According to the compatibility horoscope of the male Snake and the female Snake, this union is fraught with many contradictions. Both spouses have similar characters, which allows them to understand each other, but at the same time there are no opportunities for growth, since both are energetically on the same floor.

This marriage rarely allows you to expand your spiritual horizons or somehow radically renew your life. As a rule, both the Snake man and the Snake woman preach an independent philosophy of life. They can live together without love, being bound by common creative aspirations or material planes.

Looking for fame or financial well-being they can be ruthless both to the people around them and to each other. Being close, they cannot relax and trust, as everyone can "bite". But, having a fair amount of endurance, they are able to for a long time tolerate each other's faults. They are unlikely to have a relationship full of romance and passion, but they can achieve a lot together by participating in a common cause or having one profession, of course, if rivalry and jealousy do not get in their way. It is worth noting that the Snakes are very jealous, and even if they no longer love their partner, they still cannot let him go.

Snake Man and Snake Woman - Compatibility

The snake is one of the most mysterious signs in the Eastern horoscope. In a couple, a man and a woman born in the year of the Snake have a lot of contradictions that both frighten and attract at the same time, so it will be quite difficult for them to build a personal life. Spouses will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve family happiness. But, nevertheless, this union will be interesting and intellectual. Partners will never be bored together, they feel each other perfectly and they like to enjoy the time spent together. One of the conditions for a long and happy relationship is closeness, autonomy from outside world. If a man and a woman of this sign can build relationships on sensitivity and non-interference from the outside, their feelings will live for a very long time. But one should not allow self-pity, which is typical for all people born in the year of the Snake, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. The most important calmer will be quiet and cozy house. Life does not cause difficulties, provided that they clearly share responsibilities.

People born in . They are distinguished by a cold mind, prudence, impulsiveness and calmness, as well as a craving for success in all areas of activity. The process of finding the right person for them is always difficult and thorny. Before making the final choice, both go through a long journey filled with hobbies, disappointments and doubts. The sympathy of these two sexes always begins with friendship. And only after both establish absolute trust, regularly expressing their thoughts to each other, as to themselves, they can begin an affair. A spark of love can ignite into a flame only if there is mutual assistance and support. Family, for people born in the year of the Snake, is very important. And it is the formation of a family, sincere love or the birth of a child that can help to radically change your character. Both the Snake man and the Snake woman choose only strong and independent partners as life partners who are able to provide for the family well and protect it if necessary. People born in the year of the Snake can be difficult to understand, they do not like to show their "inner life". They even hide what there is no need to hide - just out of habit. Most often, people born in the year of the Snake have innate wisdom and wonderful intuition. First of all, they trust their feelings, impressions, intuition and sympathy, leaving logic and objective facts in second place. Snakes are quiet, prone to reflection.

This is a pleasant gentleman, with a touch of sentimentality. He has a great sense of humor and an impeccable, extravagant look. He has iron, logical thinking, sensuality, romanticism, hidden potential power and closeness. Thanks to his great charm and courtesy, he easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex. It is always interesting with him and there is something to talk about. The Snake Man deep down dreams of a clean and eternal love and constantly looking for the one and only in the crowd. He is active, but his energy quickly ends and he often gets tired, so he needs constant support and admiration from the female. Stability in relationships is extremely important for him, but he is not ready to make sacrifices for his interests.

And the ability to instantly charm the interlocutor. She knows how to win a man's heart and skillfully uses this gift. She stands out from the general mass of people with her extravagant appearance and grace. She has her unique style in clothes that make her always look chic. This woman knows how to take care of herself and retains beauty until old age. She has an amazingly strong will and knows how to truly love. And it depends on her, on her individual characteristics of character, how happy the family union will be. Usually, the Snake woman has an unstable character and is prone to rapid mood swings. Yesterday she was an unbearable egoist, but today kindness itself is ready to do everything for the joy of her loved ones.

