Sea buckthorn

Name: Sea buckthorn.

Other names: Golden tree, Siberian pineapple, sea buckthorn.

Latin name: Hippophaë rhamnoides L.

Family: Suckers (Elaeagnaceae)

Kinds: The sucker family - shrubs, less often trees, with alternate simple leaves, monoecious or dioecious. The flowers are regular, single-covered, with tubular perianth 2-4-lobed, 4-8 stamens, ovary superior, unilocular. The fruit is drupe-shaped, false, developed from the receptacle, juicy with one seed.
A significant amount of tannins, coloring substances, flavonoids was found in the leaves and branches, alkaloids in the bark, sugars in the fruits, organic acids, vitamins; in seeds - fatty oil; in flowers - essential little.

plant type: Large thorny shrub or small tree.

Roots: The roots are numerous, superficial, give many offspring.

branches: Branches are angular, ending in thorns. Young shoots are densely covered with silvery scales, adults are rusty-brown, sometimes almost black.

Height: Up to 6 meters.

Leaves: The leaves are simple, with a wedge-shaped base, dark green above, silvery below.

Flowers, inflorescences: The plant is dioecious, as male and female flowers are on different trees. The ratio of male and female plants on the site should be 1:5, since male flowers do not bear fruit, but are necessary for pollination. It is possible to distinguish male plants from female plants only in early spring or in autumn according to the size of the buds: on male plants, the length of the buds is almost 2 times greater than on female ones. Flowers small, yellowish. The female ones are located on short pedicels of 2-5 pieces in the axils of branches and spines, the male ones are collected in short spikes.

flowering time: Blooms in April-May, before or during leafing.

Fruit: The fruit is an orange and red fleshy drupe of spherical shape. They remain on the branches until spring.

ripening time: Ripens in August-September.

Smells and tastes: The taste of ripe berries is bitter, but after the first frost, the bitterness disappears, and they become pleasantly sour, with the smell of pineapple.

collection time: Leaves and branches are harvested in summer and at the time of picking berries, bark - in spring. Berries are harvested in winter when they lose their bitterness and astringency.

Features of collection, drying and storage: Fresh berries are harvested by sniffing, frozen berries are shaken off at a temperature not lower than minus 10 ° C. In sunny weather, the fruits are not harvested, because when thawed, the shell is separated from the pulp. The shelf life of frozen food is 6 months.

Spreading: In Russia, sea buckthorn is found in the European part (Kaliningrad region), in the Caucasus, in Western (Irtysh and Altai regions) and Eastern (Angara-Sayan and Daur regions) Siberia; in Ukraine - in the Danube Delta.

habitats: Grows along the banks of rivers, streams, lakes and in floodplains, often forms impenetrable thickets. Used as hedge, for strengthening railway and highway slopes. Widely cultivated in gardens and orchards.

Culinary use: Fruits are used to obtain juice, canned food, jams, marshmallows, jams, jelly and jelly are prepared from them, used to flavor drinks. Fatty oil is obtained from berries.

Signs, proverbs, legends: folk wisdom says that the one who collected the fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn in the summer - stocked up on vigor and health for the whole year. It is no coincidence that sea buckthorn is called “healing berry”, “health berry”, “healing gift of nature”, “miracle berry”, “vitamin plant”, “forest pharmacy”.

garden care: Sea buckthorn is a light-loving plant, quite drought-resistant, but not tolerant of stagnant groundwater. The plant is propagated by cuttings, but it is necessary to plant cuttings immediately of the female and male plant(or 5-8 female and 1 male). Care is almost not required, it is enough to fertilize once every 3-4 years, and also to properly form a bush with pruning.

medicinal parts: Medicinal raw materials are leaves, young branches, bark, fruits, seeds.

