Belongs to the genus of perennial and annual representatives. Another name is catnip. A member of the Lamiaceae family, which includes herbaceous ground covers, shrubs and subshrubs. The growth also depends on the species, reaching from 25 to 95 cm. Elongated oval or toothed leaves are formed on straight or creeping stems. The color is dark green or with a gray tint. The flower shape is asymmetrical, about 5 mm in diameter and in length. They are collected in inflorescences resembling a spike.

Various shades: snow-white, violet, lilac, purple. Flowering begins in June and continues for more than a month. If you cut off the flower stalks in time, the flowers will open again. They are excellent honey plants, their persistent aroma attracts bees. The smell has a peculiarity: at the beginning of flowering it is similar to a rose, in the middle it resembles geranium, and at the end it pleases with a lemon aroma. The fruits are smooth brown nuts.

Growing and care in open ground

Location and lighting

These light-loving creatures They love the sun very much, but can tolerate a little shade. The site in the garden for the crop is selected carefully: it must be dry, without relief defects, and well drained. Stagnation of water is certain death for the bush.

Soil and fertilizers

An unpretentious representative of the flora takes root well on soil of average fertility, on light, loose sandstone. Close occurrence of groundwater is not allowed.

Supplemental nutrition begins in early spring mineral complexes, which have a high nitrogen content. Most often it is ammonium nitrate or azophoska. In the fall, add organic matter (mullein or bird droppings). But fresh solutions are not used. It is better if you mix it and let it sit and ferment for several days before adding it. Unfermented can cause a burn to the above-ground part.


Moisture deficiency causes poor flowering and catnip produces few seeds. But waterlogging also has a negative effect. The “drinking” schedule in hot weather is 3 times a week; if the thermometer drops to +20, then it is enough to water every 3-4 days. It is better to do this early in the morning and after sunset. After this, shallow loosening and manual removal of weeds is mandatory. If there is a large amount of precipitation during the season, then watering is not required.

Pruning and wintering

Occurs in July, a period of active growth. Particular attention is paid to wilted inflorescences. Removing them stimulates the appearance of new flowers. Bushes that have grown greatly are also molded. The cut green mass is not thrown away, but is used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.

Needs shelter only in exceptional cases. In regions with harsh climatic conditions, it is better to insulate the perennial with straw or spruce branches. If the bush was sick in the fall, then before winter the ground around it is mulched and covered with leaves.

But if the catnip is frozen, then there is no need to worry. In the spring it will quickly and easily recover, without human intervention.

Pests and diseases

Strong immunity is one of the advantages of the unpretentious catnip. But if a number of care rules are not followed, it will be attacked by insects. Pleasant lemon attracts. She lays eggs on the stems. The hatched “babies” use the culture as food. To combat it, it is better to use folk remedies without chemicals. Otherwise, it scares away pollinators - bees.

Diseases affecting the plant are practically non-existent.

Use in landscape design

Catnip is great for decorating many landscape compositions:

  • flower beds;
  • curbs;

Roofs and facades are planted with ground cover species. This is truly an incredible sight. As an additional element, the plant can harmoniously emphasize the beauty and characteristics of the main soloist of a group planting. The fragrant beauty elegantly combines with various varieties of decorative onions, oregano and many other representatives of the flora. Neighbors are selected not only according to external merits, but also according to agricultural requirements. Green “neighbors” should also love loose and sandy soil.

In a rock garden, catnip will easily take a central position if there is no higher plant among its “neighbors.” Goes great with any size stone. Low-growing representatives harmoniously decorate the foot of the hill.

A popular seedling method in the southern region is a blue carpet. Sow the seeds directly into open ground, maintaining a minimum distance between the holes. For such a design idea, as a rule, a sunny area on a green lawn is selected. The composition harmonizes beautifully with wooden bridges, high forged lanterns and a decorative well.

The pleasant aroma is also used when arranging the garden. By planting bushes next to gazebos, terraces, benches and near the windows of the house, you can enjoy a persistent smell while relaxing or having lunch.

If desired, you can grow low-growing varieties in flowerpots and flower pots. They are taken outside when it gets warm, decorating any area you like. The decorative effect persists even after flowering, making it possible to use all warm seasons of the year.

