Acceleration work interests everyone. It’s not uncommon for people to come to us with the question: “How speed up Windows XP?. To answer this question and tell everything we know on the topic " Windows XP acceleration"we will have to write more than one article, so today we will talk about one of the methods - disabling services

Although Microsoft recommends using the default system settings, this is not very convenient for most users. The fact is that some of the services included in the “default” set not only waste valuable resources, but also pose a certain threat to computer security. For example, the “Remote Registry Access” service. It is unlikely that ordinary users often need it, but attackers can successfully take advantage of it. Acceleration OS operation is achieved by disabling unused services.

Below is a list of rarely used services. Turning them off will not lead to unstable operation of the computer, but it may speed up Windows XP.

DHCP client. With this service, a computer obtains an IP address by requesting a DHCP server. In large companies where staff cannot independently set up a connection to the network of work computers, this service is indispensable. At home, it is most often of no use, so you can turn it off. However, you need to be careful: if the provider uses cable networks to provide Internet services, then most likely the IP addresses are assigned by a DHCP server.

Remote Registry Service. Using this service, you can change registry entries remotely (over a network). It was already noted above that this service can pose a significant threat to computer security.

Wireless Zero Configuration. Used to automatically configure wireless networks, in other words, WiFi connections. If in this moment This is not relevant for you, then you can safely turn it off.

QoS SRVP. QoS technology allows you to divide a network channel into bandwidths, but in most cases this is successfully handled by an ADSL + splitter combination at the hardware level.

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing. With this service, you can create desktop connection sessions through the Microsoft Net Meeting client. If this feature is not used, it is better to disable this service, as it may pose a security threat to the OS. For the same reason, this service is not available on some unlicensed Windows discs.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator. Using this service, RPC clients find RPC servers, the service opens TCP ports: 139 and 445, which can be exploited by malware. So, if you do not use this service, it is better to disable it.

Task Scheduler- an absolutely necessary service if you regularly run any programs on a schedule. For example, a media player at six in the morning as an alarm clock. In other cases, the service can be disabled painlessly.

Time service provides date and time synchronization on computers on the network. How much do you need your computer to ask your neighbors what time it is and reset its clock?

Error Logging Service. It is this service that sends error reports to Microsoft.

IPSEC Services. Using the Oakley (IKE) driver, manages IP security policy. Needed when using a VPN (pseudo-local network).

Themes- ensure the functioning of all Windows themes other than Classic. Those. this service is actually responsible for rendering beautiful windows, smooth scrolling of lists and other beauties of Windows XP. If you are using the standard classic theme, then you can safely disable this service. It is also worth noting that this is one of the most “gluttonous” services, disabling which can significantly speed up Windows XP

Security Center. This service does not provide any protection; its main function is to notify the user that system auto-update, firewall, etc. are disabled.

Mechanism disabling services next:
Right-click on the “My Computer” icon -> “Manage” -> “Services and Applications” -> “Services” -> select the desired service -> “Stop”
In order for the changes to be permanent, in the service properties you need to change the startup type from “Auto” (“Manual”) to “Disabled”.

As stated above, Windows XP acceleration this is a delicate matter, so if the above actions did not have the expected effect and speed up Windows XP If it didn’t work, don’t worry - bring your computer to us and we will definitely make it work at full capacity.

On the topic of optimizing Windows performance, we recommend that you read the article How to increase virtual memory and optimize the page file

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By changing various options and parameters without understanding what and how they can affect, it is very easy to ruin everything.
You need to take care of your safety, fortunately, Windows XP has all the backup tools for this: Backup, System Restore, ASR.

Bringing back the classic Start menu style:

Right-click on the taskbar, "Properties", "Start Menu" tab, select "Classic Start Menu", "OK"

Right-click on an empty area of ​​the screen,
menu item "Properties", tab "Appearance". Select " Classic style"windows and buttons. Click the "Effects" button. Uncheck all the checkboxes except the last one.

In the "Control Panel" select "Folder Options".
In the window that opens, select “Use regular Windows folders” - this will save us from unnecessary decorations that slow down the navigation process.
Go to the "View" tab. Check the box "Do not cache thumbnails" - otherwise, when viewing folders with graphic files, Windows will litter it with miniature copies of pictures; check the box "Display the Control Panel" in the "My Computer" folder; uncheck the box "Remember display settings for each folders" (optional) and "Hide protected system files"; select the option "Show hidden files and folders"

In the "Control Panel" select "System".

In the "Advanced" tab, in the "Performance" frame, click on the "Options" button. In the window that opens, select " Visual effects" and uncheck all the boxes

Disable error reporting.
Call "System Properties" and on the "Advanced" tab - "Error Reporting", select "Disable Error Reporting"

Uninstall Windows Messenger. Every time the system boots, Messenger also starts, slowing down the boot process and consuming system resources. In the command line Start - "Run" type the following:

RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

And click “OK”. After you restart Windows Messenger on your computer, you will no longer find

Setting the optimal paging file value
"System Properties" - "Advanced" - "Performance" - "Advanced" - "Virtual Memory" - "Change". It is recommended to set the initial size and maximum to the same. For normal work, it is enough to multiply the available memory by 1.5. Games require two, two and a half times more memory. Details

Reducing the delay time before expanding submenus. Start - "Run" and type "regedit". In the registry we find
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Change the MenuShowDelay parameter from 400 to 0.

