Autumn Park.
Autumn…. In the city, the park is most noticeably transformed. She paints every tree, every bush, blade of grass in its own color. Birches stand in gold, hazel trees are covered with crimson leaves, maples burn red and yellow. green flowers. The paths of the park are not as gray as in summer, but are covered with a carpet of fallen leaves. Nature shows us all the beauty of this time of year, without hiding the details, as if it wants to convey to us some thought, an idea that is still incomprehensible to the human mind.
One beautiful autumn day, when the weather was still fine, I decided to take a walk in our city park. It was weekdays, there were few people in the park. I had a day off, and out of boredom I trudged to the park to cool off from the gray, dull city. To be honest, I was quite bored without friends or acquaintances, and therefore I had to become a loner poet. I sat down on a bench and began to watch the clouds and think about my own thoughts; thoughts themselves entered my head and were about different things: about work, about friends. I even thought about the meaning of life and came to the conclusion that everything should be the way it happens, and the fact that I am now spending my only day off here, this also had to happen.
Suddenly a breeze blew, the leaves swirled in a waltz, and I was overcome with the feeling that I was in a golden rain. The sky is not visible because of the falling leaves, it blocked out the whole world, just to enjoy its nature.
I remembered a few lines from Pushkin and was surprised by this, there, outside the park gates, I had no time for this, there I was an adult, but here I became a dreamer. I was seized by a lyrical mood and a desire to write poetry, but since I had never done this, naturally, nothing worked out for me.
But then my thoughts were interrupted by the fact that I noticed first-graders walking from school; it was impossible not to notice them, because they walked, talking loudly and proving something to each other. They talked about school with such enthusiasm that I, involuntarily, also began to remember my school years.
I remembered how much I didn’t like getting up early in the morning, getting out of a warm bed, but when I did wake up and go to school, I realized that I would meet my classmates and friends, and my mood noticeably improved. I remembered my first teacher, my first grade, my first love... And I felt like such an old man! I was so sorry that I didn’t want to go to school and sometimes skipped school. How I wish I could go back to those golden years to see my friends. I didn’t know where they were now. So many memories, so many thoughts were developing in my head at the same time that tears welled up in my eyes.
The wind slowly died down. And a different view of my favorite park opened up before me. The trees were frightening with their height and crooked branches. But they were majestic and spoke of the triumph of life.
I remembered an incident from childhood that remained in my memory forever. This happened when I was seven years old. My friends and I were walking in a vacant lot next to our houses. The microdistrict was new; there were still undestroyed old houses, which contrasted sharply with the new building. Suddenly we saw storks flying under the roof of a small house. They seemed so big and beautiful to us. Later I learned that there is a sign: seeing a stork flying means that all the things that were conceived or started will be very successful. So this is who helped me go through life, become a professional in my field, and earn respect from people.
Noticing that it was getting colder, I decided to go home; it turns out that I spent several hours in this “boring” park. I didn’t want to leave, because I knew that due to my eternal affairs, I was unlikely to come here again soon. And here is a magical world, where there is everything you want and everything you think about.
And indeed, I entered the park in passing, occasionally with my friends, who, like me, are also always in a hurry to get somewhere. But I am changing, I seize every moment of life to breathe in it.


