Every player knows that the basis of everything is silver. But in order to buy new technology, you need to open it first. And this can be done for experience. Experience in the game is awarded for each battle, and the more effectively you acted, the more experience you will receive. The wot experience calculator takes into account such data as the amount of damage dealt, the number of enemy tanks destroyed, base capture points and much more.

Calculating experience in WoT is possible using a modern calculator

This all determines your effectiveness during battle and is responsible for the amount of experience in battle. You can calculate how much experience you need to accumulate to open a particular tank or module, but here’s how act correctly In order to get maximum experience for a battle, this is what you have to learn.

First of all, study as many guides on operating equipment as possible. Even if you don't play any tank, this tank is a must for you meet enemy. You must know how the driver of this tank behaves, what his actions are aimed at. This is how you can act as efficiently as possible. Also study the cards, watch a video about the features of each. So you can use terrain, shelters and much more for an effective game. As you improve, you will be able to accumulate experience much faster and new equipment and modules will not keep you waiting.

World of Tanks is an excellent, exciting game that has attracted millions of gamers into its networks. Many of us play WoT for fun and never think about how to upgrade a tank, but not everyone is ready to be content with little. Nowadays, when we are all busy with everyday affairs - work, family - there is little time left to play, upgrading a tank to premium equipment takes months, and the dream of driving top tanks risks remaining just a dream.

Don't give up your dreams!

For those “in the tank” - a service for pumping up accounts website

We offer:

pump up the tank;
upgrade the tank branch.

Additional bonuses:

winning percentage from 55% to 80%.;
efficiency from 1500 to 3000 units;
maximum experience on tank and account;
the farmed silver during leveling also remains with you for free;
crew leveling;
achievements and medals received during the leveling process;
Medal "Master". In 90% of cases, we “take” the master on the tank.

What guarantees?

A team of experienced, professional players who have some of the highest statistics in the entire WORLD OF TANKS are pumping up your tanks for you; you can read more about the information in the section. Instant processing of your orders, the shortest turnaround time, guaranteed results and refund, vast experience - the service is already 3 years old, positive, reasonable prices.

How to make an order?

You leave a request on the website;
We contact you and clarify the order details (equipment and number of fights);
You pay for your order in a way convenient for you;
You get the long-awaited result :)

Optimal equipment for pumping up tanks:

TT- AMX 50B, T57 Heavy, T110E5, E100, Maus, IS7, S.Conqueror, WZ-111 5A, 113.
ST- E50M, T-62A, Object 140, TVP T 50/51, E50, T-54,121, B-C 25 t, M46 Patton, M48 Patton.
LT- AMX 13 90, Ru251, WZ-132, M41 Walker Bulldog, T71, Type 64 and LT 10 lvl
PT- Hellcat, T110E4, T110E3, Object 263, Object 268, Grille 15, Foch B, FV4005, Strv 103B.
self-propelled guns- Object 261, Conqueror Gun Carriage, Т92,M40/M43, FV304, G.W. Panther, M53/M55.

10 levels France: Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, AMX 50B, Germany: E 50 Ausf. M, Leopard 1, USA: USA: M-48 "Patton", T57 Heavy, Japan: STB-1, China: Heavy 113, WZ-111 model 5A.

Cost of services:

  • Researched technology600 rub for 50,000 experience
  • Premium technology500 rub for 50,000 experience
  • Self-propelled guns (artillery)750 rubles for 50,000 experience


  • We upgrade equipment of any level;
  • services are provided only with an active PA status (Premium account), or there must be gold to purchase it for the duration of the upgrade;
  • during pumping, the tank is upgraded to the “top” configuration, this must be taken into account when calculating experience (we do not research unnecessary or not very influential modules, so as not to waste extra experience);
  • minimum pumping order - 50,000 experience;
  • there must be 100 gold on the account to dismantle and transfer modules, if necessary during pumping;
  • a crew of at least 75% of the main specialty is required;
  • if the order for pumping is large (for example, pumping up an entire branch of equipment or an order for 400k+ experience in one branch), then a necessary condition is the presence of PREMIUM equipment on your account VIII level. Those. if during the pumping process it turns out that there is not enough silver for the next tank, the pumping does not stop, but We will farm the required amount of silver ourselves (without increasing the cost of overall pumping!) to purchase the next tank, and this is exactly what a level 8 premium vehicle is required for.

The last condition is a serious bonus from us, which gives you enormous savings when placing large pumping orders, because on other services you will be asked to pay extra for farming silver to purchase the next equipment, but we DO NOT!!!


  • when ordering 300.000 experience or more - discount - 5%
  • when ordering 400.000 experience and more than one branch of technology, we ourselves farm silver for pumped vehicles in the branch

Click on the experience calculator to calculate the cost of pumping or find out from me PM.

The calculator is very easy to use:

  • hold down the ctrl key (or alt, depending on the browser you have installed) and click on the tank from which you want to start pumping;
  • then click on the tank you want to get;
  • look at the amount of experience required for full research

Usually, the amount of experience for fully leveling up the database is slightly greater than if you learn only the necessary modules during leveling. Therefore, it is better to check with me PM.

As a gift you receive:

Additional terms:

  • while pumping, do not research modules and tanks for us. We ourselves know in what order what to open;
  • during leveling, refrain from going into battle on the vehicle you ordered leveling on. Otherwise, possible claims based on statistics will not be accepted;
  • While pumping, do not write from other accounts to your account in the game. All questions and all conversations only in the contacts indicated on the site;
  • write to us your game time and we will try to adapt to your schedule (farming times may increase slightly)

We can also discuss all service proposals in individually, we are confident that we can provide you with a profitable and reliable service for a comfortable game in World of Tanks. Anything that is not completely clear to you, you can clarify with me personally at

There are only 3 game resources in World of Tanks: silver, gold and experience.

Silver can be obtained in battles and spent on repairing and maintaining the tank, as well as on the purchase of new, more efficient modules and new combat vehicles. There are unprofitable battles when, after the game, more silver is spent on maintenance and repairs than earned. The easiest way to earn the main game currency is with premium equipment.

Experience on a specific tank is earned in battles

You can get it for causing damage to an enemy for:
causing damage;
dealing critical damage;
damage caused by other tanks “on exposure” to the player;
damage caused by allies with the help of the player (“putting on a caterpillar”);
“exposure” of enemy tanks, and more for the “art” found;
ramming an enemy tank, provided that it was damaged;
pushing equipment down slopes if the tank received damage during the fall;
pushing into the water if the tank sank;
tank destruction;
base capture;
protecting your own base by knocking down a capture;
survival in battle;
victory in battle;
some achievements in battle;
performing various combat missions.

Experience is doubled for the first victory of the day on each military vehicle separately

It is needed to study new modules and new technology. Usually the player can calculate for himself how many more battles he needs to play and how much experience he needs to gain in order to research a new module or machine.

5% of the experience earned during the battle goes into free experience. With free experience, you can upgrade the module on any tank, as well as research any available equipment. Experience from premium and elite vehicles, the crew of which is fully trained, can be converted into free experience. There is a WoT experience calculator that can calculate how much in-game gold this will require.

The crew of each tank also learns and improves their skills. Each team member, if he was not shell-shocked, receives the same amount of experience as the tank, but the player can make sure that all the experience gained goes towards training the crew.

The team's developed skills provide nice additions to the game. Each crew member gets their own “perk”. For example, the commander can choose the “sixth sense” (a light lights up on the screen if a tank is spotted), for the entire crew - “combat brotherhood”, thanks to which the characteristics of the team and the tank are improved, and the gun reload speed is increased. To find out how much experience a crew member needs to gain in order to develop the next perk, you can use the “WoT Experience Calculator” program for the crew.