Remove unnecessary programs from startup
Start - "Run" and type "msconfig". "Startup" tab - uncheck the boxes next to those programs that you do not need

Clear the "prefetch" folder - C:\windows\prefetch.
This folder contains links to launched applications and programs. Some of the links are no longer used or are rarely used, but when loading, the system checks for the presence of links in this folder. Over time, the number of links in this folder increases so much that the system takes more time to scan. Cleaning out this folder will speed up your system performance. It is not recommended to reboot the system after cleaning the folder. This will degrade performance

Disable indexing.
Open “My Computer,” right-click on the hard drive icon and select “Properties.” In the window that opens, uncheck “Allow disk indexing for quick search.” After clicking the “Apply” or “OK” buttons, a new window will appear in which you will be asked whether to apply the selected attributes only to the current drive or to attached files and folders too. As a result, the system will run a little faster. Applicable only for drives with NTFS file system

Windows XP considers "Zip" files to be folders
this is convenient if you have a fast computer. On slower systems, you can force Windows XP to disable this feature (if you have another archiver, such as "RAR") by typing "regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" at the command line. You can return everything back with the command "regsvr32 zipfldr.dll"

Changing the priority of interrupt requests (IRQs).
If you increase the priority of CMOS memory and real-time clock, you can increase the performance of all elements of the motherboard. Open "System Properties" - "Hardware" button "Device Manager". Now open the properties of the device you are interested in and select the "Resources" tab. Here you can see which IRQ number is used by the selected device. Note the interrupt number and close all windows. Run RegEdit. Find a section

Create a new DWORD key IRQ#Priority (where "#" is the IRQ number) and set it to "1". For example, in our case, IRQ08 is reserved for System CMOS. Therefore we created the IRQ8Priority key

Disabling an unused POSIX subsystem
may increase operating speed slightly. Launch "Regedit". Open the branch in the registry editor

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control SessionManager\SubSystems
and remove the Optional and Posix lines.

Do not record last accessed files (NTFS only).
Speeds up access to directories with a large number of files. In the registry editor "Regedit"

NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate parameter value "1"

Do not use a page file to store the system kernel.
By default, WinXP dumps the kernel and system drivers into the page file when they are not in use. Using this option, you can tell WinXP to keep the kernel and system drivers always in memory. Launch "Regedit"

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
parameter DisablePagingExecutive, "1" - do not use the paging file to store the system kernel, "0" - use

Automatically unload unused libraries.
This feature will help free up memory. Launch "Regedit"

AlwaysUnloadDLL parameter, value "1" - unload libraries, value "0" - do not unload. Note: the system may become unstable when this option is enabled.

Use fast user switching.
If the option is enabled, then when switching to another user, the current user's programs will continue to work. Otherwise, programs will automatically turn off when the user logs out, and the computer will work faster with the next user. Launch "Regedit"

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
AllowMultipleTSSessions parameter, value "1" - use fast user switching

Disable the built-in debugger Dr. Watson.
If the option is disabled, then if there is an error in the program, a corresponding error message will be displayed with the OK and Cancel buttons; when you click OK, the application ends, and when you click Cancel, the debugger starts. In the registry editor "Regedit"

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug
set the "Auto" parameter to "0"

Do not keep track of document opening history.
Do not keep a history of "Recently Used Documents". Windows XP creates shortcuts to launched programs in the Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Recent folder. You can disable this feature if you do not use them. Launch "Regedit"

parameter NoRecentDocsHistory, value "1" - history is not maintained

Automatically terminate frozen applications.
This option is used to automatically close all hung programs without any warning. Convenient when shutting down your computer; if the application is not responding, you don’t have to press a button to shut it down. Launch "Regedit"

HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop
AutoEndTasks parameter, value "1" - automatically end frozen applications, "0" - wait for user input

Disable the low disk space message.
Do not display a message about low disk space. It makes sense to use this option on small disks. Launch "Regedit"

parameter, NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, value "1" - message disabled, "0" - enabled

Block automatic updates in Windows Media Player.
Windows Media Player periodically establishes a connection via the Internet to check for the existence of a new version of the program (Tools-Options-Automatic updates frame). You can disable this feature in Windows Media Player. Launch "Regedit"

parameter DisableAutoUpdate, value "1".

Release of the channel (bandwidth) reserved for the QoS service.
Windows XP by default allocates part of the Internet channel for Quality of Service (QoS). The purpose of QoS is to improve the traffic distribution of programs written with the QoS API in mind. You won’t find these programs, so reserving a channel for an unnecessary service is an unaffordable luxury. In order to free up the already narrow channel of the domestic connection to the Internet, in the Start menu -> Run, launch the group policy editor gpedit.msc.
To run, you need to be a system administrator. In the "Computer Configuration" section, select "Administrative Templates", then "Network" and then in the right pane, select "QoS Packet Manager" and double-click on it. Select the "Limit reserved bandwidth" option and double-click on it again.

