February 25, 2014 In this article we will try to deal with the term "Scandinavia" and find out which countries it includes and what is interesting to tourists there ...

The Scandinavian region usually belongs to all countries of Northern Europe -, and. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are counted here, since they are parts of Denmark, and the Aland Islands are part of Finland.

But this formulation is erroneous, since traditionally only Sweden, Norway and Denmark include Scandinavia's historical and cultural region. This region covers the Scandinavian Peninsula (Norway, Sweden and part of the North-West Finland), Peninsula, Jutland (Denmark) and the adjacent Islands.

But usually, in all guidebooks, Iceland and Finland are also called Scandinavia, since they are very close, as well as history and culture are closely related to the Scandinavian countries. And even the flags of these five countries are similar, at all the characteristic cross is shown a bit displaced from the center to the left. By the way, he first appeared on the flag of Denmark.

In general, so now the term "Scandinavia" actually became synonymous with the term "Northern Europe".

And in this article we will also call Scandinavia all these five countries. After all, it really, not only a geographical location, but also culture, related languages \u200b\u200band a rich history, starting from ancient times, when still Vikings and Goths, naocked the harsh expanses of this region.

Yes, and the "rest in Scandinavia" in most Russian tourists are associated, first of all, of course, with our "neighbor" Finland, so how it is here without it.

What to see in Scandinavia

The main tourist "baits" of Scandinavia is the famous Norwegian fjords and vintage cities with their historical and architectural attractions.

In addition, in almost every Scandinavian country there are national parks with beautiful nature and good ski resorts.

In Iceland, in addition, there are also huge waterfalls, the valley of geysers and giant glaciers.

In addition to bus tours, cruises are also popular with extremely common among Russian tourists traveling around the region (usually from Peter), cruises are also popular. They are divided into ferry cruises on the Scandinavian countries, one of the most popular routes is "Finland - Sweden - Norway - Denmark", and on cruises on Norwegian fjords.

The latter in general are the attraction, after all, anywhere in the world you will not be able to swim on a ship from the open sea for tens of kilometers deep by sushi across a narrow, winding sea bays with high rocky shores (the height of the rocks reaches 1000 meters). And all this is surrounded by the delightful nature.

The most popular Scandinavian cities in cruise tourists are Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo and Bergen, as well as Helsinki.

However, Russians come to Scandinavia not only for the sake of an interesting excursion program. In recent years, our compatriots, mostly, of course, the inhabitants of the Leningrad region are actively rented to rest cottages in Finland. They are rented both on weekends and for a longer period, and with different goals - rest on lakes with fishing, rest at ski resorts and simply measured family holidays on the Nature Lon.

When it is better to go to Scandinavia

In general, tourism in the countries of Scandinavia is an empty, and in any case the rest here is "non-jar" - the weather is still there are usually moderate (+ 20 ... + 23), so they can safely drive those who for some reason seeking to avoid the scorching sun and high temperatures.

Well, during the winter months, Scandinavia turns into a real paradise for dreaming about a real snow-white winter - with fluffy snowdrifts, stunning on the beauty of snow-covered forests and clean heaven.

The best time to visit Scandinavia is summer or winter!

Many Scandinavia is associated with fairy tales, clean nature, ski resorts, chocolate. However, this concept absorbs much more sense and can give travelers much more than just walks.

What is Scandinavia

Geographically, Scandinavia is a region consisting of four countries. All these countries belong to Northern Europe. They are associated not only geographically, but have similar ethnoculture and similar languages.


Countries of Scandinavia and their capital. Location on the world map

Scandinavia includes Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.

Geographically Scandinavia extends on the polar circle, however, Golf Stream, the warm flow of the ocean, warms this area to soften the weather. It is thanks to this warm flow that the Scandinavian mountains have a climate of alpine tundra. Nature will delight travelers with lakes and ancient glaciers.

Scandinavia covers the Scandinavian Peninsula, Peninsula, Jutland and the adjacent Islands Gotland, Zealand and others.

Scandinavian peninsula on the world map - located in the northwestern part of Europe

Sometimes Scandinavia is viewed in a broader concept, including Finland and the island of North Atlantic, thereby bringing the concepts of Scandinavia and "Northern Europe countries". But in this case, the term fennosconda is correct, and not Scandinavia.


The languages \u200b\u200bof the countries belonging to Scandinavia are connected with each other and are very similar. Most of the indigenous population make up the ancestors of emigrants of the German tribes, which settled where Denmark is now.

