Ascariasis is by far the most common helminthiasis. It belongs to the invasions of the naturally endemic type. The disease is directly dependent on the soil and climatic conditions of the territory, which determine the possibility of helminth development. Not the least role in infection with ascariasis is played by the characteristics of the area, sanitary conditions and traditions of the population living in a particular territory.

It is known that roundworms are absent only in areas of the tundra and dry deserts, that is, in places where there is practically no artificial irrigation for farming.

Ascariasis is more often diagnosed in children than in adults. This is explained by the fact that young children do not follow hygiene rules, which are very important in the prevention of ascariasis.

How does the human roundworm work?

The human roundworm (lat. Ascaris lumbricoides) belongs to the class Nematodes. This roundworm, which has a spindle-shaped body of a reddish-yellow color. After death, the helminth turns pale yellow.

Males and females look different. Males are smaller than females. Their sizes vary from 15 to 25 cm in length and from 0.2 to 0.4 cm in width. Female roundworms reach a length of 20-40 cm, and the width of their body can be 0.6 cm. Visually, you can distinguish a male helminth from a female by the tail part: males have a hook-shaped process at the end of the body, and in females the tail part is represented by a pointed straight cone .

The helminth can enter the human body in the following ways:

Pathogenesis of the disease

The process of helminth development in the host’s body can be divided into 2 stages: migratory and intestinal.

At the intestinal stage, the allergic reaction from the immune system is weakly expressed. Adult worms mechanically injure the walls of the small intestine as they move through it. This can cause reflex disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, the development of spastic obstruction of the small intestine, and even rupture of the intestinal wall.

Ascariasis negatively affects the absorption of nutrients by a person, which in turn disrupts vitamin metabolism. People with this disease have a deficiency of the following vitamins: Retinol, Ascorbic acid, Pyridoxine. The child's body reacts to ascariasis with suppressed synthesis of antibodies to certain pathogenic agents.

Symptoms of ascariasis

The clinical picture of the disease during the migration stage is weakly expressed or does not appear at all. If intensive infection develops, patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • general malaise;
  • migraine;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • periodic increase in temperature;
  • the occurrence of urticaria on the skin.

Cases of ascariasis are described, accompanied by diarrhea and constipation, replacing each other. Some patients may develop enteritis with subsequent progression. In young children, invasion often manifests itself as dyspepsia, abdominal pain that occurs suddenly or upon palpation. An X-ray of the intestine shows a change in the relief of the mucous layer. There may be an uncomfortable sensation of something moving in the intestines, flatulence.

In children with helminthiasis, clinical manifestations of the central nervous system occur. Children complain of poor health, malaise, become irritable and absent-minded. Children cannot sleep well at night and have nightmares. In severe cases, hysterics and epileptic attacks occur.

In addition to scatological examination of feces, light microscopy is used. The polymerase chain reaction method can be used to identify specific roundworm DNA sequences.

The attending physician should recommend the patient a special diet that promotes healing. For the entire period of therapy, it is necessary to exclude bakery and confectionery products. You should eat foods rich in fiber: cereals, fresh vegetables. Fiber helps heal the intestines by stimulating peristalsis. Ideally, carryover therapy should be performed. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes laxative tablets to the patient.

After preparation, you can begin treatment for ascariasis. Therapy is carried out by taking special anthelmintic drugs (tablets such as Pirantel, Wormila).

But it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later. To minimize the risk of developing ascariasis, its prevention is necessary: ​​you need to follow hygiene rules, thoroughly wash and process food, and do not drink water from untested sources.

Reading time: 5 min

Roundworms often settle in the body of humans and animals. There are several varieties of them and a special subspecies - the so-called human roundworm. It has its own characteristics, the human roundworm.

In the process of her research, it turned out that helminths not only bring harm, but also benefit. Scientists came to this conclusion.

A unique form of life, the roundworm has pronounced sexual characteristics and genitals. The female and male have absolutely different structure. The method of reproduction is sexual intercourse. The male is attached to the female's body by projections. Through them, the seed enters her body.

The female has a vagina, uterus, ovaries, as well as a spermatic receptacle, oviducts and a genital opening. The male has a testis, vas deferens and a canal for ejaculation.

It is a scientifically proven fact that the reaction of the immune system to this species is very specific. In some cases, roundworms can claim the status of an active participant in the microflora, despite their impressive size, the length of the male is 25 cm, the length of the female is 45 cm.