Problems in a couple often arise due to the excessive depression of both partners. Serpents cannot be called life-lovers, rather, life appears before them in a gloomy light, and this is clearly manifested in the work of many of them. And if both fall into depression at once, then there will be no difficulties here. They will be sad together, watching another sad movie about love and eating popcorn or cakes. But if one of the partners falls into a depression, then the second will not be sweet, because a sad Snake can ruin everyone's mood and it is better not to approach her so as not to provoke a scandal.

Both partners know how to make money and are not afraid of hard work. They manage to accumulate the necessary amount for a large purchase and set aside some savings for their old age. These two will never need anything and their children will be provided with everything they need. They will travel a lot, as they can afford it financially. Especially spouses will achieve a lot if they work together, in addition, a joint business also strengthens relationships. Surprisingly, it is a fact that it is much easier and faster to “bewitch” clients together. For both partners, confidence in the future and a sense of comfort are important. Therefore, financial stability serves as an essential support in the family.

The biggest problems in a couple brings jealousy of both. Both the man and the woman born in the year of the Snake have a heightened sense of ownership. They can wrap themselves in a tight ring around each other and choke in their arms, completely depriving them of their freedom. At the same time, the sense of ownership is so great that even when feelings cool down and love leaves, they continue to keep their partner near them.

Snake Man and Snake Woman - Compatibility in Love

In the sexual sphere, in the union of the male Snake and the female Snake, everything is perfect. Oddly enough, but the main driving force in intimate life for two snakes is intelligence. In order for physical attraction to be born and maintained, it is not enough for them only external beauty and attractiveness. For them, mindset is important. The Snake man and the Snake woman always have something to talk about, so the sexual desire will be constant. Both love experiments and role-playing games, however, the rational mind dulls passion somewhat, but, most importantly, both are satisfied with this state of affairs.

Changes in such an alliance, as a rule, do not happen. Despite all their love for flirting, they rarely start an affair, since absolute intimacy with one person is important to both.

Advice from "Moon Today" for a pair of Snake Man and Snake Woman

A pair of a man-Snake and a woman-Snake will have many trials before they can achieve family happiness. They have a lot in common, they perfectly understand each other, have the same goals and life dreams, so happiness in this union has the right to be.

The main, fastening elements in this family will be trust. When these two learn to trust each other and share their thoughts, the union will be flawless and happy. When they learn to express their emotions and sometimes go beyond old habits and upbringing, they will find a kinship of souls and complete mutual understanding. Fortunately, both have enough wisdom to achieve this.

Also, it is worth noting that the partners are very jealous. Moreover, this jealousy is ubiquitous and often groundless. Therefore, they need to eliminate all the prerequisites for this. If a couple spends 90% of their time together, it will only strengthen their marriage. Also, a joint business will be the key to a successful marriage.

And depression, which periodically affects all people born in the year of the Snake, is saved by an established life and a peaceful atmosphere in the house.

Wise, taciturn people who can be selfish, vain and stingy. However, they can disinterestedly help less fortunate brethren. Arrogant, often go too far. Determined, determined and ambitious. Acutely experiencing failures, outwardly remaining calm. Attractive both externally and internally, but differ in some windiness.

The best couple for a Snake man

The man - the Snake is a great connoisseur, lover and connoisseur of female beauty. Moreover, attractiveness for him is important not only external. He wants his passion to be smart and have good taste. He himself has excellent manners and knows how to take care of a lady like no other. Exquisite compliments and pleasant little things can melt any girl's heart.

The serpent is a skilled master of such things. AT romantic relationship he will be inventive, resourceful and original. Prefers to "softly" dominate in a pair. In moments of passion, he will “recoup” for hours of restraint during the day. His irrepressible eroticism will surprise his partner a lot. Little things attract him. For a man - the Snake there is nothing "indecent" or "shameful". He is liberated in a good way.

The best couple for a Snake woman

Woman - Snake is prudent and unusually smart. Her intellect is excellently developed. She is graceful and attractive. Such a lady can only be attracted handsome man with aesthetic taste and aristocratic manners. It is especially good if the boyfriend has creative abilities. Speech, manners, knowledge of etiquette - everything is important for a woman - the Snake. In relations with the opposite sex, she is reserved and even cold.

