Sections: Primary School

  1. Clarification and comparison of articulation and sound of sounds d, t .
  • teach children to differentiate sounds, enrich children's vocabulary;
  • develop skills syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • consolidate knowledge of language norms;

promote the development of coherent speech, higher mental processes (development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, motor skills).

  • Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Equipment: Cards with articulatory gymnastics;
  • ; letters
  • t, d

subject pictures: melon, chair, pencil, house, plate, cabbage, bucket, slippers, bus, duck, fishing rod;

cards with the words: duck, fishing rod.

Progress of the lesson
1. Organizational moment
Whoever wants to talk must speak out.
Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand it.

We will pronounce everything correctly and clearly,

So that it is clear to everyone.

– In order to speak beautifully, we must do articulatory gymnastics.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Exercises “Painter”

“The Frog and the Baby Elephant”


– Well done, you did a good job and your articulatory apparatus is ready for further work.

3. Development of phonemic awareness Look at the object pictures and name them..)

- How many sounds are in these words? (

6 sounds – These are very similar words duck-fishing rod. – How do they differ? (Second sound T)

, in a word duck.- In a word fishing rod .

second sound d? (- What is the second sound in the word? duck )

Sound duck.? (- What is the second sound in the word? T. )

- What is the second sound in the word? d..

The words are posted on the board,

duck - fishing rod - Look, they changed one letter, but the whole word has changed. – Today we will learn to distinguish these sounds t, d, and letters te

4. de so that they are not confused in writing.

Comparative characteristics

sounds. – These are very similar words duck-fishing rod. – Describe our sounds. fishing rod Make sounds And)

. Is the position of the lips the same when pronouncing these sounds? ( Same.)

– How do we pronounce these sounds? ( fishing rod ? (The lips are slightly parted, the tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, the exhaled air “explosively” destroys this barrier. Consonant sounds..)

– Place your hand on the neck and listen to whether the neck trembles when pronouncing the sound – These are very similar words duck-fishing rod. Trembling - Now make a sound)

and listen, does the throat tremble when pronouncing this sound? (

Doesn't shake.

– What conclusion can we draw?

T – consonant, voiceless, pronounced without voice.

– Sounds in writing and when reading are indicated by what? ( In letters.)

– Remember what letter elements we need to write lowercase letters and make up these letters, t, d, and letters.

– Tell me, if you put a consonant and a vowel together, what do they form? ( Syllable.)

6. Differentiation of sounds in syllables

– Look at the diagram, compose and read the syllables. Write the syllables in pairs according to voiced/voiceless ( writing on the board). Indicate in them the presence of the sounds studied in the lesson.

– TA, TO, TU;

– YES, DO, TU;

– What is formed from syllables? ( Words.)

– Open your notebooks 2 lines down and write down today’s date.

7. Differentiation of sounds in words

– Now let’s play the game “What is where?” ( Annex 1 .)

– We will write down the guessed word in a notebook and highlight the letter we are working with today.

Pictures: melon, chair, pencil, house, plate, cabbage, bucket, slippers, bus.

– What is in the upper left corner? What sound do we hear in this word? Cabbage. In the word cabbage I hear the sound t, it is a consonant, unvoiced, which means I am writing a letter t, d, highlight the letter t, d, I draw a bell without a tongue.

– What is in the lower right corner? What sound do we hear in this word? ( Chair.)

-What is above the house? What sound do we hear in this word? ( Melon.)

– What is to the left of the house? What sound do we hear in this word? ( Pencil.)

– What is between the pencil and the chair? ( House.)

– What is under the plate? ( Bucket.)

- Well done! You did a good job on this task. Tell me, what do words that are related to each other in meaning form? ( Offers.)

8. Differentiation of sounds in a sentence

– Make sentences from the given words and think about what kind of story can come out of these sentences.

At, house, in, grandfathers.

Nearby, villages, pond.

In the summer, Tema, was with his grandfather.