The opinion of which countries belong to Scandinavia will differ. Some scientists include in this group Denmark Norway and Sweden. However, other sources attach to this group to Finland and Iceland. Such an association is called Nordic countries.

Term Scandinavia

The term itself appeared relatively recently, just a couple of hundred years ago. It was at that time, historians consider, the idea was adopted that these countries have one general heritage.

The term is used by politicians, scientists and, of course, tour operators in order to designate Scandinavia and where it is on the world map. Due to the fact that Scandinavia spreads on a fairly large area, its climate is very diverse. Tourists can find in Scandinavia and mountains and valleys and archipelagoes. In the east of this territory, you can find lakes and hills, and in the south of lowland and river valleys. In the West and the North, you can enjoy the mountainous area.


The climate is completely different both in the north and in the West. It changes in two directions. If the climate can be called the climate in the western part of Scandinavia, then in the center of the climate acquires a more continental nature. In the north you can meet the subarctic climate.

Thus, on the west coast, tourists will meet with a cool summer and warm winter, in the center of Scandinavia will be a warm summer and a cold winter, while in the north of summer practically does not happen.

Sights of Scandinavia

Tower Cankan

This construction is located in the Swedish city of Helsingborg and is his symbol. The city has a very rich and interesting story, the oldest mention of this city found in the records of the first hundreds of the second millennium. In the literal translation of the tower name indicates the core. The construction consists of a brick, the volume of this tower is affected by the imagination: six tens of meters. The height of this ancient structure is more eleven floors. In the tenth century, there was a wooden structure on the spot of this tower, and a stone tower was built in the fifteenth century.

Tower Cankan

Palace Bunda

The second place for which it is worth going on a journey is also located in Sweden. The Bunde Palace is a small building with a concise design. The walls of a light shade and contrasting with them the roof is an indicator of conciseness and a good taste. Now it serves to make fair decisions, in other words, this is the building of the Supreme Court of Sweden. The organization located in this building is the highest authority in the consideration of civil and criminal cases. The construction itself appeared in the eighteenth century. Officially, it was erected in the eighty-ninth year. It was Gustav Third, the ruler of Sweden, founded the Supreme Court.

Palace Bunda

He used to consist of twelve judges. Noblemen and ordinary citizens received the same number of posts. The king could vote last and could vote for two. In the nineteenth century, they increased the necessary number of judges to sixteen and changed the requirements for them, namely, the judges had to have a certain rank. It was in this building that a fairly big event was happening for the modern world. At the very beginning of our century, the chair was chosen by a woman.

Palace Bunda

Saltstraumen whirlpool

The nature of this place is natural, irruptive. In fact, this attraction is a strong tidal flow. What is attractive in it? This course is recognized by humanity as the strongest on the planet. In order to see the attraction, you need to come to the town of Buda, next to which this natural phenomenon appeared. Unusual flow can be observed every few hours. In itself, the spectacle fascinates: four hundred million cubic meters of water are gaining speed up to four tens of kilometers per hour and drive through the strait. The latter cannot be called wide, its size is only one and a half hundred meters.

Saltstraumen whirlpool

Roots are simply huge: more than a dozen meters in diameter and half of this size in depth. The strait binds from Sherstad-Fjord and Salten Fiort with the Sea. This area is worth coming not only for this amazing phenomenon, in this part of Norway, this area can be paid to this area. It was famous for its skillful hunters who caught fish just in these restless waters. In addition, water tourism is very developed here. Lovers of diving and surfing flock. If you are interested in an interesting and cognitive holiday - you need to go here.

Saltstraumen whirlpool

This attraction is located in Gothenburg. What is a plus, this city is not very popular with tourists, so you can not expect a large crowd and relax to relax. The Swedish East India Company appeared in the eighteenth century. She was created in order to establish trade with the eastern countries using the sea. Now museums are now in the building of the East India Company. This trading company made it possible to quickly develop this city. With its services, very rare and expensive goods of eastern countries were delivered to the city, namely India and China.

House of East India Trading Company

The city was filled with porcelain, tea, spices. These goods were sold primarily at auctions, which allowed them to sell them at a higher price. This sight has not always belonged to this company. In the eighteenth century, the building served for offices. Thanks to its influence, the East India Company has become an indisputable monopolist among such companies. Now the building accommodates two museums: archaeological and historical. Museums themselves began to function in the eighties of the twentieth century.

Palace Cristianborg.

