The bell ringing causes a joyful surprise among each person, independently believes he or not. Overflows of bells make people beyond the will to look toward the temple and smile.

The bell tower with several singers - the pride of each temple. The bell ringing with the healing force for the Orthodox souls, depending on the type, "calls" people to the ministry, "sings" during the celebration and sounds like a nabath, with danger.

Hearing the bell ringing, you need to cross and pray

What is the appointment of church bells

In the arrangement of the Christian temple, each thing has its own purpose. The souls of Orthodox Christians when listening to church overfills are filled with light, joy, peace, peace. When the bells sound like a nabath, Christians know, trouble happened.

Orthodox ringing is filled with an amazing force with the ability to penetrate human hearts. In church sounds and overflows, Russian Orthodox people have learned to distinguish the celebration, calling and anxiety, hearing a certain ringing.

An amazing phenomenon - when the sound of bells, pigeons, prototype of the Holy Spirit, do not figure out, but on the contrary, they rush to the temples.

I heard bell tall overflows, the Orthodox people in a hurry for worship, to which the rhythmic bells are called. Merry and joy fill the hearts of believers, announced by the celebration of the Church and festive ministries. Celebration and reverence cause chimes during solemn services.

Types of bell tower

Having loved the church bell ringing, the Russian Orthodox people connected with him all its solemn and sad events. The Orthodox bell tall is not only an indication of the service of worship, but also by filling joy, sadness and celebrations. From here, various types of stall appeared, and each view is name and value.

The ringing can be only a church man with certain qualities:

  • inland ace;
  • a sense of rhythm;
  • knowledge of the sound row;
  • knowledge of the technique of execution;
  • knowledge of church charter.

The rhodes must be a prayerhouse and observe posts, so that through the overflows of sounds to convey to people the celebration of Orthodoxy.

Ring draws a sound as an artist with paints

Hearing uniform blows of a large bell, Orthodox know that it is , calling to the Worship .

The fact that the event is, the bigger the God's voice is chosen:

  1. Festive Blagovest sounds at Easter or on special holidays, for his sound it is necessary to bless the abbot of the temple.
  2. Sunday sponge sounds on Sundays, linen - for special minions.
  3. Daily services begins for a weekly Blagovest, a great post - lean.
  4. Nabat announces trouble, thank God, it sounds extremely rare.

With alternate repeated impact on all the bells available in the temple, the chime, the vibrant prayers, liturgy, temple holidays are announced.

With the actual bell tongue, the rod hit two bells.

The sober spokes for himself, at this time all bells work, large and small, each time it produces three shocks with a short break. Low and ringing sounds fly straight into the sky and the souls of Christians, reporting the beginning of the service or the end of the Blagoves.

Morning, monastic healing from all diseases

The history of the appearance of bells

The first mentions about the bells are found in documents with which more than 6 thousand years. The prototype of the wondrous work is the flower bell, whose petals come in motion at the slightest blowing of the wind. The first task of the bells was to serve a signal. They were put on domestic animals, hung on the door.

Interesting about Orthodoxy:

China's homeland is considered to be China, where the bells are used in purification rites. According to the legend, the wizard could not mix the necessary metals to achieve the desired sound, all products or gave cracks, or did not sound. On the advice of the monks, the Master's daughter rushed to the molten metal, and the first large bell "the adorable flower" sounded at all China.

Egyptian monks first began to use the bell ringing for convening Christians to ministry.

For information! The greatest dissemination in Russia church chime acquired in the XVI century, surpassing everything available in European countries by weight.

God's voice became an element of Russian culture. According to the belief, the bellows are distilled off with an unclean force, so during the time of Mora, the invasions of enemies church kilns did not cease.

Over time, even a notion grade for playing on these unique works of human hands has appeared. In Russia, the festivals of the bell tongue are often arranged, filling everything around God's glory.

The world's largest Assumption Bell - "King Bell"

The healing power of the bell tongue

Scientists have proven that the bell chimes possess the healing force not only when the space is cleansing from the unclean, but also when improving people.

The amazing discovery made by the researchers shows that church sounds spread in space by the waves in the form of a cross, providing a positive effect on the physical, mental and spiritual state of a person.

Repeated Christians noted recovery, getting rid of generic diseases after staying under the cover of the overflows of God's glaze. Especially the bell ringing has a healing force in psycho-emotional diseases.

Modern achievements allow you to listen to various overflows of church music in the record, while indoors, thereby cleansing the surrounding space from unclean power.

Tip! Turn on the songs of bell tower overflows and enjoy joy and rest in your home, not forgetting that sound therapy lasts no more than half an hour.

Bell ringing. Cleansing space and healing

* * *

The park. Fall. Maples. Yellowness.
And the bottom of the fountain in the web.
And clouds like in the picture
Cost real estate. And blue
Silence is descended from heaven.

Okhaku leaves to collect
Leaning in waist bows
Who again cuts out on maples.


It is the old world street.
Golden, native year!
I, as a wanderer on a pack of "Pamir",
There remained soul forever.

Let the huts do not stand on the thread
And the shoulders boys on the chest,
You are on the windows, take a look at the windows! -
Without lattices, they. That's what's the point.

* * *

Peasants puffed puffed,
And someone drank brandy in "Astoria",
But then we already pushed
Not yet in hell, but from history.
As now the past faded!
Now we are dragging right in the pecked.

* * *

Everyone says: "You don't care
What are the people alive and is it all alive? "
Evil I do not wish you, but
I want to ask you: "Really
So everything is, as they say? "
You answer me: "Not in any way!"
But the caps, the caps are burning,
Although you dropped them.

Monument for victims
Civil War

Above legendar Tacanco
Slowly clouds float.
And the wind sings sad
In granite manes. For centuries
Frozen basting horses,
On the pedestal of the sun glare,
I put a bouquet of carnations.
Carnations are red and white ...

* * *

Look at what draws frost
On window glass? No, not roses
And not white branches birches,
And summies, summies, calls ...

And not a fabulous swarm clouds
On the window glass silver, -
Then frozen in the steppes of men
Bearded white faces.


Marsh alive in the ditch,
Bridges in three rotten boards.
Cow for Torch Otave
Tescape empty nipples.
Dry bunches of dill
Inhabsed the hut wall ...
My dear side!
My native ... Europe.

Antique weapons

If NATO Tanks Armada
The path will send to Rus - their wines.
An old man from the celi with a lamp will come out,
Illuminating all times
Looks around all the all-seeing eye,
Will overload with peace other -
And all the tanks - how many were their squash
Will become a rift ordinary pork.
And the dogs will be melted
In Great Rus: Who is ...
By the way, something like that was.
I just do not remember when.

* * *

On our street there is a house,
Always closed shutters in it.
From all of us terribly far away
Live in the house of old people.
He is thin and sad, she is like a shadow.
They are in flour night, and in the day.
Their son stayed in war
In someone else's distant side
Sands of his crank track ...
And old men for forty years.

* * *

Breakdown drunk in the alley,
Pleeping a hoarse cry with a mat.
Putting to dirty plaster,
Old man sleeps at the bus stop.

Laughing a drunk girl,
Sitting in passing "Mercedes",
Her cast buttocks
For the thread pulls the demon.

On the wasteland from the beginning of May
There is a prison.
All this life calling
Are we not mistaken? ..

* * *

Penetrating spiritual bridge
In depths hidden from eyes
The picture seems such
To me, as a poet, in the hundredth time:

The path to paradise all overgrown.
Although believe, at least do not believe.
Way in hell, evil road
In the asphalt dressed devils.

Going on it is now easy,
Slip, like on parquet.
And the paradise is now so far away
As if it was not.

* * *

Minutes free rare ...
And you need fifty minutes
Go to Kurgan where ancestors
Dry grass rustle,

Where the fears of chicks their feeds
Where the cross, so similar to the "plus",
Again, the lacquer will remind
Where I hurry all my life.

On haykos

Pokhyaktev and Shohav,
Grandfather has shyled Spit.
And we stepped "with God"
Knee-deep in the dew.
Grandfather's grandfather
He is here in front -
Even on the back of the cross
Little chest got off.
So we went, by noon
I a little feet of the wolf.
And, I confess, I do not remember
As fell on the roller ...
High in the Sidebie
Lean to the clouds
"MIG", similar to a cross
My old man ...


Grandfather Rating road
End the snake ...
My grandfather is like God,
That I did not see him.

* * *

I look at the stog, on the swamp,
On the Kurgan at the river, on the rod.
And stronger than the great-grandfather and grandfather,
I love my small homeland ...
Because big no longer.

* * *

Spring still remained in the spring
Everywhere: both in the field, and in the forest.
But the most of all it got,
Take a look, to a nursery.

When it blooms with a smile,
It seems to sing.
Sings and life of our link
The whole point is invaluable attached.

Prayer power

I have icons of Jesus
Praying, crushed a tear with Us
And demon erased from the face of the earth -
There was a dent in dust.
Let the demon name legion -
For one he became less.
Walked on the temple of the young service
Straight and thin like a candle.
And for my back old woman
Praying, sobbed ... in three streams !!!

* * *

Spring is always in the morning
Comes with a warm wind
Comes somehow vaguely
Almost imperceptible -
How in giving field
Dawn Strip,
As a woman for the first time
Comes in a sleep of a teenager ...

* * *

Raised Besnowness,
Enchanted our way.
"Break, my badge!" -
So pulls to tighten.

But smell to all hand
And go to Kabak -
Easy lung, I will not hide
But now it will not be so.


Today is the full moon,
And life, alas, empty.
In any case, mine.
Although I'm not without a cross.

No one will object to
What am I in Russian:
I try to hold the soul
In her boring body.

* * *

I have more expensive for me
Over Khatenka Babkina smoke,
Smelling quasher and powder
Walking along all my roads.

Let any urrods sound
Passion and grazing sin.
Only the Spirit of God and Shard
Always filled with a soul.


I am a victim of the Devil's era,
And paradise does not shine to me, alas.
But I write. I am writing about God
In the hope that you will be saved.

Recognition is Ile a call?
But yes will last your days!
And human knowledge
Unborn full-firmly.

And therefore I do not shake:
Perhaps with you and will be suited.

The bell ringing is considered miraculous, because it provides in many ways inexplicable science an impact on all alive from microbes to a person. The sound published by the bell causes the sensations that are unusual and not commensurate with anything that we are accustomed to. It is no coincidence that the bell is called "ringing icon" and "prayer in bronze".

Bell tower

In the IV millennium BC e. On the territory of modern southern Iran and Turkey, in Mesopotamia and Egypt there were already a bronze casting technology. But as soon as people learned how to produce a metal, they could not not pay attention, as long and powerfully, he rings when hitting (and the voice of bronze is especially beautiful).

A number of researchers believe that the birthplace of bells is China. Indeed, the technology of the bronze casting was created in the Epoch (XXIII-XVIII century BC. E.). However, among the items found under the ashes of Herculandum and Pompey (I century BC), there were bells height 14 and 17 cm. In the ancient world, they performed mainly signaling functions. In ancient Rome, the ringing of the open markets and baths, about the watering of the streets, the executions and other events of urban life.

The custom of convening monks to worship in Christian monasteries in Egypt. In Palestinian, Syrian, Greek monasteries still apply special boards (beat), in which beaten by a beater (klepalom).

When the bells were small, they were hanging on the front of churches. As weighing increases, small turrets on the roofs of the temples began to construct. Called from the earth, twitching for the rope. From the VIII century, messages about the first bell tower built separately from churches appear. Later, the Romanesque and Gothic architecture combined the bell tower and the church into a single ensemble.

Advanced casting technology allowed to cast the bells not only larger, but also eating the tone of the desired tool. Already in the 9th century, sets of bells (up to 8 pieces) began to be manufactured, creating a certain sound. In the early Middle Ages, they received widespread distribution, and in the countries of Christian Europe from the VII century became an integral part of the daily lives of European cities and sat down, since they symbolized good.

In the XII century, a new casting technology was developed, providing high sound quality and the ability to increase the weight of the bell. Soon there were complexes that unite up to thirty bells. The key system for which the rig is hornied by fists was complemented by pedals. The bells followed each other in accordance with the halftons without spaces.