Planting and propagation

Before planting, the soil is carefully prepared: it is dug deep in the fall, all weeds and their roots are removed. After this, fertilizers are applied. Compost requires 2.5 kg per square meter. Superphosphate is enough for the same area - 20 grams, and potassium sulfate - no more than 5 grams. Already in the spring, before planting, the soil is thoroughly loosened. The culture is propagated using three methods.

Flowering in the first year is ensured only by the seedling method. Experienced experts advise replanting the bush every 5 years, otherwise over a longer period it will completely lose its picturesqueness. At this point, you can use another means of propagation - dividing the rhizome into parts.


The favorable period is mid-spring. Planting material is carefully selected and certainly subjected to stratification. This significantly increases the chances of germination. If the region has a warm climate, then you can sow in both spring and late autumn. In the latter case, shelter is not required, and the seedlings please the gardener already in mid-March. If planting was in spring, then the first shoots appear within a week. But not at the same time. The rest are shown within ten days.

More active development begins with the appearance of the first pair of leaves. Thinning is necessary if necessary. But it is better to maintain distance standards during sowing. Watering at all stages is carried out only after the top layer of soil has dried.


If the climate is not “friendly”, then it is better to plant the seeds in a greenhouse, hotbed or conditions reminiscent of them. The beginning of March is suitable for this. It is important to maintain the optimal distance - at least 7 cm between rows. The hole for planting material is shallow - 1 cm. Suitable soil is light, with good oxygen and water permeability. The bowl is covered with film if there is no greenhouse. Remove it twice a day for irrigation and ventilation. After the first greenery appears, it is completely removed. The room is chosen to be bright and warm.

They dive as soon as 3 full leaves appear. To do this, select medium-sized peat cups. This will allow the root system to develop strong and strong. As soon as the seedlings are 45-50 days old, they can be transferred to open ground. By this time, its height should reach 9 cm, and at least 3 pairs of leaves will be developed. The row spacing required is about 50 cm, and the bushes will be separated by 20-30 cm.

Dividing the bush

This can be done before or after flowering. At the time of the procedure, the plant must be at least 2 years old. This is a simple, fast and effective way. The bush is carefully removed from the ground and divided into a certain number of parts using a garden tool. Each one should have a full spine. Shake off the ground. Transfer to a permanent place immediately. Further care does not differ from generally accepted norms.

Types and varieties

To date, 250 species are known. All are grown as cultivated plants. In our country, the following representatives of the catnip are especially popular:

  • feline (Six Giant Hills);
  • Fassena (Blue Miracle);
  • veiny (Walker low).

Catnip, also called catnip, is a herbaceous plant capable of perennial growth, one of the species belonging to the genus Catnip, part of the Lamiaceae family. The flower is rich in essential oils, the concentration of which reaches three percent and provides the plant with a rich characteristic smell, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of lemon and having an attractive effect for cats. It is this feature of the plant that is reflected in its name.

Catnip is a European-Central Asian species, widespread in the southern and central regions of Europe, Asian countries, and thrives in the subtropical regions of Nepal, India, and Pakistan. On the territory of the Russian Federation it can be found almost everywhere in the European part and the North Caucasus, in the southern part of Western Siberia and the Far Eastern region. Favorite places to grow are wastelands, forest clearings and slopes; these flowers can often be found in landfills and roadside areas. It has a fluffy, erect, strong stem, up to one hundred centimeters high. Its root has a branched structure and a woody surface. The leaves are pubescent, triangular-ovate in shape with a heart-shaped lower part and a sharp upper part, coarsely toothed along the perimeter. The flowers have the shape of complex half-umbrellas, located at the ends of the stem and branches, and form brushes. The fruit is a brown nut with a smooth, elliptical surface. The period of mass flowering lasts two months, June-July, and the fruits ripen in July-August.

Economic value of the plant

In European and Eastern countries, catnip is used as a spicy seasoning. Its essential oil is widely used in the confectionery industry, the perfume industry, and in the soap making process.

The description of the chemical composition and medicinal capabilities of the plant is quite varied.