In the window that opens, turn on Enabled, and then specify the channel limit as a percentage equal to zero, click "OK" and exit the program. Open "Network Connections" in the "Control Panel", open the properties of your connection and on the "Network" tab, make sure that the "QoS Packet Scheduler" protocol is enabled. If it is not there, then add it from the list and restart your computer.

Disable unused services in Windows XP.

During Windows operation XP starts and many services are running. You can view the entire list of services by clicking "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administration" "Services".

But not all services are necessary for the computer to function properly. Below is a list of services that are disabled or enabled in my configuration. In fact, there may be more services. I use a modem connection to access the Internet.

Warning: This process involves some degree of risk, so it is advisable to have at least general idea about what we're going to do.

Ati HotKey Poller
This service appears for users of Ati RADEON video cards.
Service name: Ati HotKey Poller
Executable file or process name: Ati2evxx.exe
The service is only required if you use ATi Hotkeys for configuration, which can be viewed in the ATi Control Panel. If you don't use them (in which case you have nothing to lose), you can Disable them.

ATI Smart
Constantly monitors the quality of work and makes some adjustments to the operation of the graphics system if necessary to improve stability.
Service name: ATI Smart
Executable file or process name: ati2sgag.exe
But it performs its tasks rather ineffectively, while devouring resources. But the recommended mode is Auto

Automatic Updates
Includes download and installation of keys Windows updates in automatic mode.
Service name: wuauserv

I don’t need this service, so we set the mode to Disabled

WMI Performance Adapter
Provides information about performance libraries from WMI HiPerf providers. It seems to be related to the so-called. Performance Counters - a system for providing information about the load of memory, resources, various devices, etc.
Service name: WmiApSrv
Executable file or process name: wmiapsrv.exe
Required only for specific software, therefore - Disabled

Wireless Zero Configuration
Provides automatic configuration of 802.11 adapters.
Service name: WZCSVC
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If there are no wireless adapters connected to the computer, then - Disabled

Windows Firewall/Internet Sharing (ICS)
Provides support for address translation, addressing, and name resolution services or prevents service intrusion on a home or small office network.
Service name: SharedAccess
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
When using a third-party product to protect your computer, for example Outpost firewall, Norton Personal Firewall, ZoneAlarm, etc., the recommended mode is Disabled.

Web Client
Allows Windows programs to create, access, and modify files stored on the Internet. Service name: WebClient
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
There are no useful functions in this service, so the mode is Disabled.

Secondary Logon
Allows you to run processes as another user. If this service is stopped, this type of user registration is not available
Service name: seclogon
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service is disabled for me

Remote Access Auto Connection Manager
Creates a connection to a remote network when a program accesses a remote DNS or NetBIOS name or address.
Service name: RasAuto
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service may be necessary for the functioning of your Internet connection. Setting - Manually

Logical Disk Manager
Discovers and monitors new hard drives and reports hard drive volume information to the Logical Disk Manager management service
Service name: dmserver
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, the dynamic disk status and configuration information may be out of date. Setting - Manually

Print Spooler
The print spooler is a key component of the Windows printing system. It manages print queues in the system, and also interacts with printer drivers and input/output components, such as USB ports and TCP/IP family protocols.
Service name: Spooler
Executable file or process name: spoolsv.exe
Since I don’t have any printer installed, we set it to Disabled.

Remote Access Connection Manager
Creates a network connection
Service name: RasMan
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service is required if you use Internet Sharing. We set - Manually.

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Controls Remote Assistance capabilities.
Service name: RDSessMgr
Executable file or process name: sessmgr.exe
Since I don’t need the services of a remote assistant, we set it to Disabled.

Network DDE Manager (Network DDE DSDM)
Manages dynamic data exchange (DDE) network shares.
Service name: NetDDE dsdm

If you are not using ClipBook Server, the mode is Disabled.

Security Accounts Manager
Stores security information for account local user
Service name: SamSs

This service is required for IIS Admin (IIS Admin). Recommended - Auto.

Access to HID devices (Human Interface Device Access)
Provides universal access to Human Interface Devices (HIDs) that enable and support the use of predefined shortcut keys on keyboards, control devices, or other media devices
Service name: HidServ
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If there are no problems after disconnecting, then the mode is Disabled

Event Log
Provides support for event log messages generated by Windows programs and system components and viewing of these messages
Service name: Eventlog

This service cannot be stopped. This service helps to identify faulty programs that cause errors during operation. operating system. The recommended mode is Auto.

Performance Logs and Alerts
Manages the collection of performance data from local or remote computers based on a specified schedule, and ensures that the data is logged or triggers an alert.
Service name: SysmonLog
Executable file or process name: smlogsvc.exe
If you are not going to collect performance data, then the mode is Disabled.

Protected Storage
Provides secure storage of sensitive data, such as private keys, to prevent unauthorized access by services, processes, or users.
Service name: ProtectedStorage
Executable file or process name: lsass.exe
If you have to work with encrypted data and keys from various programs, then the mode is Auto. For security reasons, this service is disabled.

