Natural wood is one of the most common materials in the field of decoration and finishing of premises. Despite many advantages, solid wood is a vulnerable raw material that requires special processing and care. Many products have been developed to improve the practicality and lifespan of wood. A high-quality wood primer will help cope with various problems that you may encounter when working with the material. In this article we will learn about selecting a primer for wood for painting with acrylic paints.

Purpose of the composition

Before priming a wooden surface, you need to identify the tasks of this treatment product.


Many types of wood are susceptible to putrefactive processes. As a rule, such a disadvantage is present in available wood species. Rotting spoils appearance product and shortens its service life. This process occurs due to contact of the surface with water. A humid environment is an ideal place for bacteria to grow. To discourage this process, an antiseptic is added to the primer. The component preserves the beauty of natural material for many years.


The composition strengthens the top layer of wood. This property is especially important when working with old wood. After treatment, the service life of products made from natural material, be it structures (stairs, furniture, decorative elements), horizontal or vertical surfaces (floor, walls). The resins in the solution penetrate deep into the fibers and securely bind them together.

Reduced absorption

Wood has absorbent properties that depend on the type. If you apply enamel to the surface of a material without first treating it with a primer, a large amount of paint will be absorbed into the pores. As a result, most of the money will be wasted. Micropores are covered with a primer, which creates a smooth and even surface for flawless application of paintwork products.


A durable protective film that appears on the wood increases the practicality of the base and its service life. Products made from natural wood cost a lot; it is recommended to take care of their additional processing and protection. The primer will protect the array from corrosion, excess moisture, mold and other troubles.

Aesthetic appearance

The wood contains tannin (a natural dye). Over time, the component begins to leave the fibers on the surface, causing stains to appear on the wood, spoiling the appearance of the surface. Treatment with a primer will close the pores and seal this component inside.


The primer will transform the surface, making it textured and rough. Such changes have a positive effect on the adhesive properties of the material.


Pre-treatment of the primer allows you to fully reveal the beauty and richness of the paint. If you apply enamel directly to wood, the final result may be very different from what you want. Experts use a white primer to reveal the shade.

Types of compositions

The modern market offers a huge range of primers designed specifically for working with wood. To do right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the various solutions, their features and tasks. According to functional aspects, experts divided the compositions into groups.


Their main task is to protect natural raw materials from harmful microorganisms. This composition is perfect for protecting the coating from the appearance of bacteria and removing existing microorganisms that spoil the wood.


To make the material more reliable, dense and durable, use such compositions. On store shelves you can find them under the names “primers” or “deep penetration primers”. This treatment will increase resistance to weather vagaries.

Moisture protection

Hydrophobic soils will prevent excessive moisture of the material. The product is used when treating the facades of premises. The solution is ideal for use in buildings where there is increased rate humidity.

Primer composition

Treatment solutions have their own classification based on their composition.

Acrylic primer

Acrylic penetrating primer is excellent for any type of paintwork. This product is almost completely absorbed into the wood after application.

It has certain advantages:

  • This primer does not have an unpleasant odor, making it comfortable to work with the material.
  • It takes several hours to dry (1 – 4). The time spent on processing is significantly reduced.
  • The composition should be diluted with cool water.
  • This primer is actively used for interior decoration premises.

Silicone acrylic primer

Products of this type differ from others by their high hydrophobic properties. Pay attention to the composition if you plan to work in a humid environment. The treated surface (regardless of dampness in the external environment) will demonstrate a stable level of humidity.


These products are used together with alkyd paints and varnishes. The composition of these solutions is very similar. For painted surfaces, it is recommended to choose an alkyd primer. On sale you will find special pigmented alkyd types of mixtures that form a matte surface. For complete drying you will have to wait 12 - 18 hours.

Polyvinyl acetate

Polyvinyl acetate groups have a distinctive advantage - rapid drying. The minimum time is half an hour. To improve the adhesion of the wood, after the primer has dried, you need to go over the surface with regular PVA glue.