This beautiful building is located on the island of Slotsholmen in Denmark. The history of this castle began eight hundred centuries ago. At the moment, the castle is a residence of the desired king, which is now served for the receptions of state importance. During its existence, the castle was rebuilt several times. For the first time, Christianborg had a baroque style, then a fire happened, after which the building was built in classicism style. Now this attraction is a sample of the Necharook style. The first buildings on this island were built back in the thirteenth century. The building of the palace is now on the site of the fortress. The last built Bishop Absalon, he founded this city. The island occurred due to human actions, he is unnecessary. He appeared due to the fact that people dug the channel, which separated from the sushi peninsula.

Palace Cristianborg.

For the first time, the castle was burned during the war from the army of Lubeck, in the thirteenth century forty-ninth year. The second time the castle burned almost a century later, in the sixty-ninth year of the fourteenth century. After this battle, the initial type of fortress was restored. He was built thanks to the king of a Christian of the sixth, who appointed the author of the draft David Hacer. This version of the castle existed more than two hundred years, to the forty-fifth year of the eighteenth century. Then he was postgraded again. Architect new versions was Hansen. Construction continued quarter of a century. And again the castle was burned, half a hundred years old.

Palace Cristianborg.

The last version of the castle was built by Architect Torvald Johenson. A contest of projects in which he won was arranged. The construction lasted two decades. This beautiful structure had a roof tile, which over time was replaced by copper sheets. Kristiansborg is connected to the city with eight bridges. In addition, the Castle includes the highest tower on the island, which reaches a hundred six meters in height. The interior of the castle is decorated with tapestries, which are depicted important events for residents.

Publication author

I am fond of campaigns and travel, photos and video shooting.

I go hiking from childhood. The whole family went and went to the sea, then on the river, on the lake, in the forest. There was a time when we spent in the forest for an entire month. They lived in tents, they prepared on a fire. Probably, therefore, and now it pulls me into the forest and, in general, in nature.
Traveling regularly. Approximately three travels per year to 10-15 days and many 2 and 3-day trips.

Northern Europe regions (Scandinavia Countries) are in something strange, unknown and mysterious places for us, but mounted by their magnificent nature and beauty. They are combined with one concept, but each has a certain climate, its culture and customs. In the material we will tell you where the uniting name of the countries comes from, we will give a small excursion to the story, we will advise you when it is better to come and share the most unusual Scandinavians.

Scandinavia is a friendly three countries of Northern Europe: Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Often, this group also includes Finland, Faroe Islands and Iceland due to their location. And also the fact that Iceland was one of the regions of Norwegians and Icelandic belongs to the same language family that Swedish, Norwegian and Danish. And in Finland, partially speak Swedish, as well as on Finnish they speak Norway and Sweden.

Historically, North of Europe was the political platform of the Kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Finland was part of the Swedish kingdom, and Iceland belonged to Norway and Denmark. By the way, in addition to general history, political and economically, these 5 countries follow a similar model, known as the state of the universal welfare of the northern countries from the 20th century.

Where did the general name "Scandinavia" come from?

At first, the southern region of Sweden (in the past Denmark) of Skia. However, the concept of "Scandinavia" and "Scandinavian language" began to be used at the end of the 18th century in connection with the language and cultural scandinavian development. The popularity of this term brought H.K. Andersen, when wrote the poem "I - Scandinav" in 1839. And he also wrote to his friend: "I immediately realized that the Swedes, Danes and Norwegians are connected, and with this feeling I wrote a poem after returning from Sweden:" We are one people, called us scandinavia! "

So, the main part of the people inhabiting the countries of Scandinavia, originated from the North-German tribes, which lived in the southern part of Scandinavia and communicated on Germanic, which then became Hist History. Icelanders and Farories occurred (to a greater extent) from Norwegians, therefore, they are also counted to the scandinav. In each country, his dialect was formed, but it is clear to residents of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. On the Faroe Islands and Iceland a little different dialect, which is available to other countries to a limited extent. Finnish language is least associated with Scandinavian languages \u200b\u200b(it is included in the Finno-Ural family of languages, more closely connected with Estonian). German, Yiddish and Gypsy - recognized minority languages \u200b\u200bin some parts of Scandinavia.

And now a couple of words about the countries of Scandinavia and the countries close to them.


