Goal: automate the sound [s] in the middle of a word.

Tasks: educational:

Continue work on developing the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

Automate the sound [s] in words in intervocalic position;

Continue to learn to hear and isolate the sound [s] in words in intervocalic position;

Practice solving riddles by highlighting essential features;

Practice the formation of singular and plural genitive nouns through the game “What’s missing?”;

correctional and developmental:

Activate mental activity based on the “finish the sentence” game;

Develop visual perception and constructive praxis by collecting cut-out pictures;


Cultivate perseverance and curiosity.

Equipment: toy - fox Alice, box - parcel; subject pictures: beads, scales, fox, braid, wheels, wasp, sand, noses, watches, mustaches, masks, hair.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Today the fox Alice came to visit us. Let's show her what

Your tongue can do the exercises.

Articulation gymnastics: “pipe”, “smile”, “fence”, “let’s brush our teeth”, “angry cat”, “breeze”.

2. Now let’s teach Alice to pronounce the sound [s]. The lips are smiling, the teeth are set in a fence, the tongue rests on the lower teeth, a stream of air passes through the middle of the tongue.

3. And now Alice will tell you different words, and you clap your hands when you hear a word with the sound [s]:

fox - goat - writer - reader - piece - tray - line - stroke.

4. Fox Alice received the package, let's see what's there. There are so many different pictures in the package! Please name what is drawn here (beads, scales, fox, braid, wheels, wasp, sand, sock, watch, mustache, hair). Where is the [s] sound in all these words? ( In the middle of a word.)

5. Alice likes to play the game “say the word.” Play with her.

Ko( sa), track( sa), ne( juice), ve( sy), co( sy), boo( sy), hair( sy), But( sy).

6. Alice will tell you riddles. Try to guess them! (Based on pictures.)

They walk day and night, but do not leave their place. ( Watch.)

Bent into an arc

In the summer - in the meadow,

In winter - on a hook. ( Scythe.)

Four brothers run together along the same road,

But they won’t catch up with each other. ( Wheels.)

Red-haired cheat

Chicken steals cleverly. ( Fox.)

7. And now Alice will play the game “what’s missing?” with you. Look

Look carefully at the pictures, what's missing? (Pictures: wasp, braid, scales, mustache, noses, masks.)

8. Listen to what Alice will tell you... (Finish the sentence game based on pictures.)

Yesterday I was bitten on the nose... ( wasp).

A cunning, red-haired girl lives in the forest... ( fox).

Sonya has beautiful long... ( hair).

Grandfather has gray hair... ( mustache).

Mom has new red ones... ( beads).

Dry in the sandbox... ( sand).

The car has four ( wheels).

10. Look, Alice brought you two pictures. One is whole, and the other was cut into pieces by someone. Collect it, please. (Cut picture “Foxes”.)

Well done! If you have completed difficult tasks, Alice the fox gives you a picture.

11. Summary of the lesson. What tasks did you perform? Which tasks did you like most? Assessing the child’s activity in the classroom.

Elena Ladygina
Summary of individual speech therapy session"Automation of sound[s] in words"


automate the sound [s] in words.

Main goals:

Correctional and educational:

Practice correct pronunciation of the sound [s] at the beginning, middle and end of words;

Activate vocabulary on the topic: “Transport”.

Correctional and developmental:

Improve phonemic processes;

Develop speech breathing;

Develop gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Improve spatial orientation.

Correctional and educational:

Develop self-control while pronouncing a sound;

Cultivate perseverance.

Type of lesson:


Work stage:

sound automation.

Organizational form:


Child's age:


individual mirror, pictures on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, excavator, boat).

Linguistic material:

words (including those rich in sound [s]) on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator).

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

2) Finger gymnastics"Boat".

4) Game “Lay out the pictures.”

4. Continuation of the main correctional and speech therapy work:

1) Game “Guess the riddles”.

5. Summary of the lesson.

6. Literature used.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

On the table of the speech therapist teacher there are pictures on the topic: “Transport” (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator).