Useful content: The fruits contain fatty oil, organic acids, sugar, vitamins K, B1, B2, B6, E, P, PP, F, C (up to 900 mg%), folic acid, carotene, pigments, tannins, flavonoids. For example, 100 grams of fruit contains 5-6 daily doses of vitamin A, up to 10 doses of vitamin C, a large number of vitamin E (up to 20 mg%), up to 100 mg of vascular strengthening vitamin P. They contain more than 15 different trace elements - manganese, aluminum, silicon, titanium, boron, iron.
Fruit seeds contain fatty oil, vitamins B1 and B2, E, tannins. The leaves are rich in tannins and phytoncides, bioelements and vitamins (vitamin C, for example, up to 1400 mg%). The branches are rich in tannins, and the alkaloid serotonin, which is widely used as an antitumor agent, was found in the bark. In frozen fruits, vitamins are stored for up to 6 months.

Actions: Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory , bactericidal , epithelizing , granulating and analgesic properties, in connection with which it is successfully used to treat radiation damage to the skin, burns and frostbite, bedsores, skin tuberculosis, eczema, lichen, trophic ulcers, phlegmonous acne (purulent acne), Darier disease, cheilitis (inflammation of the lips with cracks and suppuration), ulcerative lupus, eye diseases ( trachoma, creeping corneal ulcers and so on), nasopharynx (sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis) and oral cavity (pulpitis, periodontitis), female diseases (colpitis, endocervicitis, ectopic epithelium, cervical erosion).

In candles, sea buckthorn oil is effective for erosive and ulcerative proctitis, erosive and ulcerative sphincteritis(inflammation of the anal sphincter), anal fissures, catarrhal and atrophic proctitis and internal hemorrhoids in patients with chronic enterocolitis.

Inside, sea buckthorn oil is used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, and for radiation therapy of esophageal cancer. There are reports about effective treatment sea ​​buckthorn oil for patients with atherosclerosis. The inhibitory effect of sea buckthorn on the development of atherosclerosis is explained by the presence of linoleic and linolenic acids, tocopherols, carotenoids, phospholipids and plant sterols, which have the ability to help reduce the amount of total cholesterol, α-lipoproteins and total lipids in the blood serum. Some researchers note the weakening effect of sea buckthorn oil on the secretion of gastric juice.

Sea buckthorn fruits (whether fresh or processed) are widely used in medical and dietary nutrition. They are used for stomach ulcers, for diseases caused by a lack of vitamins (hypo- and beriberi), as a general tonic for patients who have undergone infectious diseases and complex surgical operations.

Juice from fresh fruits of sea buckthorn lubricates skin areas with lesions of an erosive or ulcerative nature (including lesions from x-rays). To enhance the therapeutic effect, fresh sea buckthorn fruits are included in the diet.

The bark has valuable therapeutic properties. Its alcoholic extract has a high radioprotective activity, delays the pathological growth of tissues (the action of serotonin). Therefore, the alcohol extract is recommended for use in combination with X-ray therapy for the treatment of malignant tumors.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the bark or an infusion of the leaves is given orally for diarrhea. In addition, the leaves are used in baths and poultices for rheumatic and arthritic pains.


Healing recipes:

Sea buckthorn oil . Pour the crushed dry fruits or dried pomace remaining after obtaining the juice with an equal (by volume) amount of olive or sunflower oil (preferably refined), mix thoroughly and keep the mixture for 24 hours in a heated oven or in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C . After that, squeeze the mixture through a nylon bag, and mix the resulting oil with a new portion of crushed dry fruits or dried pomace and heat again, as described above. Three-time repetition of the operation makes it possible to obtain high quality sea buckthorn oil. After a week of settling, the oil is filtered. Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals for gastric ulcer, and for radiation therapy of esophageal cancer - 1/2 tablespoon 2-3 times a day during the entire course of treatment and after it. completion - another 2-3 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil is used as an external remedy. Apply sea buckthorn oil to the affected area of ​​the skin cleaned from necrotic tissues with a pipette and apply a cotton-gauze bandage. Change the bandage every other day. A cotton swab moistened with sea buckthorn oil (5-10 ml per swab) is inserted into the vagina for 12-14 hours after preliminary douching (treatment course 2-3 weeks). Sea buckthorn oil is used for inhalation in chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Endocervicitis. Endometritis. Haemorrhoids . Ectopic epithelium. Cracks in the anus.