South South Scandinavian country. Located on the Peninsula of Jutland and more than 400 small islands, some of them are associated with the mainland bridges. Conditionally the country is also the island of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. But they have their own management, so we can consider them by independent territories. Almost all Denmark is a flat terrain, although there is a lot of low hills. Everywhere you can observe traditional windmills and miniature cottages with a straw roof. The climate in Denmark is moderate, marine. Winter in the country is not tough, but stretched, long can be cool. Summer is not roast, sometimes cold (in July 15-17 ° C). Capital - Copenhagen.


Norway is called the "Country of Vikings" and "The Country of the Midnight Sun". In winter, the polar night is almost continuous here. The climate in the country changes the year from year to year, especially in the northernmost parts. In the summer in Norway (in the northern regions), the temperature can reach up to 26 ° C, and the winter winter, cold and more snowfasts than in other parts of the country. In coastal areas, climate with a cooler summer. Winters are relatively temperate and rainy, there are not many snow. In the inner parts (for example, in the capital) - a continental climate with a colder winter (up to -25 ° C), but warm in summer. The best weather in Norway is from May to September.

Norway is the country of mountains, glaciers and fjords. That is why it is not wonderful that the most popular classes of this country of Scandinavia - fishing, hiking and skiing. The economy is largely held on the maritime industry. Capital - Oslo.


This is a country of greater diversity of lakes, exciting landscapes, chic forests and mysterious rocks. And Sweden is the largest country among the Scandinavian territory and population. The country is known for VOLVO and Saab brands, they constitute a large part of the Swedish industry.

In the north of the country in the winter, the temperature in the afternoon approximately -13 -15 ° C, in the summer barely reaching 20 ° C, at night in some regions, freezing may even happen. Comfortable in the summer in the eastern part of Sweden. But on the islands that are located in the Baltic Sea, in the winter almost no frosts. And in the summer, the temperature rises above 22 ° C. Capital - Stockholm.


With a surprisingly mild climate, Iceland is the most Western country of Europe and the second largest in North Atlantic. In addition, despite the fact that Iceland is not included in Scandinavia countries, it is famous for its mysterious and fascinating species. In fact, all regions of Iceland deserve attention. For example, areas with geysers, waterfalls, lavva fields and lakes floating icebergs, impressive rocks and fjords, etc.

Winter in the country is soft (about 0 ° C), in summer, about 10 ° C. Mountain internal areas are much colder at any time of the year. And also in the country a strong economy, low unemployment, minor inflation, and per capita income is one of the highest in the world. Capital - Reykjavik.


Another country where the weather is better than many tourists expect. However, in winter, of course, it can be severely with snow mountains (up to -20 ° C), and in summer - beauty, the temperature rises to 30 ° C. In Finland, one of the lowest immigration indicators in the world. The capital is Helsinki.

7 curious facts about the countries of Scandinavia, the way and the habits of people.

1. Some of the most expensive countries.

For example, beer will cost $ 9, and a ticket to a metro at $ 6, you can not even look at a taxi. Better buy travel for several days or, it comes out more profitable.

2. Go to the sauna without clothes.

For Russian-speaking, it will be strange and unusual, and the scandinavits consider to be a bad tone (and in general) to wear a swimsuit in a bath. Moreover, these are their long-standing tradition (even the law) - to go to the sauna naked, it does not matter with whom.

3. Sandwich eating appliances.

Scandinavians, it is known, passionately love pickled herring. But it is more strange that they use appliances when eating a sandwich. Although they have sandwiches with such fillings (cold shrimps, smoked salmon, screwed eggs, meatballs or herring), which, apparently, is difficult to eat differently.

4. You can detect art in the most unexpected places.

Scandinavians try to place samples in a wide variety of and strange places. In Oslo, for example, there are several excellent sculpture parks, and Stockholm turned the subway to the underground art gallery. Scandinavia countries offer to admire the art where it will be available to most people.

5. In Iceland there are no surnames.

People always appeal to each other on the names and add the prefix "Son" (-son) or "daughter" (-dóttir) to the name of the Father (the meaning of both in our middle country). For example, if Jonse has a son named Olafur, he will be known as Olafur Jonsson. But the daughter named Johanna, will be called Johannaya Jonstotir.

6. Swedes love fic.

Most Swedes gladly admit that they keep the ficker every day. Fika is a wonderful ritual, a coffee break during working hours. At this time, people meet with old friends, give new acquaintances and just enjoy life. So, the main attributes of the fiction are a good cup of coffee (Scandinavians - experts) and some bun (with cinnamon, cardamomon or vanilla).

