In countries with cold climates wooden houses enjoy enormous and well-deserved popularity. This is explained primarily by the very low degree of thermal conductivity of walls made of logs. In each such country, over the centuries, a variety of methods for constructing log houses have been developed. This primarily concerns Russia and Norway. Located on another continent, Canada is, of course, a relatively young country. But here, too, a special method of assembling log houses has been used for several centuries in a row. Most experts consider technology such as Canadian logging to be one of the best today.

Features of the technique

Canadian houses are assembled using a technology similar to our Russian “in a bowl”. That is, a groove is selected in the lower log for the upper one. In this case, the edges of the logs are brought out. This allows you to make the corners of the house as warm as possible. The differences between technologies such as manual Canadian cutting and Russian cutting are as follows:

    In the shape of the bowl itself. In Russia, the groove is traditionally made semicircular - according to the shape of the log itself. Canadian bowl It is formed from oval cheeks cut out on the sides of a log, located at a certain angle. In this case, the bowl turns out not oval, but trapezoidal.

    In the thickness of the log. When constructing log houses in Russia, material with a cross-section of 20 cm or more can be used. If Canadian logging is used, the logs must have a diameter of at least 50 cm.

    In the method of erecting gables. When assembling a house using Russian technology, they are sheathed with boards. IN Canadian home gables, like walls, are usually assembled from logs. In this case, segments of different lengths are simply used.

Canadian houses can be assembled from either regular or hewn logs. In the latter case, processing is done manually. In this case, it is necessary to remove the bark as carefully as possible. Thus, the main layer of wood of the log remains intact. Therefore, this material, unlike rounded material, fully retains all its advantages.

The main advantages of the method

Canadian logging has one important advantage over other similar methods. All are built from a log containing not a large number of moisture. A few years after construction, such buildings experience significant shrinkage. Logs that have lost moisture, of course, decrease slightly in diameter. In this case, the shrinkage coefficient in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the material is not the same. When using Russian technology, the log itself is reduced in size slightly larger than the bowl. As a result, a gap is formed and the tightness of the walls decreases. In this case, the corners have to be additionally insulated.

When using the Canadian method, this does not happen due to the special shape of the bowl. The walls of the finished building look like a single monolith and do not require re-caulking.

The assembly procedure for such a log house looks like this:

    The log is ground, removing a layer of about 2-3 cm. The sapwood should remain intact during this operation.

    The cheek pieces are sawn through the top of the log. The result should be a trapezoidal saddle.

    Notches are made on the top log and a trapezoidal bowl is cut out. A groove is selected from below along the entire length. This operation is carried out in such a way that after laying between the top and bottom log There was a very small gap left - an undercut. After drying, it disappears as a crack appears in the log below.

Sometimes a slightly different, improved technology is used to build Canadian houses. In this case, an additional tenon is cut out in the bowl (along the axis of the log). A groove of appropriate dimensions is made in the upper part of the saddle.

Canadian house projects: exterior

Wooden buildings look very impressive if a technology such as Canadian felling was used in their construction. Photos of houses built using this technique clearly demonstrate their solid and stylish exterior. The sizes of buildings of this type can vary, just like their layout. There are projects of both one- and two-story Canadian houses. Very often the emphasis in the exterior and interior of such buildings is on glazing. Sometimes even pediments are mounted completely transparent. In this case, supports are used from the same log from which the walls are made, placed vertically.

Large forms are what distinguishes Canadian logging. Projects of houses built using this technology therefore often involve the use of the same massive decorations. For example, in combination with a thick log, natural stone masonry looks very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, very often Canadian houses are supplemented with various kinds of elements built precisely from this material: supports, built-in barbecues, fireplace chimneys above the roof, etc. The foundations of such buildings are often erected from it. Sometimes it is used simply for exterior finishing foundations of the structure.

In most cases, Canadian timber houses are finished using a special, “breathable” acrylic impregnation. In this case, both completely transparent compositions and slightly tinted ones can be used. For example, a reddish-colored impregnation gives a very interesting effect. After treatment with this material, the wood acquires a noble dark shade.

Various types of architectural additions are also used in the construction of Canadian houses - balconies on massive supports, bay windows, terraces, etc. The parapets of such elements can be figured.


Inside, houses built using this technology look spacious, very solid and reliable. The Canadian loghouse looks beautiful not only from the outside, but also from the indoors. That's why interior decoration in such buildings it is used extremely rarely.


