Since ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and charms from minerals that bring good luck, protect from adversity.

Nature enchants with its beauty, generously giving outlandish gifts. Precious and semi-precious stones are one of the most luxurious gifts. A scattering of gems from the bowels of the earth surprises with its magnificence and magical power. Therefore, from ancient times, people have learned to make amulets, talismans and charms from minerals, bringing good luck, protecting them from adversity. The choice of a magical helper cannot be random. The sages believed that God himself placed semiprecious and precious stones according to the signs of the zodiac; a person could not break the established order. Apparently, for this reason, we tend to seek protection from gems, using their natural power to attract well-being, improve health, and unleash creative and professional potential.

How to choose a mascot

When the energy of a person and a stone coincides, new facets open up, miracles happen. The talisman protects the owner in every possible way, attracts good and good luck. For an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit the horoscope, this is the most effective and time-tested criterion for choosing a talisman stone.

In order for an amulet or amulet to really work, it must fit the horoscope

There are many criteria for choosing amulets. There are many subtleties: this is a person's age, gender, date and even the exact time of birth. The most effective method the selection of a mascot stone is a table of minerals belonging to the sign of the zodiac. An incorrectly chosen amulet can not only fail to help, but also bring trouble. When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as magical protectors, you should know the characteristics of the mineral, and also adhere to some rules:

  • Catching sensations. Esotericists believe that an incorrectly selected gem will make itself felt. A person may feel discomfort, lack of energy connection with him.
  • Do not buy jewelry with stones in pawnshops.

The pawnshop can often sell stolen items, which can lead to misfortune.

You cannot buy jewelry with stones in pawnshops: stolen things will bring misfortune

The best talisman is one made by one's own hands or by the hands of a loved one, as well as jewelry inherited.

It is inherent in jewelry to absorb the positive energy of the family, becoming a powerful talisman for a person.

  • When buying or receiving talismans as a gift, you should carefully examine them for cracks, chips, dark spots, and foreign inclusions. Such stones can harbor negative energy.

Having chosen a talisman, one should not simultaneously decorate oneself with "assorted" gems, stones by their nature can "conflict" with each other. You should also not acquire a cobblestone, because a talisman is a miniature, graceful, often hidden from prying eyes, an object that has magical, medicinal properties... Often people are faced with the fact that a crack suddenly formed on the stone without the slightest intervention. This may mean that the talisman took the "blow" on himself, protecting the owner. You need to be able to pick up jewelry inlaid with gems. An innate taste and knowledge will help in this. The science that studies the interactions of the precious, semi-precious stones and the signs of the zodiac originated in antiquity, however, the correspondence table is still used today. Jewelers, creating collections of jewelry in the form of amulets and amulets, are accustomed to using the description of the stone, its properties and disposition to the signs of the Zodiac.

Zodiac signs and gems

Ornamental stones are often used to make their own collections of hand-made jewelry. Craftswomen should know that amulets can have power only if the material is natural. Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best sides and protecting from negativity. Artificial gems have no power, but only a decorative function.

Only natural stones according to the signs of the Zodiac will become powerful amulets, enhancing the best sides and protecting from negativity

To choose a piece of jewelry for yourself or as a gift to a loved one, you should know exactly which stones are suitable for the signs of the Zodiac. Everything is decided by the fusion of two energies - natural and human. The temperament of the owner of the amulet, his strengths and weaknesses are also important. I exist different kinds precious gems. To "hit the bull's eye", you need to navigate in the basics of a difficult science, understanding the essence of the meanings of stones according to the signs of the zodiac.


Active, energetic, honest, courageous, but often aggressive, straightforward. The sign is patronized by such a precious stone as a diamond. He gives Aries calmness, prudence, helps to find compromises, cools their "hot heads". Magical talismans that are suitable for Aries are garnet, emerald, ruby, moon amethyst. Features of choice:

What stones should Aries avoid? Malachite, opal, chrysolite, aventurine are gems that will not fit the zodiac sign.


Soft and unsophisticated natures, admirers of beauty and harmony in everything, idealists. It is not easy for such people to pick up gifts, but they will be able to appreciate jewelry with inlaid precious stones.

What gems are Taurus' patrons? Sapphire, opal, emerald are the main stones according to the Zodiac. For women, turquoise will become the ideal talisman, and black agate will help men realize themselves in the professional field.

Turquoise is the perfect talisman for Taurus women.

Taurus are secretive, they often lack sociability. Sardonyx will help rectify the situation by presenting the owner with eloquence as a gift. What stones can the sign of Taurus choose for itself? It is best to choose by decade:

Energetically incompatible with Taurus ruby, pearl and amber.


People born under this sign are unique in that they can successfully complete several tasks at the same time. To replenish the spent forces, they need talismans-stones. For the fair sex, a radiant emerald or a magical moonstone will be an ideal "helper". Men should choose alexandrite as an amulet. He will show them the shortest path to achieving the goal, calm and create harmony.

Gemini men should choose alexandrite as an amulet, which will indicate the shortest path to achieving the goal.

There is important nuance: before going to bed, the Gemini man is better off taking off alexandrite. Another stone energetically associated with this sign is beryl. Such a talisman can be presented to a male careerist.

Beryl will suit the career Gemini

But citrine is suitable for those with an analytical mindset, will help develop oratorical talent and increase communication skills. For young Gemini girls, there are several special amulets:

All representatives of this sign, without exception, should definitely refuse wearing onyx, black opal, ruby ​​and diamond.


Cancers are sensitive, imaginative, but very vulnerable, irritable and inert. All the shortcomings and weaknesses will be helped by correctly selected stones according to the sign of the zodiac. Each decade has its own gems:

Earrings with heliotrope will become the most powerful female Cancer talisman. A beautiful jewelry with magical properties will help in resolving difficult situations and gaining family well-being.

Earrings with heliotrope will become the most powerful female Cancer talisman


Leos are energetic and generous. They strive for glory, honor, a little selfish, as befits a royal person.

