On the love front in 2016, complete unpredictability of behavior is expected. Many of us will begin affairs that we would previously have only agreed to as a joke or in extremely difficult circumstances. The number of relationships based not on feelings, but on calculation or the desire to shock others will increase. With the help of love, financial issues will be resolved, and it will also become a way of influence and manipulation.

In addition, our choice of amorous partners will largely depend on momentary desires and on our mood, and even those who previously flirted extremely rarely and ineptly will discover coquetry and playfulness in themselves. Flirting will become the norm of behavior, and in this way we will begin to communicate with those with whom, in general, we do not intend to build relationships. Those who touch our heart will be seriously attacked by us, and they will have no chance to remain indifferent.

However, at the same time, only those who have high feelings, with whom there is something to talk about, who are constantly engaged in self-improvement, and do not spend free time over computer toys and meaningless conversations “over a glass of tea.” And we ourselves will begin to charm representatives of the opposite sex not only with beautiful eyes, but also with wisdom, erudition, and intelligence. “Braininess is now sexy” - this quote from the famous TV series will become the motto of the coming year and will largely determine the relationship between the sexes.

In already established couples, the number of infidelities will increase, but they will be so scrupulously thought out and arranged that it will be very difficult to “catch the hand” or at least suspect a partner of infidelity. By the way, surprisingly, such carefully hidden trips to the left will not only not destroy relationships, but will also strengthen them, since those who decide on adultery will initially begin to view adultery exclusively as fleeting entertainment, and that is why they will try to make sure that the official the other half didn’t guess anything. In addition, by “trying” someone else, many will once again become convinced that there is already someone next to them who makes them happier.

But if your relationship with your loved one has already cracked, then you will be completely disappointed in him and will not want to continue the relationship, but will go in search of a new love partner. Obviously, you suddenly realize that life is short, and therefore it is not worth wasting time on someone with whom you do not have complete mutual understanding, and that it is useless to try to maintain a relationship that is no longer satisfactory.

Nevertheless, in general, we are in for a rather passionate year, with new love and sexual experiments, with extravagant actions for the sake of real and potential partners, with heated quarrels that quickly flow into heated reconciliations. And even if you don’t find someone with whom you can “live happily and die on the same day,” you will get unforgettable amorous impressions from short but very passionate romances.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

If you are already married, then in general a prosperous year awaits you and your significant other, filled with a variety of pleasant impressions. Most likely, you will find some new activity that will become another connecting link between you and the one you care about. True, it is possible that at some point you will become inflamed with passion for another person, but this will not last long and will not lead to anything.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Free Taurus in 2016 will most likely be committed to relationships of convenience. There is a high probability that you will purposefully look for someone who will satisfy your material or housing needs. True, it is not a fact that your search will be successful. And although an affair with someone who seems to be useful to you is not excluded, the result will be that this person is not ready to share his resources with you or is waiting for financial help from you.

If you are already married, then some habits of your significant other will begin to irritate you. Perhaps you will be unpleasant about the vanity of your spouse or his (her) desire for some new impressions. However, if you yourself become interested in some hobby, then you are unlikely to have time to criticize your husband (wife), and this will help preserve the union and make it more interesting. So a short break from your family for the sake of self-realization will serve you well.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

In 2016, free Geminis will experience numerous, but, alas, unproductive romances. Most likely, you will actively search for your soul mate, but you will only find adventures on your own. There is a high probability that each time you will initiate a quick rapprochement with another potential partner, but after the first disappointment you will prefer to break off the connection, which in turn will lead to the fact that you will collect a “collection” of angry and offended representatives of the opposite sex. Be careful and try not to play with other people's feelings.

If you are already married, then the family union will undergo several tests. The relationship with your spouse can be negatively affected by financial difficulties, your outright manipulation of this person, as well as your reluctance to take into account any objective factors. And if you and your significant other cannot cope with all this, then divorce is not far away.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Free Cancers in 2016 may unexpectedly remember their old love. Chances are good that you will either start looking for a meeting with this person, or fall in love with someone who is very similar to him. However, the affair will happen and will last only if you yourself are ready to change to please your love partner. If you begin to demonstrate exclusively those qualities that are now the most striking features of your character, you will quickly scare this individual away from you.

If you are already married, then the coming year may become a turning point in family relationships, and to a greater extent due to the past. If everything was wonderful in 2015, then 2016 will be calm and prosperous, moreover, something will appear that will significantly strengthen the connection. But if there are already some grievances and serious disagreements, then the marriage will be in danger of collapse.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

In 2016, the stars promise free Leos a wide “range” of candidates for the role of a love partner. Most likely, several people will seek your attention, and you will obviously decide to “test” each of them. Chances are good that you will date them either one at a time, or two or three at a time, choosing the one who you think is worthy of taking a place in your heart. And it is possible that as a result you will settle on someone with whom you will feel calm and comfortable.

If you are already married, you will often create full-scale scandals for your other half, but not in order to quarrel and express your dissatisfaction, but in order to shake up your loved one and diversify your family life. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with shock therapy; it’s better to start looking for new forms of intimacy - passion will turn out to be a more effective way to make relationships less monotonous.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Free Virgos in 2016 will most likely set themselves the task of urgently finding someone who will change their social status. However, because your intentions are too obvious, you are unlikely to achieve this goal. So, if you don’t want to spend this period alone, then don’t chase profit, or at least don’t advertise it when you meet and at the beginning of a relationship. Let them get used to you and only then make your demands.

If you are already married, then you will probably intrigue in order to get something from your spouse that suddenly seems extremely important and necessary to you. It is possible that you will even try to quarrel with your significant other and his relatives so that they do not interfere and cannot interfere with you. However, remember that no action goes unpunished. In addition, if you do not get what you want from your husband (wife), then perhaps you will leave him (her) without a twinge of conscience, and he (she) will simply need the support of your relatives.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In 2016, the stars promise two diverse novels for free Libra. And if the first one is aimed at improving the quality of life, that is, it happens only because of your desire to receive material benefits, then the second one can become fateful and bring you true love and a change in personal status. The main thing is, try not to get stuck in the first one, preferring a comfortable existence with someone who will treat you like a purchased thing, and not to miss out on the one who is destined for you by Fate, although he is not a very wealthy person.

If you are already married, then your family life will become not only more prosperous, but also as interesting as possible. Most likely, some joint adventures await you and your significant other that will significantly diversify your relationship and strengthen it. In addition, you may have an ineradicable desire to have offspring, and you will actively work in this direction.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

In 2016, free Scorpios will have the opportunity to show all their abilities for love intricacies. There is a high probability that, in order to organize your personal life, you will start a full-scale intrigue aimed at winning the person you like away from his other (and possibly legal) half. Moreover, it is possible that as a result, you will be handed the individual you want on a silver platter, that is, you will not only be able to get and tame him, but also maintain normal relations with the one from whom you take him away.

If you are already married, then some family disagreements will remain a thing of the past, and this will happen due to the fact that you suddenly realize: the demands that you made on your spouse are irrational, and you are in able to turn his (her) shortcomings into quite obvious advantages. In addition, a revaluation of values ​​in the intimate sphere is likely.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In 2016, the stars promise free Sagittarius a dizzying romance. There is a high probability that you will find your true soulmate, and if you can keep this person next to you (or rather, yourself next to him), then you will live a long and long life with him. happy life. So remember: no good comes from good, and do not try to quickly break off a relationship, even if you are not initially happy with something or if the adjustment takes longer than the period during which you are usually willing to put up with it. Think of it as a winner-take-all game.