Canadian houses are designed so that living in them is as comfortable as possible. A spacious hall is added to the corridor. Living rooms in buildings of this variety are often large and very well lit due to the presence of large windows. Of course, inside a Canadian house there are all the elements generally inherent in log buildings: visible massive stylish staircases with reliable railings, original stoves or fireplaces.

Canadian chopped baths

Of course, not only residential buildings are erected using this technology. Very often, Canadian felling is used when assembling bathhouses. Like residential buildings, they turn out to be very warm and beautiful. Steaming in a sauna built using Canadian technology is a pleasure. But of course, only if it was built according to all the rules. As in any Canadian installation, the required standards are observed when installing heaters. The distance from the walls of the furnace to the walls of the structure is at least 50 cm. When using protective sheathing, it is 30 cm. A non-combustible base is installed under the furnace. Most often this is galvanized metal sheet.

Arrangement of the bathhouse

The ceilings in the steam room of a Canadian bath should not be very high. A hood must be provided. In addition to the wash room, steam room and dressing room, there is usually a relaxation room. Often Canadian baths are built with an attic and a wide terrace, decorated with massive railings. Doors and windows in such buildings are often mounted on blocks, without the use of a frame.

Benches can be assembled on beams, but more often they are also made massive, with log supports and seats made of very thick boards. A massive table and chairs can be installed in the relaxation room.

Despite the fact that this cutting method is called Canadian, many experts believe that it was most likely invented many centuries ago by Russian Pomors. After all, this technology was brought to Canada from Europe. And most of the cutting methods that exist in this part of the world were borrowed from the Pomors. In Russia, a method of felling “in the saddle” that is quite similar to the Canadian one is still practiced. When using it in logs, cheeks and bowls are also selected and ground.

Canadian cutting of bathhouses and residential buildings has recently gained increasing popularity. After all, this technology makes it possible to build truly high-quality and at the same time very durable structures. Living in such houses is comfortable both in summer and in winter, and they actually look very prestigious.

Wooden houses are becoming increasingly popular. Especially cottages made of logs. And if the traditional joining of wood “into a bowl” is already familiar to many by hearsay, and to some in practice, then the technology of Canadian felling has not yet firmly taken root in our region. But in vain. After all, a house assembled from Canadian logs ends up being warmer and more durable. And all thanks to a special technology for cutting grooves-bowls for joining wood.

This technology was originally used in the construction of log houses in Russia. However, due to the laboriousness of the process, it has not been widely used among architects. In turn, in Canada, where the climate is winter time just as harsh as in Russia, the technology is firmly rooted and operates to this day. A special feature of this type of cabin is self-jamming locks, which subsequently prevent cold air from entering the house from the corners.

Features of a Canadian home

Canadian log houses have a number of manufacturing features that affect the quality finished house. So, to assemble a cottage, only chopped logs are used, from which only the top layer - the bark - is removed. The lower protective layers of wood - bast and sapwood - are not touched. As a result, wood for a Canadian home has increased strength and resistance to precipitation, unlike rounded wood.

In addition, as a result of such manual processing, chopped round timber has a difference in cross-sections at both ends - the butt (the lower, thicker part of the tree) and the top (its thin part). After sanding, the log is manually chopped to form Canadian bowls.

Important: when assembling walls from such chopped Canadian logs, you should alternate laying the ends of the butt and top to compensate for differences in the height of the crowns and thereby level the horizontal laying of the logs. In addition, the overall evenness of the walls of the house will depend on this method of masonry.

Advantages of Canadian logging

A similar Canadian technology for assembling a cottage from a log frame has a number of advantages in comparison with cottages made from rounded logs assembled into a Russian bowl:

  • Thus, the Canadian groove for connecting logs in the corners has a trapezoidal shape, which is a full-fledged locking connection. As a result, the strength of joining wood in this way increases significantly.
  • Thanks to the tight fit of the locks in the bowls using Canadian technology, the house does not require additional caulking of the gaps. All corners will already be warm and windproof.
  • After the natural shrinkage of the house, the gaps and cracks during the Canadian assembly of the log house are minimal, or even completely absent, which additionally has a positive effect on the heat capacity of the cottage.
  • In turn, the increased heat capacity of the log house allows you to economically spend resources on maintaining and heating the house.
  • In addition, we note that houses using Canadian technology for preparing logs last more than a hundred years, while a log house made from rounded wood into a familiar bowl has a service life of about 80 years.
  • In addition, I would like to note that massive and high-quality houses made of chopped round timber, and assembled in a Canadian bowl, look aesthetically pleasing, beautiful and expensive.