- Read what you got. Write down each of your sentences in a notebook and find ours in it.

Highlight the letters, just like we did in words.

Sentences related to each other in meaning form what? ( Story.)

Let's try to put our proposals so that it turns out to be a story.

Grandfather has a house in the village. There is a pond near the village. In the summer Tema visited his grandfather.

- Come up with a continuation of our story.

Option 1

He went fishing in the summer. There were a lot of fish in the pond. Tema likes to relax in the countryside in the summer.

Option 2

Grandfather gave Tema a fishing rod. The boy went fishing every morning. He gave the fish to Vaska the cat. The boy loves fishing very much.

– How can we title our text?

9. Summary of the lesson

– What sounds did you learn to distinguish in class? ( T, d.)

- Give brief description these sounds? ( T – consonant, voiceless, pronounced without voice. D – consonant, voiced, voice is involved in pronunciation.)

– Why did we learn to distinguish these sounds? To write without errors.

Form of delivery: lesson-travel .

Lesson duration: 40 minutes .

Lesson form: group for children with FFND .

Class: 2.

Target: test the ability to differentiate sounds and letters “T” - “D” in syllables, words, phrases and sentences.



  • clarify ideas about the sounds and letters “T” and “D”;
  • improve and consolidate the ability and skills of differentiation
  • sounds and letters “T” and “D” in syllables, words, phrases and sentences;
  • enrich vocabulary


  • develop phonemic perception, skills of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis;
  • develop visual and auditory attention, logical thinking and memory;
  • develop spatial and visual concepts;
  • develop gross and fine motor skills


  • foster activity and independence of students in the classroom;
  • instill self-control over speech in children;
  • foster a sense of camaraderie and goodwill;
  • develop interest in speech therapy classes

promote the development of coherent speech, higher mental processes (development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, motor skills).

Doll “Znayka”, travel map for each student, letter-symbols “T” and “D”, watercolor paints, blank letters, stars, tape recorder, disc by Antonio Vivaldi - “The Seasons”, disc - classic in nature “Beethoven and the Forest” cool”, computer, projector, object pictures, 6 sets with puzzles for modeling, blanks in the form of “snowflakes”, “Christmas trees”, “cars”, “Clever” and “Clever” badges.

subject pictures: melon, chair, pencil, house, plate, cabbage, bucket, slippers, bus, duck, fishing rod;

I. Organizational moment.

1. Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson (in a circle on the carpet).

Our ears are on top of our heads.
The eyes are wide open.
We listen, we remember -
We don't waste a minute.

Speech therapist:- Guys! Let's stand in a circle, extend our palms to our neighbors and share the warmth with each other. Let's smile and wish each other good luck!

Speech therapist:– Today you will have an exciting winter trip to the station “Umnikov and Umnitsy” together with the smart fairy-tale hero N. Nosova - Know.

To do this, we need to properly prepare for this journey.

– What date is today? What day of the week? What season? Game “Snowball”, children name the signs winter day. (What kind of winter day? Children’s answers: snowy, frosty, cold, white, short, gloomy.)

2. Game “Pave the way” from Lyceum No. 9 to the “Umnikov and Umnitsy” station. Speech therapist shows a travel map (Annex 1) , Children mark left turns with the letter “L”, and right turns with the letter “P”. (The concert of Antonio Vivaldi “The Seasons” - “Winter” is played.)

- Guys, name the objects, then highlight the first sound in the words and you will find out what type of transport we will take (Presentation) (Slide 1 depicting subject pictures - coat, monkey, raccoon, umbrella, woodpecker.)

- Well done, we're going on a fun train!

The train started moving
And now the train is picking up speed.

Speech therapist:– So, our train is ready to depart, all that remains is to correctly place all the passengers in their cars. (From the proposed pictures: board, notebook, calculator, felt-tip pens, pencil, computer, the 1st pair selects only those whose name consists of one syllable, the 2nd pair selects pictures with 2 syllables, the 3rd pair selects pictures from 3 syllables - Appendix 2.)

