These small pests can be very easy to see during irrigation, as they then begin to jump over the surface of the Earth.

Noch-stroke (they are often called pins) are not caused by an adult plant of strong harm, but they can be carriers of viral and fungal diseases of plants. They belong to the subclass of arthropods called . There are about 8 thousand species of these insects, which are common in all regions of the Earth. The main zone of their habitat is the soil and the litter, less often they are found on the trunks of trees, grass, the surface of the reservoirs and even in the snow in the mountains. In Callball, who live on the ground, there is a special body - "Jumping fork", with the help of which they jump. In a state of calm, they sweep it under the belly.

Symptoms of losses of indoor plants in chickens

These insects live in wet soil, therefore, the cause of their occurrence may be excessive irrigation. When touched a pot or during irrigation, the church is starting to actively jump. Most often, they are painted in white or gray and have an oval body shape. Their sizes can be from 0.2 mm to 1.7 cm. But in room flower growing, the sizes of the nech revolutions do not exceed 4 mm.

Most of the innovations are not powered by plants, they prefer rotting plant residues, algae. But some species, for example, onychiurus armatus, damage young seedlings. They schedped holes on the leaves and young stems, from which germs die.

Fighting in chosen

The first step of struggle with chops is the termination and reduction of watering, as they live only in wet places. Sometimes it is enough to ensure that the pests disappear and forever. If it does not help, then you need to pay attention to the following:


The appearance of the innovation (PEDUR) is not only a sign of excess watering, but also a consequence of planting plants with organic waste (for example, some hostess "feed" plants in tea, water after washing meat, egg cooking, etc.). If you had habits so fading plants, then you need to get rid of them. Since the pens will be actively multiplied in such conditions, and their large amounts can harm the plants.

Also, with normal watering, the reason for the appearance of the nech-stroke may be a bad drainage and a dense substrate. In this case, the plant needs to be removed from the pot and check the condition of the drainage holes. If necessary, you can take a pot of more and transplant the plant into a new loose earthen mixture with a good layer of drainage. A slight sand can be added to the substrate.

If these insects are much, and they harm seedlings, then you can apply insecticides such as Aktellik, Aktara, Mospilan, PhyTenerm et al. It is necessary to prepare a solution, observing the relationship from the instruction, and pour them a plant. A week later, repeat such a procedure.

Folk methods of dealing with phenomenon (in choseps)

Sprinkle tobacco ash either ashes from the combustion of the tree. But this method is not suitable for plants that love acidic soil - azaleas, anthuriums, camellia, etc. Instead of ashes, such plants can be used dry sand.

Cut potato tube In half and put the cut down on the surface of the soil. During the day or two, insects climb into it, after which potatoes can be thrown out. Repeat the procedure until all pests will disappear.

Luke tincture (garlic): 1-2 bulbs (5-6 pieces of garlic) finely cut and pour 1 l boiling water. Let us last within 4-5 hours, after that it is filtered and pouring a plant.

The inheritance is small pests that many flowers have been met. Callballs or pins, as they are also called people, usually live in flower pots. Such an insect prefers to settle in the upper soil layers, where there is an increased humidity. After all, it is an excessive watering that causes the appearance of a church. A small cluster of the subway will not make much harm to the plant. However, the rapid increase in the population may damage the root plant of the plantation, the consequence of which its slow growth and even death becomes.

What looks like a pion

Callbula is a fine insect, the sizes of the body of which from 2 to 10 mm. Externally, it is very similar to the caterpillar painted in white or beige color. There are also chips or pins of yellow, gray and even metallic shade, with transverse stripes, marble or point pattern.

From the bottom side of the abdomen of COLLABBOL there is a Wilk-shaped process, thanks to which it not only moves around the soil, but also can jump. In a calm state, this jumped body begins under the abdomen and is practically not visible. This is the most visual sign, with the help of which even a novice flower model can know the prayer. Below is a photo of the church.

Conditionally, the ownership is divided into the following types:

  • white pens - pests living in the upper layers of soil, especially often they can be found in greenhouses and greenhouses, where high humidity levels are high;
  • vegetable pens - insects, eating decorative plantings, they are also inhabitants of summer cottages;
  • mushroom pins - This type of pests can harm young shoots, seedlings and bulbous colors.

Photo of the subur different species You can see below.

On a note!

The number of inhibits in many respects depends on the level of humidity: the higher it is, the faster pests are multiplied. From the postponed female in the substrate of eggs, larvae differ from the time, differing from adult individuals only in size.

