Scientists around the world agree that berries and fruits provide invaluable assistance to the body. But, to the surprise of many, it is very difficult to single out the most necessary ones. It is difficult to determine exactly which berries are the most beneficial for the body, because each of them contains different microelements and vitamins. In addition, a lot depends on the person himself, because one person may lack iron, so apples will be the most important for him, while another needs to increase hemoglobin, so he needs to eat pomegranates.

How is the rating compiled?

Typically, the ranking of the healthiest berries depends on the country in which the research is conducted. Scientists always try to identify the fruit that contains more microelements and a wider range of therapeutic effects on the body. For example, British researchers claim that pomegranate is the most beneficial. In Taiwan, scientists prefer “dragon fruit”. In our country, the top healthiest berries and fruits are usually headed by the apple. That is why it is difficult to single out one fruit that is most important for health, but it is possible to choose the best ones from them.


According to tradition, the leading place deservedly goes to the apple. In England it is customary to say: “If you eat an apple before bed, doctors will be out of work.” And indeed, this fruit is a record holder for iron content, which is especially necessary for children and pregnant women.

Apples also contain manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, tannins and fiber. Therefore, they are able to improve digestion. But it is worth remembering that they increase the production of gastric juice, in order to avoid side problems, it is better to eat 20 minutes after consuming them. The flavonoids contained in this fruit reduce the risk of asthma and diabetes. Also vitamins E, C, A have a good effect on the condition of the skin.

It is better to eat an apple with its seeds, since they contain iodine (but no more than 5 seeds per day). This is especially necessary for girls. This way they can support their women's health.


Also, pomegranate is always on the “healthiest berries and fruits” lists. Its most famous action is to protect the heart. Regular consumption of this fruit reduces the likelihood of a heart attack. Hypertensive patients, consuming pomegranate seeds, can gently normalize blood pressure. As is known, for anemia it is prescribed

During inflammatory processes, it is useful to include this product in your diet. The anthocyanins it contains contribute to a speedy recovery.

It has been proven that these fruits can prevent the formation of cancerous tumors, as well as slow down their development.


Also on the list of “10 healthiest berries and fruits” is persimmon. Because of potassium, it is necessary for people whose cardiovascular system is very weak. Studies have shown that this fruit can be replaced. It can strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Beta-carotene in persimmons works for your health respiratory system and does not allow the development of bronchitis and pneumonia. And magnesium helps relieve the kidneys by removing sodium salts. That is why, if there are problems with bladder and kidneys it is recommended to eat persimmon.

This fruit has astringent and bactericidal properties, so it can be the first assistant in the treatment of wounds and burns. A piece of the peeled fruit should be applied to the affected area on the skin, and it will promote speedy healing.


Also, the healthiest berries are grapes, although they are usually not included in ratings. This is because they need to be consumed in small quantities, as they are high in calories and retain water. Despite this, it contains manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, zinc and potassium. Also, its glucose and sucrose are very useful, they help to quickly restore strength during illness. In addition, grapes have a positive effect on the heart and improve metabolic processes. By consuming these berries, a person activates the intestines.

Grapes can improve blood composition because it increases the number of red blood cells and increases hemoglobin. It strengthens the human immune system. The amino acids it contains help rejuvenate the skin. The most positive thing is that grapes are no less useful in the form of raisins. This delicacy is necessary for diseases of the liver, kidneys and lungs.


The top “healthiest berries and fruits” include oranges. The main advantage of this citrus fruit is its folic acid content. It is this component that is important for women who are planning to conceive or are already expecting a baby. But orange is necessary for all people, since its vitamins actively support the immune system. It also contains components that lower cholesterol levels. They also affect digestion, promoting better absorption of foods. In addition, orange is actively used as a cosmetic product, toning the skin and helping to fight acne. But at the same time, it is not recommended to lean on this fruit, since excessive consumption can cause an allergic reaction.

By the way, grapefruit may take its place next to orange because its lycopene and flavonoids protect the body from cancer. It is also especially loved by women, since pectin helps fight aging skin.


The healthiest summer berries for older people are blueberries. Antioxidants are valuable in it. Every year a person needs to eat blueberries more often, as they help prevent age-related problems such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. But it will be relevant for people of any age, since it contains vitamins B, C and A.


Bananas have a lot of vitamin C, but compared to other fruits, they don't have as many micronutrients. The main advantage of this fruit is potassium. Therefore, if a person has problems with blood vessels or has diabetes, he needs to eat this delicacy. Potassium also gives the body strength and supplies energy. helps lower blood pressure. This fruit is rich in fiber, which is important for good bowel function. It is worth noting that it is better not to consume unripe fruits, especially for pregnant women.


The richness of watermelon lies in the fact that it contains microelements such as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and folic acid. And it is simply rich in B vitamins. In addition, it is a salvation on a hot day, since it can give you something to drink and feed, and you don’t have to worry about your figure. Also, after it the intestines begin to work better. It can be consumed in large quantities, but in small portions. It is enough to eat two pieces at a time.

