Probably, at the present time, the younger generation does not know the poems of the proletarian poet - futurist, about the choice of profession.

This choice in revolutionary times came down to the choice of an idol-bearer of a profession.

The poet addressed a young man pondering his life, deciding who to start his life with, and recommended, without hesitation, to start it with Dzerzhinsky.

There has been a sharp decline in poets of this level in the area.
There is no one to poetically recommend the choice of profession.
Let's try to do this using prose.

The difficulty in choosing a profession lies in the fact that you have to take into account not only your own desires and abilities, but also the future needs of the market for a particular job.

Nowadays, blue-collar professions are in demand - builders of various specialties, drivers, trade and service workers.

Among the professions related to obtaining higher education there is a need for doctors, engineers, teachers.

Having such professions, it is now easy to find a vacancy.
And if there is only a “shooting” to choose a future vocation, then it is necessary to study the list of professions needed by society for the next period of time.

List of required professions by 2020

Of the general, rather long list of professions for the period 2016-2020, the most promising are:

  • specialists information technologies(IT) – specialists in the development of computer programs, maintenance of electronic information arrays, development of server equipment and its maintenance, etc.). This is already clear, because the IT sphere has filled all areas of activity with its now irreplaceable presence.
  • engineering specialists. Large industrial enterprises are already experiencing a shortage of engineers. And all this is happening against the backdrop of an ongoing crisis, which will sooner or later be overcome, and therefore the demand for engineers is doomed to ever-increasing growth.
  • marketing specialists. Economic instability and uncertainty, the decline of production and consumption markets, forces campaigns to seek solutions to these problems with the help of competent and responsible marketing to promote their services or products. Therefore, qualified marketers are needed.
  • specialists in the social sphere. All activities of state institutions are aimed at the needs of society and each person in it. There will always be a need for doctors, teachers, social workers, especially since the social sphere is constantly developing.
  • specialists linguists of foreign languages. Knowledge of a foreign language in modern reality is an integral addition to any profession. Interethnic communications lead to mutual enrichment of knowledge and contribute to the strengthening of mutual trust and lead to the formation of a conflict-free world community.
  • List of necessary professions for women 2017-2018

The current state of the labor market can provide enormous opportunities for the use of human abilities without differences social origin, age and gender. And yet, it is necessary to mark the marks of the five most necessary professions for women 2020, especially since they are traditionally “female” professions:

  • medical specialists;
  • HR specialists;
  • specialists – psychologists;
  • specialists in the field of service and trade;
  • specialists - teachers.

These professions require their owners to have communication skills, resistance to stress and psychological balance, which, undoubtedly, is a gift from the female half of workers.

The increasing spread of flexible working hours and part-time work allows women to happily combine work with household responsibilities.

What jobs are needed in the future?

Just recently, high school graduates universally strived to become applicants in order to certainly receive, no matter what, a higher education. We can now see what this led to. As they say: a dozen lawyers and office workers are looking for an electrician to replace a burnt out light bulb.

Fortunately, the state took the necessary measures in time, in particular, to increase the prestige of blue-collar professions, which led to a sharp increase in students at vocational lyceums and technical schools.

In 2017, the official Procedure and accompanying rules underwent some changes, which potential 2018 (2019) applicants should definitely learn about.

However, no significant or fundamental changes have occurred in the so-called “Procedure for Admission to Universities.” For example, winners of Olympiads and medalists retain the same special rights upon admission. Other applicants will also receive additional points for some personal achievements in specialized areas (up to 10 points in total).

Table of contents:

Today, according to the rules, an applicant can submit documents simultaneously to several educational institutions (up to 5) and to several specialties/directions at once (up to 3) in each of them. Reception is carried out in two stages:

  • in the first stage, up to 80% of budget places are filled;
  • in the second, the places that remained free after the first stage are filled.

The Procedure separately and in detail stipulates the conditions of admission for applicants with disabilities on health for programs with individual training conditions. This document also sets out in detail the rules and features of admission for other categories of applicants for student places.

Rules for admission to universities in 2018-2019

For those who graduate from secondary school in 2018, it will be useful to find out what changes, according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, have been made to the conditions for admission to Russian universities (2018-2019) for applicants.

The changes affected:

Admission procedures for all forms of study programs:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty;
  • master's degrees.

List of entrance tests for educational programs:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty.

The changes made to one degree or another affected:

List of persons with preferential right of enrollment (according to bachelor’s and specialist’s training programs). Now it has been expanded and included (according to Federal Law No. 227 dated July 3, 2016):

  • employees and military personnel of the FSV of the National Guard of the Russian Federation;
  • children of FSV employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Special conditions for accepting applicants for training, in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea and the State Federal Zone (city of federal significance) of Sevastopol to the Russian Federation. However, there are no special quotas (which might be of interest to 2018 applicants). Crimeans and Sevastopol residents will go through a general competition for places with budgetary funding in universities. They are admitted in the general stream this year, with a standard set of documents, at the same time as other applicants. And they pass the same (according to the approved list) entrance tests.

Benefits for entering universities for Crimeans

And yet, there is a benefit for residents of the Crimean peninsula and the city of Sevastopol. Thanks to the changes made to the Procedure for Admission to Universities, in 2018, applicants from the newly acquired Russian regions can enter any of the universities of their choice (only for undergraduate and specialist programs), and not only for allocated places, as was the case in 2014-2016 .
To do this, Crimeans and Sevastopol residents must present to the admissions committees of higher educational institutions of Russia the documents received in schools or colleges of the Republic of Crimea/city. Sevastopol certificates of secondary (general) education.

As for enrollment, it will occur either based on the results of the Unified State Exam in subjects relevant to a particular university and/or based on the results of additional tests established independently by the educational organization.

Changes 2018 (2019) of admission conditions for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities

The changes made are aimed at expanding the needs of the above-mentioned persons.

For example, the list of entrance tests included a mandatory exam in mathematics for the direction “Intelligent Systems in the Humanities”, as for a direction focused on the ICT sector.

The Ministry of Education and Science obliged organizations carrying out professional activities in the field of higher education to approve new rules for admitting applicants to bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs, taking into account the above changes.

The updated admission rules, along with other information regarding admission to educational programs in 2019, should have been in mandatory posted on the official websites of universities, as well as on electronic information boards and stands public access admissions committees no later than October 1, 2018.

In October, universities must announce admission rules. Which is what they did. When can I submit my application to the admissions committee? Will universities check essays? How many points will be given for a certificate with honors?

Acceptance of documents in 2018 will begin no later than June 20 and end on July 26. If the university has its own exams or creative tests, then earlier - until July 10. Applications, as before, are allowed to be submitted for three specialties at five universities. It is possible - by e-mail. The minimum scores that need to be obtained on the Unified State Exam in order to be eligible to enter universities have already been determined by Rosobrnadzor. In the Russian language you need to score at least 36 points on the Unified State Exam, and in mathematics - 27. Leading universities are raising this threshold. For example, at MGIMO for many specialties the minimum in Russian and foreign languages ​​is 70 points, in mathematics for “economics”, “international economic relations"You need to bring 55 points. If you pass the language exam at MGIMO with less than 60 points, you drop out of the competition.

At HSE there are specialties where the minimum threshold is almost three times higher than what Rosobrnadzor approved. To apply for "mathematics" you must bring 75 Unified State Examination points in this subject. In the "world economy" at least foreign language 70 points. And for one of the most prestigious double degree programs, which by the way is paid, the minimum in language is 75.

Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics will recheck them and take the essays into account. There is no need to provide a medical certificate to universities. But there are exceptions. At Moscow State University, they will be asked to undergo a medical examination for those who are going to study “medicine”, “pharmacy”, “pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior”.

Starting this year, graduates have the opportunity to simultaneously receive a diploma from Moscow State University and the joint university of Moscow State University and the Beijing Polytechnic Institute in Shenzhen. Admission is currently open to three undergraduate programs - “applied mathematics and computer science”, “chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials” and “economics”.

To apply for “mathematics” at the Higher School of Economics, you must bring 75 points in this subject

Education at a joint university is paid, but students will be paid scholarships and compensation for housing.

More and more universities are offering double degree programs and the opportunity to study abroad at a partner university. There are such programs at ITMO, Far Eastern Federal University, Novosibirsk State University, Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Peter the Great.

In 2018, the number of budget places in economics and legal specialties will be reduced, since, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, no more than half of graduates find work in their profession. But the number of places in engineering areas will be increased (up to 45 percent will be given to them), 12 percent of places will go to pedagogical faculties and pedagogical universities, and 5 percent to medical universities.

As a result, bachelor's degrees will receive 315 thousand budget places (including correspondence), specialty - 74 thousand places (with correspondence), master's degree - 207 thousand places.

15 thousand budget places will be given to graduate students, 12 thousand to residents.

Infographics "RG": Leonid Kuleshov/Irina Ivoilova

Applicant's calendar

Which year's Unified State Exam results can be brought to universities?

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

Who will be allowed to take university entrance exams?

For disabled people

For foreign citizens

For those who studied in Russian schools abroad and did not have the opportunity to pass the Unified State Exam

Direct speech

Victor Sadovnichy, Rector of Moscow State University:

We went out to receive 10 thousand people. The average score at MSU this year was 85, the competition was more than 7 people per place. There are faculties where the competition was 50 people per place. We accepted 900 people into our foreign branches. These are branches in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan. We opened a branch in Slovenia, there is only one economic program there, but with next year it will be a full-fledged branch with admission to other programs. We have opened a joint university between Moscow State University and Beijing Polytechnic Institute in Shenzhen and invite applicants there. The Faculty of Space Research began operating at Moscow State University. There was admission to master's programs. Including "Methods and technologies for remote sensing of the Earth", " Public administration space industry", "Intelligent mixed reality technologies for space systems", "Physical conditions of outer space and planning of space missions". New master's and specialty programs are currently being developed. In 2018, it is planned to begin enrolling students for the first years.

