There is so much magic, so much beauty in winter! Look around!

This is happiness: snow, marmalade and warm mittens...

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate.

What does winter smell like? - Miracle! After all, everything about it is fabulous!

Winter encourages us to warm goodness in our hands and share it with one touch.

Lord, I really wanted snow! So that in winter the human soul warms itself with the expectation of happiness and miracles.

The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!

At first you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil.

And I hid, almost not breathing... Oh, winter's fairy tale, how good you are!

Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s like you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all. John Steinbeck

Hello winter! A sparkling miracle! The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...

And how little children rejoice at snowflakes, run after them, catch them.

You raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

And the snowflakes come to kiss...

Listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away...

Winter is created in white colors for this reason, to start your life from scratch.

Skis, skates, snowballs,
Here are winter fun.
She's just around the corner
With snow and winds.

Winter! My knees and teeth were chattering joyfully!

There is only snow around.
We are on a snow planet.
It's an ordinary winter all around,
But we are happy about her like children.

If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days!

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice. A.S. Pushkin

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

Think back to your childhood. It’s snowing outside, a blizzard, and they’ll wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled with full bags of tangerines and sweets on your lap.

Winter has come! But in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

Winter is the time when you wait for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy about the snowfall, and quietly hum the song from the Coca-Cola advertisement.

I want to walk along a dimly lit street in the evening, where the snow crunches under my feet, my favorite music is playing in my headphones, and the path is illuminated by lanterns.

Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. The weather is perfect for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

A purring cat and a burning fireplace make winter pleasant. Scottish proverb

There are winter books. Not the ones about winter, but the ones that make the snowstorm outside the window cozy. Nadeya Yasminska

The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. Heinrich Heine

Winter... Snow falls on the ground in huge flakes. He's everywhere. A stunningly quiet, bright night; there is so much peace in her.

I love winter not because of the New Year, but because it brings people together who are in the same room in the evening, when billions of snowflakes fly past the windows and the wind howls in the drainpipes.

Before catching snowflakes in your mouth, make sure that all the birds have flown south...

I am going for a walk! - with whom?? - with snow.

Winter is the time when you wait for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy about the snowfall, and quietly hum the song from the Coca Cola advertisement...

I would like something different in January. Snow, for example.

Today I decided to remember my childhood and jumped into a snowdrift... who knew there was a bench there?

What do I care about snow, what do I like about the heat, what do I like about pouring rain... when a maniac is running after me.

Snow on my back, snow on my mouth, snow on my ears and stomach, snow on my face and snow on my eyes - spring has hit us!

Snow - the best remedy for removing makeup!

The first snow in the early morning makes you believe in a fairy tale.

This year we were cut off... Snow.

Well, there's a lot of snow! This is the fourth time I've dug up my car - and it's still not mine...

This is happiness: snow, marmalade and warm mittens...


How, I wonder, do cats walk in the snow if the snow is higher than the cats?

Sex is like snow - you never know how many inches will fall and how long it will last.

I decided that there was no magic left in the world, and suddenly it started snowing in such fluffy flakes. I scolded myself and ran to catch snowflakes...

Congratulations on winter. Freeze for your health. Always your minus on the thermometer.

The fact that there is ice and knee-deep snow on the streets definitely has its advantages. I just haven’t figured out which ones yet.

How thin is the line between “Hurray, it’s snowing!” and “Kick it, it snowed.”

There is snow under your feet, a hat on your head, it’s autumn outside, spring in your soul, and your favorite song about summer is in your headphones.

Do you want to go back to your childhood?.. There is snow and a blizzard outside, and they will wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled... With full bags of tangerines and sweets on your lap...

The first rule of skiers is that you can’t eat yellow snow!

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

The snow lies like feather beds. He wears hats. It smells like tangerines. Soon New Year!

The snow in the eyelashes got lost and turned into a teardrop. Something kind in the eyes, in the tears that welled up.

Eh, snow, snow... You fucked everyone up, my friend!

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

What do I care about snow, what do I care about heat, what do I care about torrential rain when my breast size is 8!