A competent approach helps remove cholesterol from the body, sand from the kidneys, and also releases stagnant bile.

It is important to note that watermelons are the healthiest berries for pregnant women. During pregnancy, folic acid is necessary, because it helps in the formation nerve cells embryo and promotes the production of leukocytes. It also supports immune system. Watermelon is a diuretic that relieves swelling. But it is important for pregnant women to be careful when choosing this berry, since if you purchase it from an untrusted place, there is a risk of getting poisoned.


In the ranking of “the healthiest berries and fruits,” the apricot occupies not the last place, since it is a real storehouse of microelements. It contains carotene, potassium, phosphorus, iodine compounds, iron and potassium salts, magnesium, vitamins C, P, PP, B1. Of course, if a person is on a diet for a slim figure, he should not indulge too much in this fruit.

But apricot helps lower blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system, reduce swelling and improve water-salt metabolism. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is recommended for use by pregnant women.

Apricots contain a lot of pectin, so they cleanse the intestines well. People who are fond of smoked, fried or fatty foods are better off consuming this fruit, because it helps remove toxins.

You can also strengthen blood vessels with the help of apricots. In addition, this product is necessary for those whose skin is prone to rapid bruising. Surprisingly, to get healing effect, it is enough to eat two or three apricots every day. It is also worth considering that this fruit has contraindications.


It is definitely worth mentioning the healthiest berries for children. Every mother knows that the first aid for inflammatory processes in a child is raspberries. The fact is that it is rich in salicylic acid, which relieves pain, fever and inflammation. This berry also helps with throat diseases. It contains which kill staphylococci. Zinc, which is contained in raspberries, helps vitamin A to be absorbed. It is known that it is responsible for growth.

In addition, raspberries contain copper, cobalt, folic acid, B12, and iron. All these elements are hematopoietic. Vitamin C in combination with flavonoids strengthens blood vessels well.

Raspberries can especially help men, because the zinc it contains is involved in the formation of male semen. In order for this berry to have the desired result, it must be consumed two glasses daily.

What fruits and berries are especially valuable?

The rating “the healthiest berries and fruits” does not indicate that if the apple takes first place, then the apricot is significantly inferior to it and can be abandoned. It is important not to forget that some fruits cannot replace others, so scientists recommend eating about five fruits every day. different types such delicacies. The number of berries may be small, but important condition- this is diversity.

Of course, every fruit is healthy and contains important microelements. For example, black currant can be useful for colds, having an anti-inflammatory effect, and mulberry increases phlegm discharge during bronchitis. Plum is also useful for rheumatism and protects against blood clots. Kiwi will be good for teeth and our bones. Cranberries help protect against infectious diseases and prevent the formation of kidney stones. And so in everything - if you touch each fruit, there is no doubt that it will be extremely useful.

Berries are small, round fruits of flowers, shrubs, predominantly red, blue or purple flowers. They have different tastes: from sour to sweet. Used in the preparation of jams, desserts and compotes.

People's rating of berries

Berries are often recommended by doctors as vitamin supplements. They contain fiber, vitamin-mineral complex and antioxidants that protect the body from cancer. Not all berries are equally nutritious. Some are low in calories but have few vitamins, others are rich in vitamin C, and others are rich in antioxidants.

More recently, studies showed that women who took the healthiest berries had a 34% reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The reason for this is the composition, which helps blood vessels, nervous system and organs work properly.

The healthiest fruits are readily available: you can buy them in a store or market at any time of the year. So, a rating of the healthiest berries for the body.

Black currant

Blackcurrant can be noted as a super fruit with a sweet and sour taste. It is not only a source of vitamins and minerals, but also anthocyanins, which help protect the body from chronic diseases, especially heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

It contains vitamins C and group B, which are necessary for the walls of blood vessels and the nervous system.

It is useful for preventing diseases:

  • circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • cardiovascular;
  • urogenital;
  • kidney;
  • obesity;
  • oncological

Black currants can be eaten raw, added to desserts and fruit salads, and made into tea and juice. Calorie content per 100 g 41 kcal. The recommended daily intake is 15-20 fruits.


Blackberries have a sweet taste and are high in dietary fiber, vitamins C, K, folic acid, manganese and antioxidant profile. According to research conducted in the USA, this particular berry is considered one of the strongest antioxidants.

Also in ancient Rome, doctors noticed that it has a strong restorative effect on humans: it relieves inflammation, tones the body, and saturates it with vitamins and minerals.

Fact! Blackberries contain small seeds. They consist of 12% oil, which lowers cholesterol levels.

Blackberries are useful for the prevention and treatment of:

  • ARVI and FLU;
  • cancer;
  • nervous disorders, including seizures;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

The calorie content of blackberries is 32 kcal. The daily norm is approximately 25-30 fruits. They use it in any form: from raw to making purees and jam.