Sea buckthorn oil - a thick liquid of red-orange color with a characteristic taste and smell, consisting of a mixture of carotene, vitamin E and organic acids.
If the task is to obtain oil in the maximum quantity, then the fruits must be harvested by the beginning of their overripeness and softening, when they accumulate the most oil, that is, not earlier than mid-September. The fruits are washed with warm water (not higher than 60 ° C) and dried until all the water has dried in the shade, the juice is squeezed out and the pulp is collected (pomace, leftovers after pressing). The pulp with seeds is laid out in a thin layer in the sun and dried, stirring and rubbing the lumps, after which they are crushed in a coffee grinder (the better it is crushed, the more completely the oil is extracted).
The pulp (pomace from the fruit) is placed in a vessel, poured with refined sunflower or olive oil (the oil layer should exceed the pulp by 3-4 cm). The prepared mixture should be kept on low heat for 1 hour so that its temperature does not rise above 40-50 ° C, and stir occasionally; put the broth for 3-4 weeks in a dark, cool place and shake once a day.
Then the oil is drained, the pulp is squeezed through several layers of gauze or dense fabric, filtered, allowed to stand in a dark place until transparent and drained from the sediment. Store it in a completely filled vessel with a cork in a cool place for a year.
The resulting oil can be enriched. To do this, it is heated to 40-60 ° C, and a new batch of pulp is poured into it. This operation can be repeated 3-4 times. Having done all this several times, they get 1.5-2 times more concentrated oil, although there is no particular need for this. It is possible in another way. Juice is squeezed out of the berries and defended in a cold place. The oil will float to the surface and be skimmed off. This oil is considered the highest quality.
The remains of the fruit (pulp) after extracting the juice and obtaining oil can be used to make multivitamin tea.
Use the oil in the form of tampons in the treatment of cervical erosion and inflammation of the vagina, colpitis, endocervicitis and endometritis. With hemorrhoids, microclysters, lotions are made, and the inflamed surface is lubricated.

Get well!

Beneficial features sea ​​buckthorn and contraindications were known to the ancient Greeks. V Ancient Greece the shrub was called the "glossy horse." And this was explained by the fact that the horses eating the fruits of sea buckthorn were distinguished by their health, fatness, beauty and thick mane. This served as a hint to the ancient healers that the berry could also be useful for humans. Sea buckthorn has also been popular in Tibetan, Chinese, and Mongolian folk medicine since ancient times. In Russia, the plant began to be cultivated from the beginning of the 19th century. But, for example, in the 80s of the twentieth century, sea buckthorn oil was considered a miracle cure, and there was a real shortage in pharmacies. Doctors wrote a prescription for him.

Features of a medicinal plant

Sea buckthorn. botanical illustration Jacob Sturm from the book "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", 1796.

The green fruits of sea buckthorn taste like pineapple, so the people call the shrub “northern pineapple”. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. But this plant is valued not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties.


In the European part, sea buckthorn can most often be found in forest belts, plantings along roads and railway tracks, on the banks of rivers, lakes, on the sea coast, in ravines, on slopes and cliffs. Sea buckthorn roots well fix loose soils and sands. Sea buckthorn is widely distributed in the south of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, Central Asia. But also this species takes root well in Siberia, the Sayans, Transbaikalia, even in India and Pakistan. This plant is cultivated on plantations for use in medicine, cosmetology, Food Industry. Sea buckthorn thrives well in parks and gardens and is often grown as a hedge.

Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn Chui. Sea buckthorn willow.

Sea buckthorn species

In Russia, 71 varieties of sea buckthorn are registered. Breeders are actively working on breeding new varieties: with a high content of all nutrients, large fruits, high yields, dessert taste, lack of thorns. In the wild, a shrub or tree can grow up to 30 years. The maximum height of a shrub is 6 m, a tree is 15 m. The most popular wild species in our region is sea buckthorn. What other species and varieties are considered the most useful?

