Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution
Bolshealekseevsky combined kindergarten "Kalinka"
Stupinsky municipal district



Educator: Rasskazova O.V.

S. Bolshoye Alekseevskoye
February 2012
Clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic: “Animal world of the seas and oceans” (fish, sea, scales, fins, tail, gills, angelfish, guppies, cockerels, swordtail, goldfish, telescope, catfish, cardinal, neon, veil tail, jellyfish, elephant seal, shark, starfish, flounder, sea urchin, shrimp, lobster, electric stingray)
Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
Improve quantitative calculation.
Reinforce the names of geometric shapes in speech.
Develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention and perception.
Develop gross, fine, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
Develop taste sensitivity.
Develop general speech skills - clarity of diction, correct sound pronunciation, speech breathing.
Develop and stimulate attention.
Cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills, and independence.
Foster a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.
Projector, recording of images of the sea coast, presentation about marine life; glasses of fresh and salt water according to the number of children; a large piece of turquoise fabric; blanks with fish silhouettes, sand, PVA glue, brushes, wet wipes; didactic game "Aquarium" ball.
Reading works: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Goldfish”, K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Russian folk tales “At the Command of the Pike”, “The Frog Princess”.
Reading the book “What We Know About Fishes”
Guessing riddles on the topic.
Learning finger gymnastics “Fish”
Examination of the aquarium and its inhabitants with children.
Looking at pictures of various fish; conducted conversations about their habitat.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Today we will go on a journey to the sea. How can you get to the sea? (by car, plane, train, bus).
I suggest going by bus.
We boarded the bus together (they squat.)
And they looked out the window (they turn their heads to the right, to the left.)
Our driver pressed the pedal (they press an imaginary pedal with one foot.)
And the bus started running (they run on their toes, holding an imaginary steering wheel.)
Educator: So we ended up on the seashore. Sit directly on the carpet. Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the sea and dive into its depths to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of marine fish and animals.
Everyone sits down on the carpet.
Educator: What do we hear while sitting on the seashore?
Children: The sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cries of seagulls.
Educator: That's right. Now get up. Let's put on suits
for scuba diving and go underwater.
The children and the teacher show how to put on the costumes.

2. Exercise “At the bottom of the sea”
The teacher suggests starting to watch the presentation, accompanied by the reading of poems.
Educator: So we found ourselves in the depths of the sea.
Lies an underwater country
Deep underwater
There's a fish swimming in the moon
Next to the starfish.
But even though she glows
The star is no brighter,
She never shines
What about stingrays and eels?
You could find your home
Lanterns are burning everywhere -
Glowing fish.
Tell poems about the inhabitants of the sea that surround us.

1st child: What kind of stars are in the depths?
Do they lie on the bottom of the sand?
The answer to the question is simple:
Starfish on the sand.
2nd child: “Well, what kind of fish are these?
There are rumors going around the sea -
Not fish, but pins,
Not fish, but needles.”

3rd child: Electric rays
Clumsy, simple-minded
But anyone inadvertently
Strong electric shock.
4th child: The crab hid between the stones:
It’s calmer and clearer there,
Who's going hunting?
Who wants to eat someone.
Educator: What kind of fish and animals swam in the sea!
Continue showing the presentation.
Educator: list what other sea animals and fish you see in the depths of the sea.
I see in………… in the depths of the sea.
I see in………… in the depths of the sea
I see in………… in the depths of the sea.
I see in………… in the depths of the sea.
I see in………… in the depths of the sea.
3. Exercise “Drawing with sand”
The teacher invites the children to a large piece of fabric lying on the carpet. Hidden under the fabric are blanks depicting silhouettes of fish.
Educator: I suggest you put your hands “under the water.” Which the fabric represents, find the “silhouette blanks” and remove them from the water. Go to your desks!
The children sit at their tables.
Educator: Guys, our fish are uncomfortable without water, they may die. Let's sprinkle sand on our fish. First, apply liquid glue to the surface of the fish, and then take sand in your palm and sprinkle it on the glue. We pour sand so that there are no empty spaces left. Before we begin the task, let's stretch our fingers.
Finger gymnastics “Fish”:
The fish swims in the water, the children sway with their folded hands
The fish have fun playing. palms from side to side.
The fish have fun playing.
Fish, fish, mischievous, threatening with a finger
We want to catch you. Slowly bring your palms together.

The fish arched its back and slowly tilted it forward.
Cupped palms.
I took a bread crumb. Make a grasping movement
with both hands.
The fish waved its tail, swaying folded together
The fish quickly swam away with its palms left and right.

