It depends greatly on how much pressure the nearby muscles put on them. Regular skating makes a huge contribution to the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that occurs due to age-related decreases in skeletal density. While moving on the skating rink, not only the muscles of the legs are used (although the load is greatest on them), but also the muscles of the arms and body. Accordingly, bone density in these places increases.

To benefit from skating, you need to follow safety precautions, avoid falls, and dress correctly - not too warm, but not too cold. If you haven’t gone to the skating rink before or are simply used to leading a sedentary lifestyle, get involved gradually. You can start with half an hour, and in some cases even with 20 minutes of skating, and then over 2-3 weeks increase the training time to about 1.5 hours.


An hour of active skiing burns 300-400 kcal. And during movement, all tissues of the body are enriched with oxygen, which promotes accelerated breakdown of fat and generally activates metabolism. Add to this the increased load on the muscles - and you will understand that with regular trips to the skating rink you can quickly become more fit.


Ice skating gives a lot of positive emotions and helps relieve psychological stress. It is especially useful to go skating on outdoor skating rinks. In mild frost, the concentration of negative ions in the air increases, and this additionally gives vigor and tones the nervous system well.

Vestibular apparatus

The blade of a skate is an unstable support. When we try to stand on it and move, avoiding obstacles and turning on the ice, the ability to maintain balance is involuntarily trained. Thanks to this, movements become more coordinated, precise, harmonious not only on the ice, but also in Everyday life. The best effect in this regard is provided by figure skating, but simply gliding in a circle on a skating rink is also useful.

Heart and blood vessels

Regular visits to the skating rink significantly increases heart endurance. Scientists have calculated that just 20-30 minutes on ice daily is enough to significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack in the future.

During active movement small peripheral vessels located in the arms and legs open. Blood fills them, and thanks to this, blood pressure is reduced gently and naturally. If this happens often, this is an excellent way to prevent hypertension.


You need to skate with a straight back, otherwise it will be difficult to maintain your balance. Thanks to this, the muscles that support the spine are trained and posture improves. For teenagers, skating is a great way to reduce the risk of scoliosis. For adults - reduce the likelihood of early osteochondrosis.


Skating is allowed even for those diagnosed with arthrosis in early stage- with this movement, the nutrition of the interarticular cartilage improves. True, you need to not skate too fast, jumps and sharp turns are prohibited, and the ice surface must be good quality so that you don't accidentally fall. For healthy people, visiting the skating rink can help prevent joint problems.

– I really love skating, I know how to skate, but, unfortunately, I very rarely succeed. My favorite sport is still alpine skiing. Moreover, my wife and I came up with a program related to alpine skiing, which helps improve the health of people with a full range of neurological diseases.

Ice skating is a great reason to gather a group of people in the winter, when you want to spend time outdoors. Residents of big cities are incredibly lucky - after all, on indoor skating rinks they have no chance of freezing even in severe frost. An effective remedy a fun pastime for many of us has turned into exciting hobby. However, in addition to the charge of positivity and good mood, skating is incredibly useful in other aspects:

  • Development of muscle tone. First of all, in skating, the muscles of the legs, lower back and abs are actively worked. It's no secret that ice skating enthusiasts are more resilient than those who avoid such training. The key factors for maintaining good physical shape are the intensity and duration of skating.
  • Burning extra calories. Pursuing the goal to reset excess weight, you need to ride, constantly increasing the load. It's about about the time spent riding, as well as the distance you travel in one training session. Try not to take breaks during one time on the ice, because it is much more effective to skate 100 minutes without a break than 4 times for 25 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it; in the first days you should ride less, but with each new workout you need to break your own records both in speed and time.
  • Aerobic exercise. As you know, jogging is an excellent way to train your cardiovascular muscles. Ice skating is considered even more effective in this regard, since during it the knee joints and spine are not subjected to intense stress during jolts. The intensity of aerobic training can be increased if you actively help yourself with your hands while skating.
  • Stability of the vestibular apparatus. Speed ​​skating is considered an excellent balance training activity. In particular, in children who regularly skate, there is a decrease in excitability in the balance organs.
  • Hardening. By riding in open areas, you can significantly improve thermoregulatory processes in the body. Cold air, which affects exposed areas of the body, helps increase the body's resistance to colds.
  • Training attention and spatial orientation. If you skate among large quantity people, making turns or riding in different directions, you can develop spatial orientation skills and attentiveness.
  • Sustainable mental health and self-confidence. Ice skating allows you to disconnect from current circumstances and take a break from stress. For some of us, body control and balance are quite difficult, and therefore training requires high level determination and readiness, because physically, speed skating requires balance and body control. Therefore, by achieving success and regular victories in skating, you can significantly increase your self-confidence.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your physical and emotional well-being, go skating, and regular training will bring you incomparable benefits!

It is unlikely that people will ask about the benefits of this activity, but beginners may be very interested in this topic. Besides a charge of positivity and pleasant fatigue, what else? useful for ice skating?

Most often we ride outdoors, which is already important for health, since, unfortunately, most people spend too much time within four walls.

Skating great trainer cardiovascular system, and practically affects the body like jogging. But, unlike running, it does not create stress on the knees and other joints, which is a big plus for most people. For beginners, skating has even more aerobic benefits, allowing them to frequently swing their arms to maintain balance.