Windows Management Instrumentation
Provides a common interface and object model for accessing operating system, device, application, and service management information
Service name: Winmgmt
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
After stopping this service, many Windows applications may not work correctly. If you disable this service, services that depend on it will not be able to start. The recommended mode is Auto.

Source uninterruptible power supply(Uninterruptible Power Supply)
Controls the operation of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) connected to the computer.
Service Name:UPS
Executable file or process name: ups.exe
If there is no source, then the mode is Disabled.

Distributed Link Tracking Client
Supports links between NTFS files that are moved within a computer or between computers in a domain.
Service name: TrkWks
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
For this service, you can set the mode to Manual.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Coordinate transactions that span multiple resource managers such as databases, message queues, and file systems.
Service name: MSDTC
Executable file or process name: msdtc.exe
If this service is stopped, such transactions will not be completed. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. The recommended mode is Manual.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
The Remote Procedure Call Locator system service manages the RPC name service database.
Service name: RpcLocator
Executable file or process name: locator.exe
If there is a network connection, then the mode is Manual. Since I don't have a network, the mode is Disabled.

Routing and remote access(Routing and Remote Access)
Offers routing services to organizations on local and wide area networks.
Service name: RemoteAccess
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service is required if you want to allow incoming connections to your computer using a modem (or other devices) to access your local network. To improve security, the recommended mode is Disabled.

NetBIOS Helper Service over TCP/IP
Includes support for the NetBIOS service over TCP/IP (NetBT) and NetBIOS name to address resolution. This service is required for normal NetBIOS support over TCP/IP.
Service name: LmHosts
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
The recommended mode is Auto. If your network does not use NetBIOS or WINS, or there is no network at all, then - Disabled.

Smart Card Helper
Provides support for legacy smart card readers (non-PnP).
Service name: SCardDrv

If you do not use smart cards, then the mode is Disabled.

Computer Browser
Maintains a list of computers on the network and provides it to programs upon request.
Service name: Browser
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service can be safely switched to Disabled mode.

Sends administrative alerts to selected users and computers.
Service name: Alerter
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them. If this service is not allowed, any explicitly dependent services will fail to start. I don't need this service, so the mode is Disabled.

Shell Hardware Detection
Provides notifications for autoplay or autoplay events.
Service name: ShellHWDetection
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
We leave this service in Auto mode.

Task Scheduler
Allows you to configure a schedule for automatic execution of tasks on this computer.
Service name: Scheduler
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If you do not plan to launch programs at a certain time, then the mode is Disabled.

NT LM Security Support Provider
Provides security to programs that use remote procedure calls (RPC) over transports other than named pipes.
Service name: NtLmSsp
Executable file or process name: lsass.exe
this service when using Message Queuing or Telnet server. The recommended mode is Manual.

Provides support for network connections and communications.
Service name: lanmanworkstation
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If the service is stopped, the program and connection data will be unavailable. If this service is not allowed, any explicitly dependent services will fail to start. Recommended mode is Auto.

WMI driver extensions (Windows Management Instrumentation Driver Extension)
Provides exchange of control information with devices
Service name: Wmi
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
The mode for this service is Manual.

Provides support for file, printer, and named pipe sharing for a given computer over a network connection.
Service name: lanmanserver
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service can be disabled if there is no network, so the mode is Disabled.

Sharing Folder Server (ClipBook)
Allows you to view the sharing folder pages of remote computers.
Service name: ClipSrv
Executable file or process name: clipsrv.exe
If this service is stopped, the Exchange Folder Page Viewer cannot communicate with remote computers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. I have this service in Disabled mode.

Net Logon
Supports end-to-end authentication of account logon events for domain computers.
Service name: Netlogon
Executable file or process name: lsass.exe
This service can be switched to Disabled mode.

Network Connections
Manages objects in the Network and Dial-Up Network folder, which displays the properties of local network and dial-up connections.
Service name: Netman
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service is required to support network connections. The recommended mode is Manual.

COM+ Event System
Support for the System Event Notification Service (SENS), which provides automatic propagation of events to subscribed COM components.
Service name: EventSystem
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, SENS will be closed and will not be able to provide login and logout notifications. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. Recommended mode - Manual.

COM+ System Application
Manage the configuration and monitoring of COM+ components.
Service name: COMSysApp

If this service is stopped, most COM+ components will not work correctly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start. Recommended mode - Manual.

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
This service manages CD burning using IMAPI (Image Mastering Applications Programming Interface).
Service name: ImapiService
Executable file or process name: imapi.exe
If there is a popular package for burning discs Nero, then why is this service needed? True, red marks remain in the event log after each system startup, but this can be fixed: Administration - Component Services - Console Root - Component Services - Computers - My Computer - DCOM Settings - Microsoft IMAPI. Next, “Properties”, “Location” tab, uncheck “Run the application on this computer”. The mode for this service is Disabled.

Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service
Configures hard drives and volumes.
Service name: dmadmin
Executable file or process name: dmadmin.exe
This service only runs during configuration processes and then stops. Recommended mode - Manual.

System Restore Service
Performs system recovery functions. To stop this service, you should disable System Restore on the System Restore tab, which can be accessed by right-clicking on the My Computer shortcut on the desktop and selecting Properties
Service name: srservice
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
The name itself says that the service should be in Auto mode. In my case, this service is Disabled.