Teacher speech therapist:

Look at the pictures. Think and name the topic of today's lesson.

Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

2. Basic correctional and speech therapy work:

1) Articulation gymnastics.

Teacher speech therapist:

Now you and I will go on a trip by plane, during which we will learn a lot of new and interesting things. Let's fly! (The speech therapist teacher and the child pretend to fly on an airplane)

The first city we found ourselves in is called Vesyoliy Yazychok. The speech of all residents of this city is always correct and beautiful, because they constantly perform articulatory gymnastics.

Let's do articulation gymnastics.

Repetition of previously worked articulation exercises “Smile”, “Proboscis”, “Watch”, “Swing”, “Gutter” in front of the mirror.

2) Finger gymnastics “Boat” (development of fine motor skills).

Teacher speech therapist:

Now we get into the boat and sail along the river.

Performing finger gymnastics “Boat”.

I will press two palms

And I'll float along the river.

(Palms connected with a boat)

Two palms, friends, -

This is my boat.

(Perform wave-like movements with your hands)

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

(Raise straightened palms up above your head)

And with me on the waves

Fish swim here and there.

(Wave movements with two palms at the same time, imitating the movements of fish and waves)

3) Breathing exercises “Breeze”.

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's do the Breeze breathing exercise.

Raise your palm right hand to the lips. Between the lips and the palm - 10-15 cm. Blow a cold air stream onto the palm. The same thing applies to the palm of the left hand. Make sure that your shoulders do not rise when you inhale, and your cheeks do not puff out when you exhale.

4) Game “Lay out the pictures” (to improve phonemic processes).

Teacher speech therapist:

Now let’s play the game “Lay out the pictures.”

Here are pictures depicting types of transport (plane, helicopter, car, bus, dump truck, gazelle, tram, trolleybus, boat, excavator). Arrange these pictures in two piles: in one - types of transport, the names of which have the sound [s] (plane, bus, dump truck, trolleybus, excavator), in the other - types of transport, the names of which do not have the sound [s] (helicopter, car, gazelle, tram, boat).

Well done! I arranged the pictures correctly.

3. Dynamic pause “Airplane”.

The speech therapist teacher performs movements and pronounces words, the child repeats both movements and words after the teacher:

Let's fly, fly,

(Stand legs apart)

They twirled their hands forward.

(Rotate arms in front of chest)

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane

(Spread your arms horizontally to the sides)

Right wing forward

(Turn the torso to the right with the right arm moving forward)

Left wing forward.

(Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward)

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Wonderful pilot

The plane was sent on its way.

(Random running with arms out to the sides)

4. Continuation of basic correctional and speech therapy work.

1) Teacher-speech therapist:

And this city is called Riddles-Riddles.

Game "Guess the riddles."

Teacher speech therapist:

Now guess the riddles.

It doesn't flap its wings, but flies.

Not a bird, but outruns birds. (Airplane)

What a miracle - a long house!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

What a miracle house, guys!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

The mustache touches the wires,

It's called transport. (Trolleybus)

Raises the body upward -

Gets rid of cargo. (Dump truck)

Who with his ladle to glory

Will he dig a ditch for you?

Build a house and a grain elevator

Helps. (Excavator)

2) Game “Clap if you hear the sound [s] in a word.”

Teacher speech therapist:

Let's play the game “Clap if you hear the [s] sound in a word.” I will pronounce words denoting types of transport, and you listen carefully. If you hear the [s] sound in a word, clap your hands.

Bus, car, plane, helicopter, dump truck, tram, trolleybus, gazelle, boat, excavator.

Well done. You completed the task.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Teacher speech therapist:

Name a sound that you often heard in class? (sound [s])

It's time for us to return home. Let's fly!


1. Agranovich Z. E. Collection of homework to overcome the underdevelopment of the phonemic aspect of speech in older preschoolers. To help speech therapists and parents. St. Petersburg, 2007.

2. Zhukova N. S. Speech therapist lessons: correction of speech disorders. – M.: Eksmo, 2013.

3. Iskhanova S.V. Game therapy in speech therapy: articulatory transformations. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2013.

4. Kiriy Anna. Speech therapy games for babies. – Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2014.

5. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Kremenetskaya M.I. individual-subgroup work on sound pronunciation correction. – M.: GNOM Publishing House, 2012.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [T] in words” Topic: Sound [Ts] Stage: Automation Goal: Consolidating the correct pronunciation of the sound [Ts] in words. Tasks:1. Educational: Automate.

Summary of individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of sound [L] in words, sentences, text” Objectives: Correctional and educational: 1. Clarify the characteristics and articulation of sound [r]. 2. Automate the sound [r] in words and sentences.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [r] in words and phrases” Goal: automate the sound [r] in words and phrases. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise in the use of words and.

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson “Automation of the sound [w] in words” Goal: automate the sound [sh] in words. Main tasks: Correctional and educational: - exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [w].

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 185 in Khabarovsk. Individual summary.

Summary of individual speech therapy sessions

on sound automation [s]

Subject: Sound [s]. (Automation stage.)

Speech therapy conclusion: Phonetic underdevelopment of speech in a child with dysarthria.

Age: 4 years



    Consolidating the idea of ​​correct articulation of sound [s];

    Consolidating the skill of correct pronunciation of the sound [s] by imitation;

Correctional and developmental:

    Development of subtle differentiated movements of the tongue when organizing the articulatory structure for the sound [s];

    Development of communicative behavior skills when answering questions;

    Strengthening the conditioned reflex connection between articulatory and acoustic images of sound [s];

    Automation of the skill of pronouncing the sound [s] in words;

    Development of the skill of coordinated movements of the fingers when performing a series of exercises.

Correctional and educational:

    Formation of the skill of preserving and holding a training pose within the framework of a lesson;

    Development of productive perception skills within the lesson.


Saika Dog Toy, Butterfly on Flower Toy, Encouragement Sticker

Progress of the lesson


Lesson stage

Org. moment

Hello! I'm glad to see you.

Well, shall we begin our lesson?
Look who came to us! Who is this? This is a dog. What's the dog's name? Do not you know? I do not know either. Let's ask. Our dog's name is Saika. Introduce yourself to Saika, she is wondering who she will play with today.

Articulation gymnastics

Let's do exercises for the tongue. What do you think he will do now?

Why do you need to exercise your tongue?( so that he is obedient and pronounces sounds correctly)

1. "Smile"

Lip doors are flexible.

They can become a smile.

2. “Tube”

They can gather into a tube,
Then smile again.

3. “Fence”

The entrance to the house is locked.

There are different doors.


They close securely.

4. "Proboscis"

We are greeted by a kind elephant.

He pulls his long trunk.

If you really want it,

You can twirl your trunk.

5. "Swing"

He doesn't close the window

The tip goes downwards.

The tongue does not get tired:

Now it's moving forward.

I walked around quite a bit,

He opened the window wide.

He doesn't close the window

The tip lifts up.

6. "Spatula"

The tongue is a little tired.

He lay quietly.

7. "Gorka"

Deftly made a bridge,

Tucked his ponytail down.

Finger gymnastics

The pussy snuck into the hole,

Locked it with a padlock

She's looking through the hole

The dog is sitting behind the fence.

Breathing exercises

Game "Butterfly"
Saika came to us
Brought my butterfly

Play with the butterfly

And develop your breathing

Look, our butterfly is sitting on a flower. Blow a butterfly off a flower. Exhale smoothly, do not puff out your cheeks.

Physical minute

We'll blow high: S-S-S

(While pronouncing sounds, the child stands on his toes and raises his arms up)

We'll blow low: S-S-S

(Child squats)

We will blow far: S-S-S

(The child straightens up, leans forward, arms outstretched)

We'll blow close: S-S-S

(Standing straight, hands to mouth)

It's great that you can blow!

Articulatory image of sound

What position do the lips occupy? They are stretched out in a smile. The teeth are brought together and create a barrier to the air stream. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Audio automation

Blow like the breeze. S-S-S

Blow like a teapot. S-S-S

Blow like a pump. S-S-S

Let's sing our song:





What a beautiful song we made!

Do you remember how you and I learned to speak in a whisper? Let's try again.

[A] whisper [O] whisper [I] whisper [C] whisper

[A] loud [O] loud [I] loud [Z] loud

Development of phonemic hearing

I will name the word, and you determine whether it has the sound [s]

Traffic light, chair, pencil case, vacuum cleaner, fox, armchair, frame, paints, pan, globe, bicycle, juice, pen, table, elephant.

Automation in plain English

Can you imagine, our Saika was bitten by a wasp.

Now she is not friends with the wasp.

And you and I must reconcile them.

We will repeat all the syllables,

We will win this fight.


bitten on the nose by a wasp.


my nose became like a wheel.


I carry a wasp in my hand.


I'm not afraid of the evil wasp.

Formation of singular and plural forms of nouns


Sonya has a chair; at Sanya's... (chairs)

Sonya has a table; at Sanya's...(tables)

Sonya has boots; Sanya has...(boots)

Sonya has a bag; Sanya has...(bags)

At Sanya's soup; at Sonya's...(soup)

Sani has elephants; Sonya has...(elephant)

At Sanya the dog; Sonya has...(dog)

Sanya has cheese; at Sonya's...(cheese)

Lesson summary

What did you like most?

Who did you play with today?
What is the dog's name?


You did well today! And he deserves a sticker!


Your homework will be waiting for you in your notebook.

Topic: Automation of the sound [s’] in syllables, words, phrases.

Goal: to consolidate the clear pronunciation of the sound [s’] in syllables, words, and phrases.

Objectives: Educational: Consolidation of syllabic analysis skills

Correctional and developmental: development of phonemic processes

Educational: developing control over one’s own speech

Equipment: 2 toys (piglets), toy house, wardrobe, costume, paper flowers and leaves, counting sticks, picture maze.

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment

Guess the riddle and find out who will come to our class today. Crochet tail, heel nose. Who is this? (Piglet).
Right. This is what we have. (The speech therapist shows the toy). And his name is Sema. He is going to go visit his friend Masyana.

II. Articulation gymnastics

In order to go on a visit, you need to wash, get dressed, dress up. Sema goes to brush her teeth. How does Sema brush his teeth and tongue? (Example: brush your lower teeth, clean your tongue). Sema brushed his teeth and smiled. How did Sema smile? (Exercise smile).

III. Face massage

And now Syoma is washing his face. And we wash our face,
We rub our cheeks together.
Wash your nose, ears, forehead,
So we washed ourselves and moved on.

VI. Mimic gymnastics

Sema thinks about what to wear. He remembered that he had a suit and was happy. (Show how happy Sema was).
I opened the wardrobe and didn’t find the suit. I was surprised. Then I got upset. (How surprised, upset?).
I found a suit. I was happy. (How happy were you?).

V. Articulation analysis

What sound do I highlight in the names SEMA, MASYANYA. Say it.
What shape do your lips take when you pronounce the sound [s’]? Where is your tongue when you pronounce this sound?

VI. Sound Characteristics

Tell me what you know about the sound [s’]?
Is the sound [s’] a vowel or a consonant? Hard or soft? Voiced or voiceless?

VII. Breathing exercises

The wind blew and they flew into the room autumn leaves. They urgently need to be removed. Syoma alone can’t cope quickly, help him. (Blowing paper leaves off the surface of the table. Control over the air stream that should come from the tongue is required.)