  • Sea buckthorn chui. Popular garden variety shrub. Its feature is rare spines, sweet fruits, high yield. Shrub height - no more than 4 m, does not require strong pruning.
  • sea ​​buckthorn. This is a wild species that is found in India, Nepal, China, Bhutan. The height of the plant reaches 15 m, the shrub is found in the highlands up to 3500 m. The local population uses the berry and leaves to make tea. The fruits are also used to polish precious metals. This variety is not found in Europe.

Collection and preparation

Now there is a lot of information about the conditions for growing sea buckthorn, its various varieties, as well as a huge selection of seedlings. Therefore, many avid gardeners and gardeners try to grow this shrub on their own, and do it quite successfully. In some varieties, the first harvest can be harvested already on next year after landing. With a good yield for 7–8 years, up to 15 kg of berries are removed from the bush.

  • Start of collection. Berry is removed in the fall - in September or October. However, the fruits can remain on the branches throughout the winter. Ripe fruits should be bright yellow or orange, firm, with dark dots on the skin.
  • Collection Features. Some prefer to leave the berries until the first frost, after which the fruits are easily removed. However, there is a risk that the berries will become a delicacy for birds. It is also believed that the fruits lose some of their nutrients during frosts. Collecting sea buckthorn is a troublesome business. The reason for this is the thorns and tightly attached fruits, which can be easily damaged during picking. Some prefer to cut branches and then pick berries from them. This method harms the shrub, which does not like strong pruning. What is the right way to harvest fruits? You need to be patient and wear tight gloves. Berries can be scraped into a container or shaken off the branches by placing a piece of linen under the tree.
  • Drying. The fruits can be dried vivo. But in wet weather and cold, it is better to dry them in an oven or an electric dryer. The readiness and quality of raw materials is indicated by its dark red color, pleasant aroma.
  • Storage . It is important to remember that sea buckthorn fruits quickly deteriorate during transportation. They need to be collected in small solid containers, poured carefully and washed during processing. Permissible shelf life of fresh fruits - 4 days, in the refrigerator - 7 days. The shelf life of dry raw materials is 2 years. Frozen berries are stored for no more than six months.
  • Harvesting other parts of the plant. In addition to the fruits, they collect the bark, leaves, seeds of the plant. The leaves are harvested in the spring, during the flowering period of the shrub. Dried in a natural way, stored in the same way as berries. The bark should be harvested in early spring.

Sea buckthorn is an unpretentious, frost-resistant plant. Its average life expectancy is 20 years. In addition, it is also a beautiful ornamental shrub that requires careful pruning after 10 years of life.

healing action

What are the pharmacological healing properties sea ​​buckthorn?

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Wound healing.
  • Fortifying.
  • Multivitamin.
  • Tonic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Epithelializing.
  • Laxative.

The most valuable thing in sea buckthorn is vitamins. Ripe fruits are a natural supply of carotene (vitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as vitamins E, F, P and group B. B chemical composition plants have also been found:

  • fatty oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • minerals.

Useful properties are also contained in the leaves of sea buckthorn, its bark, seeds. The leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, A, tannin, tannins; in the bark - alkaloids and serotonin, substances with antitumor properties; in seeds - fatty oil, a lot of vitamins E, group B, tannin.

Indications for use

What does sea buckthorn treat? In what areas of traditional medicine, for what diagnoses and symptoms is it used?

  • Gastroenterology. Used for inflammation of the digestive tract. Particularly effective remedy for chronic pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis, tumors of the esophagus. With hemorrhoids, rectal fissures, microclysters are made with the addition of sea buckthorn oil and anti-inflammatory herbs. It is also useful for liver damage, especially for alcohol poisoning. Sea buckthorn cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a mild laxative.
  • Endocrinology. The tool normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, acts as an antioxidant drug. Sea buckthorn can be taken with diabetes, but under medical supervision.
  • The cardiovascular system. Sea buckthorn and pressure is an issue that requires separate consideration. Due to its vasodilating properties, the plant is effective in hypertension, that is, it reduces, regulates pressure, and normalizes blood circulation. Although it was previously believed that due to the tonic properties, the berry is able to increase blood pressure.
  • Antitumor agent. There are positive reviews about the treatment of cancer with this berry. In folk herbalists, you can find recipes for sea buckthorn from cancer on early stage. The most effective remedy for malignant tumors of the stomach and esophagus, the fruits of this plant inhibit the growth of malignant cells.
  • General tonic. It is useful to drink sea buckthorn drinks for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, flu, colds, spring beriberi, scurvy. It can also be taken as an antipyretic, diaphoretic at a temperature. Fresh juice is a good antitussive.
  • Outdoor use. Sea buckthorn (especially oil), due to its epithelizing, wound healing properties, is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of cervical erosion. Also, the remedy is prescribed in otolaryngology for the treatment of sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, tonsillitis. With mucosal injury oral cavity(gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease) this plant is also effective. Sea buckthorn is used to treat ulcers, bedsores, cracks, burns (including radiation), frostbite, phlegmon, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, psoriasis, eczema. It is noteworthy that for dermatological problems, burns of the esophagus and throat, sea buckthorn is also taken orally.

Sea buckthorn contraindications include: sharp forms diseases of the digestive system (especially the pancreas and gallbladder); hepatitis; chronic diarrhea; allergy to carotene; diseases immune system. With caution, berries in any form are taken with hypotension. You should know: fresh fruits and juice greatly increase secretion, have a stronger effect than tea, decoction, oil or tincture.

The use of sea buckthorn at home

What is the use of sea buckthorn at home? For example, sea buckthorn oil is freely sold in our pharmacies. But you can also make your own. In addition, decoctions and tinctures can be prepared from fruits, seeds, leaves, bark. Berries make delicious jams, preserves, juices, syrups, fortified drinks, wine.


Sea buckthorn tea is a good prophylactic for viral infections, beriberi, and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. berries.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 30 minutes.

Take tea ½ cup 2 times a day. Also, berries can be brewed together with leaves, insist them in a thermos.


Decoctions are prepared not only from fruits, but also from branches, bark, leaves, seeds.

Seed decoction recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds.
  2. Pour in 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Boil 2 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Strain.

This is a proven remedy for diarrhea. The decoction is taken at night for a whole glass. Also, with diarrhea, decoctions from sea buckthorn bark help.

Making a decoction of the leaves

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Set an hour.
  5. Strain.

This remedy is most effective in atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, hypertension, hormonal failure. Take a decoction of ½ cup 2 times a day before meals. Also, a decoction can be used externally for lotions and compresses for diseases of the joints. In this case, plant branches are added to the decoction.


Fresh juice is an excellent multivitamin product. It is also used externally to heal wounds, drink for coughs, infections of the throat and mouth. It can be used fresh or prepared for the winter. Fresh juice is especially useful for improving metabolism, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin levels, lowers cholesterol, preventing the development of thrombophlebitis.


  1. Pass the berries through a meat grinder.
  2. Strain.
  3. Add 1 cup of water per 1 kg of berries.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into jars and sterilize for 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up the jars with lids.

Also, juice can be prepared with the addition of sugar.


Vodka tincture is made from berries. This tool is effective in all of these diseases. However, it must be remembered that with hypertension, alcohol tincture can tone up.


  1. Take 1 part of berries.
  2. Pour 10 parts of vodka (diluted alcohol).
  3. Insist 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain.

Take 20 drops 2-3 times a day before meals. You can also make delicious dessert wine from sea buckthorn at home.


Sea buckthorn oil is the most famous and valuable product obtained from fresh or dried berries. How to cook it?


  1. Grind 1 part dry fruit.
  2. Pour in 5 parts oil.
  3. Keep at room temperature for 3 weeks.
  4. Stir occasionally.

To get a strong extract, the process must be repeated 4 times. To do this, the oil is drained, then a new portion of the fruit is poured into it, insisted and drained again. As a basis, you can take sunflower, olive, corn oil. The course of treatment is long - at least 1 month. Take oil for 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. Read more about our other article.