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Speech therapist:- Guys, guess the riddles, identify the first sound in the riddles.

I'm lying in my school bag,
I’ll tell you how you learn. (Diary.)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line,
Feel free to write on me.
You can also draw.
What am I? (Notebook.)

Speech therapist:– What do you think we will do with the letters “T” and “D” during our journey (pronounce correctly, distinguish by spelling and pronunciation, designate with letters, find these sounds in syllables, words and sentences (Slide 2).

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. Speech therapist:– We have arrived with you at the Bukvarik station. (Slide 3). What sound is it talking about?

Tongue, leading edge,
Let's hit the upper gums.

The sound is short, the sound is explosive,
The sound is voiceless, dull.

(Children pronounce the sound [T], give it a description, prove deafness with various control techniques: fingers on the vocal cords, ears covered with palms.) Znayka gives stars to those children who answered correctly. Similarly: working with the sound [D] after reading lines.

Similarities: both sounds are consonants, Difference: voiced, deaf.

– What do the letters “D”–“T” look like? (Children's answers.) Showing pictures by a speech therapist (Slide 4, 5) and reading lines.

The hammer knocks: Knock, knock!
I am the letter “T”’s best friend!

There stands there blowing smoke,
Letter D – stove pipe.

2. Speech therapist:– Take the blanks of the letters “D” and “T” that are on your desk, paint and quickly and carefully paint these letters with your fingers (the classic music in nature “Beethoven and the Cool of the Forest” sounds).

– How are these letters similar and different? (the question is asked during coloring).

“Put them aside and let them dry.” They will be useful to us later. (Appendix 3)

3. Game “Scouts”.

Speech therapist:– We replaced the letter “D” with the number – 2, and the letter “T” with the number – 1.

Unscramble the syllables by replacing the numbers with the corresponding letter. (Slide 6) Write down your answers on snowflakes.

– Which of them are not words? (Awarding stars.)

4. Breathing exercises.

Speech therapist:– How should we speak? (Clearly, distinctly, understandable to everyone.) Let’s do breathing exercises. The “cloud of breath” will help us (Slide 7).

Performing exercises:

IP: standing, arms down. We take a slow breath through the nose, inflate the tummy, hands in front of the chest. Exhale slowly through your mouth, while simultaneously drawing a circle symmetrically with both hands. We try to distribute the air over the entire circle. We repeat three times. Now let's draw squares and triangles (three times each). Let's work on the strength of exhalation. Exercise “candle”. Inhale through the nose, three short strong exhalations onto the fingers, representing a burning candle. We repeat three times.

5. Speech therapist:– Znayka invites us to go to the next station “Gramoteyka” (Slide 8).

Isolating D–T in words from pictures (Slide 9).

– Attention to the screen “Now you will see pictures there, and show the letter “D” or “T” that you will write in this word. Use the letters D-T that you colored.

- What is this? What letter will we write in this word? What account will we write it down? (Shovel, star, telephone, house, candy, sofa.)

6. Game “Find and Read”.

- Guys, find the words in the table and read them. Name the words that have the sounds “T”–“D” (snowmobile and ice Slide 10).

7. Game “I will become an excellent student” (using plastic puzzles with letters).

Znayka:– Guys, make up 2 word models using hard and soft sounds [T] and [D]. (Behind correct execution Znayka gives stars.)