I love autumn for its unique subtle smell of ozone, wet asphalt and sweetish dying. And the air becomes both material and at the same time surprisingly transparent, crystal clear. And this poetic sadness of inevitable dying, as if you see another - frozen and beautiful - world. And every time you wait for autumn. You go into the park. Autumn rain falls, warm and fresh. Autumn is already ending, winter will come soon. Birch trees have a hard time finding green leaves. The birch tree is very beautiful. Although it has no leaves, it has beautiful branches. All nature feels the approach of winter. You walk along the alley on a multi-colored carpet, and under your feet you hear the rustling of fallen leaves. These are the leaves saying goodbye to us until spring. The birds sing their last song about summer - it is a little sad, because winter will soon come and the cold will set in. Rain sounds different too. I really like sitting in the warm cozy home, listen to the various music of the rain that drums on the eaves and roofs of houses, not forgetting to knock on my window. And in the fall, the wind especially loves to play with the leaves. Under the breath of the wind, you can hear the song of leaves spinning in a waltz. Autumn, in my opinion, is the most beautiful time of the year. After all, it is autumn that many poets, artists and composers dedicate their works to. It’s still very warm, but already sad from the smell of the past summer, multi-layered, spicy and sour. Trees are shedding leaves that have been scorched over the summer. It seems that the trunks are darkening, they are tired and want to sleep. Restless small spiders weave webs with incredible speed, and you, without seeing, break their traps. For some reason the birds are especially joyful. Some are getting ready to go on the road, others, having eaten well over the summer, are preparing for winter, and the young broods are unusually active, fluttering and fighting. They don’t yet know what winter is and don’t expect any intrigues from it. I love autumn, and I love walking in the park in autumn.

Summary of GCD in senior group. Compiling a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park”

Abstract educational activities

writing a story based on a picture« Walk through the autumn park»

Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive Development", "Speech development","Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development". Target: Help children comprehend the content paintings and pass it on to your stories. Tasks: Learn to build sentences; clearly pronounce words. Develop the ability to coherently and consistently describe an image on picture. Cultivate interest in writing stories based on paintings.

Progress of educational activities Sounds melodious, calm music Educator: Today we will take a trip. And where, you will now find out.

View the presentation « Autumn in the park» . Educator: Where are we going? Children: IN autumn park teacher: That's right, guys! But the park will not be easy, but magical!

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a parcel - picture with a letter. Says goodbye and leaves.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

The teacher reads the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need make a story based on a picture« Walk through the autumn park» . Since I've never been to autumn park, it's very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

Educator: Are you ready to help Luntik? Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, Luntik was lucky, because now we were just about to make a trip to autumn park and it will be easier for us to compose a story based on the picture« Walk through the autumn park» .

Educator: But, unfortunately, you can’t just get into the forest! You need to solve riddles. The teacher asks riddles

The leaves are spinning in the air, quietly lying on the grass. The garden sheds its leaves - It's simple. (Leaf fall.)

He walks and we run

He'll catch up anyway!

We rush to the house to take refuge,

He will knock on our window,

And on the roof, knock and knock!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend. (Rain.)

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me (Autumn.)

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now you can go to autumn Park. I suggest you take it with you picture. And we are in the forest let's make a story about it. You agree with me? Children: Yes! Educator: What else can you take with you? in the forest in autumn?

It is comfortable and light

Its name is short

In the economy it serves us for centuries,

This word contains the name Zina.

You can go mushroom hunting with it. It’s not hard to wear,

And very easy to break!

They weave them from twigs and bast,

Tell me what her name is (Basket) Children: Cart.

Educator: Right. Magical music is playing. Educator: Hold hands, everyone. Let's stand in a circle. One, two, three - they spun and park, you, find yourself! Educator: Look, there are leaves everywhere. Would you like to collect them? Children: Yes! Children take one piece of paper at a time. Educator: What leaf do you have? What about you, what can we say about leaves: what are they? How many leaves did you collect?

Can you say the word leaf, first loudly, then in a whisper? Children: Yes! All children pronounce. Educator: Who scattered these leaves? Children: Autumn.

Educator: I suggest you play. Do you agree? The game is called “Name the signs autumn» . We all stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns calling out the signs. autumn and puts the piece of paper in the basket.

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, there are colorful leaves on the trees, cold winds are blowing, the wind is tearing leaves from the trees, a fine cold rain is falling, the sky is gray, the grass is turning brown, the flowers are withering, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared , the sun rarely shines, there are gray clouds in the sky, there are fogs in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice.

Educator: Well done! If you know the signs so well autumn you, for sure, they were well prepared for it. Educator: I think you're tired? I suggest you rest.