Children sprinkle sand on the fish.
Educator: Well done guys! Now let's take a rest. Come out onto the carpet.

4. Coordination of speech with movement:

There are waves in the open air. (They walk in a circle, wave smoothly
Did you find out? This is the Sea. hands.)
The fish are frolicking merrily (Make voluntary movements.)
In clean warm water,
They will clench and unclench, (They squat and stand up.)
They will bury themselves in the sand. (Lie on your back, arms and legs
up, shake them.)
5. Exercise “Say the opposite”:

Educator: It’s time for us to return to land. Go ashore, take off your suits.
Children pretend to go ashore and take off their costumes.
Educator: Now we will play on the seashore, but first I want to treat you to well and sea water.
The teacher invites the children to the tables and gives each child two glasses (blue and green). Blue indicates salt water, and green indicates fresh water.
Educator: What was the water in the blue glass like?
Children: Salty.
Educator: And in green?
Children: Unsalted.
Educator: That's right. She was fresh.
The teacher collects the cups and picks up the ball.
Educator: Let's play the familiar game “Say the other way around.” I'll start a sentence and throw you the ball. You will catch the ball and finish the sentence by choosing the words - “on the contrary.”
Sea water is salty, and well water…….(fresh)
Sea water is warm, and well water……..(cold)
Well water is soft, and sea water……..(hard)
Sea water is cloudy, and well water……..(transparent)

6. Working with tongue twisters:
Educator: I suggest you repeat the tongue twister with me:
“There is a carp in the lake, and a crab in the sea.” (Children pronounce the tongue twister together with the teacher)
First, let's say it quietly. (Children pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper with the teacher)
Now speak out loud. (Children pronounce the tongue twister loudly)
Try to speak quickly. (Children pronounce quickly a tongue twister)
Even faster. . (Children pronounce the tongue twister even faster)
Who wants to repeat the tongue twister themselves?

Children repeat the tongue twister at will.
7. Compilation of descriptive stories about fish:
Educator: Make up stories about the fish that you saw today according to the plan you know. Try to speak beautifully.
3-4 children compose a story according to the scheme.
8. Exercise “Our Aquarium”:
Educator: An unusual river that does not flow anywhere, with glass banks - it’s an aquarium. An aquarium is a piece of the underwater world that was brought into the house. Watch how the emerald greenery stretches upward, multi-colored fish swim by - blue neons, scarlet barbs, transparent veiltails, silver angelfish, big-eyed telescopes, like goldfish out of a fairy tale - and relax. People brought out a huge variety of aquarium fish.
What geometric figure does our aquarium resemble?
Children: On a rectangle.
Educator: What geometric shapes can aquariums look like?
Children: Circle, square, cylinder.
- I put it in the aquarium Educator: But unfortunately our aquarium is empty. Let's populate it with aquarium fish. Take the fish and attach it to the aquarium.
Children take one fish at a time and attach it to the aquarium.
Children: - I lower the scalar into the aquarium.
- I put it in the aquarium…..
- I put it in the aquarium…..
- I put it in the aquarium...
Educator: Count how many fish live in the aquarium?
Children count fish in an aquarium.
Educator: Well done guys!
9. Lesson summary:
Educator: Did you like our trip? What did you remember and like most? I really liked the way you answered my questions. I hope you will also try in the future.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

Bolshealekseevsky combined kindergarten "Kalinka"

Stupinsky municipal district







Educator: Rasskazova O.V.

S. Bolshoye Alekseevskoye

February 2012



  • Clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic: “Animal world of the seas and oceans” (fish, sea, scales, fins, tail, gills, angelfish, guppies, cockerels, swordtail, goldfish, telescope, catfish, cardinal, neon, veil tail, jellyfish, elephant seal, shark, starfish, flounder, sea urchin, shrimp, lobster, electric stingray)
  • Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
  • Improve quantitative calculation.

Reinforce the names of geometric shapes in speech.


  • Develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention and perception.
  • Develop gross, fine, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
  • Develop taste sensitivity.
  • Develop general speech skills - clarity of diction, correct sound pronunciation, speech breathing.
  • Develop and stimulate attention.


  • Cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills, and independence.

Foster a caring attitude towards the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Projector, recording of images of the sea coast, presentation about marine life; glasses of fresh and salt water according to the number of children; a large piece of turquoise fabric; blanks with fish silhouettes, sand, PVA glue, brushes, wet wipes; didactic game "Aquarium" ball.


Reading works: A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Goldfish”, K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Russian folk tales “At the Command of the Pike”, “The Frog Princess”.

Reading the book “What We Know About Fishes”

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Learning finger gymnastics “Fish”

Examination of the aquarium and its inhabitants with children.