For medicinal purposes, it is actively used in folk medicine, as an external remedy and dosage forms for internal use. Most often used for inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract, anemia, cholera, helminthic infestations, headaches, to stimulate appetite and treat skin diseases. The sedative properties of this plant are also well known. Catnip is indispensable for depression and anxiety. The plant is brewed as tea; a drink with just one or two sprigs of the flower will have a pleasant aroma and help you sleep well.

The honey-producing properties of this plant are also widely known. Catnip is capable of producing large amounts of nectar, so the plant is often grown in areas located close to apiaries. A big advantage when cultivating it is that it requires minimal care.

Nepetalactone- essential oil found in catnip. Even in small quantities, this substance has a special effect on felines. This sensitivity is characteristic of lions and domestic cats, who experience strong arousal upon contact with this plant. They lick and bite the plant, twist their heads and wriggle along the ground, make loud sounds and convulsively twitch their bodies. This effect lasts no more than ten minutes, after which the animal returns to its normal state. The reason for this sensitivity is an autosomal gene found in representatives of this family. It should be noted that not all felines are so susceptible to catnip. Thus, domestic cat kittens under 6 weeks of age do not react to it.

There are known cases of the plant being used by people as a hallucinogenic substance.

Unpretentious ornamental plant

There are a large number of cultivated species and varieties of catnip. Their description can be found in specialized literature. All of them are distinguished by a long flowering period and a pleasant characteristic aroma of the leaves. The color range of inflorescences is very diverse and is represented in many shades from white to dark blue. Qualities of catnip that make it a desirable resident of every garden:

  • Planting and growing a flower is not difficult
  • Caring for the plant is not burdensome and simple
  • Quite a long flowering period
  • It goes well and gets along with different garden plants.

Garden varieties of catnip, like its wild relatives, are undemanding and have modest needs; their care is standard. The plant's flowers appear in early summer and last a long time. If the tops of the catnip are cut off, this will stimulate the growth of many side shoots, thus flowering can be extended until the onset of autumn. In addition, catnip with its modest flowers can become a good background for garden queens - roses. Both of them benefit from such proximity, both aesthetically and practically. The catnip protects its neighbor from the attacks of aphids. It has long been noticed that slugs and many other pests avoid garden compositions with nepeta.

The necessary conditions

Catnip grows happily in dry lands, retaining structures and natural-style gardens. Catnip will easily fit into every flower garden, alpine hill, spicy garden or classic rock garden.

Low-growing varieties are best suited for decorating garden paths and edging flower beds. This plant seems to be intended for growing in garden vases and making compositions in special containers.

It grows well in open areas, forming continuous carpet-type plantations, including on infertile lands.

Waterlogged areas near water bodies are also suitable for catnip; they are not afraid of slightly shaded places.

Care and cultivation

Caring for this garden plant will not bring any difficulties. Since most varieties are considered winter-hardy and tolerate drought well. They grow well after pruning.

Catnip is a sun-loving plant, so it is better to choose sunny areas for it, but it also accepts light partial shade.

The flower has no special requirements for soil, but it is better that it be planted in loose soil, without stagnant moisture. Some varieties are not suitable for heavy clay soils. And fertile lands contribute to more abundant flowering. It will also be facilitated by the timely application of organic and mineral fertilizers. It should be taken into account that an excess of fertilizers leads to an increase in green mass due to flowering.

The plant must be pruned after the end of the first stage of flowering. Then new branches will appear, and flowering will repeat with a vengeance. Plants of the second year of life are suitable for pruning for the purpose of harvesting greenery.

Tolerates frosts well. Care in preparation for winter is standard. Some species of catnip tend to spread by self-sowing.

Catnip propagates equally well by seeds and vegetatively, using cuttings and dividing the mother bush. The best time to plant a plant is the end of May - the first half of June. If the seeds are planted directly into the ground, then the first shoots can be expected in two weeks. To achieve faster flowering, catnip will have to be planted as seedlings. This is a more labor-intensive method, as it involves preliminary cultivation of seedlings from seeds and caring for them, which will have to be sown in the second ten days of March. The main advantage of this propagation method is that you can get flowering even this season by planting seedlings containing at least three to four leaves in open ground.

Adult plants that are three to five years old are suitable for division. Planting in this way is carried out in May, during the period of stem growth. At the same time, the flower can be propagated by stem cuttings, and the first month of summer is better suited for propagation by green cuttings.

