Prairie dogs are related to the ground squirrel and marmot. They owe their name to the yapping sounds they make. The black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) can be identified by the black tip of its tail. These animals are golden brown to reddish brown in color, with muscular legs and sharp claws, which are indispensable for digging spacious underground structures. Sociable animals maintain close social contacts. They build their homes together, make provisions for the winter, play or clean each other's fur.


Thousands of prairie dogs live in giant underground cities with an extensive network of dwellings. Inside the city, each prairie dog family, consisting of a male, one to four females and young animals, lives in its own burrow. When the young leave the nest, the females often remain nearby while the males dig their own home away to the side or occupy an abandoned apartment. As harmoniously as families live, pregnant females and new mothers behave just as aggressively. After mating, a struggle begins among expectant mothers for the best underground burrows. 34-37 days after mating, each female gives birth to four to six cubs, which are born naked, blind and deaf. Many cubs fall prey to other mothers who keep rivals from raising young in order to improve the chances of survival for their own offspring. After the cub stops feeding on milk, the mother returns to her relatives.


Black-tailed prairie dogs represent a species for many carnivores good source nutrition. In order to protect themselves from them, prairie dogs guard the entrances to their homes around the clock. Sitting on their hind legs and dangling their front legs, the “sentinels” observe the surroundings and, in case of danger, burst into a sharp, annoying bark, which forces all relatives to hide in their homes.


Black-tailed prairie dog ( Cynomys ludovicianus)

Class mammals.
Squad of rodents.
Squirrel family.
Distribution: North America.
Body length with head: 28-35 cm weight: 900-1400 g.
Diet: Mainly herbs.
Puberty: from 2-3 years.
Duration of pregnancy: 34-37 days.
Number of cubs: 4-6.
Life expectancy: over 8 years (in captivity and reserves).

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Unfortunately, a close relative of the Central Asian hamster can be found very rarely in Central Europe. Despite this, the common hamster...

The origin of the name, pedigree and native areas of the prairie dog, description of the animal’s exterior, behavioral characteristics of the rodent in open nature, tips on keeping and caring for the little animal at home, price of the exotic. 22 photos and videos.

The content of the article:

Prairie dog, prairie dog or, as it is also called in some sources or popularly, ground squirrel. In the event that someone is not personally familiar with this animal, then based on its name, we can conclude that it must be a living creature, which in its appearance strongly resembles an ordinary dog, but everything is completely different.

This living creation of nature received its unusual name due to the fact that while spending time on the surface of the earth, it makes loud, piercing, slightly abrupt sounds, which sound most reminiscent of a dog barking, apparently, that is why this cute creature was called a dog.

While studying this amazing representative of the world fauna, scientists adopted a unified scientific classification, which states that the prairie dog belongs to the class mammals, the order rodents, the squirrel family and the prairie dog genus of the same name (lat. Cynomys).

Native territories and origins of the prairie dog

The natural distribution range of this mammal is quite wide; large populations of ground squirrels inhabit most of the lands of North America. Most often, these animals are found in states such as Saskatchewan, Montana, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Also small social groups prairie dogs can be found in the northeastern part of the state of Sonora and northern Chihuahua.

We can say that these cute animals do not look for easy ways; prairie dogs choose steppe or semi-desert areas, the soils of which cannot boast of abundant vegetation, as well as mountainous areas as their permanent residence. They feel quite comfortable at altitudes above 3000 m above sea level.

Characteristics of the external appearance of the prairie dog

If we talk about the appearance of this representative of the squirrel family, we can conclude that it bears little resemblance to a squirrel. They have a much greater similarity with gophers.

The prairie dog is an animal of medium size, its beautiful and pretty body grows to no more than 38-42 cm in length, the body weight of this animal varies from 800 to 1500 grams. In these amazing rodents, sexual dimorphism is quite well expressed and representatives of the stronger sex can be recognized with the naked eye. Females are always much smaller in size than males, their bodies are more miniature and graceful. On average, females are 300-550 grams lighter than males.

The body of the prairie dog is quite strong, stocky, and has the shape of a slightly elongated cylinder. The limbs of this prairie rodent are relatively short, but despite their length, they have very well developed muscle tissue, so they are not short of strength. Each of their paws is covered with fur not only on the outside, but even the soles are not without fur. The limbs end in very powerful and sharp claws.