Looking at pictures of various fish; conducted conversations about their habitat.

Progress of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Today we will go on a journey to the sea. How can you get to the sea? (by car, plane, train, bus).

I suggest going by bus.

We boarded the bus together (they squat.)

And they looked out the window (they turn their heads to the right, to the left.)

Our driver pressed the pedal (they press an imaginary pedal with one foot.)

And the bus started running (they run on their toes, holding an imaginary steering wheel.)

Educator: So we ended up on the seashore. Sit directly on the carpet. Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the sea and dive into its depths to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of marine fish and animals.

Everyone sits down on the carpet.

Educator: What do we hear while sitting on the seashore?

Children: The sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cries of seagulls.

Educator: That's right. Now get up. Let's put on suits

for scuba diving and go underwater.

The children and the teacher show how to put on the costumes.

2. Exercise “At the bottom of the sea”

The teacher suggests starting to watch the presentation, accompanied by the reading of poems.

Educator: So we found ourselves in the depths of the sea.

Lies an underwater country

Deep underwater

There's a fish swimming in the moon

Next to the starfish.

But even though she glows

The star is no brighter,

She never shines

What about stingrays and eels?

You could find your home

Lanterns are burning everywhere -

Glowing fish.
Tell poems about the inhabitants of the sea that surround us.

1st child: What kind of stars are in the depths?

Do they lie on the bottom of the sand?

The answer to the question is simple:

Starfish on the sand.

2nd child: “Well, what kind of fish are these?

There are rumors going around the sea -

Not fish, but pins,

Not fish, but needles.”

3rd child: Electric rays

Clumsy, simple-minded

But anyone inadvertently

Strong electric shock.

4th child: The crab hid between the stones:

It’s calmer and clearer there,

Who's going hunting?

Who wants to eat someone.

Educator: What kind of fish and animals swam in the sea!

Continue showing the presentation.

Educator: list what other sea animals and fish you see in the depths of the sea.


I see in…………in the depths of the sea.

I see in………… in the depths of the sea

I see in…………in the depths of the sea.

I see in…………in the depths of the sea.

I see in…………in the depths of the sea.

3. Exercise “Drawing with sand”

The teacher invites the children to a large piece of fabric lying on the carpet. Hidden under the fabric are blanks depicting silhouettes of fish.

Educator: I suggest you put your hands “under the water.” Which the fabric represents, find the “silhouette blanks” and remove them from the water. Go to your desks!

The children sit at their tables.

Educator: Guys, our fish are uncomfortable without water, they may die. Let's sprinkle sand on our fish. First, apply liquid glue to the surface of the fish, and then take sand in your palm and sprinkle it on the glue. We pour sand so that there are no empty spaces left. Before we begin the task, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Fish”:

The fish swims in the water,children swing folded together

The fish have fun playing.palms from side to side.

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish, mischief,They threaten with a finger

We want to catch you.Slowly bring your palms together.

The fish arched its backSlowly lean forward

Cupped palms.

I took a bread crumb.Make a grasping movement

With both hands.

The fish waved its tailSwinging folded together

The fish quickly swam awaypalms left and right.

Children sprinkle sand on the fish.

Educator: Well done guys! Now let's take a rest. Come out onto the carpet.

4. Coordination of speech with movement:

There are waves in the open air. (Walking in a circle, waving smoothly

Did you find out? This is the Sea. hands.)

The fish are having fun(Make voluntary movements.)

In clean warm water,

They will shrink, they will unclench,(They squat and stand up.)

They will bury themselves in the sand.(Lie on your back, arms and legs

Up, shake them.)

5. Exercise “Say the opposite”:

Educator: It’s time for us to return to land. Go ashore, take off your suits.

Children pretend to go ashore and take off their costumes.

Educator: Now we will play on the seashore, but first I want to treat you to well and sea water.

The teacher invites the children to the tables and gives each child two glasses (blue and green). Blue indicates salt water, and green indicates fresh water.

Educator: What was the water in the blue glass like?

Children: Salty.

Educator: And in green?

Children: Unsalted.

Educator: That's right. She was fresh.

The teacher collects the cups and picks up the ball.

Educator: Let's play the familiar game “Say the other way around.” I'll start a sentence and throw you the ball. You will catch the ball and finish the sentence by choosing the words - “on the contrary.”

Sea water is salty, and well water…….(fresh)

Sea water is warm, and well water……..(cold)

Well water is soft, and sea water……..(hard)

Sea water is cloudy, and well water……..(transparent)

6. Working with tongue twisters:

Educator: I suggest you repeat the tongue twister with me:

“There is a carp in the lake, and a crab in the sea.” (Children pronounce a tongue twister together with the teacher)

First let's say it quietly.(Children pronounce a tongue twister in a whisper with the teacher)

Now speak out loud. (Children pronounce a tongue twister loudly)

Try to speak quickly. (Children pronounce quickly a tongue twister)

Even faster. . ( Children pronounce tongue twister even faster)

Who wants to repeat the tongue twister themselves?

Children repeat the tongue twister at will.

7. Compilation of descriptive stories about fish:

Educator: Make up stories about the fish that you saw today according to the plan you know. Try to speak beautifully.

3-4 children compose a story according to the scheme.

8. Exercise “Our Aquarium”:

Educator: An unusual river that does not flow anywhere, with glass banks - it’s an aquarium. An aquarium is a piece of the underwater world that was brought into the house. Watch how the emerald greenery stretches upward, multi-colored fish swim by - blue neons, scarlet barbs, transparent veiltails, silver angelfish, big-eyed telescopes, like goldfish out of a fairy tale - and relax. People brought out a huge variety of aquarium fish.

What geometric figure does our aquarium resemble?

Children: On a rectangle.

Educator: What geometric shapes can aquariums look like?

Children: Circle, square, cylinder.

I put it in the aquarium Educator: But unfortunately our aquarium is empty. Let's populate it with aquarium fish. Take the fish and attach it to the aquarium.

Children take one fish at a time and attach it to the aquarium.

Children: - I lower the scalar into the aquarium.

I put it in the aquarium.....

I put it in the aquarium.....

I put it in the aquarium...

Educator: Count how many fish live in the aquarium?

Children count fish in an aquarium.

Educator: Well done guys!

9. Lesson summary:

Educator: Did you like our trip? What did you remember and like most? I really liked the way you answered my questions. I hope you will also try in the future.

Irina Viktorovna
Synopsis of an educational lesson in the preparatory group “Sea inhabitants”

Summary of educational lesson« Marine life»

V preparatory group.

Goals classes:


Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about representatives seabed, about their characteristics, about their adaptability to life in the aquatic environment.

Develop the skill of answering questions completely.


Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking.

Develop fine motor skills of hands


Cultivate interest in classes.

Cultivate friendly relations between children and the habit of studying together.

Methods and techniques:

Modeling a game situation in order to pose a problem and create motivation, creative logical thinking exercises, questions for children, the use of teaching aids, visual material, physical exercises, and technical teaching aids.

Equipment: Magic box, globe, shells in a bag, set of object pictures « Marine life» , presentations: « Cruise» , « Sea riddles» , a game "What's first, what's next", 2 dry pools (with sand, marine life, shells, pebbles, nautical chart(for surprise).

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

Psychological attitude:

First, let's stand in a circle

So much joy around

Hold hands together

And smile at each other

Are you ready to play?

Can we safely begin?

Educator: And I didn’t come to you empty-handed today.

Guys, look what's in my box? (globe and shells, cut-out pictures.)

Brainstorm (questions - answers).

Educator: What is a globe?

Children: This is our planet only in a reduced form.

Educator: Tell me, what color is there more on the globe?

Children: Blue

Educator: What does the blue color on the globe mean?

Children: Water.

Educator: So what conclusion can we draw?

Children: There is more water on Earth than land. What is water for? Can we live without her?

Children: We drink water, bathe, wash ourselves, cook food, fish, animals, plants live in water...

Educator: What bodies of water do you know?

Children: sea, oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, puddles.

Educators: Which ones are the biggest?

Children: Seas and oceans

Educator: How are seas and oceans different and similar?

Children: They differ in size, but are similar in that they are salty.

Educator: Look what else is in my box?

Children: Shells!

Educator: Right! Take one shell at a time and place it to your ear.

Educator: What do you hear?

Children: Sound of the sea!

Educator: What is the sea? What is it like?

Children: The sea is when there is a lot of water. It's salty, deep, etc.

Educator: Which of you drank? sea ​​water? What does it taste like? (salty)

But despite this, sea ​​water is very beneficial. Medicinal salts, iodine, silver and other beneficial substances are dissolved in it. Marine water cures many diseases. That's why people always go on vacation to the sea.

Educator: And which ones? sea ​​creatures you know?

Children: Shellfish, algae, sharks, whales, dolphins, octopuses, etc.

Children look at shells. Then the teacher invites them to put them in a bag and continue the conversation.


Do you want to know what riches are at the bottom? sea? How can we find out, see, read about all this?

Children: from books, encyclopedias, TV, Internet, etc.