The pine trees cast slanting shadows on the snow, icicles hang on their mustaches, I learned one of the most powerful feelings in life: sitting in the toilet at minus fifty.

in winter a real man must: plant a Christmas tree, build a fortress and raise a snowman.

Cold. Windy. Snow. Winter. The weather is perfect for hot tea, chocolate, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Hidden snow in the refrigerator...

The first snow is like cocaine - it makes your heart beat faster...

I want to walk along a slightly lit street... in the evening, where the snow crunches under my feet, my favorite music is playing in my headphones, and the path is illuminated by lanterns... so calm.

Girls! Be sure to get yourself a boyfriend for the winter. Even if you don’t need this, even if you don’t like him, you will have someone to hold on to so you don’t fall when you slip.

Winter... snow... beautiful... good... damn, it's good to look at it all from the window!!!

Praise and respect to the person who tramples a path in the snow every morning!

Pee in the snow, feel like a laser!

It's almost spring! A meter of snow gets in the way a little.

Let's fight winter! Now we all go out together and eat snow! P.S. We don’t eat yellow snow...

Ever wondered why the snow crunches under your feet? No, physics has nothing to do with it, we’re just breaking snowflakes’ spines.

The worst situation on the street in winter is when you are wearing a long down jacket, and you urgently need to pull up your pants that have slipped down.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away... And you will never return here again...

Do you know why snow is white? He just forgot his color...

The sky smells like snow, your hair smells like snow, and there’s sunshine in your heart!

I want snow. Lots and lots. For snowballs and snowmen. Red cheeks. And at night everything glows.

The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!! At first you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil.

Are you afraid of snow? It’s stupid, look: it’s nature playing, say it beautifully! Motes of dust fly from the sky onto your palm, close your eyes, love is make-believe.

Bigfoot is the one you think about when it snows...

It’s good in Siberia; in the summer there is no snow for a whole month.

Snowfall... so beautiful...) snowflakes fall, remain on the eyelashes and melt in the palm of your hand... I hope you will melt like that from my love for you...

Do you remember the very first snow that flew by, lying in the palm of your hand? Let's come up with our own world that no one will touch.

Today is the snowiest snowfall in our city!

Eh, snow, snowball... You fucked everyone for it, my friend!))

Snow covered the ground with a blanket of streets, people and houses. In our universe with you, from now on Love has died.

Oh, are you also waiting for snow?

And today we got our first snow!!! Love Winter!!! I wish you all the snowiest winter!

It’s snowing... A snowy whirlwind swirls, breaking the thread between us. You, my bright one, my most tender one, will help me preserve Love.

Snow is, of course, wonderful. But not in March!

I love snow... when it falls and melts on your face, you can cry and no one will notice!

Such snowfall, such snowfall... these places have not remembered for a long time. But the snow didn’t know and fell...

Did the wind illusion scare you? Don't be afraid, don't wait, there's so little left of life. Snow, rain.

The first snow early in the morning makes you believe in a fairy tale...

Snow is coming from a hole in the sky...

Both the first snow and the first love, like first dreams, are always pure.

I dreamed of a heavy snowfall today, so much so that you couldn’t see anything behind it.

And it snows, and it snows... It will soon sweep all spring!

The first snow was unusually bold and the grains hit like hail.

Snow... Snow... Snow... White flakes are swirling... Stop your running - you have to wait for happiness!

The fact that there is ice and knee-deep snow on the streets definitely has its advantages. I just haven’t figured out which ones yet.

Have you ever made an angel... in the snow?

The snow in the eyelashes got lost and turned into a teardrop. Something kind in the eyes, in the tears that welled up.

The snowfall gave way to snowfall... Apparently, winter is tired after all.))


And it’s such a beautiful winter outside! You leave the house and a smile appears on its own!

Well, admit that you already want winter and the first snow.

The first snow fell from an impossible height and he rushed down like one possessed...

How, I wonder, do cats walk in the snow if the snow is higher than the cats?

New Year is knocking on the door! Snowstorms! Everything would have been great if it weren’t for April!

Who has snowed already?)))

For some reason I really love it when it snows... I love it when the city is bright and elegant...

I will write for Christmas, in the white-white snow, How we met love, under the white-white snow.