Skates They can also help you lose weight. For this, the most important thing is continuity, the amount of time spent, and the distance traveled. You will even lose weight riding an hour a day twice a week, but isn’t it better to increase the number of grams lost tens, hundreds, thousands of times? Also, if you walk one kilometer in 30 minutes, you will not be able to lose weight. You need to constantly improve and break your own record at a certain point along the way. When continuity is mentioned ice skating, meaning that you should not stop while passing the intended route.

Another useful property ice skating– development of endurance. For the best results, it is important to set the pace of movement along the route, and stick to it right up to the very end of the planned segment of the route. It is best to start with a short distance and increase the distance over time.

Skating produces and maintains a certain muscle tone, especially for all leg muscles. Despite the fact that at first glance, skating actively develops the legs, it benefits the entire body, even the muscles of the lower back and abs.

Skating in any case provides you good mental state. When it comes to improving your mood, this activity works wonders. While riding, you take a break from daily stress, problems, and future troubles. Although the skates themselves will not help you avoid negative circumstances in your life, they will help you deal with them better.

Skates are very useful for developing self-confidence. By promoting mental and physical well-being, falling and overcoming fear and uncertainty in taking the first step, ice skating can increase self-confidence. From the point of view of physical fitness, everything is simple - you need to stand firmly on your feet and keep your balance. But for some people, body control and balance are not the best difficult task, as ice skating will require an increased level of determination and preparedness. These two qualities subsequently develop.

Ice skating has undeniable benefits for your health and figure.

Endurance is of great importance, as it not only provides intense fat burning, but also improves immunity and overall physical condition and performance.

While skating, the heart and muscles work in a measured mode - the pulse and movements are not too intense, but not slow either. Thanks to this pace, you can spend 30 or 40 or more minutes at the skating rink, which will burn a lot of calories.

Standing on skates, much less actively skating on them, is not easy for them, as it requires an excellent sense of balance. While skating, almost all the muscles of our body work, since in order to maintain balance in all positions it is necessary to include the muscles of the legs, abdomen, back, and arms.

In addition, skating develops neuromuscular connections, which allow us to successfully coordinate the work of our arms, legs and body at the same time. Ice skating is a kind of functional training.

Of course, it is impossible to gain muscle mass and create muscle definition on skates, but it is easy to develop strong leg muscles. To do this, it is quite powerful and pushes away from the ice as far as possible. Judge for yourself - the skaters have very beautiful and strong legs. And if you squat deeper while performing movements, you will also engage your abdominal muscles.

If you skate outside in the cold, the number of calories you burn increases. On average, about 180-250 kcal are consumed in 1 hour of skating in a warm room. If you ride at high speed and perform some elements, this figure increases to 300 kcal per hour.

Taking into account the fact that during skating, the muscles of the whole body are involved in the work, and the pulse increases, blood supply to all organs and tissues occurs, this allows you to burn fat reserves faster, and, therefore, you can get rid of cellulite

Anna Zotova
Consultation “On the benefits of ice skating”



Ice skating and sports, and rest. Thanks to this excellent combination, this type of physical activity allows you to have fun and benefit for health free time on the ice with family or friends. In addition, in last years skates have gained enormous popularity all over the world, ride Today only, perhaps, the laziest are unable to play them.

According to many scientists, skates appeared back in the Stone Age. Back then they were made from animal bones. In the XIII - XIV centuries, the first metal skates. It is Holland, by the way, that is considered the country where figure skating originated. skating. But in Russia the first skates were made of wood, were decorated with carvings in the form of a horse’s head, for which they received Name: humpbacked skates, running skates.

To fully experience the beneficial effects of figure skating, it is not at all necessary to become a professional figure skater. Learn to stand on skating, perform simple movements and, most importantly, visit the skating rink regularly. In just a few weeks, you will not only feel a surge of energy, but also become slimmer, stronger and more confident! So, what's the point? benefits of figure skating?

Strengthening muscles. A beautiful figure and posture is guaranteed to everyone who decides to take up figure skating. skating. Skating strengthens muscles very well and keeps them in good shape. Mostly, of course, they work during rolling leg muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles and lower back and shoulder girdle. This sport trains the vestibular apparatus well, develops coordination of movements, and ligaments become stronger and more elastic.

We train the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Skating very beneficial for the lungs, heart and entire circulatory system. For example, at speed skaters- athletes during competitions consume oxygen per minute at 5 thousand cubic centimeters, and, for comparison, at rest – 250-300 cubic centimeters. Training on outdoor skating rinks is especially useful. Fresh air will improve your health. But try to breathe only through your nose, so that as the cold air passes through your nasal passages, it has time to warm up.

We remove excess weight. One hour ice skating burns over 400 calories. Such energy consumption is comparable, for example, to an hour’s intense jogging. Extra pounds will begin to disappear literally before your eyes if you devote to figure skating half an hour a day three times a week. When starting a workout, always set a certain distance for yourself that you need to cover without stopping. The continuity effect is very important.

We increase immunity, lift our spirits and recharge ourselves with energy. Regular exercise in the fresh air is an excellent prevention of many ailments and strengthens the immune system. If you spend the winter months not on the sofa, wrapped in a warm blanket, but at the skating rink with a blush on your cheeks, you will feel that you are getting colds much less often, and about the word "depression" you will completely forget. Skating perfectly lifts the mood, tones and charges with positivity!

Figured skating and contraindications

At the figure skating there are a number of serious contraindications. First of all, it is recommended that anyone with musculoskeletal diseases refrain from training on ice. apparatus: congenital joint dislocations, spinal injuries, weak bone tissue or ligament problems. If you are unsure whether this sport is right for you, just in case consult your doctor.

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