The unexpected discovery was puzzling at first

The results of the study were made public, published in the journal Science, and became public knowledge.

How did this unusual experiment take place?

Aron Blackwell and other scientists observed the Chimane tribe. Some residents were found to be infected with roundworms and other worms.

The time the body needed to recover from pregnancy was reduced. Of course, this pattern attracted the attention of researchers, although it was possible not to pay attention to it. But the correlation was present, the facts had to be interpreted.

Nine years of observation and analysis

Initially, scientists associated problems with conception that arose in women in whose bodies helminths were found with hemoglobin levels. But later it was proven that helminths are able to influence the production of T-helper cells of the first and second types.

During a woman's pregnancy naturally their balance changes. There are fewer T-helper cells of the first type entering the blood, and more of the second type. This immune reaction protects the embryo and the mother's body.

A woman’s body reacts to roundworm in approximately the same way as to pregnancy: the level of T-helper type 1 in the blood decreases, the level of T-helper type 2 increases.

A total of 986 women took part in the experiment. And although the information obtained by scientists is very interesting, it is still unknown what significance they have for science in general and medicine in particular, and whether they will find practical application.

There is still more harm from roundworms

The positive impact of this species on reproductive function is obvious, however, there are always two sides to the coin. Helper T cells are produced by the thymus to perform specific tasks. The active work of this gland, of course, entails its wear and tear. Many diseases are associated with its insufficient functioning, but even for the sake of recovery, there is probably no point in putting up with the presence of helminths in your body, especially with such a dangerous species as roundworms.

Fertility medications may be a healthy compromise. The conflict between the two species is less acute than always thought, but confrontation cannot be avoided.

The eggs of the human roundworm are released into the external environment along with feces. If it is soil, the life cycle continues. Ideal conditions are moist soil, air access, coolness. Larvae emerge from the eggs. When eggs somehow enter the body, and this happens most often when eating fruits, berries, and vegetables without pre-treatment, the individuals continue to grow.

Having reached sexual maturity, they begin to multiply and affect various organs, most often the intestines, but not always. One individual lives for about a year, the population exists much longer.

If the infestation is not treated, a person will share his body with these roundworms for the rest of his life. They will undermine your health and take away your strength gradually, without giving much in return.

Spread throughout the body

Eggs, once in the stomach with food, are transferred to the small intestine. Their shell is not damaged by enzymes and gastric juice; the larvae remain unharmed during digestion. They escape from the eggs by clinging to tissue in the small intestine. This way they enter the capillaries and, together with the blood, begin to move through the body and internal organs.

This is a standard stage in their life. Each individual goes through it. The result of the journey is a return to the small intestine.

Rarely does only one individual enter the body. In this case, invasion will not occur. Most often there are a lot of eggs. Reproduction involves the appearance of many individuals, their simultaneous development and competition.

What is it?

Not all helminths, even in an ideal environment, can reach maximum, record sizes, which indicates a different genetic program.

All the larvae that appeared after the mating of a male and a female simply cannot remain alive in the body of the host. Too many of them. Some will die on the way back to the small intestine, and some will live in other organs, although this is not an ideal environment.

Coughs don't only appear with a cold

Individuals can linger in the lungs, and for a long time. Signs of infestation can easily be confused with a common cold. A cough and sputum appear. Along with phlegm, part of the population leaves the body to die. The immune system It works, but these efforts are not enough.

The appearance of a wet cough and hoarseness is a sure sign of the migration of this type of roundworm. But if you have a persistent dry cough and difficulty breathing, it means that the infection has become chronic. Gradually the symptoms worsen. Relief, alas, is not worth waiting for. When infested with roundworms, you need to mandatory undergo a course of treatment and follow the doctor’s instructions.

During their life, these worms release harmful substances, poison, and destroy organs. The mucous membrane, the walls of blood vessels, and the composition of the blood are subject to harmful effects.

The manifestation of this influence is inflammation in organs and tissues, which will either lead to a gradual decrease in the population, the existence of individuals in the small intestine and nowhere else, for example, or will become chronic.

Many viruses and infections will be able to affect the body unhindered. Killing the host is not part of the population's plans. The goal is long-term existence, symbiosis. And yet roundworms are an aggressive species.

The brain is one of those organs where they can also settle. This is a weak point in the human body. Depression develops, seizures appear, and normal activity is disrupted. At the most inopportune moment, a person may faint.

Of course, human roundworms call into question the life of the host.