Snow. Snowing. White and white... February drinks disturbed nostalgia. Well, I tell the gray walls: we’ve already been through this!

Be brave, friends! Let's head into summer!!! Why is everyone dressed in snow???

“Snowfall, snowfall, don’t blow my hair, don’t knock on my door, don’t circle at the gate.”

And the first snow, and the first snow. At night it will die without leaving a trace, and so it will happen - autumn will say goodbye to it forever.

White snow outside the window - is that you?

I really wish there was real winter weather with frost and snow, but with such gas prices, it would be better if it rained.

It was bitterly cold outside and I was impatiently waiting for passers-by to turn them into thugs...

Nature had a great time today! The starlings really weren’t expecting such a snowfall... and there was something three-story high in their songs today...

It's snowing in large fluffy flakes... you can't imagine how beautiful it is)))

The first snow, like first love, colors the familiar world with euphoria.

Snow is lazy rain... not only does it lie there... but you also have to... drag it from place to place...

It's time for winter to reign for centuries, in the land of the magical Snow Queen. There, fluffy snow spreads like a carpet and the blizzards ringing with melodies can be heard.

Snow, snow, white blizzard... The end of March has arrived, but I still can’t believe it!!!

I like snowflakes... they are all so beautiful and different)))

The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!! At first you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil.

Turn off the snow! Janitors should have holidays too!

Snowfall, snowfall, lasted two hours straight! Everyone was happy to see the white fabulous outfit!

The whole world is covered in snow... It is soft and bright... Tenderness has settled in my soul from the snow...

When it snows, it’s not cold; cold - when it melts.

The first snow will fall evenly, like a veil of a frozen world, it will harden as diamonds of light in your hair.

When the city is covered in snow on the first day of spring, there is only one explanation... winter has a “spring exacerbation”...))

Frost and sun - a wonderful day!!! Blue sky, frost on your face... You would be appropriate in January... But, damn it, not in March... not at the end!!!

Love is like snow - it tends to melt...

One night it will snow. White, fluffy, magical. It will cover the grayness of the streets and smooth out the angularity of the houses. The time will come when you can try to write life from a sheet as clean as this snow...

First winter on Far East... I have never seen so much snow in my life)))

I want to catch the moment with you when the first snow falls.

I love it when the first snowfall, you go out and catch snowflakes with your hands... it lifts your spirits. Days like these are magical!!!)))

The snow lies like feather beds. He wears hats. It smells like tangerines. New Years is soon!

The first snow is like first love. Most likely it will melt, but this is where the fairy tale begins...

Statuses about snow: beautiful phrases

  • “Adults remain children at heart as long as they are fascinated by snowfall.”
  • “Snowfall and a cup of hot coffee force us to talk about the main thing.”
  • "Snow even illuminates the night."
  • “Weather never gives such peace and tranquility to a person as during snowfall.”
  • “In the snow it’s cozy even in a crowd.”
  • "The dance of snowflakes is the most fascinating spectacle."
  • “Everyone loves snow. It’s not for nothing that they are so indignant when it melts!”
  • "Those who have
  • "I can look at two things forever - falling snowflakes and the lights of a garland."
  • "Snowfall on Christmas means God's grace."
  • “On a winter night, it seems as if snowflakes are falling from the street lamps.”
  • “How can you not admire the fact that not a single snowflake is like another?”

Statuses about snow are loved for their poetry. As well as during the winter itself, for the snow sparks from the sun and under the light of night lamps.

Statuses about the first snow

  • "With the first snow, a new life begins."
  • “How little I need to be happy - just watch the white flakes fly.”
  • “Just when you decide that miracles don’t happen, the first snowflakes begin to fall.”
  • “How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and see that yesterday’s gray day has turned into a white fairy tale.”
  • “Calmness and hope are born in your soul when you look at the first falling snowflakes.”
  • “When you look into the sky at the falling snowflakes, at first you want to close your eyes. You think that they will cloud your eyes, as if it were flour. But the beauty is worth it, you open your eyes and joyfully realize that everything is fine. It is and will be.”
  • “Snow cannot but bring joy. After all, its first appearance means the end of the autumn blues.”
  • “With the first snow everything becomes clear - what is important and what happened in vain.”