Fleshy berry, can be dark blue, red or white depending on the variety. It has a sweet taste and a rich assortment of micro and macroelements. The composition includes vitamins A and group B, which have a beneficial effect on vision and nervous system. Minerals iron, zinc and calcium, which prevent bone destruction.

Mulberries are useful for preventing diseases:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • circulatory system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • impotence and prostatitis.

Mulberries are taken raw, after rinsing with water. It can be added to teas, infusions, desserts and salads. Make purees and juices from it. The calorie content of ripe berries is 51 kcal, unripe 44 kcal. You can eat 5-10 large berries per day.

Attention! Eating too many unripe mulberries can cause constipation, and eating too many ripe ones can cause diarrhea.


Raspberry is a sweet berry with small seeds that grows on thorny bushes. The color is pink to red, the structure is fragile. The fruit contains useful acids, potassium, copper and vitamin C. The seeds consist of 20% oil and 3% phytosterol, the rest is coarse fiber.

Raspberries have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Cleanses the body and helps eliminate toxins. The high concentration of copper, which is included in the composition, improves the mental state. Raspberries help in the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • colds;
  • with hematopoietic disorders;
  • cardiovascular;
  • rheumatic;
  • dermatological;
  • psycho-neurological.

The calorie content of raspberries is 54 kcal. The daily requirement for getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals is 25-30 berries. It can be consumed raw, pureed and juiced. Add to desserts, salads, tea, compote and jam.


Small red berries with a sour taste. Cranberry fruits contain vitamins B, C, K, minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium, and iron. Also active substances in the form of acids, esters and antioxidants.

All of them have a beneficial effect on the nervous and immune systems. Potassium in combination with magnesium normalizes the body's water-salt balance and prevents the heart from overloading. Cranberry helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • hearts;
  • nervous system;
  • allergies;
  • diseases of bacterial origin.

The calorie content of cranberries is 44 kcal. It can be consumed raw and can be frozen well. Teas, purees are made from it and added to desserts and salads. The daily dosage of these berries is 30-35 pieces.


Berries of purple or of blue color, have a sweet and sour taste. Blueberries are famous for their high content of carotene or vitamin A, which is good for vision.

Blueberries help in the prevention and treatment of:

  • diabetes;
  • low stomach acidity;
  • digestive problems;
  • slow metabolism;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • visual impairment.

Blueberries can be eaten raw, added to salads, desserts, and baked goods. You can make juice or smoothie from it. Calorie content 58 kcal per 100 grams of which 86 g is water. The daily norm is 15-20 berries.

Fact! During heat treatment, berries lose most of their nutrients.


Bright green, pink, purple fruits with a sour or sweet taste. The composition includes fiber, vitamins C, A, group B, and the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium.

In combination, all the substances contained in gooseberries have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It helps in the fight against viral diseases, boosts immunity and cleanses the intestines.

Gooseberry copes with the prevention and treatment of:

  • ARVI and FLU;
  • visual impairment;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infections.

You can make juices, infusions, teas and smoothies from the fruits. Eat raw or add to desserts and fruit salads. The calorie content of gooseberries is 44 kcal, of which 79% is water. The daily human need is 10-15 large berries.


One of the largest berries, with a sweet taste and red color. It contains fiber, acids, tannins, vitamins C, K, group B, minerals potassium, calcium, manganese. Strawberries help well with chronic colds, increases immunity, removes toxins, tones the body as a whole.

Strawberries help prevent and treat:

  • colds;
  • nerve diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • cancer.

This berry can be frozen, eaten fresh, or made into purees, smoothies, and milkshakes. Add to desserts, baked goods and salads. The calorie content of strawberries is only 33 kcal, the daily norm is 5-10 large berries.

Red Ribes

Red currants have small pink or red fruits with a sour taste. Unlike black, red has a different composition. It has a lower concentration of ascorbic acid, but more carotene. Minerals include copper, iron, zinc, as well as tannins, antioxidants, and fiber.

Red currant is useful for the prevention and treatment of:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with hematopoiesis;
  • oncology.

Red currants can be consumed raw, adding them to salads and desserts. Making juices, fruit drinks, teas, infusions and smoothies from it. Can be frozen well. Calorie content is 39 kcal, you can eat 25-30 berries per day.


Blue or purple berries, similar to blueberries, have a sour taste. The composition includes a vitamin and mineral complex (C, A, group B, calcium, phosphorus, iron), amino acids, antioxidants and fiber. The active composition tones the body, cleanses of toxins and radicals, regenerates vascular cells, and accelerates metabolism. Phosphorus contained in fruits has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, skin, blood and lymph.

Blueberries help in the prevention and treatment of:

  • inflammation caused by viral and biological ethnogenesis;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreas and liver;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • vision problems.

You can eat the fruits raw, in the form of smoothies, purees, or juices. Blueberries can be used to brew tea, make fruit drinks, add to jellies, desserts and salads. The calorie content of this berry is 41 kcal. The general daily norm is 20-25 berries.