Windows Time service
Controls date and time synchronization across all clients and servers on the network.
Service name: W32Time
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, date and time synchronization will not be available. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. I don't need this service. Set the mode to Disabled.

Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Provides services for acquiring images from scanners and digital cameras.
Service name: stisvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Set the mode to Manual.

Indexing Service
Indexes the contents and properties of files on local and remote computers, providing quick access to files using a flexible query language.
Service name: cisvc
Executable file or process name: cisvc.exe
The indexing system can turn on not only when the computer is idle, but also at any most inopportune time. We switch this service to Disabled mode.

SSDP Discovery Service
Enable discovery of UPnP devices on your home network.
Service name: SSDPSRV
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
We disable this service. Mode - Disabled.

Error Reporting Service
Allows you to log errors for services and applications running in a non-standard environment.
Service name: ERSvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
When an error occurs, the service sends information to Microsoft. I don't need this service - Disabled.

Portable Media Serial Number Service
Gets the serial number of the portable media player connected to this computer.
Service name: WmdmPmSp
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, protected content may not download to your device. Let's leave this service in the Manual mode.

Network DDE service
Provides network transport and security for dynamic data exchange (DDE) for programs running on the same or different computers.
Service name: NetDDE
Executable file or process name: netdde.exe
If Ds is not using the Sharing Folder Server (ClipBook), then the mode is Disabled.

Network Location Awareness (NLA)
This service collects and stores location information and network settings, and notifies applications when they change.
Service name: Nla
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe

Messenger service
Sends and receives messages sent by administrators or the alert service. This service is not related to Windows program Messenger.
Service name: Messenger
Executable file or process name: services.exe
If you do not use Windows Messenger, the recommended mode is Disabled.

Application Layer Gateway Service
Designed to support plugins that allow network protocols to pass through a firewall and function when used public access to an Internet connection.
Service name: ALG
Executable file or process name: alg.exe
Recommended mode - Manual.

IPSEC Services
Manages IP security policy and runs ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) and the IP security driver.
Service name: PolicyAgent
Executable file or process name: lsass.exe
On your home computer, you can disable this service.

Cryptographic Services
Provides three management services: a directory database service that verifies digital signatures Windows files; Secure Root service, which adds and removes trusted root CA certificates from this computer; and a key service that allows you to enroll for certificates from that computer.
Service name: CryptSvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, all of these management services will not work. Essentially, this service verifies Windows file signatures. Recommended mode is Auto.

Terminal Services
This service allows multiple users to connect interactively to a computer and displays the desktop and applications on remote computers. Provides the basis for Remote Desktop (including remote administration), Fast User Switching, Remote Assistance, and Terminal Services.
Service name: TermService
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
The recommended mode for this service is Manual, but mine is Disabled.

Smart Cards
This service controls access to smart card readers.
Service name: SCardSvr
Executable file or process name: SCardSvr.exe
If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to read smart cards. I don't need it - Disabled.

Fast User Switching Compatibility
This service manages applications that require support in a multi-user environment.
Service name: FastUserSwitching Compatibility
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
It makes sense to enable the service if you have multiple users on your system, otherwise there is no need to run this service. If you do decide to enable the service, it will allow you to switch between users without closing running programs, which can be very convenient. Recommended mode - Manual.

Help and Support
Enables Help and Support Center to run on this computer.
Service name: helpsvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service is required to run Microsoft help documents. Recommended mode - Manual.

Removable Storage
This service manages removable media, disks and libraries. It is necessary for working with removable media (magneto-optical drives, etc.).
Service name: NtmsSvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If you start having problems (autorun has stopped working, etc.) with your CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, etc., then set the value to Auto. Recommended mode - Manual.

Provides support for the Telephony API (TAPI) for programs that manage telephone equipment and IP voice connections on this computer, as well as across the LAN on servers where the corresponding service is running.
Service name: TapiSrv
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Recommended mode - Manual.

Theme management.
Service name: Themes
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If themes are used, then the mode is Auto. I'm happy with the classic look. Mode - Disabled.

Volume Shadow Copy
Controls the creation of shadow copies (checkpoints) of disk volumes that are used for archiving and recovery or other purposes.
Service name: VSS
Executable file or process name: vssvc.exe
If this service is stopped, shadow copies of recovery volumes will not be available and backup and recovery may not work. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. Recommended mode - Manual.

System Event Notification
This service logs system events such as Windows logons, network logins, and power changes. Notifies COM+ subscribers of a system event by sending out alerts.
Service name: SENS
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Recommended value is Auto.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
This service can be called a key service in Windows XP, your system will not work without it, which is why it is the only service that you cannot disable through the Services console
Service name: RpcSs
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
This service should always be in Auto mode.

Remote Registry Service
Allows remote users to change registry settings on this computer
Service name: RemoteRegistry
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
It is recommended to switch this service to Disabled mode.

Universal Plug and Play Device Host
This service provides support for generic PnP host devices
Service name: UPNPhost
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Recommended mode - Disabled.

Application Management
Provides software installation services such as assignment, publishing, and uninstallation.
Service name: AppMgmt
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Recommended mode - Manual.

Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Provides data transfer between clients and servers in the background.
Service name: BITS
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If BITS is disabled, features such as Windows Update may not work correctly. There's no need for anything special. Mode - Disabled.

Security Center
Monitors system settings and security parameters.
Service name: wscsvc
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Security Center does not provide any additional functionality other than facilitating access to your computer's security settings. Recommended mode - Disabled.

DHCP Client
Manages network configuration by registering and updating IP addresses and DNS names
Service name: Dhcp
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
Many DSL or cable connections require this service to provide Internet access. If you disable this service and your Internet connection stops working, then return the mode to Auto. In my configuration, this service is in Manual mode.

DNS Client
Resolves DNS names for a given computer into addresses and places them in the cache.
Service name: Dnscache
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If the service is stopped, DNS names will not be resolved and the Active Directory directory service will not host domain controllers. If this service is not allowed, any explicitly dependent services will fail to start. Recommended mode is Auto. Although my mode is Manual.

MS Software Shadow Copy Provider
Manages shadow copies obtained using Volume Shadow Copy.
Service name: SwPrv
Executable file or process name: dllhost.exe
If the service is stopped, there will be no way to manage shadow copies. If a service is disabled, all explicitly dependent services will fail to start. Recommended mode - Manual.

NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
Allows trusted users to access the Windows desktop over the corporate intranet using NetMeeting.
Service name: mnmsrvc
Executable file or process name: mnmsrvc.exe
If this service is stopped, remote desktop control is not available. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. Your own safety is more expensive, so the mode is Disabled.

Plug and Play
Allows the computer to recognize changes in installed hardware and adapt to them, either without requiring user intervention or minimizing it.
Service name: PlugPlay
Executable file or process name: services.exe
Stopping or disabling this service may result in system instability. Never disable this service. The mode is always Auto.

Provides network alerts and local traffic management for QoS programs and management programs
Service name: RSVP
Executable file or process name: rsvp.exe
Recommended mode - Disabled.

Allows a remote user to log on and run programs, and supports a variety of TCP/IP Telnet clients, including computers running UNIX and Windows operating systems.
Service name: TlntSvr
Executable file or process name: tlntsvr.exe
If this service is stopped, the remote user will not be able to run programs. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. Why do I need a remote user? Recommended mode - Disabled.

Windows Audio
Managing sound devices for Windows programs
Service name: AudioSrv
Executable file or process name: svchost.exe
If this service is stopped, audio devices and effects will not work properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. Recommended mode is Auto.

Windows Installer
This service allows you to install, uninstall or repair software according to the instructions of the MSI files. This service is required to install applications that use MSI files.
Service name: MSIServer
Executable file or process name: msiexec.exe
If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. Recommended mode - Manual.

Owners personal computers With limited computing resources, people often try to improve operating system performance by disabling services. By disabling services, the PC user can increase and improve the performance optimization of the old computer, but by disabling the services that are needed for proper operation operating system, problems may occur.

Problems caused by disabling a particular service can be very different and lead to different consequences. For example, if we disable a service called " Plug and Play", this will lead to the fact that you will not be able to connect new peripherals and components to the PC.

To help our readers optimize PC performance by disabling unnecessary services, we have prepared material in which we will describe in detail the solution to this problem in the Windows 7, 8 and XP operating systems.

Optimizing performance in Windows 7

In the operating room Windows system 7 There are two ways to disable services. The first method allows us to solve our problem through add-in in Control Panel, the second - through console. To use the first and second methods, we first determine which services we can disable without harm to the system.

Here is a list of services with detailed description, which we can disable without harm to the system:

  • Print Manager- if your PC does not have a working MFP or inkjet, then feel free to turn it off;
  • Tablet PC input service- is responsible for supporting touch screens in tablets and touch monitors; if your computer does not have a touch screen, then feel free to disable it;
  • Remote Desktop Service- allows other users to connect to your desktop remotely and work on it; if you do not use the remote desktop, then feel free to disable it;
  • Computer Browser- creates a transfer list that is sent to other PCs on the network. This list is needed to determine the main computer on the network. For a home user, this does not matter, so the computer browser can be disabled;
  • IP Ancillary Service- responsible for new version IPv6 protocol. Since in most cases our providers still use the old IPv4 protocol, we can disable this service without consequences;
  • Remote registry- used to remotely edit registry entries. In most cases, this feature is not needed by a home user, so feel free to disable it;
  • Terminal Service- is responsible for access to remote terminal servers; if you do not use RDP, then disable it;
  • Disk Defragmenter- thanks to this service, the operating system automatically defragments the disk, but if you have a third-party defragmentation utility installed, for example, Defraggler, then feel free to disable it;
  • Secure storage- provides secure storage digital signatures, private keys and encrypted data. If you do not use encrypted information, then disable encrypted storage;
  • BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- used to encrypt local disks. If you do not use disk encryption, then disable BitLocker;
  • Bluetooth support- ensures the operation of the Bluetooth transmitter and data transmission through it. If your PC does not have a Bluetooth transmitter, then feel free to turn it off.

To use the first method, we must go to the program execute " Execute" and enter the command "services.msc" into it. You can run the program through the menu " Start"or using the keyboard shortcut Win + R

After executing the command, we will be taken to the required add-in. I would also like to note that this method of opening this add-on works on XP and Windows 8.

For example, we need to find and open in this add-on " Print Manager».

To completely stop " Print Manager", select the launch type " Disabled" and click the Stop button. After these steps, the service will go into the " Stopped».

If in the future you need to connect the printer to your computer, then leave the print manager startup type in the “ Manually».

Now let's look at the console stop of unnecessary services. First of all, let's launch the console as Administrator. To do this, we enter in Windows search 7 “CMD” and launch the console as Administrator, as shown in the image below.

In a running console, let's also try to stop " Print Manager" To do this, type the command in the console: net stop "spooler" and execute it.

After this, the spooler process will stop. In the same way, other processes are turned off through the console.

From the examples it is clear that stopping an unnecessary service is quite easy, so even a novice PC user can cope with this task.

Optimizing performance in Windows 8

For Windows 8, disabling services looks the same as in Windows 7, even the add-on has remained virtually unchanged.

Therefore, it makes no sense to describe a similar process. The only difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8 is the number of services that can be disabled. In addition to the services described in the previous example, in Windows 8 you can also disable the following:

  • Changed Link Tracking Client- this service is designed to monitor changeable parameters in installed programs. For example, adjusting the address of a shortcut that has been moved to another location;
  • BranchCache- technology that helps companies speed up data exchange in a large network;
  • Hyper-V- you can disable all services in the control panel add-on if you do not use virtual machines on your computer;
  • Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service- provides access to computers via the iSCSI protocol;
  • Family Safety- when using family safety in eight, it is better not to disable this service.

The list shows which services can be disabled in Windows 8 without harm to the system.

Getting better performance by disabling unnecessary services in XP

The principle of disabling services in Windows XP is the same as in seven and eight. If you have had experience disabling Windows XP services, then you can easily do this in Windows 7 and 8. The only difference will be the add-in and command line interface.

Also, the number of services in XP that can be stopped painlessly is significantly lower than in Windows 7 and 8. Below is a list of services that you can stop without harming Windows XP:

  • Error Logging Service- allows you to send a report about OS and program errors to Microsoft via the Internet;
  • Remote registry- described in the first example;
  • Computer Browser- described in the first example;
  • SSDP Discovery Service- detection of network devices with UpnP protocols; Disabling this service is not critical for a home user;
  • Remote Desktop Service- described in the first example.

The example describes only a small part of the services that can be disabled.

We advise you not to disable services in Windows XP unnecessarily, since this OS consumes few computer resources. By disabling unnecessary services on a computer running Windows XP, you will rarely notice a noticeable improvement in performance.

In the material reviewed, we looked at the main services, disabling which is safe for the functioning of Windows 7, 8 or XP. You can also disable at your own risk even more unused and running services in the Control Panel add-on, most of which cannot be disabled.

Be careful when performing such experiments as they affect system stability and performance.

Before disabling a service not described in this material, it is better to familiarize yourself with its purpose in the description in the Control Panel add-on.

I would also like to advise novice users conducting similar experiments: create a system restore point and make a backup important data.

Video on the topic

Services running by default consume valuable resources, thereby significantly reducing the performance of the system as a whole. Thus, by disabling some, we can significantly increase the speed of operation Windows. I would like to note that disabling these services will not affect the stability of the system in any way. I think freed 150-200 MB random access memory You will need them for more necessary programs.

To open the Service Manager, click Start > Run, in the window that appears, enter services.msc and click Ok.

IMPORTANT! I strongly recommend creating a system restore point before disabling unnecessary services, or you can simply save the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services (to do this, right-click on the specified section and select "Export"). If something happens, you can quickly return everything to its original state.

Here is a list of Windows XP services that you can safely disable.

Remote Desktop Help Session Manager- Manages the capabilities of Remote Assistance. Once this service is stopped, Remote Assistance will no longer be available. Before stopping a service, in the Properties window, Dependencies tab, check the service dependencies. It is recommended to disable this service, because... in idle mode it takes up 3 to 4 MB of RAM. This service, if enabled and running, may slightly slow down your computer. This service, if enabled and running, reduces the level of system security.

Error Reporting Service- Allows you to log errors for services and applications running in a non-standard environment. This service manages a system for collecting messages about unexpected system failures. The service consumes quite a large number of system resources, so if your system is stable, you can disable it. This service, if enabled and running, can greatly slow down the computer, for example, the speed of access to the hard drive can seriously slow down. The operation of this service does not in any way affect the security level of the system.

Distributed Transaction Coordinator- Coordination of transactions spanning multiple resource managers such as databases, message queues and file systems. If this service is stopped, such transactions will not be completed. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
This service is required to access heterogeneous data sources within a single transaction. You may also find messages about this service being disabled in the Event Log. In the future, this service may be required for .NET applications. If you use Message Queuing or SQL Server, then this service must be enabled. This service, if enabled and running, may slightly slow down your computer. The operation of this service does not in any way affect the security level of the system.

Remote Registry Service- purpose of the service - support for changing registry entries over the network. Be sure to disable this service. It poses a real threat to the security of your computer.

Smart cards- This service controls access to smart card readers. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to read smart cards. It is recommended to disable this service.

Telnet- Allows a remote user to log on and run programs, supports a variety of TCP/IP Telnet clients, including computers running UNIX and Windows operating systems. If this service is stopped, the remote user will not be able to run programs. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it cannot start. When this service is disabled, users will not have remote access to programs. This service, if enabled and running, may slightly slow down your computer. If this service is enabled and running, the level of system security is significantly reduced.

Wireless Zero Configuration- Provides automatic configuration of 802.11 adapters. If there are no wireless adapters connected to your computer, it is recommended to disable this service to save system resources.

QoS SRVP- Provides notifications on the network and local traffic management for QoS programs and control programs. This service provides traffic control on the network using IPSEC, programs, and adapters that support QoS technology. The QoS packet scheduler is automatically installed for each TCP/IP connection. It is recommended to disable this service, because... in 99% of cases it is not necessary. Many articles on the Internet indicate that QoS services reserve 20% of the network bandwidth and do not allow this 20% to be used for network work. It's a delusion. You can read more about this in technical article q316666 on the Microsoft website.

Here is a small list of Windows services that can slow down your computer. Of course, this list can still be replenished, but I think it’s better not to overdo it and do everything in moderation.

Good day to all. In this article we will talk about what you can disable services in Windows In most cases.

I have already talked about increasing the speed of this already fast operating system.

Today I will tell you another way to sharpen this system using, as you understand, a story about disabling unnecessary services, and I will also give a little theory about what these services actually are.

Let's get started.

Introductory. What are services?

Services are programs that run in the background without any graphical interface. Each service is responsible for supporting a particular function (for example) of the computer, and some have system parameters and without them the OS will not be able to work.

However, other services can be safely disabled, saving money, reducing the load on and thereby increasing the speed of the operating system, especially on weak and medium-sized computers. In general there are t

To view the list of services and generally control their operation in every possible way, you need to open " Start -> Settings -> Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services". In front of you you will see a list of services, each of which can be stopped, started, and also assigned launch parameters:

  • Auto;
  • Manually;
  • Disabled.

With the help of these settings we will sharpen our system.

How to disable services and why?

Before I tell you which services to disable, I will explain how to disable it. On the desired (read which one you need below) service, double-click the mouse button and, if the service is running, in the window that appears, click " Stop " , after which in the graph " Startup type " select the value "Manually".

If it was not started and the startup type was Manual, then nothing needs to be changed, or you can disable such services, but there is little point in this. Before going any further, it's worth understanding that each service usually has a description and it's possible to accidentally disable the wrong thing. I recommend that you carefully write down everything that you disable and think three times about why you are doing it.

So that later, if something happens, it would be possible, on the contrary, not to disable the services, but to enable them and restore the computer’s functionality

List of services to disable

Now let's move on to the list of which services to disable, which ones not, and perhaps why:

  1. First of all it's " SSDP Discovery Service" And " Generic PnP Device Node". They are needed when connecting a "smart" household appliances to the computer and series universal devices. We have almost nothing like this in Russia yet;
  2. Many people have probably never used system error logs and don’t even know where they are located, let alone why they are needed. Therefore, these services can be disabled. Namely: " Performance Logs and Alerts", "Error Logging Service" and "Notification of system events". They all write system errors to log files stored in the %SystemRoot%\SYSTEM32\WINS directory;
  3. If you live at your computer in splendid isolation and there are no other users in the system, then
    you can remove services" Secondary login" And " Fast User Switching Compatibility";
  4. If you do not have a Wi-Fi adapter for wireless communication with the Internet, then disable the “Wireless Settings” service;
  5. If you do not use search through My Computer, or you use it but rarely, then disable " Indexing service", the opening of all files will speed up, the system will take up less disk space, but the search using the built-in Explorer tools will be much slower;
  6. It is likely that your computer does not have a printer. In this case, you can disable the service" Print Manager";
  7. Do you know what a planner is and use it? No? Then disable the service of the same name "Scheduler";
  8. If there is no local network (including a dedicated Internet line), then you can get rid of servicesg Telnet, NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing, "Remote Desktop Help Session Manager", "Network DDE Manager", "Security Account Manager", "NetBIOS support module over TCP/IP", "Computer Browser", "Annunciator", "Workstation", "Server", " Exchange Folder Server", "Network login", "Network DDE Service", "NLA Network Location Service", "Messaging service", "Cryptography Services", "Terminal Services", "Remote registry", "Background Intelligent Transfer Service";
  9. Most likely you rarely use the services " Automatic update", "WMI Performance Adapter", "Smart Card Support Module", as well as "Smart cards" and " Portable media device serial number". If this is the case, or you don’t know anything about them at all, then turn them off too;
  10. Do you have an uninterruptible power supply? If not, then disable the service" Uninterruptable power source"

That's all. You can disable the rest at your discretion, once again, after reading the description of the service first. And write down what exactly you are turning off.