To achieve success, Leos need to develop tact and discretion in themselves, avoiding haste, excessive excitement. Enhance positive sides, talisman stones will help reduce the activity of negative traits.

There are some tips for choosing:

For representatives of the royal sign who are starting a new path of personal life or career, heliodor is indispensable; it is called the stone of the first step.


Prone to criticism, overly pragmatic Virgos need magical helpers. The importance of stones for Virgos is difficult to overestimate, because they help to reveal such natural qualities as rationality and consistency, to develop a range of interests. Best Minerals for Virgos:

  • emerald - will help maintain the harmony of family relationships;
  • jade - develops the gift of justice, gives sharpness of mind;
  • sapphire is a talisman that dispels melancholy.

For doubting, insecure Virgo men, lapis lazuli will be an excellent talisman, and jasper will help to avoid financial losses. Virgo should avoid stones such as ruby, tourmaline, obsidian.


Peaceful and benevolent Libras often lack self-confidence, the ability to face facts. Amethyst, quartz or diamond will help develop these qualities. The choice of a talisman should be made based on the date of birth:

Libra women need to give diamonds. This is a symbol of strength, purity and reliability, because these are the traits that the representatives of this sign should develop.

Libra women need to be presented with diamonds that represent purity and strength.


Scorpios are prone to conflict, they should develop the ability to forgive and be able to find compromises. It is especially important to acquire a talisman for a Scorpio woman. It should be a crystal with a transparent structure such as jasper, tiger's eye, and serpentine. The main talisman for Scorpio women is opal. It will enhance natural attractiveness, create a durable shield around its mistress, preventing energy depletion.

Opal will enhance the natural attractiveness of the Scorpio woman

For men, the following stones are suitable:

Among Scorpios, people with psychic abilities are often found. Alexandrite will help develop them.


These people strive to learn something new, they are authoritative, smart. Sagittarius should develop tact and self-discipline. The mascot stones for the representatives of this sign are divided into male and female:


People born under the sign of Capricorn are persistent, patient, and can reach unprecedented heights. The talisman stones will help them to achieve success.

Onyx is the main patron of the sign, a talisman against sudden death. He will teach you to read the minds of his opponents, will bring the respect of the team. it natural indicator: if the gem changes color, it is a danger signal.

Onyx is the main patron saint of Capricorns, a talisman against sudden death

Other mascot stones:

Forbidden stones for Capricorns are citrine, emerald and pearls.


The sign has practically no flaws. They are originals and altruists, daredevils and strategists. The weak sides of the character include abstraction, sometimes conceit. Amethyst is the main guardian of calmness and good luck for Aquarius. It protects the family hearth, health and success of its owner. Other patrons of the mark are:

Ruby, carnelian and blood jasper are considered unfavorable for Aquarius.


Impulsive, compassionate and sacrificial Pisces often need protection. Stones will become charms for this sign, whose properties will help suppress character flaws and weaken the negative influence. Auspicious Gems:

Dangerous for Pisces are energetic, active minerals with a thick dark color.

The only exception is jet, which will save you from dark dreams. Jewelry with jasper, serpentine, lapis lazuli and hematite should also be avoided.

Stones with a dark color are usually not suitable for Pisces, but jet will save you from dark dreams

For a gem to become a friend, helper and protector, intuition is important when choosing a talisman. But no less powerful is the value of the gem, the interpretation of its properties. This is what determines the influence of natural energy on a person. The main rule for the signs of the Zodiac is to take good care of the chosen talisman, amulet or amulet, putting it on, think only about the good, believe in its natural strength.

The advances in science have not diminished the number of astrology fans. The correspondence of stones according to the sign of the zodiac is still relevant, and the stones according to the signs are analyzed carefully and meticulously.

The meaning of talisman stones

The properties of stones, selected according to the signs of the zodiac correctly, have a beneficial effect on the fate of the owner. They make you healthier, help you achieve success in your personal life, make a career, and make your dreams come true.

Stones according to the signs of the zodiac must be chosen, taking into account gender, age, health status, personal temperament.

Any sign is contraindicated in the minerals of the opposition sign in the zodiacal circle. For Aries, for example, it's Libra.

Distribution of stones by signs of the zodiac

The stones distributed according to the signs of the zodiac have varying degrees of compatibility. There are universal, male, female talismans, as well as minerals that are contraindicated for the representatives of this sign.


The mascot for the zodiac sign is a diamond. The gem enhances tenacity, opens a second wind in case of force majeure, suppresses outbursts of rage. Saves those born at the end of March from depression or insomnia.


There are several charm stones suitable for this sign of the Zodiac: the ruby ​​awakens the readiness for great deeds, the sapphire adds wisdom, the amethyst protects the nerves.

Aries is useful for jewelry with stones of strong energy: diamonds, rubies, citrines, solar zircons.

Agate should be worn by young people, fans of risk are taken care of by a Labrador, aggressive or tough - lilac amethyst. Turquoise recharges with energy, pomegranate creates harmony. Zircon of the solar scale will establish communication, present innovative ideas, tell you how to implement them.

Womens and mens

A horoscope for precious stones advises a mature lady a diamond. Zircons or pomegranates are intended for girls. Amethyst will keep love, add confidence, cleanse the aura. Yellow zircons or diamonds will cure depression. The stone mascot of careerists is red jasper.

Stones suitable for men according to the zodiac sign are obsidian (awaken intuition), a symbol of good luck rauchtopaz. Rubies and grenades are suitable for organizers and bosses. Amethyst will calm the violent, help to overcome alcoholism.


Blue or blue stones will inhibit development, and the horoscope advises to use them only to neutralize the fiery qualities. Rhodonites, rock crystal, aventurines, topaz, tourmalines, swamp green or black specimens are not particularly needed.


The main stone of Taurus is an emerald. Makes insightful, rich, improves memory, activates talents.