Human roundworm is a representative of roundworms. Belongs to the class of nematodes. It has a pale pink cylindrical body with pointed ends. The protective shell is made up of the cuticle with the epithelium underneath it having lost its cellular structure. The length of the roundworm depends on its gender: males reach a maximum of 25 cm, while females grow up to 40 cm. They have a body cavity with internal organs. The structural features consist in the presence of a division of the digestive system into 3 sections, which is not typical for worm-like animals.

They cannot breathe in the traditional sense. Oxygen or alternative nutrients, depending on the environment, are obtained through:

  • Body surface.
  • Anaerobic respiratory organs.

Also in the section you can see the intestines of the roundworm with mitochondria in the epithelial cells. The spectacle is not pleasant, however, it is necessary to understand how this worm lives, feeds and reproduces.

What do male roundworms look like? Exactly the same as females, only they have a tubercle towards the peritoneum. Nervous system the species is poorly developed. Reproduction in roundworms occurs only through mating. The genital organs are:

  • Vagina, uterus, ovaries and ovipositor in females.
  • Vas deferens, testes and ejaculatory duct in males.

The human roundworm does not have suckers, cilia or other attachment organs; it moves towards food masses with the help of the cuticle, which acts as a flexible skeleton. Metabolic products are excreted through pores in the protective shell.

Roundworms do not appear in the human body immediately. First, the female must lay eggs, which, after leaving the body with feces, will end up in an environment suitable for maturation (soil). Any climate zone is suitable for this, with the exception of desert, semi-desert and arctic ones. In eggs protected by a five-layer protein-lipid shell, larvae form within 3-3.5 weeks at a soil temperature of 20-25 degrees. If conditions are less favorable, the initial stage of roundworm development may be delayed for many months - up to 7 years.

Entry into the body

Once in the body, the larva can now easily shed the cocoon, which forms a three-layer protective protein-lipid shell around it. To go out to right moment, it is enough for her to secrete a special enzyme and dissolve part of its walls.

The following can serve as carriers:

  • Flies landing on food.
  • Unwashed hands, dirty fruits and vegetables.
  • Poorly washed dishes.

Having shed the egg shell, the larva of the human roundworm first penetrates the inferior vena cava through the intestines and strives for the heart, from which it quickly enters the lungs. Through heavy breathing and coughing, the young individual gets into the saliva, with which it is swallowed again, after which it again enters the intestines. That's where it happens further development roundworms before reaching sexual maturity.

Residence in the intestines

What are roundworms in the process of maturation? These are growing individuals who, due to the nature of their life activity, first need to feed on blood serum containing enough oxygen. At the same time, immature larvae begin to secrete a toxic substance dangerous to the host’s body, which eats away the intestinal walls.

As the roundworm grows in the intestines, the serum becomes insufficient. It is no longer an acceptable source of power. Now oxygenated red blood cells are more suitable for this role. The young roundworm worm enters the circulatory system through capillaries in the intestines. From there, as hunger intensifies, into the lungs. By the way, it is by size, pattern of movements and color that one can track the age and viability of free-living roundworms and nematodes.


Roundworms, like roundworms, differ from most representatives of their species in that they are dioecious. As a result of mating, the female lays about 200-240 thousand eggs every day. The latter are gradually excreted in feces and, after maturing in the soil, enter the human body again. Life cycle The helminth is such that it does not have to be transmitted from one host to another - it can live in the body for up to a year, during which the larvae spread throughout the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

Ascaris, photos and videos of which abound on the Internet, usually has characteristics already adult large in size and does not require verbal description. Roundworms cause harm only in the blood. In this case, the main symptoms, depending on the degree of spread and localization, may be:

  • weakness;
  • sweating;
  • fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • headaches, shortness of breath.

In the typology of nematodes, you can find worms such as horse roundworm. There is also veal and dog. There is even pig roundworm (ascariasis disease of pigs). The latter, unlike other species, can infect humans. This is due to the similarity different types roundworms in structure and how they are transmitted. If, upon examination and taking tests, a veterinarian discovers that the pigs are affected by helminthic infestation, they must be urgently treated, and the requirements for personal hygiene of pig farm workers must be increased.

Diagnosis of ascariasis is carried out in several ways. One is used if the patient coughs - sputum is needed for analysis. The second is done during a preventive examination and taking feces for examination, since roundworms are released in the form of sexually mature individuals and eggs. They are trying to detect them as a result of laboratory research.

Treatment and preventive measures

However, before taking medicine for roundworms, the patient will have to undergo special therapy. It includes several stages. This will help remove the toxic waste of males and females, as well as roundworm larvae. The doctor will definitely check your weight. This is necessary to prescribe the correct dosage of a medicine containing antibodies to roundworms. Particularly distrustful individuals may even be shown photos of ascariasis in a particularly severe form to convince them.


The treatment necessary to get rid of helminths takes place in several stages:

  1. Prescribing medications with precise dosage by weight.
  2. Detoxification of the body.
  3. Taking pills.
  4. Repeated diagnostics.

For surgeons who know from experience what roundworms look like and what they are, it is also obvious that as a result of exchanging saliva or eating the same apple with an infected person, you can become a carrier yourself. And then both of you will need to take medications. But the unwillingness to accept this fact - the presence of worms in a friend and in oneself - can only aggravate the situation. For example, a pregnant woman may not be able to overcome the proliferation of roundworms in a timely manner; as a result, the child will be born weak, allergic, and will often suffer from bronchitis.

Remember, you should never neglect preventive examinations and annual tests.


It is impossible to catch the disease during the formation of eggs - synkaryon - from horse roundworm. However, you need to wash your hands more often and not eat freshly picked fruits, so as not to get other organisms that are already harmful to humans.

What can be the prevention of ascariasis? It's quite simple. There are special medications, one tablet of which must be taken by a person every 6–12 months. They contain antibodies that prevent the appearance of worms, or even with ascariasis in the latent (initial) stage, they seriously inhibit their spread.


Researchers also hypothesize that getting rid of certain types of ascariasis pathogens, as well as getting them into the body, can cause serious harm to a person, increasing the likelihood of developing some form of allergy. The information has not yet been confirmed, but experiments continue.

Lecture No. 7

Topic: “Animals belonging to the type Roundworms, class Nematodes - causative agents of helminthiases”

Questions from the material presented:

1. general characteristics nematodes

2. Human roundworm.

3. Whipworm.

4. Pinworm.

General characteristics of nematodes.

Roundworms have a number of progressive organizational features compared to flatworms.

Character traits Roundworm-type organizations:

1. The body is thin, cylindrical, elongated and pointed at the ends. In cross section it is round (which gives the type its name).

2. The skin-muscle sac consists of an outer multilayer cuticle that does not have a cellular structure, a single-layer epithelium located underneath it and a layer of longitudinal muscle fibers, thanks to the contractions of which the body can bend in a serpentine manner.

3. The body cavity is primary, filled with liquid under high pressure. Cavity fluid gives the body elasticity and plays a role hydroskeleton. It also provides transport of nutrients and waste products.

4. For the first time in the animal world, the digestive system is represented by a through digestive tube, divided into three sections: the foregut, midgut and hindgut. The anterior section begins with the oral opening leading to oral cavity and a pharynx capable of working as a pump. The pharynx is separated from the midgut by a valve. In the midgut, food is digested and absorbed. The midgut is followed by the ectodermal hindgut, which opens on the ventral side of the body through the anus.

5. Excretory system It is represented by a pair of lateral longitudinal canals, merging under the pharynx into one duct and opening on the ventral side of the body with an excretory opening. The final waste products accumulate in the cavity fluid, and from it enter the excretory canals.

6. The nervous system is represented by a circular peripharyngeal ganglion and several longitudinal nerve trunks extending from it, connected to each other by semicircular nerve bridges. There are organs of taste and touch.

7. Roundworms are dioecious animals that reproduce only sexually. Males and females are externally distinguishable (sexual dimorphism). Reproductive system has the form of a tube: the female has two ovaries, two oviducts, two uteruses and an unpaired vagina, the male has one testis, one vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, copulatory apparatus. Fertilization is internal, development usually occurs with incomplete transformation (with the larval stage).

Human roundworm.

Human roundworm (Ascarislumbricoides) is the causative agent of ascariasis, anthroponosis (reservoir - humans).

The disease is widespread, especially in countries with hot and humid climates.

Ascaris is one of the most common helminths; about 1 billion people worldwide are infected with ascariasis.

Morphological features. The body of the roundworm is highly elongated, gradually narrowing at the ends, round in cross section. Roundworms are dioecious.

1. Females are larger than males, up to 40 cm long; males - up to 25–30 cm.

2. In females the posterior end is straight, in males it is pointed and curved to the ventral side.

4. Under the cuticle there is a layer of hypodermis, which forms four ridges: dorsal, ventral and two lateral.

5. Under the hypodermis there is one layer of muscles, separated by hypodermal ridges. Thanks to the muscles, the body of the roundworm can bend in the dorsal-abdominal direction, moving in the intestines towards incoming food.