Thus, the period from the XII to the XVI century occupies a special place in the history of bells: their modern form and technology of casting has been formed during these centuries.

Bells in Russia

On Russia, the bells got from the West. The first mention of them is contained in the 3rd Novgorod Chronicles and dates back to 1066. The early story of bells in Russia has developed the same way as in the West. At first, their monks cast them, but quite soon the case passed to artisans. The bells were sanctified, but they were never baptized and did not make human names. Although the nicknames were often given: the bell with a strong, harsh sound was often swan, with a soft, pleasant - red, with an uneven, rattling - goat, a ram.

In Russia, they were attributed to the ability to escape an unclean force, dispel the goats and evil spells, to remove the thunderstorm, heal the disease. At the same time, they were often subjected to severe punishments. In 1771, the Nabuta Bell of the Moscow Kremlin, by decree Catherine II, was removed and deprived of the language for calling to the rebellion. In 1591, by order of Boris Godunov, the same fate suffered a Uglich bell, who was legistered the people about the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. On the

Rus Bell metered the time of time, beat the alarm, warned about the approach of the enemy, convicted warriors, met winners, welcomed noble guests. The sound of the Bells convened the folk assembly in Novgorod and Pskov.

Travelers who came to Russia amazed not only the abundance of bells, but also their weight. Already by the middle of the XVI century, Russian bells surpassed in Western dimensions. If European bells weighing 100-150 pounds (one powder is 16 kg) considered to be uncommon, then in Russia they were widespread.

In the Moscow Kremlin, the bells of this weight category sounded on weekdays. The specimens weighing up to 600-700 pounds were called pools and appeal to memorable days, up to 800-1,000 pounds - called Sundays and called on Sunday, from 1,000 pounds and higher - festive, they notified about large joyful events.

Spent by science

According to the famous physics of Foto Shatunov, the bells emit a huge number of resonant sound waves and thereby cleans the space. Shatunov proved: a full-effective bell ringing kills bacteria within a radius of 70 km and harmonizes space. A unique helium-like sound trajectory, resulting in a bell in a bell, is destructive for many pathogenic microbes.

Due to the specific distribution of the power of the sound wave of the structure of microbial cells come to the resonance and destroy. Even microorganisms such as the hepatitis virus, the controversy of the Siberian ulcers are dying.

Ancient masters owned the secrets of manufacture and casting bells with different types of energy emissions. It is assumed that they managed to cast the bells with a ringing with a selective impact on the pathogenic flora, which, then, naturally, only guess.

In the Middle Ages, the bells were cast with a targeted anti-epidemiological effect: killing the pathogens of the plague in one case, the causative agents of the smallpox - in the other. Alexander Herzen wrote about the old trinket, the bell, which was empty at the pedestal of honor in one of the Swiss cities, but he saved the inhabitants of this city and its surroundings from death during the plague epidemic!

Russian researchers still in the 70s of the last century found that such ailments such as unfortunate concern, fears, nervousness and insomnia, perfectly healed by a bell tongue. The conclusions made were simply amazing. It turns out that the audio recording of the raspberry ring is reassuring even on the most violent mentally ill. And listening to the musical works performed on the bells, heals the hardest types of depression and other mental illness. Perfectly heals insomnia and raspberry church ringing.

It turns out that the bell ringing contributes to a more rapid splitting of negative energies and the more complete conclusion from the human biofol. In addition, it generates an exceptionally positive energy of white and green colors in space.

Finally, the bells are powerful harmonizers of space that help a person to enter the resonance with the harmony of the universe, gain physical, energy, mental and spiritual health.

Folk beliefs

In the bells, they often called during a thunderstorm to take the thunder and zipper and protect all hearing ringing from the material and spiritual threat. "Everywhere where the sound of this bell is heard - it says in one blessing of the VIII century, - and the hostile forces are also removed, also the shadow of ghosts, the vortex of the vortex, the lightning strike, the fall of the thunder, the destruction of storms and all sorts of hurricane spirits."

The bell ringing is indicative in terms of the distinction of the "pure" and "unclean" time. In all Slavic traditions, beliefs are known that some mythological characters are shown to the eyes of people and are engaged in their malicious activities only after the bell responds. It is especially true of the period from passionate Thursday to a passionate Saturday, when the bells, in accordance with the church canon, do not call at all.

The silence of bells is the time of their grief about the death and torment of Jesus Christ. In order for the unclean force did not have the opportunity to triumphane and create evil, during this period it was customary to replace the bell ringing with other sounds: the guys went at night on the village with bells and ratchets, the old women beat branches on the church floor or benches in the church.

In the East it is believed that the sound published by the bell corresponds to the sounds of mantras. Thus, the sound bells are included in the resonance from the human power system. At the same time, the operation of the chakras is activated, the currents of energies are enhanced. The overall energy of the human energy industry increases. There is a harmonization of all organs and human systems - both at the level of the physical body and on thin plans.

Sergey Milin

In the Orthodox press, the question of the renewed movement in the field of church units of our church was already raised, where it was said about the increasing threat of substitution of church bells with metal plates, called "Flat bells" or "Bila", which mimic, and rather paroding the sound of real bells. I would like to return to this topic and consider all aspects in more detail this far from a harmless problem.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the main questions: to whom and what is it necessary for? Who wants to distort the bell ringing fake sounds? Who the ringing bells interferes and does not give rest?The answer is obvious: the enemy of human genus hates all the church. Everything that the church is executed according to the charter with reverence and diligence, incites in it an unbearable malice and hatred. It does not tolerate either worship, nor the prayers of believers, nor the holy icons, nor the bell ringing. And therefore, he strives for all sides of the church life to desecrate, distort and make fake, so that their holiness does not interfere with him to destroy the souls of human and cook their cooking. Here he is, the father of Lie, and wants instead of the bells hated him, which, in consecration, is given the power against the spirits of the malfunction, milking, milking on the bell tents in order to distort the bell tongue.

But just so people change the bells on the plates will notFor this, they need to be so fooling and convinced that it is useful and necessary. Here the enemy begins to act already through people, with their long-tried means. One of the types of these funds are money, this idol, which now rules the world and goes deeper from different parties to church life.

Too many extraneous and random people, often quite unbelievers, feeling impunity of their actions, kindness and tolerance of believers, use the church as a cover to achieve their insatiable financial plans.

Various societies, centers and the like structures are created, under the type of which there are a boggy financial activity of individuals, who quite seriously consider themselves the big pillars of church life, being in fact ordinary resellers, speculators or talent plagative plagatives. It is such merchants that uses the enemy to implement their destructive ideas.

And now with these businessmen, the mass production of "flat bells" has been established, which, with the support of the flabwing advertising, are slowly distributed through our temples and monasteries, replacing your rod bell ringing. And people convince, showing them all sorts of graphics and tables that these plates sound better than real bells that everything is fine, there is nothing to be afraid - it's just the revival of vintage beat.

The calculation is very simple. These metallophones were specifically called "Biles" in order to in the event of people outraged by such lawlessness, it would be possible to blame these same people in a speech against the traditions of the Church, hiding behind this title - a purely Jewish reception.

Bila used on Athos and in Greece
(including on the Athos Compound in Moscow, M.Taganskaya)

After all the concept of "beat" is very uncertainand blurry because Beom, if desired, you can call almost any board, log, iron and even a stoneabsolutely any shape and size by which you can make shocks with anything for convening or notifying people. Calling your metal phones "BILLS", the merchants thus kill two hares at once. Firstly, these title they shifted the vigilance of people, because real Bila in the Church exist(Athos, Sinai, Jerusalem) and can always refer to it, and secondly, they leave themselves the opportunity to justify, since these plates are separately (again, if desired), you can call Bill.

But in a set of several pieces selected by the speaker, like a metalfone, these plates church beals are not, as they are not and there are no "flat bells", because the bell is only a real, but a flat piece of iron as a bell, she doesn't Will be! It's like saying "flat ball". Absurd!

Before these metallophones appear concepts like "bell bell" or "flat bells" in our Russian church never had never. All this is now planned artificially, in order to distort one of the parties to church life.

So it is asked why we need to change something, and introduce some new tools instead of bells? Why do we need "flat bells"? Moreover, the people who impose them to us only for deception call them beat to buy them. But the real, old church beats are not so.

Firstly, vintage church beils have never been intended to mimic the sound of bells. It was absolutely independent, and besides a very primitive tool. It was not required of the high beauty of the sound, neither one more than a certain note. The main condition is to hear it.

Secondly, only one thing was always used - or small, or a big, as we read by N. Tolovyanishnikov in his book "The History of Bells and Kolocoltie Art," where he gives the definition of church bea: "Beauil or Billo - Metallic or Wooden Board , near the soot of the length, into which they beat a special bow. Distinguished two beat - great and small, small worn in hand, hung on the pillars. "

But the Russian man loves the spacious and beauty! And when you had to choose: to call in the bell or knock on the planter on the board, always chose the first. The bell ringing with its beauty and melodiousness captured the soul of the Russian man. And the ringing of bells began to gradually spread through Russian land, displacing primitive beat. Russian masters learned to cast the bells, and over time, there were no Russian bells anywhere. The bell ringing on the right became one of the shrines and an integral part of the Russian Orthodox Church! And beat with time and completely stopped using as unnecessary, although in some places they still remained, but mostly like tribute to the old days.

So, if you revive the vintage church beat in their present form, then they are now few people need, since the bells have an explicit advantage.

The fact is that the bell ringing is universal in its kind. It fully meets the entire requirement of the church. Bells can be defeated, it is infinitely diverse to soberly, perform Easter, affiliated, counter, funeral and other stons. You can raise prayers, various chimes, sorting and much more. The bell ringing is provided for by the church charter in the special moments of the Divine Liturgy. And the beat is very limited in its capabilities, they do not fulfill the tenth stake of what the bells are capable of. It was one of the reasons for which they refused primitive beat. And if we are told that the new plates are the revived vintage beat, then the question arises: why are they completely different in all? If you have revived, then in the form, as it was, and if we are completely different, it is no longer a revival, but something new.

To understand this, it is enough to see that one of the leaders and the chief ideologist of this renovation movement writes, the largest reseller of the bells, atheist Mr. Sharikov V.G., who is the leader of the bell center at the Temple of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Zalyankom, quoting: " That is why we have in Russia (and in the West for a long time) more and more began to apply "flat bells" in orchestras, theaters, etc. to reproduce bell tongues. Why do not temples and monasteries do not have such a beat for the Orthodox ring, They are easier and cheaper than bronze classic bells in tens and hundreds of times! "

Well, so let the theaters on these plates play and play! And our bell tower are not concert sites where you can play on what it fell. There are certain charters in the church, and there are things that no one is right to change in their whims or due to personal commercial benefits. So that in this statement of G. Sharicikov, his worldly, financial interest in this business is clearly overlooked. Moreover, the bell center was created for one single target - the pupil and resale of bells, and the rapid courses serve as a cover, or along the modern "roof" for its turbulent commercial activities. By the way, the guys who do nothing there and are not suspected, and after the end of the courses, they involuntarily become advertising agents of G. Sharia. Departure production! So that the advertisement organized by him and the sale of metal fonds, which he calls "flat bells" or "Bila", is just an additional financial flow in his pocket, personally, Sharic. And it has no relation to the revival of vintage church beil.

Other fans of light profit and avant-garde music began to appear from him like an infectious root. Already composed whole symphones to play on these metallophones. And the main concert area is the bell tower of the Old Believer Temple on the Rogozhsky cemetery, where the jazz musician Pasha Markelov, in his free time, performs its astral melodies on bells and "Bilach", which gives the "Apocalypse" type. But, and modernist artists their abstract paintings also give names for gospel topics, but they are not corrected from this curvature.

Still, it is very strange that the Old Believers who wanted to preserve and comply with traditions, allow such disgrace in his temple.

In general, all these orchestras instead of bells, and concerts on them Caimik Old Believers, but the fact is that this Pasha Markelov, being Strover, is very actively engaged in the propagation of metal fonds (flat bells) at the arrival of our Russian Orthodox Church, probably having Your percentage of income from this dark business. And here you already have to protect your native temples from this update ..