Types of wood for a Canadian home

To assemble a durable log house, you need to select a type of wood that will have increased performance characteristics. Considering that the climate in Russia is moderate, and winters can be quite severe, it is necessary to select logs made from northern cold-resistant wood species. The most commonly used are coniferous varieties. The following are especially popular:

  • Siberian pine. An excellent option for building a log cottage. Pine logs have an affordable price in tandem with optimal technical characteristics. Harvested in the cold season, pine logs have a high density and minimal humidity, which contributes to a small shrinkage of the finished log house. In addition, pine releases valuable phytoncides into the atmosphere, which have a beneficial effect on health, and in particular respiratory system household members. Pine logs retain heat well, resist water and are not susceptible to rotting. In addition, pine is easier to process manually.
  • Larch. More expensive construction material, but at the same time more durable. Larch logs are particularly dense, making them more difficult to work with than pine. But larch logs are resistant to moisture. Moreover, under the influence of water, larch becomes even stronger and denser. It is worth noting that this moisture-resistant type of wood does not rot for many years, which has a positive effect on the strength of the entire structure. The price of larch logs is several times higher than pine, which makes it less in demand. Most often, larch is used as a material for the backing board and the lower crown of the log house.

  • Spruce. This type of coniferous wood has increased fiber.
    That is why spruce logs, although good for health, are mainly used for constructing internal partitions at home. Because when wet, spruce will open its pores and fibers, absorbing excess moisture. But inside, spruce wood will look unique. Smooth light shade along the entire length of the round timber and the valuable aromas of the resins that the log will emit inside the house make it quite popular.
  • Cedar. It is considered an elite type of wood because it has increased strength and a noble shade. A cedar log means the durability of a cottage and a light cedar aroma in the air of the log house. But the price of a cedar log stops the developer and forces him to use simpler types of wood.

Important: for any type of wood, Canadian cutting of bowls requires high precision and professionalism. Otherwise, assembling a house using Canadian technology will not make sense - the locks simply will not fit together or will have a weak connection.

Technology of cutting logs under the Canadian bowl

This technology is reminiscent of chopping a house using the Scandinavian method. However, for the installation of a Scandinavian log house, a carriage is used - a prepared log with cuts on the sides. Log houses for the Canadian bowl are built only from round timber.

Using Canadian technology, the log bowl is made with a protrusion, which, when connecting the logs at the corners, ensures the locking of the lock. That is, the upper log is equipped with a trapezoidal bowl with an outlet, which is put on the lower perpendicular log with a corresponding groove bed. As a result, when pressed, two logs are connected into a lock. After shrinking and shrinking the house, such bowls, unlike standard Russian ones, are compressed around the bed more tightly, which reduces the likelihood of blowing through the corners. In turn, when the log shrinks, the standard Russian bowl, on the contrary, expands its semicircle, making the gaps even larger.

It is worth noting that the formation of the Canadian bowl, ledges and hews on the log is done exclusively by hand. This requires professionalism from the master. Assembling a cottage using Canadian technology can take up to a year or even more, since it requires high precision cutting. That is why a log house assembled from round timber into a Canadian bowl will be more expensive than a cottage made from rounded wood. Today, not many companies provide such a service (construction of a Canadian log house). Therefore, if you decide to install just such a log house as shown in the photographs below, you will have to look for specialists of this particular profile. And then your log house will be a treat for all your neighbors and friends! After all, the house assembly technology, proven over centuries, guarantees the reliability and strength of the house.

Photos of Canadian log houses:

Let's not hide that one of the most popular construction technologies wooden houses is a Canadian felling.

  • This technique is unique and is distinguished by the positive specifics of Norwegian and Russian technology collected in it.
  • Let us consider in more detail the most important nuances and features of this method.
  • Is different Canadian log house with its own characteristics and individual specifics, which are important to study more carefully.

1 The cost is quite high due to the fact that the process is very labor intensive. However, the expense is compensated by the positive differences compared to manual cutting methods.

2 In Canadian cutting technology, several types of grooves are used: traditional semicircular and M-shaped. Main distinguishing feature Canadian cup - the presence of side tassels. To accurately cut through all the shapes, specialized equipment is required. During the marking process, a compass of a unique design is used. Carpenters use axes to finish cutting grooves and bowls. Due to the high complexity of the Canadian bowl, the most important equipment and tools are the high professionalism of the employees and their experience. Without this, Canadian logging is impossible. Without false modesty, we note that we are proud of our craftsmen - they have no equal in this labor-intensive task!