What vitamins do the most beneficial berries contain?

The healthiest berries contain a large number of different vitamins. They affect the immune and nervous systems, the condition of the skin, hair, and retina. They help fight viruses and bacteria, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, and tone the body. The healthiest berries include:

  • ascorbic acid from 25 mg;
  • carotene from 0.2 mg;
  • group B (B1 – from 0.02 mg, B2 – 0.05 mg, B9 – 6 mcg);
  • niacin from 0.6 mg;
  • biotin from 1.9 mcg;
  • phylloquinone 7.8 mcg.

All these vitamins not only tone the body, but also help the body recover from illness. They help well in the treatment of cardiovascular, nervous, kidney and liver diseases. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

In addition to vitamins, all healthy berries contain minerals:

  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

They have a strengthening effect on blood vessels, bone and muscle tissue. They have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system and water-salt balance.

In order for berries to bring a tonic and healing effect, they must be taken correctly. To do this, you need to follow the recommendations given by nutritionists:

  1. The preferred berries are eaten in the first half of the day. This way they charge a person with energy and vitamins for the whole day. In addition, vitamins A, C and group B are well absorbed in the morning.
  2. The total number of berries should not exceed 500 g per day. Otherwise, it may cause allergies or digestive problems. The optimal portion is 200 g.
  3. Too sweet or too sour berries are contraindicated for type 1 diabetes, ulcerative lesions, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Although berries are low-calorie foods, they contain fast sugars, which, if exceeded, can affect your figure. It is not recommended to consume more than 300 g if you are on a diet.
  5. When consuming berries, you should not add sugar or other high-calorie additives to them. It is better to replace them with fermented milk or dairy products. Any fruit goes well with milk, yogurt and cottage cheese.

The list of the healthiest berries includes strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, currants and others. They contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, tannins and antioxidants, which help fight various ailments. When eating berries, it is important to monitor the amount eaten so as not to cause hypervitaminosis and weight gain.

Berries are a tasty and very healthy natural treat. They contain a lot of valuable substances for the body, so they must be present in every person’s diet, along with vegetables and fruits. But at the same time you need to be careful with them, because berries, especially bright and red ones, can act as allergens.

Benefits of cherries

Beautiful and sour berries are rich in substances such as coumarins, which normalize blood thickness and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. The primary benefit of cherries is that they have a strengthening effect on the entire circulatory system, so if you have problems with veins and blood, they must be included in your diet. Cherry perfectly quenches thirst and normalizes appetite, improves motor skills digestive system, which is due to its stimulating effect on the pancreas, stomach and gall bladder.

The properties of cherries have been noted in their ability to negatively affect pathogenic bacteria, which is why the latter do not have the opportunity to live and develop within the human body. It is useful to consume cherries during a cold, when you need to achieve an expectorant effect in a natural way.

In alternative medicine, the berry is actively used as a heat-reducing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Cherry nectar contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which stimulates and improves the nervous system. It contains an impressive amount of vitamins B1, B6, as well as trace elements of copper, iron and magnesium, which provide all possible assistance in the treatment and prevention of blood diseases. Cherries have a positive effect on diseases of the intestines, throat and stomach, which is due to the large number of natural antiseptics.

Cobalt, pectin, ellagic acid and vitamin PP are responsible for the prevention of cancer. However, despite all the benefits of the berry, it is categorically not recommended for use if the stomach has high acidity, which is explained by its high acid content.

Benefits of sea buckthorn

The fruits of this small shrub are difficult to overestimate, no matter how sea buckthorn is treated and how it is used. Also in ancient Greece she was actively involved in the restoration of horses, which, under her influence, quickly gained weight, and their coat became shiny and silky.

These wonderful berries contain a full composition of monounsaturated fatty acids a number of omegas, as well as 190 biologically active compounds, which in their proportions are ideal for the human body. Considering this, sea buckthorn can be called almost the most useful berry on earth. It is rich in pectins, protein and tannins, macro- and microelements, phytoncides, it contains a lot of vitamins, including large group B. But most of all it contains vitamins K, E, A and C.

It has long been used for effective treatment respiratory ailments, lung diseases, to stabilize the digestive tract. The concentration of vitamin C in it is much higher than many fruits and vegetables, and to fill the daily need for all vitamins, it is enough to eat just one tablespoon of berries per day. Sea buckthorn improves blood composition, treats anemia, improves bile secretion, reduces vascular permeability, normalizes thyroid activity, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The impressive benefits of the berry are due to the large amount of riboflavin and thiamine, which greatly affects positive side on the state of the nervous system. Thanks to these same two active substances in the body. IN folk medicine Sea buckthorn berries are often used to treat stress, depression, tension, and fatigue. Regular consumption of sea buckthorn has a positive effect on vision, skin and hair. In general, the berry does not bypass any cell of the body, so if you eat it on a regular basis, diseases will bypass you.

Benefits of elderberry

This is a tasty and aromatic black berry, a close relative of honeysuckle, but it also has a twin red berry, which is not suitable for consumption, because... is poisonous. Black elderberry berries have been valued for their healing qualities since ancient times; there are even legends about this berry, according to one of which it can give longevity to those who eat it on a regular basis. Legends are legends, but now the benefits of elderberry have been proven by scientific minds.

The composition of these small berries includes esters, fructose, organic acids, rutin, glucose, there is a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin P, tannins and other equally valuable substances. With its help, swelling, diseases and problems in the stomach, pancreatitis are successfully treated, elderberry helps improve lactation in nursing mothers. The berry has a diuretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the cleanliness of the kidneys. It is useful to use the berry in the treatment of colds; it acts as an expectorant, relieves fever and is a diaphoretic.

For diabetes, it is useful to ingest a decoction of elderberry roots, because it helps lower the amount of sugar in the blood and eliminates complications of the disease. Berries are actively used to normalize metabolism, treat and reduce the severity of symptoms of rheumatism. A tincture of dried berries is useful for enhancing bile secretion, cleansing the intestines and the whole body. With its help you can get rid of bronchitis, laryngitis, gout, flu, sore throat and many other ailments.

Elderberry decoctions are valuable for insomnia; they work as a sedative and hemostatic. Drinks made from elderberry help eliminate headaches, atherosclerosis, and stomach diseases. The juice helps cleanse blood vessels, improves vision, treats night blindness, and prevents cataracts. This berry contains a lot of antioxidants that prevent cancer and prevent malignant tumors from developing. Elderberry can be safely classified as a berry that has a general strengthening effect on the body, so it should be taken especially actively during the virus season.

Benefits of strawberries

Probably only those who are allergic to it do not like this berry. It’s painfully difficult to imagine that someone’s mouth isn’t watering from this sweet aroma emanating from the beautiful strawberries. And besides the amazing taste, it also gives its fans many benefits. This is just that rare case when something incredibly tasty is also very healthy.

Strawberries contain a lot of B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and fruit sugars, fiber, folic acid, pectins, carotene, and organic acids. It contains a lot of iodine, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus and other components. Strawberries have a special feature - they are completely free of fat and cholesterol. In addition, it has very few calories - only 46 kcal per 100 g, so even those who follow a diet can eat it.

This berry is a rich source of antioxidants that prevent the development of many diseases. It prevents vision problems, eliminates dry eyes, delays age-related eye problems, and prevents the development of infectious diseases. Antioxidants contained in large quantities in strawberries stop the activity of free radicals, which prevents many problems. This natural detoxifier removes salts, harmful and toxic substances from the body and prevents them from accumulating. The berry prevents gout, arthritis, and has anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects. Eating natural strawberries on a regular basis inhibits the development of cancer and stops tumor growth.

The large amount of magnesium and potassium makes the berry effective in treating high blood pressure, which often occurs due to accumulated salts. Strawberries are a source of youth that inhibits the aging process, improves brain function and memory, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The berry has a very good effect on the work of the heart muscle and is effective.

Despite its sweetness, the berry is recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes, as it can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. In addition, with its help, people get rid of stones in the bile ducts. The berry normalizes metabolism, stops inflammatory processes in the body, treats intestinal disorders and skin problems.

Benefits of lingonberries

This small red berry grows mainly in northern latitudes and has been giving health to northern residents for hundreds of years. People value lingonberries so much for their strong healing qualities that they gave it the second name “berry of immortality.”

Lingonberry is a powerful antioxidant and also natural remedy antiseptic, diuretic and antimicrobial. It is often used as a choleretic and anti-sclerotic effect. Eating lingonberries is beneficial not only for the whole body, but also for beauty, because under its influence the skin is cleansed, nails and hair are noticeably transformed. Berry extract tones and inhibits the aging process.

Antiscorbutic and anthelmintic properties are widely known. It treats vitamin deficiency, neurosis, gout, rheumatism, hypertension, tuberculosis, enuresis, low stomach acidity, liver disease, diarrhea and kidney stones. Constant consumption of lingonberries has a very good effect on vision, and tea made with lingonberries is also useful for women during the perinatal period with a cold, because such a drink helps lower body temperature and strengthen the immune system.

Lingonberries contain valuable fats, carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins PP, E and A, group B, but what they contain most of all is vitamin C. Among the acids found, lingonberries are rich in oxalic, malic, citric, and salicylic acids. Minerals: iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Both sugars and pectins are present in the berry.

Lingonberries are low-calorie, only 46 kcal per 100 g, which means they can and even should be eaten during diets, because in addition to promoting weight loss, the berry nourishes the body with valuable substances, which the body often lacks during periods of limited nutrition.

The benefits of black currant

Black currant is one of the most popular berries, which is found in almost every garden. It is not for nothing that connoisseurs of this shrub call its fruits “a storehouse of health.” Let's start with the fact that black currant is the best and richest source of vitamin C. To fill the daily need for this vitamin, you need to eat about 20 berries a day. But the berry is not only rich in this.