If you are already married, then thanks to you your relationship with your spouse will move to another level, and this will be the beginning of a long prosperous period. True, for this you will have to realize how dear this person is to you, and it is possible that

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 by date of birth

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 by date of birth, horoscope for 2016 by zodiac sign and year of birth, astrological forecast for free, online, without SMS and without registration

Astrological forecast (horoscope) by date of birth for 2016 for you if you were born on the dates listed below in any year.

You can read the astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 by date of birth for free, without SMS and without registration. In this horoscope for 2016, according to zodiac signs and year of birth, I use the transits of the planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) and the Lunar Nodes to the Sun. This astrological forecast (horoscope) is compiled for those people who will have the most important transits (conjunctions, squares and oppositions) of the listed planets to the Sun in their natal chart in 2016. Harmonious aspects, but less significant - trines and sextiles are described in horoscopes for each zodiac sign separately.

Passing aspects to the Sun, Uranus gives the need for change and freedom, Neptune instills uncertainty and calls not to become attached to material things, Pluto deeply transforms the personality, Saturn requires humility and responsibility, Jupiter provides favorable chances and gives expansion of opportunities, and the North Node directs to its purpose.

And if in the astrological forecast for 2016 you found your birth number, then what is described in the forecast will be relevant specifically for you. It is not necessary that all the events described in astrological forecasts will happen in your life in 2016. There may be 1-2 events from the listed ones, and for some people the changes will be noticeable mainly only on psychological level.

Also presented here general horoscope- author's astrological forecast for 2016 for all zodiac signs, which includes a description of the movement of planets across the zodiac and aspects between planets in 2016 - this astrological forecast is for everyone.

If you were born on the following dates of any year, then this astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 by date of birth is for you: The last number is inclusive. All forecasts have an adjustment of plus or minus 1 day.

The last number is inclusive. All forecasts have an adjustment of plus or minus 1 day.

If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then you do not have significant transits to the Sun in 2016.

Please review the entire astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 to the end, because for those born on your date, there may be not one forecast, but several! Also, any forecast may continue for the next 2017.

1. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (Uranus Sun conjunction).

In 2016, you will have a prevailing tendency towards change; you may be in dire need of freedom. There will be a desire for a complete, “revolutionary” renewal. Circumstances will incline or force you to change, or you will have an internal need for change. You may feel tension if you do not want to change your life - you are afraid to make a choice, throw away old ways - outdated relationships, or a boring job, i.e. something that no longer brings you satisfaction.

The passage of Uranus across the Sun opens up channels of creativity that you may not have even suspected before. You can begin to perceive yourself in a completely new way. In 2016, you may develop an interest in non-traditional areas of knowledge, you may receive new important information, or you may make unusual, interesting acquaintances. Something may happen in 2016 that was not foreseen, not expected, not planned by you. If you are not afraid to take risks, then in 2016 you can easily overcome many years of internal restrictions.

If you had some kind of dissatisfaction in the past, something was holding back changes, then in 2016 circumstances will strongly push you to make a decision - either you decide to make changes yourself, or fate will still force you to accept them (through the actions of other people or certain circumstances).

2016 is a good time for your self-realization - allow yourself to be free, listen to yourself, throw away all the rules and generally accepted norms, choose new paths based on your inner needs and desires!

For those born from April 7 to April 11, this influence of Uranus was already relevant in 2015, and for those born from April 11 to April 15, this influence will continue in 2017.

2. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (square and opposition Uranus to the Sun).

The influence of Uranus square and opposition to the Sun is similar to the conjunction (i.e. 1.Astrological forecast), but there is more tension and resistance. In 2016, you will be characterized by a desire for freedom and change, but sometimes your behavior will be inadequate, unusual for you at other times. In 2016, you may develop an interest in non-traditional areas of knowledge, you may receive new important information, or you may make unusual, interesting acquaintances. Something may happen in 2016 that was not foreseen, not expected, not planned by you.

It is also likely that change may cause tension, you may hold on to things that are moving away from you, or you may want to run away from situations that are seen as disturbing or disturbing your peace, but the main lesson of Uranus is one of renewal and freedom. You need to let go of the old and new paths will appear in the future, and what is leaving you now will be perceived by you as liberation over time.

Is it possible that you have previously thought that it was time for you to change the direction of your life, but you never dared to do it? If you had some kind of dissatisfaction in the past, something was holding back changes, then in 2016 circumstances will strongly push you to make a decision - either you decide to make changes yourself, or fate will still force you to accept them (through the actions of other people or certain circumstances).

The changes of 2016 may be difficult or painful for you if Uranus is in an unfavorable position in your natal chart or if there are other stressful influences along with the transit of Uranus (which can only be determined individually).

This forecast
July 9 - 17
January 7 - 15
October 10 - 18

3. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (Pluto Sun conjunction).

In 2016, you will undergo a radical revision of your “I”, a reassessment of your own personality. In a positive sense, the passage of Pluto across the Sun charges you with powerful energy potential; you can perform actions that previously seemed unthinkable to you. You will be able to handle large-scale projects; your importance and popularity may increase, especially if you are a socially active person. In 2016, you will be able to strengthen your will, realize your spiritual strength and successfully engage in self-realization. But you should not cling to the past; you need to discard everything that limits you and interferes with your movement forward. In 2016, you will have a chance to express yourself, take power into your own hands, do a lot of work and get a result that you could not even count on. In general, you will gain more strength, and you will be able to move mountains. It is also likely that your financial situation will improve, or that you will start a business that will bring profit in the future. In a negative sense, this influence of Pluto in 2016 can be dangerous for you due to overexertion. There may also be situations in which you will have to give up something or someone in order to move forward. In 2016, beware of obsession with any ideas or feelings; you need to make an effort, but do not let it become the only meaning of life. For those who are not part of the team, there will be mainly profound changes on a psychological level, the significance of which you will most likely be able to understand years later. Under the influence of the events of 2016, in the future you will reevaluate and change your usual psychological stereotypes. In 2016, it is good for you to engage in self-analysis, various spiritual practices that help you free yourself from fears and develop confidence, or consult a psychologist. The changes of 2016 may be difficult or painful for you if Pluto occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or there are other stressful influences along with the Pluto transit (which can only be determined individually).

4. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (square and opposition Pluto Sun).

Pluto transits are usually associated with the destruction of the old. In 2016, you will most likely have to abandon your established way of life - you may change your job, place of residence, partner, someone or something will leave your life. Some of your usual psychological stereotypes will be destroyed. In 2016, you will be faced with the need to finish old chapters of life that you have already outgrown. If you cling to the past, change can be painful. The changes of 2016 can be compared to surgery- it may hurt at first, but then it becomes easy; you need to remove the “outdated” or “unhealthy” in order to free up energy for a new life, a new experience. You will most likely be able to understand the significance of the changes in 2016 over time. Also in 2016, you may be involved in situations where you passionately desire to take possession of something or someone - to hold, subjugate, manipulate, dominate, take revenge, etc. at any cost. Beware of becoming obsessed with any ideas or feelings. In 2016, you may experience disappointment, which is the result of self-deception. Such disappointment serves the purpose of turning you face to your true desires and needs. If at some time in the past you betrayed your ideals, perhaps sacrificed something or acted in selfish interests, now you must “return to yourself.” The changes of 2016 may be difficult or painful for you if Pluto occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or there are other stressful influences along with the Pluto transit (which can only be determined individually).

For all those born on the dates below in any year:
April 5 - 7
October 8 - 11
July 7 - 9

5. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (Neptune Sun conjunction).

When Neptune transits the Sun, you may discover your creative potential, you will feel that something very important is happening, but you may find it difficult to convey it in words. This time is most favorable for creative people, inspiration will come to you, an increase in creative forces. You may have mystical visions, prophetic dreams, heightened intuition, or a need for spiritual development. In 2016, your talents may emerge or you may discover an interest in photography, music, painting, or some other type of creativity. Perhaps you will start studying an unusual subject, for example, take up meditation. Your mood will be romantic and there is a possibility of falling in love. There may also be trips to the sea and travel. In general, in 2016 something may happen in your life that will expand the boundaries of your Self.

In 2016, you can become kinder; life will awaken compassion and mercy in you. There are likely to be situations in which others will need your help and care. You may want to do charity work. There may be idealized falling in love, daydreaming, a romantic mood.

Although, due to your condition in 2016, which can be described as a “pleasant enveloping fog,” there is a possibility of deception or self-deception. There may also be some position uncertainty.

The lesson of fate in this case is that your Ego should dissolve; you should not become too attached to material things and relationships.

For those born on February 26, this influence of Neptune will be relevant only at the beginning of 2016, and for those born on March 2, this influence will continue in 2017.

6. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (square and opposition Neptune Sun).

In 2016, you may be involved in unclear situations; it will be difficult for you to predict in advance how your or someone else’s actions will turn out. In 2016, you will be characterized by confusion, uncertainty, a “suspended position” or a desire to escape from harsh reality into the world of illusions, especially if you are an anxious and emotionally unstable person. It may not be easy for you to understand what you want and what you should strive for. Serious difficulties with self-realization may arise. You will not be able to stick to your intended goal, something will go wrong and it will be difficult for you to correctly plan your actions.

Also in 2016, there is a possibility of situations in which you will be forced to sacrifice yourself, take care of someone, show compassion and forget about your needs for a while.

In 2016, almost all of your personal achievements will be impossible, i.e. in terms of the desire to get rich, to flaunt one’s “I”, to gain recognition or some kind of property - it may fail.

During the action of Neptune, negative changes occur very slowly and imperceptibly, so refrain from drinking alcohol, tobacco, psychedelics, or from situations that cloud you.

In 2016, there is a danger that you may find yourself in situations that at first glance seem romantic and alluring to you, and in the end, when the “rose-colored glasses” fall from your eyes, you will experience deep disappointment.

To soften, eliminate Negative influence you need to direct your energy into creativity, art, charity, service to other people, or spiritual development. Also, if possible, in 2016 you should avoid self-deception - try to look at yourself as if from the outside and not build “castles in the air.” The desire to remain ignorant, to maintain a sense of mystery in 2016 can be dangerous for you; strive to clarify situations as much as possible so as not to be deceived or disappointed in the end.

The lesson of fate in this case is that your personal desires should fade into the background and even in moments of uncertainty, you need to remain calm and turn to your Higher Self.

The changes of 2016 may be difficult or painful for you if Neptune is in an unfavorable position in your natal chart or if there are other stressful influences along with the Neptune transit (which can only be determined individually).

For all those born on the dates below in any year:
May 29 - June 2
November 30 - December 4
August 31 - September 4

For those born on May 29, November 30 and August 31, this influence of Neptune will be relevant only at the beginning of 2016. And for those born on June 2, December 4 and September 4, this influence will continue in 2017.

7. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (Saturn Sun conjunction).

The passage of Saturn across the Sun in 2016 will make you more serious, calling you to responsibility and self-discipline. It is possible that your mood will range from calm-detached to gloomy-pessimistic - it depends on how you react to the changes of 2016. There are likely to be situations in which you will have to limit yourself and make some sacrifices. But if in 2016 you voluntarily accept new responsibilities, give up laziness and self-indulgence, then in the future you will be able to strengthen your position, make it more stable and durable.

Saturn promises reliability and stability in material world people who are persistent, persistent and spiritually mature. You can realize yourself and achieve reliable success only through your own efforts. Saturn does not give anything for nothing, and if you want change for the better, then you will have to work hard.

Saturn is responsible for time, for our material physical world - and he is the most important teacher here on Earth. Saturn does not allow you to break away from reality and go into the world of illusions - if in 2016 you try to build “castles in the air” or let things take their course, then Saturn will harshly return you from Heaven to Earth. And in this case, his lessons will be difficult for you.

Saturn's main lesson for you in 2016 is the development of patience, humility and responsibility. You must understand that your life depends on your actions and actions, but within the framework that fate has determined for you. Those. You need to humbly accept what you cannot change and act when it depends on you.

In 2016, you should systematically begin to organize your own life, set yourself specific, realistically achievable goals and patiently move towards them. Saturn gives little to frivolous and irresponsible people, and it is also worth noting that the influence of Saturn transits is more favorable with age, and in youth its positive influence may go unnoticed.

The changes of 2016 may be difficult or painful for you if Saturn occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or there are other stressful influences along with the Saturn transit (which can only be determined individually).

For all those born on the dates below in any year:
December 1 - December 14

8. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (square and opposition Saturn Sun).

In 2016, you may encounter difficulties that will seem insurmountable to you. Circumstances or people can create serious obstacles for you. When Saturn makes intense aspects to the Sun, it may feel like your vitality at the limit, and the responsibilities are increasing. It is possible that in 2016 you will have to make some sacrifices, resign yourself, endure some unpleasant situation, and adapt.

One of the lessons of Saturn is to save and be content with little. And in 2016, situations may arise in which you will be forced to limit your desires and needs. You need to take your responsibilities more responsibly and seriously, even if they are too burdensome. Difficulties are likely for your father or husband. Health problems may arise (with skin, hair, teeth, musculoskeletal system), exacerbation chronic diseases, there is a danger of injury.

In 2016, your self-realization may be difficult, and obstacles may arise on the way to your goal. There is also a possibility of separation from loved ones. Don’t despair, don’t get depressed, you just need to survive this period and learn from the oppressive or limiting situation the lessons that Fate teaches you. Life requires you to abandon outdated forms of existence, so that you take responsibility for all your actions and deeds. You shouldn’t really count on the help of others. Only patience, humility and self-discipline will help you at this moment.

The changes of 2016 may be especially difficult or even painful for you if Saturn occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or if there are other stressful influences along with the Saturn transit (which can only be determined individually).

If Saturn is strong in the natal chart and does not have tense aspects, then in 2016 you may experience a decrease in immunity, or you will experience minor obstacles in business, fears, or slight disappointments.

