicle, having tasted the liqueur at the Zadar distillery, became a devoted fan.

How to drink

Maraschino liqueur is included in more than twenty cocktails, giving them a special flavor. They also drink it neat with ice - in special liqueur glasses with a long stem.

The drink is also used in cooking - it is poured over desserts and pastries, fruit salads and ice cream are seasoned with it. Food supplemented with liquor acquires a special piquant taste and exquisite aroma.


Let's look at the recipes for the 3 most famous alcoholic mixes that feature Maraschino liqueur.


You will need:

  • gin – 35 g;
  • Maraschino – 10 g;
  • lemon juice – 25 g;
  • sugar syrup– 10 g;
  • crushed ice.

Shake the ingredients vigorously in a shaker, pour the cocktail into a liqueur glass and garnish with a slice of lemon or a spiral of zest.

The popular Maraschino liqueur (aka Maraschino or Maraschino) is a colorless drink with an almond-shaped bitterness in taste. It is made from the bitter (cocktail) maraschino cherry, which grows in the Balkans.

Actually, the very name of the mentioned cherry goes back to the Latin word amarus - bitter. The appearance of the drink dates back to the 16th century and is associated with the monks of the Dominican order, who once settled in Dalmatia (the territory of modern Croatia).

History of the drink

The fall of the Venetian Republic had no effect on the popularity of the drink. Moreover. The house of Drioli had competitors from among the Zara countrymen of the maraschino pioneer: Girolamo Luxardo (1821) and Romano Vlahov (1861). An echo of the unprecedented popularity of liqueur in Europe at that time was the tradition of placing bottles of the drink in a special straw braid, which once protected glass containers during long-term transportation.

When Zadar became part of socialist Yugoslavia after the end of World War II, Maraschino producers emigrated to Italy. In the end, only the Luxardo enterprise survived, revived near Padua, in the town of Torrella. Perhaps the reason for this was the parallel establishment by the enterprising family of the production of sambuca of the same name.

Maraschino production

The alcoholic base for the liqueur is cherry brandy distilled from the unpretentious maraschino pulp. The mentioned distillate is infused for a couple of months on the pressed pits of the same maraschino cherry, and then aged for three years in ash barrels. The latter circumstance gives the drink some softness, while maintaining its original transparency, due to the low tannin content in ash wood. At the final stage, Maraschino is refined with a bit of sugar syrup (adding any fruit juices or essences to the liqueur is traditionally prohibited).

Leading producers of Maraschino liqueur

In addition to the notorious house of Luxardo, which accounts for more than 4/5 of all Maraschino produced in the world, the drink known as Maraska Maraschino is also produced in Croatia. The strength of both varieties of liqueur is 32 degrees. A less potent version of the drink, containing 25% alcohol, belongs to the Italian company Lazzaroni Maraschino.

Since the very name of Adriatic cherry has not become the object of copyright or geographical restrictions, any distiller living anywhere in the world has the right to produce it.

Eating Maraschino

The specific taste of the liqueur makes it virtually unsuitable for consumption in its pure form. However, it is precisely this feature, coupled with perfect transparency, that has made this drink one of the most favorite ingredients for a wide variety of cocktails. The latter include: (“Casino”, “The Last Word”, “Tango” and some others.



  1. Maraschino – 10 ml
  2. Dry London gin – 40 ml
  3. Lemon juice – 10 ml
  4. Orange bitter – 1 drop
  5. Cocktail cherry – 1 piece

Cooking method

  1. Shake all liquids in a shaker with ice.
  2. Place the cherries at the bottom of the container.

The last word


  1. Maraschino – 15 ml
  2. Dry London gin – 15 ml
  3. Green Chartreuse – 15 ml
  4. Lime juice – 15 ml

Cooking method

  1. Shake all components in a shaker with ice.



  1. Maraschino – 30 ml
  2. Vodka – 30 ml
  3. Dry white wine – 15 ml
  4. Blueberry juice – 75 ml
  5. Sugar – 5 g

Cooking method

  1. Chill the cocktail glass.
  2. Provide it with a sugar rim.
  3. Combine vodka, liqueur and juice in a mixing glass.
  4. Pour the contents of the glass into a glass with a rim.
  5. Add wine.

Abbey Martini


  1. Maraschino – 20 ml
  2. Dry London gin – 30 ml
  3. Dry white vermouth – 5 ml
  4. Orange juice – 15 ml
  5. Angostura – 3 drops
  6. Cocktail cherry – 1 piece

Cooking method

  1. Strain through a strainer into a glass.
  2. Decorate with cherries.



  1. Maraschino – 10 ml
  2. Dry London gin – 35 ml
  3. Lemon juice – 25 ml
  4. Simple sugar syrup – 10 ml
  5. Orange zest – 1 spiral

Cooking method

  1. Mix all liquids in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour through a strainer into a glass.
  3. Decorate with zest.