Paths of penetration of Paryary

Many amateur flower flowers, who have encountered such a problem, are puzzled by the question of how the Colembol could get into pots with indoor plants. Pests can penetrate:

  • through the ventilation holes;
  • on a new plant, the soil of which is already infected with chops;
  • with poorly processed substrate.

Symptoms of infection

It is possible to make sure the presence of inhibitors can be presented in the following features.

  1. White raid on the ground is evidence of its excessive moisture, and hence the favorable factor for habitat.
  2. Active movement of chosen in the soil.
  3. With a large cluster of insects, there is not only damage to the root system, but also the upper sections of the stems.

Causes of occurrence

The household in room colors will fall only when there is a favorable environment for their habitat. Usually subway entails:

  • excessively wet soil, excess watering and poorly equipped drainage system - one of the important reasons for the appearance of the nude;
  • raw air indoors or greenhouse;
  • the presence of moss;
  • excessive use organic fertilizers;
  • the remnants of natural fertilizers, a special danger represents a tea welding in combination with stagnant in soil or pallet with water;
  • low temperature in the room.

Mechanical ways of struggle

Poor-quality care, clusters of dried leaves and excessive moisture Create ideal conditions in order to start the pins in indoor plants. Therefore, to eliminate pests, it is necessary, first of all, to adjust watering, which is the main cause of high humidity. Devoid of usual I. comfortable conditions The habitat of the nude will no longer disturb the plant.

There are other ways to get rid of the pins:

The use of chemical preparations in the fight against the pioneering

One of the effective drugs against the pion is Bazudin. The powder remedy is scattered on the soil, after several hours, the collemball will not annoy the plant. No less effective is the priority - the drug of a similar method of application. To accelerate the process, scattered on the surface of the soil of the granules, slightly mixed with the ground.

On a note!

There are also universal funds to combat inheritance from which solutions are prepared. An example of this can be Aktar or Musepilan. The solution is prepared and applied in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the description.

Do not panic if the pens was found in the flower pot. It is not so difficult to get rid of the chogstock. The main thing is to detect pests in time and take appropriate measures, observing the rules of irrigation and high-quality drainage.

  • Open all windows and doors in the house to provide a natural influx of air into the room as much as possible.
  • Install the fans in the kitchen, in the bathroom and basement to enhance the influx of fresh air.
  • For these purposes, you can also use air conditioning or air dryer.
  • Eliminate mold. Mold grows in places with high humidity. In addition, the mold absorbs and keeps moisture, which attracts Colemol. You must eliminate mold and dry the affected area to kill the Colemball living there.

    • Look for mold in the most wet places at home, at the corners of the basement or bathroom.
    • We also look for fungus, moss and algae on the surface of your lawn. You will have to completely remove the affected soil to get rid of breeding mold.
  • Repair all sources of water leakage. Pay attention to the flowing pipes and external crackers at home. These sites can be sources of moisture that attract Colemol. Drying these sites, you can drive pests.

    • Leaky pipes are the most obvious and common cause of the appearance of extra moisture in the house.
    • Cracks B. window Ramama and door boxes There may be another source of moisture. If necessary, protect your windows and doors from bad weather and close all cracks.
    • Due to the disorders of tightness inside wooden windowsides Maybe through the cracks to get water. Replace or repaired damaged wood. In the future, prevent such a problem with waterproof finishes.
  • Control the amount of water that your plants get. Regarding the street plants, this may be a difficult task, however, if the pests come in houseplants, in which case you can get rid of them, watering plants only after complete soil drying.

    • It is especially important in this situation to give the plant to completely dry if you brought it from the street.
    • Callball detection by panstone may indicate that it can be in your potted plantsNo matter what you found it there or not.
    • You will kill the pests living in the soil, and reduce the risk of reproduction, allowing the soil to dry for several days.
  • Replane your plants. The easiest way to save an infected collebolic plant is to remove it from the infected pot and move it into another pot with dried soil and a good drainage hole.

    • During the transplantation of the infected collebol, the plants gently shake the part of the soil after removing it from the pot. Use as much fresh soil as much as possible. When transferring too large number Old soil B. new pot There is a risk of re-infection.
    • It may be necessary to add an additional amount of gravel or other similar material into the base of the pot in order to improve the drainage of the soil. In a new pot, the drainage hole must be greater than in the old one.
  • Destroy favorable space for breeding place. You can eliminate the source of the problem by removing as much as possible organic material from your site. Callballs love to multiply in such places, so you kill a lot of pests already living there and prevent the emergence of new ones.