Fizminutka "Leaves"

Autumn the leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

Educator: Guys, look here there are some Pictures. Would you like them consider. I suggest you draw up nice suggestion for this pictures. To make it easier for you, I suggest you split into pairs. Everyone comes to the table on which they are lying Pictures. The teacher helps them divide into pairs. Children are divided into pairs. AND make up proposals. Educator: I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly, and interestingly. Educator: Guys, you and I had to help someone. To whom and in what? Children: We must help Luntik, make a story based on a picture. Educator: I propose to do this now. The guys go to picture, sit on chairs.

Writing a story. Educator: Guys, now you will wake up make up a story based on a picture. Use in your story those offers and those autumn signs, which we have already named earlier. Questions about content paintings- What time of year is shown on picture? - Look and name all the signs autumn, which you see here. - Who is pictured? picture? - How are they dressed? - What are the children doing? - Why do you love autumn?

Educator: I'll start our story, and you guys continue. Agreed? The teacher selects two children who will continue story. First child will tell the middle of the story. Second child finishes story. Educator: Need it again tell our story. Who wants? Children tell a story based on the picture. Educator: Well done, you did a great job! Educator: I have prepared two more games « Autumn words» And "Weather in autumn» . I suggest you play one of them. It's up to you to decide which game to play. Choose.

« Autumn words»

Children: Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, lingering, motley, warm, cold, early, late, middle, good, wondrous, thoughtful, wonderful, interesting, majestic, sad, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious , boring, sad, affectionate.

“What is she like?”


I have a magic crown

She knows a lot

And he wants to know a lot

Whoever sits on his head will be asked a question.

Educator - Children, what is the weather like? in autumn:

When it rains, it's rainy. When the wind blows - windy Cold - cold Cloudy - cloudy Damp - damp Gloomy - gloomy Clear - clear Educator: It’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything? Children: Picture, cart. The leaves that were in the basket were quietly replaced with apples. Educator: Where is our basket? Here she is. Look, guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, truly, a magical forest! How generous she is - autumn! Magic music sounds. Educator: Everyone join hands. Let's make a circle. One, two, three - spin around and in kindergarten, find yourself!

Educator: Here we are in our favorite kindergarten! Did you guys like our trip? If you liked our event, smile, if you didn’t like it, make a sad face. What did you like most? After lunch, you and I will write a letter to our friend Luntik, in which we will send our a story based on a painting. I think he will be very happy! You guys are great! Now go to group to taste the apples. (Children go to group.)

There is a lot growing in the park different trees. In autumn all the leaves turn red, yellow and brown. Some are still green. All trees are bright and colorful. It is so beautiful! Some leaves fall to the ground. The entire path is covered with colorful leaves. They rustle quietly underfoot. It seems that this is a colorful carpet.

There are a lot of maples in the park. They have large carved leaves. There are also small oak trees. Their leaves are also beautifully shaped. I walk around and collect beautiful leaves. There are still a lot of rowan trees growing. Clusters of red berries hang on them; they taste bitter. And the birds love them. Bullfinches often sit on mountain ash trees in winter and peck berries. Other birds also eat rowan.

In autumn there is often rain, but there is also sunny weather. The leaves are gradually falling off. In winter all the trees are bare. But the pines and fir trees always remain green. There are a lot of them growing in the park. Many birds fly to warm places. Cranes are often seen flying in the sky. They are built in the form of an angle.

Many birds fly away, but some remain. For example, sparrows and pigeons. When I walk in the park, I take seeds with me to feed the pigeons and sparrows. It is very interesting. The pigeons come close and are not afraid at all. I throw them seeds, they peck. And I'm looking at them. It’s a pleasure to walk around the park at any time of the year; there’s always a lot of interesting things to see.

Option 2

Autumn is a time that makes a person sad, because at this time the weather glooms, it rains, the sun does not warm, and the wind pierces from head to toe with cold chills. In addition, a new one begins in the fall academic year. We'll have to put aside rest and start studying school subjects.

But even in this season of the year we can find positive moments in our lives. One of these moments should include the beauty of nature in the autumn park. The trees have bright red-yellow leaves. In autumn, such bright leaves fall and cover the walking paths of the park with a soft rustling carpet. The park in autumn resembles a golden fairyland that pleases the eye and soul.

Such a vacation spot is a piece of wildlife among the bustle of the city, high-rise buildings, and shops. In the summer there is an opportunity to go out into nature, into the forest, and in the fall work and school days begin, and the autumn park is the only opportunity where you can observe how wildlife is preparing for winter.

In the autumn city park you can meet squirrels. They exchange their summer coat for a winter coat, thicker and warmer. Squirrels are tame, you can feed them and even sometimes pet them.

I have a very good friend - a German shepherd named Rex. Most of all, he and I love to walk in the park in the fall, because Rex loves to play with leaves with great excitement. In winter, Rex also likes to throw snow, but my beloved furry friend likes the park more in autumn, since it is not as cold as in winter, and you can enjoy the walk for much longer.

Sometimes after school I walk home through the autumn park to rest my head and soul from the educational process and the noise during recess. The autumn luxury of the park allows you to forget the hustle and bustle for a while Everyday life, encourages one to think about how good it is to live in the world, to enjoy the singing of birds and the rustling of majestic golden trees. It is especially interesting to feed pigeons with seeds. Birds flock to the sound of scattered seeds and organize competitions to see who can quickly notice and peck the seed, performing various acrobatic movements, flying into each other.

Autumn in the park has always been and is a real muse for inspiration to write paintings, poems and books. A large number of It was in the fall and in the park that talented people created their masterpieces, which are now known throughout the world. I love autumn very much, and especially autumn in my city park!

Zankov for 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade

Several interesting essays

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In autumn, the park changes significantly. A colorful carpet of colorful leaves. The trees dress up in bright velvet outfits. Somewhere the mighty and great oaks have not yet had time to change their green foliage. And in another place the trembling leaves are already turning yellow with might and main

Birches, ready to be the first to fall to the ground with a slight gust of wind. But they make me especially happy Maple leaves, strewn the earth with a delightful blanket.

The bright colors of the surrounding nature in the autumn season attract and enchant with their richness. Red, orange, brown, green, crimson - the autumn palette is diverse and amazing.

A feeling of harmony and unity with nature involuntarily fills the soul during long walks in the autumn park. Here you can walk along endless paths, relaxing to the sounds of rustling leaves. Or sit on cozy old benches, concentrating

On internal sensations and thoughts. Or you can admire the unshakable and crystalline surface of the nearby pond.

In the silence of the autumn park, the lonely voices of the birds remaining for the winter can still be heard. It seems that they, too, rejoice at this solemn beauty and do not want to part with it.

While walking, you can watch how quickly and deftly the nimble squirrels scurry through the trees, preparing for the coming winter.

The air is filled with transparency and instability. It seems that the slightest sound will echo meaningfully in the silence of the park.

Only in autumn the nature in the park is in tune with the mood of the people. Being in this wonderful environment, you want to dream, think, reflect, make plans and enjoy the languid anticipation of something new. It seems that it is autumn that brings changes - in thoughts, feelings, life. It is not for nothing that this time of year inspired great poets, writers, artists and musicians to create legendary works.

Just as autumn nature calms down in solemn anticipation of winter, a person peacefully slows down his pace, admiring the surrounding magic. A little more - and winter will burst into the park along with the first light snowflakes, whirling with its snow-white round dance and everyday bustle. People will run about their business, trying to quickly find themselves in warmth and comfort.

And now there is still time to plunge into the calm and melancholy atmosphere of the autumn park. How pleasant it is to spend a Sunday afternoon in this fabulous retreat!

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