  1. Maraschino – 10 ml
  2. Ordinary cognac brandy – 40 ml
  3. Orange liqueur – 10 ml
  4. Orange bitter – 4 drops
  5. Pineapple juice – 15 ml
  6. Cocktail cherry – 1 piece

Cooking method

  1. Shake all liquids in a shaker with ice.
  2. Strain through a strainer into a glass.
  3. Decorate with cherries.

Brooklyn 2


  1. Maraschino – 2 dashes
  2. Canadian whiskey – 40 ml
  3. Dry white vermouth – 20 ml

Cooking method

  1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice.
  2. Pour through a strainer into a glass.



  1. Maraschino – 10 ml
  2. Dry London gin – 20 ml
  3. Apricot brandy – 10 ml

Cooking method

  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour through a strainer into a glass.



  1. Maraschino – 25 ml
  2. Golden rum – 60 ml
  3. Orange liqueur – 1 dash
  4. Grenadine syrup – 5 ml
  5. Cocktail cherry – 1 piece

Cooking method

  1. Shake all liquids in a shaker with ice.
  2. Strain through a strainer into a glass.
  3. Decorate with cherries.



  1. Maraschino – 10 ml
  2. Dubonnet – 40 ml
  3. Ordinary Armagnac – 10 ml
  4. Cocktail cherry – 1 piece

Cooking method

  1. Mix all liquids in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour through a strainer into a glass.
  3. Decorate with cherries.

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A great variety of liqueurs are produced in the world. Each of them differs from its counterparts in both recipe and taste. Maraschino liqueur, a delicate cherry drink with a light almond aroma, rightfully takes its place of honor among all. In addition, he has gained worldwide fame.

Maraschino liqueur. a brief description of

This liqueur is clear, tasty, sweetish with an alcohol content of 32%. It is made from crushed berries and maraschino cherry seeds, which gives it exactly that distinctive, much-loved almond flavor. According to a unique technology, real Maraschino must be aged (infused) for at least 3 years.

What is a maraschino cherry?

Also called marasca, it is a regional cherry species that grows mainly on the Dalmatian coast near Zadar. Nowadays the variety is also cultivated in the Balkans and northern Italy. The liqueur of the same name is made from such cherries. Initially, it was produced exclusively from this type of berry, but today other varieties are also used. In British parlance, cocktail cherries are called maraschino cherries.

During Tito's time, the Italians were expelled from these places, and cherries began to be grown in Northern Italy. Maraschino liqueur itself began to be produced there. However, it should be noted that it was also produced in Yugoslavia at the same time. Compared to certain other varieties, maraschino cherries have the smallest berries and a tart, bitter taste. This is where its name comes from (from the Italian amaro, from the Latin amarus - “bitter”).

A little history

Maraschino liqueur dates back to the 16th century, and the monks of the Zadar region began making it. Then she belonged to modern map of the world is Croatia. The production of Maraschino on an industrial scale started back in 1759 on the initiative of F. Drioli.

And in 1821, another plant for the production of the drink was founded, the owner of which was G. Luxardo. Cherry liqueur was so sought after and popular in the 18th century that it was brought to many royal tables in Europe. Today this brand produces products in Padua under the Luxardo Maraschino label.

Beverage production

Making Maraschino is more similar to making cognac than creating a classic liqueur. The raw material is filled with sweet syrup from sugar, and filtered after a long period of aging. At the very beginning of the process, maraschino cherries are crushed into a homogeneous mass along with the pit and poured into Finnish ash barrels. Maraschino should sit there for up to 3 years. Then the resulting liquor is filtered and bottled.

Several recipes

In the culinary traditions of many countries, cherry liqueur is quite actively used to make various desserts, ice cream and delicious salads fruit based.

In its purest form

Maraschino is drunk neat. It would be correct to use it together with cubed ice. The original and fresh taste of the drink will appeal to both the fairer sex and men. Maraschino has a unique aroma. Due to the fact that cherries and seeds are used in the production of the drink, Maraschino has a distinct almond flavor, which is a bit like another famous drink - Amaretto, which is made from almonds.

DIY Maraschino

Of course, in the current difficult economic conditions, not every average consumer has access to Maraschino liqueur: its price is quite high (in Russia, depending on the manufacturer, it ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles per liter). You can completely try to make the famous drink with your own hands, in the kitchen. Of course, it won’t be entirely correct, but it should certainly turn out delicious.

We take half a kilo of cherries, a bunch of cherry leaves, two liters of good vodka, a kilo of sugar, a liter of water. Leave the berries with the seeds and chop them. Prepare the syrup by adding water, leaves and sugar to the mixture (15 minutes over low heat). Strain, add vodka and a pinch citric acid(or juice of one lemon). We insist in a dark place. In principle, in a few days the cherries will be ready. But it’s better to let it sit for 2-3 months. Then we filter it again and bottle it. That's all, now you can taste it!

Italian Maraschino

Maraschino or Maraschino (Italian: Maraschino) is a clear dry liqueur with a strength of 32% with a pronounced almond flavor. Aged for at least 3 years.

Maraschino is a type of dwarf bush cherry. Found along the Adriatic coast. Its varietal feature is that the fruits have practically no pulp - only a skin that covers the seed. In addition to the alcoholic beverage industry, it is used for flavoring confectionery products (cherry and bitter almond aroma).