Healthy sweets

You can make jam, jam, jelly, marshmallow, jelly, compote from sea buckthorn. There are many recipes when berries need to be sterilized. However, during the heat treatment of fruits, many vitamins are lost. There are other ways to make fortified jams.


  1. Pass the fruits through the juicer.
  2. Take pure juice without pomace.
  3. For 1 kg of juice, add 1.5 kg of sugar.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Pour into dry sterilized jars.

This jam should be stored in the refrigerator.

The benefits of sea buckthorn for women, men, children

  • For women . Sea buckthorn is useful not only for various inflammations of the urogenital area. This is one of the safest herbal preparations and is allowed during pregnancy, if there are no general contraindications. It is prescribed to pregnant women as a multivitamin remedy. To prevent stretch marks, sea buckthorn oil is rubbed into the skin to increase its elasticity. You can also drink sea buckthorn to a nursing mother. However, one should be aware of the high content of carotene in the composition of the fruit, which can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, small doses of drinks from this berry are recommended.
  • For men . Sea buckthorn - recognized folk remedy to increase potency. Due to the high content of tocopherol (vitamin E), the berry is useful for the reproductive function of middle-aged men.
  • For kids . Unfortunately, children are often allergic to sea buckthorn. But if there is no allergic reaction, then this is an indispensable product in the winter diet of a child. It is useful to give a drink during SARS, influenza, as well as during the recovery period after an illness, to strengthen immunity.

The benefits and harms of sea buckthorn are well known in folk medicine, but also studied in scientific medical practice. This berry is most useful in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, but it should not be taken (especially fresh) during an exacerbation. This is a good wound healing, bactericidal agent, which is used in dermatology, gynecology, otolaryngology, and dentistry. It is often prescribed for the prevention of viral infections and beriberi.

Sea buckthorn or buckthorn (golden tree or Siberian pineapple) is a shrub or small tree from the loch family, which has alternate leaves, simple, monoecious. Sea buckthorn blossoms single-covered right flowers, each of which has a tubular two- or four-lobed perianth. Each flower has four to eight stamens. The ovary of sea buckthorn is upper and single-celled.

The fruit of a sea buckthorn bush or tree is a drupe-like false berry that develops from the receptacle. The sea buckthorn berry is juicy, inside it has one seed.

The roots of sea buckthorn are numerous. They give a lot of shoots - offspring. The type of sea buckthorn roots is superficial.

The sea buckthorn tree has many angular branches with thorns at the ends. In young shoots, the bark is covered with scales of a silvery hue, adult branches become brown with a hint of rust or black with age.

A bush or tree can reach a height of six meters under ideal soil and natural conditions.

The flowering time of sea buckthorn falls on April - May. Moreover, sea buckthorn can bloom both before the leaves bloom, and after. And the ripening time of fruits - drupes in sea buckthorn falls on August - September.

The taste of a ripe sea buckthorn berry is bitter, but as soon as the first frost hits, the bitterness from the fruit disappears, and the taste becomes sour-sweet, pleasant enough to eat a few fresh berries. Also, sea buckthorn, or rather its fruits, after frost acquires the aroma of fresh pineapple.

Leaves, branches of sea buckthorn are collected for pharmacological purposes at the end of summer, and the bark is collected in early spring. Sea buckthorn berries are harvested immediately after the first frost, in late autumn or early winter.

The method of collecting sea buckthorn berries is special - they are collected by sniffing. At a temperature not lower than minus ten degrees. The shelf life of frozen sea buckthorn berries is six months, no more.

Sea buckthorn grows throughout Ukraine, Russia, and the Caucasus. Ideal habitats for her are the banks of streams, rivers, lakes. Often sea buckthorn forms impassable thickets. This plant is cultivated in gardens and orchards.

Pharmacological properties

Leaves, bark, branches, berries and seeds of a sea buckthorn bush or tree are used as medicinal raw materials. The composition of the leaves and young branches of sea buckthorn includes tannins, dyes, flavonoids. The bark has a high percentage of alkaloids, the fruits contain sugar, organic acids, fatty oil, vitamins B, P, PP, K, C and F, carotene, folic acid, pigments, flavonoids and tannins. There are many sea buckthorn flowers essential oil. The seeds contain fatty oil, tannins, vitamins B1, B2.