Every year, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation reviews the conditions for admission to universities, develops new requirements and terminates outdated admission rules. Graduates, as well as everyone wishing to enroll in Russian universities, need to carefully study the changes made by authorized persons of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which directly affect the likelihood of enrollment in the desired university.

Of course, on this moment new rules in the education system aimed at admitting applicants in 2018-2019 academic year have not yet appeared, but, based on the experience of past years, some preliminary conclusions can be drawn. And to the main question from graduates and everyone who wants to become students - when to apply to university in 2018– you can find out the answer now.

Below is important information, after reading which, many burning questions will disappear by themselves.

Every higher educational institution wants not random students to study with them, who were unable to enroll in other coveted places and came to them for lack of choice. No, any university wants to get those people who are trying with all their might to get into their university or institute.

Therefore, a secret screening of applicants is carried out: preference is given to those applicants who personally appeared at the admissions committee and brought the originals of the documents required for admission, and did not send them by e-mail.

Most out-of-town students send copies of documents within the first week after graduation. Taking into account the fact that you are allowed to submit documents to only five universities, you need to decide in advance which one you should bring the originals to. The remaining four higher education institutions can send copies of documents by mail and register online.

So, as soon as the graduation ceremony ends, the next day you can go to the admissions office of the university or institute that is your priority.

Some universities do not consider copies of documents. Well, that's their right. We will share with you the secret of how to get around this nuance. To do this, you just need to notarize copies of the original documents required for admission and, if required by the procedure of the chosen university, you can personally present notarized copies.

If at a university you need to take additional exams introduced by the university, then the documents must be submitted within the deadlines prescribed by the university itself. As a rule, this date “floats” in the early days of July.

If the university does not require entrance exams, then you can submit documents to the admissions committee immediately after school graduation.

How to enter a university

To begin with, it is worth preparing the documents that need to be submitted to the admissions committee.

  1. An application addressed to the rector, indicating information about the successful passing of the Unified State Exam (both selected by the applicant himself) and indicating the exam results. In addition, the application must provide consent to the processing of personal data. Don't be alarmed, this is a normal procedure. You can ask for a sample application from the admissions office.
  2. Identity document and citizenship of the applicant.
  3. High School Certificate. If an applicant enters a university after receiving an education, then you need to submit a document on vocational education or a diploma from a university confirming higher education.
  4. Photos in the amount of two pieces.

In some cases, the following documents should be attached to the main documentation:

  1. Document on recognition of foreign education. Required if education was received abroad and the relevant documentation of the education received was issued by another state.
  2. A document that confirms disability. It is necessary to use benefits if the applicant is disabled or to create special conditions during entrance examinations, if there is such a need.
  3. Conclusion about the absence of restrictions for studying at a university. A similar document is issued by the medical and social examination institution of the Russian Federation. Required upon admission to a university for disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children, disabled people since childhood, as well as those who received a disability during the period of study military service. This also includes receiving disability from an injury or illness that was received during military service.
  4. A document that confirms the priority right of enrollment. Required for the preferential category of applicants to the university.
  5. Other documents, depending on the category of the applicant.

What benefits can you use upon admission?

School graduates who received honors or medals are enrolled in a university without a competition. Such applicants are interviewed. Some specialized universities, however, adhere to the practice of enrolling such applicants on a general basis.

  • winners and medalists of Olympiads (main educational subjects are taken into account);
  • prize-winners of sports competitions (all types of Olympics or European Championships and World Championships are counted);
  • members of international teams of the Russian Federation.

Applicants who have advantages when entering universities:

  • National Guard military;
  • children of National Guard employees;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear and radiation facilities.

The following points can be automatically counted as exams for admission to a university:

  • Unified State Exam results;
  • exam results at another university;
  • results of tests conducted by the Ministry of Education;
  • results of all types of Olympiads;
  • test results of state-funded preparatory departments.

At the moment, for all future graduates, as well as their parents, the most important time in life is coming - determining the future direction of study. Now even the most sought-after student has many options where he can enroll after finishing 11th grade in order to continue the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge for the further implementation of his life plans. True, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation annually changes some of the rules for admission to such educational institutions, therefore it is considered useful to find out the current rules for admission to universities in 2017-2018, documents.

How to apply to study in Russia?

According to the order of the Ministry of Education, from 2017 the following changes to the current rules for admission to universities are being introduced in the Russian Federation.