The head of this little animal is quite wide in relation to the entire body with a slightly rounded face, decorated with rather large, dark-colored eyes. The visual organs are located relatively far from each other; this anatomical feature gives prairie dogs the opportunity to inspect their territories over a fairly wide range. The ears are relatively small and it is not always possible to see them in the thickness of the thick coat.

The tail process of the funny prairie dog is always lowered; it is not particularly impressive in length, but it is also wrapped in thick, hard fur, the color of which varies depending on the specific subspecies of the animal.

The entire surface of the body of this representative of the world fauna is covered with short, but very thick and hard-textured hair. The color of the coat varies from grayish-brown to light brown. At the same time, in the head area, the animal’s fur coat is always colored more light shades. In some individual individuals, it is possible to contemplate light inclusions near the eyes and in the projection of the cheeks.

Prairie dog behavior in open nature

By their nature, prairie dogs are not only very friendly and social animals, they simply cannot tolerate loneliness, which is probably why they always live in large and friendly families. Such families usually consist of one dominant male, several females and their joint offspring. At the same time, none of these relatives sit idle; everyone has their own affairs and responsibilities. While some are engaged in construction, others look after the kids.

The nature of these mammals has not endowed them with any talent for the construction craft, so they almost never have problems with housing. For their permanent place of residence, these hardworking animals dig complex burrows, which in their layout are more reminiscent of spacious multi-room apartments. One such hole consists of many separate rooms for different purposes, these can be storage rooms, nesting chambers, and something like “bunkers”, where animals have the opportunity to reliably hide from predators or from natural disasters. All these rooms are connected to each other by a whole branch of long corridors, which run at different angles and, in the end, align in one place. According to some sources, the total length of one prairie dog house, including all tunnels and corridors, is approximately 300-400 m.

In the wild, prairie dogs feed exclusively plant foods, mostly they eat herbaceous plants, which block their horizons. Occasionally they may dine on some insects passing by.

Reproduction of prairie dogs

Usually mating season in these rodents, pregnancy starts from the beginning of spring, the duration of pregnancy is approximately 30-35 days, at the end of this period from 1 to 8 naked and blind babies are born (on average 3-4). The female brings offspring only once a year. After 60-65 days, children stop feeding on mother's milk and switch to adult food. Young prairie dogs become sexually mature at the age of 2 years. Usually parents leave their home to their children as an inheritance, and they themselves dig a hole nearby.

Rules for caring for a prairie dog at home

What age is best to buy a pet?

Very often, people who want to buy some kind of exotic animal try to purchase it in infancy; it is believed that this way the animal is better tamed and becomes more domestic. But when it comes to the prairie dog, this is a very dubious statement. It is best to bring into your home an animal that has just stopped feeding on its mother's milk, otherwise you risk losing your pet. The thing is that during the feeding period breast milk in prairie dogs, a so-called “baby fat” layer is formed; if this process is interrupted, the processes of natural protective reactions may be disrupted and the animal may die even from mild hypothermia. Therefore, it would be better to purchase an animal approximately 2-4 months old, when its body is already adapted to adult food.

Prairie Dog Care

In the event that you nevertheless manage to bring such a baby into your home, unadapted to adult life, do not panic. We need to find out what to feed this baby; adult food will still be too much for him. So, there are two power options. First: you need to mix in equal proportions whole milk with special solution electrolytes, which is intended for children suffering from gastrointestinal disorders (such solutions are sold in all pharmacies, the most popular among them is Pedialyte). The second option is much simpler: some veterinary pharmacies sell specialized milk for puppies; it is also suitable for these rodents.

The main attribute for such milk feeding will be a regular plastic syringe, which is sold in pet stores and is intended for feeding chicks. Feeding should be done slowly and carefully, food must be carefully injected into the animal’s mouth, carefully ensuring that the mixture does not get into the lumen of the trachea, otherwise the prairie dog cub will die from asphyxia.

These babies need to be fed every two to three hours; this should be done exclusively with warm milk.

Housing for a pet

It doesn’t matter whether you brought a baby or an adult into the house, it needs a home. For the latter, it is best to use a spacious terrarium, the dimensions of which should be selected based on the maximum dimensions of your pet. Whatever comfortable conditions living this wild animal in your house, but you can’t trample against nature, so it will be good if you provide him with the opportunity to do his favorite thing, namely digging a hole. To do this, it is necessary to place a wide layer of substrate at the bottom of the terrarium; it can be a mixture of sand and earth, mixed in equal proportions. If your prairie dog lives in a cage, then it is good to place soft, dry grass at the bottom of the cage. But there is one BUT here too! Grass is good, but, as practice shows, the prairie dog begins to defecate in this hay and then everything quickly stinks, and the pet smears itself in its urine and feces. My terrarium has a tray underneath the cage, so when the pet pees or poops, everything simply falls down. A little hay in just one corner.

