The main patrons are:

The feast is a secondary part of the holiday. Therefore, you should not worry if the day of the angel Elijah is church calendar falls on the post.

On this day, it is necessary to remember your heavenly patron, so that he does not forget about his ward. It's not tasty food, and communion and prayers cleanse the soul, setting it in a calm, peaceful mood.

About the character of Ilya

Ilya is called a man of noble thoughts. He is a devoted and reliable friend, resourceful, and sociable. He has an excellent memory and looks at things objectively. The man is easy-going and knows how to approach people. Excessive gullibility often becomes a source of problems for a young person.

After all, even heightened intuition does not help him avoid trouble.

It's easy to offend a person. But the guy doesn’t show his worries, he doesn’t want to be considered weak.

With age, Ilya’s character changes a little:

Name compatibility

Alexandra finds in Ilya a source of inspiration, who fully supports her aspirations for change. The guy wins the girl's heart with his courage. Anna attracts a man with similar thoughts and goals. Their marriage is an excellent symbiosis of passion and love, tenderness and care.

Victoria is perfect young man. There are no lies or self-interest in their union. Ilya is unable to resist the spirituality and enchanting beauty of a woman. Daria and her husband share common values:

  • self-development;
  • family.

This helps the marriage smooth out conflict situations.

Evgenia and her husband sometimes lack romance, but they always find the same points of support. Before making a serious decision, the couple discusses for a long time possible options way out of the problem. They need time to get closer and strengthen their relationship. Ekaterina values ​​Ilya’s decisiveness and honesty; he values ​​her ability to yield.

The guy’s union with Inna is considered exemplary. They have a complete idyll, feelings of jealousy, suspicions of treason do not even arise. The man’s relationship with Kira is particularly selfless. The basis of their connection is not momentary passion, but inner peace, endless confidence in each other.

A man is not bored with Margarita. Her optimism and faith in the future calm him down and make him happier. Family life with Nina proceeds in rosy tones, without disappointments and grief. In a marriage with Emilia, everyone retains their individuality. The guy becomes a friend and helper for his beloved, the girl helps the groom understand himself and achieve inner balance.

Incompatible names

Arina prefers novels without obligations. A purposeful and responsible man is attracted to such a woman. But her indifference and coldness force the guy to reconsider his attitude.

Angelina is willful and stubborn. The combination of impulsiveness and kindness scares a guy away. Varvara is pleasant to talk to, but arrogant and vindictive. Zhanna is constantly in search of adrenaline. Galina radiates confidence and optimism, however, her calmness can suddenly give way to irritability and confusion. Emma is independent, independent. She does not listen to her husband’s advice, although she willingly gives it out. It will be difficult for Ilya to build a good relationship with them.

The young man doesn’t like the following traits in Diana’s character:

  • pragmatism;
  • authority;
  • cold calculation;
  • cruelty.

Under certain circumstances, a girl's qualities can develop into tyranny.

Irina’s ostentatious cheerfulness, lack of sentimentality and apparent carelessness do not attract Ilya. It is difficult to convince Oksana of anything. Outwardly agreeing in a dispute, she remains unconvinced. It's hard for any guy to live up to her ideals.

Leah's birthday

When is Leah's name day according to the church calendar?

Meaning and characteristics of the name Leah

The name Leah is translated from Hebrew as “tired.” The patron saint of the owners of this name is considered to be the holy widow Leah of Rome.

A girl with this name is a little reckless, uncollected and disorganized. She is very curious, and only this trait allows Leah not to slide to the level of poor students while studying at school.

From an early age, the owner of this name strives for independence and independence. She is self-sufficient and purposeful, does not allow herself to be weak and does not accept this quality in other people.

A brawler and a notorious hooligan, Leah, at the same time, is able to “control herself” if this is required to achieve her goal.

A girl with this name takes marriage very seriously - she will do everything in her power to turn her home into a cozy family nest.

Despite the fact that by nature Leah is not a homebody, and she does not like to do housework, in order to preserve the integrity of the family, the girl will fulfill all the obligations and necessary tasks assigned to her.

Congratulations to Leah on her name day in verse

Nothing lasts forever on earth, like birds, days fly by,
I’m glad to congratulate you on your name day, Leah!
Nature has given you a rare gift - people are drawn to you with their souls,
Let luck come to you and stay forever!

Leah, dear, let me on this day
Remind me once again how important you are to me,
What in the world of dull and sad hearts
You were able to light a flame in my heart!