Educator: I know the magic words that will help us descend to sea ​​bottom, they need to be said together. As soon as we say them, we are immediately transported to the underwater world.

Our kindergarten has changed

He turned into an ocean

We'll go for a walk

Bottom marine study. Well, guys, we were transported with you to the underwater world and now we will see how they live inhabitants.

View the presentation

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the screen.

« Cruise» .

Educator: Well, we learned a lot of interesting things about life sea ​​creatures. Do you know where fish come from?

Children: From eggs.

Educator: Right. The inhabitants of the underwater world decided to play with you, here on sea They hid their eggs during the day and invite you to find them. The eggs you find will need to be placed in containers next to the dry pools.

Guys, now break into pairs and start looking for eggs.

Children are looking for eggs (red and black beads) in dry pools - pebbles, shells, yellow sand, colored glass and

Educator: Well done boys! Our eggs are extremely large, and they will produce wonderful fish! And they are not simple guys, but with tasks.

1 task: Guys, please tell me, what do you call a person who catches fish? You know, I have a catch in my box. But somehow everything got mixed up and it is not clear what kind of creatures were caught. I suggest you collect pictures and let's see who our fishermen caught.

(Children name who is in their pictures)

2 task: a game "What's first, what's next" There are pictures in front of you, you need to carefully examine them and arrange them in order of height.

3 task: Presentation « Sea riddles»

4 task: game for attention. Five pictures with marine life. Children must remember which number, which resident and name.

Educator: Well done guys, they completed all the tasks and for this we sea ​​creatures give a sea map. So our journey with you has ended.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words together. Did you like our cruise? What do you remember most?

Guys, I want to bring to your attention an exhibition of shell products.

Publications on the topic:

I present to your attention the didactic game "Sea Inhabitants", made specifically for children of the 1st junior group. The goal of this game is.

This year our teaching staff decided to choose the theme for the snow buildings: “Sea inhabitants”. Goal: creating favorable conditions.

Summary of educational activities for modeling in the senior speech therapy group “Sea inhabitants. Undersea world" Type of GCD - artistic creativity Prepared by: teacher Chuprinina T.N. Direct educational activities.

Summary of classes in the preparatory group. Modeling according to the plan “Sea inhabitants”. Goal: To arouse interest in sculpting sea creatures by representation.

Speech therapy lesson (SLO) “Sea inhabitants” Speech therapy lesson (SLO) teacher-speech therapist Zibukova Svetlana Vitalievna MBDOU DS "Rucheyok", Chernogorsk, Republic of Khakassia Topic: Consolidation.

Svetlana Ivanova
Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Inhabitants of the Seas and Oceans”

Subject: Inhabitants of the seas and oceans

Target: Introduce children to inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


1. Educational: expand children's ideas about inhabitants of the deep sea; introduce concepts "sea creatures", "fish", "clams"; about the uniqueness of each species. Teach children to give complete answers to the teacher’s questions, form possessive adjectives, improve the grammatical structure of speech.

2. Developmental: develop coherent speech through a conversation about fish, children’s active and passive vocabulary, improve question-and-answer conversation skills, develop the ability to think, logical thinking, creative imagination;

3. Educational: cultivate interest in the surrounding world and wildlife.

Equipment: illustrations with depicting the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, encyclopedia with illustrations of fish, recording of sounds "Sound of the sea", cut pictures, presentation

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment. Emotional mood

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

IN: Guys, look how many guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello to them.

D: Hello!

IN: How else can you say hello?

D: Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!

2. Report the topic of the lesson

IN: Look carefully at the screen. (Slide 2) Here are the pictures (lighthouse, seagull, sun, island, boat, treasure) Think about how these pictures can be related to each other? What do they have in common and why?

D: Water, sea, ocean

IN: In the midst of a cold winter, I really want to remember summer - soak up the sun, swim in the warmth sea.

IN: - Guys, I would like to invite you to go on an expedition (trip) across the seas and oceans. Together with the team of Jacques - Yves Cousteau, explore the marine world. (Slide 3)

Jacques - Yves Cousteau - famous French explorer oceans and traveler, the pioneer of underwater filming, who can be considered the first traveler in the underwater world. He invented scuba gear, created many documentaries about sea life, and wrote many books. (Slide 4)

How many of you have watched films about the journey of the Cousteau team? (Children's answers).

Cousteau's team left a great legacy to the people of the whole Earth. wealth: films about mysteries seas and oceans, about the richness and beauty of underwater nature, so that people know, understand and love their Earth.

Well, then imagine that we are on a team on a research vessel "Seeker". The seas keep many secrets and oceans. Do you want to search and find miracles? After all sea- this is a country of incredible wonders, even scientists do not know everything about the seas and oceans. We will find out what the seas are like, what benefits they bring to people, who lives in seas and oceans and how we should protect the seas and oceans, their inhabitants.