And with a particularly favorable location of Saturn and your high spiritual development, in 2016, through difficulties, perseverance and patience, you will still be able to achieve success in self-realization, resolve problems that have arisen and even strengthen your position.

For all those born on the dates below in any year:
February 28 - March 12
September 2 - September 14
May 31 - June 12

9. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (Jupiter Sun conjunction).

The passage of Jupiter across the Sun in 2016 will give you optimism, luck and self-confidence. You are likely to experience an increase in: communication, acquaintances, travel, information, or creative powers, authority, respect or finances. And for some people, 2016 will be the year their cherished dreams come true. Your wish may come true in that area of ​​life that is very important to you, where you direct your main life potential. Favorable chances are likely for you in various fields and expanding your capabilities.

In 2016 you can travel or study foreign languages, there is also a chance that you will want to get additional education. New opportunities will allow you to engage in self-realization.

In 2016, you can receive important information that will be useful to you in the future. It’s very good to start implementing some new project in 2016, or start training.

In 2016, your social life may become active, the right people may appear in your environment who will direct you on the right path or simply help you in business. Also, with regard to legal matters, everything will be fair and successful for you.

Jupiter's transit of the Sun occurs once every 12 years. You can remember what was significant and important about you about 12 years ago, most likely, luck will come from about “the same direction”!

The influence of Jupiter may not be so significant and obvious for those people in whom Jupiter is weakly expressed in the natal chart, has few aspects, and in general is not emphasized in the birth chart (which can only be determined individually). Also, this transit of Jupiter in 2016 may not give you new opportunities - in the presence of tense transits from other planets, but Jupiter will help to successfully resolve the problems that have arisen, or will support you in a difficult situation or save you in a dangerous situation.

For all those born on the dates below in any year:
September 6 - October 14

For those born at the end of the period (from September 6 to October 14), this influence is likely at the end of 2016, and for those at the beginning of the period, in the spring of 2016.

10. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2016 (conjunction of the Northern Lunar Node - the Sun).

In 2016, life pushes you to fulfill your destiny, directs your thoughts and feelings in the right direction. This important time occurs once every 18 years. You need to pay attention to what thoughts and ideas will appear in your mind, what you want. Listen to yourself and follow your desires to realize your life potential and your talents. Do not resist your desires that come from within, listen to yourself, to the signs from the world around you, and do not pay attention to generally accepted social norms. A person is happiest when he follows the path of his heart - doing what he loves, living with a loved one, doing as he wants. Perhaps some of you in 2016 will engage in self-realization, feel your path, realize your true desires or meet your other half, destined by fate, or this fateful influence will direct you to the work of your whole life!

For all those born on the dates below in any year:

For those born closer to September 18, the above will happen at the beginning of 2016, by August 7-8 - in mid-2016, and for those born closer to August 28 - at the end of 2016.

If you were born on the dates listed above, and something described in the astrological forecast happened to you in 2016, be sure to leave your comment. Describe the event, indicating the date of birth. This is very important to me and will help in making astrological forecasts in the coming years! And of course it will add enthusiasm to my work!

General horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2016 for all zodiac signs, free, without SMS and without registration, online.

This general horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2016 for all zodiac signs includes a description of the movement of the planets across the zodiac and aspects between the planets in 2016. The author's astrological forecast for 2016 is free, without SMS and without registration, online.

In 2016, none of the Higher planets will change their zodiac sign. Pluto continues to move through Capricorn. In 2016, Pluto will pass through the middle of the Capricorn zodiac sign - from 14 to 17 degrees. This influence of Pluto brings transformation into our lives of all strong and established structures. The transit of Pluto through Capricorn directly concerns power, because... this sign symbolically controls career, highest achievements and, as you know, Capricorns are born leaders. And in 2016, changes may occur for people who occupy high administrative positions. Capricorn loves structure, hierarchy, and therefore this influence of Pluto has little effect on those who are outside the team, who are their own boss.

In 2016, Uranus continues its movement through the zodiac sign Aries, but the Uranus-Pluto square is finally diverging. In January-February 2016, its destructive influence may still be felt, but already quite weak. The collapse may mean that in 2016 there will be fewer changes in power structures, in politics, and fewer terrorist attacks and natural disasters.

Although from the end of 2015 and in 2016 there will be a square between Saturn and Neptune. Neptune continues its movement through the zodiac sign of Pisces and opposes Saturn, which will pass through the zodiac sign of Sagittarius in 2016. This aspect can play out as clashes based on moral norms and laws.

Saturn in Sagittarius in 2016 is not conducive to all risky and adventurous endeavors. Also, the passage of Saturn through Sagittarius teaches us restraint and self-discipline. Sagittarius people are freedom-loving, stubborn and often impatient, and Saturn calls for patience and forces them to develop discipline and responsibility. The passage of Saturn through Sagittarius allows you to separate the main from the secondary, strengthening your worldview, although it can make it dry, pragmatic and principled.

Neptune in Pisces gives development to all matters that relate to creativity, art, spiritual practices, faith, revealing the secrets of the universe and charity. But the square of Saturn with Neptune in 2016 can cause restrictions and obstacles in all of these areas. Spiritual, unwritten moral laws can be distorted. Integrity can reach the point of absurdity, and any atrocities can be justified by high principles. Collisions of different philosophies, religions, disagreement and confrontation on religious grounds are also likely. The influence of the Neptune-Saturn square will be expressed at the end of 2015 and almost the entire 2016: in January 2016 and from April to November 2016 (especially the beginning of summer and beginning of autumn).

This Neptune-Saturn square will also be joined by the axis of the Lunar Nodes in 2016, which will strengthen the influence of the square. The North Node transits the zodiac sign Virgo, and the South Node transits the zodiac sign Pisces. In 2016, the Lunar Nodes axis will be tau square with Saturn, with the South Node conjunct Neptune. The axis of the Lunar Nodes directs us from Pisces to Virgo. This influence may indicate that in moral disputes and ideological conflicts in 2016, materialists, practical and calculating people will still win. Material reality will be more important than the spiritual side of life. This influence will be relevant from the summer until December 2016.

In 2016, Jupiter will move from 14 degrees of the Virgo zodiac sign to 22 degrees of the Libra zodiac sign. Jupiter will move into the sign of Libra on September 9, 2016. Jupiter in Libra teaches us harmony and justice; it will bring good luck to diplomatic people, those who know how to compromise. The first half of 2016 will be successful for earthly zodiac signs, the second half of 2016 - for airy zodiac signs.

Mars will transit 4 in 2016 full of sign zodiac On New Year's Eve, Mars will be in the calm zodiac sign Libra, but in a converging square with Mercury - this means a conflicting atmosphere. Although Libra is an air sign, which is associated with communication, with speech, and the square of Mars with Mercury rather speaks of verbal altercations than of fights and assault. Try to be more restrained on New Year's Eve and be careful when setting off fireworks, because... Mercury square Mars may be an indication of hand injuries.

From January 3, 2016, Mars will enter the sign of Scorpio and will remain there until March 6. In Scorpio, Mars is in its element - here it is decisive, cautious and persistent. And this period will favor confident, courageous people, those who know how to take risks.