She generally has a tendency to loneliness - left alone with her thoughts, she rests and does not feel abandoned or needed by anyone at all. In a relationship, she prefers to lead a man, but not directly, but more subtly. In the bedroom, she is ready to show all her considerable passion and erotic temperament. Under the outwardly calm behavior lies a violent fantasy. Like a snake at the decisive moment of the hunt, it shows the strongest excitement at the moment of intimacy.

Snake Compatibility Horoscope

The ideal couple for those born in the year of the Snake are the Buffalo and the Rooster. Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse and Sheep are well suited. Tiger and Boar are absolutely not suitable.

Snake - Rat- The rat is always on the go. In fact, none of the signs Chinese horoscope no longer inclined to endless wanderings through the labyrinth of life. The snake just refuses to rush. If there are difficulties in this combination, then they will be associated with a different attitude to life. The sensuality of a snake can fascinate a rat, although not for long, and if someone starts to get bored in this pair, then it will most likely be a rat. The chances of success are not so great, but this is an interesting combination. A rat and a snake will certainly not like each other from the first minutes of their acquaintance.

Snake - Bull- Their relationship can be called stable, although not the most impressive. The union should suit both parties, it is the basis for a calm happiness that some combinations will never achieve. They are more likely to have a clean home, a happy family, and a very stable lifestyle. If you come to visit them in winter, they will warm themselves by the fireplace. If you visit them in the summer, you will find them in a hammock near the house. Rare quarrels are possible, which will only strengthen the balance in this hardworking family. A good option in order to achieve material success.

Snake - Tiger- Although they are very different at their core, they have one thing in common - the ability to be happy if everything goes the way they want. If they want the same thing, they will get along well with each other. The Snake is, in truth, more lazy in nature than the Tiger, however, the Tiger lacks the Snake's ability to succeed. But these differences work well together, provided there is mutual respect, creating strong relationships. This is a common combination, and usually a pretty good one.

Snake - Rabbit- Some relationships are both difficult and at the same time very successful. This combination is definitely not one of them, but it should not be discounted for completely different reasons. Neither the Snake nor the Rabbit require much from life, they only need a little happiness and at times something to eat. It may seem that they require so little from each other that it is very easy for them to part, but there is still enough evidence that this relationship is extremely strong. Nevertheless, the possibility of leaving one of the partners cannot be ruled out, so both of them need to make some effort to maintain stability.

Snake - Dragon- For someone born in the year of the dragon, compatibility with the snake is promising. The dragon and the snake will certainly manage to build a pretty happy life together, and it is likely that the snake will want to take second place in the decision-making process from the very beginning. Of course, this doesn't really mean anything, because the snake has its own ways of controlling a partner, and a less intelligent dragon may eventually find itself fulfilling other people's desires. As the dragon races around, spitting fire in all directions, the snake watches from a distance and waits until it runs out of fuel.

snake - snake- If you lived next to such a couple, then you might never have guessed that you have neighbors - the snake-snake combination seems so quiet and harmless from the outside. Of course, sometimes things aren't what they seem. the world does not even suspect that the degree of understanding between the two snakes is established slowly and gradually. If you are a snake, compatibility with a snake will bring you material success, although like everything else, it will come gradually. Perhaps, at times, a hiss will be heard from each side. After several years of living together, partners will begin to resemble each other even outwardly, and, of course, they will think alike.

Snake - Horse- The relationship between a snake and a horse will not be easy, so it must be said that this is probably not the best combination for a successful marriage. The snake needs a certain degree of stability, which the horse can hardly achieve. At the same time, the horse strives to receive new, vivid impressions from life, and it will be difficult for the poor snake to agree with this tendency. However, there are moments in which these two signs will be equally happy, for example, when living together separately. For marriage, this situation is not suitable, but there are examples when everything goes that way, and this case may be one of them. Horse - snake compatibility is not easy, at least both are kind and can be good friends.

Snake - Goat- Although this option is not ideal, there are many snakes and goats that live happily and harmoniously together. Perhaps the dissonance in the relationship will be brought by the fact that both the snake and the goat are signs that need an external source of inspiration, so without due effort on both sides, the relationship can become boring. The stimulus from the outside is vital for them, so it will not be of much use to close in your castle in case of conflict. Both of them are capable of deep and lasting love and will be able to create a happy home.

Snake - Monkey- An unusual combination, but this union can be successful on many levels. It is true that the monkey likes to do things his own way, and it is also fair to say that the snake can sometimes be very stubborn if the situation develops against common sense. However, the monkey is not aggressive, and its natural kindness will help to cool the stubbornness of the snake. The snake usually tries to create a cozy home, making it as comfortable as possible, while the monkey is not very interested in household chores. A good intellectual alliance and probably a deep and lasting friendship.

Snake - Rooster- Both of these signs understand what is necessary for a comfortable life, and cope with different situations in almost the same way. For this reason, even if there are no others, the union must be successful. Their house will be cozy, perhaps even too cozy in terms of some of the other signs. The probability of material success is also high, since both the snake and the rooster can work without rest and earn a lot. Under the outward calmness of both signs, deeply sensitive natures are hidden, thanks to which, alone with each other, passion seizes them. But hardly anyone around knows about it.

Snake - Dog- It is difficult even to imagine how a snake and a dog will quarrel among themselves. The dog, as we have seen, very easily adapts to others, but even she does not have to change anything in order to get along in the same house with a fairly docile snake. They will quickly achieve harmony, come to an agreement on the basic principles of life, and this will become the key to happiness, which some combinations of signs will never achieve. However, there is something to be warned about. In a relationship, variety and excitement are also needed, especially for a dog, and boredom can easily settle in this combination.

Snake - Pig- Pig - Snake compatibility is fairly neutral. If this couple will have troubles, then their source definitely lies not in differences, but in insufficiently active communication. Although both of these signs are quite friendly, neither of them tends to actively show themselves in a relationship, so they may lack intensity. Perhaps the pig and the snake will be able to make their lives more diverse, but for this they will need to show a genuine interest in the world around them and issues that lie outside their personal relationship. In order for contact to be established between them, one of these signs will still have to take the initiative. Of course, this is not the kind of union that will make them endure many trials.

The snake woman is a femme fatale par excellence: men are irresistibly attracted to this angel of femininity, this sex symbol. Undoubtedly, there is an air of voluptuousness in it, which makes men lose their heads. She always has a large crowd of unconditional admirers and never faces the problem of finding a lover or spouse. But what these people don't know is that she herself needs a man in order to function properly - she just can't do without men, and the prospect of being alone scares her more than anything else.

The Snake woman believes with all her heart that to love and be loved are always the most important things in life. She cannot live without love. Because she prioritizes love, she undergoes a complete personality change when she gives her heart to a man, but that's entirely logical. How does she love? With intensity, passion and romanticism. Anything less than that would be foreign to her behavior. Her ability to love is so great that she demands to be loved in return with such sincerity and passion. With every fiber of her being, she resists mediocrity and non-reciprocity in relationships.

How does a Snake woman make love? Her rule is not to follow any rules to allow one to succumb to spontaneous desires. There is something so blissful, so heavenly in the simplicity of her approach to physical intimacy, that those men who have made love to a Snake woman will be delighted, and then their subsequent love mergers with any other woman will seem rather bland and boring to them. She can take turns being fiery passionate or prefer long tantric sex as her instinct and desires of her partner tell her. She also willingly plays a rather passive role, allowing her buddy to dominate her and feel happy.