Blue sapphire will calm, prompt the right decision, saves from libel or evil people... Aventurine is the stone of businessmen and bosses of large firms, capable of turning a startup into a megaproject. Agate - protection, calmness, confidence. Daily use makes an intuitive or speaker. Jasper is an attribute of people working in the midst of negative emotions. Protection against any ailment.

Womens and mens

The ideal ladies' option is cacholong. Especially useful for pregnant women. Light blue turquoise will help you meet your beloved, protect you from frivolous actions, and teach you to recognize a lie. For married people, the green variety is suitable.

The male gems of this zodiac sign are amazonite and black agate. They help careerists, make any project successful. Mascots of bosses or aspiring businessmen. Zircon will protect from deception, intrigue, quarrels, but also the owner will not allow to be like that. Sardonyx is a stone of loners seeking to find a family.


The main enemy is amber. Amethyst is suitable only for children under 16 to learn better. Eliminates addiction to tobacco or alcoholism, but when the result is achieved, the stone must be abandoned.


Stone number one is topaz. Helps to keep feelings in check, restores energy, normalizes sleep, increases spiritual level.


Onyx is taken for negotiations or other events, citrine protects from adventures.

Agate will make Gemini women and men more attentive, stronger, healthier, and will allow them to implement projects.

The stone of travelers or financiers is turquoise, the mineral of health is jade. The moonstone will help you focus on one task, without being distracted by trifles (useful for creative people), and keep family ties for a long time. Alexandrite attracts money, darkens when the owner is unwell.

Womens and mens

Ladies' love talisman and amulet for envy - pearls. Jasper is a similar girlish one. The moonstone is for a business woman.

Emerald relieves of complexes, in case of force majeure, it will endow you with composure.

The male stone number one is agate. He oversees career, mood, goal achievement; will allow creative people to find their own style. The embodiment of tranquility is alexandrite; beryl helps to bring the matter to the final, conquer career heights.


Heavy, expensive minerals will deprive the lightness of character of the sign, which is under the influence of Mercury. A ruby ​​or diamond will cause trouble, harm your health. Aquamarine will make you even more absent-minded, ruin your career, and hinder your work. No need for white or blue stones.


Ideal stones according to the sign are light, iridescent. Colors: white, transparent blue, slightly greenish or mother-of-pearl.


Sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye are suitable for the sign. Selenite relieves irritability, depression, sharpens intuition. Wear it given moon calendar, - on the growing moon. On the diminishing "vampire" of the host.

Awakens talents, protects from negativity, pearls attract good luck; emerald cheers up melancholic. Sapphire helps to find friends, treats asthma, heart, neuralgia.

Opal is a careerist stone, an ally in the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Carnelian and tiger's eye will attract love to Cancer, build bridges with the right people, protect from betrayal. Emerald helps to keep oneself in control, removes melancholy.

Womens and mens

Chalcedony will relieve a lady of anger or melancholy, unmarried will help to become family. Turquoise or amethyst are allies of ambitious ladies. Agate will add confidence, hematite will add wisdom. Aventurine will save you from depression, aquamarine is the keeper of peace of mind. Heliotrope will remove obstacles.

The best male mascot - onyx... This is a stone of leaders, self-sufficient persons; will make young men more charismatic. Agate develops intelligence, raises self-esteem. This is useful for adolescents.

The emerald will make you more sociable, soothe in case of strong tension, and help to control yourself. Carnelian will protect you from enemies.


According to the sign of the zodiac, Cancers do not fit red stones, evenly dark, black, orange, yellow. Energetically powerful (diamond, topaz) are prohibited. An exception is black pearls, if you like them and do not cause discomfort.

a lion

Amber, considered the stone of the priests in Ancient Egypt, guarantees good luck for those born in early August. Topaz will generate wealth, "give out" ill-wishers.

Stones mascots matching the zodiac sign Leo are solar topaz or amber.


A diamond can restrain anger, make it kind, generous, awaken a creative streak - amber or tourmaline. The stone of grandiose projects is a ruby, escorted to the peaks - heliodor.

Sardonyx gives luck, love, keeps the family hearth, saves from the evil eye.

Stones for a lion

Womens and mens

The love and family stone for this sign of the zodiac is heliodor; mature ladies will be decorated with a ruby. A burst of energy creates a pomegranate, carnelian is an attribute of creative natures.

Sardonyx stone is suitable for men-careerists, alexandrite for leaders. Makes chrysolite more forgiving to neighbors. Amulet against failure or fear - carnelian (especially useful for adolescents).


Zodiac sign Leo and turquoise stone are incompatible: it harms health, relaxes, provoking rash actions, mistakes in work. Aventurine will make you feel complex. No need for amethyst, obsidian, pearls, all blue minerals.


Jade and jasper are the main talismans of the Virgo. Jade makes you more indulgent, strengthens your health. For those born in September, jasper relieves excess criticism.


The sign corresponds in all respects to malachite, topaz, chrysoprase, chrysolite. Yellow topaz strengthens memory; chrysoprase will help in learning, getting a good job; chrysolite will allow you to apply knowledge in practice.

Carnelian is a mascot of business people. In addition, it will bestow dizzying love and quiet family happiness, make it intuitive, save from envy, the evil eye. Jade or chrysocolla will attract super-luck in work and love.

Womens and mens

Aventurine protects a lady from illness, failure, nervous breakdowns. The most powerful charm is a sapphire in silver. Jade will find a soul mate, heal.

Jasper will make men softer for the soul mate, will help to study, make useful acquaintances. Lapis lazuli will establish contacts; sapphire will cheer up, is useful for inventors.


The enemies of the sign are ruby ​​and obsidian. Turquoise suppresses the magic of other stones in jewelry, hematite will pull out negative qualities. Shiny stones (onyx, selenite, labrador, mother of pearl) contradict the natural modesty of Virgos.