From March 6 to May 25, 2016, Mars will be in Sagittarius - this is also a favorable position for Mars - here he is active, although somewhat hasty and impatient - this period is also suitable for energetic people and active actions. An exception will be the period from April 17 to June 30 - Mars will begin to move backward (become retrograde) - at this time some matters may require revision, you will need to return to previously postponed matters, the retrograde of Mars will interfere with vigorous activity, something may “ throw back, hinder new endeavors. This influence will especially affect Aries and those people who have Mars or the zodiac sign Aries in their natal chart.

From May 25 to August 2, 2016, Mars will again be in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, and from August 2 to September 27, 2016, Mars will again be in Sagittarius.

From September 27 to November 9, 2016, Mars passes through the zodiac sign Capricorn - its strongest position. This time is favorable for persistent, responsible and disciplined people.

From November 9 to December 19, 2016, Mars in Aquarius is a favorable time for innovators, inventors, extraordinary people, even adventurers to some extent. It is good during this period to promote new ideas and actively participate in collective activities.

At the end of 2016, from December 19 and into the New Year 2017 itself, Mars will be in Pisces - this is a weak position of Mars, which, at worst, can encourage people to let things take their course, and at best, to show their creative abilities.

If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then you will not have significant transits from the planets to the Sun in 2016. But you may have transits to other planets in your natal chart, which can only be calculated in individually. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac in the same numbers different years, and the other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be anywhere, so I have no way to create a horoscope for them based only on the date and month of birth.

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Fire Monkey - how will the cooperation of this eccentric animal with the lord of hearts, Cupid, go? What do love affairs promise to be like for representatives of the fairer sex? Is it worth starting new romances or is it better to diversify existing reliable relationships? What does it promise you? love horoscope for 2016?

Wise and eccentric, cunning and fearless, always full of strength and energy and not recognizing any barriers, the Fire Monkey will patronize the same bright and stormy relationships between lovers. 2016 is a favorable time to add new colors and effectiveness to existing connections or to indulge in feelings. In any case, the Fire Monkey will not tolerate weakness, indecision and will in every possible way encourage unexpected, bold and even adventurous steps along the path of love.

Love horoscope according to zodiac signs for 2016

Ladies, the time has come to fully feel your power over men and your main weapon here will be female wisdom, sexuality and self-confidence. Choose an object, flirt, fall in love with yourself and no doubts or compromises - the goal must be achieved. If you need to reincarnate, acquire a new image and style: the changes will benefit you.

At the same time, try to be less capricious, although circumstances will push you to this. Love wisely, don’t think that planning an evening of love or creating a schedule and cultural dating program is bad. On the contrary, your intrigues and adventures should be thought out to the smallest detail, only in this case you will avoid unpleasant surprises and make your relationship unique.

And now a little more about the love prospects for each of the zodiac signs separately.

Year of the Fire Monkey: love horoscope for women

Aries. Purposeful and stubborn representatives of this sign will be somewhat hindered by their touchiness in achieving their goals. Dear ladies, save this quality for calmer times. It may undoubtedly prove useful, but a little later. The Fire Monkey patronizes strong and courageous women, so tears and despair will not work in your favor in 2016.

If you are married, it’s time to somewhat refresh your relationship. Perhaps you should spend more time together, distracting yourself from everyday topics and pressing problems. If you can’t go on a trip, go to the movies, theaters, and visit cozy cafes. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, but smartly. Do not put pressure on your partner: after all, you have known each other for a single day and may well find more pleasant levers of persuasion.

Women and girls in search should simply hide their inaccessibility a little until the first date. Well, then use your charms, naturally, seducing your chosen one gradually, without revealing all your cards at once. Always have a plan B, but at the same time, don't hesitate to be sincere. The Year of the Fire Monkey is not the time for “profitable” love contacts. Just enjoy love itself. If you still intend to get married, try to make sure that your intentions with your partner are truly mutual.

Calf. For wise, persistent and judicious Taurus, the year of the Fire Monkey may bring real, bright, sincere feelings. Your ability to always control the situation in love affairs will play into your hands more than once. You are a wonderful actress-seductress in the best sense of the word. In relationships with men, you will easily conquer and keep your chosen ones near you. There is a high probability that at some point you will have two novels at the same time. In both cases, the relationship will be pleasant to you, and therefore you will value it, although, in the end, you will have to make a choice.

If you are married or have a long-term relationship, there is a high probability that sympathy will arise on the side. And unexpectedly for yourself, you will become the initiator of the relationship. However, before you take a step, properly evaluate all the benefits of your marital status. In the event that you still don’t have the strength to restrain your feelings, try to immediately plan your relationship from beginning to end. Yes, yes, the final chord also needs to be drawn for yourself, otherwise you risk losing everything you have.

For single representatives of the Taurus sign, the Fire Monkey promises good luck in love and a beautiful, exciting romance. It is very likely that you will meet your chosen one in some crowded place. Perhaps it will be some kind of work event, or maybe it will be an ordinary trolleybus. So be careful. However, the innate intuition in right moment will certainly tell you: “It’s HIM!” By the way, it is very possible that after a few months of communication you will receive a marriage proposal.

Twins. Many Gemini women in 2016 will prefer a break from searching and serious relationships to light, innocent flirting, which, however, will make you no less successful on the love front. Don't be surprised by the unexpected pleasant surprises and signs of attention: this year they will become a common occurrence for you and, probably because you are tired of the busy year of the playful and capricious Goat, you will simply become yourself. Shine because it is natural for you!

Married Taurus ladies will take a fresh look at their relationship with their partner. Most of you will begin to reconsider your family values. For some, it may be time to change partners. Unfortunately, the likelihood of this happening is quite high. But don't cut from the shoulder! If your husband takes decisive steps towards you, do not turn away, because your disappointment is caused by illusions and a somewhat infantile approach to life.

So far, single girls and Gemini women! You are too serious and timid. The Fire Monkey doesn't like this. Relax and be more confident: you have something to be proud of and why the opposite sex will like you. Just take a breath and throw off the burden of doubt - all the world will feel this and circumstances will naturally begin to develop in your favor.

Cancer. Dear, gentle, vulnerable Rakinis! In your hermit shell, you hide not only your insecurities, but also your attractiveness and literally magnetic charm. There's no need to hide. It's time to shine and show everyone how wonderful, charming and magnetic you are. sexy woman. The Fire Monkey wishes that in her year you will certainly take care of yourself in every sense and dramatically change your views on relationships with the opposite sex. You, too, are able to control and dominate, and finally receive what you are waiting for from your sweetheart. There is no doubt: you know how to do everything so subtly and softly that your dominant status will be taken for granted and even with gratitude.

Rakinis who are married and in long-term strong relationships, take your partner by the hand and drag him to the nearest travel agency: it’s time for a romantic trip. Your children will survive a week or two without you just fine, while your relationship with your husband will gain new strength and inspiration during your time together. Even if you manage to be alone somewhere near the city for only two or three days, it will benefit love. By the way, you should practice such methods of renewing relationships at least 2-3 times a year.

Lonely Rakinis are unlikely to achieve success in love if they do not temporarily hide their natural shyness and timidity. All your plans of conquest will collapse due to your indecision. You may well get the one you want: just work purposefully on the task at hand and never show your fears and doubts.