Perhaps at concerts and relevant bells in combination with other musical instruments, and even with whole orchestras, but it is quite another thing, these are not church stons. In the church, everything should be apart. After all, when he sings the choir on the closer, he does not need any musicians. Also, the bell ringing, like a church choir, does not need any additional musical instruments. Why add the sound of metal plates to the ringing of church bells? Why distort the bell ringing? Why hang out in the windows of our bells some square glands, similar to the target in a dash? After all, even the view of the bell tower with flat boards hanging in the windows instead of bells, look rather strange.

"Flat bells"

Compare - Metallone

When buying people they say that these "beat" (flat bells) is much cheaper than real bells. And that the flat "beat", with relatively small sizes, gives a note of a large bell, but at the same time silent about the fact that the new "Flat bells" sound more or less decent only under the condition of weak hammer blows, Because when hitting the impact there is a very strong distortion of sound, similar to the sound of the lid from the pan. Therefore, showing the buyer with these "Bila", they get quietly on them so that the person does not understand the main thing that they are not suitable for the bell tower. Boots such a "flat bell" for the temple for the last money and think that they bought inexpensively powerful worst, but then it turns out that they were simply deceived. Because to give a powerful, beautiful, frantic, low sound sound is needed, respectively, a large mass, and a bulk form that this powerful sound kept. And this can only provide a bell, which these parameters (mass, volume and a certain profile) has.

As for the notes, the note of any bell, let and the largest can be reproduced on many musical instruments. And the thing is not in the note, but in sound that will give this note. You can hit the bell tower to the real bell, and then in the "flat" and immediately it will understand that these are absolutely different sounds, although they will have the same note.

But still, in spite of everything they try to convince that there are no differences between bells and plates, they are trying to erase the face of the difference, so that the people gradually get used to this innovation.

Here is another revelation of Mr. Sharicikova on this: "specialists have long been proven that the spectra of their sound are similar. Since they both belong to shock idiophones, i.e. shock musical instruments with self-visible body, and the bell is considered as the same beat, but Only more complex shape. " Well, what if Mr. Sharikov, with his experts, see the difference between the bell and the plate, is very sorry, and for the believer church bell was, there is an integral part of church life and compare the spectrum of his sound with various glands there is no need. This is first, and secondly, there are quite a few tools with self-spiling body - this is a bell, a fishing, beat, gong, metallophone, xylophone, litwords, various plates, bells and much more (by the way, the bell of them is the most perfect and congestive .). But this does not mean that they are similar and interchangeable. All of them belong to the shock idiophones and on the schedules of the spectra of their sound will be partly similar, since each of them has its own overtone and its duration of sound. But this relative similarity will be only on paper, in practice everything looks different.

Just like on a balalaika, a violin-friendly batch cannot be performed, although both of these tools are string, as well as the tools with a self-spiling body - everyone has its own sound and its purpose. Moreover, the ringing of bells is a purely church sound that cannot be replaced with nothing. It is completely individual and unique, and it is extremely unreasonable to change it to different fake sounds. You can still understand the temples where there are no bells at all, and with money quite tight. There are buying such metallophones for a period until they find money to buy real bells. Although in such cases, many tickets prefer to buy a small belft room instead of plates. But there is a big regret that, although in the temple there are bells, they still buy such "beat" for a variety, turn the bell tower into the orchestral hole and it turns out not church ringing with Prayer, and one temptation for yourself and for people. Because in the overwhelming majority of temples, where the "flat bells" use such "flat bells" during the bells, it doesn't like anyone from believers, as the sound "beat" only spoils the bell ringing.

But Mr. Sharicov has his own opinion on this. We read: "Bilas can be used as with conventional bells, and independently without them. Will there be a charter of worship? I think, no matter!". Maybe Mr. Sharikov will tell us when it was on the Holy Rus, so that during the bell tower played on metal phones? He see him think that he can decide what and how it should sound from our bells. Over the years of its commercial activities, the balls probably forgot about the fact that he is an ordinary discoversion, who just rents the room in the temple, besides, is not even a church man, as it is openly declared that he is an atheist. So can he solve something in the church?

And about the traditions of the ring you can contact St. Aphon, where there are still bells and beat, only real church beils, and not those fakes that we are imposed. So here Bells and Bila sounds always separately from each other.Or knock on biot (one), or call to the bell. Until now, in the Athos Compound in Moscow, observing the traditions of the Holy Mountain, to the ring of bells go through the yard and knock on a wooden beat, and then call to the bell. All separately. And the fact that these different sounds were not mixed, there was no chance, because the spiritual meaning is being glad.

This is what the Athos Svyatogores writes, in one of his letters, about bells and bells: "The weak sounds of wood and iron remind us unclear, the mysterious speeches of the prophets (the Old Testament, Avt.), And the noise and a slim game of bells - the evangelism of the Gospel, celebration Its in all ends of the universe and suggests the thought of the Angelic Pipe of the last day. "

So, Russian people chose the bells not by chance! Believers, feeling a spiritual difference, our ancestors chose the bells not just like a better musical instrument, and the bell ringing, like the celebration of Orthodoxy!

So it turns out that the balls and the likes of the region of the bell tongues of our church are reworked on their own way, turning everything down on the head. It is enough to read their excuses of the entire venture with "flat bells", quoting: "After all, there was a time when the bells replaced Bila (! - Aut.), Now Bilas return to Orthodox ringing. And it's great!".

If we take seriously this cunning-enthusiastic phrase of Mr. Sharicikov, it turns out that the bells were temporarily, only as a replacement of Bilam, and now thanks to the ball and everything will return to the circles.

By the way, the history of bells goes into deep antiquity. Even before the Nativity of Christ, there are mentions of bells, calls and buckets that had a very wide range of applications. Of course, these were not such bells as now, but the principle of bells originally originated then. In the Orthodox Church, the first bell ring appeared in 604-606. His introduction is attributed to Pope Sabinianus. After that, the use of bells began to gradually spread to the Christian East, where they first appear at the end of the IX century in Constantinople, when, at the request of Emperor Vasily Macedonian (867-886), twelve bells were sent for the new church of St. Sofia. And after the baptism of Russia, the first bells fall into Russian land. So, the bells are ancient, the canonical church instrument, which appeared in the Orthodox Church long before the deposition of Catholicism and the Baptism of Russia. And the fact that such merchants like balls constantly humiliate the meaning of church bells, for the sake of their commercial benefits, it is clear not to the Orthodox spirit of all this venture with "flat bells".

In connection with all above, the question arises: if the new metal phones are not reborn church beat and not the bell, so why sell them for temples? Why build mass production of these plates, reinforcing all flavored advertising? The answer is simple. Now there are enormous money in the revival of our Russian church, since almost everything was destroyed. And there were Deltsi, who decided to earn good on it. And since the casting of bells is a whole production in which the soul is investing, and which becomes a matter of life (and commercials are needed immediately and more), then these flat boards instead of bells were invented. And so that they bought them, composed legends that they were always, just for some reason forgotten.

Well, if they were still there, then let the G. Sharikov tell us at least one case, when during the Bolshevik persecution to the church with the bells, together with the bells, such plates were dumped. But it probably probably can do it, for one simple reason - there simply were not there! There was never in our Russian Orthodox church of such disgrace, like these "flat bells"! This is a modern innovation based on commerce, and in the spiritual plan to have a goal distortion and desecration of church bell tongues.

Such a state of affairs is outraged by absolutely all modern bells-loovers and the overwhelming majority of the risks. After all, such an offensive on the bells and desecration of the bell tongue has never been!

The enemy of the human race is always trying to introduce in all spheres of life of our church of the spillings of renewal, whether worship, church charters or something else. And now we got to the bells!

Attention! Now, under the guise of church beats, a new, absolutely alien to the church ringing called "flat bells" is being introduced into our church.

who will not make anything good in church kilns. It is necessary to beat the Nabat now, it's not too late until this innovation flooded all our bell tower. After all, the Lord Kommersant and do not hide their Napoleonic plans. For example, the balls frankly declares: "All objective prerequisites suggest that in the Orthodox Son Beyards a big future."

If we do not keep clean all the sides of the church life, as our ancestors arranged, if we are easy to change, according to our whims, what we want or appear to be obsolete and not modern, then we risk ruin our church! Because the enemy of the human race is always beginning with small, and the little things in the spiritual world does not happen. Everything has its own weight, meaning and purpose. And the distortion of some one spiritual sphere in the church leads to many troubles from the most unexpected parties. Therefore, we need to be extremely vigilant and jealous in the preservation of even the smallest traditions of our church. And since the bell tongues, it is a rather large and responsible region of church life, then it requires a serious relationship accordingly. But, as you know, the enemy does not sleep! His ringing bells is reminiscent of the fire, and he strives to destroy it with all their might, and if he does not succeed, then at least to disfigure.

According to this, in the conclusion I would like to wish, so that the ringing of real (!) Bells and anxious the world about the celebration of Orthodoxy appeared from our colollen!

Volodin Konstantin Viktorovich, Rockar, Church of the county in Moscow on the Don

Long thought whether to post this article on the site. It is devoted to the tragic events of the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, namely the irretrievable destruction of several hundred thousand sometimes unique church bells throughout Russia. Let this article be in the edification of descendants, because who does not know his past - there is no future ...

Until 1917, more than 1 million bronze bells called in Russia, whose total weight exceeded 250 thousand tons.

After the October coup in 1917, the church bells became especially hated by the new government. The bell tapping was considered harmful, and by the beginning of the 30s all church bells were silent. According to the Soviet law, all church buildings, equal to the bells, transferred to the disposal of local councils, which "proceeding from state and social needs, used them at their discretion." In 1933, at the secret meeting of the WTCIK, a plan for the billery of bell bronze was established. Each republic and the area received a quarterly scroll on the blank of bell bronze. For several years, planned procedure, almost everything was destroyed that the Orthodox Russia took care of several centuries.

The closure of more than 20 specialized bell production plants led to the loss of skills in this ancient craft, and professional knowledge, gathering in many generations of Russian founders, were forgotten. More workers worked in the city of Valdai - Brothers Usacheva and G.M. Andreeva, who in recent years have cast firefighters, station and fishing bells. By 1930 they stopped their existence and they.

So far, no one can say even approximately how many bells were destroyed over the years. Some of them died with the temples, others were destroyed intentionally, and some were intended "for the needs of industrialization." The bells disturbed by the famous masters for Ivan the Great, the Church of Christ the Savior, St. Isaac Cathedral, Solovetsky, Valaam, Simonov, Savvino-Storozhevsky monasteries, hundreds and thousands of temples, cathedrals, monasteries throughout the territory of the former Russian Empire. In 1929, a 1200-powder bell was removed from the Kostroma Assumption Cathedral. In 1931, many bells of Avenue Eviefimyev, the Risapoiensky, Pokrovsky monasteries of Suzdal were sent to the smelter. There was not a single bell in Moscow.

The tragic was the story of the death of famous bells of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - they were handed over to Rudmetaltorg (19 bells with a common weight of 8165 pounds). In his diary about events in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, the writer M. Sv'evin recorded the record: "I witnessed the death ... The Majestic Bells in the World of the Godunovsky era was dropped, - it was similar to the spectacle of the public execution."

Most church bells were destroyed. A small part of the bells presenting artistic value was recorded at the drug addict, which ordered them independently "on the basis of state needs." The other part of the seized bells was sent to large construction workers and Dneprostroy for technical needs (manufacturing boilers for dining rooms!). A peculiar use of part of Moscow bells was found in 1932. Metropolitan authorities. Of 100 tons of church bells, bronze burners were cast for the new Lenin Library building.

To eliminate the most valuable bells, it was decided to sell them abroad. "The most appropriate way out to eliminate unique bells is the export of them abroad and sell them there on a par with other luxury objects ..." - wrote an ideologist atheism of Gidulian.

So in the United States, at Harvard University, the unique bells of Danilov Monastery were. The unique bells of the Sretensky monastery were sold to England. A huge number of bells went into private collections.

The appraught 30-meter bell tower of the Simeon Sameon Simeon was demolished on the eve of the Patriotic War, as a possible landmark for raids by enemy aviation.