8. Physical education minute “Locomotive”.

The train is going, going:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
He takes the kids home:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
Past the pines and mountain ash:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
Past the fir trees and aspen trees:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
Stop on the lawn:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
We'll jump like bunnies
: One-two-three, one-two-three.
Let's play, let's have fun
And we will return to the carriages.
Past the maples and birches:
Chug-chug-chug, chuk-chug-chug,
The train is moving again:
Chug-chug-chug, chug-chug-chug.
Rotate both hands alternately at the shoulder and elbow joints;
“fist-rib-palm” for counting;
repeat the “train” movement;
“little train”, we speed up the pace;
“fist-rib-palm” 2 times;
“train” at a fast pace;
“fist-rib-palm” 2 times, fast pace;
slowly spread your arms to the sides, stretching;
“fist-rib-palm” 2 times, slow down the pace;
hands on the belt, jumping on two legs;
jumping alternately on the left and right leg;
jumping with turns left and right;
marching in place;
locomotive movement;
“fist-rib-palm” 2 times;
“fist-rib-palm” 2 times, speed up the pace.

9. Speech therapist:- Guys, we stopped at the final station of “Umnikov and Umnitsy” ( slide number 11 ). Znayka received an envelope with an assignment for us.

10. Make up a phrase. ( Slide 12)

Speech therapist:– Read the words of the first column with your eyes. What letters are missing in the words? (letters “T” - “D”), then the words of the second column. – Connect the words from the first column with the words from the second column so that you get phrases (doing the work on handouts in the form of “Christmas trees”). Checking the task and awarding stars.

11. – Make up sentences using words and pictures. ( Slide 13). For each student, a handout card in the form of a “car” is issued.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist:- Guys, our journey ends. Tell Znayka about your mood, your impressions of our journey, what sounds we heard today. What tasks did you like? Finally, I will ask everyone to say only the letters, form a word and read ( Slide 14). The final word is well done!

- Well done! Now close your eyes and listen to the words that Znayka wants to tell you: “I really liked the way you talked about your mood. I am glad that you completed all the tasks, so you deserve memorable souvenirs (all students are given “Clever” and “Clever” badges, Appendix 4). I want to wish you to always be kind and friendly, so that you always have a cheerful, joyful mood! Goodbye! See you again!

The speech therapy lesson was developed for 3rd grade students of a auxiliary school with a diagnosis of OHP levels 2-3. The tasks are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the children. By using different types activities, work is carried out to develop phonemic perception, a grammatical structure is formed, and the vocabulary on the topic “Tools” is expanded.

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“Frontal speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [t]-[d]”

Subject. Differentiation sounds d-t.

Target: clarification and comparison of articulation and sound of sounds dt.


    teach children to differentiate sounds, enrich children's vocabulary;

    develop skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

    consolidate knowledge of language norms; promote the development of coherent speech, higher mental processes (development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, motor skills);

    learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships.


    Sound profiles, syllable tables.

    Subject pictures: shovel, axe, hammer, drill, sledgehammer.

    Cards with words: shovel, axe, hammer, drill, sledgehammer.

    Cards for individual work.

Progress of the lesson:

    Breathing exercises “Chopping wood”

    Articulation gymnastics.

    Finger gymnastics

Knock-knock, knock-knock

The hammers are knocking

They are building a house for the children.

    Repetition of speech structure.

    Subject message: fishing rod duck. Identifying distinctive sounds in words.

a) sounds, etc., articulatory structure of sounds (similarities and differences)

b) characteristics of sounds

[t] - consonant, hard, voiceless.

[d] – consonant, hard, voiced.

6. Reading syllables

ta-da ta-da-ta

to-do yes-ta-da

tu-doo ta-da-da

you-you ta-ta-da

7. Ball game “Finish the word.” Insert syllable (da-ta)

win the plan

care at the cash register

nagra(yes) pogo(yes)

good (ta) boro (yes)

8. Game “Give the balloons to the clowns”

(in the balls there are pictures whose names contain sounds (t) and (d). Dima and Tim's clowns.

Where are the balls of the same color?

What's on them?

How to call these items in one word?

What other tools are there?

And there are tools that are used to work in the garden.

9. Physical exercise.

We took shovels and dug up the ground.

They took the rake in hand and leveled the beds.

The seeds were planted and watered from a watering can.