This primer will cost more than other compounds. It is used together with paint and varnish products that contain polyurethane resins. Polyurethane primers differ from enamels and varnishes of the same name in the percentage of solvent and the absence of tinting components.


This type of primer is used to smooth wooden surfaces. This effective remedy for stopping holes from which resins flow. The compositions are used as an insulating element in soluble stains.

Main selection criteria

In order for the choice of primer to be correct, several criteria must be taken into account.

Work location

Before purchasing a primer, you need to know exactly whether the product is being purchased for interior or exterior work. Some compounds are designed specifically for outdoor use, while others are recommended for indoor use. A properly selected product is the key to a quality result.


There are primers on sale that are resistant to various external influences (dry and hot air, humidity, temperature changes). Be sure to consider these properties when choosing a product. The maximum hydrophobic effect allows the primer to be used in areas with high dampness.

Drying time

This parameter should be taken into account when choosing a processing agent. During the hot season, it is recommended to carry out the priming procedure in the morning or afternoon. Drying time is significantly reduced if you work outdoors. Alkyd primer dries especially quickly and must be applied in several layers.

Material for post-processing

Depending on what you will apply to the primed surface (varnish or paint), you should choose the type of composition. If you want to showcase the natural shade of natural wood, opt for transparent compounds in tandem with varnishes. A white primer will reveal the fullness and richness of the paint. The color looks much more expressive against a snow-white background.

Wooden structures and other wood products are subject to rapid aging and deterioration, so a wood primer is used to avoid problems.

The use of such compositions will help disinfect the surface wooden products and will saturate the wood, which will make work easier in the future.

The primer helps save paint and varnish consumption and will prevent the appearance of pigment spots after painting with water-based paint.

Basic information about the material

Many people think that primer is a waste of money and that they can replace the solution with a good solvent-based paint. Unfortunately, it is not.

If you previously used drying oil to protect wood or other components, the result still was not the same as after treatment with a special protective coating.

The protective coating of wood has whole line positive qualities, which is why the composition has become so popular in the consumer market.

Here are the positive characteristics:

  • strengthens and impregnates the wood, which prevents rapid delamination;
  • saves the consumption of finishing materials. This is a good indicator, since the primer is cheaper than other materials;
  • protection against fungus, which is necessary in areas with high humidity;
  • retains the natural dye of wood, which, when released, can form unsightly stains on the surface;
  • enhances the beauty of wooden surfaces (you just need to purchase a clear solution).

Wood primer is divided into certain types, which differ in composition and function. Each type is used depending on the application.

Types of primer

Based on the basic composition, the most common types of primer can be noted:

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone with the addition of acrylic;
  • based on epoxy resins;
  • shellac.

According to the functions performed, the primer is divided into the following subtypes:

  • antifungal;
  • universal;
  • deep penetration;
  • with a varnishing effect;
  • waterproofing.

Now let's talk in more detail about each type.

Oil primer as a type protective coating used for surfaces that have already been painted. The application method is carried out in one layer.

After treatment with this solution, the wooden product is ready for further work (putty).

Acrylic primer for wood is universal and improves adhesion. This type of coating is characterized by quick drying and the absence of strong odors.

Very good for wood before painting. The main surfaces for processing are chipboard, fiberboard or plywood.

A protective coating containing alkyd resins is ideal for restoration work and helps increase the adhesion of wooden products.

Alkyd primer for wood will become interesting creative people who decoupage wood.

Rarely in demand is epoxy primer, which contains a solvent mixed with epoxy paint. The effect of this solution is not the best, which is why the mixture is not popular among consumers.

Shellac mixtures are used for processing all types of wood, and are especially suitable for raw wood.

Silicone with acrylic impurities provide high protection and prevent the influence of moisture. Wood treated with this composition has good waterproofing.

The primer used for treatment against corrosion and insect damage is famous for its antiseptic functions. More this type The composition helps prevent the formation of mold.

Primer with a varnishing effect is used for floors and other similar coatings.