Sea buckthorn oil is extremely useful because it has the following qualities: it acts as an anti-inflammatory, epithelizing, bactericidal, granulating and analgesic. With its help, radiation skin lesions, bedsores, frostbite, burns, eczema, skin tuberculosis, lichen, trophic ulcer, purulent acne, inflammation of the lips with pus and cracks, nasopharynx, female diseases (endocervicitis, colpitis, cervical erosion, epithelial ectopia) are treated. ).

With the help of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, inflammation of the anal sphincter, catarrhal and atrophic proctitis, anal fissures, internal hemorrhoids, chronic enterocolitis are treated.

The use of sea buckthorn oil inside is prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers and during radiation therapy for esophageal cancer. Effective oil and atherosclerosis.

Sea buckthorn fruits are included in the diet of medical and dietary nutrition. They are recommended for use in peptic ulcer disease, vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis, after infectious diseases, as a means of strengthening the immune system, and after complex operations.

The juice of fresh sea buckthorn berries is applied externally for erosive skin lesions, ulcerative skin lesions. And in order to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to simultaneously take berries inside.

Sea buckthorn bark also has valuable therapeutic properties. The alcoholic extract of the bark of sea buckthorn is the owner of a high raoprotective activity, and can significantly retard tissue growth. This is due to the action of serotonin, which is contained in the bark of the sea buckthorn tree. That is why an alcoholic extract of the bark is always prescribed for x-ray therapy in the treatment of malignant tumors.

ethnoscience uses a decoction of bark or leaf infusion of sea buckthorn for diarrhea (inside), rheumatism and gout (baths and poultices).

Since the fruits of sea buckthorn are a whole multivitamin complex, they are recommended to be used as a prevention of diseases of the immune system.


It is produced commercially in dosages of fifty, one hundred and two hundred milliliters. It is used for burns, bedsores, radiation skin lesions. Apply to the affected areas with pipettes, gauze swabs. During the change of dressings, the affected areas must be washed from the old oil with a solution of penicillin.

Sea buckthorn oil is also prescribed for radiation anti-cancer therapy. It is taken in a dessert spoon three times a day throughout the course of treatment, and at the end of therapy, the oil continues to be taken for another three weeks.

With sea buckthorn oil, take a teaspoon up to three times a day, half an hour before meals.

In gynecological diseases, sea buckthorn oil is used in the form of gauze and cotton swabs intravaginally. Tampons are changed daily.

Store sea buckthorn oil in a dark and cool place.

Tincture of sea buckthorn fruits.

We take twenty-five grams of dry raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, insist for four hours, filter.

A decoction of sea buckthorn fruits.

We take twenty grams of dry raw materials, cook in a glass of water for twenty minutes over low heat. We filter. Such a decoction is used for hair loss, externally.

Tincture on the fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn.

We take twenty grams of dry raw materials and insist it for six hours in warm boiled water (one glass). Then we filter the infusion. Take it should be a quarter cup three times a day.

Decoction of leaves and young shoots of sea buckthorn.

Boil ten grams of dry crushed raw materials for twenty minutes in a glass of water over low heat. We filter. Take with a dessert spoon four times a day.

A decoction of sea buckthorn seeds.

We take fifteen grams of dry raw materials, pour a glass of water and boil over low heat for ten minutes. Then we set aside from the fire and let it brew for another two hours. We filter. It is necessary to take a decoction one tablespoon four times a day for constipation.

Sea buckthorn juice.

Fresh leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn are crushed and juice is squeezed out of them. It is necessary to take juice in half a glass with milk (one tablespoon) and honey (teaspoon), three times a day before meals. But, at hyperacidity stomach sea buckthorn juice is not recommended.

A decoction of the bark of sea buckthorn.

We take a tablespoon of dry sea buckthorn bark, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for yapti minutes over low heat. Take a decoction for diarrhea in a tablespoon three times a day.

Painkillers from sea buckthorn leaves.