Anthocyanidins have an antioxidant effect on the body, and along with them, the berry contains a long series of microelements: zinc, sodium, pectins, magnesium, calcium, carotene, essential oils, organic acids, etc. Currants have an interesting and valuable feature that allows them to retain all their valuable qualities even during the process of harvesting. Eating berries has a positive effect on the immune system; it prevents the development of diseases of the heart muscle, blood vessels and kidneys. Hot drink, prepared from this berry, is a valuable assistant in counteracting colds, flu, sore throat, and bronchitis. This type of drinking removes excess uric and puric acids from the body, treats gastritis, gout and the heart.

Currants are valuable for the body for their restorative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, diuretic and other important properties. With the help of currants, many internal and external problems are solved. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the blood and the functioning of the digestive tract. Black currant strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic, improves brain function and strengthens memory. It normalizes blood sugar levels, which prevents the development of diabetes and is useful for existing diseases. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Benefits of blueberries

This forest berry comes from the north, its taste is astringent, sweet and sour, and the abilities of this little berry are simply amazing. Its healing qualities are so strong that it can be classified not so much as a berry, but as a medicine. The composition of blueberries combines a large number of micro- and macroelements, including copper, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, etc., as well as vitamins PP, groups B, A, C, essential oils, tannins and alcohols. Interestingly, the iron that is present in the berries is accepted and absorbed by the body without residue.

This berry contains a lot of antioxidants, so if you start consuming it in your youth, you can maintain clarity of mind, excellent vision, and a healthy heart until old age. It allows you to successfully resist viral and infectious diseases, helps to lose weight. This is an excellent prevention against diseases of blood vessels and heart muscle. It is used as a powerful natural antiseptic, anthelmintic, astringent, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The most valuable antioxidant in the berry is called anthocyanin; there is more of it in blueberries than in other products containing it. Gourmet is able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood due to the glycoside myrtilline present in it, which is similar in its action to insulin; it normalizes the functioning of the pancreas. The berry helps improve the quality of vision, including under its influence the visual function of the body in the dark is restored and improved. Blueberries are indicated for consumption by people whose work involves daily eye strain, i.e. for those who are constantly in front of a computer monitor.

It treats colds, relieves all unpleasant symptoms, eliminates infections in the upper respiratory tract, relieves headaches and relieves nasal congestion. Another valuable quality of blueberries is that they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract; they are effective both in the treatment of diarrhea and constipation. The berry is indicated for low stomach acidity.

Blueberries prevent early aging, the formation of blood clots, and help prevent myocardial infarction. It stops the development of inflammation in the kidneys and genitourinary system, treats hemorrhoids.

Well, what’s most pleasant is the almost complete absence of contraindications to its use, with the exception of individual intolerance. In other cases, a warning applies - if you have chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor before consuming the berries.

Benefits of cranberries

Another popular and very old berry, which is valued for its unique qualities. She is among the leaders in percentage organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Cranberries are very rich in B vitamins, potassium, iron and iodine; it is very useful to eat them during pregnancy to keep the body in good shape and avoid colds and flu, which are very dangerous during the perinatal period.

In terms of the presence of organic acids in the berry, cranberries leave other fruits and berries far behind. It is very useful to eat when suffering from vitamin deficiency in order to replenish all the necessary vitamin reserves in the body in a short time. The power of natural berries can be tested at moments when you feel like a cold is about to come on. If you feed on the berry during this period, the disease will not develop. But it’s worth remembering once and for all - you should never eat cranberries on an empty stomach, which is explained by the high level of acidity of the berry. The unique composition allows it to be stored for a long time without the use of preservation. It is also worth saying that when purchasing berries in a store, you should make sure that the packaging contains the inscription “wild-growing” and be sure to check the manufacturer. Since now there are a lot of Chinese cranberries on the market, which have absolutely no benefit.

Cranberries can lower temperature and restore the body in a short time after long and protracted illnesses. This is a natural and very powerful antibiotic that can eliminate the consequences of poisoning better than any medicine. All the nutrients that are in the berry, and there are a lot of them, are quickly and easily absorbed. Cranberry improves appetite, improves digestion, treats low stomach acidity, and eliminates inflammatory processes in the body.

The benefits of chokeberry

This berry is a symbol of Russian culture, and it is also called the “berry of youth”, thanks to a number of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. It contains much more flavonoids, ascorbic acid and carotene than other berries. In addition to these components, it contains an impressive amount of vitamins E, K, as well as group B. The rich mineral composition includes iron, manganese, copper, calcium, boron, iodine, etc. The berry is popular for its hemostatic and tonic properties, it is used to treat a variety of health problems.

Eating berries has beneficial effects on the body:

  • the berry increases blood clotting;
  • has a beneficial effect on liver function;
  • relieves spasms;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system;
  • intestinal motility is normalized;
  • blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol;
  • wastes and toxins, heavy metals are removed from the body.