A lion. The year will undoubtedly be successful in love for Lionesses. After all, you are real Lionesses: proud, independent, wise, cunning, brilliant, beautiful and knowing what you need from life. You have studied men well enough, and therefore you can easily get the one you want. People often envy you, saying: “All she has to do is snap her fingers...”. And there is every reason for this. At the same time, you shouldn’t pay much attention to the envy of your friends and rivals: you were and will remain the first. In 2016, more than ever, you will feel the support of your patronizing zodiac sign. And therefore you will be a queen in love.

Married Lionesses, as well as those who have been in a love affair with one partner for a long time, are very likely to prefer fidelity and devotion to the existing relationship. Many of you will be somewhat capricious, but you know how to do this so skillfully that your partners will be happy to please you once again, to do something pleasant. For your loved one, you were and will remain the best, the only, practically a goddess.

Lionesses looking for new passions and love adventures will also be lucky. You will easily receive gentlemen, easily make them fall in love with you, and just as easily break up... These breaks will be a matter of course for you, but very painful for your partners. Therefore, there is a high probability of long calls, harassment and begging. This will spoil your nerves somewhat, but quickly finding new partners will brighten up these unpleasant moments, and in some cases, existing boyfriends will help you solve such problems.

Virgo. Capricious, wayward Virgos, oddly enough, will behave in love affairs quite carefully and prudently. And Lady Luck will appreciate it. If you want that tall brunette with an athletic build - please, or maybe this blue-eyed blond with long eyelashes and a fatal look - no problem, he’s yours! For some reason, the Fire Monkey will bring everything related to love to you on a silver platter and you will gladly accept its gifts. In general, everything here will work out somehow by itself. Try to observe yourself so as not to lose this ability in the future.

Married Virgos will enjoy family life. It wouldn’t even occur to you to fantasize about someone else or look to the other side. Your husband will be the best, the most desirable for you, and the slightest doubts in this direction will disappear like morning fog. The two of you will feel good together in any circumstances. You will feel tenderness, desire and support for each other.

Free Virgos in the year of the Fire Monkey risk losing their freedom and finding the shackles of love in the form of a delicate ring on the ring finger. Not many people are given such lucky gifts by the Monkey, but you will be lucky.

Scales. Calculating and far-sighted Libra women will ideally design all situations, including in love affairs. Everything here will go according to a well-thought-out plan. Maybe this will seem dry to some and unworthy of the theme of love. But, nevertheless, you will not be disappointed by unpleasant surprises, but will deservedly receive from the relationship what you expect. Your remarkable abilities as a psychologist will allow you to quickly understand and study your partner and build relationships, skillfully directing them in the direction desired by both parties. So if you always prefer to act according to plan, that’s great, your efforts will be rewarded handsomely.

Some married Libras may want to have a little fun on the side. Well, the Fire Monkey provocateur will help create the circumstances that you need. Your wisdom and balance will help you get around the sharp corners and family problems of your time. However, these are just the prospects for 2016. And you should think hard about whether you should take this adventure with you further in life.

Libras, who are in free flight, will be active in the search for a reliable partner for life. There is a high probability of several trial romances and short-term flirtations. You will quite consciously begin and end each of them: after all, this is just a search for a suitable partner. By the way, your work in this direction will end very successfully. But it will be better to think about the wedding next year.

Scorpion. Your love tactics in 2016 will combine the caution and suddenness of Scorpio with the wisdom and extravagance of the Fire Monkey. To captivate with your gaze, beckon with a barely noticeable smile, and then literally burn the “victim” in the fire of passions - main feature your behavior on the love front. You love love as it really is and this makes you an unusually skillful seductress, an unforgettable lover and, oddly enough, a kind, reliable friend. The men you meet this year, regardless of the circumstances of the separation, will remain about you better opinion and will prefer to maintain relations further, albeit on a slightly different plane.

Scorpio women who are married this year will show their independence and self-sufficiency more than ever. This, on the one hand, will not be very popular with husbands, but on the other hand, it will serve as a source of pride and secret admiration for their chosen one. You, with your natural gift for subtly feeling your partner, will take the position of leader in a couple. Both in love and in pure everyday issues your opinion will be a key factor in making decisions.

Single Scorpio women will not attach much importance to love passions. It won’t be a big problem for you to find a friend for an evening or another week. Short-term open relationships, which you will periodically resort to, will only serve as a way of relaxation and distraction from everyday affairs and problems. You will obviously look for reasons to tie the knot a little later.

Sagittarius. Quite a pragmatic, calculating sign. The Fire Monkey usually patronizes such people, including in love. The year 2016 will very likely give you a meeting with a person who will subsequently become your friend for life. This year, choosing a partner to live with will be extremely successful. As usual, you will play a wise game of conquest. The objects of your attention, as if under hypnosis, will be ready to fulfill all your desires and whims. Being slightly intoxicated by such success, try not to lose control of your own emotions and not to go too far, otherwise the pleasure risks being spoiled.

If you are married, then you probably shouldn’t look to the left. There is no need to give your partner reasons to be jealous: this can cause loud scandals and troubles. Believe me, now is not the time for divorce. If you make such a decision, it will be in the heat of the moment. Therefore, try to be careful in connections and emotions. Now your task is to still support your existing partner.

Independent Sagittarius girls can plan marriage. There will be someone to choose and, moreover, it will not be from the last rows. You are about to meet with a respectable, wise, decent man 10 years older. He will be a wonderful, wise friend, a gentle, skillful lover and a wonderful father to your children. What can I say here: just don’t overlook it!

Capricorn. Capricorn women, don’t be too capricious. Emotions, including with men, should be shown in moderation. Otherwise, you risk earning a bad reputation as a brawler and hysterical woman. In case of love failures, you should not resort to a radical change in image and style with an emphasis on too extravagant notes. The main trump card in relationships with men in the year of the Fire Monkey is the ability to find a middle ground and predict the situation a little. Do not give in to provocations, be careful about the advice of your friends. Try yourself as a love analyst. And then you can develop the perfect love strategy for yourself. Here, oddly enough, your lively mind, brilliant intellect and enviable outlook will help you out.

Married women will show extraordinary restraint and patience towards their other halves, which will win their gratitude and admiration. The support that you provide to your spouses in the year of the Fire Monkey will be extremely important for them and will once again serve as the key to a strong and caring relationship. Family values ​​have always been a priority for you. However, the attention of other men is as necessary for you as air. As always, you will be popular and often the life of the party. However, you should never forget about certain frameworks, within which you feel confident and comfortable.

Capricorns looking for love! You are beautiful! Perhaps you underestimate your attractiveness and somewhat underestimate the strength of men's attraction to you. Well, try to look at the situation more objectively. you have sufficient quantity qualities to find a worthy friend. Just be yourself, stop envying your girlfriends and having affairs - and love will come to you pretty soon.

Aquarius. Women of this sign, like no one else, believe in fate and the inevitability of events. For some reason, you tend to invent things in relationships with the opposite sex that are not actually there. Your thirst to always be on top is sometimes tiring for your partners and, unable to withstand the intensity, they often run away from you, despite the fact that feelings still live in them. It is very likely that the Fire Monkey will insidiously play with this thirst for hyperbole of yours and you risk losing your next partner. Therefore, our advice is: be careful and prudent, control the course of events and control yourself. Only in this case are you guaranteed reliable communication.