3. Main part

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to take a map on a trip?

Guys, look at the map. (Slide 5) Most of the Earth's surface is occupied by water. These are the seas and oceans. There are 4 ocean: Pacific, Indian, Atlantic and Arctic. Moray on our planet a lot of: Mediterranean, Black, Red, Azov, Dead and other seas.

What color seas and oceans are shown on the map? (Blue, blue)

Raise your hands, how many of you have been to sea?

Has anyone tried what sea water tastes like? (Children's stories).

Can you drink sea water?

Sea water is very beneficial for adults and children. Sea water contains many salts and minerals dissolved and contains iodine. It is very useful to swim in sea water, but you should not drink sea water. Therefore, on our long journey, let's stock up on fresh water, like real travelers do.

We stocked up on fresh water and went on a boat trip "Seeker". Here we are already in the open sea. (Slide 6) Let's put on scuba gear and dive into the depths of the sea.

IN: Guys, look, miracles are beginning. We went underwater. (Slide 7)

Guys, what are these huge trees at the bottom of the sea, a whole forest? (This is algae.)

Do you guys know that seaweed is very healthy? They also make a medicine from algae, which is what small children fear most in the world. Who can guess what kind of medicine this is? (Iodine.)

Exercise "Seaweed" (to relieve emotional tension and muscle tone)

IN: There are fish swimming past us. Guys, look how beautiful the fish are. How strange they all are! (Slide 8) Let's watch them. Show video.

IN: IN the sea is inhabited by fish? Which? (Marine)

In sea waters, as we all know, lives a huge variety of different animals. A fairly large proportion of them are fish. The variety of inhabitants of the seas and oceans is amazing. There are very tiny ones, up to one centimeter long, and there are giants, reaching eighteen meters. (Slide 9)

Like people, fish can breathe. Who knows what fish breathe?

D: Gills

IN: Do you know how long fish live? (from 5 to 100 years) Did you know that many fish have good eyesight, but they do not have eyelids? They even sleep with their eyes open. Some fish even lie on their sides. Who can answer how fish move? (Slide 10) Most fish swim forward bending the body in waves. Fins help them move. But one fish swims up.

Guess who?

D: Sea Horse (Slide 11)

IN: Look at the screen. (Slide 12) This is the rag picker - the best masker: His body has many outgrowths in the form of ribbons and sticks. This makes it look like a harmless bush of algae.

Fishes know how to hide well, their coloring helps them in this. They can hide near a stone or among algae so that they are completely invisible.

This is a needlefish among the sea grasses (Slide 13)

Bearded scorpion fish (Slide 14)

Flounder buried in the sand (Slide 15, 16)

Exercise “Choose a similar word” By the way, fish.

D: Fish, fisherman, fisherman, fishy, ​​fishy, ​​fisherman.

IN: Right. Hunters catch animals and birds, but what about fish?

D: Fishermen and anglers catch fish.

IN: How can you catch fish?

D: Fishing rod, net, seine.

IN: Let's explore the depths of the sea and find out who else, besides fish, lives in seas and oceans?

Those who have ever rested on sea, then they definitely saw in the water - transparent, jelly-like, blurry, sometimes even very beautiful, creatures of different shapes and sizes. (Slide 17) Jellyfish can be round, flat, elongated, very small or, conversely, huge. (Slide 18) However, the beauty of most jellyfish is deceptive - almost all jellyfish are poisonous. Some more, some less. Some species are practically harmless to humans, others sting like nettles, and a painful burning sensation can be felt for several days, and some can lead to death. There are also jellyfish that glow in the dark like light bulbs! (Slide 19)

Guys, look, curious dolphins are swimming towards us. (Slide 20)

IN: What do people call dolphins?

D: Rescuers. Dolphins always help each other and rush to the rescue as soon as one of them is in trouble. (Slide 21)

IN: Sailors often see how dolphins save drowning swimmers by pushing them to the surface.

IN: Oh, who is this huge guy swimming near us? (Slide 22)

D: Sperm whale

IN: The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales. Who else belongs to the toothed whales?

D: Beluga whale, killer whale and narwhal. (Slide 23)

IN: Besides toothed whales, what other whales are there?

D: Mustachioed

IN: Why were they called that?