In the evening before going to bed, I put his crib in the animal’s cage, she loves to sleep there. In the photo above you can see how she is already sleeping. What's most interesting is that she never shits in her bed!!! The prairie dog is a smart animal!

But not all the time they will be busy with construction, so that this furry animal does not get bored when you are not at home, you can give him several toys, believe me, he will find a use for them. Only toys should be made of denser materials, since this rodent is used to trying everything with its sharp teeth. In addition, you can place various branches and snags in his apartment, he will be no less happy with them.


Toilet training a prairie dog can be a bit of a hassle, but it usually has a positive outcome. In nature, the entire family usually relieves itself in one place, and then they simply bury the waste. This may be the case in captivity; as a toilet, you can place a small cat litter box in one of the corners of the terrarium; it is advisable to place it in the corner where the animal spends the least time. Soon the animal will figure out what and how to do with this device, intelligence and love for cleanliness will take its toll.

Every morning you need to clean the cage. It takes me 5-10 minutes.


A prairie dog should be accustomed to such a procedure as bathing gradually; if you simply plunge the animal into water, it will be very stressful for him. At first, you can gently direct a stream of water from a tap or shower to lower limbs rodent, and then higher. But it is important to remember that water should not get into the ears, as this can lead to an inflammatory process and you will have to seek help from a veterinarian. If it so happens that the head of a prairie dog is under the stream of water, then you need to carefully wipe the animal’s muzzle and ears with a soft towel, trying not to scare the animal. Soon he will be happy to take a bath.

It is better not to bathe the animal at all until it is 6 months old. Simply wiping it once or twice a week with a damp cloth or cotton sponge soaked in water is enough. As a rule, prairie dogs are clean.

Ambient temperature

The temperature of the external environment when keeping prairie dogs at home is the key to not just a comfortable life for animals in captivity, but also their life in general. By their nature, these little animals are very heat-loving creatures, so you simply need a source of artificial heat. It is good to use a thermal cord or a thermal mat (they can be purchased at a pet store). It would be best to place heating devices in one of the corners of the cage, so that the animal itself will choose the necessary conditions for itself. The average temperature in the terrarium should range from 19 to 26 degrees.

If the thermometer drops to 16-17, rest assured, your pet is no longer very comfortable, but at a temperature of 11-12 degrees, he may even go into hibernation, from which it is not so easy to get him out.

Bringing your pet out of hibernation

If the system fails and your pet still falls sound asleep from hypothermia, this is, of course, a problem, but by no means a death sentence. In order to wake up your animal, wrap it in some warm clothes and carefully place it on a heating pad; soon you will notice that the animal is already starting to wake up. Just don’t conduct such experiments often; this can have a very negative impact on the health of your pupil.

What to feed a prairie dog at home

Although this pet can be called exotic, it is by no means capricious or picky. At home, his food should not differ much from that consumed by his relatives in wildlife. So the basis of his diet should be grass, in summer and spring - usually succulent cereals or bulbous plants. In a week, a healthy adult should eat at least 900 - 1200 grams. In the fall, you can offer fallen leaves, but this treat must be checked for rot or mold before feeding it to your prairie dog.

In the photo on the left is timothy hay, on the right is alfalfa hay (feed number 1)

The photo shows feed for rabbits

The prairie dog should be given regular feed for young rabbits. Attention! Only 2 full tablespoons per day, no more! You can give 1 spoon in the morning and one in the evening.

Pictured on the left are cookies and dried mealworms - on the right

In Thailand they sell special cookies for prairie dogs - a mixture of different herbs, mixed feed, honey, plus vitamin supplements. Such treats can also be given in 1-3 pieces. in a day. Another delicacy is dried mealworms. You can give 5 worms per day, usually at lunch. Rodents love it!

If feed, biscuits and worms must be given out on a schedule and limited in volume, then hay (alfalfa, timothy and meadow grass) must be constantly present in the cage!

But as for clean drinking water, then it should always be freely available to the prairie dog, since they very often suffer from dehydration, moreover, this is one of the most common causes of death for these pets. You need to buy a 120-200 ml drinking bowl for rodents in the cage.

Many gardeners, having arrived at their dacha at the beginning of spring, are horrified to discover that uninvited guests have visited the garden beds - they have gnawed the tree bark, “plowed” the garden beds and destroyed the entire harvest of winter crops.

Rodents are dangerous pests of gardens and vegetable gardens, and if mice and hares feed on tree bark only in severe winter frosts, then pests such as “Chinese dogs” harm the garden and crops remaining over the winter throughout winter season. In the article I will tell you who the “Chinese dogs” are, present this rodent pest in a photo and list the main methods of dealing with the dangerous “neighbor”.

One of the most dangerous pests for gardens and vegetable gardens is the Chinese dog. This rodent belongs to the order of mice, but in body shape and size it more closely resembles a rat. The rodent causes significant damage to everyone garden plantings, because he, like a mole, digs the earth, leaving huge earthen piles on the surface of the ridges.

Appearance of the rodent:

  • body length - 25 cm;
  • weight - 500 g;
  • tail length - 6-13 cm;
  • coat color - gray, brown, black, with the presence of white or light gray stripes on the back or dark brown spots located over the entire surface of the body;
  • The coat is smooth and thick.

The “Chinese dog” feeds on seeds, fruits, berries, root crops, the bark of young shrubs or fruit trees, and the juicy pulp of stem shoots. In a word, if a rodent settles in the garden, it will cause enormous damage to the crop.

The “Chinese or earthen dog” is a thrifty rodent; it prepares supplies for the winter, preferring to deposit fruits, roots and plant seeds in a burrow. IN summer time the rodent establishes burrows near ponds or any other natural waters, in winter time he moves closer to houses and country houses.

Closer to the onset of cold weather, rodent pests can often be found in barns, country houses and even greenhouses. This furry animal surprises with its maneuverability - it can climb trees, swim beautifully, run fast, dig long and deep trenches and even jump.

Chinese dog minks are dug at a depth of 15-20 cm from the surface of the earth. The animal creates tunnels, a pantry, a nesting area, and a place for hibernation underground. If there are molehills in the garden, then the “Chinese dog” will take advantage of them.

Harm to the garden

If in the garden or next to garden plot If “Chinese dogs” set up their burrows, this becomes a significant problem for the gardener. The rodent is a voracious animal and is capable of completely destroying a crop.

The pest prefers to collect root crops in gardens. It stores small potatoes, beets, carrots, and radishes for the winter; the rodent feeds on large root vegetables right in the garden. In addition to crop theft, the pest causes significant damage to plant crops by digging holes in the ground, destroying young seedlings and mature crops. On young bushes and fruit trees The “Chinese dog” chews the bark, as a result of which the tree begins to dry out, become sick and may even die.

It is difficult to overestimate the damage that the Chinese dog can cause. The rodent is characterized by active fertility, and if its numbers increase, then almost the entire crop can suffer from the animal’s pests.

Methods to combat the "Chinese dog"

You can rid your garden of rodent pests different ways, namely, to expel, poison, destroy. The choice of technique depends on the number of pests, as well as the personal preferences of the gardener.

Biological method

The main enemies of rodents are cats and cats. Fluffy pets do an excellent job with mice and rats. Statistics indicate that in a month a cat living on the street can destroy about 40-50 mice.

You can also use a cat to destroy the Chinese dog. But it is important to remember that the rodent is quite impressive in size, so not every cat will be able to deal with it. In addition, if a domestic cat (which has not been outside before) is chosen to kill the animal, then there is no certainty that it will want to catch rodents.

Another option for getting rid of a rodent is a dog. It is desirable that the dog has hunting instincts, for example, a dachshund. A small one can also easily penetrate an animal’s burrows, can catch up with and destroy it, or catch it in a tree or in the water.

Mechanical method (traps and snares)

Since ancient times, traps or special traps have been used to exterminate rodents that are pests of the garden. This method against rodents is still actively used today.

To destroy the Chinese dog, arc traps are used as traps. They are buried in the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm; there is no need to sprinkle earth on top of the trap. It is advisable to place traps near pest holes.

In addition to arc traps, you can use cylindrical traps, self-made traps, traps equipped with an electric charge, etc.