A distinctive feature of this primer is the presence of varnish in the composition, which gives the product a stunning effect. This coating can even be used to process parquet.

Universal - this type of solution has all the functions of previous primers, but is inferior in terms of specific specifications to the above mixtures.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right coating: if the work will be carried out on the facade, then a primer for wood is needed for exterior work.

Method of applying primers

To coat wood with a protective solution, no special knowledge is required; it is enough to follow the procedure for performing the work.

First, it is necessary to clean the surface from dirt and dust and eliminate unevenness and roughness of the surface being treated. For thorough priming, it is recommended to use a liquid consistency.

The surface to be treated must be completely covered with the solution so that there are no missed areas.

It is necessary to ensure that the coated layer is uniform and that a large accumulation of liquid does not form anywhere.

Work on applying a protective coating is carried out in dry, windless weather, but not too hot.

To carry out the work efficiently, you must have the appropriate tool: a roller, brush or sprayer.

The primer is available in spray form. This mixture is very economical and helps cover hard-to-reach areas.

Of course, if you have a spray bottle at home, then you can use conventional compounds, and in the absence of such a tool, primer in cans will come to the rescue.

The spray is very effective in areas of contact (corners) or for treating curved surfaces. The consumption of such aerosols is not large, up to five squares, but the degree of drying is very fast.

Experts advise beginners to carefully prepare the foundation, and if there is old paint use a hair dryer, which will reduce the time spent.

If more than one primer layer is required, then it is necessary to pause for at least two hours.

When there are knots or other protrusions on the surface of wooden products, they must be eliminated. For this type of work you can use grinding tool or looping.

In order for the work to go well, it is necessary to take precautions and use personal protective equipment, especially protecting your hands and respiratory organs.

On each package with primer the basic requirements for use and consumption of this solution are written. You should study these instructions and adhere to this technology.

In principle, this is all the work of applying protective compounds to wood. No special skills are required here, which allows you to save on the services of specialists.

Application area

Each type of primer differs not only in composition, but also in area of ​​application.

Deep penetration primer for wood can be used for almost any wooden base, so it is one of the types of universal emulsion. The main difference between this mixture is its ability to penetrate deeply.

Depending on the further processing of wood, select required type primer, which will help other materials improve the effect.

So, for example, wood primer for varnish is used in the case of further processing with varnish, mainly used for furniture and parquet.

The use of emulsion for outdoor work requires the presence of such an indicator as increased adhesion, because it is in open spaces that wood is subject to greater rotting and destruction.

For rooms with high humidity, a concentrated composition of antiseptic primer is required; rooms such as a bathroom or bathhouse especially require attention.

To save paint consumption and improve the application of the composition to the product, a wood primer is used for painting, which covers the part with a thin protective film, helping the paint to lie evenly on the surface.

How to choose the right primer?

Basically, a primer material is used, which should be diluted with water, that is, a soluble solution, but sometimes you have to purchase a water-repellent material.

To make the right choice, you need to study the instructions for use and find out in what cases this composition is used.

For outdoor surfaces to be treated, it is better to choose a waterproof emulsion, which will help prevent the rapid aging of wood fibers and protect them from corrosion.

When it comes to choosing a primer solution, there are several important aspects to consider:

  • scope of application of this solution. This is the most important criterion for choosing a material. Here you need to clearly understand the conditions of the work being carried out (will it be done indoors or in an open area);
  • the presence of antiseptic additives will be especially useful in areas with high humidity;
  • maximum transparency. This nuance will help emphasize the natural beauty and structure of the wood. The more transparent the emulsion, the more the structure will stand out;
  • time of work. Considering that little time is allotted for processing, then it is better to use soil that quickly absorbs and dries. The speed of complete drying may vary depending on weather conditions and the type of wood primer used.

As it turned out, in practice there is nothing difficult in using a protective coating for wooden surfaces, and among the huge selection of materials you can easily choose the appropriate composition.