Everything grows under the sun

The garden has grown and grown.

10. Graphic dictation.

Words for graphic dictation:

Work, radio, factories, shovel, melon, rainbow, apron, rainbow, victory, grass.

11. Connect the word with the diagram:

Words: .

12. Working with object pictures depicting tools: games: “What’s missing?”, “What’s missing?”

13. “Merry little train” Divide the words into syllables and place them in trailers with the appropriate number of dots.


shovel, axe, hammer, drill, sledgehammer.

14. Drawing up proposals for the code. (Dad put the hammer in the suitcase)

Drawing up a proposal outline.

15. Independent work by cards:

a) Arrange the words in two columns:

melons, body, sofa, shovel, rainbow, compote.

b) Insert the missing letter in the words:

ra...uga, vo...a, ...wait, lopa...a,, steam...a, molo...ok.

16. Working with the proverb: “You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty”

Abstract speech therapy session

“Differentiation of sounds [d] - [t] and letters D - T”

Goal: development of phonemic analysis, presentation, language analysis and synthesis, improvement of skills in differentiating sounds and letters D-T verbally and writing, development of spatial orientation, development of memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: task cards, presentation

Progress of the lesson:

Org. Moment.

Guys, look carefully at the pictures and name them. What sounds do these words differ in? (Sounds d - t)

Characteristics of sounds:

Let's characterize our sounds. Consonant sounds. Place your hand on the neck and listen, does the neck tremble when pronouncing the sound d? (Trembles.) Is this sound pronounced with or without a voice? (With a voice) Now pronounce the sound t and listen, does your throat tremble when pronouncing this sound? (does not tremble) This means that the sound is pronounced without a voice. What conclusion can we draw? Conclusion:

T-consonant, hard, voiceless, pronounced without the participation of the voice.

D - consonant, hard, sonorous, voice is involved in pronunciation.
Well done!

Look at the cards, make up the syllables and read them

"The letter is lost"

Fill in the missing letters d or t in the words




You need to color the square corresponding to the place of the sound [D] or [T] in the word-name of the pictures. What color pencil will we need? (blue)

Picture names: bow, axe, cake, duck, melon, sneakers.

Insert syllables into words and write them down in your notebook

Yes or that




Doo or tu




If you like it.

If you like it, then do it (2 clicks of your fingers above your head).

If you like it, then do it (2 claps).

If you like it, then do it this way (2 claps behind your knees).

If you like it, then do it (2 stamps with your feet).

If you like it, then say: “Okay!”

If you like it, then show it to others.

If you like it, then do everything.

Change the words according to the model (ball game)

Ice - ice

Year (d) – years after (d) – traces of sala (t) - salads

Ro(t) - rtypara (d) – paradyzaka (t) - sunsets

Now let's play the game “What is where?”

The guessed word needs to be written down in a notebook and the letters we are working with today should be highlighted.

Pictures: melon, chair, pencil, house, plate, cabbage, bucket, slippers,

What's in the top left corner? What sound do we hear in this word? Cabbage. In the word cabbage I hear the sound t, it is consonant, unvoiced, which means I write the letter te, highlight the letter te,

OUTLINE OF Speech Therapy Lesson

with a group of 1st grade students who have mildly expressed general underdevelopment speech.

Spent: teacher-speech therapist of a speech therapy center at secondary schools I-III degrees. No. 15 Makeevka

Dolmatova L.D.

Subject: Differentiation of paired consonant sounds D and T.


Lexical topic: Seasons .


    clarify and compare the articulation and sound of T-D sounds, correlate them with letters;

    develop skills in sound-letter, syllabic analysis and synthesis of words with sounds T-D;

    develop students’ ability to navigate in space;

    clarify and expand vocabulary;

    develop coherent speech.

Equipment: pictures of the seasons, subject pictures, didactic material, “Seasons” algorithm, syllabic scheme.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

    Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's take our seats and meet the guests.