VIII. Development of phonemic hearing in syllables

Pig Sema came up with a game for his friend and wants to consult with you: do you think Masyanya will like such a game? I name the syllables, and as soon as you hear the sound [s’], you clap your hands.
- SYA-; -SE-; - RY-; - YAS-; - AXLE-; -BA-; -AR-; -ASH-; ETC.

IX. Consolidating sounds in syllables, developing a sense of rhythm

Well, it's time to hit the road. But the trouble is, the door slammed shut. Piglet Sema cannot get out of the house. To open the door, you need to cast a spell. I'll try to help you. Repeat after me.
SYA - SYA; SYA - SYA - SYA; ya - ya; ya - ya - ya;
SIO - SIO; SIO - SIO - SIO; Yos - Yos; Yos - Yos - Yos;
SY - SY; SYU - SYU - SYU; Yus - Yus; Yus - Yus - Yus;
The last spell turned out to be correct and the door opened.

X. Fixing sounds in words

"Picture Labyrinth" Look how confusing the path is. Now you and Sema will walk along this path, and so as not to get bored, sing the song s’ - s’ - s’. On this path you will meet baby animals and birds, be prepared! (The child runs his finger through the maze, naming the cubs that he meets along the way: elk calf, lynx calf, piglet, fox cub, gosling.)
XI. Finger gymnastics
Let's count who you met?
(The child names the cubs and bends his fingers.)
You said hello to everyone you met. Who did you say hello to?
(Lists with whom they greeted (They greeted the fox cub, the gosling, the elk calf, etc.), while connecting in turn thumb with other fingers.)

XII. Development of phonemic hearing in words

You have come to a boring clearing, there is not a single flower on it. Let's try to decorate it? I will name the words, and you will repeat after me. As soon as you hear the sound [s’], you will put the flower in the clearing. (SIEVE, DESK, SEVEN, CANCER, VILLAGE, PIG, NOTEBOOK, LETTER, NET, PEN, CHITCH).

XIII. Syllable analysis

There is a river in front of you. There is no way to cross it. We need to make a bridge. To do this, break down the words into syllables. How many syllables are in a word, so many shelves you put. (JELLOW, Ribbon, GOOSE, TEN, NORTH, SIEVE, ELK. LYNX, ORANGE).
XVI. Nouns agree with adjectives
So you got to Masyanya, and he meets you. Tell me, Masyan, who did you meet? What are they?
(We met a calf, a gosling, etc. A gosling - small, yellow, etc. a calf - ...., a piglet ...

Developed by a speech therapist teacher

Ilyukhina Olga Vasilievna

MBDOU " Kindergarten"Teremok"

combined type"

Target: correctly and clearly pronounce the sound [C] in syllables, words, sentences.


Correctional and educational:

Automate the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences;

Strengthen the skills of forming nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Develop the ability to formulate plural nouns;

Strengthen the ability to form possessive adjectives.

Correctional and developmental:

Develop phonemic hearing, speech breathing;

Practice sound analysis, determining the position of the sound [C] in words;

Develop gross and fine motor skills;

Develop mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Correctional and educational:

Develop skills of self-control and goodwill;

Cultivate a positive attitude towards the activity.

Equipment: "Owl" puzzles, a box with pictures, subject pictures: fox, dog, scales, wasp, cactus, owl, bag, pineapple, meat, bowl, ficus, snowman, socks; picture material: pineapple, fish, hat, bag, pine, sandals, dog, pump, desk, scales, braids, house, cat, compass, owl, wasp, clown, bus, hare, juice, sugar, candy, globe, beetle , mask.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Hello, Masha! Today you and I will go on a visit. Guess who? Listen to the riddle:

“He treats everyone with jam and tea,

Prescribes exercises for everyone.

Energetic talker

Guess who it is? »

That's right, this is Sovunya. And today you and I will continue to work with the sound [C]. We will try to pronounce it correctly.

2. Articulation gymnastics

But first, let's show Sovunya what exercises you can do for the tongue.


We close our teeth evenly

And we get a fence.


The back of the tongue is now

It will become a little hill for us.