As with Stalin, the bells destroyed

After October 1917, church bells in Russia became the object of continuous attacks. Two factors operated against them - ideological and economic. One of the first Soviet decrees was prohibited by a notching ringing, to exclude the possibility of calling for speeches against the Bolsheviks. In the bells, atheistic power aimed at industrial and economic activity, saw the desired non-ferrous metal.

Already in 1919, the Executive Committee of the Kostroma City Council asked Moscow to allow the use of bells of nationalized monasteries for overflowing to boilers for canteens. In the mid-1920s, the Kostroma authorities have begun to implement their plan. In 1926, bells were removed in the Epiphany Monastery. At the same time caused significant destruction by architectural details of the bell tower. A little later, the bells of the famous Ipatiev Monastery lost almost all his bells. On the descent of the most severe of them, the bell tower was also injured. This is also professional professionals admitted to break through large bells right on the bell tower or even undermine them in pieces of small directed explosions.

At about the same time, the Pskov authorities remembered a number of oldest oldest bells at the Red Cell Factory. Among the destroyed bells of the beginning of the XVI century from Mozoan and the Sneto-Gorsky Monasteries, the Church of the Clement in Zaelyachye. Agents of Mos.rodzvetmet, which occupied the disposal of bells, demanded the removal of bells and with the bellsten Pereslavl-Zalessky, Assumption Monastery-Museum in Alexandrov.

The financial department of the Mossovet held his tentacles to the bells. It was this department that opened in the mid-1923 question of transferring the bells of liquidated churches to his disposal. Restorers, having learned about this, made a decision: "Do not object in principle against the removal of bells from structures, deprived of historical and artistic meanings, to recognize it necessary to coordinate each case separately." But the restorers could only protect the fact that they had in account. And as you know, in the restoration workshops and the Museum submissions, Mono never had lists of protected bells.

At the beginning of the atheistic bell tower, the base of loose bells was quite limited, for power could shoot them only with liquidated, that is, closed churches. But from the mid-1920s, wanted to get excited by church property, the central authorities and drug addicts began to economically stimulate the closure of churches. It was then that the ominous instructions of the Narkomfin units "On the procedure for the elimination of objects of religious cult", "On the procedure for the elimination of church property", and others, on which church items from precious metals were transmitted to Gokhran, and historical and educated values \u200b\u200b- in museums .

Unlightened items: bells, panicadyl, bronze lattices, candlesticks were supposed to be enrolled in the State Power and Implementation. A powerful stimulus to closing temples was that 40 percent of the amounts taken from the sale went to the local budget. Secret instructions were already allowed to destroy part of the cult property. It turned into a significant income article, which encouraged in turn strengthening atheistic policies, closing and broken churches.

In the fight against the bells, the addicts of justice and the internal affairs, the Investigations "on the procedure for using the bell tower" in the spring of 1926, the instructions on the procedure for using bell tower. No longer the church had the right of the bell tongue, and the local authorities received almost unlimited rights in its regulation. The instruction stateed that the ringing, often not related to the departure of the cult, "violates the normal administration of public law and order and is particularly decisively reflected in the life of urban settlements."

The instruction prohibited the commissioning of non-alarms "For convening a population in order to initiate it against Soviet power," the use of bells for the ring directly related to services in the days of great Christian holidays was also allowed - for Easter, Christmas. The production of a red ring with the use of a large bell was only allowed at Sunday and Festive Services. Finally, the instruction was reading: "When eliminating prayer buildings, the bell tower, the bell tower, or with the corresponding reorganization, adapt to fireproof observation points, water towers ..". The bell tower with bells were largely alienated from the still acting church, and the vintage traditions of the bell tongue were seriously undermined.

The congestion of the bells themselves came in 1928-1929. It was at this time that the church, its institutions, the priests collapsed the wave of repression, began a mass breakfast of temples. The case was aggravated by the fact that along with the militant atheists, the bells with the bells were trying to remove both business students. The country that announced an unrestrained, not provided industrialization, demanded a huge amount of non-ferrous metal. So ideologists-atheists, industry leaders, local authorities were interested in the speedy liquidation of temples, the disposal of church property, primarily bells.

It is impossible to teach about the role of organized atheists in the injection of anti-religious hysteria and the requirements of the widespread prohibition of the Iron and the removal of bells. The initiator of this action of the Union of Militors (SVB) was an inspirer and head of the Union E. Yaroslavsky. By making a report at the Executive Office of the Central Council of SVS "On the five-year plan of work of atheists" (1930), the main bootiness of the country with satisfaction was noted: "Several years ago we had a very timidly planned a program of combating bell tongue.

At the meeting of the anti-Religious commission, even with some resistance from the leading comrades, we conducted a decree that the law should be developed in the legislative procedure, according to which in places of large accumulation of workers and institutions, it is necessary to prohibit the bell ringing, but not finally, and leaving the bells of a certain small weight call into separate hours, prohibit the overall "red ring". Further, according to Yaroslavsky, the events went in such a way that this minimum program was rented by new facts of the requirements of whole cities - Kostroma, Arkhangelsk, Yaroslavl, Bryansk, Samara, Smolensk, where orders for removing all bells were made.

Inspired by the center, local authorities, labor collectives of factories, plants made decisions on the ban on the bell tower and handing the bells to the Industralization Foundation. Competing with each other, regional, urban, county and district authorities, even village councils made decisions on the termination of bell tongues and removing bells. The familiar to the Orthodox residents of Moscow, Ryazan, Vladimir, hundreds of other cities of Russia, the bell ringing of the Smallk at the turn of the two decades. In the VTCIK, there were even proposals for the termination of the bell tower throughout the Soviet Russia.

For 1928-1929, only 30 churches were closed in the Vladimir province, including in Vladimir - 9 temples. By the middle of 1929, with most of their bells, they already removed and handed over to the oretaltorgua on the overflow. "Over the past two or three weeks, I wrote some A. Sorokin with delight in the article" Vladimir Sleeping female "," several dozen bells were removed from the bells. A 500-powder bell flew with a crash and crashed into the ground ... Fast the built Koper raised the cargo 20-puddered "Baba", which inexorably biled 30- and 40-pound pieces. "

Similar paintings could be observed in other cities of Russia. The Chairman of the Yaroslavl City Council Vakhravet in early 1930 wrote the All-Union Strost: "On the initiative of the workers of the mass of the city of Yaroslavl, in front of the city council, the question was raised about the removal of church bells and their use for industry. The Plenum of the Yaroslavl City Council on the basis of numerous decisions and persistent requirements of the working masses on November 12, 1929 made a decision on the removal of church bells in the city and the transfer of them for the needs of the industry .. ". After a month and a half after that, the City Council Plenum repeatedly raised a question with a "categorical requirement of the removal of bells."

The regional and republican newspapers of the late 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s were filled with resolutions and decisions on the overflow of bells on the tractor and other objects of industrialization. There were also calculations in which the need to smear all the bells was substantiated, the real benefits of bell bronze were calculated. "Our gracefully growing industry," W. Shishakov wrote in 1930, "suffocates from the lack of copper." With an annual need for copper in 60 thousand tons, the author claimed, its mining is only 27 thousand tons.

It can be seen, Shishakov was strong in mathematics and calculated that there are about 250 thousand tons of bell bronze on the bell tones of Russia (at the rate of 5 to 6 tons on average for each church, which in the country of 45 thousand). Insignificant, according to the author, the city of Kashin could potentially give a large number of bells from its 36 churches, and only the two largest bells of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra would enrich the USSR industry at once almost 100 tons! True, Shishakov complained that "the echrical mass movement for the cessation of the bell tower that swept the USSR, not everywhere met decent support from local authorities."

But there were a lot of examples to which Soviet Russia should have "equalized". The Stalingradsky district was ahead, which passed 90 tons of bells at the end of 1929 (with 15 city churches) at the end of 1929. In combat and the Arkhangelsk City Council, which forbidden the bell ringing and an excited petition for the removal of bells (after a couple of years, the same city council will adopt the decision of the Cathedral and the construction of the Soviets at home). More promptly solved this problem by the Samara authorities, who, by mid-January 1930, removed the bells from all the temples of the city to make money (300 thousand) to build a palace of culture.

In 1929, the Publishing House "Atheist" released a circulation of 10 thousand copies of the book "Church bells in the service of tsarism magic". Although her author, a former professor of theology of V. P. Gidulov, gathered a rather large actual material on the history of bells, the book wore a purely atheistic character. The editors warned at the beginning of the book: "Every year the violent ringing is becoming all quieter and quieter. The time came when church bells should finally silence throughout the USSR land - unconditionally giving way to labor factories and factory hoards. Today's business, - indicated the unknown author of the preface, - it was the case of active atheists, according to our conviction, it should be the case of the transfer of a huge amount of valuable metal - bells (still working for the benefit of exploitative classes) - Blacksmiths of the decreed five-year plan, raising our Soviet Industry.

Gidulians offered their own methods for calculating the weight of all bells according to the provinces. He turned out to be unlike Shishakov demanding immediate overflow of bells, more adventurous. "The currency is even more expensive to us," wrote Gidulians, pointing out that in England and in other countries there are lovers of the ring, ready to pay well for the bells. "The most appropriate way out to eliminate unique bells is the export of them abroad and sell them there on a par with other luxury objects, art, etc.."

Well, not unique bells, according to Gidulanov, it was possible and put on the smelter, developing an electrolytic industry for this, which contributes to obtaining chemically pure red copper.

The prohibition of the bell tongue and the real pursuit of the bells became a sign of good tone. Recently beloved in Russia, the bells with their beautiful shape and sound turned into the objects of hatred and attacks. "The bells cause," V. Shishakov complained, "huge interference with the normal flow of classes in institutions, educational institutions, hospitals, etc. ... The bell tall ringing literally spreads the ears." The Bell Tallest began to suddenly interfere with hospitals, factories and factories, schools, leadership, and sometimes the teams of which began to complain about the admission of the Moscow Council. Each such complaint often led to the closure of the temple and the removal of bells.

The museum department of the drug addict in these unbearable conditions was constantly concession. If, in the circular of 1927, a combination of the bells of the XIX-XX centuries was allowed, then only individual outstanding bells were guarded with the permission of the Slavnyuki in 1930.

Russia catastrophically lost its bell richness quickly. Especially tangible were the withdrawal of bells from historical monasteries and temples of old cities. In 1929, a huge 1200-powder bell was removed from the Kostroma Cathedral and overflow it on the Tula Foundry Plant. In the summer of 1931, many bells of Spaso-Evfimyev, the Risapoensky, Pokrovsky Monasteries of the ancient Suzdal were transferred to the State Pelfon Commission of the Ivanovo Industrial Region. On the bell tents of these abode and parish temples were left only small bells of the XVI-XVII centuries.

The destruction of bells in Moscow often coincided with the destruction of the bells. In the 1920s, bells were removed and bells with a bells of the Kyaconospassky, Pokrovsky, Nikitsky monasteries who were followed.

One of those who tried to prevent the broke of Moscow bells and the destruction of the bells was the famous composer and a bell tower specialist K. K. Sarajev. This largest expert of all the bells and bells of Moscow and the Moscow region offered the authorities to preserve the bell tower and arrange bell concerts on them. "Bells," K. Sarajev wrote to Antiques, representing the greatest artistic and musical and scientific value, they could not be exposed to destruction under any kind. " Letters in defense of the bells K. Sarajev sent to Moskomunhoz; In the administrative department of the Mossovet.

Among the best on the sound of Moscow bells, the composer noted the bells of the Sretensky Monastery, on which he was often played. This is visible, annoyed by many responsible employees of drug addicts. One of them, N. S. Popov, a famous wrestler with Moscow Starina, wrote in 1927 to the Chairman of the Mossovet K. Ya. Uhanov: "In the courtyard just in this place, where this thoughts chapel stands, where cats and mice are walking, It is still a bell tower, where a crazy some professor wins various divine hymns on bells .. ". Popov's call with its in communist direct characteristics was understood, and in 1928 Moskommunham demolished the bell tower and the old buildings of the Sretensky Monastery. Wonderful bell sounds are preserved, though, the museum department of the drug addict.