Unfortunately, traps and snares are not the most effective method rodent control. These animals are very smart and cunning, and when they see that their relative has fallen into a trap, next time they will avoid it. Other disadvantages of the mechanical method of exterminating rodents:

  • extermination of rodents individually, which is very ineffective when the pest population is large;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the trap (it is important to regularly check whether the animal is caught in the trap or not);
  • the need to remove a dead or wounded animal from a trap;
  • the likelihood that a pet will fall into the trap.

Chemicals for killing rodents

An effective way to destroy the Chinese dog and other rodents is poison. The principle of such means is the same - the animal eats the poisoned product and soon dies.

Special stores offer a huge selection of poisons for rodents. But it is important to consider that toxic substances can stimulate the immune system in rodents. For example, if one generation of pests was poisoned by a certain pesticide, then the next generation of animals will develop immunity to this drug.

In order to effectively control pests using pesticides, the names of the drugs need to be changed from time to time.

Directions for use: poisoned products are placed near the animal’s burrows. In order for the rodent to eat the bait, it is recommended to feed it for several days, for example, bread or cheese. A rodent that has lost its vigilance will happily eat the poisoned product and then die.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • the need to exercise maximum caution in the process of spreading poison and preparing poisoned products;
  • the need to place chemicals in places inaccessible to pets and children;
  • a dead animal has a specific smell, so it must be found and destroyed, which is not always easy, since dying rodents hide.

Ultrasonic repellers

The principle of operation of ultrasonic repellers is oppression nervous system rodent. The pest's hearing is affected by ultrasonic frequencies, which create an uncomfortable environment for living, nesting and breeding of animals. Ultrasonic repellers placed throughout the garden will help drive out rodents forever.

This method is currently one of the most effective in the fight against rodent pests. In addition, it is absolutely safe for both humans and pets.

Advantages of the method:

  • an ultrasonic attack forces a family of rodents to leave the garden;
  • animals do not die, but simply leave, so there is no need to collect dead animals;
  • The device operates continuously, providing reliable protection from rodents;
  • economical in terms of power consumption;
  • lasts a long time - about 10-12 years.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • it is necessary that the device works constantly, otherwise the rodents may return;
  • the need to install the device in open spaces (without obstacles);
  • The distance of ultrasonic waves is 20 m, so in large areas it is necessary to install several devices.

Traditional methods

“Chinese dogs” are sensitive to sharp and specific odors, so the following methods can be used to scare away the animals:

  • burn the rubber and stick it in the rodent's hole;
  • pour kerosene (gasoline, motor oil) onto a rag and place it in the hole;
  • fill the mink with water mixed with soot;
  • plant aromatic plants in the garden - tansy, mint, elderberry, chamomile, marigolds.


  • “Chinese blenny” is a type of rodent pest that can destroy the entire harvest of fruit and plant crops.
  • To combat rodents, different methods are used, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the United States, prairie dogs have long been widely used as pets, and in Russia interest in them is only growing. Purchasing and maintaining these animals is quite troublesome, but if you are lucky enough to get it in early age, then you will have a best friend for life.

What are prairie dogs?

Rodents of the squirrel family, native to North America. They are diurnal and live in very large colonies. Even in the prairie wilds, young dogs spend most of their time playing with each other, strengthening their social connections. What can we say about home maintenance! They will be happy to frolic with you. Prairie dogs can become affectionate and loving pets if they are cared for properly and acquired at an early age (before 10 weeks). Hand feeding and playing for a couple of hours a day for the first few weeks is critical to establishing a strong bond. The average lifespan in captivity is 10-12 years, adults are approximately the size of a guinea pig.

The prairie dog is a very intelligent animal; in the wild, they communicate with each other in their own special language. More details about their communication can be found in a separate article with facts about prairie dogs. They understand phrases and some commands and learn quickly. If you call him, he will come to you. But they can also be very stubborn :)

Usually dogs become so attached to their owner that they are ready to protect him at the cost of their lives. Once lost, the animal will not return to “wild” life, like many other exotic animals. Instead, he will look for his owner and ask everyone he meets for help. If the separation was long, then when he meets the owner, his happiness will know no bounds.

If you do not sterilize (castrate) a prairie dog before 10 months, then when they are ready to mate, they can attack their owner and other people without warning. Therefore, it is worth worrying in advance about finding a veterinarian who can perform the operation!

Prairie dogs have large teeth and can bite quite deeply (to the point of drawing blood). Finding a specialist is quite difficult, so we recommend purchasing the book “ Bringing a Prairie Dog Pup Into Your Home” and show it to your veterinarian. This book has detailed description operation process. If you understand that you are not ready to pay enough attention to your pet, then it is better to get two individuals so that they can be friends and play and not feel lonely. They are not the type to be left alone in a cage all day.