Come on, hill, go up!

We'll rush down the hill!


And now the swing is up -

We pull, we pull to the skies.

Down is their flight now -

And no one is lagging behind.

"Put the ball into the goal"

We play football with you,

We drive the ball into the goal.

Blow on the cotton wool harder

Score a goal quickly!


Our Deniska is a mischief maker

Pulls lips towards ears.

Look, he says

I'm a frog now!


Our funny tongue

He turned on his side.

Looks left, looks right.

"Delicious jam"

“Oh, and delicious jam!

It's a pity, it remained on the lip -

I'll raise my tongue

And I’ll lick the rest.”

Well done! You did great.

3. Finger gymnastics

One two three four five-

The fingers went out for a walk.

One two three four five-

They hid in the house again.

(Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the little finger, then bend them in the same direction).

4. Breathing exercise “Blow on a butterfly.”

Look how many flowers grow in the clearing near Sovunya. And colorful butterflies love to fly to them. Let's blow on the butterflies.

5. Automation of the sound [С] in syllables.

Sovunya loves to sing songs and always hums them. Let's sing them with her.

sa-so-su-sy as-os-us-ys

sy-sa-su-so ys-as-us-os

su-so-sy-sa us-os-ys-as

so-su-sa-sy os-us-as-ys

How beautifully you did it. Sovunya is very pleased!

6. Automation of the sound [S] in words.

Look what a beautiful box Sovunya has. And there are a lot of pictures. Choose only those pictures whose names contain the sound [S] and name them.

Picture material: pineapple, fish, hat, bag, pine, sandals, dog, pump, desk, scales, braids, house, cat, compass, owl, wasp, clown, bus, hare, juice, sugar, candy, globe, beetle , mask.

(The child completes the task).

6. Game “Say kindly”



Waist belt





chest chest

7. Game “What’s with what?”

Fox with a tail

Staircase with steps

Catfish with mustache

Paints with brush

Sugar bowl with sand

Bush with leaves

Bus with wheels

Scoop with garbage

Bench with backrest

Pan with a pattern

8. Automation of sound [С] in sentences.

Sovunya loves to write poetry. And to make it easier for her, tell her the last words.

Ding dong, ding dong

Walking in the alley... (elephant)

And they prowl along the road

Elephants and... (rhinoceros)

Hey, don't stand too close -

I'm a tiger cub, not... (pussy)

At the bottom of the river there is a mustachioed catfish

He sleeps sweetly and sees... (dream)

To rest your legs

Sit on... (chair).

9. Formation of possessive adjectives.

Sovunya loves to cook. And she decided to make delicious juice from fruits and berries. Can you tell me what kind of juice she made?

Plum juice? - plum

Pineapple juice? - pineapple

Apricot juice? - apricot

Currant juice? - currant.

10. Physical education minute.

Let's get some rest. Listen to the poem and repeat the movements with Sovunya.

Hands to the sides, in a fist,

Unclench and sideways.

Right up and left up,

To the sides and crosswise.

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

Turn around quickly.

11. Formation of sound analysis skills

Game “Where is the sound [S] hidden?”

Sovunya has prepared one more task for you: look at the pictures and determine the place of the sound [C] in the words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word?

(fox, dog, scales, wasp, cactus, bag, pineapple, meat, pussy, bowl, ficus, compass, steps, sled, ladder)

12. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Game "One-many"

Sovunya loves to play, play with her. She will name one object, and you will name many such objects.

Stripe- stripes



Cash register-






13. Development of fine motor skills.

Listen to the poem about the owl and learn it by heart

It’s dark in the garden, everyone has been asleep for a long time.

One owl does not sleep, it sits on a branch.

If you put the puzzles together correctly, you will be able to wipe out Sovunya. Let's collect it and give it to her.

(The child collects).

14. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly today?

Well done! You did well! Don’t forget to pronounce the sound [C] correctly at home and in the group.”

Sovunya really liked the way you completed the tasks.