Wrap two to three tablespoons of fresh or dried sea buckthorn leaves in cheesecloth and dip in boiling water for two to three minutes. Then apply to the affected areas of the body.


Any drugs with sea buckthorn buckthorn are contraindicated in case of liver, gallbladder, with a tendency to diarrhea.

Sea buckthorn fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Due to the unique composition of the berries, they are used for the production of medicines on an industrial scale, and some recipes for a home first-aid kit have come down to us through the centuries.

Other names for sea buckthorn are dereza, wax, jida. In nature, there are two varieties of this plant - sea buckthorn and loose-leaved. The first variety is usually cultivated.

Where can you find sea buckthorn?

Under natural conditions, it grows along the banks of reservoirs on sandy soils and pebbles, in the mountains. Widely distributed in Siberia, almost everywhere in Europe and in the temperate climate zone of Asia, can be found in the mountainous regions of China, Pakistan and India.

Sea buckthorn plantations are used to fix road slopes, ravines, sands, to create hedges, as ornamental plant and in order to obtain a harvest of fruits.

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The composition and value of sea buckthorn

The value of sea buckthorn lies in its unique composition, rich in various biologically active substances. In combination with a low calorie content, this berry is great for inclusion in the diet for dietary and clinical nutrition.

The fruits are extremely rich in carotenoids. The brighter, darker the color of the berries, the higher their content.

It also contains vitamin K in small amounts.

From the list of water-soluble vitamins: C, PP, vitamins of group B.

Of the minerals in sea buckthorn berries are present: iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium.

The leaves and bark of sea buckthorn are also valuable medicinal raw materials. They contain tannins and serotonin, which have a stimulating effect on nervous system and inhibitory to the growth of cancer cells.

Use for preventive and therapeutic purposes

Sea buckthorn is known as medicinal plant long time ago. True, it was originally discovered as a means of giving an external gloss to horses. Currently, sea buckthorn has gained wide use in medicine, both folk and official.

For preventive purposes, fresh berries are used as an immunostimulant and to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. They have a strengthening effect on cardiovascular system(prevention of atherosclerosis) and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The fruits have a sour taste, so they are often consumed in the form of juice. Berries pureed with sugar are added to teas, cocktails, desserts.

Sea buckthorn fruit and seed oil has pronounced regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used externally for the treatment of burns, lesions of the mucous membranes and skin, stimulation of recovery processes in the postoperative period.

Sea buckthorn oil is prescribed for oral administration for gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Extracts and extracts from fruits and leaves are widely used not only in medicines, but also in cosmetics.

Precautionary measures

Sea buckthorn and preparations based on it should be used with caution in exacerbations of diseases gallbladder and liver. It is also not recommended to use fruits with urolithiasis and increased secretion of gastric juice due to the high content of acids.

Harvesting methods

Harvesting of berries is carried out during the ripening period in autumn or winter of already frozen fruits. Useful properties of berries are maximally preserved throughout the year. Soaked sea buckthorn berries, due to the high content of acids, can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. You can only dry berries harvested before frost, with intact skin.

Leaves and bark can be harvested throughout the year, but spring harvest is most effective. They are best kept dry.

The raw material for the production of sea buckthorn oil can be both whole fruits and cake remaining after squeezing the juice. It can be dried or frozen and used as needed to make a fresh serving of healing oil.

The easiest way to get 100% natural sea buckthorn oil is cold pressed. Received with the help of a juicer, the juice settles for 2-3 days in a cool, dark place. A small amount of oil will collect on the surface. It must be collected with a pipette or spoon. Store in the refrigerator for no more than six months. It is most suitable for cosmetic purposes, but the yield of the finished product is very small.

A drop of sea buckthorn oil to a regular cream will help keep the skin young and healthy, protect it from chapping and dryness, and rubbing it into the scalp before washing your hair will strengthen it and give it a special gloss.

To emphasize the taste of sea buckthorn juice, it is better to add sugar to it and dilute it with boiled water at the rate of: a glass of water and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar for 3 glasses of pure juice.