Men who want to enjoy her inexpressible grace often have to pay a high price for them. Loving a Snake woman almost always means being in her crosshairs, for she has a reputation for making trials for a spouse or lover. Proprietor by nature, of course, she has no reason to envy other women on this score; while her fidelity is less assured, she refuses to make allowances for her adventurer, except when she is with a Snake or Horse man. In a fit of jealousy, she lashes out with caustic words and can be very aggressive. If her pride is hurt, then coquetry disappears and capriciousness appears. She wants all her men to constantly prove to her verbally and otherwise, their unconditional love; she wants to die for her not only figuratively, but sometimes even literally, and incites them to commit the worst antics to satisfy their desires and whims. But men can never be sure that it can be proportionately beneficial for them to endure a Snake woman, compared to the nerves and efforts expended.

The Snake Woman is a contradictory and complex nature. It coexists with a die-hard bourgeois, a conformist and an uncompromisingly preoccupied person with his own comfort. At the same time, she is a wonderful lover and can be very caring. The Snake woman believes in the social and moral virtues of marriage, but she harbors serious fears about the possibility of happiness with one man for life. For her, the main thing is to allow herself material security and comfort, which are as vital to her as the air she breathes. Love is love, yes, but it enters into marriage mainly for success in wealth, rank, prestige or social progress. She never hides the fact that she marries for money to satisfy her love of easy living and luxury. That is why it can be a cause of ruin for men. That is why, as soon as the husband disappears, she is in a hurry to look for a new one, preferably richer and more influential than the former.

Nothing could be more stupid than to take her devotion for granted. No matter how deeply her love extends to her significant other, her stability is always the main issue. She can be faithful for as long as she sees fit - as long as she still finds it beneficial to her in one way or another and can work to ensure the success of her union. But if the chosen one falls below her expectations, then her prodigal instinct immediately wakes up in her. In addition, she sincerely does not consider promiscuity to be evil and does not feel any remorse for denying herself infidelity. But despite her penchant for flirting, she is rarely ready to go for a divorce due to fear of insecurity, loss of face, and loneliness.

The Snake Woman often states that her children are everything in her life. She may sincerely believe in this own statement, but it has no basis in itself, since she is infinitely more a lover than a mother. There is not the slightest trace of maternal instinct in her personality. She is afraid of childbirth, which harms her thin figure and hurts her aesthetic feelings. The Snake woman does not tolerate babies who do not know anything yet, she does not like it when they cry and does not want to mess with them. Her relationship with her children can become somewhat normal when they are mature and independent.

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People born in the same year are often attracted to each other not just by feelings, but by life circumstances. Joint education at school, at the institute, a common circle of friends - marriages between the same age are not such an exceptional thing. But here recognize a close soul in a person with whom you have an age difference is not an easy task. Information about the compatibility of signs according to the eastern horoscope is not true in last resort, but it will definitely help to predict the possible development of relations.

Love Compatibility for Snake Woman and Snake Man

The eastern horoscope by year of birth does not give categorical predictions. He is more loyal to predictions about the attraction or incompatibility of opposites. People who feel mutual attraction are not just signs and not even just men and women. It is primarily personal.

The word "snake", applied to a lady, sounds ambiguous. Women themselves prefer to associate themselves with the wisdom of these reptiles, while ill-wishers hint at a heavy disposition. Although who said that a person cannot combine different traits of character. The stars claim that the girl of this sign is the most controversial of all signs. Throughout her life, she is periodically reborn, completely shedding her old skin.

A man born under this sign has an unpredictable character. He can start a scandal, causing tears in loved ones. But immediately after a quarrel, he is able to shower his beloved with flowers. So compatibility in love for representatives of this sign depends on the ability of partners to understand and accept each other.

There is no such young lady who could not be conquered by a man born under this sign. He is charming, alert and assertive. But in the future wife, she is looking for more than just an attractive appearance. From a loved one, he expects a true kinship of souls, and fleeting relationships upset him. Lady Snake is educated and intelligent. She pays a lot of attention to self-education and has every chance to attract a smart man. A couple of lovers would rather go to the opening day or to the theater than to a noisy party. With all the "senile" wisdom, the man and woman of the Snake are sensitive to changes in life.