Today we’ll talk about a wonderful and very beloved plant by our family - catnip.

It occupies the most honorable place among the large number of aromatic and spicy plants growing in our garden.

This plant, in addition to its official botanical name: catnip, has many more popular names:

  • Cat mint;
  • Cat Man;
  • Lemon catnip;
  • Forest nettle is a name that has crept into the “cat row” and does not take into account the cat’s love;
  • Cat booze.

Shandra and the magpie are the same plant. The first name for taste, culinary qualities. The second is for medicinal ones.

The name lemon catnip is the most common. Both property owners and cats like the pleasant smell of lemon.

Although let the cat smell an ordinary lemon, he will wince and turn away. He will never turn his back on a garden plant.

It is not for nothing that in ancient times hunters attracted even large cats (lynxes, tigers) to traps with catnip.

For cats, this mint plant is practically a drug.

Why the plant is attractive to cats is a mystery. But they love this “cat drink” - fact.

Moreover, they are all felines, from the domestic cat to the tiger or lion. When planning a trip with your pet, put a sprig of catnip in its cage; the mustachioed traveler will endure the journey more easily.

The homeland of catnip is the Mediterranean. From there, in ancient times, the catnip successfully spread throughout the Planet and perfectly adapted almost everywhere.

In Russia it has not reached the tundra, but both the South and Siberia do not bother it - the modest fragrant plant is not afraid of heat and cold.

The ancient Egyptians, who considered cats sacred, brought this plant to temples and placed it at the foot of the statues of the goddess Bastet.

The statues of the goddess were girls, but the goddess’s head was always a cat’s. The plant, loved by sacred animals, was also revered and considered a shrine.

Morphology and biology of catnip

Catnip is similar in structure to mint. Belongs to the Lamiaceae, perennial.

The leaves are small and serrated. The height depends on the conditions provided to the catnip.

In a shady place it will stretch up to a meter, in open space and light it will grow across the plot in width, rarely rising more than forty centimeters.

Catnip Lamiaceae (synonym of the Lamiaceae family), herbaceous. Grows as a bush. The flowers are small, light, their color varies from whitish to pale lilac.

Catnip seeds are very small: a thousand seeds weigh only half a gram. The shape is obovate, round. The color is dark, brown, with a tint of black.

Gardeners sometimes, having had this plant for more than one year, consider it lemon balm (lemon balm). This is wrong.

The smell is similar, but the plant is different. Lemon mint.

Relatives can be distinguished by color and leaf shape. Catnip is intensely green; lemon balm leaves have a grayish-silver, wormwood tint.

The smell of catnip is “softer”, lemon balm smells more intense, both have lemon aromas, but their degree is different.

To develop the smell, the plucked catnip leaf must be kneaded with your fingers. All you have to do is touch Melissa on the bush, and it will immediately “tell” you what its name is.

You can observe the variability of the catnip aroma. When young and just starting to grow, it smells almost like geranium, with a hint of rose.

Blooming - certainly has the smell of lemon. This phenomenon is explained by the play of the components that make up essential oils.

First, geraniol accumulates - by name and smell, later citral dominates, giving a lemon aroma.

In the southern regions, catnip is cultivated and its essential oils are used for industrial purposes. In gardens, catnip grows wherever the owners of the plot wish.

Lemon catnip is winter-hardy, but loves warmth. It is moisture-loving and tolerates short-term drought.

But weeds are undesirable neighbors for him; they suppress the aromatic grass.

Constant waterlogging can destroy the plant. Overdrying of the soil thins out the crops; they may survive, but the plant will not grow as required and will not set seeds. Or they will not mature into full-fledged ones.

Catnip blooms in the second year after sowing, then it sows itself. Occasionally, as a rule, in southern conditions, it blooms in the first season.

Early flowering is also provoked by heat and lack of moisture.

It can grow on the site for a long time - on its own. But it works better under supervision.

Prefers moderately fertile, weed-free, sunny places.

In the south, in hot climates, you can place catnip in partial shade.

Roots develop well if the soil structure is loose. It is better when it is light fertilized loam.