I wish you, dear, from the bottom of my heart
So that sadness does not settle in your life,
So that the stars and roses bloom forever in it,
May you forever be young in your soul!

SMS congratulations to Leah on her name day

Always be as amazing as you are now,
Cute and charming
Be happy more often and longer,
Be your destiny, Leah, beloved!

Leah! On this wonderful holiday, I want to wish you great happiness! Let there always be only your loved ones next to you, who in any life situation They will support you and never leave you in trouble! Be always healthy, beautiful and sweet!

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If you were invited to Ilya’s name day, then it is better to prepare for this holiday. First, you need to find out the character traits and interests of the birthday boy, since he often seems cold and withdrawn to people. But in reality this is not entirely true.

Character of the birthday boy

When choosing a gift and congratulations, remember that Ilyusha hates compliments, beautiful words and flattery. He prefers neutral expressions most of all. With their help, you can easily win over the birthday boy.

Many people think that Ilyusha is a cold person. Everyone thinks that they treat others with distrust or fear. But this is a specific manner that helps them stay in society. The most remarkable thing is that it is formed from birth.

Ilya’s character is restrained, which is the main reason for his “even” attitude towards strangers and close people. Owners of this name are very often dissatisfied with their current successes, which forces them to achieve more. But such an attitude only does not give him the opportunity to enjoy momentary happiness. Therefore, Ilyushas are often very arrogant and grumpy.

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Angel Elijah's Day according to the church calendar

The main patrons of this name are:

  • Ilya Muromets;
  • Ilya Ardunis;
  • righteous Ilia Chavchavadze.

But a special role is played by the brightest archangel - Elijah the prophet. You can find out the name day date using Orthodox calendar. It is worth noting that Angel Day for the owner of this name is celebrated more than once.

Name day of Elijah according to the Orthodox calendar:

date Patron Saint
1st of January Martyr Elijah and Venerable Elijah of Muromets, Pechersk (c. 1188; Russian).
January 21 Venerable Elijah of Egypt (IV century).
January 27 Venerable Martyr Elijah (among the venerable fathers who were beaten in Sinai; (IV-V centuries).
February 13 Venerable Martyr Elijah Ardunis.
February 29 Martyr Elijah.
March 1 Martyr Elijah (307-309) and Martyr Elijah, presbyter († 1934; Russian).
March 22 Martyr Elijah of Sebastia († 313).
April 10th martyr Elijah of Persia (c.330).
August 2 (July 20) the glorious prophet of God Elijah (9th century BC) and the righteous Elijah Chavchavadze, saint of Georgia († 1907).
September 26 (13) martyr Elijah († 320).
September 30 (17) martyr Elijah (among 156; † 310).
October 11 (September 28) Venerable Elijah of Muromets, Pechersk (c. 1188; Russian).

When congratulating the birthday person, you should be restrained. Try not to express your emotions and feelings too much. Sometimes a couple of congratulatory lines in an SMS message will be enough. Especially considering that this date is not so loud.

May the Lord protect you!

In addition to August 2, Ilyas celebrate their name days, for example, October 11, January 1, 21 and 27, and August 30.

The meaning of the name Ilya

The name comes from the Hebrew Eliyahu. It is translated as “my God is Yahweh.” Another meaning of the name Elijah is “the fortress of the Lord” or simply “believer.” Initially comes from the names Il, Ilu, Ilum, Ilim, Elim - strong, mighty, God.

It is worth noting that the first mention of the name in written sources is found in the Old Testament, in the story of Elijah the prophet.

Positive traits of people named Ilya:

economical, helps parents since childhood;

has a sharp mind;

quickly “grabs” any information;

ready to help in a difficult situation;

loves children.

Negative features:

not particularly picky in choosing friends;

easily susceptible to bad influence;

hot-tempered in an argument.

People named Ilya advise you to choose a profession doctor, teacher, investigator or mechanic. It is believed that Ilya men very often occupy the highest positions.

The name is suitable for Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The meaning of the name Ilya depends on the time of birth: born in spring too emotional, in the fall - panicky afraid of making a mistake in the chosen one.

Compatibility with female names

Ilya will have a successful marriage with Vera, Anna, Sofia and Natalya.

It is advised not to start relationships with Angelina, Tatyana, Margarita, Christina, Valeria, Veronica and Zhanna.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Happy holiday, Ilya

I want to congratulate you!

Wish you luck

And fun all year round

So much happiness!

To make life richer

So that there are no worries!

And sorrows and adversity

So that you can win

Congratulations on your name day, Ilya!

May the Earth itself help you in everything!

And I wish you to live your life only in happiness,

So that the thread of faith and hope does not break!

Ilya, today, on his name day,

I want to wish you

To be a real man,

He knew how to live and fight.

You always achieve your goal

And don't give in to anyone

Bask in the rays of beautiful love

And never be discouraged

Ilya is the envy of everyone, successful,

Always support and console,

And on my name day with congratulations

I rush to you with inspiration.

May there be a lot of happiness in life,

Warmth, care and compassion,

In abundance, fairy tale love

And live in pleasure!

Prayer to Saint Elijah for every day

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Elijah, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

What not to do on Elijah Day:

  • work in the field and around the house;
  • shout and sing loudly - lightning may strike;
  • use foul language and entertain bad thoughts;
  • let pets outside;
  • on this day you cannot stand under a tree - you may be struck by lightning;
  • you cannot stand at crossroads, as evil spirits gather there;
  • bathe.

Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Elijah’s name day

Saints with the name Elijah are venerated 15 times.

  • January 1 - Elijah of Murom, Pechersky, Elijah the Egyptian, martyr;
  • January 21 - Elijah of Egypt, hermit;
  • January 25 - Elijah the Wonderworker;
  • January 27 - Elijah of Sinai, martyr;
  • February 13 - Elijah Ardunis, martyr;
  • March 1 - Elijah the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr;
  • April 10 - Elijah of Persia, martyr;
  • August 2 - Elijah the Tishbite, prophet;
  • August 25 - Elijah, hieromartyr, hieromonk of the Belogorsk St. Nicholas Monastery;
  • August 30 - Elijah of Calabria, venerable;
  • September 16 - Ilya Bazhanov, martyr, archpriest;
  • September 26 - Elijah Tomsky (Kyustendzhisky), martyr;
  • September 30 - Elijah of Tire, martyr;
  • November 16 - Elijah, reverend;
  • November 17 - Ilia Gruzinsky.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Ilya:

From the Hebrew language - “Jehovah is my God,” “the fortress of the Lord.” Initially comes from the names Il, Ilu, Ilum, Ilim, Elim (Hebrew, Date) - strong, mighty, God.

Ilya - very economic man. From childhood, he learns to help his father and mother in all household chores and masters a wide variety of skills. There won’t be any special problems with Ilya if you keep track of his circle of acquaintances, since Ilya is not very picky in choosing friends and is easily influenced by bad influences. Has a sharp mind.

Ilya’s character is dominated by maternal traits. In an argument, he is quick-tempered. By profession, Ilya can be a doctor, teacher, investigator, or mechanic. Ilya’s approach to creating a family is thorough and businesslike. He will not marry until he is sure that he will be able to provide for his family with his earnings. Loves children very much. With all his attachment to family and home, he loves to travel.

Congratulations on Ilya’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Ilya's name day and congratulate Ilya on Angel's Day.

Congratulations on your name day, Ilya!

May the Earth itself help you in everything!

And I wish you to live your life only in happiness,

So that the thread of faith and hope does not break!

I wish you smiles, I wish you well,

And warm, tender warmth in the heart!

May what you live for come true,

And then you will certainly understand everything right away.

We congratulate Ilya on his name day

May the sun shine on you

Warming the soul with warmth

Let the wind blow

Dispelling all the melancholy!

There are many bright colors in the world,

Collect them and get inspired

And believe that happiness is closer

It will be right there. Believe in your Path!

Happy holiday, Ilya

I want to congratulate you!

I wish you good luck,

And fun all year round

So much happiness!

To make life richer

So that there are no worries!

And sorrows and adversity

So that you can win.

On this warm summer

Ilya's name day!

And today with congratulations

We have come to visit you!

They came to wish you health,

And love and warmth,

So that your dreams come true

All cherished dreams.

According to the church calendar, the day of the angel Elijah and his name day fall on 13 dates. Almost every month people honor the memory of a saint with the specified name. To find out what date the holiday falls on, you need to pay attention to your date of birth. The closest day after birth will be considered the name day. Every year on this day the birthday person must go to church, pray to the heavenly patron, and take communion.

Guardian Angels of Elijah

The saint communicates daily with his ward. Many people call him inner voice, intuition, sixth sense. The angel protects from troubles and guides. He listens to desires and tries to help make them come true.

According to the Saints, each person can have only one heavenly patron

The main patrons are:

The feast is a secondary part of the holiday. Therefore, you should not worry if the day of the angel Elijah, according to the church calendar, falls on Lent.

On this day, it is necessary to remember your heavenly patron, so that he does not forget about his ward. After all, it’s not delicious food, but communion and prayers that cleanse the soul, set her up in a calm, peaceful mood.

About the character of Ilya

Ilya is called a man of noble thoughts. He is a devoted and reliable friend, resourceful, and sociable. Has excellent memory, looks at things objectively. The man is easy-going and knows how to approach people. Excessive gullibility often becomes a source of problems for a young person.

After all, even heightened intuition does not help him avoid trouble.

It's easy to offend a person. But the guy doesn’t show his worries, he doesn’t want to be considered weak.

With age, Ilya’s character changes a little:

Compatibility with partners

Ilya is caring and attentive. He is kind to women. His beloved must be smart and sincere. He rarely pays attention to appearance.

A man is repulsed by assertive and rude girls who try to force their partner into rigid boundaries. For him, love is something inviolable, sacred.

For the sake of his beloved, he is ready for rash actions, romantic follies. After the wedding, the attitude towards the wife does not change.

But an unsuccessful union can unsettle Ilya, make him an insecure, rude person. That's why he needs to carefully approach the choice of his future wife.

Name compatibility

Alexandra finds in Ilya a source of inspiration, who fully supports her aspirations for change. The guy wins the girl's heart with his courage. Anna attracts a man with similar thoughts and goals. Their marriage is an excellent symbiosis of passion and love, tenderness and care.

Victoria is ideal for a young man. There are no lies or self-interest in their union. Ilya is unable to resist the spirituality and enchanting beauty of a woman. Daria and her husband share common values:

  • self-development;
  • family.

This helps the marriage smooth out conflict situations.

Evgenia and her husband sometimes lack romance, but they always find the same points of support. Before making a serious decision, the couple discusses possible options for solving the problem for a long time. They need time to get closer and strengthen their relationship. Ekaterina values ​​Ilya’s decisiveness and honesty; he values ​​her ability to yield.

The guy’s union with Inna is considered exemplary. They have a complete idyll, feelings of jealousy, suspicions of treason do not even arise. The man’s relationship with Kira is particularly selfless. The basis of their connection is not momentary passion, but inner peace, endless confidence in each other.

A man is not bored with Margarita. Her optimism and faith in the future calm him down and make him happier. Family life with Nina proceeds in rosy tones, without disappointments or grief. In a marriage with Emilia, everyone retains their individuality. The guy becomes a friend and helper for his beloved, the girl helps the groom understand himself and achieve inner balance.

Incompatible names

Arina prefers novels without obligations. A purposeful and responsible man is attracted to such a woman. But her indifference and coldness force the guy to reconsider his attitude.

Angelina is willful and stubborn. The combination of impulsiveness and kindness scares a guy away. Varvara is pleasant to talk to, but arrogant and vindictive. Zhanna is constantly in search of adrenaline. Galina radiates confidence and optimism, however, her calmness can suddenly give way to irritability and confusion. Emma is independent, independent. She does not listen to her husband’s advice, although she willingly gives it out. It will be difficult for Ilya to build a good relationship with them.

The young man doesn’t like the following traits in Diana’s character:

  • pragmatism;
  • authority;
  • cold calculation;
  • cruelty.

Under certain circumstances, a girl's qualities can develop into tyranny.

Irina’s ostentatious cheerfulness, lack of sentimentality and apparent carelessness do not attract Ilya. It's hard to convince anyone of anything. Outwardly agreeing in a dispute, she remains unconvinced. It's hard for any guy to live up to her ideals.

Gifts for the birthday boy

The most powerful amulets are those given as gifts or inherited. Therefore, on your name day, you can give a talisman made of diamond or crystal. Silver items are also suitable as a surprise. Crystal protects the house from ill-wishers and evil thoughts entering it. Diamond protects its owner from bad influences, brings good luck, and ensures success in any endeavor. Silver attracts financial well-being , heals the soul. Metal recognizes and absorbs negative energy.

It is better to choose yellow or black gifts. The first shade will help you calm down and establish balance, the second will help you find your soulmate.

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