Marriage Compatibility

Perhaps the main reason for quarrels in a newly-made family are acquaintances. But in the marriage of a man and a woman of the Snake, such problems do not arise, if only because they have common friends. And just friends or random people will not be able to prevent spouses from enjoying each other's company. Marriage is not built on sex or mutual admiration. In marriage, spouses born under the sign of wisdom help each other to realize themselves in life.

A successful union of people born under the same signs Eastern horoscope, not such an unusual event. An alliance formed in pairs is mutually beneficial. And if the partners are born in the same year, then they have every chance to grow and develop in parallel. For those who learn to get around the sharp corners of relationships, the stars predict a long and happy future. Long, but not cloudless. Ladies of the Snake are cautious and prudent. They try not to get into conflicts and avoid open confrontation. Men do not pay attention to the manifestation of sentimentality in marriage. And if a woman herself does not hint at her desires, a man will never even guess about their presence.

The wisdom of the man and woman of the Snake only increases over the years. Even those people who in their youth did not think too much about the duration of their marriage, over the years, they begin to appreciate their partner. And many simply understand each other without words. Couples love to travel and do so whenever possible. The entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen of the spouses help them earn for a comfortable old age. They do not need other people's advice and guidance. But a secret happy life male and female Snake willingly share with others.

Compatibility with signs of other years

Mutual attraction does not always develop into compatibility. It may be worth reading this question in more detail so that love does not become a one-night stand.


The compatibility of the Snake man and the Rat woman can be considered favorable only when the girl learns to openly confront her partner. And it's not about constant quarrels or showdowns. A union built on the suppression of the individual will never be happy. And in these relationships, it is the woman who needs the “pill for courage”. The Snake man must realize all worldly wisdom in order to earn compatibility with the Rat woman.


Calm man Bull and wise woman Snake in love and marriage get not just compatibility, but complete harmony. The wife does not have to worry about rivals - the Ox man never thinks about adultery. He may well compete with his life partner in terms of devotion to family values. The lady's wisdom is enough for two. She does not strive for a leadership position, generously allowing a man to feel like the head of the family.


The stars treat the union of the Tiger and the Snake with great skepticism. People are not only not advised, but persistently advised not to start a relationship- they are too different. Two strong, powerful and whole natures simply cannot recognize the existence of their own kind.

Rabbit (Cat)

Male Rabbit (Cat) and female Snake receive ideal compatibility in love and marriage in the case when the wife is older e your partner. The sociability of a man and his ability to win the sympathy of others is beneficial in such a relationship. With a sensible and experienced woman, he feels comfortable. A woman looks much younger than her years, because she periodically changes the old skin to a new one. Sincere love in the eyes of a partner helps her feel her uniqueness.

The Dragon

Dragon Man and Snake Woman their compatibility cannot be considered ideal. A man loves freedom too much to think about a serious relationship. And if a woman has the patience not to limit his attempts to meet friends on the side, then such a marriage has every chance of existing. But she will have to put in too much effort for this. Not every woman is ready for this.


Snake man and Goat woman, unfortunately, rarely get a chance to know compatibility in relationship. A woman seeks in this union primarily financial benefits. She does not hide her intentions, so a man who is just starting his career has little chance of finding happiness in marriage. The Goat man and the Snake woman get more financial compatibility than love. Although the stars claim that relationships built on finances are obviously losing relationships.


The snake in this union will not be able to appreciate the devotion of a partner. Although such a faithful and accommodating life partner is unlikely to receive. These relationships can be called rather boring. They miss the holiday, or at least an unplanned romantic dinner. And this harbor is too quiet for the Serpent. So in this union, treason is possible.

A monkey

It's a paradox, but the Snake man and the Monkey woman, in order to find compatibility in a relationship, must learn not to talk, but be silent. Constant quarrels and showdowns have destroyed more than one couple. Both partners strive for superiority and do not recognize the interests of each other. This is probably the least favorable union in terms of the stars.


The Snake man and the Rooster woman can reverse the confrontation in a pair for the benefit of compatibility in love and marriage. The struggle begins immediately after the first love and can continue all the years of marriage. Partners who are able to take a sober look at things will be able to find ways to solve problems in a conflict situation. It is in such a relationship that the Snake man and the Rooster woman will be able to find perfect compatibility and build a strong marriage.


Although no one in their right mind will say that boredom can cause a breakup, the troubles in the Snake and Dog pair begin precisely for this reason. But sooner or later the snake thinking about mistakes of his youth and will understand that you just need to take the initiative into your own hands. After all, love is a feeling that manifests itself over time. And truly loving and devoted people still need to be looked for.

Boar (Pig)

The Pig man for the Snake woman will become a friend, lover and spouse, so compatibility of these signs is high to say the least, perfect. The young lady in this marriage feels her exclusivity, because for a man there are simply no other partners. But the man does not feel henpecked. He is sociable, talented and incredibly proud of his wife's entrepreneurial spirit. For a lady striving for primacy in the family, such an attitude is like a balm for the soul.

From the point of view of the compatibility of the Snake with people born under other signs according to the eastern horoscope, the following forecast can be made.

In your opinion, how justified are the stellar forecasts regarding perfect match this couple? Share your experience of communicating with such people, we are interested in your findings.

Representatives of the sign of the Snake are intellectuals and philosophers, often with a complex character. Usually they are financially successful and lucky, they have a well-developed intuition.

Characteristics of the Snake man

The Snake man has a great sense of humor, he is intelligent and sentimental. This is a good interlocutor, but he likes to think about some issues more than to talk. Usually a representative of this sign is well settled in life, he is characterized by financial stability. Such a man is used to bringing all his work to the end, he absolutely does not accept failure.

The representative of this sign rarely lends money to anyone, he is a little stingy. When resolving some issue, he often relies on his feelings and emotions, and not on facts. The Snake also has a very good intuition, which sometimes comes to clairvoyance.

Characteristics of the Snake woman

Such a lady is often successful with men, she is charming and attractive in appearance. She loves beautiful and sophisticated clothes, never averse to showing off in public. Such a woman is insightful, it is difficult to hide the truth from her. The snake very patiently and confidently goes towards its goal, not exchanging for nothing, if it has already decided to do something, then it will definitely succeed.

At the same time, the Snake woman is cautious and prudent, she thinks out a plan of action for a long time and carefully. She knows how to adapt to people, but at the same time she will never tolerate an unfriendly attitude towards herself, especially if she is Aquarius, Virgo or Scorpio according to the horoscope. But what is the compatibility of the Snake with other signs, we will find out below.

Compatibility of the Snake with other signs

Rat and Snake Compatibility

A rather controversial union, that's with whom the Snake is poorly compatible. There will be many disagreements between partners in a relationship, and only through mutual patience and understanding can they be eliminated.

A rat can become very attached to a bewitching partner, and this is just not worth doing. Shared interests are capable of tying such a couple tightly, and besides, they will develop excellent business relations.

Snake Compatibility with Ox

Such relationships have a bright future. Partners can get along well with each other, in many ways they will converge points of view and interests. In such an alliance, it is better for the Ox to take a dominant position and provide for the family financially, while his partner will deal with other organizational and household chores.

Due to the good compatibility of the Snake with other signs and the fact that she is perfectly able to adapt to her partner, the couple will not have any special problems. The care and understanding with which she surrounds her chosen one will act like a balm on the Bull, and he will be able to do a lot for the sake of the chosen one.

Snake Compatibility with Tiger

Misunderstanding is what will become the basis of such an alliance. Partners have completely different views on life, they have dissimilar values ​​and priorities.

The tiger always follows a straight path through any obstacles, his partner prefers a winding path. Such allies do not have the same pace of life at all: for example, the Tiger is nimble and agile, while the Snake is quite lazy, used to doing something, after considering it. Friendship between these signs will also not work.

Rabbit and Snake Compatibility

Between the representatives of these signs from the first days of acquaintance there is a mutual attraction. Both of them love peace, comfort and a cozy atmosphere in the house.

Representatives of these signs will never get bored with each other: they can spend hours in intellectual conversations. The only thing they need to avoid is cunning and craftiness in relationships - this can interfere with mutual understanding in such a family.

Dragon and Snake Compatibility

Pretty good union. The dragon always strives to shine, especially if he is Leo, Aries, Sagittarius or Gemini according to the horoscope, and the partner will admire him with pleasure. At the same time, the fiery Dragon will be attracted by the wisdom and mystery of his chosen one.

In such a relationship, it is better for the Snake to give way to the partner, while remaining a gray cardinal. The dragon, without realizing it, will always be under the supervision of his chosen one, without feeling any discomfort from this.

Snake Compatibility with Snake

Quite a contradictory union. On the one hand, such partners understand each other, they have something to talk about, but this similarity can also become a stumbling block. They may begin to compete and overwhelm each other.

In order to stay together, they will need to learn how to subdue their own ambitions. A relatively stable union will be able to create representatives of such a zodiac sign as Cancer, Pisces or Taurus.

Horse and Snake Compatibility

In these difficult relationships, most likely, the Snake will become the leader, which will skillfully manipulate the gullible Horse. While the Horse is in love with his partner, everything can go smoothly, but then the Horse will easily buck up and free himself from the suffocating hugs of his partner.

In such an alliance, the Snake can become a generator of ideas, and the Horse can become their executor. It is worth noting that such a business partnership has more chances for a bright future than a family union.

Compatibility of the Snake with the Goat

The sheep attracts its partner with a vivid imagination and a creative approach to everything, while both representatives of the sign love beauty and harmony in everything, they are also attracted to art. This brings them very close and helps the further development of relations, that's who the Snake is well compatible with.

The only problem may be the financial component of such a union. Both partners are not used to working hard, but at the same time they have rather big requests. Yes, a person born according to the calendar in the year of the Earth Snake will work if he cannot rely on a partner in this matter, but at the same time he is unlikely to spend a lot of money on his other half. But the Goat is generally not well suited for work, which is why disagreements will arise in the family.

Snake and Monkey Compatibility

On an intellectual level, such a union will work out perfectly: they perfectly understand and complement each other. Both partners know how to adapt to the people and circumstances around them, they can always find a way out of any situation, that's who the Snake is well compatible with.

But on an emotional level, everything is not so simple: the Monkey is the only representative of the eastern horoscope that can suppress such a partner. But even he will not give up so easily, because small scandals will happen from time to time in such a family.

Snake Compatibility with Rooster

This is a very harmonious union: in it, partners perfectly complement each other. The rooster loves to make noise and chat, and his chosen one is always happy to listen to him, oddly enough, she is very comfortable in the presence of such a person. Both partners are very fond of social events and parties: they always diligently prepare for the upcoming event, choosing the best outfits for themselves. At the same time, they really look like a very elegant couple and often cause a sensation in society.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Snake, in such a pair it is necessary that the primacy in the relationship belongs to the Rooster, and then everything will be smooth. Even if a quarrel occurs, partners can always find a common solution to the problem.

Snake and Dog Compatibility

This couple is a pretty good union. In such a relationship, the Dog very quickly becomes attached to the mysterious Snake, she is amazed at her depth of mind. The same, in turn, really appreciates when she is loved and pampered, and therefore she will direct all her care towards the Dog. But at the same time, she completely paralyzes the will of the Dog, forcing her to work for two.

A split in family relationships can occur if the Snake wants to find a partner on the side. The dog itself is not a model of fidelity, but she is unlikely to be able to forgive such a betrayal by her partner.

Snake Compatibility with Pig

A very controversial union. Perhaps at first they are waiting for a passionate relationship, but partners are unlikely to be able to stay with each other for a long time. The pig will instantly fall in love with the intellectual Snake, and she, rather, will simply fool her. Only if the Pig realizes how cunning her partner is, she can adequately get out of the situation.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Snake, she will be annoyed by the excessive naivety and pliability of the Pig, the fact that she immediately agrees to everything that is offered to her. But do not consider the Pig so stupid: if she wants, she can easily get out of the strong hugs of her partner.