One of the other, the high bell tower of the first-palist, who attached the unique appearance of the ancient capital was disappeared. After a short fight, the Moscow Council convinced the drug addresses to give one of the highest and slim collar - Simonov and Andronikov Monasteries on the layer. Almost equal to the height of Ivan the Great Majestic Bell Tower Simonov Monastery since 1835 was perfectly visible to everyone approaching the capital in Kursk and Ryazan Railways. In May 1929, the Slavnyuk agreed on the layer of this bell tower as "not having historical and archaeological meaning."

And after a week, the bells with this bell tower were booked for a special part of the State Funds. 11 bellites (including the greatest weighing in 1000, 750,300 pounds, etc.) were subject to delivery on a special act. Moreover, the largest bells treated the XVII century and had historical importance. At the same time, the price was determined - 15 rubles per poud (totaling more than 32 thousand rubles). In July 1929, the bell tapes were transferred to the oretaltorga, which was supposed to list the Museum submissions of Mono 60 percent of their value.

The nature of the destruction of the bells of Moscow was clear: the departments of the Mossovet received a huge amount of brick and building material. But the main thing, of course, was the bell bronze. After all, only the two largest bells removed from the Pyatnaya Bell Tower of Andronikov Monastery, they gave more than 1,200 poods of non-ferrous metal. Truly dramatic can be called events that happened in the largest Monasteries near Moscow. It seemed that the device in them in the first years of the Soviet government of historical and artistic museums should guarantee the inviolability of their wonderful ones the ringing of huge bells. But it happened just the opposite.

The museum business in the 1920s-1930s largely was deprived of budget financing and fed to special needs. A considerable part of these funds was made at the expense of the sale of the so-called "nomuser property", simply speaking the property of the monasteries consisting of the items of the XIX-XX, and sometimes the XVIII centuries. Such were the cynical requirements of financial authorities, reflecting the position of the state regarding the national heritage. We will harmonize this, unknown public, the page of the activities of financial bodies and museums of the time that the realization of church bells gave very tangible means.

Back in 1926, the Volokolamsky county Finotel "put an eye" on 16 bells of the Josepho-Volokolamsky monastery, among whom were 500-, 250 pudders, cast in 1712. In July 1929, among the utilized property, the first three bells weighing 133 crushed were commissioned. Further, the case went soon and by 1931 all monastic bells were transferred to the RudmetalTorga.

In January 1930, by order of district financial bodies and mono, the leadership of the Savvino-Zvenigorod artistic and historical museum began to organize the shooting of bells with a high old monastic bell tower. The removal was started on January 15 by the Oretaltorga. Big bells in order to avoid damage the bell tower were broken in place and reset. On Earth were fragments of the bells of the XIX century weighing up to 800 pounds. Despite the request of the museum to maintain a Kaesarian bell for the exposition of 1781, Rudmetlight took him. The bell tower was, however, a large bell of 1667 and a small hour 1636 was left up with his ring. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, with obscure circumstances, this big bell was destroyed and more than 2 thousand pounds weighing. In 1931, Rudmetaltorg took 750 kilogram. Bell from the former Savvin Skita.

An even more tragic was the history of the death of famous bells Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The bells on the majestic 87-meter Lavrian bell tower were struck by their magnitude and art of bell casting. The biggest - the king bell, cast in directions of Elizabeth in 1748 was the largest bell of Russia (after two Kremlin). Huge sizes and weight also had a Sunday or Karnahi Bell (1270 pounds), cast by famous F. Matoric in 1683 and called so for not had copper casting ears.

Polyel (Godunovsky) The bell weighing 1850 pounds was cast under Tsar Boris Godunov in 1650. The most old bell of the Lavrian bells was the bell of the Slavonic (winch) weighing 625 pounds of 1594 and a small 20-powder Nikonovsky, cast back in 1420 at the need of Nikon. Artistic and historical importance had small bells 1598, 1649, 1662, large memorial (1796), daily (Perepor) of 1780 and others. By order of Slavnyuki in mid-November 1929, the Museum workers of the Sergiev Museum with the Oremaltorga workers began to prepare a king bell and 6 other large bells with the exception of some of the most ancient.

The museum workers, however, did not agree to the destruction of the Resurrection Carnukhi) bell, cast in the XVII century. Enviable perseverance was shown by the leaders of the Moscow District Finotdel (Baryshev, Light), who demanded from the Slavnyuki removal and carnogo, justifying it and the fact that "in addition to the bell in the laurence there are 3 more bells of the late XVII century." Already at the end of November 1929, the head of the Museum submarine Mono Clabowansky gave the permission of the Rudmetaltorg to remove the carnogo.

For the death of the pride of Russia - the bells of the first in Russia, the monastery of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra watched many. Illustrated printed officials of the "Bedless" type, "Sleeve at the machine", "light" and others printed photographs of a low-spirited tapewood tsar-bell, as well as carnoup, Godunovsky and smiling winners on them. We give diary records of the writer M. Privina, former witness to this tragedy:

"On the 11th (January 1930) reset the carnogo. As the bell died in different ways. The big king, how big confessed to people in the fact that they would not do anything bad to him, gave him down on the rails and rolled with great speed. Then he buried his head deep into the ground. Crowds of children came to him and all these days were called in the edge of him, and inside the real children's room asked themselves. Karnowukhi seemed to felt unkind and was not given from the very beginning, it swings, it breaks the jack, then the tree cracks under it, the rope will turn around. And on the rails of faith reluctantly, he was dragged with cables ... when he fell, he broke into smits. It scolded terribly, suddenly everything disappeared: still lying in his place the king bell and in different directions from him on white snow felt quickly shards of Carnukh. "

Even more struck M. Privina Death of Godunovsky Bell, discarded from the bell tower at the end of January 1930, Svhavin saw the death of a non-giant piece of metal in this act, and an animated personality. At the end of 1930, the writer made a record in the diary: "The anniversary of the destruction of Sergievsky bells is approaching. It was very similar to the spectacle of the public execution. " And earlier, he wrote to the editorial board "October": "A month ago I was a witness to the death of the rarest, even the only musical instrument in the world of the shooting bell tower: the greatest bells of the Godunovsky era were reset. It was no expediency in the sense of the material: 8 thousand pounds of bronze could be dial from ordinary bells. From the point of view of anti-religiousness, the act can not be justified, because the bells at the dawn of human culture were not churches, but the public .. ".

But "gloomy fanaticism", which, according to M. Svavina himself, lives in the hearts of many representatives of the authorities, was no longer possible to stop. In the archives of Mono, a handwritten list of 1930-1931 was preserved, the summary of the anti-colleagol company stage. According to this list, the RudmetalTorgua eventually passed from the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra 19 bells weighing 8165 poods, and only small bells of 1420, 1598 and 1649 and others were left in the monastery of the Sergiev Museum, and others. This document said that Passionate, Volokolamsky monasteries were removed all the bells.

In the famous Resurrection Novoierusalem Monastery, all the bells were eliminated, with the exception of one XVII century. Only the Moscow Don and Novodevichy monasteries were only preparing for the hand of the bell tannius to the voracious moloh of the Socialist Industry. By the way, the bells were only part of the utilized monastery property among the total flow in the form of panicadiles and candlesticks, church silver vessels, gold-plated domes, iconostasis and creeks, numerous church closures, covers, and so on.

Unlike museums, monasteries, devastated in 1929-1930, the process of eliminating bells of parish temples in Moscow and other regions of Russia stretched over a number of years. But everywhere the period of the end of the first - the beginning of the second five-year plan was fatal for most of the bells of Russia.

Moscow, perhaps, suffered the most terrible losses, since it was on the Moscow bell tents that there were many large vintage sheedy legends of bells. Only in 1928-1930, about 80 temples were liquidated, whose bells were soon overclit. And in the early 1930s, 35-50 temples were closed annually in the capital. But from each eliminated temple, the business studies exported several tons of bells and non-ferrous metal in the form of candlesticks, panicadiles, khorugway, foaders, bronze lattices, and so on. Some famous Moscow temples immediately gave a huge amount of bell bronze. So, with a closed in 1929, the church of Ascension on Big Serpukhov, 14 bells were removed weighing more than 17 tons, from the famous large Zamoskvoretsky temple of St. Catherine, the Rudmetaltorga agents were taken out of the bells with a total weight of more than 21 tons, closed in 1930 by the Church of Alexy Metropolitan on the Communist Street " Gave "more than 10 tons of bell bronze, etc.

Specialists from restoration workshops tried to defend from the destruction of at least the most wonderful bells. In 1931, when recycling the bells of the Church of the Trinity in Nihniki, restorers managed to persuade the leave three small bells (from 9) XVII century. But when in the summer of 1931, the question arose about the fate of 11 bells with the ornament of the mid-XVIII century, who were on the bell tower of the Zlatoust monastery in Moscow, the restorers were quite calmly given "good" to their disposal.

However, not all the bells went to the smelting. People's Commissarfin probably listened to the recommendations of prof. Gidulanova on the benefits of selling unique bells abroad. "Recently, the mono leaders in 1931 indicated, the requirements for the bells on the part of the antiques of the Gosthorga appear. The requirement needs to be supported. "

That is why it was in 1930-1931, a set of bells (about 400 pounds) of the Sretensky Monastery was saved in 1930-1931. Then the Museummer themselves recommended to transfer this set to one of the opera theaters or antiques. Apparently, then Sretensky bells on which he loved to play K. Sarajev, and were sold to England, and their wonderful ringing can be heard today in Oxford. By the way, due to the activity of a number of theaters in the acquisition of bells, several of these wonderful monuments were safe.

Recently, it was the academic arts theater that returned the bell, seized in the early 1930s with a high bell tower of the Old Believer Rogozhsky cemetery. A large theater claimed the most large 16-ton bell of this bell in 1933. However, when theatrical plants were noticed, they were bypassed the Dynamo Electric Machinery, the director of whose director of the Cultural Commission of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences to give them this bell. "I have managed by me," I wrote the director of the plant, - it is before the complete threat of a breakdown of the February program due to the lack of non-ferrous metals for the production of bronze castings on a variety of urgent and especially important orders (bronze inserts to the Motor Motors of the Sururant Pass, Motor Inserts for Electric Motors Plants of ferrous metallurgy, bronze crowns for worms of electro-holders for equipment of ships, etc.) "What was the church bells in the years of accomplishment of great utopia compared to liners, bronze crowns and worms of electro holders! Apparently, this 16-ton bell shall divided the unenviable fate of thousands of Moscow bells.

But something we managed to capture the large theater. In August 1932, the Bulk Commission of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences decided to convey "to temporary and free use" 21 bells with a total weighing of 421 PUD from the temples located in the German market, at the Kursk railway station and Lubyanski.

A very peculiar use of part of Moscow bells was found in 1932, when the drug addresses of the RSFSR appealed to the Russian Academy of Sciences, with a request to provide him with the possibility of using 100 tons of church bells 8 churches for casting bronze burners when finishing a new Library building name V. I. Lenin. As you know, this new building with a special decree of MK WCP (b) and the Mossovet was recognized as shock and was to end the 16th anniversary of October, and the parade of its Mokhovaya Street Corps by May 1, 1933 in the 20s of August 1932, the Commission According to the cults of cults (Smidovich, Orleans), he applied to the Secretariat of the Presidium of the VTCIK with the support of the request of the drug addict.

In the archive of the Commission on Cold Affairs, a copy of the Secret Agenda of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Central Executive Committee of September 5, 1932, in which is recorded: "2 The petition of the drug addresses of the RSFSR on the possibility of the opportunity to use for the implementation of bronze cores when finishing and facing the building of the USSR of the USSR Bells from the buildings of the Churches of Moscow: Jacob on Yakovlevskaya, Nikolai in Kuritskaya, Nicholas in Klenniki, Resurrection and Assumption on Ostozhenka and Nicholas on Students " . It is not known whether this agenda was considered at the meeting, but the burners soon appeared in large quantities and who knows it is quite possible that silent images of great global cultural figures are cast from ringing Moscow bells.