7. Leave their children on the street.

Walking through the streets of Stockholm, Copenhagen or Reykjavik, you can notice baby carriages parked on sidewalks. Nevertheless, this does not mean that strict parents leave their children on the street or punish them in this way. Scandinavians are confident that in the fresh air you need to be as much as possible (especially). That is why leave babies on the street when they go to the cafe. Often parents specially export children in the parks in a quiet hour, even in winter.

September 29, 2017.

What countries belong to Scandinavia? Where is this region and what is it interesting? These and other questions you will find answers in our article. As well as a complete list of Scandinavia countries. In addition, we will tell you about the basic geographical, historical and cultural and ethnolinguistic features of this region.

List of countries Scandinavia

Scandinavia is called a historical and cultural region located in the northern part of Europe. Its "geographic basis" is the area of \u200b\u200b800 thousand square kilometers of the peninsula of 800 thousand square kilometers. In addition, the Border of Scandinavia also includes the Peninsula of Jutland and a number of nearby islands in the Norwegian, Baltic, North and Barents seas.

Which countries come to Scandinavia? Traditionally, only three states are counted towards it: Sweden, Norway and Denmark. However, here many geographers arises a natural question: why is Iceland not part of the region? After all, it is more "Scandinavian" than the same Denmark.

Based on the foregoing, you can allocate a more complete list of Scandinavia countries. And he to some extent correlates with the cultural and political concept of the "Northern Europe country". This list includes five states:

  • Norway.
  • Sweden.
  • Finland.
  • Iceland.
  • Denmark (as well as the two of its autonomous regions - Greenland and the Faroe Islands).

All this is Scandinavia. Which countries enter it, we found out. But why did the region get such a name? The word "Scandinavia" (Skandinavia) is borrowed from medieval Latin. For the first time, the name of this region is mentioned in the book "Natural History" of Senior Pliny. It is curious that Europeans have considered the Scandinavian Peninsula Island for a long time. And only in the XI century, Adam Bremensky suggested that a land connection could be.

Climate and geography

Scandinavia Nature is extremely diverse. There are all: and mountains, and wetlands, and lakes, and rocky archipelagoes. The famous Scandinavian fjords are striking the famous Scandinavian fjords - narrow and deep sea bays.

Climate in different parts of Scandinavia of unequal. So, on the west coast it is softer and humid, with a large amount of precipitation. With the advance north and east, it becomes more dry and cold. In general, thanks to the exposure to Golf Stream, the Scandinavian climate is warmer than on similar latitudes in other regions of the mainland.

The highest air temperature in Scandinavia was recorded in Sweden (+38 degrees), as well as the lowest (-52.5 degree).

Populations and languages

Historically, it was so that the southern parts of Scandinavia were more populated than the central and northern. This was contributed primarily by the climatic features of the region. Modern residents of Scandinavia consider the ancestors of the Germans, penetrated on the peninsula about the XIV century BC. Scandinavian states have repeatedly united in various political unions. The most powerful of them was the squid, which existed from 1397 to 1523.

Norwegian, Swedish and Danish languages \u200b\u200bare generally mutually understandable. Linguists refer them to the northern branch of the German Group. Finnish language is significantly different from them, it is closer to Estonian.

It should be noted that all countries included in Scandinavia are distinguished by a very high level of socio-economic development, for which economists even invented their specific term - "Scandinavian socialism". High taxes, a worthy standard of living, the lack of sharp contrasts between "rich" and "poor" and a high life expectancy are the main features of these states. In the global ranking on the human development index (ICR) of the Country of Scandinavia (except Finland) are in the first twenty.


The Kingdom of Sweden is a state, entirely located within the Scandinavian Peninsula. The fifth country is a country in Europe. Today, about ten million people live in it. The capital of Sweden is the city of Stockholm.

Sweden is a country of innovation, high technologies and qualified labor. In the second half of the twentieth century, from a fairly poor agricultural state, she only managed to turn into one of the richest countries in the world in just a few decades. The formula of the "Swedish economic miracle" is simple: exports of own natural resources (primarily forests and iron ore) and the parallel development of high-tech industries.

5 of the most interesting and unexpected facts about Sweden:

  • the country is the world leader in the production of bearings;
  • swedish passport gives a person the opportunity to travel without visas to almost around the world;
  • the country fully processes all his garbage;
  • 90% of the population in the country is fluent in English;
  • in Sweden at the legislative level, any physical abuse of children is prohibited (including innocuous slaps on the "soft place").