Statuses about winter and snow

Some statuses about snow can be used for other purposes. Individual phrases can be part of fairy tales for children, postcards for loved ones. The main thing is to want to convey to another person some of your warmth and winter comfort.

  • “In winter they usually lie that they are waiting for summer and want to go to the sea, but in fact they are fascinated by the snowfall.”
  • "Winter is the time for snowfalls, silence, tart wine and tight hugs."
  • "When I was a child, important issue was there - does the snow stick on a winter day?
  • "It's easier to forget in winter. It's worth seeing how the snow covers up the traces left behind."
  • "Winter is not cold. Winter is a reason for warm meetings."
  • “When winter comes, all worries are covered with snow.”
  • "Only in winter can a person become an angel. In the snow."
  • “They say that winter is prickly and cold. But what about the blanket of snow?”
  • “In winter, miracles happen at every step. For example, I’ve never understood how cats don’t fall into the snow?”
  • “Have you noticed that on a quiet winter evening people’s faces are happier?”
  • "Snow covers everything except human soul. In winter, everything freezes except the heart."

Statuses about snow are usually chosen by romantic people. Those who believe in the magic of winter and love to share this joy. So let every snowy day bring us a little faith in a better tomorrow.

Winter is a charming time of the year, bewitchingly pure nature, shrouded in snow-white clothes. This is the time that children and adults love because it is the embodiment of something new. What can we say about the upcoming holidays, festivities and fun. At this time, quotes about winter are in great demand.

There are many categories of different sayings, after studying which you can identify for yourself those that have sunk into your soul. At this time of year, you can enjoy not only changes in nature, but also aphorisms, beautiful sayings and interesting quotes.

Aphorisms about winter

Winter is the favorite time of year for most poets, who created aphorisms and sayings that are loved by the people and are popular to this day. This is not surprising, because the transformed nature leaves few people indifferent, and what else will help express emotions and feelings if not the aphorisms of great poets.

In addition to sayings, there are beautiful quotes in the form of short poems that will sink into your soul upon first reading and provide a fabulous mood.

Winter Quotes

Very soon, quotes related to winter themes will become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy a wonderful time. Despite the fact that you now need to dress warmer, and the time spent walking in the park will be reduced, the first snow will smooth it all out.

Many sayings are devoted to this phenomenon. Every person rejoices at the first fluffy snowflakes that fall on the palm of their hand and immediately melt from its warmth.

Aphorisms dedicated to the coldest time of the year are inspiration for something warm and soulful. The reason for this is that winter is a time at home, which can be usefully spent with family and friends.

Friendly meetings become warmer in winter. Therefore, there are many sayings with which you can convey this emotional mood. And very soon these statements will appear on the pages of the majority of active users social networks.

Beautiful aphorisms and reflections on beauty will become more relevant this winter than ever before. Wrapping yourself in a warm blanket, with a cup of aromatic tea, while away the evenings in spiritual company, it is divinely wonderful.

Funny winter sayings

Aphorisms on the theme of winter can be not only beautiful, but also funny, because this is the time for sledding, skiing, and skating. All people, without exception, will be happy with these activities, so the bulk of the statements are devoted to such active pastime.

Beautiful sayings are dedicated to the celebration, which has long become a symbol of new life. People prepare especially carefully for this holiday because they believe in its magic. Many sayings are dedicated to anticipation of something, because every person has certain plans, and certainly believes that they are destined to come true in the coming year.

Festive festivities and active recreation are what makes it impossible not to love winter, as well as the fact that it allows you to plunge into the world of magic.

You can talk about this time of year endlessly, just as you can describe it in quotes, revise the statements of great poets about this wonderful time. Among the variety of lines, each person will be able to find exactly those words that are more consistent with his condition and perception of winter.

Very soon you will be able to enjoy not only the first snow, spending winter evenings in the company of loved ones, the warmth and crackling sound coming from the fireplace, but also beautiful winter quotes that will lift your spirits, make you feel sad for a second, think about the beautiful and smile.