If the soil is heavy, it is appropriate to lighten it by adding sand and humus when digging. The latter will also fertilize the plot.

Where groundwater is high, it is advisable to plant the catnip on a raised ridge.

Catnip care

The cat (and our) pet is unpretentious in care. Give it space, timely watering and freedom from weeds, and catnip will not disappoint.

The flowerbed favorite is decorative in all phases: before flowering, during it. After cutting it grows back and is beautiful again.

Just don’t hide it in dense shade, the plant is uncomfortable there, it will grow, but will be frail.

But the alpine slide is just that. Place it in the center if there is no plant higher in the composition. Taking care is good for everyone: it’s good for the healthy weed, and it’s nice for you to see the return.

Distinctive feature: sprouted seeds are hardy and do not die under unfavorable conditions (low temperatures, low humidity).

They wait for comfortable parameters, staying in one phase. When everything gets better, they continue to grow.

Like any culture, catnip requires care, even if it is not burdensome. Change the location periodically, every four years.

Catnip can “sit” on a designated plot for twenty years, but it will lose its decorative appearance and stretch out.

The stems will begin to fall, the rhizomes will go to the neighboring territory on their own.

Therefore, changing the location of the plant is sometimes necessary. Divide the bush and plant it. Catnip is planted at the same depth chosen by itself, only the location changes.

This is vegetative propagation and improvement of plant growth conditions.

It is advisable to add organic matter in the fall. Mineral nutrition is applied only on poor soils. For the rest, the catnip itself will take what it needs.

Catnip is cut once or twice during the growing season. Select the flowering phase. This is the time when the plant is most useful and fragrant.

The cat grass will grow back and bloom again. After cutting, you can feed it with a solution made from chicken droppings.

Do not take a fresh solution, let it sit for a couple of days, let it ferment a little.

Fresh can cause leaf burn. This is a strong nitrogen fertilizer. To avoid the mistake of making the solution strong, take a matchbox of droppings - an acceptable dose per bucket of water.

In our conditions (except for greenhouses), catnip has no natural pests: its aroma itself can repel insects from neighboring plots, protecting other plants.

The plant is winter-hardy, but in the north it needs shelter before the winter cold.

Or cultivation is practiced as an annual crop. But then flowers and seeds can only be obtained by growing catnip through seedlings. You will need a heated greenhouse (early sowing).

Beneficial features

Not everyone who has catnip knows its properties thoroughly.

Catnip is an excellent honey plant and attracts bees, which is always a plus. If the apiary is nearby, the benefit is mutual: the beekeeper and the gardener.

The first one will have aromatic honey, the second one will have pollination of fruits in the garden and vegetables on the plot without any problems.

The modest-looking herb is used in perfumery, cooking, official medicine, and traditional medicine recipes.

Perfumery. The perfume industry uses the plant's essential oils as a fragrance for products, giving them a lemon scent.

If your soap, toothpaste or cologne (perfume) smells of lemon, there is a high probability that the “culprit” of this pleasant little thing is our good garden friend - lemon catnip.

Cooking. The grass is dried and ground into powder. You get an aromatic universal spice: you can add it:

  • In sauces for dishes (meat or fish);
  • Side dishes – good for vegetables;
  • Salads – any, for everyone. You can add fresh chopped leaves or powder to the salad;
  • Curd dishes;
  • Desserts – catnip will fit into any taste gamut;
  • Soups, especially vegetable ones;
  • Soft drinks;
  • For flavoring cheeses;
  • Alcoholic drinks are infused with catnip;
  • A good seasoning for salting or pickling herring;
  • Ground catnip is added as a component to complex seasonings;
  • Jam with the addition of lemon grass will acquire a special taste;
  • Pickled cucumbers will become piquant by adding a sprig of catnip to the jar;
  • Many people will also like the compote flavored with catnip;

Baking will also turn out original with this ingredient.

Catnip is valuable in the kitchen for its unique property of not losing its aroma and benefits after heat treatment.

Dried it is even more fragrant. The seasoning is loved everywhere and is traditional in France.

Lemon flavored tea is good all year round. You just need to prepare, dry the healing raw materials in the shade, and store them properly.

Medicine. Scientists have identified healing properties and recommend using the herb for:

  • Lack of appetite;
  • Bronchitis – as an expectorant;
  • Cardioneurosis;
  • Bradycardia.

ethnoscience. People use the aromatic herb more widely.
Using the soothing properties, many nervous ailments are treated with the plant:

  • Migraine;
  • Spasms of various organs of nervous etiology;
  • Melancholy;
  • Depression;
  • Headache;
  • Hysterical fits.

Other misfortunes also retreat before catnip.

“Forest nettle” is successfully used for gastrointestinal ailments, treats gastritis, and improves intestinal motility.

Acidity is normalized, intestinal atony recedes.

They treat the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, lung diseases, relieve symptoms:

  • Shortness of breath;
  • Hurting cough;
  • Shortness of breath.

The rich vitamin composition of the plant gives it healing power for anemia and dystrophy.

Catnip is used to treat women's diseases. They treat liver ailments and jaundice. Effective antispasmodic. Relieves spasmodic pain.

Skin problems also respond well to it. Treat boils, eczema. Scabies can also be treated with catnip. They wipe their face with its juice: it gets rid of juvenile acne.

In complex therapy, with other remedies and drugs, catnip helps maintain normal blood pressure and even affects the quantitative glucose content. Sugar-lowering catnip is beneficial for diabetics.

Those suffering from gout should take into account: lemon catnip has a positive effect on salt metabolism. Normalization of metabolic processes is important for any person.

Shandra increases immunity and strengthens the body.

The remedy from it acts as:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Pain reliever;
  • Increases appetite;
  • Antitussive;
  • Helps with acute respiratory infections;
  • Choleretic;
  • Tonic;
  • Sweatshop;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antihelminthic;
  • Reducing temperature.

The recipe for use is almost universal. To provide the above effects on the body, an infusion is prepared:

Pour a tablespoon of chopped catnip herb into a glass of boiled water (250 ml).

Cover, wrap. Strain after 2 hours. The infusion is ready. It is harmless, there will be no overdose.

Traditionally taken up to 5 times daily. 50 ml per dose - a glass is enough for a day.

It is not recommended to use this remedy only for pregnant women and if you are allergic to this plant. There are no other contraindications.

Catnip can even be used as a mold suppressant: essential oils cope with mold fungus.

Catnip propagation

Seminal. The seeds are very small and crumble.

If you do not collect the paniculate spike-shaped inflorescences during the drying phase, the fruits will fall off. The plant will seed itself, right there.

Collected on time (when the lower third of the panicle dries out), carefully cut inflorescences are laid out evenly.

You can use it on newspaper, film, fabric - a light surface is better. This makes the fallen seeds more noticeable.

The inflorescences dry and ripen at the same time (ripening is uneven).

To completely extract the seeds, peel the inflorescences manually while wearing work gloves.

Then sift, selecting the size of the sieve cells for the seeds. Remains of inflorescences should not pass through the cells.

If there are a lot of seeds, storage is intended; they can be winnowed in a gentle wind or under a fan.

In the south you can sow before winter, in the north - in early spring.

Seeds may lie thick when sown. For more sparse sowing, they are mixed with chalk (crushed) or sand.

The planting depth is minimal, the soil covers the seeds by 1 cm.

It is advisable to keep the surface moist until germination without drying out (although catnip is hardy) or mulch with a thin layer of sand, or humus.

Sowing in previously watered soil: subsequent watering may wash away small seeds. Therefore, carefully moisten before germination; it is better to spray the surface with water.

When sowing in rows, give the plant freedom: row spacing is at least 30 cm, more is possible.

If the seedlings are thickened, there is no need to delay thinning. Thickening weakens young plants.

A gap of 3 cm is sufficient for growth.

Weeding is important: the slow growth of catnip in the first phases requires help. Otherwise, the weeds will “clog” it.

Seedlings. This method is more reliable. Small, slow-germinating seeds will prefer greenhouse conditions to soil conditions.

Sowing with shallow incorporation - up to a centimeter, no deeper. Growing with picking.

Picking phase – two true leaves. Dive into pots or seedling boxes.

In the greenhouse you will have to control the humidity, monitor the temperature, and protect it from greenhouse pests.

Mole crickets and slugs are dangerous: they can completely destroy crops.

They escape from mole crickets with poisoned baits. They also use bottles with leftover beer dug into the ground at an angle (the bear loves this) - traps.

To prevent slugs from approaching, it is better to sow seedlings in boxes and place them on areas sprinkled with ash.

Either hang it or place it on shelves. It is good to coat the rack risers from below with technical oil or diesel fuel. The slug has a sense of smell, such a fragrance will scare it away.

Seed-grown catnip sometimes has a different smell from the parent plant.

This does not change the medicinal properties, but it is not always appropriate to use such a plant for other purposes.

Dividing the bush. Vegetative propagation is used more often. It is simpler and does not require much labor.

High survival rate when watered on time is guaranteed. The plant is carefully dug up and the bush is divided into parts.

Each must have at least one healthy root. This is enough for the establishment and growth of a new plant.

Catnip is not labor-intensive to propagate vegetatively. An advantage will be the optimal distance, which is difficult to ensure when sowing seeds.

There is no need for thinning, and the characteristics of the variety are preserved. The aroma is guaranteed to be preserved.

In summer cottages and in the private sector, this method of reproduction is widespread.

Harvesting catnip

The aerial part of the plant, the grass, is valuable and used. It is cut in the first half of flowering at a height of ten centimeters from the ground.

A clear day is chosen, cutting is carried out in the morning, after the dew has disappeared.

After cutting, the grass is laid out to dry in the shade in a thin layer. The raw materials must be blown so that they do not dry for a long time, preserving the color, aroma, and properties.

It is unacceptable to dry it in armfuls, the workpiece may deteriorate, begin to “burn” - get very hot inside and rot.

Quick drying will preserve essential oils. Store dried herbs in thick paper bags. It has been healing for two years.

You can grind the catnip herb (dry) in a coffee grinder and store it in glass jars under tight-fitting lids. Put them in a cabinet, do not store them in the light.

Collected seeds intended for spring sowing are placed in paper bags. Like all essential oil plants, they quickly lose their germination capacity. But a year is viable. Select a dry storage location.

Catnip is not as luxurious as peony or rose. He is modest, but constant, pleasing to the eye for a long time.

It is also extremely useful in many ways. If it is not yet among the green inhabitants of your garden, get this herb.

You definitely won't regret this. And you will never want to part with your (and the cat’s too) new affection.

And now a video about how to distinguish between catnip and lemon balm.

See you soon, dear readers!

You can grow many ornamental plants in your garden. But only a few of them are able to grow almost on their own - with only minimal attention from the owner. Such crops are popular among novice gardeners and among those who simply do not have enough time for gardening chores. And one of the representatives of such plants is catnip. Our conversation today on the Popular About Health website is about him. Let's clarify how catnip is planted and what kind of soil care it needs. We will also provide a photo of the catnip.

Catnip is a small herbaceous crop with a pleasant smell. This plant is a representative of the Lamiaceae family, it is a wonderful honey plant and is very loved by felines, which explains its second “folk” name - catnip. However, both the first name and the second both emphasize the connection of the plant with the cat family. Catnip also has medicinal qualities and is therefore used in folk medicine.

There are many decorative varieties of this crop that are suitable for growing in the garden, forming borders, decorating flower beds and alpine slides. The plant pleases the eye with many inflorescences of blue, blue or purple color. Catnip flowers are really beautiful, look at the photo! At the same time, the flowering of such a crop continues almost all summer, which is also a big plus.

This is catnip (photo)

How to grow catnip? Planting in open ground

Catnip in open ground is often grown directly from seeds. Planting material can be sown before winter or towards the end of April. But if you want to get flowering plants already in the first year of cultivation, you should consider obtaining seedlings. In this case, the seeds must be sown in planting containers around the third ten days of March. To grow catnip, it is best to use light soil with excellent water and breathability. The seeds need to be buried only a little - half a centimeter to a centimeter. After planting, the crops need to be moistened using a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene. The first seedlings appear after about two weeks, after which you need to remove the cover from the container and send it to a well-lit place. Seedlings only need periodic watering after the top layer of soil dries.

After a pair of true leaves appear on the seedlings, you need to transfer them to separate pots. Picking stimulates the active development of the root system.

Seedlings are planted in the ground after the young plants have grown to ten to twelve centimeters, and a stable temperature has established outside (without the likelihood of return frosts).

Readers of Popular Health should choose the right place in their garden to plant catnip. Such plants feel great in sunny areas, but if you grow them in partial shade or shade, catnip will not bloom very profusely.

In the ground, catnip also grows remarkably well in group plantings; it is recommended to combine it with other flowers. It is important that the soil for such a crop is sandy and loose. It will not be able to grow and develop normally on heavy and fertile lands. It is better that the groundwater in the selected area lies deep enough.

The soil for planting catnip should be prepared in advance; in the fall, you need to add a couple of kilograms of compost or humus per square meter to the ground. Afterwards, you need to dig the ground about thirty-five centimeters deep. If you don’t have organic matter on hand, you can fertilize the soil using complex mineral products, for example, azofoska or Kemira-universal.

It is advisable to plant catnip seedlings in your garden at intervals of thirty centimeters. When grown by sowing seeds directly into open ground, the seedlings will need to be thinned out, maintaining the same distance. Also, experienced gardeners recommend that during such sowing, it is necessary to mulch the soil with humus or peat so that a soil crust does not form on the ground.

Features of catnip care

This plant is not capricious at all. Catnip can easily tolerate a lack of moisture, but excessive watering can greatly harm it. Such a plant also does not really need fertilizing. You can only add mineral fertilizers to the soil in the spring; they will activate growth and speed up the awakening from frost. When growing such a crop for the sake of obtaining fragrant greens, it is still worthwhile to take additional care: systematically loosen the rows and fertilize with mineral fertilizers soon after cutting. For this purpose, it is recommended to use ten grams of superphosphate and exactly the same volume of ammonium nitrate per square meter of soil. Kemira-lux or Mortar and other universal mixtures would also be a good option. But when growing catnip to obtain medicinal raw materials, you need to take into account that cutting can be done only in the second year of the plant’s life, when the bushes have time to grow and get stronger.

Catnip is quite frost-resistant, so there is no need to cover it for the winter or hide it from strong winds. Even if the plants freeze in the harsh winter, they can easily recover thanks to abundant self-sowing.

Catnip is a flower that can be shaped well by pruning: it is done after it has finished blooming and forms a large ball. Attractive plants can be wonderful decorations for your garden and provide health benefits. And growing them on your own plot is not at all difficult. When grown in soil, caring for the plant is quite simple.

Catnip - a small perennial herb with a pleasant aroma. It belongs to the Yasnotkov family.

Catnip is considered good and has.

Catnip: plant description

There are more than 200 species of catnip. - one of the representatives of this genus. It also has other names - lemon catnip or catnip . Grows almost everywhere:

in meadows, forests, weedy places, mountains, vegetable gardens.

The catnip plant has the following description.Did you know?

Catnip is used in medicine for asthma, migraines, as a sedative, in the treatment of scabies, rheumatism, as a pain reliever for toothache, etc.

Where is the best place to plant catnip, choosing a place for growing

To grow catnip on your property, you need to choose a place for planting and further caring for it. This herbaceous plant loves light, so the area should be well lit. should be light.Important!

In the place where the catnip will grow, water should not stagnate, so it is better to plant it on a hill.

Catnip is very hardy and tolerates severe frosts well.

How to plant catnip: rules for growing plants in the garden

Before planting catnip, the area needs to be cleared of rhizomes. You can add humus or... You can grow this plant where other crops used to grow.

  • Catnip can be propagated in several ways:
  • sowing catnip;

growing seedlings;

Propagation of catnip by direct sowing

To propagate catnip, you need to know how to grow it from seeds.

If catnip seeds are sown in open ground, it will bloom only in the second year of life.

Thinning, weeding and soil care

For the lush greenery of catnip, it is necessary to weed and loosen the soil. This needs to be done two or three times per season. The plant also needs the help of humus.

How to properly prune catnip in a summer cottage

In mid-summer, when catnip blooms, pruning is recommended. This is the right time. It is necessary to remove faded inflorescences so that the plant continues to bloom longer. You need to prune catnip by cutting off the stems, leaving shoots 15 cm high. This promotes re-blooming in September.