6. The cuticle, hypodermis and muscle layer form the skin-muscle sac.

7. Inside the skin-muscle sac there is a primary body cavity (pseudocoel).

8. The body cavity is filled with toxic liquid. The liquid is under high pressure and forms a hydroskeleton.

9. The body cavity contains internal organs.

10. Digestive system well developed. At the anterior end of the roundworm's body there is a mouth opening surrounded by three lips. From the mouth, food enters the muscular pharynx, then into the esophagus. Behind the esophagus begins the midgut, which looks like a tube that runs along the body. The hindgut ends at the anus.

11. The excretory system is represented by one skin gland, located in the front of the roundworm’s body. Two lateral excretory canals depart from it, which pass in the lateral ridges of the hypodermis and are blindly closed at the back. In front, the channels connect into an excretory duct, which opens at times.

12. The nervous system consists of the peripharyngeal nerve ring and the nerve trunks extending from it. The abdominal and dorsal nerve trunks are especially well developed. They are connected to each other by numerous commissures.

13. The roundworm does not have a respiratory or circulatory system.

14. The reproductive system looks like tubes different diameters. In the female, the reproductive system consists of paired ovaries, paired oviducts and paired uteri, which have largest diameter. The male reproductive system consists of one thin tubular testis, a vas deferens, which has a larger diameter, and an ejaculatory duct that opens into the hindgut, which in males is called the cloaca.

Life cycle. Ascaris is a geohelminth; its development occurs without changing hosts. The female lays more than 200,000 eggs per day. Ascaris eggs are large, oval in shape, resistant to the external environment. They are covered with dense shells, the outer shell has a bumpy surface. Direct sunlight can destroy egg shells.

From the human intestine, the eggs enter the soil, where, with sufficient humidity, access to oxygen and a temperature of +24...+30 °C, a larva forms within 15–17 days. Such an egg with a developed larva is called invasive. At temperatures below +12 °C, eggs do not develop, but remain viable.

From the soil the eggs through dirty hands, water, vegetables and fruits enter the human intestinal tract. In the intestine, the shells of the eggs dissolve and larvae emerge from them. Unlike adults, the larva needs oxygen.

They enter the blood vessels through the intestinal wall and migrate throughout the body. The larvae penetrate through the bloodstream into the liver, right atrium, ventricle of the heart, and then into the pulmonary artery and capillaries of the pulmonary alveoli. From this moment the larvae begin to actively move. They break the walls of the capillaries and enter the cavity of the alveoli, bronchi and trachea. When coughing up, the larvae enter the throat.

Then they are ingested a second time by the host and reach sexual maturity in the small intestine after 2.5–3 months. Migration of larvae through organs lasts 9–12 days.

Lifespan of a sexually mature individual- about 1 year.

Invasive form- a mature egg with a larva.

1. Larva migrates in the body: intestines → blood vessels → liver → right atrium → right ventricle → pulmonary artery → lungs → respiratory tract → pharynx → intestines.

The migration of the larva in the human body is explained by the fact that the larva needs oxygen during development.

2. Sexually mature individual localized in the small intestine; with atypical localization - ducts of the liver and pancreas, ovaries, respiratory tract, frontal sinuses.

Effect on the human body. The larval stages of roundworm development in the human body cause allergic reactions and damage to liver and lung tissue. During the migratory stage, the larvae develop an increase in temperature up to 38–39 °C, headache, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, irritability, decreased ability to work, skin rashes and itching. In the lung tissue, numerous foci of hemorrhage cause severe pneumonia. When infected with a large dose of eggs, pneumonia can lead to the death of the patient on the 6th–10th day. With a slight degree of infection, the inflammatory process in the lungs stops without complications.

The main effect of roundworms is to poison the host’s body with toxic products of their vital activity, which leads to disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, nervous and other systems. This manifests itself in indigestion, nausea, vomiting, pain in the intestines, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Diagnostics. Detection of eggs in feces by microscopy. Detection of larvae in sputum.

Fertilized eggs are oval-shaped with a thick multi-layered shell. The outer protein shell is coarsely tuberous, yellow-brown in color. Inside the egg, the central position is occupied by a spherical blastomere. Egg dimensions: 50-70x40-50 microns. Sometimes eggs lack a protein tuberous shell.