1. The admission program for bachelor's, specialist and master's programs has been supplemented with some innovations.
2. The list of entrance tests during admission to bachelor's and specialist studies has changed.

Before submitting documents for admission to a pre-selected university, you should pay attention to the complete list of persons entitled to be enrolled in an approved bachelor’s and specialist’s program.

1. Employees of the Federal Troop Service and military personnel.
2. Children of FSV employees of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
3. Liquidators of radiation accidents at nuclear installations.

Only a certain category of persons has the right to submit documents with the possibility of further admission.

1. Citizens of Russia or Belarus.
2. Citizens who do not have citizenship, but live on the territory of the Russian Federation.
3. Compatriots from the CIS.
4. Citizens who have a certificate of secondary education.
5. Foreign citizens living in Russia.
6. Persons who have a document on vocational education or a diploma of graduation from a university.

Disabled people and orphans remain off the list if they do not have any contraindications regarding the educational process.
Only the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation determines exact amount budget places of each university, in addition to the list of vacancies in the master's degree - everything is decided by the management of the educational institution itself.

To become a student at any Russian university, you will have to follow a clear sequence of actions.

1. Write a statement about such a desire.
2. Collect and provide to the special bodies of the university a package of documents, the exact list of which is prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation: school certificate, passport, diploma of higher education, document on vocational education, a couple of photographs of the declared format.

If a certain applicant wants to take advantage of the benefits provided for his case, he will have to prepare another package of documents depending on the patent quota.

Benefits for admission in 2017-2018

The latest amendments to Russian legislation concern the following categories of benefits that current applicants can count on.

1. Students who graduate from a secondary educational institution with a medal or honors have the right to be enrolled in the chosen university, based on the results of a previously conducted interview. However, if there is too much competition for a designated institution, the Ministry of Education strongly recommends not trying to get on the list this way. True, the final decision is still made by the university management.

2. Winners or prize-winners of Olympiads in basic educational subjects.

3. Prize-winners of sports competitions of different directions, or rather all of them existing species Olympics or championships.

4. Students who are members of the country’s international teams in various subjects.

5. Instead of an entrance exam, the results of passing preparatory departments financed from the budget, the results of a test of the Ministry of Education, the results of all types of Olympiads, the results of the Unified State Exam or grades for entrance exams to another university can be counted.

6. Students from Crimea. In this case, the benefits apply passing the Unified State Exam– a similar exam has not yet been conducted on the peninsula.

Any graduate can be enrolled as a student of this or next year solely based on the results of entrance exams. Such an opportunity is considered valid if it is announced no later than 10 days before the start of classes at the designated university. Rules for admission to any educational institution at this level have remained the same since last year, with the exception of only a few small adjustments.

Admission to Moscow universities

To enroll in any university in the capital of Russia, it is necessary to take into account other conditions for admitting applicants. For example, the following universities accept applications from everyone exclusively under new conditions.

1. Russian New University. Acceptance of documents for bachelor's and specialist degrees begins on June 9, 2017. The deadline ends on the 19th of the same month. The master's program is designated by its time frame - from June 19 to August 7.

2. Moscow Polytechnic University. Entry documentation can be submitted between June 20 and July 10 of this year. The cost of training for one year starts from 75 thousand rubles. On next year 2176 paid and 1510 budget places are provided.

3. Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Applications for training will be accepted from June 20 to July 26 this year. This process is guided by a program that does not require additional entrance exams. Testing with in English scheduled from July 12 to 15. A creative competition for all applicants to the Faculty of Journalism will be held on July 10. For a year of study at Moscow State University, you will have to pay at least 420 thousand rubles, while only 411 places are allocated for budget education.

4. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Acceptance of applications for admission to a university on a paid basis begins on June 20 of this year and will continue until August 6 inclusive. The same fate awaits foreign citizens during the period from June 20 to August 25. Tuition fees start from 176 thousand rubles per year. In 2017, 860 budget places and 170 paid places are allocated.

5. First Moscow State Medical University. The admissions committee of the designated university begins its work on June 20, while the final date for submitting applications is July 7. All entrance exams will be held until July 27, and detailed information about their results will appear on the official website of the institution. The cost of studying at a university starts from 90 thousand rubles per year. The number of budget places for next year is 1462, while another 1830 applicants can be enrolled on a paid basis.

6. Moscow State Law University named after. O. E. Kutafina. Acceptance of applications for admission begins on June 20 and continues until July 10 inclusive. If you want to enroll in a master's program at a university, you will have to focus on the time frame from June 20 to August 11. The cost of training starts at 135 thousand rubles.

Having such information, it is very easy to decide when exactly it is worth starting preparation for future admission and which university is most suitable for realizing the dreams of a graduate. After all, Russia is rich in prestigious higher education institutions.