The Kingdom of Norway is a state occupying the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In addition, he owns a number of adjacent islands (including the Spitsbergen Archipelago). The capital of Norway is Oslo City. The number of residents is 5.3 million people.

Norway is the largest oil and gas mining in Europe. At the same time, the country's own needs for electricity provides exclusively at the expense of hydropower. The state is also very developed non-ferrous metallurgy, forest, chemical and fisheries.

5 of the most interesting and unexpected facts about Norway:

  • "Do not like Norwegian weather - wait 15 minutes," this saying very accurately describes the changeable climate of the country;
  • Norway is one of the most expensive countries in Europe;
  • norwegian children - incredibly beautiful;
  • population connection level to high-speed Internet - 99.9%;
  • 80% of Norwegians have either a boat or boat.


The Kingdom of Denmark is a state located on the Peninsula of Jutland and 409 Islands. Washed by the waters of the North and Baltic seas. Population: 5.7 million people. The capital is the city of Copenhagen.

Denmark is a country with very large salaries, low unemployment, but high taxes. Leading sectors of the economy: Mechanical Engineering, Metalworking, Textile Industry and Highly Produced Livestock. Main export goods Denmark: Meat, Fish, Radioelectronics, Furniture and medicines.

5 of the most interesting and unexpected facts about Denmark:

  • according to the latest research, Danes are the happiest people on the planet;
  • Denmark is famous in Europe with its amazing and delicious baking;
  • almost all stores in this country are closed at 5-6 pm;
  • the most recognizable Danish brand is a LEGO children's designer;
  • danes love to ride bicycles.


Scandinavia is a historical and cultural region in the north of Europe. Three states are usually ranked with it. The full list of Scandinavia countries includes Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland. All these countries are distinguished by a high level of income, high-quality medicine and very low corruption.

The article briefly tells about the countries of Northern Europe. Indicates the distinctive features that distinguish the states of the region from other European states. The main indicators on which the countries of Scandinavia are recognized and absolute leaders are considered.

Where are the countries of Northern Europe?

The area of \u200b\u200bthe region takes about 20% of the total Europe, and the number of residents of the region is equal to almost 4% of the total European population.

Fig. 1. Northern Europe on the map.

To the states of Scandinavia are counted:

  • two European states - Sweden and Norway;
  • Iceland;
  • Denmark;
  • region with self-government - Faroe Islands.

The first two countries from the list occupy the Scandinavian peninsula, which is the largest in Europe. Denmark is located on the Peninsula of Jutland and the neighboring Islands. It is geographically close to the Scandinavian Peninsula and is separated from him with a narrow strait of Ereinsun. Iceland is localized on the island of the same name in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is separated from the Scandinavian Peninsula with a significant area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean water area, which is the difference in almost a thousand kilometers.

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The northernmost point of the territory of Scandinavia is the Spitsbergen Archipelago, which is located in the Arctic Ocean.

Fig. 2. Svalbard Archipelago.

List of countries in the North of Europe and their capital

The list of northern Europe today includes the following small states:

  • Denmark - Copenhagen;
  • Latvia, Riga;
  • Iceland - Reykjavik;
  • Lithuania - Vilnius;
  • Finland - Helsinki;
  • Norway - Oslo;
  • Estonia - Tallinn;
  • Sweden - Stockholm.

Fig. 3. Skyscraper Turning Torso in Malne. Sweden..

The largest of the North European Region states, which are part of Scandinavia is Sweden, the population of which is 9.1 million people, and Iceland is recognized by the smallest state. The number of its population does not exceed 300 thousand people. About 48% of women and 52% of men live in Northern Europe.

According to the UN graduation, the United Kingdom also includes the United Kingdom along with part of their island territories.

The development of Nordic countries is such that today these states become leaders in the global economy. States are significantly allocated among other European regions in terms of inflation and unemployment.

The model of economic growth of the Scandinavian countries is considered the most attractive in the world. This primarily concerns the level of efficiency of external and national resources.

The main characteristic of the economy of Northern Europe is that it is not focused on the quantity, but on the quality of the product produced.

Almost for all parts of Northern Europe, high levels of living standards are peculiar. Countries are standards in this area including the development of society. From the report of international organizations, it is known that Norway is located in the first position in the world in the human development index.

What did we know?

It was found out that in Scandinavia countries the highest life rates in comparison with the rest of European powers. They found out that the economic development model of the Northern Region of Europe today is one of the most effective in the world. Supplementing existing knowledge on the subject of geography (grade 7). Received reference information regarding states that are part of the region.

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