D: because instead of teeth they have mustaches

Physical education « Ocean is shaking…»

IN: We're going even deeper. (Slide 24) Look, there are some shells at the bottom. What is this? Guys, these are clams. Mollusks come with or without a shell. For us they are better known as "shells". Octopus, cuttlefish, squid are also sea mollusks, only without a shell. (Slide 25)

IN: Guys, we got acquainted with fish, shellfish, and jellyfish. Who else can we meet in the seas and oceans?

D: Sea animals (penguins, seals)

IN: We need to surface. Let's return to our ship and take off our scuba gear.

IN: Guys, think about how good it is that there are seas on our planet and oceans? (children's answers)

Can they harm people? Which?

D: Yes. Tsunami (Slide 26, 27, floods (Slide 28)

IN: But people also cause great harm to marine inhabitants: Rare animals are destroyed, fish are overfished, but most importantly, ships sink and catch fire (Slide 29) and after accidents and fires on ships in sea ​​oil spill. (Slide 30) Birds get stuck in it. Their wings stick together and it is no longer possible to fly. (Slide 32) The fish become unable to breathe and die. (Slide 33) Let's take care of our nature, the living creatures that are on it live(Slide 34)

4. Consolidation.

Exercise "Cut Pictures"

IN: Guys, let's sit down at the tables. There are envelopes in front of you. You need collect cut picture. Now tell us about who you got. (slides 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40)

5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

IN: This is where our expedition ends. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Where were we today? Who did you travel with? On what ship?

Did you like our expedition across the sea?

What new things did you learn during the expedition?

Who did we meet?

Who else would you like to know about?

Irina Vladimirovna Nikiforova
GCD in the senior group “Animal world of the seas and oceans”



Clarify and activate the vocabulary by topic: « Fauna of the seas and oceans» (fish, sea, scales, fins, tail, gills, angelfish, guppies, bettas, swordtail, goldfish, telescope, catfish, cardinal, neons, veiltail, jellyfish, elephant seal, shark, starfish, flounder, sea urchin, shrimp, lobster, electric stingray)

Improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Improve quantitative calculation.

Reinforce the names of geometric shapes in speech.


Develop coherent speech, auditory and visual attention and perception.

Develop gross, fine, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Develop taste sensitivity.

Develop general speech skills - clarity of diction, correct sound pronunciation, speech breathing.

Develop and stimulate attention.


Cultivate goodwill, cooperation skills, and independence.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards residents seas and oceans.


Projector, recording images of the sea coast, presentation about marine life; glasses of fresh and salt water according to the number of children; a large piece of turquoise fabric; blanks with fish silhouettes, sand, PVA glue, brushes, wet wipes; didactic game "Aquarium" ball.


Reading works: A. S. Pushkina "The Tale of the Goldfish", K. I. Chukovsky "Aibolit", Russian folk tales "By magic", "Princess Frog".

Book reading "What do we know about fish"

Guessing riddles on the topic.

Learning finger gymnastics "Fish"

Examination of the aquarium and its inhabitants with children.

Looking at pictures of various fish; conducted conversations about their habitat.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Today we will go on a journey to the sea. How can you get to the sea? (by car, plane, train, bus).

I suggest going by bus.

We boarded the bus together (squat down.)

And we looked out the window (turn their head right and left.)

Our driver pressed the pedal (Press an imaginary pedal with one foot.)

And the bus ran (they run on their toes, holding an imaginary steering wheel.)

Educator: So we ended up on the seashore. Sit directly on the carpet. Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the sea and dive into its depths to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the life of sea fish and animals.

Everyone sits down on the carpet.

Educator: What do we hear while sitting on the seashore?

Children: The sound of the surf, the rustle of sea pebbles, the cries of seagulls.

Educator: Right. Now get up. Let's put on suits

for scuba diving and go underwater.

The children and the teacher show how to put on the costumes.

2. Exercise "At the bottom of the sea"

The teacher suggests starting to watch the presentation, accompanied by the reading of poems.

Educator: So we found ourselves in the depths of the sea.

Lies an underwater country

Deep underwater

There's a fish swimming in the moon

Next to the starfish.

But even though she glows

The star is no brighter,

She never shines

What about stingrays and eels?

You could find your home

Lanterns are burning everywhere -

Glowing fish.

Tell poems about the inhabitants of the sea that surround us.

1st child: What kind of stars are in the depths?

Do they lie on the bottom of the sand?

The question is easy to answer:

Starfish on the sand.

2nd child: “Well, what kind of fish are these?

There are rumors going around the sea -

Not fish, but pins,

Not fish, but needles.”

3rd child: Electric ramps

Clumsy, simple-minded

But anyone inadvertently

Strong electric shock.

4th child: The crab hid between stones:

It’s calmer and clearer there,

Who's going hunting?

Who wants to eat someone.

Educator: What kind of fish and no animals swam in the sea!

Continue showing the presentation.

Educator: list what other marine species you see animals and fish in the depths of the sea.

Children: I see in... in the depths of the sea.

I see in... in the depths of the sea.

I see in... in the depths of the sea

I see in... in the depths of the sea.

I see in... in the depths of the sea.

I see in... in the depths of the sea.

3. Exercise "Sand Painting"

The teacher invites the children to a large piece of fabric lying on the carpet. Hidden under the fabric are blanks depicting silhouettes of fish.

Educator: I suggest you give up "underwater". Which fabric represents, find "silhouette blanks" and remove them from the water. Go to your desks!

The children sit at their tables.

Educator: Guys, our fish are uncomfortable without water, they may die. Let's sprinkle sand on our fish. First, apply liquid glue to the surface of the fish, and then take sand in your palm and sprinkle it on the glue. We pour sand so that there are no empty spaces left. Before we begin the task, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Fish":

The fish swims in the water, the children sway with their folded hands

The fish have fun playing. palms from side to side.

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish, mischievous, threatening with a finger

We want to catch you. Slowly bring your palms together.

The fish arched its back and slowly tilted it forward.

Cupped palms.

I took a bread crumb. Make a grasping movement

with both hands.

The fish waved its tail, swaying folded together

The fish quickly swam away with its palms left and right.

Children sprinkle sand on the fish.

Educator: Well done boys! Now let's take a rest. Come out onto the carpet.

4. Coordination of speech with movement:

There are waves in the open air. (They walk in a circle, wave smoothly

Did you find out? This - sea. hands.)

The fish are having fun (Make voluntary movements.)

In clean warm water,

They will shrink, they will unclench, (They squat and stand up.)

They will bury themselves in the sand. (Lie on your back, arms and legs

up, shake them.)

5. Exercise "Say it the other way around":

Educator: It's time for us to return to land. Go ashore, take off your suits.

Children pretend to go ashore and take off their costumes.

Educator: Now we will play on the seashore, but first I want to treat you to well and sea water.

The teacher invites the children to the tables and distributes two glasses to each child. (blue and green). Blue indicates salt water, and green indicates fresh water.

Educator: What was the water like in the blue glass?

Children: Salty.

Educator: And in green?

Children: Unsalted.

Educator: Right. She was fresh.

The teacher collects the cups and picks up the ball.

Educator: Let's play a game you know "Say it the other way around". I'll start a sentence and throw you the ball. You will catch the ball and complete the sentence by choosing the words - "vice versa".

Sea water is salty, and well water... (fresh)

Sea water is warm, and well water... (cold)

Well water is soft, and sea water... (hard)

Sea water is cloudy, and well water... (transparent)

6. Working with tongue twisters:

Educator: I suggest you repeat with me patter:

“There are carp in the lake, and in sea ​​crab» . (Children pronounce the tongue twister together with the teacher)

Let's say it quietly first. (Children pronounce the tongue twister in a whisper with the teacher)

Now speak out loud. (Children pronounce the tongue twister loudly)

Try to speak quickly. (Children pronounce quickly a tongue twister)

Even faster.. (Children pronounce the tongue twister even faster)

Who wants to repeat the tongue twister themselves?

Children repeat the tongue twister at will.

7. Compilation of descriptive stories about fish:

Educator: Make up stories about the fish you saw today according to the plan you know. Try to speak beautifully.

3-4 children compose a story according to the scheme.

8. Exercise "Our Aquarium":

Educator: An unusual river that flows nowhere, with glass banks - it’s an aquarium. An aquarium is a piece of the underwater world that was brought into the house. Watch how the emerald greenery stretches upward, multi-colored fish swim by - blue neons, scarlet barbs, transparent veiltails, silver angelfish, big-eyed telescopes, like goldfish out of a fairy tale - and relax. People brought out a huge variety of aquarium fish.

What geometric figure does our aquarium resemble?

Children: To a rectangle.

Educator: What geometric shapes can aquariums look like?

Children: Circle, square, cylinder.

I put it in the aquarium Educator: But unfortunately our aquarium is empty. Let's populate it with aquarium fish. Take the fish and attach it to the aquarium.

Children take one fish at a time and attach it to the aquarium.

Children: - I lower the angelfish into the aquarium.

I put it in the aquarium...

I put it in the aquarium...

I put it in the aquarium...

Educator: Count how many fish live in the aquarium?

Children count fish in an aquarium.

Educator: Well done boys!

9. Summary of the lesson:

Educator: Did you enjoy our trip? What did you remember and like most? I really liked the way you answered my questions. I hope you will too in the future try.