During the manufacturing process, the fruits are crushed together with the seeds, which gives the drink a characteristic bitter almond taste. The technology for preparing Maraschino is similar to cognac. After distillation, it is sweetened with sugar syrup and carefully filtered. Another technological feature that sets it apart from other types of liqueurs is that it is not used in production. fruit juice or extract.


It is not known exactly when the first bottle of Maraschino was prepared. Industrial production was launched almost 200 years ago - back in 1821 in the Croatian city of Zadar. After 8 years, the owner of the plant, Girolamo Luxardo, received a monopoly on the production of this drink, which soon gained wide popularity throughout Europe.

After World War II, the Luxardo family ended up in Italy, where a new distillery was built. However, Maraschino production has been restored in Croatia itself. Currently, it is produced by two manufacturers: Italian - under the brand “Luxardo Maraschino” and Croatian “Original Maraschino from Zadar”.

At the same time, preparing a delicious one will be just as easy. You will find a simple recipe for making it at the link provided.

How to drink correctly: cocktails with Maraschino

Thanks to its refreshing, pleasant taste, it is included in many popular cocktails. In addition, the variety of cherries used for it are also used as “cocktail” cherries, garnishing mixed drinks, ice cream and various dessert dishes.


  • 35 ml gin
  • 25 ml lemon juice
  • 10 ml Maraschino
  • 10 ml sugar syrup
  • crushed ice

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a shaker. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass and garnish with a spiral of zest.

LiquorMaraschino(Maraschino) is a delicate cherry liqueur with a light almond aroma.

This liqueur is a transparent (see photo) sweet alcoholic drink with a strength of 32%. It is made from the berries and seeds of maraschino cherries, which give it an almond flavor.

According to the original technology, Maraschino liqueur must be aged for at least 3 years.

The history of Maraschino begins in the 16th century, when the monks of the city of Zadar began to produce it. At that time the city belonged to the Venetian Republic, but today it is Croatia. Industrial production Maraschino liqueur began in 1759 thanks to Francesco Drioli.

In 1821, another liqueur production plant was opened, owned by Girolamo Luxardo. Maraschino was so popular in the 18th century that it was supplied to many monarchs. Today the drink is produced near Padua under the name “Luxardo Maraschino”.

Production Features

The production of Maraschino is more similar to the production of cognac than a traditional liqueur. Sugar syrup is added to the drink, and after aging it is filtered.

To begin with, Maraschino cherries are crushed until smooth and placed in Finnish ash barrels. The liqueur is infused in such barrels for 2-3 years. It is then filtered and then bottled.

Use in cooking

In cooking, maraschino liqueur is used to make desserts, ice cream, and fruit salads.

For example, you can prepare a delicious dessert - creamy ice cream with Maraschino. To do this, you need to take 8 yolks, 1.5 cups of sugar, a vanilla stick and 1.5 bottles of milk. The entire mixture should be heated over low heat. When it begins to thicken, the future ice cream should be strained through a sieve, add a few tablespoons of maraschino and pour into molds. Next, the ice cream is placed in the freezer and served with fruit.

You can also cook cocktail "Champagne cobbler". To prepare this drink you will need 20 ml of maraschino, 20 ml of curacao liqueur, lemon juice, half a peach, champagne. In a cocktail glass, mix liqueurs with lemon juice, fill the glass a third with ice, add chopped peach, grapes, cherries, pour in champagne.

You can also cook cocktail based on maraschino and Cuban rum. To do this, you need to mix 5 parts rum, 1 part maraschino, 4 drops of orange bitters and the zest of 1 orange. The cocktail is served chilled.

How to drink correctly?

Maraschino liqueur is consumed in its pure form. It is correct to drink it with ice. Maraschino is also often included in cocktails.

The refreshing taste of the drink will appeal to both women and men.

The liqueur has an original taste. Due to the fact that cherries are used together with the stone in the production of the drink, Maraschino liqueur has a pleasant almond flavor, which is slightly reminiscent of another famous drink - Amaretto liqueur, which is made directly from almonds.

How to cook at home?

Maraschino liqueur can also be prepared at home.

For this we need 300-400 g of cherries, a half-liter jar of cherry leaves, 2 liters of vodka, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water. For starters, berries, but berries with seeds will give homemade liqueur a resemblance to real maraschino. In this case, you need to be careful, because Cherry pits contain a toxic substance.

Then you need to prepare sugar syrup. To do this, cherry pulp and leaves are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled. After boiling, leave the mixture on low heat for another 15 minutes. The cherry mass is filtered through a sieve, 1 kg of sugar is poured into it, and brought to a boil again. Pour 2 liters of vodka and 0.5 liters of citric acid solution into the cooled syrup. Next, the liqueur is infused for 2-3 days, after which it can be consumed.

Keep in mind that homemade Maraschino liqueur will be a little cloudy. In order for it to become transparent, it must be left for a month.

Harm of Maraschino liqueur and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance, as well as with excessive consumption.