The main thing is that you need to purchase this type of product in stores that specialize in construction: there the sellers will be able to provide advice and there will be a guarantee of quality.

You should choose a product from well-known companies or brands, which will help you avoid troubles at work.

It must be remembered that colorless wood primer for interior work may change color slightly depending on temperature and humidity.

When purchasing a product to protect wood, you need to understand that only a high-quality product will give the desired result.

The main difficulty when painting a wooden surface is the active absorption of paint. If you don't want to do the same job several times, you need a wood primer for painting, the application of which will completely prepare the surface for further finishing. How to choose the most suitable primer and what are its features different types, we will tell you further.

Properties and strengths of the material

The main advantage of the primer is that it penetrates deeply under the surface and bonds the material not only on the top layer, but also deeper. Thanks to priming, a waterproof varnish film appears on the surface of the wood, which in turn protects the wood from the harmful effects of moisture, corrosion and decay. And the consumables are consumed much more slowly, which significantly saves your money.

Currently, the tree is one of the most popular materials in construction. But with him, at the same time, quite a lot of trouble. Therefore, the requirements for primer material quite high.

There are several basic types of primers that are suitable specifically for wood. These can be either soluble materials that are diluted with warm water, or completely waterproof. The first ones are designed to protect wood from corrosion, and the second ones are designed for maximum moisture repellency. This is especially true if the painted object is located outdoors.

Modern wood primer can be different. The most widespread, but not the only ones:

  • Oily. It is used either on previously painted surfaces, or for the purpose of initial impregnation of wood. Apply in one layer and need as preparatory stage before painting or puttying the surface.
  • Acrylic. It is a complete finishing material. It is applied in several layers, after which the main paint can be applied.

In most cases, priming is the basis for applying another. The cost of the primary primer is much lower than the paint itself or a special protective material, so saving is inappropriate.

What criteria should you use to choose a wood primer?

The first and one of the main criteria is transparency. Transparent primer is more in demand in modern construction market, as it does not limit your possibilities for further surface treatment. In addition, it emphasizes the texture of the wood and adds grace to it. The clear primer creates a film that does not raise the lint and prevents you from having to sand the wood surface after application. Among them, nitrocellulose and rosin-casein primers are especially popular. They contribute to better and more convenient application of finishing material to the surface of wood, protecting it from mold and mildew. They contain a number of components: oils, adhesives, resins, pigments, etc.

A very important component of a modern primer is an antiseptic. Its presence allows you to protect the tree from the penetration of insects.

Some argue that primer can be replaced with regular solvent paint. But this is far from true. Not only will the finishing be much worse, but it will also cost more. The fact is that the paint, even diluted, will be actively absorbed by the wood, and you will have to apply layer after layer.

More information about the types of primer for wood:

  • Alkyd primer for wood is one of optimal options, if the tree has not been processed previously. This is an easy way to get a perfectly flat and smooth surface without lint, which is suitable for almost any further finishing works. You can also choose a pigmented primer, which creates a dense matte film on the surface. This is necessary in cases where you want to enhance the top color with which the product will be opened. Drying time under normal conditions ranges from 12 to 16 hours.
  • Emulsion (acrylic) primer is the most versatile. It can be used both on a wooden surface and on any other. The advantage is the almost complete absence of unpleasant odor, fast speed drying time (from an hour to four hours), the ability to easily dilute it with warm water. In addition, it is completely safe for health, which makes it ideal options for application to objects and surfaces located inside residential premises.
  • Shellac primer. It is intended primarily to smooth the surface and isolate knots where resin protrudes. Can also be used as an insulator for soluble stains.
  • Epoxy and polyurethane primers in most cases are finishing paints diluted with a special solvent. Compositions and recipes from different manufacturers may differ significantly, so there is simply no exact advice for use. Overall it's not the best option for priming wood.

Purposes and features of priming

You already know how to prime wood before painting. But the question of choice still remains.

The main criteria from which to proceed:

  • Where is the surface to be treated?
  • How much time do you have to work;
  • Under what conditions will priming, painting or varnishing take place?

First, take into account whether you will be working indoors or outdoors. Outdoor conditions can negatively affect primer adhesion and drying speed. If the humidity is high, the time until complete drying may double. Therefore, in this case we recommend using an acrylic primer. And it's best if you prime the surface in the morning or afternoon so that it dries faster when the air temperature is higher. We also recommend choosing primers with good water repellency. And this is important not only at the time of painting, but also during operation. Especially if you live in regions with significant rainfall.

Another factor is time. The wood primer before painting should not only dry quickly, but also be easy to apply. It’s ideal if you get by with one layer, but this is not always possible. An alkyd primer is just suitable for such purposes. Although the drying process is longer, it is not afraid of moisture and lays down perfectly in one layer.

A little more difficult task– primer for wood under varnish. It is important here that it does not hide the texture of the wood, but rather emphasizes it. Priming before opening the varnish is necessary to smooth the surface, remove lint and simplify the varnishing process itself. The simplest and most convenient types of primers in this case are liquid wax or aerosol. Regular industrial primers will also work for you. They are inexpensive and do the job perfectly. In addition to the primer itself, you can use wax, talc, and wood powder dissolved in turpentine. If you wish, you can even make a suitable primer yourself. It can be prepared from drying oil, turpentine, dry ground chalk and dye. This is not the only recipe. But you must understand that if the primer is unsuitable or cloudy, then the effect of opening with varnish will be unsatisfactory.

Also, do not forget that the final result depends not only on the quality of the chosen primer. Before priming, wood needs to be sanded, obvious and hidden defects removed, and checked to see how well it absorbs moisture. Only after this can you proceed directly to the choice of primer and the priming process.

Any primer, except aerosol, is applied to a wooden surface with a brush or roller. Depending on the density of the liquid, its homogeneity, as well as the characteristics of the surface to be opened, the primer must be applied in its own way.

Remember that the process itself is quite simple, but directly depends on your choice. You could argue that it's better to save a little money on paint or varnish than on primer.

To ensure that wooden surfaces in a room last a long time, craftsmen use a wood primer for interior work. Primers strengthen the wood and level the surface.

Priming wood before coating it with varnish or paint allows you to extend its service life. The primer is used to fill cracks and chips, which protects the wood from damage by fungus and mold.

Indoor work

The absorption of paints by porous surfaces is a problem that entails a large consumption of materials. The primer mixture gives surfaces a smooth, attractive appearance and strength. After this, paint and varnish materials are applied more evenly to the surface. Priming prevents the absorption of varnish or paint, and they are used more economically.

The main advantage of the primer is its deep penetration into all layers of wood. Thanks to this, the wood surface is protected by a waterproof dense film. Air humidity and temperature changes will not damage the wooden surface.

Types of primers

Based on the composition of the mixture, they are divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic;
  • Alkyd;
  • Shellac;
  • Antiseptic.

Acrylic universal primer is suitable for almost all wood surfaces. The advantages of the composition are odorless, deep penetration into pores, quick drying, and the ability to be diluted with water.

The alkyd mixture has gained popularity due to the high quality of the resulting surface. Even untreated wood is covered with it. However, the mixture also has disadvantages. This is incompatible with cement and other mineral materials.

Shellac primer is used for working with softwood. The composition is used to treat knots - it neutralizes the effect of the resin that is part of the coniferous tree.

Polyurethane and epoxy primers are rarely used for priming wood. Their composition is identical to paints that are diluted with solvents.

Applying primer mixture

Antiseptic primers protect wood from fungal infections, mold and rot.

Modern manufacturers have created special impregnating compounds that are used to treat hard and soft wood. The impregnating mixture increases the hydrophobicity of the material and increases resistance to moisture. Therefore, primed wood material can be used for finishing work in the kitchen or bathroom.

Advantages of TEX primers

Modern manufacturers have created various brands of primers for indoor work. For example, TEKS brand impregnating primer is intended for treating drywall, wood surfaces and other porous materials before coating with water-dispersion paint, finishing ceramic tiles, wallpapering inside dry rooms or with high humidity.

Reliable paintable coating

When using TEX primers, paint consumption is reduced and adhesion to finishing materials rises. Universal class impregnating primer dries quickly, is odorless, explosion- and fire-proof.

The creators of TEKS produce primer compositions in finished form, which are used immediately. They do not need to be diluted with water or diluted with solvents.

TEKS primer compositions have significant advantages over other mixtures. A transparent and even layer improves adhesion and strengthens the surface. The TEX company produces a wide range of primers with deep penetrating ability.

Priming process

Before you begin priming wooden surfaces, you should consider the humidity in the room. Do not forget that in high humidity, drying time will be twice as long as in a dry apartment. It is better to choose water-repellent compounds for work.

High-quality impregnation for wooden surfaces

The primer is applied in two layers to ensure a reliable and smooth coating. This facilitates easy application of paint and ensures economical consumption.

Priming wood for varnish takes more time and labor. The varnish should highlight the texture of the wood. The mixture will smooth out unevenness and lay down pile that spoils the appearance of the surface. It is better to use industrial primers, including universal-grade TEX brand products.

Sequence of work

  • Treatment of interior spaces is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees and air humidity not lower than eighty percent. In extreme heat, experts do not recommend priming wood, as the mixture will dry quickly and will not be able to penetrate deeply into the lower layers.
  • The base is sanded until a smooth plane is obtained.
  • Sweep away the dust. Eliminate the presence of grease and dirt using a lint-free cloth, which is thoroughly moistened in solvent.
  • Apply a layer of primer evenly using a sprayer, roller or brush. After drying, a decision is made to apply a second layer. If the surface is smooth and even after the first coat, it is not necessary to coat it with a second one.
  • The drying period between layers is 3-4 hours.

Proper processing of the base

Pay special attention to handling knots. They are pre-puttyed. Priming particle board requires the use of a deep-penetrating compound.

The quality of the surface largely determines the composition of the primer. It is better to use universal class mixtures.

How to avoid mistakes:

Safety when working with primers

Primers for treating interior spaces are approved for use in hospitals, kindergartens, and schools. For example, TEKS primer compositions do not emit harmful substances throughout their entire service life.

Primers for treating interior surfaces in the house are environmentally friendly and do not contain toxic substances. The impregnating mixture is safe for human health.

Selecting a primer mixture and applying it yourself is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right tool, brand of mixture, and follow the sequence and conditions of working with the primer. This will save time and money and will allow priming to be carried out on high level. Then it will not only fulfill its main function and prepare the surface for reliable adhesion to the coating, but also protect it from mold.

In contact with

How to prime wood before painting? Is this operation always necessary? Are any more needed? preparatory work before applying paint? Let's try to answer these questions.

Why is this necessary?

First, let's find out why you need a primer for wood before painting.

  • For disinfection. Cheap (and therefore popular) types of wood are susceptible to rotting. It is promoted by high atmospheric humidity, the appearance of condensation, water leaks and other minor household troubles.

Antiseptic impregnation can prevent the appearance of mold, which rapidly destroys organic fiber.

Useful: if the fungus has already started, you can use any chlorine-containing solution for initial disinfection. detergent. “Belizna”, the price of which is approximately 20 rubles per liter, is quite suitable for this purpose. However, only specialized antiseptic impregnation can provide long-term protection.

  • To strengthen the surface. First of all, this applies to old, drying wood. The resins contained in the soil penetrate between the fibers and glue them together, preventing accelerated destruction of the material.
  • To reduce the absorbent properties of wood. Structurally, wood resembles a sponge: the same abundance of large pores with a relatively small volume of solid matter. When applying any coating, most of the first layer will be uselessly absorbed into the pores - provided that they are not filled with a primer.
  • Finally, wood primer for painting acts as a protective and separating layer. Unclear? Let's try to explain.

We're getting a little ahead of ourselves; However, we note that the paint can be applied to an old coating of the same type without first cleaning the surface. Acrylic over acrylic paint, oil over oil paint, and so on.

However, differences in color may cause the old coating to show through due to it being partially dissolved when the new paint is applied. A primer of the appropriate type will act as a separator that will prevent the paints from mixing ().

In addition: wood contains tannin, a natural dye that often bleeds through water-dispersed coatings in untidy spots. The primer traps it inside the wood.

Types of Primers

What types of primers are there for wood before painting?


Antiseptic primers provide antibacterial protection. They kill microorganisms that have already settled in the wood and create an environment that prevents their further reproduction. Antiseptics, as a rule, also prevent the appearance of wood-eating insects; many contain fire retardant (fire retardant) additives.

Strengthening agents (primers, or deep penetration primers) serve, as can be easily concluded from the name of the category, to increase the mechanical strength of the base. Most primers of this type are universal: compositions intended for brick and plastered surfaces are perfect for wood, plywood, hardboard and chipboard.

Finally, hydrophobic soils are needed to protect wood from excess moisture. They are used primarily for wooden facades.


The choice of primer composition is determined by what type of paint is intended to be used.

  • Penetrating soils based on acrylic resins are the most versatile. They are used under any type of paint, since they are almost completely absorbed into the wood, without leaving a film on its surface with the possibility of subsequent delamination.

  • Silicone-acrylic primers characterized by pronounced water-repellent properties. After their application, the moisture content of the wood is stabilized and practically does not change with fluctuations in atmospheric humidity. It is clear that for complete protection from dampness, a water-repellent primer is applied over the entire surface of each element of a wooden structure.
  • Alkyd primers are used, respectively, for painting with alkyd enamels (PF-115 and its imported analogues). In essence, primers of this type are identical in composition to enamels, but contain a larger amount of solvent, dry faster and contain the cheapest possible pigments.

In addition: primers make the surface rough after drying. Thanks to this feature, the adhesion of the paint to the base is made more reliable.

  • Polyurethane primers They are relatively expensive and are intended for preparing wood for coating with parquet varnishes based on polyurethane synthetic resins. As in the case of alkyd primers, they differ from varnish only in the large amount of solvent and the absence of tinting additives.
  • Drying oil is traditionally used as a primer for oil paints. By impregnating the wood to a depth of several millimeters, it not only ensures the most reliable adhesion of the paint to the base, but also protects the wood from dampness and rotting.

Preparing a wooden surface for painting

We found out how to prime wood before painting. How can you completely prepare a wooden surface for painting with your own hands?

Over old paint

If the type of old paint matches that which is intended to be used, complete stripping of the coating is not required. Oil, alkyd or nitro enamel is sanded with sandpaper or a sanding mesh to obtain a rough surface; peeled areas of the coating are removed with a spatula and thoroughly sanded.

If the color does not match, as already mentioned, a separating layer of primer of the appropriate type is applied. You can paint it after it has completely dried.

If the composition of the old coating is different from the new one (for example, instead of oil paint, the wooden paneling is supposed to be painted with water-dispersion acrylic paint), the coating is heated with a construction hairdryer and removed with a hard one.

Remains of paint are removed with solvent. Then the base is primed - first with an antiseptic, then with a suitable primer for painting.

The photo shows stripping the paint with a hairdryer and spatula.

Tip: Many all-purpose penetrating primers already contain antiseptic additives. In addition, a concentrated antiseptic can be independently added to water-based soil.

On fresh wood

Here, the instructions for preparing the surface are relatively simple.

  1. The base is sanded or scraped.
  2. Defects and cracks are filled. This type of putty is quite elastic and does not crack when the linear dimensions of the wood fluctuate.
  3. The surface is swept away from dust and primed. As a rule, according to wooden surfaces use a wide brush or spray; penetrating soils on acrylic base For better impregnation, apply twice.

As usual, the video in this article will offer the reader Additional information. Good luck!