3 The finished Canadian log can be quickly distinguished from the rest; externally, it is created like this: a groove with edges is cut on top of the wood, and a “tail tail” is made at the bottom - a tenon. Due to such a complex design, the finished log house is not completely ventilated. After the shrinkage process, it jams itself.

Alternate stages of Canadian logging

If we do not take into account the nuances of wood harvesting and drying, then it is quite possible to divide all the fundamental actions into stages of construction of structures.

1 Having our own base, which is equipped with modern equipment, we select all the necessary design parts. We divide them into suitable and not. When dividing we take into account important factors: dimensions of logs, technical condition after drying. If defects are detected, the wood is recycled. From wood that has obvious flaws, auxiliary lumber is made.
For Canadian log houses, we choose exclusively smooth wood, which is of impeccable quality and has the following dimensions: length from 6 to 12 meters, and diameter from 280 to 500 mm or more.
After this stage Our specialists perform primary processing - remove the bark. A special tool used to remove the bark (scrape) allows you to clean the surface as efficiently as possible and not damage the protective layer: “sapwood”.
Another effective method processing that our specialists use is “hydrobarking”. In this case, the bark is removed under the influence high pressure water.

2 The Canadian log house is delivered to the customer’s territory in the form of a carefully packaged structure. Delivery is carried out using special transport.

4 According to the markings created on the logs, the process of assembling the log house begins. Canadian bowls are compacted during assembly, which is guaranteed to eliminate blowing and also protect the frame from moisture and rotting. An accurate calculation of the percentage of shrinkage of the structure is made.

5 During the installation of the log house, it is antiseptic. In this case, they are used professional products, which are guaranteed to help eliminate any appearance of various fungi and insects.

The cost of this work varies in Moscow, but our company offers affordable prices for such high quality housing.

Advantages of Canadian logging

Accordingly, the construction process is quite labor-intensive and complex, but thanks to the many advantages it is worth it.

  • Excellent thermal insulation, thanks to the extraordinary shape of the groove, a perfect connection of logs is achieved.
  • During the processing process, the entire top layer is preserved, which has a beneficial effect on the main factors: freezing, cracking, curling - all parameters increase. The room has its own microclimate.
  • High quality and natural beauty of textures make the house truly unique. Such a house does not require finishing, which significantly reduces overall costs.
  • It is worth considering the fact that the quality of a constructed house depends 90% on the experience of specialists.

Taking this into account, we offer professional services to our company “Vityaz-Stroy”. Our employees are highly qualified craftsmen who are guaranteed to build the log house of your dreams!

Canadian Cutting

The main advantage of Canadian felling, undoubtedly, is the minimization of gaps - cracks on the sides of the bowls, after the logs shrink. This advantage still does not 100% exclude the appearance of cracks at the joints of logs, as well as cracks on the log itself.

And therefore, the use of sealant, subsequently, and often during the construction stage, is INEVITABLE. And it turns out that talking about the absence of cracks becomes inappropriate. It is logical to ask: “Why then is this argument (about the absence of gaps) presented as an advantage? If the sealant closes ANY gaps anyway.

The second advantage is visual effect, since the planes of the cuts, even if they are poorly (not Canadian) executed, add positive sensations from the log house. However, this is, as they say, a matter of taste, and there is no arguing about tastes.

For “hunting is worse than bondage”, if a person wants, let him do it - We are “For”, with both hands!

The disadvantages include a significant reduction in the thickness of the logs at the joining points, i.e. in the corners. Especially with double stitching (both above and below). This, as a result, reduces the thermal insulation of the corner.

And also, since the sapwood is completely removed from the corner, the working life of this connection is reduced. It's simply durability. Illiterate execution further aggravates this problem.

Want to know our opinion about Canadian logging?

The myth that CANADIAN CUTTING is Cool.

You can PR and Exploit any popular topic, but there is a Fact that you cannot avoid. You can only “close your eyes” to it. Or Don't see it because you haven't studied the topic.

Where is the ancestral home of the Canadian logging?

It's very simple if you ask yourself:

Where could the North American Indians have developed log houses? If they mainly led a nomadic lifestyle, then why did they need log houses? The real history of Russia has deep roots. Those who don't like it know this very well. And the great-grandchildren of those Russians who walked with their feet across the lands of once Russian Alaska are learning more and more.

If the well-forgotten old is passed off as “new” - this will be another brand and money out of thin air. Because there are many who like to repackage a well-known product into a “new” one. It sells better that way. Since “it differs in that...” And there is more freedom with arguments.

This method of connecting a log structure justified only in certain cases. And not without its shortcomings.

To start...

Name: “Canadian cabin” comes from an artificial surge in the popularity of this sophisticated technology in Canada. Its roots are in Russia, for it was brought from there, as one of the many varieties of Russian cutting. This technology is found in different nooks and crannies of the world. And residential buildings made of logs using this technology acquire a certain special attractiveness due to the geometry of the connections. Especially if they are executed COMPETENTLY, because there are also “other” executions...

It’s called “As we could” and “as we could.” This is “refinement”. One can only laugh at this kind of “refinement”, because the log becomes so thin at the joints that the cups sometimes break off.

To prevent the groove from “climbing” onto the edge, you need to sacrifice the groove, making it Already. And such a narrowing of the groove width will naturally worsen the thermal insulation. You can simply compare: will the groove width be 15-18 cm (up to 25 cm), or 7-8 cm, and sometimes 6 cm? These are places in the wall 6 cm thick! Well, where is this good?

Disadvantage of Canadian Logging The problem is that too much thickness is cut off from the entire log mass. This is undesirable for a log house. Moreover, the undercuts in the bowls are hewn out. And it turns out a little deep.

If you make an upper notch, and then another lower one, then from the entire mass of the log there remains an “isthmus” with a cross-section of less than 30% of the log’s cross-section. A small triangle from the circle remains.

Usually they put a thick tangle of insulation in there and think that everything turned out great. But what can you do with the fact that the log is cut by 70-75%, 25-30% remains and the edges are very poorly protected? And you have to make special efforts to ensure that they can withstand loading. Especially transportation. Otherwise, it may simply not withstand the shock or pressure on the road or during loading.

There was a case in our practice: A team was cutting down a house using Canadian technology, with double slabs. This was a long time ago and was a big curiosity back then.

The foreman with sparkling eyes told everyone about the Canadian cabin. Even then, from his stories, we had questions about this technology.

When we looked WHAT they are cutting down, our fears were confirmed. And then they cut, one might say, “a C grade.”

The connections in the corners seemed so weak, since the logs in the corners were heavily sawed through, that they seemed to be very unreliable. And one element, it was a one and a half meter long extension under the balcony, was somehow restless to look at. Not only was the thickness of the bowl “nothing”, but it also had no lower stems. It felt like he was just hanging in the air and was about to fall.

I say to the foreman: “Well, it might fall off you.” And he answered me that he was not going to correct the mistakes of the designers, as it was drawn - that’s how we do it.

Well, as a result, it fell off when loading it into the car. And what the balcony is now supported on is unknown. How they solved this problem is not known.

And it turns out that you need a competent approach, taking into account these nuances, which allows you to avoid such troubles.

If Canadian logging is what you want, we can perform it this way,

What You will sleep peacefully.

To do this, you just need to deviate from some of the canons established for Canadian logging, and everything is guaranteed to fall into place.

Canadian logging allows you to build durable and energy-efficient houses and bathhouses from logs different diameters. Thanks to the internal spike in the bowl, the lock self-jams, the walls are airtight, and the joints do not come apart in the corners. Such log houses do not need re-caulking! Carpenters from ROYAL CEDAR have been practicing the construction of log houses using Canadian technology since 2002.

The history of the appearance of Canadian logging

In the mid-18th century, Russian settlers brought this technology to Canada. The local population (Indians and Eskimos) did not know this method of building wooden houses.

In Russia at the same time, architects preferred faster and less labor-intensive cutting methods. Arriving in Canada, Russian craftsmen were forced to adapt Russian cutting to local conditions, sacrifice speed and simplicity, giving preference to reliability and thermal efficiency.

Now Canadian log houses are popular not only in North America and Canada, but also in other countries, including Russia.