The main stones of Libra are diamond, aquamarine and opal. The meaning of precious stones is different: the first is universal, the second smooths out mood swings. Opal protects from extremes or despondency, reveals talents, aims at success.


Lapis lazuli harmonizes relationships with oneself and people, corals are suitable as a talisman against the evil eye, damage and envy; tourmaline encourages personal decision-making, useful for dreamers or nervous people. Sapphire eliminates negativity, amber is the guarantee of love.

More than anything else zodiac signs, Libra corresponds to amethyst; beryl strengthens family bonds, protects outside the home.

Womens and mens

The fickleness of the female character pacifies the tourmaline. Corals liberate, protect from envy, preserve youth. Malachite harmonizes all spheres of life. Emerald is a stone for those who dream of becoming a mother or young mothers. Turquoise will protect you from the evil eye, reconcile with your spouse. Opal will take care of personal well-being, beryl is a powerful amulet. Amethyst is useful for those born in October: it “freezes” evil thoughts.

The male stone of the sign is sapphire. Chrysolite protects against stress, brings success in life or career. Opal helps to choose a soul mate, recharges. Aquamarine will make you concentrate, tourmaline will make you an optimist, and zircon will make you an orator.


The magical properties of stones of a bright red scale activate base feelings, the jet will awaken a sociopath in a person. Onyx will make it even more closed, hematite will weaken physically.


Scorpio becomes lucky with pomegranate, aquamarine or black opal. Pomegranate gives the sign power over people, aquamarine extinguishes irritability, opal reduces the feeling of self-importance.


The universal stone for this zodiac sign is opal. Carnelian will teach restraint. Get rid of bad thoughts coral; the cat's eye helps strong personalities. Sapphire enhances sexuality, helps to keep emotions in check and to communicate with children. Yellow topaz will force skeptics to listen to the inner voice, prevent senile dementia. Hematite neutralizes excess emotions, increases sexuality, makes you smarter, more flexible.

Scorpion stones

Womens and mens

Sapphire will match the character of the ladies better than others. Pomegranate is a stone of spiritually developed persons and intellectuals, corals protect against energetic vampires, amethyst leads in the right direction.

The male stones corresponding to this sign of the zodiac are deep red or black. Glory, respect of household members and colleagues will bring pomegranates; rubies will strengthen physically or spiritually. Tourmaline is a sedative and health-improving agent, topaz is youth attributes, beryl is a Scorpion boss stone.


Agate, diamonds, amber, emerald, onyx are not suitable and potentially dangerous for the sign. Pearls will turn life into a sleeping kingdom, yellow or brown agate or amber will be made weak-willed rods, their energy will end.


Sagittarius, whose birthday falls in late November or early December, say more than they do. Their horoscope mascot is turquoise. This is the only sign for which the decade of the zodiacal sector is important.


The tiger's eye, topaz, chrysolite, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon are useful for the sign. They will smooth out the inconsistency, strengthen the sense of purpose and determination.

Sagittarius at the end of November and beginning of December are characterized by duality, therefore astrologers recommend that they wear two stones that match the sign of the zodiac.

Stones suitable for archers

Womens and mens

The mission of a ruby, topaz or sapphire is to arrange the personal life of a self-sufficient mistress, keep peace in the house, and protect from enemies.

Ruby, amethyst, turquoise and hyacinth will make a man self-confident.


Forbidden stones according to the sign of the zodiac are yellow topaz and sapphires, citrine, carnelian, alexandrite, black opal, pearls, jade. Turquoise and lapis lazuli are contraindicated in women aged 30+.


Capricorn time is December 22 - January 20. The universal stone of the sign is ruby. He will bring health, fame, money.


The ideal protector of the sign is obsidian. Black onyx helps to complete projects, protects from trouble, and maintains health. Tourmaline is a stone of health and protection; rauchtopaz clears the mind. Jet will establish family life and will reveal the secrets of the family; energy supply is provided by almandine. The sign is useful for garnet, amber, topaz, lapis lazuli, malachite.

Stones suitable for ibex

Womens and mens

A pomegranate will free the lady from attachments, burdensome ties and dependencies; rhinestone will soften the character. Carnelian is the mascot of young girls. Agate will put a shield on gossip, save the family hearth from quarrels, attract money, and provide a career.

The male mind hones rauchtopaz. He removes fanaticism, pacifies jealous or selfish people. Business people or those who want to become them need chrysoprase. Onyx helps to be a charismatic leader born in early January. Pomegranate is a companion in personal life, the key to resolving family conflicts.


Turquoise, beryl, selenite, aventurine, chrysolite, pearls are harmful to children of December. Sapphire will turn them into cynics, suck energy. Citrine will make Capricorns gambling, vicious: a purposeful person will become a cunning stubborn liar. The emerald will give rise to experiences.


The main talisman of the sign is amethyst. It enhances optimism, helps to believe in yourself, and promotes concentration in order to realize creative ideas.


Those born on the border of January and February will make aventurine more relaxed, quartz will be a strong amulet.

Sapphire is a stone for spiritual growth and mental development.

Obsidian protects Aquarius from addictions, topaz attracts good deals and finances. A clue, protector from the evil eye or disease - agate.

Hyacinth is taken to interrupt the black streak of life. Pomegranate increases efficiency, builds business contacts.

Chrysoprase attracts good luck, zircon makes you smarter, hawk eye is the protector of workers in dangerous professions.

Stones suitable for Aquarius

Womens and mens

For a lady, amethyst will establish the necessary connections, pearls are a friend of a married lady. Aquamarine is useful for a girl to really appreciate the chosen one. Amber will strengthen self-confidence and encourage charity.

Male love stone of the sign - black agate; white will soften the harsh Aquarius, gray will help in friendship. Jade shows personal shortcomings and ways to overcome them, attracts money. Sapphires are the stones of reformers or innovators. Black pearls will strengthen character, selenite will prompt the right way of self-expression.