Conditions for keeping prairie dogs

When you take a puppy into your home, you should take care of a special terrarium with a volume of 50-60 liters, place hay and old cotton T-shirts in it as bedding, and you can additionally add a heating pad. Within 3 days, the baby must be examined by a veterinarian to check his health status and be in touch with Emergency. Preventive examinations should be carried out once a year.

Next, you will need to prepare a spacious cage measuring 60x60x120 cm (long), the distance between the bars is no more than 1.5 cm. It will be great if you place tunnels, a large running wheel and a secluded place to sleep there. The wheel should not be made of wire and metal, but solid, made of wood or type-setting planks. Since in nature prairie dogs live in burrows, they would be happy to dig in the ground; for this, you can organize a tray with special soil.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to create conditions for it that are close to its natural habitat. Inspect the house, remove wires and dangerous objects, because they will chew them. Limit access to the bathroom and toilet, they are very curious and can chew toilet paper or drown themselves in the toilet.

If you are going to give the animal freedom of movement around the house, then carefully examine the premises for possible dangers! Protect them from glass and mirrors, water and wires.

Many owners worry that if they have two animals in the house, they will only love each other. But this is not true at all; they are very interested in spending time with their “family”. Since prairie dogs naturally live in large colonies, we highly recommend getting two so they can play for days on end and sleep together.

Such a pet will be for you an affectionate puppy who will never grow up. Their funny antics and variety of sounds to communicate with you will bring you a lot of fun

What to feed prairie dogs?

The dog's diet consists of 98% regular hay (Timothy grass). In the wild prairies they eat all the grass around their burrows, which gives them good review for protection from predators. In addition to simple hay, you should give granulated food (hay pellets, alfalfa, some grain) in small portions, and mealworms, zucchini and carrot slices, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) and lettuce as treats.

In summer and autumn period the animal can eat up to 1 kg of fresh grass per week. You can give some fruits and berries, insects. They are not very picky eaters, but they are also gluttons!

You may find useful answers to questions about prairie dogs at home in a separate article.

Prairie dog: maintenance and care

The field study was conducted by biologists from the American Center for Environmental Sciences at the University of Maryland. Data collection took place over several months between 2003 and 2012 at a nature reserve in Colorado. The white-tailed prairie dog subspecies (Cynomys leucurus) lives here, as well as in Wyoming, Utah and Montana. These small animals live on the prairies, on dry land covered with short grass. They are active during the day, hiding at night in their self-dug burrows. The white-tailed prairie dog differs from its fellows not only in the color of its tail, but also in the fact that it falls into a six-month period. hibernation. The black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus), on the other hand, is active all year round and even moves through the snow. To better understand the life of C. leucurus, scientists literally “lived like them,” writes National Geographic. Biologists got up at dawn, took up observation posts and left them only after the last dog went to sleep in its hole. In 2007, one of the scientists noticed from afar some prairie dog activity around another rodent. It was hypothesized that this was an adult killing another dog's baby. In general, this behavior occurs in prairie dogs, but it was not known that white-tailed dogs also engage in this behavior. However, upon closer examination of the victim, scientists made a much more interesting discovery: the carcass belonged to another rodent: the Wyoming ground squirrel (Urocitellus elegans), another member of the squirrel family. Over the next five years, scientists "solved" 101 killings of gopher blizzards, and another 62 cases were described as "similar." Most of the “crimes” were committed in May - during the period when gophers emerge from their burrows to feed after wintering. The “hunters” were adults of both sexes. Meanwhile, prairie dogs do not eat meat at all: they are completely herbivores. According to biologists, by destroying the equally herbivorous gophers, they are fighting for food. This happens in the world of wildlife: herbivorous mammals such as rats can kill competitors, but in this case they will not disdain to taste its meat. Prairie dogs simply left the bodies of their victims without further attention. Scientists also found that not all prairie dogs in the studied population kill, and those that go “hunting” do so with varying intensity. One of the dogs killed nine gophers in four years, while the other killed seven in one day. But it was worth it: it turned out that the cubs of the “killers” grow stronger and healthier than those of the peace-loving representatives of the population. Thus, this model of behavior, developed in conditions of limited resources, turned out to be viable and did not even require a change in the food preferences of herbivores. find out