Women-wives, it’s time to give their spouses a break from their offensive strategy in life. A year full of emotions and experiences will be quite tiring for both you and your husband. Because useful and effective way To stay in the same boat, you will have a vacation where you can truly escape from everyday and work problems and focus on the relationship between the two of you, perhaps focusing on purely intimate moments.

Young ladies who are still single should be more selective in their relationships. You shouldn’t believe everyone you meet and don’t believe in yourself. Create a certain aura of mystery and mystery around you. Be slow, approachable and sexy at the same time. Do not let your beckoning gaze act with pressure. Let the fruit ripen before you taste it and experience true sensory pleasure. Avoid sad, dark images. The year ahead is not going to be easy and the opposite sex wants to be able to relax and forget in your arms. Understand men and give them a comfortable (for both of you!) relationship.

Fish. Gentle, romantic Pisces, frankly speaking, will not feel entirely at ease in terms of love. But we will try to help you deal with this problem. Don't be afraid to experiment and improvise. Be bold and don't go against your intuition. You, like no other sign, are able to subtly feel the emotional control of your partner. Pisces women are often silent, thoughtful, and mysterious. Often you are simply afraid to speak. Why?! Just note that it is your sincerity and independence of judgment that conquer men, make them fall in love with you, and ignite the flame of feelings and passions. You are always desired by your partner. It’s a pleasure to watch you, it’s interesting to talk with you, you are the pride of the chosen one in the company. This is actually true. Therefore, do not let the capricious and wayward Fire Monkey trample on your tenderness and individuality. Act independently and decisively - and your love will conquer all obstacles.

Married Pisces, having adapted well to their halves, will never cease to amaze them with their ingenuity and unpredictability in the best senses. You will again and again make your husbands look at you like the first time, flare up with passion and want to conquer your heart like N years ago. Take advantage of this. A man will feel like a hero, and you will feel like a real princess.

Pisces who are looking for their soul mate will have to become the heroines of exciting love stories and gossip. At first, you will even be flattered by the thought that you are a star of love. But then, fed up with popularity, you simply get tired and at the most unexpected moment you feel strong, a reliable hand, which will support you in a very difficult situation. This will be “the one”! Don't miss your destiny.

Even those who believe that they are chronically unlucky in their personal lives will be happy in love.

What should you pay attention to in different months of the year?

In January you will want to enjoy life. You will be willing to go on dates and relax with your loved one. During this period, many may have several fans and two, or even more, novels at the same time.

In the first half of February you will become more serious. If you didn’t know who to choose before, now you can decide. In love, responsibility, a sense of duty and reliability will become important.

In the second half of February and the first half of March, life will show that not everything can be planned. This is a time of unexpected turns of fate, sudden falls in love and romantic deeds.

In the second half of March and early April, it will be important for lovers to feel a spiritual connection with each other. Relationships will become more tender and sentimental.

Further, in April, the relationship will be filled with passion and acquire a clear erotic connotation. Those people who have just made their choice will begin to energetically seek a partner or plunge headlong into their new passionate romance.

May will be a time for a practical approach to love. Events develop slowly, couples are not in a hurry, but simply enjoy life.

In the first two decades of June, singles easily meet and get along with other people. Established couples become unable to get enough of each other, and they look for impressions in the world around them. The stars advise visiting more often at this time, going on excursions, signing up for master classes together - in a word, revitalizing relationships and picking up new topics for conversation.

Then, until mid-July, the most suitable situation develops in order to build a family nest, arrange a common life, or introduce the chosen one to relatives. The second half of July and the beginning of August is the best time for passionate confessions, the “siege” of the one you like, a luxurious vacation, beautiful courtship and a hot holiday romance.
The last days of August will give you good luck in love. A happy event will happen that you will remember for a long time. But the best is yet to come!

From September, the path to a happy personal life will open for everyone who dreams of happiness. In everyone's destiny there may appear important person- you just need to want it. The romance will be happy, without difficulties and obstacles. And if you have already found your “soul mate” and are in a happy relationship, in the fall your love will become even stronger, your partner will bring you happiness, and things will go so well for him that you can rightfully be proud of him. This wonderful time will last until the very end of the year.

Love horoscope for 2016 for all zodiac signs

Aries. Love horoscope for 2016

Aries, at the beginning of the year, be sure to arrange a romantic trip for yourself and your loved one. If you can go abroad, great; if not, then there are probably many beautiful places in your homeland that are unfamiliar to both of you. For those who are in search of their “soul mate,” the stars advise looking for a partner abroad. In spring, the most favorable month for you in love will be April. You will be at the peak of beauty, sexuality and attractiveness. Intuition in personal matters will be at its best. There will be many fans around, and if you are already in a relationship, your partner will tirelessly admire you. The happiest time in summer is July and August. You are waiting for flirting, dates, acquaintances, active communication with your partner, a joint vacation or a holiday romance. And from September until the end of the year, the best time for love begins. Everything will be wonderful in your personal life. The novel will delight you with good moments and the absence of problems. Serious and happy relationship. For many representatives of the sign, the period from September to the end of the year will be the time for the wedding and preparation for it.

Calf. Love horoscope for 2016

Taurus, try to arrange a New Year's adventure for your loved one at the beginning of the year, support his initiatives, be passionate in love. Do not argue or quarrel - you can resolve all controversial issues peacefully in the spring. Until September, your personal life will be very rich and happy. A lot of flirting, dates and pleasant episodes with your partner await you. This is the best time to surrender to love and feel like the hero of a love adventure film. Single Taurus will have no end of admirers. However, those who are not alone will also enjoy great success. Therefore, there will often be cases when a Taurus has one affair after another, in a continuous series, or when he meets with several people at the same time. Taurus will reduce the number of fans and will finally make their choice no earlier than September. September is a very important month for love: something new will enter the life of Taurus, and personal circumstances will change for the better. October and November will delight you with the smooth flow of the romance, and for some Taurus they will bring a wedding.

Twins. Love horoscope for 2016

Gemini, 2016 gives you a great chance to build strong relationships. If you are already in a relationship, now is the time to make it official. After all main principle 2016 - stability and legality in the partnership. A wedding can be held in any month, but a particularly magnificent and rich celebration will take place from September to the end of the year. If you are already married, then within a year you will understand that the union is based not only on love, but also on habit, a sense of duty and responsibility for the family. Perhaps you will be offended by some coldness of your partner. But you will be upset only until you see that your partner compensates for the lack of romance with an extremely serious attitude towards marriage. And if you are still in search of your “soul mate,” then your life partner will be a serious and mature person with plans for a lasting single marriage. From September until the end of the year, many fans will appear around you, but you will not promise anything to anyone until you meet a person with serious intentions. For all Geminis, the best month of the year in love is December.

Cancer. Love horoscope for 2016

Cancer, this year your relationship will gain a “second wind”. People change, and you and your partner are no longer the same as you started the affair. The desires of both have already changed, but the habit of communicating with each other as it was in the past remains. Because of this, both you and your partner do not receive from your union all the advantages that it can give. So reconsider your relationship. To do this, it would be good for you to go on a romantic trip - to refresh your feelings and see each other in an unusual environment. You will discover that in front of you is not a familiar, understandable to the last line, partner, but an unfamiliar and very attractive person. You will discover its advantages that you had not noticed before. Best time for such a trip - the beginning of the year or autumn. And if you haven’t found your “soul mate” yet, this year a very important person will enter your life. The relationship will begin under such circumstances that you will have neither the opportunity nor the desire to abandon it. This meeting can occur at any time, but the most favorable periods are the beginning of the year and from September to the end of the year.

A lion. Love horoscope for 2016

Leos, at the beginning and end of the year your personal life will be calm and predictable. From March to October events will move energetically, you will take bold decisions in love. There will be few fans all year, but it’s worth it: only people with serious intentions will be drawn to you. Frivolous characters who do not plan anything serious will somehow gradually disappear from your life. In an already established relationship, the partner will become less romantic, but more practical. For example, he will start saving money on dates in order to give you a real treat once a year. luxury holiday. Or he will offer to live together to “save time” on dates. If you are also serious, you will like his behavior. After all, you can rely on such a person; it’s not scary to make plans for the future with him! Among Leos, there are those who do not want a serious relationship and prefer non-binding dates, easy communication and love affairs. For them, 2016 has prepared wonderful conditions for such leisure in January and from October until the end of the year.

Virgo. Love horoscope for 2016

Virgo, in the first half of 2016, a deep and strong feeling will simply inspire you. Thanks to love, you will be able to handle everything, you will be confident in yourself and achieve a lot. For some, this relationship is just beginning, while for others, we are talking about an affair that began back in 2015. The fate of this relationship depends on you! Not your partner, but you will be the initiator of acquaintance, you will teach your partner to love and express your love, you will organize a romantic vacation and come up with the best dates. But in these concerns about relationships, do not forget about yourself: it is possible that the development of the romance will be influenced by your successes and achievements, external attractiveness and internal virtues. The most important months for love - March and June. In the second half of the year, the intensity of passions will subside. If you and your partner were united by something other than strong feelings, the relationship will move into a calm stage of strong and strong relationships. If the basis was a fatal passion, then in the middle of the year you will decide to end the relationship. But in this case, expect the start of a new whirlwind romance or a whole series of acquaintances and dates in the fall.

Scales. Love horoscope for 2016

Libra, your personal life will be full of surprises. If you are in search of your “soul mate,” then in 2016, love at first sight or, conversely, a sudden awakening of feelings for someone who has never attracted you before is not at all ruled out. In an existing relationship, Libra will compete with their partner and surprise each other with surprises. A hasty marriage is not at all ruled out: just yesterday you weren’t thinking about a wedding, and maybe you weren’t familiar with your chosen one, but today you’re going to the registry office! Married couples will give each other more freedom. Partners will stop being “lovebirds” and will begin to respect each other’s personal space more. Husbands will calmly go fishing and on business trips, wives will be able to relax with friends or children at the resort without suffering from their husband’s jealousy. Trust is what will be at the core of all relationships. And this approach will fully justify itself: relationships both in marriage and in a romantic union will become more interesting and richer, partners will value them more.

Scorpion. Love horoscope for 2016

Scorpios, your personal life in 2016 will be very, very romantic! Your love will be beyond limits ordinary life. Perhaps even close communication with your loved one and marriage will not be important for you: it is enough to feel an invisible spiritual connection with the one you love. This year, love will be associated with sentimentality, romance, sublime feelings, idealization of a partner, dreams and fantasies. You will see little of reality, completely immersed in the world of your experiences and emotions. Not only young, but also quite mature Scorpios can fall in love with a fictional book character or movie hero.

In an already established relationship between partners there will be a lot of love and tenderness. Scorpios will feel their partner even when he is not around. Sex, practical benefits from relationships, rational reasons for being together - everything will fade into the background under the influence of sublime, spiritualized love. The best months for love are from January to the second ten days of April, from mid-June to mid-July and from September to December.

Sagittarius. Love horoscope for 2016

Sagittarius, your personal life will bring you many surprises in 2016! This is the year of falling in love, romantic interests, experiments in relationships and sex. If you are already in a relationship and do not want to lose it, make sure that there are many unusual events and interesting dates in it. Otherwise, you will become bored and you will find romantic feelings on the side. Don’t be afraid to offer your partner a new format of relationship, experiment in the intimate sphere. If you are still in search of your “soul mate,” love will come suddenly and unpredictably. It will make your life richer with interesting events. Your partner will not get bored all year - he will constantly surprise you with something new, and you will keep some distance in order to maintain romance and mystery in the relationship. Among Sagittarius there are those who do not want any relationship at all. They are satisfied with flirting, superficial communication and non-binding meetings. Such people will be able to enjoy the abundance of opportunities for love adventures.

Capricorn. Love horoscope for 2016

Capricorn, in 2016 you will be passionate, charismatic and sexually attractive. You will enjoy great success with the opposite sex; fans will flock to you like moths to the light. In relationships, you will act domineering and possessive. You will be ready to do everything for your loved one and protect him at any cost, but your partner is out of luck if you suspect him of cheating! The first burst of activity in your personal life will be from April to mid-June. You will be courted by fans, declarations of love, pleasant dates, flirting, and even someone from the past will not be able to resist and will return to your life to try their luck again. From mid-June to mid-July, those Capricorns who have managed to make their choice will move from romance to serious relationships. Some couples will get married. And at the end of the year, November and the beginning of December will please you: your charm, beauty and intuition in love will increase. You will conquer others with your charming appearance and pleasant manners. There will be no end to fans, and your loved one will simply be delighted with you.

Aquarius. Love horoscope for 2016

Aquarius, dedicate January to visiting friends with your partner. You are friendly people, and your partner will be pleased with such leisure time, so the more friends you have around you in January, the better you will spend the month. From mid-February to mid-March you will be irresistible, and your intuition in love affairs will rise almost to clairvoyance! This period can be considered the first good time of the year for love. The next happy period is the last ten days of May and June. You will find many acquaintances, a busy personal life, flirting, dates, lively love correspondence, relaxation with your loved one and other events that make up your personal life. The next lucky period will begin around July 10 and will last until August 20. This is the time for establishing partnerships, weddings, and reviving feelings in married couples. At this time, your partner will become the most important and beloved person in the world for you. And he will feel the same about you. And the year will end with a happy December: you will be incredibly attractive, beautiful, lucky in love and satisfied with your personal life.

Fish. Love horoscope for 2016

Pisces, in 2016 you will be in a romantic mood all year. And there is a reason! Never before have so many opportunities in love opened up for you as there will be before September. If you haven’t found a match yet, you will definitely find one: soon an important person for you will appear and a happy romance will begin. If you are already dating someone, then your partner will delight you with love and ideal behavior. For the Pisces sign, it will be a typical situation when you have to choose between several admirers, and these will be worthy, successful and attractive people. An equally typical event for Pisces before September will be a magnificent wedding. This year is one of the best for marriage. During this period, family Pisces will have reasons to be proud of their partner, his successes and achievements. Then there will be several months of respite when you can pay attention to other areas of life. And in the last third of December, on the eve of the holidays, you will have an incredible surge in temperament, sexual activity will increase, so you will end the year very passionately.