Jewelry with turquoise will make a married lady a stubborn fanatic or a frivolous person, push her to a rash act. Diamonds make a person cold and arrogant.


Happiness, good luck will bring aquamarine or pearls born in late February or early March. Aquamarine will recharge energetically, help to make dreams come true. Pearls will make you a long-liver, protect you from negativity, awaken your intuition.

Pisces is the only sign that pearls are perfect for.


They will energize, strengthen the nerves, teach you not to worry about trifles moonstone, heliodor, jet, aquamarine, jasper, chrysolite, hematite, coral.

Fish stones

Womens and mens

For ladies, the confidence gem aquamarine, the cacholong love magnet, the moonstone symbol of femininity (it has a special meaning if presented by a spouse or lover) are suitable.

Men need an assistant in finding their purpose amethyst and pearls as money bait.


Dark or red stones are plunged into depression: jasper, sardonyx, obsidian, olivine. The most dangerous is jade, which can leave only work in life. The sign does not need onyx, lapis lazuli, yellow topaz.

Other types of classifications

Stones by the signs of the zodiac are also selected taking into account the year of birth by Eastern calendar or by date of birth.

Zodiac signs can be grouped by stones. For example, those born in the cold seasons of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius are equally well matched with purple pomegranate. Regardless of the system or sign of the zodiac, stones need to be looked after. Only then will they retain their magical properties.

In many Asian countries, the year of the goza (or sheep) will come into force today. And this is a good reason to clarify the issues of astrological properties of precious stones. Everything in nature is alive, including stones and minerals. Each stone has its own inherent bioenergy, and it is especially strong in precious stones. Geologists are well aware of what processes occur in the earth's crust for thousands and millions of years, how stones are born, live and die. The internal structure of stones and crystals is also well known. Stones, like everything on Earth, are affected by the moon and planets solar system because the Earth is component The universe. Inside natural crystals there are energy nodes with positive and negative charges. Each precious stone, in contact with a person's aura, has one or another effect on it. What science is beginning to discover today (did you know that the largest number Nobel Prizes received for discoveries in the field of crystallography in the XX century?) - they knew ancient people . Stones like all living things radiate "qi" energy.

Indian astrologers claim that each gemstone influences a certain type of people according to their astrological characteristics. The sages believed that stones are always associated with the forces of the astral plane and with the person onto whom these forces are projected. Astrologers even use precious stones to communicate with the astral world, in order to receive information through them concerning, say, the past or future of a person. To do this, the astrologer orients the crystal of a precious stone, be it a ruby ​​or an emerald, in a special way, passing rays of a small light through it, and then gazing intently into one of its faces, reading information from it.

All gems are associated with the astral world, and each gem corresponds to its specific zodiac sign. Astrologers divided the signs of the zodiac into 4 elements - fire, air, earth, water - and into two principles - "yang" and "yin".

"Yang" is a masculine positive principle, it has creative, giving energy.
"Yin" is a feminine negative principle, it has a receiving, perceiving character.

The astral qualities of stones are determined not by their hardness, but by their transparency, color and purity of color.Astrologers attribute all transparent gems to "yang", and opaque ones to "yin". Transparent and translucent stones express the elements of fire and air, and opaque ones correspond to the elements of water and earth. The element of water also includes stones that change their color, such as opal.

The stones are grouped according to the elements and constellations of the zodiac.


The most wonderful gems are associated with the element of fire.

Constellation Aries- diamond;
Constellation a lion- ruby, pyrope;
Constellation Sagittarius- sapphire.

All these stones concentrate in themselves the powerful astral energy of their constellations and have a strong biofield.

Diamond - the most powerful magic stone that can bring both happiness and unhappiness to its owner. If a diamond (brilliant) has passed to its owner by inheritance or received as a gift from relatives or friends, this is good. If it is bought, then it cannot be worn right away, it must get used to the owner, lie in his house for at least 7 years, after which it can be worn. A diamond stolen or acquired dishonestly will bring misfortune and quick death to its owner.

Ruby - the stone of the constellation Leo, one of the most revered gems by Buddhists. It is a stone of power, strength and turbulent energy associated with karma.other people, strong and bright. A scarlet, pure ruby, this clot of violent energy, strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects from evil spells, by changing the shades of color warns its owner of imminent danger.

Close to ruby fire stone (pyrope)- the reddest of all stones, which has absorbed the fiery energy of the planet Mars. This stone brings happiness to energetic and emotional people who live in constant tension of their strengths. This is due to the fact that the fire stone itself is a source of bioenergy, which gives a strong energy boost to a person. He constantly arouses energy and passion in people. Yogis say that a fiery stone is filled with a blood-red color on the hand of a very active and passionate person. However, it cannot be worn by inert, cold and too rational people - it creates unfavorable situations for them.

Sapphire - the Sagittarius stone, which has concentrated the blue astral color in itself. This wondrous magic stone radiates the powerful energy of space, arousing concentration and purity of the soul, strengthening loyalty, prudence in a person, protecting him from treachery and fear, cooling his passion. Star sapphires of three or even six intersecting lines, symbolizing the magical numbers "3" and "6", have special magical power.


Regal stones do not belong to the element of the earth - its stones are much simpler, but in their own way they are wonderful and have energy.

Constellation Taurus- agate, aventurine, malachite;
Constellation Virgo- jade, onyx;
Constellation Capricorn- chrysoberyl, zircon, black obsidian.

In the constellation Taurus, there are three stones of different composition - agate (yellow), aventurine and malachite.

Agate atTaurus must be yellow, such as on Ikh-Jargalan from the Eastern Gobi. The Mongols call it ball mana. This stone contributes to the development of internal energy "qi" and gives confidence to a person. There was a belief among lamas that yellow agate expels evil spirits from a person's home and body.

Aventurine - another interesting Taurus stone, undeservedly forgotten at the present time. It is a stone of joy that lifts the mood, intensifies the emotional intensity of a person. However, it can be constantly worn only during one lunar phase, which is associated with a change in the energy of the stone itself.