    • In the threat of the penetration of the inlet inside the room, it is necessary to focus on eliminating all the reproduction places nearby from your home.
    • Heaps of rotting leaves and mulch of beveled grass can attract these pests. The size of the mulch fragments should not exceed 5-10 cm in order not to attract pests to itself.
  • Penches or collebbollas are pests of plants of open and closed soil. The folk name of tiny insects is the church.

    Causes of appearance

    Tiny pests attract a favorable environment for habitat and reproduction. Insects will fall in vases with orchids, camellias, gloxins, azaleas, violets.

    • increased soil moisture with excess watering or poor arrangement drainage system;
    • damp in a room where plants are located. For this reason, the pens often come in greenhouses;
    • range of remnants of natural fertilizers in a vase. Dangerous combination - cluster of the sleeping tea welding plus stagnant water in the soil and pallet;
    • reduced indoor air temperature;
    • weakness of the plant during rest;
    • moss grows on the surface of the soil. With such a medium, the pens get favorable conditions for existence and reproduction;
    • frequent use of decomposing organics for soil fertilizer. Many amateur flowers generously sprinkled with the soil with cuts of coffee, cubs, watering with fermented milk products;
    • insufficient plant care, accumulation of fallen leaves on the surface of the soil. Measuring parts of the flower plus an excess of moisture is an ideal medium for breeding mushrooms, disease pathogens.

    How to get rid of folk remedies? Effective recipes And the rules of their application are described by the page.

    Penetration paths:

    • with an infected substrate (when buying a mixture in a flower shop or when the soil fence with the nearest flower bed);
    • from the street when the soil drying on lawns (insects are looking for wet soil);
    • with a new plant on which the pens live.

    How to recognize

    To suspect the appearance of the innovation on the room colors will help certain signs:

    Types of household:

    The main thing: To understand why the inheritance of the Callball appeared at home, in an open or closed soil. The main reason is the excessive humidity of the soil and air. To combat pests will have to eliminate factors attracting insects.

    How to act:

    • stop flooding plants if the increased humidity is not required to develop colors;
    • rinse the root system, remove infected soil, transplant orchid, violet or other view of the new Vase;
    • check the arrangement of the drainage system: often the water is stirred when the holes are blocked on the bottom flower pot. When transplanting the plants, put a few pebbles on bottomsheko so that the water slowly flows into the pallet;
    • substrators and roots of tender orchids omit in a bucket with water, wait 10-15 minutes. The household will be pulled out to the surface, the amateur flower will only stay insects;
    • check the moisture in the room, when increased indicators more often to air the room, do not dry the lingerie at home, provide access sunlight. If it is impossible to get rid of dampness as proposed methods, buy a special device absorbing excessive moisture;
    • abandon too frequent use of organic fertilizers. Available tea brewing, coffee grip, one can add to the soil more than once a week. After two or three days it is worth removing the particles to prevent the breeding of the organic, carefully explode the substrate, give the soil "Raise".

    Important condition - Before spraying the soil with any folk remedies or phytopreparations, lead the indicators of soil and air humidity.

    Folk remedies and recipes

    Proven methods:

    • potato bait. The method is simple: divided into two halves of the crude tuber, put potatoes cut down, after 3-4 hours check the trap. Tiny insects are actively going around potatoes. The hosts should quickly cover a piece of tuber with a package or a glass, remove the container along with the insects. It is important to act quickly, carefully, remember: the inlet on the orchid, Gloxinia, Azalea is not delayed for a long time in one place, jump into a new site;
    • wood ash against pioneering. Good tool To reduce the number of pests, reducing the humidity of the soil. Rules of application: scatter ash by no more than 1 cm on the surface of the soil, watering reduce, reduce air humidity to optimal indicators. For Azali, Cameras, preferring soils with increased acidity, It is not worth using a natural component.

    Preparations for fighting in chops

    With a serious situation, it is important to carry out a flower processing in time with tested drugs.

    Learn how to withdraw with folk remedies and chemicals.

    About how to provide first aid and how to treat allergies to insect bites is written page.

    Go to the address and read about the reasons for the appearance and the rules for the fight against butterfly kapuetrian in the garden.

    Effective compositions to combat in chickens:

    How to act:

    In the closed ground, it is difficult to deal with high humidity, it will have to use natural components more often, biological products for plant protection. At home, it is easier to create a medium where pests will not be able to exist. It is important to remember that an excess of moisture attracts not only the innovation, but also other insects: