Zodiac sign of people born on May 25th: Gemini. The sun on this day is usually at 4° Gemini. Behavior Type: Mutable. Astrological element: Air. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on May 25

Character according to horoscope

They have a fighting character. Whether it is about supporting a humanitarian project or a personal idea, their behavior can never be called old-fashioned, on the contrary, they are always at the forefront.

They are aesthetes with a capital A, they are attracted by money, beautiful clothes and everything that, from their point of view, is beautiful. Outwardly they give the impression of frivolous natures, but in fact they have spiritual depth.

Freedom, both collective and personal, is their main value. They have a clear understanding of any things.

Love by horoscope

They have charm, so they do not have problems finding a partner. A sense of responsibility is important to them, especially when it comes to their own family.

Those who do not have confidence in themselves are least likely to have confidence in others. Loyal and respectful, they demand respect and do not forgive those who hurt them.

Career according to horoscope

They make good artists, athletes or lawyers; they work skillfully, although they are often indifferent to work. For them, work is just a duty, and they can hardly get pleasure from it.

Tarot card for those born on May 25: The Chariot

Name of the figure: Chariot, Lord of the Triumph of Light.

Image of the figure: a cart with four columns, driven by a victorious king. The cart is pulled by two horses connected in the middle in the belly area: one pulls to the left, the other to the right.

Symbol: journey to the spiritual world.

Meanings: loyalty, balance, glory, prudence, triumph, prosperity, success.

Analogies: astrology: Venus in the sign of Libra; health: general well-being; professions: pilot, driver, travel agent.

Planet of those born on May 25

Venus (2+5=7): symbolizes changes of transformation and metamorphosis. Focus on what is different from others, and also what is far from generally accepted norms.

Birthday number May 25

Number 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive Features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 5: symbolizes the pentagram, a nervous energy that can turn everything upside down or stimulate it.


Ulcer, gastroenteritis, anxiety attacks. Professions. Athlete, lawyer, stylist. Advantages. Passion, perseverance, methodical. Flaws. Eccentricity, closedness, shyness.

Your superior mental abilities are the key to your success. You are smart, insightful and very quick to learn new things, you can be hardworking and inventive. With a need for independence, you are usually able to respond to situations with determination and strength.

You were born on May 25, the zodiac sign is Gemini. The tendency to doubt and lack confidence in your own abilities, however, can stop you when work is in full swing and prevent you from realizing all these wonderful opportunities.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will find out what the planets say about your personality.

You strive to be knowledgeable about everything and may enjoy a wide variety of intellectual pursuits. You probably have a talent for literature or debate, and you need to take a responsible approach to developing your remarkable mind.

During periods of self-confidence, you are quick-witted and good at solving intellectual problems. What's especially important is that such challenges give you flashes of inspiration and the opportunity to feel like you're making progress towards your goal.

You need to restrain your irritability and stubbornness, and also beware of nervous overexertion.

Luckily, you may also experience extraordinary bursts of energy that help you achieve your goals and inspire others to take constructive action.

You love new and interesting ventures and have a knack for both invention and research. Work has the most fruitful influence on you, and if you can combine work with humanistic ideals, then so much the better.

After age 27, you are likely to focus on your personal experiences and the people closest to you who most influence your life. You will become more aware of the need for a foundation for further growth, and your home will most likely be such a foundation.

At 57, you will have a strong need for self-expression and self-affirmation, which can make you more self-confident and outgoing.

Personal qualities of those born on May 25

Gemini born on May 25 can achieve great success in accumulating wealth. But money itself never fully satisfies you.

Perhaps you need to seek truth, develop and express your intuition. By regularly setting aside time and space for this, you can develop this most receptive aspect of your personality.

Along with an innate talent for understanding the value of things, you also have an inner strength that can enhance your determination and determination and lead you to success in all areas.

To get rid of excessive seriousness, often give vent to your cheerful nature and love of adventure.

To avoid sudden outbursts of anger or insolence, you may need to spend time reflecting or relaxing, or make sure your work allows you to express your creative moods. If you believe in a project, you will work extremely hard to make it a reality.

Work and vocation of those born on May 25

Being smart and articulate and enjoying a good debate, you may prefer a career that puts your talent for communicating with people to good use, such as a sales career, a lawyer, or an agent.

In addition, you have analytical abilities and technical skills, and therefore you can become an engineer and work with computers, metals, and mechanisms. A humanitarian streak may draw you to a career such as social work, psychology or healing.

With the help of education, you can develop your beautiful mind in order to study new subjects in depth, rather than superficially.

A person born on May 25 may be fascinated by philosophy, metaphysics, or subjects of a deeper nature. Hidden Features for the creation of literary or musical works are especially characteristic of this birthday.

Love and partnership born on May 25

You are insightful and calculating, but silent and secretive and like to talk about everything except your real feelings. Because of your skepticism, you need time to develop lasting trusting relationships.

However, you can be passionate and charming, and, despite your coldness and reserve, attractive to the opposite sex.

You are likely to be more attracted to hardworking people, especially those who are resourceful, determined, and quick-witted. Finding someone who inspires you and who you can trust will make you a loyal and devoted spouse.

An ideal partner for those born on May 25

Confidence in the future, support in spiritual quests and true love will most likely be given to you by someone born on one of the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 2, 21, 28, 31; February 19, 26, 29; March 17, 24, 27; April 15, 22, 25, 29; May 13, 20, 23, 27; June 11, 18, 21; July 9, 16, 19; August 7, 14, 17, 31; September 5, 12, 15, 19, 29; October 3, 10, 13, 27, 29, 31; November 1, 8, 11, 25, 27, 29; December 6, 9, 23, 25, 27.
  • Favorable contacts : January 9, 12, 18, 24, 29; February 7, 10, 16, 22, 27; March 5, 8, 14, 20, 25; April 3, 6, 12, 18, 23; May 1, 10, 16, 21, 31; June 2, 8, 14, 19, 29; July 6, 12, 17, 27; August 4, 10, 15, 25; September 2, 8, 13, 23; October 6, 11, 21; November 4, 9, 19; December 2, 7, 17.
  • Soulmate : January 3, 19; February 1, 17; March 15th; April 13; May 11; the 9th of June; July 7; 5th of August; September 3; October 1st.
  • Fatal attraction : January 3; February 5th; November 26, 27, 28.
  • Troubled relationships : January 7, 8, 19, 28; February 5, 6, 17, 26; March 3, 4, 15, 24; April 1, 2, 13, 22; May 11, 20; June 9, 18; July 7, 16; August 5, 14; September 3, 12; October 1, 10; November 8; December 6.

For those who don’t know what zodiac sign is on May 25, the answer is Gemini. These are individuals who fight with everyone, everywhere, who love money and freedom.


People born on this day are endowed with the qualities of fighters. Such individuals can fight for absolutely everything, it could be an idea, a goal, a family or a homeland. But they cannot be called conservative or archaic personalities; on the contrary, they relate to life in the spirit of the present time. Gemini, this day, highly appreciate cash, fashionable and stylish clothes, material stability, but at the same time they themselves understand that this is only a cover that will not replace spiritual life. They also consider freedom to be a core value.

Geminis who were born on this day easily get along in any conditions and social changes, or withdraw themselves when they realize that they cannot cope. The people around them know that they will only be agreeable and charming to a certain extent. These people never give in and do not look for compromises, even if they know that they will lose their popularity.

For such people, the attention of others is very important, but they themselves are poorly able to express this feeling. Any task they undertake will be done skillfully, but without any flair. Many Geminis are even proud of the fact that they have such coldness, thinking that this skill allows them to hide their emotions.

Sign compatibility

Gemini and Aries. This couple will be able to create a good union. They have a lot in common, they strive for the same goals, have the same views on life, and share each other’s interests.

Gemini and Taurus. This couple is incompatible. There is nothing in common between them; they are different in character and temperament. Gemini needs freedom, communication, they do not strive for a serious relationship, which is completely unsuitable for the serious and conservative Taurus.

Gemini and Gemini. Amazing couple. Their relationship will be emotional, vibrant, filled with impressions and new acquaintances. They suit each other with everything and understand perfectly what they want from life.

Gemini and Cancer. Geminis are accustomed to freedom of action in everything, they love parties and flirting, which will greatly hurt the sensual Cancer and make him jealous. These signs are not suitable for each other.

Gemini and Leo. Both signs will shine at all events and parties; they love communication and new acquaintances. Leo wants to receive a little more adoration and flattery from Gemini, but they cannot give it to him.

Gemini and Virgo. Geminis are frivolous and indecisive, which will cause nothing but nagging and criticism from Virgo, which they cannot stand. Bad relationship that will end in breakup.

Gemini and Libra. This good couple who can build a harmonious union. They support each other in everything and give everything they need. There is complete mutual understanding and support between them.

Gemini and Scorpio. The relationship between these signs will be complex. Gemini is eager to be free with friends, and Scorpio prefers solitude and silence at home. Different views on life will not lead to positive results.

Gemini and Sagittarius. They are attracted to each other like magnets, their romance is passionate and short. These signs attract and repel each other to the same extent, because there is nothing in common between them.

Gemini and Capricorn. Capricorn is possessive, serious, thrifty, he will not find a common language with frivolous, free, indecisive Gemini. Different by nature, they will not be able to create strong and happy relationships.

Gemini and Aquarius. This couple shares their views on life, finds common interests and goals in life. Both love fun and communication, travel and unnecessary waste. Although in such relationships not everything is always smooth.

Gemini and Pisces. The relationship between these signs is difficult. They satisfy each other sexually, but are completely unsuitable for life together.

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On this day, humanity welcomes into its ranks mysterious individuals with well-developed intellect, intuition and imagination. Like all Geminis, they stand firmly on the ground, but are too interested in the secrets of the subconscious, which gives them a certain veil of mystery. The deep emotionality of these people distinguishes them from other representatives of their zodiac sign, but, not trusting their feelings, they either suppress them or try to check them.

The birthday people of this day are the favorites of fate, whose purpose is to improve the world. To do this, the planets endow them with great creative and vital potential, which they realize throughout their entire journey. If these people do not waste the power given by nature on trifles, but develop it and use it with kindness and love, they will become very successful and will truly bring great benefit to society.

According to the horoscope, Gemini, who celebrates their birthday on May 25, have a very warlike nature. These fighters constantly fight for the interests of everything that is close to them, sparing no effort and time to do so. They protect people, country, friends, family, personal freedom and other values. Thanks to their fighting qualities, they easily adapt to any conditions. Nevertheless, they value comfort and material goods, although they do not put them at the forefront, considering the spiritual principle to be a priority.

Representatives of this zodiac and birthday sign are always in the center of events, but at the same time they often lack the attention and care that they really need. Due to lack of self-confidence, they often become distrustful of others. However, in their activities they always occupy one of the leading positions, demonstrating high professionalism and remarkable abilities.

Those born on May twenty-fifth are able to suppress their emotions and control feelings, which they are very proud of and do not hide their abilities from others. But behind their apparent composure all their lives they hide the fear of being unrecognized in society.

Relationships with others.

According to the horoscope, people born on May 25 under the zodiac sign Gemini greatly value the attention and warmth of human relationships, but they themselves are not able to express such feelings. This is explained by the fact that the emotional side of their lives is often completely suppressed, and through their own efforts. This behavior greatly complicates relationships with others, prevents these people from making friends, and negatively affects their personal lives.

In resolving any issues, they show intractability, uncompromisingness and consider their opinion to be universal. By setting their own living standards, they consider them most suitable for all other people and do not allow anyone to violate them. They are very honest and responsible to others and themselves; they put forward the same demands to their environment.

Geminis born on May 25 are extremely romantic, vulnerable and sensitive. They really look forward to love, they believe that their partner will understand them and surround them with attention and care. If in reality everything turns out to be wrong, they are very disappointed. Outwardly they are cool, but in relationships they are able to open up and surround their loved one with tenderness and affection.

In marriage they become excellent spouses and parents, although they are often too demanding of their loved ones. They try to create a good financial base for all family members and care about the future. They never forget their parents and consult with them even at an advanced age.

The career and professional activities of people born on May 25 are usually successful. Despite communication problems, they are able to work in a team and can even occupy leadership positions. Most often, these Geminis are not conservatives, preferring to live for today. They have the ability to subtly sense upcoming changes, so they manage to accept them in time. correct solution– lay low or adapt to changes.

When communicating with colleagues, they can make extremely high demands regarding decency and honor. They often withdraw into themselves. They are intolerant of the weaknesses of their subordinates, distrustful and suspicious, which significantly complicates the organization of the work process.

Whatever they do, they perform it beautifully and professionally, but their actions are completely devoid of real feelings. This is again explained by the suppression of the emotional component of one’s life. Moreover, people of this sign and date are even proud of their coldness, considering the ability to control emotions a huge achievement.

Representatives of this sign and date are quite attentive to their health. They can follow a diet, exercise, and organize their work schedule correctly. Therefore, they usually do not have any problems on this side. Most often, they suffer from a lack (as it seems to them) of attention and care. They are characterized by self-flagellation and excessive worry about lack of recognition by others or society. Such nervous tension can nullify all efforts to organize healthy image life. Moreover, they do not solve this problem, but try with all their might to drive emotions inside themselves. Being deeply emotional natures, they thereby completely upset the balance of their inner world, which cannot but affect the general state of the psyche and the body as a whole.

Tips for a better life

Work on yourself, get rid of excessive demands on people. Learn to forgive, do not accumulate resentment, become more tolerant and patient. Be more restrained, perceive other people’s weaknesses more leniently - everyone has them.

Before starting any business, perform preliminary calculations and develop a detailed plan. step-by-step actions. Don't make decisions in a state of anger or anger - they will not bring good results.

Do not try to completely suppress your emotions and demonstrate your indifference or coldness. On the contrary, try to show your loved ones that you also have certain feelings for them.

Develop self-confidence and avoid excessive self-criticism. Don't be afraid of being rejected by society. Work methodically to develop higher self-esteem, then luck will always accompany you. Find a way to live by your own code of ethics without resorting to self-deprecation. Translate your ideals into pragmatic forms. Never lose faith in success.

May 25 it cannot be a simple day, since a fearless one is born Zodiac sign Twins. Their whole essence is fueled by fighting instincts. You don’t even need to look for a reason to fight. He will fight for an idea, homeland, thought, cause, etc. But this does not mean that we have before us an ardent conservative and defender of everything traditional. This is a modern man who understands the times he lives in and his beliefs are based on the spirit of modernity. Moreover, he adores all the benefits of civilization, namely its expensive manifestations in the form of high-quality clothing, mansions, and luxurious restaurants. It is important for him to have the best. Truth realizes that these are just things that do not affect his spirituality in any way. Most of all he protests against tyranny, since it is the main threat to freedom.

Character traits

Personality May 25 adapts perfectly to all the changes that happen in society. Prefers to adapt or turns into a hermit. In both versions Zodiac sign feels great. Those close to him know that his charm and amenability have limits. If a conflict arises, he will never make a concession, even if this threatens the loss of the relationship.

He tends to philosophize and formulate thoughts and opinions on any subject. Moreover, his vision of the world is immediately reflected in his behavior, gait and even the strength of his voice. He develops a certain standard for himself and believes that everyone should follow it. Therefore, he is irritated when carefully thought-out principles are tried to be violated. He is also jealous of morality and honor. Sets inflated demands on colleagues, superiors, friends and family, which not everyone can meet. He needs to show leniency towards human weaknesses and not get excited in his assessment.

Appreciates attention, but is stingy with praise. He approaches any task like a professional, be it work, everyday life or love. But there is no feeling of passion in this, as if it is carrying out some kind of plan or automatic movements. Moreover, coldness gives him a feeling of pride, and he tries to cultivate and nourish it. The main fear is to remain unnoticed and rejected.

Famous personalities

Today we congratulate Vitaly Kashchenko, Oleg Dal, Alexandra Kulikova (actors) and Kristina Orbakaite (singer).

What fate brings

Born May 25 has an interest in inventions, new technologies, ideas. I especially like everything related to communication, radio and television. Monotonous tasks and pace drive you crazy and make you nervous. Essentially it's generous Zodiac sign, and with great wealth, he will not skimp on charity. But he also likes to spend money and does not always count money, which is why frequent scandals with his significant other are possible. Initially strong health can be undermined by prolonged overwork.

  • Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25 and 29.
  • Compatibility is set to appear 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 25, 28.
  • They will strengthen positive sides and the attractiveness of blue, dove, grey, electric, white, green and cream colors.
  • The stone that brings good luck will be found in moonstone, emerald, turquoise and pearl.