Bells became beloved "delicacy" for local authorities, drug addicts and departments. In the early 1930s, he was almost lost control over this process, which caused anxiety even in the Commission on the Cold Affairs, which signed by its Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee P. Smiddovich sent in May 1933 to the places of Circular "on the issue Control of bell tower and removal of bells .. ". In the circular, great mistakes admitted to this area were recognized. The commission worried that local bodies allow the seizure of bells to be free before the decision of the higher authorities. "This most valuable type of metal, instead of enrollment in the GOSFOND and transmission, metal was often used by local authorities at his discretion." The circular was envisaged in a three-month period to take into account all the bells throughout the RSFSR.

This was preceded by a secret meeting on May 26, 1933, the Commission on Cults at the Presidium of the WTCIK, attended by the ideologists of atheistic policy: Smidovich, Krasik, Oshkeuk (Union of Militant Sugurizians), etc., as well as representatives of the Narkomfin, Metal Trust. The main issue of the agenda was the definition of the order of the billets of bell bronze. The decision was very eloquent: "Allow the commitions of the cults of the associations of the ASSR, the Church and regional executives to transfer through special parts under the state fundammetal in accordance with its plan of execution of the ruling of a hundred dated May 14 of this year about the workpiece of bell bronze in the amount of 6300 tons in 1933 and in particular about the workpiece In the second quarter of 2300 tons (out of total) bells of prayer buildings in areas where the bell ringing is being prohibited. " From now on, the issues of the prohibition of the ring were solved by the district and city executives with the subsequent approval of the Cultaxi.

This solution and compiled on its basis the circular actually endured the death sentence with church bells. Each republic and region, depending on the recorded bell bronze, received annual and quarterly sprinkle on the billery of bell bronze. As it really was implemented in life, you can trace the example of Moscow. Already in the middle of 1933, the Presidium of the Mossoveta and the City Executive Committee, having heard the May decision of the Cultcommission, decided: "Allow to transfer to the metal through a special part of the State FundammosmoshFinTeel, according to the ruling of a hundred dated May 14, 1933. 252 tons of bell bronze with churches in Moscow, where the bell ringing stopped According to the attached list. "

The list contained 20 Moscow temples, doomed to parting with their bells. So, from the temple of Vasily Kaesarian on Tverskaya, 45 tons of bells, Adrian and Natalia on the Meshchanskaya - 16 tons, Nikita on Karl Marx - 15, the resurrection on a small armor - 25, the resurrection at the Vagankovsky cemetery - 15 tons, etc. Responsibility for the fulfillment of the resolution was assigned to the Commissioner of the People's Commissariat under the Moss Council Lebenchenko.

For several years, almost everything was destroyed by the planned order, the Orthodox Russia was thrown out for several centuries. At the very beginning of the 1930s, more than 100 bells were sent to the foundry furnaces with the collagen of ancient Novgorod, the same fate suffered almost half the bells of the Moscow Kremlin. In the Moscow region and everywhere in other areas, special brigades for the shooting of bells who had "stripping" maps attached to them were sent. He led the state trust for the preparation and processing and supply and supply of scrap metal ("Metal"), the main office of which was located in Moscow on Ogarev Street.

But not everywhere, the removal and breakdown of the bells took place calmly and painlessly, as evidenced by hundreds of complaints who came to the VTCIK from the believers of all Russia. Often, the removal of the bells was similar to the described believers with. Resurrection in October 1933, when the chairman of the local village council stating that he did not consider it necessary to make a decision on the shooting of bells, got to the bell tower with the invited master, "interrupted all the bells on the part and folded into a bunch, the partial parts were not taken and so far."

Sometimes such holy ending ended with tragedies. So, on the report and. about. Deputy. Prosecutor. The RSFSR Kupriyanov on June 29, 1937 on the prescription of the Gusevsky district executive committee of the Ivanovo region of the Brigade of the working regional "colorlomaloloma" launched the bells from the church of the village of Gubuzovo. According to the prosecutor, a crowd of 300 people gathered at the church, who selected the tools from the working workers, defeated and insult to the Chairman of the village council Kigovov, called Nabat, sent to the messengers to other villages. The authorities arrested 6 people, of which five were women. But most of all outraged the prosecutor, the fact that the next day in this village church there was a miracle - several lamps were spontaneously lit.

The Ivanovo region, like other regions of the Russian Center, was thus cleaned by that time. Thus, on the report of the secretary of the Ivanovsky Regional Executive Committee to Moscow, the remainder of bell bronze was determined by the region in 1 thousand tons.

After those terrible events, eight decades have passed, but the tragedy of the voted voice of Orthodox Russia will have to affect the revived church life. You can restore the destroyed buildings of the temples in photos, to make panicadiles, lamps and fonts, finally, it is possible, probably throwing out the bells outwardly resembling old ones. But the main thing in the bell is his ringing, and before our time, neither the records of the ZVN (did not do them then) nor many subtle secrets of masters who attached the bells with a unique sound, born from believers a reverent and reverent attitude to the temple and service .

In antiquity, with epidemics and terrible morah, indigestible and other disasters, they were prescribed continuously call to church bells. For a long time, it was considered ordinary prejudices. Recently, the results of scientific research were published in the press, according to which the timbre and the frequency of the bell tower affects the whole world around us. It was long ago it was noticed that his lower animals were afraid: mice, rats, a number of insects. Without making this sound, many disease carriers run away from the bell tower and settlement. The cleansing sound of Blagoves and the sober has a good impact on people. It was not by chance that his ancestors loved him so much.

Paradoxes Curriched our story - 80 years ago, Stalin destroyed the church, and now they are among us those who bow and pray to him as God.

Isn't that blasphemy?

"When Bells beat" - from diaries M. M. Svavina

The name "When the bells beat ..." is written by hand Prvision on a box with hundreds of preserved negatives. At this time, Privhanin lived in Sergiev Posad (renamed during the destruction of bells to the city of Zagorsk). Every day the writer fixed in the diary everything was happening in those days in the Lavra. The proposed excerpts are taken mainly from the 1930 diary, which is currently preparing for printing in full.


November 23. The teacher who visited the Trinity Lavra with the excursion, said at the form of the "Trinity" of Rublev's disciples: "Everyone says that paints are surprisingly preserved on this icon, but paints on cigarette boxes on oil are much brighter."

The crowd of some ugly people surrounded the relics pre. Sergius, silently looking at the bones under the glass, finally alone said:

- Nimname!

And all upgraded.

With whatever pleasure at this time, I spent a thin black machine string and truncated to the skull at least a little glance. To see how to rush in the madness of the monkey. I would not deceive them to collect copper penny with them, as I did a monk, and dismiss for each service from the church to decorate the monastery. I would only close them so that they, apply to the inaccessible and incomprehensible, had fear ...


November 22. The laurel is removed by the bells, and that in 4,000 pounds, the only one in the world, will also go to the running. Pure villain, and it is impossible to interfere with anyone and somehow indecent: too many lives are lying daily, so that the bell can be defended ...

12 December. Now they are sharply designated two understanding of life. One thing is all in the industrialization of the country, in five-year plan and tractor columns, they are deeply confident that if you manage to organize peasants to the teams, get bread, and then everything else necessary for life, that's all. And so they live them, sometimes, when they are visiting that they have not been such a great team anywhere in the world, they come straight into delight.

Other all of this bread and tractor team do not give any difference, they do not even make it difficult to think about the essence of the case. Their on the shudders leads the appearance of a broken porch in the Trinity, dropped on the land of the bell, the cinema in the church and the rest of the rest, compulsory for all citizens of wormless and, in general, this is the highest achievement, industrial extraction of bread from the ground ... Let! - They think, - essentially in (- illegible), but since it is opposed to defiantly love (bread instead of love), the one becomes hostile: something like the temptation of Satan ...

December 25th. Let the Christmas abolish, how much they want, my Christmas is eternal, because I don't clean the tree with a tiny, and the frost is trying. At the sunrise, birch edges, like a frost with a cheek to the sun, became, and they began to decorate him: no words are not conveyed, how birch edges were frightened, how many brightness ... trail of the triumphant.


4 January. She showed Pavlovna yesterday the bell, with a close viewing today noticed that Catherine was great, and Peter the first small noses on the bas-relief images were drunk: it was probably mocking workers when another bell hung. The most gravity of this thought is about our wealth in art: once "be or not to be" industry, then why not to pull out Rembrandt on bearings. And let's get down like drinking, everyone will feel better. Pavlovna said: "The people of the manure, all the beauty will be sold."

1) How we closed the church.

2) ... - Let's go, we, too, when you die, will look and go.

3) - When did it drop it? - At night, at 12 o'clock.

4) - How raised! Reset - technique, any specialists, but how, fools, raised.

Pop: - Empty! There is no language. - Well, so what ... - What? - Yes, you said that I just fell and there was nothing: where it will take if there is no language: the devoid of ...

6th January. Christmas Eve. Believers to Christmas came surprise. Conquered them. Differed many boys. A defective person came out and said a speech against Christ. Street boys rejoiced, laughing, believers were silent: they were scary to say for Christ, because their whole life depends on the cooperative, the bread will stop out and cover! After speech, its defective person offered to close the church. Believers and (Code) -kone vintage: Tarasiha and others were silent. And so it happened that the believers left themselves without Christmas and the church closed. Hearts sick, stomachs are hungry and constant thought in the head: sooner or later will drive in the team.

January 8. Yesterday, languages \u200b\u200bare reset from Godunov and Carnukh. Carnouth on jacks. On Friday, he will be thrown to the king in order to break it. They say, the old rhoder came here, attached to the bell, said goodbye to him: "Goodbye, my friend!" And gone like drunk.

There was some other old man, as I saw, I did not look at anyone, said: "Sukina children!" Everywhere sins authorized by the GPU. His impassivity. And, in general, the type of such a purely state person is planned: he is up to you, as a person, there is no way. Cold, inexorable creature.

The conversation about the casting of bells, about the ways of raising, about the time of casting and the device of the bell tower, and everything lie, although the date of the bookmark of the building under Anna Ioanovna in 1741 is right above the head in 1741 and ending with Catherine in 1769. "Everybody is lying, no one remembers anything right now," one woman graduated.

January 9. On the bell tower, it is working on the removal of the carnogo, it is very bad, it gives back, swinging, swear ropes, two jacks crumpled, the work is dangerous, and it was a little risky to remove the work. Big bells, cables, winches seed children. Inside the bell, you are full of guys, from morning to night the bell rings ... From time to time, in the span, from where the bell fell, there is t. Litvinov and Russian swearing, but somehow Latvian is shamelessly and brutally swears on the guys. Speaks say: beats in big bells and with a chime.

January 15. The 11th dropped the carnogo. As the bell died in different ways. Big, the king, how big confessed to people in the fact that they would not do anything thin to him, sank to the rails and rolled at a huge speed. Then he buried his head deep into the ground. Crowds of children came to him, and all these days were called in the edge of him, and inside the real children's room asked themselves.

Karnowukhi seemed to felt unkind and was not given from the very beginning, it swings, it breaks the jack, then the tree cracks under it, the rope will turn around. And it was reluctant to the rails, it was dragged with cables ...

With his huge form, a suitable large king, he was very thin: his 1200 pounds were cast in almost the form of the king in 4000. But when he fell, he was crashed. It was terribly flashed and suddenly everything disappeared: the king bell was still lying in his place, and quickly fragments of Carnukh were fled to different directions from him on white snow. I was not seen from the back of the king, that a huge piece flew off from him.

The watchman approached me and asked why I am in the window, and not with young people in the yard.

"Because I replied that there was dangerous there: they are young, they are not scary and not sorry for their lives.

- True, the watchman answered, youth a lot, and we, old men, you need to extend your life ...

"Why, I was surprised by the ridiculous turnover of thoughts."

"To see, he said, what they all end, they did not know what was, they are not interested, but we want to compare, we need to extend."

Suddenly, the foolish cries of operators were completely accuming, and only squealing of winches was heard when cable sinking. Then the depth of the span was completely filled and from the sky on the side left only to give out the shape of the huge bell. Gone, went! And he slowly moved along the rails.

January 16. Examined the museum. Two women did the view that we consider the relics pre. Sergius, as suddenly one crossed himself and only her lips touch the glass, suddenly the unging power communist sharply shouted: "It is impossible!".

They told that one woman from Moscow did not look at the ban, applied and prayed on his knees. She had documents and deprived the rooms in Moscow.

How much the best strength was spent in 12 years of struggle on the protection of historical monuments, and suddenly defeated the enemy, and everything flew it all: throughout the country now there is a destruction of cultural values \u200b\u200band living organized personalities.

Is the revolution always accompanies the pogrom ("Lost Grab")?

The strongest central government and the undoubted power of the Red Army is all the "Ergosum" of the team of Soviet Russia. A person absorbed in this, of course, may seem funny our tears about the death of cultural monuments. Little monuments in the world! Stop! And the truth, tomorrow millions of people, perhaps, will remain without a piece of bread, is it worth it seriously grieving about the death of monuments?

Here to horror with collective farms!

January 17. Not wonderful that the villain appeared, they at least a pond of a pride! - And that it was enough to appear and name the house of scientists with a counter-revolutionary institution so that all Moscow began to talk about the closure of the house of scientists. In all likelihood, the current atrocities regarding the monuments of art have the same origin.

January 19. All day, he finished the pictures of the bell. "Destroy the temple of this" .... On some 30 miles, and my bell will call all over the land, in all languages. But ... This is "but" and puts in the topic: what should my word should be, what would sound like a bronze!

All this time, the winch raised the high language of the Big Bell and threw it on a piece of carnogo and large, crushed and shipped. And continuously from morning to night people came and repeated: it is difficult to omit, but how was it?

The inside of our big bell, under which we live, was filled with fog: the bell tower could be seen, but the metal risks of winches, controlling the movement of a large bell, on the way along the roof, with which he should fall out today ...

Here on the courtyard is folded the pioneer of birch firewood, made for our heat from once alive birches. We now traveled them, and in this warm, multiplying, moving somewhere forward ("We" - human genus). Just like firewood, and electricity, and the whole technique becomes more complicated, because we breed. And so we live, creating out of all the lives for your reproduction. And, of course, if you give a complete will to the state, it will return us to the state of bees or ants, that is, we will all work in the state conveyor, each separately, without understanding anything in general. While all the worldridge, except for the government, is prohibited, the time will come when they will simply laugh. Everyone will be quite satisfied with their business and recreation.

That is why a big bell was broken: he was the circle of horizon and the ringing of him ... (not completed).

The tongue of the carnoy was burned and dropped back three years ago, the bell lips are inhibited by jacks.

Argus 1913 No. 8. Essays Zarina "Bell".

More Egyptians and Assyrians "The ringing convened praying in the temples." And for 200 l. to R.X. Historians give an accurate description of bells in modern meaning. In China, Japan, India - 4000 years before R.X.

In zap. Europe began bells in the VII century.

In London 850 PUD. - The biggest, except for the Cologne "Great Silence" in 1312 p. (Unsuccessful).

In Russia, the first mention of 1066

In the XVI century in Rostov "Blagovetnik" 1000 p.

End of the XVII century. In Rostov, Metropolitan Ion Sysoevich - Passionate Revenue of the Bell True - In 1689, he cast the famous 3 Rostov bells: "Sysh" 2000 powder, "Polyeligne" 1000 p. And the weekday "Swan" 500 p.

Trinity Serg. - At the end of the XVII century. Mold in 3319 p. And in 1746, Elizabeth overflows and ext. Up to 4000 p. ("Tsar") Godunov - 1850 and "Kirinotsky" 1275 p.

In Moscow on the ring. Ivan the Great "Uspensky" - 3355 p. 4 f.

Fortress Smart "Collected Slans" and taught Zvalje.

January 23. All Sunday and Monday burned a fire under the king, - to excite the earth, and the bell fell on the edges of the edges closer to the place of the alleged fall of Godunov. Workers on the bell tower built a cage under Godunov.

January 24th. The rarity is great: a sunny day. The king was spread and restped the jack. On Sunday, count to leave Godunov.

Images of religious thought, which replaced the philosophical language when performing the Testament: "Sedha, teach all nations", now dropped like a deception. "Conscious" people are consistent if the bells are broken. Slap of objection from the point of view of the protection of monuments of arts.

Another person on his business, in terms of lifestyle is a devotee and a real hero, but if you touch His consciousness, then it is purely mouse: inside his greatest current anxiety and willingness to give way to even God, just to keep being on this path, which from the outside it seems to us heroic .

We traveled in the evening at the drive to Kozhevnikov.

- Does it live badly? I asked the cab driver.

"Very bad, he answered, distilled into the team.

"Not everyone is bad from this," I said.

- Yes, not everyone, only better.

After a while he said:

- You can wait for good for our grandchildren, they remember anything of our, as we suffered, will not.

"Will be happy," I said, "and they will not remember our torment, what happy pigs!" The cab driver understood me and said with a laugh:

- It turns out, we suffer for happy pigs. (By the way, - this is why the power and the cross).

Growing unreleased Russia.

Something terrible gradually reaches our philistine consciousness, this is that evil can remain completely impunity and the new journal life can grow on the corpses of the tortured people and created by their culture without memory of them.

Workers said it was decided to leave 1000 pounds on bell tower. "Swan" will remain? - We do not know, said 1000 pounds remain.

- And Nikolsky?

Nothing was answered by the workers, in the minds of them and other destroyers the name was tone in the glows.

- Orthodox? - I asked.

"Orthodox," he replied.

- It was not difficult for the first time to break the bell?

"No," he replied, "he walked behind the elders, and then they went.

And he said that the fee on the artel 50 kop.c Pouda and earnings are 8 1/2 r. in a day.

He spoke with the workers about Godunov, I asked if it would not be dangerous to stand (HRZB.) On the roof. - No, they said, it's not even dangerous. - But when you turn out of the span on the rails, it can not he here on the side ...

- No, workers answered, from the span on the rails we will spend it like a ram.

The bells, anyway, like power, and all other images of religious thought are destroyed by anger of deceived children. Such a great need to be easy ...

The 25th of January. Winch and polyspastami Turn the king so that the broken part came up. This in order for Godunov to land just in this lilt and the king burst out.

Zhugun definitely said that "winches" and with him two more third-party bells remain.

And this is true that the king, Godunov and Karnahi hung near and were defeated by the fall of one to another. So the Russian state was broken by a discord. Some console themselves what will happen better. It's like talking about an old bell, cast Godunov that from molten pieces of his bronze will cast collective farm cars and beautiful statues of Lenin and Stalin ...

At first one old woman rose to my window, probably some kind of lifetime. I spoke in vain, that it is dangerous that the old man has no reason and look at it. She remained, because such a meaningless old woman should be at all death, a man, anyway as a bell ... Another woman joined her, the watchman himself, children right with sled, and they began to have a ritual expectation At Easter at night, the first strike of the bell, arrival of the bishop or ...

About the king of the old woman said:

- Large how easy it was! - Easy, and the land still trembled. - Well, not without, because four thousand pounds. The plaster fell down, as fell, and went, how easy, as well!

The old woman was also told about the big bell, as someone: Ivan, Mitrofanych as well as well!

Then about the carnauchom: I see: goes, goes, goes, goes, goes! And there is no it, there is nothing at all, and only the black shards are running on the white snow, like mice.

I heard singing, it was to guard the detachment of recruits, entered and began near the Trinity Cathedral with singing: I will die for it!

Workers went down from the bell tower to the winches. The door passed something that understands the museum employees. When winches raced, one of them said:

- thunder and, it can be seen, does not give in ...

- Still, answered another, - after all, this sixteenth century is dragging.

- Long something, - the old woman sighed, - here too, the carnogo hours were waited. Well, easily big went: did not have time to become, we look, goes like a steam locomotive.

It seemed working and began to lubricate the ridges.

- Barani lard boil!

- In any case, you will not fit, it will not go.

-Yes, big something flew, and how cool!

- Will you do again?

- Bell?

- No, what bells, what's! I'm talking about the steps on the bell tower, whether they will do them.

- Stairs ... what are them!

-As, how easy it was big. I feel sorry for me. Worked, tried.

With a mockery, someone answered:

- And here they try, and here work. After us, we will recycle again, and after them again, so life goes.

- Life, of course, goes, only grandparents are told granddaughters, and so we will tell them what the bells we saw.

After a break in work, when everything, as it were, I stopped and time stopped, from the door of the bell tower there was a burn with a portfolio and all workers behind him. On the bell tower there was one lev-photographer. The burner with the workers retired to the crowd, gave a signal, the winches trembled, the cables stretched and suddenly fell down: it meant, the bell (- illegible.) And went himself.

"Now it will seem!" Said me from behind.


It seemed. And so quiet, so reluctantly walked, somehow suspiciously. Behind him, burning, smoked on the rails. By clicking the shutter at the moment when he, having lost the rails under him, began to lean, I fastened myself from the fragments, leaned back for the cant of the window. The hum was mighty and long. After that picture below appeared, as before: still lay a baked king, and only on a huge piece, puddles in three hundred, steps of fifteen of the king, one could guess that it was from Godunov who crashed into pieces.

Big gave a new crack. They tried to break his blocks with a polyspaster, but nothing came out ...

So he graduated from his life in 330 years in the sad bell, whose sounds in the pose were used to connect with misfortune, death, etc. According to Popov, it was the fact that the first-May memorial service served in Godunov and, of course, called this bell.

(In the fields): My friend, what kind of trifles, it is not the fact that it was cast during Godunov, many of us the beginning of our spiritual organization received with Godunov - what Godunova! Through the creations of Ellini from Eldla and from Egypt and our blood, rising (- illegally) runs from a primitive person.

Many of us, too, the bells are very sonorous and in the fall of the bell (- inaudible) and are going to their own death.

The motive is tedious, tediously repeated: how many pounds, and how raised, and memories of those bells that fell.

The working winches raised the Language of the Big Bell and threw it from the height to the king. The stop thoughts bounced like a ball. Summaries were in vain waited for the wreckage.

In the next tier after the logs of cables, where there was no king, carnouch and Godunov, we gladly saw a lot of bells, it was all those that were told: - "There remains a thousand pounds."

It was, above all, a Slavonic Bell Swan ("Winches"), hanging in the middle, and part of the "splashes bells". In the Western span, one bell remained (out of four). It is hoped that it remained the famous "Wonderworkers of the Bell", cast by Igumen Nikon in 1420. Two, one of them Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich remained in the northern span.

With great difficulty, we removed the upper ages. In a frosty day, a windless, smoke from the pipes white sought to heaven and closed a lot.

January 30. How surprisingly yesterday both of my topics agreed: 1) the revolutionary destruction of the shrine of the unfortunate people and 2) a bearish-toy from the height of the bell tower we saw the ring of the people surrounding the representation of Mary Petrovna.

January 31. Zhugun with a crushing told Levele about his mistake: he reported on the difficulty of removing the "Swan", and then it turned out, "Swan" one of the oldest bells, and decided to keep it.

Heado was to cooke him on the bell tower, said Zhugun, "and then prove.

These are all the techniques. The same and (- inseparable) and leva would be the same, if not for my influence, and I, do not be talent.

February 3rd. The tragedy with the bell is because the tragedy is that everything is close to the very person: True, the bell, at least Godun, was like a personal phenomenon of copper, it was just copper, mass, and then this mass is represented by a form of sounding, say straight, personality, The only bell in the world is Godunov, now back returned to natural alloy. But even nothing, it is in the world, it happens, even civilized nations are melted. It is terrible in this a certain principle - like indifference to the form of personal being: served copper bell, and now it took, and it will be a bearing. And the worst thing when you translate: "You will say, the writer Svarvin, you are engaged in fairy tales, tell you to write about collective farms."

February 6. Two ruined, collapsed ass, what were, in panic fear fled from the Alexandrovsky county. At the station Berendevo, they came from the train, they crushed, changed clothes into some kind of rubble and then continued their way to Sergiyev. It was used to be refuge to all such people. But now there is nothing, and even the name has changed his trinity. Now it is Zagorsk.

February 7. We went with the left to the Lavrian bath. On the way, the remains of the bells were seen: several debris of the king and the big, puddles in the 300 piece of Godunov, which flew off 15 steps.

The university, they say, turns into polytechnic, and this, "Generally speaking," it is quite clear: our revolution has not been considered a revolution from the very beginning of scientists and so gradually after 12 years she turned into equipment and scientists in the special service. It was the benefit-go-thieves to science even at the Pop Mishki Christmas: engaged in local history and ancient. Now Pop Bear Christmas serves in RudmettretRest, engaged in the mining of non-ferrous metal from bells and no longer pop bear christmas, and Tov. October.

I personally long ago broke up with a scientific "mineosament", but I retained respect and now I preserve scientists and their independence from the influence of a multi-troubled life. Undoubtedly, especially with us, scientists corporation was a certain large social and political force. Now she dreamed to the foundation and scientists became simply technicians.

And space is seized from the Academy. It is high time! Spectral analysis is a venerable method for a technique, but it is the opponent of space.

What will bring with you a new young man on the side of the abyss, divided us with the dream of love to neighbor in the church covenants and with a cute humanism of science?

The battle of Narva (1770) in 1701 unheard of measure - 1/4 of the bells to select. At the end of 1701, 8,000 poods were mined.

2nd of March. (Cut from the newspaper): "What is this: the political leadership of the collective farm or the policy of its decomposition and discredit? I'm not talking about those with the permission to say, "revolutionaries", which the work of the organization are starting with the removal of bells. Remove the bells - think what revolutionary! " (Stalin. Recommendation, March 2, 1930)

Yesterday, an order was printed that in secondary schools did not torment the children of the devoid of dryers. So sharply allocated these lines among narrow-eyed, that all this was noticed, and everyone spoke about it. This was so strangely added that they would like to cancel the five-day for March 15. In the air smelled to turn: the gods were saturated with blood. True, today the article of Stalin "dizziness from success", in which he himself is against himself. Hardly a policy had ever reached such cynicism: the truth is how to watch it, if, for example, giving an order to destroy bells, after a while when the bells are broken, began to resent on those who broke them.

In institutions, in the editorial board, in the shops are sleepy, empty and somehow dusty, everywhere the remains of something, trash. Yes, apparently, there is nowhere to go ...

March 12th. After the manifest, the situation is determined: immediately jumped up the prices for village products, it means that the man began to sell (in favor of himself), and not sell in view of collectivization. And, noticeably, many stopped thinking about the war, which is likely, and more correctly: there will be no war. How many cuts are cut, in which the country cost this incorrect step of the government, the experience of urgent forced collectivization. They say, not to restore in two years. And in the field of culture, the destruction of the entire 12-year work of the intelligentsia to preserve the monuments of art?

March 16. A.N. Tikhonov (I'm talking about him, because he, bazaarov - the name of them Legion) Everything is unreasonable in politics contemptuously calls "dullness." This word is used at all and all the highest communists when they give vital examples of their incorrect, cruel politics. I remember, still Kamenev on my report about everyday crimes answered calmly, that in our government everything is reasonable and humane.

- Who is to blame? - I asked.

"So the people are," said Kamenev.

Now the same thing, all terrifying crimes of this winter are not to policy leaders, but to gibbats. And people like Tikhonov, bazaars, bitter, even abstract than the government, their hands are chisty not only from blood, but even from Bolshevik portfolios ... For them, the highest bar of Marxism, the gaps are already Stalins ... Their faith, support - Mind and science.

These Filiques are not suspected that they, who, tanned their heart, the walls of the Marxist "Mind" and the scientific class struggle are the true culprits of "dullness".

They despise the government, but they are sitting near him and nothing else will want. Here Yesenin hanged himself and topics saved many poets: they began to be afraid to touch them. Offer these disassens together to burn, as Russian people burned for faith. "Why burn? - They will ask, - all the principles we have very good, there is nothing more to want: does the collectivism itself be bad, or the Industrialization is not needed? Protection of motherhood, childhood, poor - Is it all bad? What to burn? "

It was probably so in the era of Nikon: the correction of liturgical books was quite reasonable, but at the same time under the pretext of the overall face of rationality there was a substitution of an inner being. The principle for which to stand, as in our time, was not - grabbed over binders and burned for it.

So, not in principle, but the fact that faith is not: the intelligentsia has already grown.

March 22. What a gap in my soul, what pain is meaningless. Tired idleness, I think sometimes: "How would any enthusiastic reader horrified if he looked into my emptiness."

April 9th. Prince said: "Sometimes it is so sorry for my homeland, that it comes to physical pain."

I photographed the spring: the snow with summer clouds, the snow in his eyes creates water, and summer clouds are already in a hurry to reflect in this muddy water. Cranes are Flying …

The boy demanded:

- Remove me!

I was silent. He climbs.

- Get out! - I said.

He lagged behind me in the back of the head, me, the old man who gathered materials for children's stories. What was done? He set off to run in the whole spirit. Two young people were seen from above. I complained to them. They did not even respond ... That was how the stone ate.

Of course, such boys were always, but there was no such pain in the soul, and therefore the stone of this time was much more painful. The pain is unprecedented. And there is nowhere to lean with her, as it used to be ("a certain tear loss"). It happened, we all hope: here we will move, click and it will be better. The main thing then (at least with Lenin) it was thought that it was possible to compete, to someone to tell someone and would understand, and they would imply. Now there is no one to stand up. And at all the prosperity - they will not respond at all, because few people disappeared and disappears every day.

April 10th. I never had in the spring of such a citizen as now: the thought of a dying homeland, constant longing is not forgotten by any enthusiasm, on the contrary, all these streams from under the snow, songs of larks and chaffits, a young star at the dawn - all this somehow The way it certainly returns to a murderous Rosstani: to live to death in the midnishness among the beggars, corrosively educated in the idea of \u200b\u200bclass struggle, or surrender to other people who, from a foreign point of view, weigh your life and establish its small international significance ...

I get sick with some fatal disease, my efrosinya Pavlovna's wife would certainly have made me the culprit himself ... It is very possible that I myself would recognize my guilt, and in any case, at that moment when the disease gives rest, pleased People and the lives of all at all: well, I'm dying and die, so it is necessary, but still, well, how nice they live. So this condition is easier and, in any case, somehow worthy, (than) now: I am healthy as a bull, in full bloom of my talent, and the homeland, dying, passes by, and she is not up to you.

So what I want to say: it is better for me, it is better to die myself and in good courageous minutes to rejoice that life remains good than to stay and think that life concluded in the concept of "homeland" is passing. There is nothing sadness of a lonely tree on cutting down ...

20 April. The era of dictatorship scary lowered the moral consciousness of the masses and, in my opinion, mainly through boys, whom in a monthly period is taught in courses "in two accounts on the" class struggle ". They would have had them to the front, and they would be heroes, and they exercise in heroism on defenseless citizens under the guise of war with fists. So through them, the citizens themselves are not very little darkened in their moral consciousness.

Here is my mistress in the re-smearing of the domain of Ivanovna, what a good, hardworking woman, and now she surprised me, as it hurt, as upset. True, nothing frustrates like this, as this is a decrease in consciousness. This time we spoke about the horse meat, that here the men are correctly eating a horse sausage "TPRU, TPRA, and eat", if only. The domain of Ivanovna told that Salom from the horse can become infected that in Kimrah so it was - forty man got infected.

- Will shoot! - said D.I.

- Citizens? - I asked, believing that the veterinarian misunderstood and here for it.

"Yes, yes," D.I. did not understand me, "all of their forty people are shooting, so that others do not infect.

- nonsense! - I said, - can not be it. And he told D.I, about two or three cases from medical practice, when the death of a person and himself seems desirable, and others are very useful, but it is impossible ...

"Think," I told, "if it were possible to destroy hopelessly sick, it would certainly throw it on useless, because they would take more powerful to the tribe, and weak dried. Slightly shortage of what, and extra dollars. With the Earth as well: people moved - and cleaning! Yes, is it so possible! Yes, can you believe that Kimrensky Salu, the Lord with you, the domain of Ivanovna.

Indifferently answered DI:

- For what I bought, I sell, Mikhail Mikhailovich, heard from people, affected that the disease is infectious, incurable ...

It was hard for me, most importantly, because my speech did not return her former to Ivanovna, obviously, the consciousness dying in it. True, so much shot people recognized by citizens harmful, why not to shoot the people infected with this terrible incurable disease ...

April 27th. Missed art historian from the Tretyakov (Svin) and told him that the cave time comes for our art and now it is necessary to prepare the cave for our art. Or take it right to decide to burn in a sruba, following the example of our ancestors of the 16th century. Svirin said to this that he does not come out of his head - to make a jump in the crematorium with him.

- Is it possible? - I asked.

"You can," he said, "when the gate crematorium opens to miss the coffin, there is a moment when you can jump.

the 6th of May. For events do not need to chase. Each event gives a wave that will achieve certainly and you sitting for a thousand miles from the outcome of it. It is only necessary to be prepared in yourself so that in phenomena in your daily life to understand the general world life. In fact, of course, there are a lot of waves that are squeezed to you barely noticeable and therefore are not perceived. But among them, it will always be pretty pretty to think and understand the story. Here they robbed, dropped the bells from us - I understood the struggle of the cross and the pentagram.

From the bell tower of Rastrelevskaya, the cross did not bed, but in October and in October are arranged from it by means of electrical simple bulbs in the pentagram.

In the Federation, but they say, and everywhere will be like this: a firm five days has been established, that is, they work for five days, and the sixth day rests. Thus, there are no longer any continuing, because of which they introduced a five-day. Everything has been brought to a dispute with God. He ordered six days to work, and we are told five.

And everywhere, there is Sunday everywhere.

November 30th. The anniversary of the destruction of Sergievsky bells is approaching. It was very similar to the spectacle of the public execution. In particular, sorry "Godunova". After all, if in Tsar, Boris was the case, there would be nothing, but between the king of Boris and the bell "Godunov" after all Pushkin.


12th of February. The warmth, Meltelitsa returned again, and in white the buildings of the Lavra, the famous bell tower with broken bells and everything ...

- Why do you look? - asked me a little boy.

- What is it? - I asked, pointing to the building of the Lavra, - Do you know?

"I know," he replied Boyko, "God was here before."

On cleaning.

- How do you feel about religious cult?

- There is no god.

It was strongly said, and the cleaning would be the end, but some poisonous simple person from a dark corner asked permission to ask a question and so asked:

"You said that now there is no God, and let me know how you think about the past, was God previously?

- He was - he replied.

Everything will change soon from radio, electricity, aeronautics, gas wars, and socialism will reach the fact that everyone will be responsible for the defense inner word.

All words, smiles, handshakes, tears will get different, external, conditional meaning. But in the depths of the personality dispute about the victim (Trinity) will remain and will accumulate. Perhaps the time will come when some will get the opportunity to whisper, more and more, the air will be filled with a whisper or inhaulic sounds, or even dark incomprehensible words that small children say, and finally, as in children, the first word will come out ... and the epoch will come The second coming of Christ.

Entry, text preparation and notes L.A. Ryazanova.


Efrosinia Pavlovna Sobalov - the first wife of Privina.

The real name of the bell "Kirinotsky". See Record on January 19 on reading the session of the essay by A. Zarina "Bell" in the journal Argus No. 8. SPb., 1913.

Privain is freely consumed by the Latin expression "Cogito, Ergosum": "I think, therefore, I exist."

Privain does not quite accurately leads the words of Christ: "Jesus told them in response: destroy the temple of this, and I will raise it at three days." Gospel from John, ch. 2, verse 19.

There are as well as the words of Christ: "So, go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Gospel from Matthew, Ch. 28, verse 19.

Kozhevnikov A.V. (1891-?) Russian Soviet writer, author of books on transformation of Siberia, Socialist construction, etc.

A device intended for lifting and displacement of weights: a system of mobile and fixed blocks enhancing flexible rope.

Lev Mikhailovich Svrani Alpatov is the eldest Son of the Writer.

These days in the city gave street performances of the wandering troupe of Gypsies with trained bears.

Tikhonov A.N. (pseud. silver) (1880-1956) - Russian Soviet literary figure, writer, collaborated with A.M. Gorky, after the October Revolution, he was headed by the publishing house "World Literature", edited many literary magazines.

Chernovik letters.

MM Privain "When Bells Become ..." (from diaries of 1926-1932) // Prometheus. Historical and biographical almanac. M., 1990. T. 16. P. 411-422