There are several cases in which the berry should not be consumed. These include chronic constipation, increased acidity stomach, thick blood, low blood pressure.

Summer is in full swing. And right now there is an opportunity to enjoy delicious and aromatic berries, filling your body with a large amount of vitamins and nutrients.

The beneficial properties of berries are manifested due to their unique vitamin and mineral composition. Without exception, all berries are a source of various vitamins, folic acid, and fiber. They also contain pectins, essential oils and organic acids. Berries can be used as a medicine for heart patients, hypertensive patients who want to lose weight, because they affect the acceleration of metabolism and lead to weight loss. Berries have a powerful effect on the human immune system, firmly strengthening it.

Did you know that red berries contain several times more vitamin C than lemons? We invite you to find out about beneficial properties ten most popular summer berries.

1. Strawberry

Red and fragrant strawberries open the berry season. Starting with this wonderful berry, we replenish the supply of all kinds of useful substances depleted over the winter. In addition to a large amount of vitamins, this berry is rich in potassium, and in combination with fiber has a positive effect on the digestive process and perfectly strengthens the heart muscle. In addition, strawberries have a fairly low glycemic index. Therefore, people with high blood sugar levels can safely consume it. But we must remember that strawberries can cause an allergic reaction.

2. Cherry

On the shelves, next to strawberries, you can always see cherries. Our advice to you is not to pass by this beautiful, juicy and sweet berry. Largest quantity vitamins are contained in burgundy cherries. But the least allergenic is light (yellow). Cherry pulp contains an ideal ratio of zinc, magnesium and copper - these are minerals that are necessary for the synthesis of protein and creatine. And this helps strengthen hair and nails.

3. Cherry

This juicy, bright red berry has a delicate, sour taste. Due to the abundance of organic acids (citric, malic, succinic, salicylic), cherries have a pronounced sweet and sour taste. Cherry pulp contains fiber, which improves digestion. And cherry juice perfectly strengthens the walls of capillaries and normalizes blood clotting.

4. Raspberry

During the summer, eat one cup of berries every day and you will forget about colds, as raspberries stimulate the body’s ability to produce interferon. Raspberries are also very rich in ascorbic acid. One of the most valuable properties of raspberries is that they are an excellent antipyretic. Moreover, this property is preserved during any processing - the berry can be dried, frozen, ground with sugar and made into jam. If you don’t want to take pills when you have a cold in the autumn-winter period, the best alternative remedy is raspberries in any form.

5. Currant

Blackcurrant is superior in ascorbic acid content to many other berries. For those people who have low hemoglobin levels, currants will help bring it back to normal. In addition, currants contain potassium, which promotes intestinal motility. It contains a large amount of vitamin K, which improves blood clotting.

6. Blueberries

This small berry is very useful for vision; it helps improve blood supply to the retina of the eyes. Blueberries can even fight a condition called night blindness. It contains a minimum of organic acids, so it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines - it is an excellent remedy for indigestion.

7. Blueberries

The wild blueberry is a close relative of the blueberry, but its taste is less pronounced. It is good to eat in combination with other berries. Blueberry juice increases appetite, normalizes blood sugar levels and strengthens capillary walls. This berry is also an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent.

8 . Mulberry

Mulberries come in dark and light colors, but they are equally beneficial for the body. This berry strengthens the nervous system, is an excellent way to normalize blood sugar levels, and also normalizes fat and lipid metabolism, thereby helping to fight excess weight. Mulberry has virtually no contraindications.

9. Gooseberry

This berry is rich in various vitamins (vitamin P, C, A, B), minerals and microelements (zinc, iodine, cobalt, phosphorus). Gooseberries are recommended for people who need to replenish their body's levels of iron, phosphorus and vitamins. Gooseberry juice is an excellent remedy against the formation of blood clots. This berry also has anti-inflammatory properties and cleanses the body of harmful toxins and radionuclides.

10. Blackberry

Blackberry by appearance very similar to raspberries, only darker in color. Just like raspberries, blackberries have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. But these properties are less pronounced. Blackberries are an excellent remedy for problems with the urinary system, in particular cystitis.

All the berries discussed are rich in vitamins, microelements, fiber and other beneficial substances. Their use in the summer will heal the body, fill it with strength and energy. But we must remember that in everything you need to know when to stop. And excessive consumption of berries can cause allergies and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for berries rich in acids - cherries, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries.

Meet the rating of the healthiest berries that you should definitely include in your diet in the summer. Most, of course, know the benefits of summer berries, but many will want to find out which berry is the healthiest in terms of vitamins and active substances! We tell you in detail what effect each type of berry in our rating produces on health and in what quantities it should be consumed for the best effect.

Which berry is the healthiest? Berries are the favorites in terms of vitamin C and retinol content. Medicinal berries for diabetes. Berries are cancer protectors. All this and much more interesting facts you will find out by reading the article.

Watermelon - 10th place

You will be surprised, but watermelon is really a berry (the pumpkin family). The composition of watermelon is represented by vitamins A, B, C (small amounts); microelements: potassium, iron. The presence of potassium has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

1. Exhibits a diuretic effect.

2. Eliminates swelling.

3. Strengthens intestinal motility.

Calorie content 27 kcal.

Blueberry - 9th place

Healing properties blueberries for improving vision is a myth, since the % share of retinol, beta carotene = 0%. Blueberries are a source of vit. E, ascorbic acid. A small share is allocated to iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Calorie content 44 kcal.

Mulberry - 8th place

Contains nicotinic, ascorbic acids, potassium, magnesium.

The benefits of summer berries are enormous, scientists have proven:

  • nicotinic acid for diabetes (type 1) reduces the need for insulin;
  • Preventive use reduces the risk of diabetes by half!
Used in the treatment of joints, mental disorders(neurasthenia, depression).


  • improves intestinal motility (prevention of atonic conditions, constipation);
  • has a wonderful effect on the heart;
  • normalizes heart contractions.
  • prevents the deposition of stones in gallbladder, kidneys;
  • important for women - improves condition during the premenstrual period.
Calorie content 50.4 kcal.

Blackberry - 7th place

Rich in vit. S, E, RR. Macroelements include magnesium and calcium. Microelements are represented by potassium, iron, phosphorus.
  1. Eating blackberries strengthens bones, cartilage, and tendons.
  2. Potassium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, intestines, and kidneys.
  3. Iron enriches tissues with oxygen.
Calorie content 34 kcal.

Chokeberry - 6th position

Among the 10 healthiest berries, rowan is the favorite for its content of retinol and beta carotene (with 100 grams of rowan, the body receives about 4th of the daily dose of these vitamins). Also contains ascorbic acid, tocopherol (E); phosphorus, potassium, iron. Tocopherol is an antioxidant.

The combination of beta carotene - vit. C" – golden combination:

  • cancer prevention;
  • cervical cancer;
  • treatment of angina pectoris.
A high percentage of phosphorus stimulates mental, nervous, and motor activity.

Calorie content 55 kcal.

Gooseberry - 5th position

Battery of ascorbic acid, retinol, potassium. Contains a fifth daily norm manganese, molybdenum. The volume of copper is 130 mcg.


  • reduces blood glucose levels;
  • accompanies the formation of thyroxine;
  • necessary for the production of interferon;
  • catalyzes reproductive function;
  • prevents liver degeneration.
Calorie content 45 kcal.

Grapes - 4th position

Microelements depot: silicon, vanadium, cobalt, boron. Lower concentrations - copper, iodine, chromium.

Bor especially important during menopause. Fights osteoporosis by retaining phosphorus and calcium.

Iodine an integral component of the functioning of the thyroid gland, responsible for mental activity.

Chromium regulates glucogenesis. With him sufficient quantity Type 2 diabetes will not develop!

High-calorie grapes - 72kcal.

Raspberry - 3rd position

Matrix of beta carotene, retinol, pantothenic acid (B5), tocopherol, ascorbic acid. Retinol- eye health, immune protection. Raspberries (100 g) contain 5th part of the daily norm of copper, molybdenum, cobalt.


  • increases hematopoietic function (iron goes into hemoglobin - read);
  • controls blood pressure;
  • provides insulin function.
Raspberries also contain manganese, boron, potassium, and iron.

Contains 46 kcal.

Strawberry - 2nd place

A very healthy berry. Vitamins of group B, C, E, H, PP are presented. 100g of strawberries contains a high percentage of vit. C, N (biotin).


  • glucose control;
  • healthy hair (delays the appearance of gray hair).
Strawberries are a source of potassium, cobalt, vanadium, molybdenum, and iron.


  • antioxidant (slows down aging);
  • oncoprotector - prevents the development of tumors.
Vanadium has been proven to regulate glucose levels. Treatment regimens for diabetes with vanadium (without insulin) are being developed.

10% of the daily value belongs to copper, manganese, boron.

Strawberries contain 41 kcal.

Currant – 1st place

This is Klondike Vit. WITH.

100 grams of currants contain 2 times the daily requirement of vitamin C.

The role of ascorbic acid:

  • education building material connective tissue - collagen (“vitamin of youth”);
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • normalizes iron absorption;
  • strengthens blood vessels - healthy periodontium - prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis.
100 grams of currants is the 3rd part of the daily requirement of molybdenum.

Molybdenum function:

  • maintaining dental health (by blocking the removal of fluoride, the risk of caries is reduced);
  • prevention of gout (removal of uric acid).
Currants contain half the daily requirement of cobalt.
  • normalization of iron absorption;
  • oxygen saturation of tissues.
High level vit. B5, B6, potassium, iron, copper. Currants are a low-calorie product (total 44 kcal).