    The one who can name the names of the seasons in the pictures will sit down. Look at the pictures and

determine what time of year is depicted on each of them.

    What time of year is it now? (winter).

II. Main part.

    Guys! Cheerful gnome brothers came to visit us from the fairy forest. One's name is T onik, other D onyk They came to find out what we had already learned in class and, of course, to learn a lot from us.

    Characteristics of sounds T-D.

T onyk and D They think they have the same names. Is it so? Let's try to determine what the difference is in these names.

    That's right, the first sounds of names are different. Name these sounds.

    Now let's remember the characteristics of sounds D And T.

    sounds. T– Describe our sounds. D. What do lips do? Teeth? Language? (The tongue hits the upper teeth, the mouth is slightly open, the lips are smiling).

    Place your hand on the neck and listen to whether the neck rings when you pronounce the sound D? Is this sound pronounced with or without a voice? (with a voice, ringing).

    Now make a sound T and listen, does your throat ring when you pronounce this sound? (No). The sound is pronounced without a voice (deaf).

    What is the difference? (the sound “T” is unvoiced, and the sound “D” is voiced)

    How are the sounds similar? (The tongue knocks on the upper teeth, the lips smile, the air stream meets an obstacle, both sounds are consonants. They can be hard and soft).

2. Correlation between sound and letter.

    What are the sounds in writing indicated by? (letters)

    Remember what letter elements we need to write lowercase letters and compose these letters.

The letter D is like this house, T has turned into an antenna

We will live in it for a long time. And I found myself on the roof

3. Differentiation of sounds in syllables. Let's help Tonic and Donik figure out the scheme.

Look at the diagram, compose and read the syllables. What is a syllable?

Write down the syllables in pairs according to voicedness - voicelessness on the board.

Indicate in them the presence of the sounds studied in the lesson.

4. Determine which sound in the word is D or T and the place of the sound in the word. Help Tonic collect pictures with the sound T, and Donik with the sound D:

Gift, glass, reel, machine, gate, house, gardener, postman, artist, seller, trough. Explain the meaning of each word. Make up sentences with these words.

5. Differentiation of sounds in words.

    Now let's play a game with the gnome brothers “What is where?”

    We will write down the guessed word in a notebook and highlight the letters T-D.

Images: melon, chair, pencil, house, plate, cabbage, bucket, slippers, bus .

    Now let’s ask a question for each word: Which? Which? Which?

6. Game “The letters ran away.” Help the gnomes find the missing letters from the words:

7. Working with the proposal.

a) Help the gnomes ( compose and write down phrases and sentences):

Name words-signs.

b) Read the sentences , choosing from brackets the words that suit their meaning. Name

incomprehensible words.

8. Physical exercise

We raise our hands up

We don't offend anyone:

Turned left, right

Bent down and stood up

They stretched and smiled.

And they sank into place.

9. Working with text. The gnomes have brought us new tasks. Tonic brought us the text, and Donik wants to hear a little story from you:

a) Read the text, replacing the blue chips with a letter T, and green chips with the letter D.

It's autumn now. The sun is bright and dim. _ue_ cold_fan. Hour_o and_u_ _ozh_i.

_none of them are short.

    What is the text about? About what time of year?

b) Look at the algorithm (the meaning of the word “algorithm” is clarified) “Seasons”.

Answering the questions from the table, write a short story about Winter.

III. Summary of the lesson.

    Guys, you are so great! You taught the gnomes to distinguish sounds and letters D– Describe our sounds. T. They were taught to identify these sounds in words and sentences. Taught how to compose short stories. Tonic and Donik brought you small gifts for Good work (children receive pictures with coloring pages for the sounds D and T).

VI. Homework.

Learn the poem and write it down from memory, emphasizing the letters D and T.

There lived a black cat in Odessa

He climbed onto the ferry,

Enjoy the buffet

Ate a sandwich with sausage_.