It is profitable to build houses and baths with “ROYAL CEDAR”! Only we:

  • We carefully select building materials. We have a production site and logging plots. We don't buy timber, we cut it ourselves in the Siberian taiga! Each tree is inspected by a master with twenty years of experience and checked with an ultrasonic flaw detector. For construction, blanks with good indicators of curvature, density and resin content are used. Our logs have no visible or hidden defects. Unsuitable specimens are rejected and used for lumber production.
  • We develop detailed projects. The sketch part is a sectional view of the frame, a layout with an explication of the premises and a foundation plan. All documents necessary for production are contained in the constructive section: cutting maps for all types of lumber, diagrams for laying crowns and wall layouts. All design documents are created automatically, which eliminates errors. Our log houses are cut in strict accordance with design developments, and each item in the estimate can be justified with documentation.
  • We hire the best carpenters and finishers. We build turnkey houses and bathhouses. We do not involve subcontractors in our work; we carry out all design, construction and finishing work ourselves. Our staff employs the best Siberian carpenters and all-round finishers, so we are confident in the result. All work is our guarantee!
  • We offer prices from the manufacturer. Projects from ROYAL CEDAR contain documents that allow you to save: cutting maps for wall material and specifications for all lumber. We are manufacturers and do not work with intermediaries. Our Customers pay only for the material and work of our craftsmen. Remuneration for intermediaries and resellers is not included in the construction budget.

Canadian felling: technology features

  • Canadian cabin unites in itself character traits Russian and Norwegian styles. Logs are suitable for construction large diameter, which are carefully adjusted to each other when assembling the structure.
  • Carpenters make a special “lock”: in the lower crown a tenon is cut out in a wedge-shaped bowl, and in the upper crown a trapezoid-shaped bowl is cut out. Under the weight of the logs, during shrinkage, the fastening becomes tightly jammed, thereby achieving complete tightness of the “lock.”
  • Full matching of bowls in shape and self-jamming of the “lock” minimize the risk of connections being exposed over time. Atmospheric moisture does not penetrate inside the corner. The insulation located in the grooves retains its natural properties for a long time.
  • Using Canadian technology, they make double-sided kneading logs at an angle of 45 degrees. The length of the notch is equal to twice the diameter of the log.
  • For Canadian log houses, logs processed with a stapler are used. This tool allows you to very carefully debark the workpiece, leaving the sapwood intact. Such logs look original, and log houses made from them last a long time.
  • The grooves are made with an adze, the wood is hewn along the grain. This allows you to clog the pores and resin channels. This “preservation” increases the service life of wood.
  • For Canadian logging, it is recommended to use logs with a diameter of 400 mm or more. We build from cedar, pine and larch with a diameter of up to 700 mm.

Features of Canadian log houses

  • Tightness. A log house with round bowls after shrinkage requires caulking or treating the walls with acrylic sealant using the “ Warm seam" The appearance of cracks is associated with a decrease in the linear dimensions of the log due to shrinkage. In the Canadian cabin this problem is not present: the inclined edges of the lock and self-jamming under the weight of the crowns and roofing system maintain the tightness of the connections. No cracks appear in such a log house, the notch remains sealed.
  • The walls look monolithic. There are no gaps between the crowns; this is maintained throughout the entire life of the log house. The insulation remains inside the log, it is not visible and is reliably protected from environmental influences.
  • Beautiful appearance. The notches on a large diameter log look original. In the construction of elite log houses, logs with expressive butts are used. The ends are shaped “under a wedge” or “in a run-up pattern”. French and straight end cuts are also available. Our carpenters have an original technique for drawing butt parts. Large-diameter logs processed in the “wild” style or with partial debarking are widely used. The massive chopped trusses that decorate the entrance look original.

Diamond bowl or Diamond edging

  • Construction of houses in a diamond bowl requires high skill from carpenters, because this is a very complex technology. The difference from the usual Canadian method is the number of stitches - they are performed not on one side of the crown, but on two:
  • A large number of edges intersect in cuttings, which looks like a diamond. This is where the name of this method comes from, with the help of which you can emphasize the natural shape of the butts and the beauty of the wood texture.
  • The pinnacle of craftsmanship Tightly fitted (up to a millimeter) corner joints of the crowns are considered.
  • Benefits of a Diamond Bowl the same as that of an ordinary Canadian one: complete tightness and absence of cracks after shrinkage of the log house.
  • The only drawbackdiamond cutting is to reduce the width of the thermal groove. It is for this reason that it is advisable to choose this type of felling when building wooden house from logs with a diameter of more than 460 mm. In large log houses, diamond cutting looks especially elegant!

Composition of the house kit

  • Wall logs;
  • Lumber natural humidity For:
  • Inter-crown insulation “Klimalan”;
  • Dry birch dowel;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Protective compounds "Remmers";
  • Shrinkage jacks;
  • Hardware.

Construction time

Construction time depends on the complexity of the project, the diameter of the log and the workload of the production site.