Malachite - a stone of evergreen foliage, harmony and love. It is a magic stone with strong energy and emotional excitability.

In the constellation Virgo there are two stones: jade and onyx.

Jade - a stone mined in Burma. It has many magical properties: it reacts to weather changes and regulates blood pressure. It is helpful for people with hypertension or a predisposition to it to wear jade bracelets and beads.

Onyx , yellow and red, is a stone known in India. And there is a lot of it in the Mongolian Gobi. This stone is very good for Virgo and all other signs of the zodiac. It concentrates bioenergy and draws diseases out of the human body.

Three interesting stones belong to Capricorn, to which Indian magicians attribute all sorts of extraordinary properties, this chrysoberyl, zircon and black obsidian.

Boucheron, 1900

The most precious of them -chrysoberyl , transparent green like the sacred waters of the Ganges. This is one of those stones that connect the mineral kingdom with the rest of the world. It allows magicians to understand the language of birds and animals, and ordinary people brings discernment and strengthens family and family ties.

Zircon pure and bright in color, like a strongly brewed Indian tea or cognac, not inferior in brilliance to the diamond itself. It is found in India, where it is considered a bioenergy concentrator, instilling confidence in a person and helping him expose deceptions.

Black obsidian used in magic to concentrate the powers of the astral plane. V ordinary life- This is a stone of caution that protects against bad love and unworthy deeds. In general, black obsidian is a savior stone, it can be worn as a talisman.


Constellation Twins- carnelian, rhodonite;
Constellation scales- amethyst;
Constellation Aquarius- jade, chrysoprase.

Gemini has two stones: carnelian and rhodonite.

Liberty & Co, 1920

Cornelian has a color from yellow to reddish, the stone is transparent and always clean (without black and white inclusions, for this stone is dying, destroyed its structure and brings misfortune). Carnelian is a stone of the Sun that has absorbed its energy and hot radiant color. It stabilizes and strengthens the "qi" bioenergy, therefore it is recommended for Gemini to wear it in the form of jewelry or talismans.

Rhodonite - a soft pink stone that awakens the talents hidden in a person.

The constellation Libra belongs to one wonderful violet-colored stone, whose name is amethyst.

Amethyst - a stone of peace, peace of mind and harmony, it carries positive charges of energy that have a beneficial effect on a weak and unstable aura. According to popular beliefs, amethyst eliminates speech defects and prevents vices from developing.

The constellation Aquarius has two unique stones.

The first one is chrysoprase - a bright green transparent stone, very beautiful, but unusual and strange: it does not like suspicious and deceitful people and darkens before their eyes. He serves honest Aquarius faithfully, is a talisman that protects them from dangers and attracts good people to them.

Ralph Laurent, 2011

Yu-shi (nephritis)- the national Chinese stone, which has long been mined in the spurs of Kuen-Lun. The Chinese distinguished several varieties of yu-shi - white, black, red (rooster), grassy and blue. Yu-shi has a strong energy: in ordinary life, he contributes to happy changes, brings him out of the dead end. This is a stone of single people, they should always wear yu-shi as a talisman. He also helps those Aquarius who often have kidney problems, in the West they call him that - "kidney stone". Yu-shi is also an indicator of your behavior - if he becomes cloudy and then darkens, it means that he convicts you of your sins.


Constellation Cancer- emerald, heliotrope, jandarakand;
Constellation Scorpion- alexandrite, tourmaline, bloodstone, turquoise;
Constellation Fishes- opal, aquamarine.

Cancer owns one of the most beautiful and magical gems - the emerald.

Emerald - a stone that gives its own in green and positive energy - fun and joy for people. It is best shown to a person with pure karma, who has fully cognized himself and has achieved absolute clarity of thoughts and spiritual perfection. This stone absolutely does not tolerate deceitful and evil people - it brings misfortune to them. Indian magicians used emerald to communicate with the astral world and predict the future. Holding this stone and being in a meditative state, they read in their minds all the information imprinted in the stone: people, pictures of nature, cities and other visions. Emerald promotes health and longevity, because it has a large positive "qi" that neutralizes negative charges. This happens when a person's aura of heavy, negatively charged "qi" thickens from evil and gloomy thoughts. This stone, ”Liu Ming-gen said enthusiastically,“ bewitches and soothes with its one color, you look at it and forget about everything.

Another Cancer stone is heliotrope... A unique green stone, on which, if you look closely, there are subtle red spots and always a certain magic number. What is it? Heliotrope is the Stone of Mystery, which is why Indian magicians and alchemists wore rings with heliotrope. It can also be worn by ordinary people obsessed with some idea, especially scientists and philosophers; it will bring them success.

Another famous Cancer stone isjandarakand(Moonstone).

Jandarakand means "moonlight". The stone is so named because it has absorbed the color and reflection of the moon. It is one of the most revered stones of India's moon worshipers. On the new moon, Jandarakand is filled with a special icy radiance, at this moment all its imperious magical power is concentrated in it. Its cold, gradually increasing glow excites dreaminess in people, gives them softness and tenderness, reduces internal tension, eliminates anger and excessive self-confidence. V folk medicine it was believed earlier that jandarakand with its rays heals epilepsy and painful dreams.

Scorpio has several wonderful stones.

The most amazing of them -alexandrite ... Alexandrite has a sensitive and strong energy that quickly reacts with the color of the stone from bluish-green to purple-red, and sometimes yellow. The appearance of a yellow color in a stone is a harbinger of an impending grave misfortune. Alexandrite on a person's hand reacts sharply to any everyday situation. It must be said that this is a difficult stone, a stone of trials, and therefore is suitable only for a strong spirit for Scorpios. A strong Scorpio, possessing alexandrite, must be patient in overcoming difficult trials, then victory and the beneficial effect of the stone await him, for it regulates blood circulation, cleanses the blood and strengthens blood vessels.

Another very good stone for Scorpions istourmaline ... It comes in different colors - red, green, blue, black, yellow and white, and sometimes even two- and three-color. The most magical of them is red tourmaline, which brings happiness and success in love to men, increases their bioenergy and strengthens potency.

Scorpio also hasbloodstone (hematite) , black and shiny as iron, and powdered - the color of pigeon blood. This is a stone of magicians and spellcasters, who summoned spirits with its help and painted secret signs and magic circles on the floor, supposedly able to defend against attacks from space and win evil spirits... The bloodstone contains the power of Mars and an enormous bioenergy that allows the Scorpions wearing this stone to influence other people with their aura.

Another very strong Scorpio stone -turquoise.

Turquoise - a stone of luck and peace, designed to tame quarrels and enmity between people, to pacify in them unjustified anger and evil thoughts. Like all living things in nature, turquoise experiences birth, adolescence, maturity, old age and death, changing with age its shades from white to blue, blue, greenish-blue and, finally, green. Young and young turquoise of azure, like the sky, color "feeds" people with its bioenergy; it happens that it suddenly "grows old", almost before our eyes, by this it signals a serious illness of the one who wears it. Green turquoise is an already withered stone, in which the power of Saturn is hidden. It can only be worn by Saturnians who have reached maturity and the age of Saturn - 65 years. I must say that burnt bone, plastic, and porcelain are often passed off as real turquoise in India and China. Any fakes, as well as artificial stones, do not have energy, they are completely indifferent, and therefore completely useless.

The constellation Pisces has two precious stones - opal and aquamarine.

Opal - a stone of deceiving hopes and illusions, darkening the mind with empty dreams and all kinds of fears. It can only be worn by very strong Pisces and magicians, who, by changing its color and brilliance, can determine the approach of danger brought on by opal.

Belle Epoque, 1910

Aquamarine - a stone of the color of pure sea water, has positive energy that has a beneficial effect on a person and raises his mood. However, when wearing aquamarine, you must remember and follow one rule: never lie - otherwise the effect of the stone will stop.

These are all the stones of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

Based on the book "The Precious Gobi Necklace" by the writer and prospecting geologist Lipovsky.

Jewelry can be not only accessories, but also charms that bring good luck. If you choose a stone that matches your zodiac sign, an ordinary trinket becomes a real talisman.

About stones-amulets

Aries. This sign is suitable for a diamond. This gem is considered one of the noblest. He protects from corruption and evil spirits. Diamond attracts good luck and protects against disease. A similar piece of jewelry should be worn around the neck or arm. Also, Aries should pay attention to amethyst. He possesses healing properties and helps to gain confidence. Other stones: sardonyx, coral, carnelian, flint, serpentine, hematite.

Taurus. Sapphire is recommended for this sign. This stone is also a talisman for lovers. The decoration strengthens memory and develops intelligence. It helps with asthma and heart disease. Also sapphire protects against lies. In relationships with the opposite sex, Taurus will be helped by blue turquoise. Other stones: emerald, agate, tiger's eye, ruby, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli, jade, opal.

Twins. Beryl or green chrysoprase is ideal for this sign. The first brings happiness in love, the second protects against financial losses and deception. A twin wearing chrysoprase will be able to achieve success in his career. Other stones: crystal, topaz, jasper, agate, jade.

Cancer. Moonstone is suitable for representatives of this sign. This decoration helps lovers to overcome difficulties. Emerald is recommended for Family Cancers, as it protects the hearth. Other stones: morion, cat's eye, amethyst, euclase, turquoise, onyx, opal.

A lion. This sign should pay attention to yellow stones: topaz, olivine and amber. The first protects travelers, the second brings good luck in business, the third protects against conflicts. Other stones: onyx, zircon, garnet, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Virgo. For this sign good choice there will be jade. This stone is a symbol of monarchs and leaders. Such decoration will help with vision diseases. Carnelian is also suitable for Virgins. It is believed to give a healthy glow to the skin. Such amulets will be more useful in a gold setting. Other stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, diamond, crystal, emerald, jasper.

Scales. Astrologers advise this sign of the zodiac lapis lazuli. In ancient times, this decoration was used to treat various diseases. Opal is also suitable for Libra: it brings success to the noble and kind people... Other stones: beryl, coral, diamond, lapis lazuli, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Scorpion. This mark should wear aquamarine. Such a talisman will bring happiness to the family. Scorpio girls should pay attention to the carbuncle. Such jewelry was considered a good amulet for pregnant women. Other stones: beryl, amazonite, jet, malachite, topaz, coral, beryl.

Sagittarius. Amethyst is suitable for this sign. This amulet is called the stone of love, as it helps in relationships with the opposite sex. Moreover, amethyst brings good luck in gambling. Other stones: garnet, turquoise, chrysoprase, sapphire, amber, emerald.

Aquarius. For this sign, pomegranate is a symbol of friendship. A similar amulet will also help in relationships with the opposite sex. Zircon improves memory and mental abilities in Aquarius. Other stones: opal, jade, amethyst, garnet.

Fishes. It is recommended for this sign to wear pearls in conjunction with some other mineral. This talisman strengthens family ties. It will also help if Pisces is suffering from unrequited love. Other stones: aquamarine, turquoise, euclase, selenite, morion, hawkeye.

It is realistic for each person to find their own talisman stone, which will protect him from various troubles and misfortunes, attracting joy, wealth, success and other positive events to the life of its owner.

Knowing the date of birth of a person, as well as the year of his birth, will help in choosing an amulet stone, and help is often required professional astrologer... But you can try to determine your stone mascot by date of birth and zodiac sign and name yourself. You can read how to do this further.

In total, there are four main ways to select a patron stone by date of birth, namely:

  • taking into account the month of birth;
  • taking into account the number;
  • taking into account the full date represented by day, month and year;
  • taking into account the sign of the zodiac.

