It is difficult to predict the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Horse woman, since each of them is a personality whose behavior is quite difficult to predict. How their relationship will develop will depend on the partners themselves. The only thing we can say with certainty is that they certainly won’t be bored. In this couple, both the man and the woman are attractive and independent natures. The character traits of their partner are of great importance to them.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman: General Compatibility

The Dragon man knows how to set goals and achieve them

Harmony in a pair of Dragon and Horse is entirely in their hands. Much will depend on whether they make efforts to cement the relationship. If partners are united by the desire to develop together, then the union will be favorable.

Partners have a lot to learn from each other. However, they should be patient and not be too strict with their chosen one. The impulsiveness, unpredictability and self-will characteristic of the Dragon man and the Horse woman can both contribute to the relationship and lead to a breakup. However, one way or another, this couple is of great interest. They are delighted to spend their free time together. They always find a topic to talk about. Everyone is looking for an ideal partner, in other words, that person with whom they can be close spiritually, morally, physically and emotionally.

A man born in the year of the Dragon is distinguished by self-confidence and the desire to achieve his goals. He needs success in all areas of life. He wants to win in everything and enjoy it. He has strong energy. He is characterized by ardor and impetuosity, emotionality and vulnerability. His life path is filled with vanity and worries. Not every woman can bear it.

The Horse woman is characterized by impulsiveness

A woman born in the year of the Horse is an eccentric, charismatic nature, with a pronounced personality. The Horse woman is characterized by courage. Sometimes it is difficult for her to contain her emotions. Her originality and brightness attract others to her. In addition, she boasts amazing endurance, strength and performance. Such a woman needs to improve herself. She never stops in her development.

The Horse woman appreciates the temper and passion of her lover. She likes his frantic energy, emotionality and temperament.

A man and a woman are very similar to each other. They both like to be the center of attention and the life of the party. Their behavior is characterized by assertiveness and a sense of adventure. Both love to communicate. The compatibility of a Dragon man and a Horse woman is reinforced by a mutual desire for adventure and unforgettable experiences. Often partners have the same hobbies.

When a man meets his future wife, he often falls in love at first sight. He succumbs to the impulses of passion, which consumes him completely. Feelings force him to be proactive and active. He tries his best to achieve reciprocity from his beloved. She also feels sympathy for the Dragon man, because he is a bright and unique personality. Even if sometimes he is characterized by insolence and harshness.

He really wants to prove himself against the background of his companion. It is precisely this tactic of behavior that will provoke the Horse woman to begin to compete and compete with the man. After all, she loves to make a strong impression. For this reason, a man and a woman, knowing about each other’s desire to be a leader in everything, will enter into such a game. And it will become an excellent foundation for a rich relationship.

This union attracts everyone's attention. People around you are interested in the rich and unique life of their partners. They never get bored with each other. When they attend a social event, their positive energy is instantly transmitted to everyone around them. If a woman born in the year of the Horse and a Dragon man go traveling, then the vacation is always filled with vivid emotions. The spouses enjoy being together. Their life often resembles a fairy tale.

The Horse Woman is a workaholic by nature

However, scandals and difficulties arise quite often in this union. The problem is that for the Dragon man, pleasure plays a decisive role. Undoubtedly, the Horse woman also highly values ​​all kinds of entertainment. However, she knows how and loves to work. Often she is responsible for most of the responsibilities. And the man continues to get whatever he wants from life.

In his dreams, the Dragon man represents significant achievements. Household issues concern him little. He sincerely believes that his companion should deal with them. But the Horse woman also wants to have fun and communicate. She doesn't like devoting herself to everyday life. Kitchen chores and home comfort she is not inspired, but, on the contrary, despondent. They tire her. It turns out that lovers feel good together only when they relax and travel together. When deciding everyday issues scandals begin.

In order to reduce the number of conflicts, spouses should discuss everything in order to understand their partner’s position regarding household chores. Of course best option- resort to the services of a housekeeper, but this is a very expensive undertaking. If lovers do not want to allow separation, they should learn to find compromises, especially in moments related to everyday life. They should help each other.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Horse woman has very strong maternal feelings.

The compatibility of Dragon and Horse in marriage can be greatly affected by the pride inherent in both men and women. It is difficult for them to give in to their partner. But this is extremely important for a happy family. Misunderstanding arises due to the irresistible desire of each partner to be the head of the family. If they do not try to avoid conflicts, then their union is threatened with an inevitable break. In addition, the Dragon man should moderate his ardor. The despotism of his character and the Horse woman’s limitation in the desire to attract attention further aggravate the current situation.

The wife knows how to properly manage the money that the Dragon man earns. In marriage, a woman born in the year of the Horse shows ingenuity and intelligence. In most cases, a man does not like his wife’s behavior. He regards it as illogical, short-sighted and impractical. His chosen one needs independence and the opportunity to choose. But the man does not allow her to do this.

Despite numerous differences, a Dragon man and a Horse woman are able to create strong family ties that will be filled with happiness and positive emotions. In this situation, the partners are an extension of each other. The strong energy of the Dragon man, his desire to achieve goals and win, in combination with his wife’s ability to work, guarantee a strong union. Her workaholism makes a strong impression on her husband. In his mind, he can no longer imagine himself without his beloved, without her participation and affection.

The Dragon man and the woman born in the year of the Horse have very bright personalities. By uniting, they form a unique and emotional union. People around them pay attention to them and love to discuss their spouses. Everyone in this couple enjoys traveling. Vacation time is the happiest time for partners.

Lovers should think about a common business, as dizzying success awaits him. The Dragon Man generates great ideas. He is a wonderful leader. And the Horse woman is always happy to work.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman: Compatibility in Love

The Horse woman will support her partner in all sexual experiments

In most cases in sex life for a man born in the year of the Dragon and a Horse woman, everything turns out favorably. Spouses are passionate and emotional partners. They like variety and the search for new sensations. The wife does not skimp on buying underwear. The Dragon man seeks sophistication in the intimate area of ​​relationships, as well as in other areas.

He is a faithful companion and will not allow betrayal. Many controversial issues are resolved directly in bed. However, it is worth considering that if spouses are united only by sex, then their relationship is doomed. That is why it is necessary to find a different way to solve problems so that the union is strong and durable.

Among Horse women there are both tense and relaxed representatives. It happens that the spouse is not satisfied with her intimate life, but she will carefully hide it. She may not be delighted with the constant experiments started by her husband. But a woman will make every effort to accept the desire of her loved one.

The Dragon man needs a strong connection with his partner on an emotional level. If she gives him this opportunity, then he will understand how she feels about sexual intimacy and will help her open up.

The compatibility of Dragon and Horse in love can be facilitated by the active rapprochement of partners. In order to strengthen this union, spouses must pay as much attention as possible to the chosen one. They should make concessions so as not to get bogged down in endless conflict situations. If the lovers have already reached adulthood, then the tandem will be more durable and harmonious. One way or another, the family life of the Dragon and the Horse will be rich and interesting.

If spouses make a large number of acquaintances and find suitable hobbies for themselves, then both will be happy in marriage. A far-sighted Dragon man will definitely support his partner’s changing plans and inspiration. She will begin to use the power of the Dragon man to achieve certain goals. She will not be jealous of her husband and will forget about her own selfishness.

To avoid quarrels on domestic grounds, it is worth thinking about a clear distribution of responsibilities. If the lovers come to an agreement, the problem will be resolved once and for all.

Family happiness is guaranteed for the Dragon man and the Horse woman if they direct their activities and energy to strengthening relationships. Otherwise, the couple may break up, and this should not be allowed.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

When life brings together such strong-willed and proud people as the Horse and the Dragon, they are not high in any kind of relationship. Both seem unusually self-confident, but in reality the Dragon has a tender and vulnerable soul, and the Horse often suffers from an inferiority complex. If they have enough love to understand this, they can help each other become better people and create a stable and prosperous union.

Compatibility in friendship

The Dragon and the Horse are unlikely to become friends for life, although at the beginning they may have fun and interest in each other. Both love to have a good time, are sociable and active. However, sooner or later the dissimilarity of their characters makes itself felt. Both signs are big egoists, but if the Dragon is capable of not only taking but also giving in a relationship, then the Horse pursues only its own goals.

The Dragon claims exclusive attention to his person, but the Horse is often not up to it. It always seems to the proud Dragon that the Horse does not value him at all, and she, in turn, accuses him of excessive pressure and an encroachment on her independence.

The Horse and the Dragon are more competitors than friends. Everyone needs to prove their superiority and force their partner to play by their own rules. In disputes and conflict situations that occur between them quite often, both opponents simply need the other to not only submit, but also admit that he was wrong.

At first glance, the union of these purposeful and efficient people should be incredibly successful. Both are capable of not only brilliant ideas, but also their implementation. They are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to accept bold decisions and do not shun hard work.

But the Horse and the Dragon are not capable of long-term interaction. The reason for this is the struggle for leadership and stubbornness, which does not allow them to agree. Neither of them wants to give in to the other, while both are hot-tempered and ready to get into a fight over any trifle.

In business, both the Dragon and the Horse need the approval of their activities by other people, and they are not ready to share laurels, which for them are the true reward for their work. In case of victory, each of them pulls the blanket over himself, attributing the success of the common cause exclusively to himself.

However, if we're talking about about family business, the situation is changing radically. As a rule, the Horse wife gives the reins to her Dragon husband and helps bring his plans to life.

In the union of the Horse and the Dragon, feelings overflow, and if at the beginning of the relationship this turns both on, then over time they get tired of emotional instability and begin to be burdened by each other.

To save the marriage, the Horse and the Dragon have to endure a lot and sacrifice a lot. Not all couples are ready for this, especially in their younger years, especially since the eternal conflict of interests and mutual claims do not bring joy to either spouse. But sometimes love works wonders, and they still manage to find a common language. In this case, they can easily get along with each other and create a strong family, especially if the man in the couple is a Dragon and the woman is a Horse.

Dragon Man and Horse Woman

The Horse woman is a wonderful wife, mother and mistress. The Dragon man is the real head of the family, caring and capable of defending its interests. If they immediately divide the roles in the family in this way, then it is quite possible that they will be able to avoid the problems inherent in the relationship between these signs. This union is supported by the fact that the Horse woman, unlike a man, is able to show flexibility and intuitively understands which side to approach her husband in order to get what she wants.

Horse Man and Dragon Woman

In this case, a whirlwind romance more often develops into an unhappy married life. Until the Dragon woman becomes a wife, the Horse man is attracted by her beauty, ability to attract attention and temperament. But as soon as he puts the ring on her finger, it turns out that he needs a quiet stay-at-home wife. The dragon is not satisfied with this development of events, and she tries with all her might to defend her independence, which leads to mutual grievances and stormy scenes.

The only place where the Dragon and the Horse do not have disagreements is the bed. Both are happy that they finally managed to find a lover as skilled and passionate as themselves. It is in intimate relationships that they can show tenderness and deep feelings that they do not always show to each other in private. ordinary life due to tension and eternal disputes.

Horse and Dragon compatibility is far from ideal. But, as often happens, the willingness to compromise and the desire for mutual understanding can correct the most hopeless relationships. They have a lot in common that will help them find balance and develop, and if these two make it their goal to be together, they can do it.

Often, Dragons achieve outstanding success, they are literally swimming in money, and this factor, coupled with your natural magnetism, makes you a very desirable prey for representatives of almost all signs Chinese Zodiac. Your weakness is that you actually depend on this love and attention and in its absence you lose self-confidence and feel empty.

The horse is a restless and incredibly sociable eternal wanderer. If you have your eye on a representative of this sign, most likely you were attracted by her sincere passion for travel. Unlike the Dragon, the Horse is not used to constantly being in the center of everyone's attention, however, many Horse women are also surrounded by crowds of fans, and they receive no less pleasure from the admiration of others. The horse is smart and quick-witted, but it is very difficult for him to stick to any schedule or keep his promises; she is fickle and eccentric, this woman plunges headlong into some kind of relationship for a whole month in order to lose all interest in it by the beginning of the next month.

The love union between the Dragon and the Horse promises to be interesting. This relationship has some potential. On the one hand, you share your partner’s love of travel, but neither of you is used to sharing the attention and spotlight with someone. The horse is not distinguished by a developed possessive instinct, it will not be jealous of your many fans, and this is very useful, because fans will be present in your life in any case - regardless of your desire!

A horse falls in love easily. Having fallen in love, she completely devotes herself to her partner and gives him all the reserves of her devotion. At first, this relationship will seem ideal to you because, as a Dragon, you really need love and support, which gives you the strength and confidence necessary to go towards your goals. Unfortunately, in most cases, the fickle Horse very quickly turns his attention to someone else. If you want to build a long-term relationship with this woman, you will have to make a lot of effort to keep her attention and maintain her interest in you. At the same time, you will have to work hard - no less than when solving some business or financial problems.

Horses are excellent at managing finances and solving various issues related to running a business. You prefer to do everything on your own and hate it when people try to control you, so such displays of intelligence from your partner may make you anxious. It may be difficult for you to accept the fact that the Horse is much better at managing finances than you.

When your partner does a task better than you, you feel hurt. Among other things, it will most likely be very difficult for the two of you to manage a joint household. You are more interested in implementing some global projects than in carrying out everyday duties, and Horses - especially women - love to communicate more than to do hard, monotonous work. If you nevertheless decide to maintain a relationship with your Horse partner, you need to draw up a clear housekeeping plan. In addition, you will have to constantly maintain the fire of your passion so that the Horse does not lose interest in you. It is enough for her that you from time to time allow her to become the center of everyone's attention, and in some cases give her the place of leader - especially when it comes to your social life.

The Horse and the Dragon have a lot in common. Both are funny, interesting, loving, adventurous and love company.

They have qualities that appeal to each other. The Dragon loves the care and energy of the Horse, and the Horse admires the passion and enthusiasm of the Dragon. The ingenuity of this woman, especially in terms of earning money, can delight anyone.

Their house can be empty forever, because this couple loves freedom and does not want to be bored at home all day. Their life together can be delightful, especially if they can agree on how to run the household.

These relationships will be strengthened on the basis of diversity and love of freedom. Both signs are always enthusiastic about new and exciting adventures. They literally feed off their shared entrepreneurial spirit.

However, as in any union, this couple can have dangerous moments.

The main problem may be selfishness. The Horse may not understand what could be more interesting than himself and his ideas, but the Dragon believes that she should be a leader, and the world and planets should revolve exclusively around her. Because of this, even the slightest difference in opinions and interests can lead to disagreements and push their heads together.

The inability to see an alternative point of view can lead to a quick breakdown in relationships.

A man should learn to control his impulsive behavior, especially in his relationship with this woman. She simply won't tolerate his rebellious nature. For the Dragon, reputation and image are important, and a man who knows how to remain rational in difficult situations will always be loved by her.

This couple should better understand the qualities and character of their loved one. You can't just say, "It's his problem."

A man born under the sign of the Horse has endless energy, and his enthusiasm is contagious to all those around him. He is always ready to jump into the pool headlong, without any questions asked. Enjoys parties and travel. He knows how to work hard, especially when the flame of enthusiasm burns in his soul. However, it is difficult for him to finish what he started.

One can say about the Dragon woman that she is powerful, but she is more characterized by internal strength than physical strength. She walks into a room and no one questions her leadership. Her life is often surrounded by fans who admire her every breath. His determination makes her successful in many areas of life, and his fans give her confidence and encourage her to new conquests.

Intense love and support will attract the Dragon's attention. However, the younger this couple is, the more difficulties they will have to endure. It is very difficult for a woman to give up control. Both are not ready to devote time household. The situation can become even more complicated when children appear.

Compromise is what will help you have fun and avoid conflict. This couple needs to establish at least some kind of schedule for commitments around the house. To avoid fighting for the spotlight, it is best to have different groups of friends where everyone can get the attention they want.

From the point of view of Chinese astrology, even small efforts will make this union very effective.

The compatibility of a Horse man and a Dragon woman guarantees partners wonderful friendship and excellent business cooperation. A man’s ingenuity and diversity of points of view contribute to the fact that a woman happily takes on the implementation of new ideas and plans. But when both give preference to a dynamic and free lifestyle, then the chances of creating a strong and lasting union are extremely small. In addition, partners are characterized by waywardness and impulsiveness, and this negatively affects their relationship, and predicting the development of events is not an easy task. The only thing we can confidently say is that the spouses will not get bored with each other.

In fact, a man born in the year of the Horse and a Dragon woman have a lot in common. They are alike. Each of them loves travel and adventure. To achieve harmony in marriage, both should change long-standing habits and focus on the family. One way or another, a woman will have enough reasons to feel proud of her chosen one. He, in turn, tirelessly admires his beloved.

Horse Man and Dragon Woman: General Compatibility

The Dragon Woman always tries to be the best in everything

The well-being of the union is entirely in the hands of the partners. Much will depend on the personal characteristics of each of them, on the desire to create a strong and happy family, on the efforts made to achieve this goal. Spouses should learn to understand each other, find optimal solutions and in actions be guided solely by wisdom.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon can be described as a bright, attractive and intellectually developed personality. In society, she attracts everyone's attention. She knows how to make a lasting impression. She is characterized by unpredictability, originality, seriousness and love of communication. She has excellent leadership abilities. She strives to be the best in everything. A woman prefers to live to the fullest and strives to get maximum pleasure from life. She turns weekdays into endless celebrations.

Its defining qualities are courage, eccentricity, sharpness, chaos and passion. There is no limit to her positive energy. She cannot devote herself exclusively to her family, because such a lifestyle will break her. For this reason, a woman born in the year of the Dragon mandatory it is necessary to realize all your enormous potential in completely different areas.

A man born in the year of the Horse is also characterized by a pronounced individuality and originality. He is reputed to be an intelligent, enterprising, active and successful man. He makes every effort to achieve what he wants. He is not afraid of the difficulties that arise. He is able to deal with them on his own. In his career, he has no equal, since he achieves the best results in his chosen field of activity.

The Horse man must win his chosen one

By nature, the Horse man is a leader. But in unforeseen circumstances, he can lose his temper and greatly harm the situation. He has many talents. He spends enough effort on his education. In any field he is able to reach heights.

In romantic relationships, he acts as a conqueror. He will spare no effort to achieve reciprocity from his beloved. However, if the object of his adoration is deliberately accessible or uninteresting, then the man will quickly lose motivation and start choosing a more suitable companion for him.

When meeting a Dragon woman, she may fall in love at first sight with a man born in the year of the Horse. She instantly decides that he is the ideal companion for her. Often the chosen one also falls under the woman’s charm. She attracts him with her beauty and unusualness. Partners are drawn to each other with incredible force. The romance begins from the moment of the first meeting. It is distinguished by its brightness and ardor.

The Dragon Woman really likes that she is not bored with a cheerful, interesting and passionate lover. For her, this is of decisive importance. If he is able to give his companion unforgettable feelings and impressions, then she will value such a relationship and highly value her beloved man.

In this couple, the partners do not know what gray and dreary everyday life is like. In most cases, spouses expect active life, filled with events and emotions. The fact is that a quiet, planned, thoughtful life, when everything is known for years in advance, is not suitable for both. Interesting events, changing places, a huge number of surprises help maintain excellent shape.

Horse Man and Dragon Woman: Marriage Compatibility

The Horse man loves attention very much

A pair of a Horse man and a Dragon woman represents a relationship between two strong, active and independent individuals who always have something to talk about and what to devote their free time to. However, when the period of courtship and first falling in love passes, then difficulties make themselves felt. Over time, the partner will discover that the impetuous and assertive chosen one wants to express herself against his background. Of course, such behavior of the Dragon woman will not please a man. He also wants to attract everyone's attention and achieve fame. Such rivalry initially adds novelty to the relationship between partners. For some time they enjoy being participants in this exciting game. But time passes and quarrels and misunderstandings begin.

To achieve internal harmony, each spouse needs to feel like a leader. They do not consider secondary roles for themselves. No one in the couple wants to make concessions, which negatively affects the compatibility of the Horse man and the Dragon woman. The partners are categorical. It's difficult for them to come to an agreement.

They have a great and entertaining time. They enjoy traveling and discovering new places together. However, building strong family ties will be problematic. The man has a pronounced temperament. The Dragon Woman, in turn, is too active, she needs to constantly do something. One of the spouses must act wisely: finally allow the partner to become the leader in the relationship. Otherwise, the union is doomed. If they devote themselves exclusively to competition and make no attempt to understand their loved one, then separation is inevitable.

The financial side of life for spouses also provokes certain difficulties. The Dragon Woman cannot imagine her life without spending on cute, meaningless trinkets and unnecessary things. In order to resolve this issue, the partner should realize that her chosen one is an excellent financier. It is necessary to entrust him with managing the family budget, then conflicts can be avoided.

Horse Man and Dragon Woman: Compatibility in Love

The Horse man is very sexually active, but rarely cheats

When it comes to sex, everything goes as well as possible for the spouses. Intimate life and carnal pleasures are important to both. Partners are passionate and emotional people. Lovers enjoy themselves in bed. This is facilitated by the activity of the Horse man and the imagination of the Dragon woman. They are never bored.

Compatibility of Horse and Dragon in love can suffer from a man’s selfishness. The wife is forced to adapt to her partner and change her behavior tactics to fully satisfy his needs.

It is sex that helps improve relationships between spouses. However, lovers should remember that you cannot build a strong marriage solely on physical intimacy. If both are also connected by love, then there will be no obstacles to a happy life together on their path.

For a long and happy life family life one of the partners needs to unconditionally accept the leadership of the other

The compatibility of Horse and Dragon in marriage raises certain doubts. However, bright and gifted partners have the opportunity to create a happy family. Both are distinguished by their emotionality and courage. A marriage is destined to be successful if one spouse can transfer the right to leadership to the other.

Each of them keeps their word and thinks carefully about their actions. They can always agree. Both strive for independence, and this is a powerful argument for achieving mutual understanding. They should distribute responsibilities. Free time It’s better to share: spend time with your loved one, but don’t forget about your friends. Spouses need personal space and the company of people important to them. From time to time, it is extremely important for them to be in the spotlight, and not to fight for leadership with their companion.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon should work on finding peace. She needs to do housework and raising children more often. In addition, it is worth supporting your spouse, and not making claims against him. Under such circumstances, the Dragon man will begin to fulfill all the desires of his wife. If partners give each other good advice and show care, then the couple will certainly be happy.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money