Unfertilized eggs are very elongated. The outer protein shell is thin with individual, sharply protruding tubercles of a dark yellow color. The egg is filled with polygonal yolk cells. Dimensions of an unfertilized egg: 50-100x40-50 microns.

To detect eggs, it is advisable to prepare large smears and use enrichment methods using sodium or ammonium nitrate solutions. At the same time, unfertilized eggs also float. It is better to remove the film with a glass slide or examine it directly in a glass under a binocular microscope.

Ascariasis is accompanied by eosinophilia.

Preventive actions. An important component of the complex of measures to prevent infection with ascariasis is sanitary and educational work, which includes informing the population about the biology of ascarids, factors of transmission of invasion, and methods of disinfection of human feces used as fertilizer. The need to wash hands before eating and after contaminating them with soil is explained; eat only vegetables, berries and fruits that are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water, especially radishes and carrots, which are in close contact with the ground. Berries that have a rough surface or lobed structure (strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, etc.) should be washed with a 1% solution of baking soda, and then with clean water.

Protecting soil from fecal contamination. Identification and treatment of patients.


The human whipworm (Trichocephalustrichiurus) is the causative agent of trichocephalosis, anthroponosis, and geohelminthiasis.

The disease is widespread, mainly in regions with warm and temperate climates. In terms of frequency of distribution, whipworm ranks third among helminths.

Morphological features. The body length of the female whipworm reaches 5.5 cm, the male - 4–5 cm. This helminth has a peculiar body shape: the anterior end of the body is narrowed and looks like a thin thread, the posterior end of the body is thickened. In the anterior, thread-like section of the body, only the esophagus is located; the intestines and organs of the reproductive system are located in the posterior part of the helminth’s body. The posterior end of the male's body is spirally twisted to the ventral side.

Whipworm eggs are shaped like a lemon with corks at the poles. The eggs are light, transparent, up to 50 microns long.

Human infection occurs when ingestion of infective eggs containing whipworm larvae.

Invasive form- mature egg.

Routes of human infection. Infection occurs orally through consumption of vegetables, berries, fruits or other food, as well as water, contaminated with whipworm eggs.

Localization in the human body.

Larva: lumen of the small intestine ® intestinal mucosa (larval development takes about 10 days) ® lumen of the small intestine ® cecum.

Adult helminth localized in the lower parts of the small intestine (mainly in the cecum), upper parts of the large intestine, and the appendix.

Whipworm eggs are barrel-shaped with a thick multilayer shell, transparent. At the poles of the egg there are cork-like formations. Inside the egg, fine-grained contents are determined.

Maintain personal hygiene rules, thoroughly wash vegetables, berries and fruits. Protecting the soil from contamination with feces, killing flies. Identifying and treating sick people. Sanitary education work among the population, improvement of public catering establishments and children's institutions.

Pinworm intestinal

The intestinal pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) is the causative agent of enterobiasis, contact anthroponosis. The disease is widespread. Children get sick more often.

Morphological features. The pinworm is a small worm white. Mature females reach a length of 10 mm, males - 2–5 mm. The body is straight, pointed posteriorly. The posterior end of the body of the male is spirally twisted on the ventral side, while that of the female is pointed. At the anterior end of the pinworm's body there is a swelling (vesicle) surrounding the mouth opening. With its help, the pinworm attaches to the intestinal wall. The reproductive system of pinworms has a structure typical for the entire class of nematodes.

Pinworm eggs are colorless and transparent, oval-shaped, asymmetrical, flattened on one side and convex on the other. Egg sizes are up to 50 microns.

Lifespan the lifespan of an adult pinworm is 56–58 days. If during this time the patient’s autoinvasion does not occur, self-healing occurs.

Invasive form- mature egg.

Route of human infection. Nutritional (through dirty hands, contaminated food), autoreinvasion often occurs.

Localization in the human body. Sexually mature individuals are localized in the lower parts of the small intestine and feed on its contents. Pinworms live in primary department colon, cecum and appendix of humans without causing any painful symptoms.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made based on the detection of eggs in scrapings from the perianal folds of skin. There are no pinworm eggs in the feces of patients with enterobiasis. Females usually die after laying eggs.

Preventive actions. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, improvement of sanitary and living conditions, carrying out sanitary educational work among the population. Regular examination for enterobiasis of children in organized groups and service personnel, workers of public catering establishments. Identification and treatment of patients.