Amulet by month of birth

  • born in January - the purchase of jewelry with, and is shown;
  • for those whose birth month is February - products with hyacinths are suitable;
  • if the month of your birth is March, you should choose rubies and;
  • those born in April are patronized by diamonds, and;
  • May birthday people - options for jewelry with emerald, agate, and are suitable;
  • for those born in June - make a purchase of jewelry with pearls, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony and aquamarine;
  • birthday people of July - rubies, carnelians, turquoise, aventurines and will help to improve their lives;
  • those whose month of birth is August - chrysolites, alexandrites, sardonyxes, carnelians, rubies, and others will render their magical assistance;
  • those born in September should take a closer look at sapphires, sardonyx, chrysolites, agates and smoky;
  • those whose birth month is October are patronized by tourmalines, opals, aquamarines, beryls, and pomegranates;
  • people born in November - must give their choice in favor of topaz, pearls, and chrysolites;
  • December birthday people - patronize, turquoise, heliotropes, rubies, chrysoprase, etc.

Birthday mascot stone

This is the second way to choose your patron mineral, based only on the birth number.

  • if you are born on the first, tenth, nineteenth and twenty-eighth, corals, opals, topaz and rubies will be suitable amulets for you;
  • those born on the second, eleventh, twentieth and twenty-ninth numbers should count on the mystical support of a cat's eye, opal, pearls and a tiger's eye;
  • birthday people of the third, twelfth, twenty-first and thirtieth numbers - the patron gems are amethysts, emeralds, corals and topaz;
  • if you celebrate your birthday on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st numbers - aquamarines, diamonds, garnets, opals and sapphires will help you harmonize your life;
  • those born on the fifth, fourteenth and twenty-third days - you need to wear products with diamonds, light sapphires and zircons;
  • celebrating their birth on the sixth, fifteenth and twenty-fourth numbers - are patronized by aquamarines, beryls, emeralds, green opals and;
  • those who celebrate their birth on the seventh, sixteenth and twenty-fifths - pearls, moonstones and opals with tiger eyes will be of greatest help;
  • birthday people on the eighth, seventeenth and twenty-sixth numbers should dwell on lapis lazuli, opals and sapphires;
  • those born on the ninth, eighteenth and twenty-seventh will be helped by pomegranates, corals, rubies and red opals.

Stone talisman by date of birth

It has long been no secret to anyone that numbers have a huge impact on a person's life. And, of course, the most important number is the date of birth. In this case, it is important to consider not the combination of numbers itself, but to reduce them to a single-digit number. Next, we'll look at how to do this.

2 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 34. It turns out a two-digit number that must be turned into a single-digit number: 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. So your birth number is seven.

Each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is patronized by certain precious or semiprecious minerals.

  • for "units" - invigorating aventurines are suitable, as well as carnelians that give an ardent mutual feeling;
  • "Deuce" - pearls will help to fully manifest their inner potential, and thanks to the moonstone () such people will become more self-confident;
  • for "triplets" - jewelry with turquoise and chrysolites is suitable (for a great mood);
  • “Fours” - it is worth acquiring sapphires and jades in order to protect themselves from evil and become more successful;
  • “Fives” - can safely rely on emeralds charging with wisdom and tiger eyes that relieve pathological jealousy;
  • "Six" - suitable products with agates, which are able to protect against ill-wishers, as well as;
  • "Sevens" - they will help them stay cool, and rubies will give them the necessary vitality;
  • "Eights" - will be able to help make the right choice of onyx, and pomegranates will strengthen warm friendly feelings;
  • for "nines" - topaz are suitable (protect from harm), and rock crystal crystals (give wisdom and save from passions);
  • "Zero" - it occurs in very rare cases, but still occurs. Zero symbolizes emptiness, mystery and boundless space.

The precious stones-patrons of those people who correspond to zero will be unusually rare red diamonds. They have absorbed the properties of diamonds and rubies, make their owner more courageous, protect from damage and serious pathologies, and also make him more successful in life. Also for these people are rare, revealing magical abilities and majorites, giving love and family happiness.

Zodiac sign amulet

Each zodiac constellation has its own mascot stones.

  • for Aries - diamonds, amethysts, garnets, pearls, rubies and chrysolites are most suitable;
  • Taurus - they can find mystical support using emeralds, onyx, rubies, sapphires and topaz;
  • Gemini - shown to use jewelry with amethysts, pearls, emeralds, sapphire, topaz, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Cancers - can count on the protection of amethysts, pearls, emeralds, rubies, topaz and chrysolites;
  • Lions - they astrologically correspond to pomegranates, emeralds, rubies, topazes, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Virgos - it is worth paying attention to jewelry with diamonds, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Libra - they are magically helped by jewelry with diamond, amethyst, emerald, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Scorpions - can count on the protection of amethysts, garnets, rubies, sapphires and topaz;
  • Sagittarius - need the mystical support of amethysts, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, topaz and chrysolites;
  • - astrologers recommend buying jewelry with amethyst, pomegranate, and ruby;
  • Aquarius - must use the magic of amethysts, garnets, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and citrines;
  • Pisces - it is recommended to wear amethysts, aquamarines, pearls, sapphires and chrysolites.

Diamonds - symbolize innocence, fortitude and courage, help to solve problems.

Emeralds - are personified with happy love, make a person more successful in life.

Sapphires - symbolize fidelity, chastity and modesty, are able to attract happiness and joy into your life.

Rubies are associated with power and passionate love.

Pearls - symbolize love and devotion.

Aquamarines are gems of “lovers”, they are able to protect family happiness, attract good luck to a person's life.

Amethysts - symbolize peace of mind.

Topaz - are personified with eternal friendship.

Pomegranates - symbolize stability.

Chrysolites - act as amulet stones that bring calmness and balance.

Rauchtopaz - these mystical gems will relieve a person of pain and stress factors, they also calm the nervous system.

Citrines are responsible for good luck and good mood.

More useful information you can find out from the following video:

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: