Over time, users social network VKontakte still faces the need to contact technical support. The reason for this may be difficulties in changing the password, the inability to log into your account, or hacking of your personal page. How For many, this may be difficult, but if you figure it out and carefully study the page menu, you will understand that there is nothing difficult about it.


The main feature of technical support for such major social networks as VKontakte is that its users are not clients. That is why most of the problems that the service solves are related to the functionality of the site. The question of how to write in VK support should not cause difficulties for registered users, since social network employees quickly respond to requests. The specificity of technical support is that established feedback with the user is as comfortable as possible and does not create the feeling that no one is solving problems.

home distinguishing feature: Social networks provide support to users only on the site. In order to apply, you need to fill out a special form on the social network and send it. Specialists will study it, assign a degree of importance and make a decision to eliminate the problem. The main difficulty is that the scale of the social network does not allow developers to quickly see any problem in the operation of the site and the security system.

How does it work

How to write to VK support service if a problematic situation arises? This is easy to do, since interaction with users is well established. The support service has been operating since 2011. At the beginning of its activity, a small group of people was responsible for answering user questions. Over time, it became the VKontakte technical support team, and a little later it was reorganized into “Support” without additional word"technical". This means that the service solves not only technical issues.

Unlike other social networks, VKontakte has created support whose activities are aimed at a live user, and not a source of information. If you don’t know how to write a message in VK support, pay attention to the Service Desk service. This is the name of the user assistance service on the social network. It consists of agents who also have accounts on the social network. They don't have a special one technical education, because the main thing for such a specialist is to help in difficult situation not only in deeds, but also in words and emotions.

Such a system is organized specifically to show the trusting attitude of the site administration and management towards users. Such support does not require template answers; agents approach each request individually. There is a separate interface for contacting, which is located on the website. This is convenient because you don’t need to write separate letters through postal services or call a call center.

What issues does it solve?

The question of how to write to VK support worries many users who have encountered problems with the site. Despite the smooth operation of the service, you have to wait for a response to your request within 24 hours, sometimes longer. Before asking for help, analyze whether the service's support is really required or whether the problem can be solved on your own. If a user wishes to complain about a group that distributes or promotes prohibited ideas or is unlawful in nature, then such a problem is resolved exclusively through technical support. If a group has been blocked for some reason, you can also regain access to it using the service.

Contact support

How to write a question in VK support? This can be done in two ways: simple (use the services of other systems) and complex (do it yourself). Surely many will choose the first, but first things first. If you don't know how to ask for help with a social network, ask a more advanced user to help with this.

  • To get advice or resolve a problem, log into your VKontakte account.
  • There is a "Help" section at the top of the page, click on it.
  • A line will appear in which the user can describe the problem that has arisen. Avoid long sentences. It is better to state the essence of the issue briefly and clearly.
  • If the questions suggested by the support service do not suit the user or do not solve his problems, there is a button on the “Help” page: “None of these options are suitable.” Many people face the same problems that are common to everyone.
  • If you click on this button, a window will appear indicating the approximate waiting time for a response. Most often, the user does not have to wait long. One request is processed within 24 hours.
  • To ask a question or explain a problem, click on the "Ask a Question" button.
  • will appear simple form, which you need to fill out with important facts and details. They can help resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

As you can see, writing to VK support is quite easy. The service does not miss a single request.

From phone

If users check their account through a portable device, a natural question arises: how to write to VK support from a phone? In the mobile application, the user will find “Questions and Answers” ​​in “Settings”. There's a lot here useful information By various issues. If the user wants to contact the service specialists with a problem, this option will not work. It is disabled due to the large volume of work and incoming information. In general, there should be no difficulties in writing a request from a mobile application.

From computer

How to write to VK support from a regular PC or laptop? This can be done not only using the usual form, but also by e-mail. This is the easiest method available to every user. To do this, go to your mailbox, make a question, request or state a problem and send a letter to the address indicated on the site. Previously, a response to such a request had to wait several days, so it is better for the user to apply directly from his page. In addition, on the social network it is easy to find direct links to create requests with the ability to attach images and other documents.

If you don’t know how to write to support in the new VK, pay attention to the menu on the left. In addition to the standard menu, there will be lines “Blog”, “Developers”, “Advertising”, “More”. Click on the last active text. A block should open containing a “Help” section with an application form. It should be noted that service specialists sometimes respond to user requests with humor. This is due to the fact that many people ask unclear questions to which it is difficult or impossible to give a logical answer.

For many users, the VKontakte social network is more than just a web page. For some it may be a job, for others a repository of photographs or documents, for others the main means of communication, and so on. Accordingly, for such users, an unexpected problem in the operation of a social network can become a real stress (for example, photos do not load, various errors occur, and so on), which, among other things, can drag on for some time. The VKontakte network support service is always ready to assist the user with any questions. You can contact her directly from your page, which will be discussed below.

How to write to VKontakte support service

If your page on the VKontakte social network is not blocked, then contacting the support service is very easy. Each user has the opportunity to contact VKontakte specialists directly from their page; to do this, you need to click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the page and select “Help”.

After this, a page will open that can answer most of the user’s questions about the operation of the VKontakte social network. Check out our FAQ database to find a solution to your problem.

Please note: Questions and answers are conveniently grouped into categories. It is also possible to switch to full list questions or try to find the answer to your question through search.

If you can't solve your problem using basic questions and answers, you can contact our support representatives. To do this, go from the browser where you are authorized on VKontakte to the following link: https://vk.com/support?act=new.

The Contact Support page will open. Here you need to give short description problems in the top window, and below describe in detail what the problem is. If necessary, you can attach a document or photographs to the message sent to the VKontakte support service.

When all fields are filled in, click “Submit”, after which a window will appear in which the approximate response time will be written. If you are satisfied with it and you want to know the answer to your question, click “Ask a Question”.

Once you submit your question, it can always be returned from the Help section of your page. If you remember any details about your question, you can go to an already published question that is under consideration and add a message to it, as well as attach a photo or document.

Please note: If you were waiting for a response from a support specialist, but during this time you managed to solve your problem yourself, do not forget to go to the submitted question and write that it is no longer relevant or click “Delete question”.

How to call VKontakte support using the hotline number

Many users are accustomed to the fact that almost any organization can be contacted via telephone by calling it. But in the case of the social network VKontakte, this is irrelevant.

On the Internet you can easily find the VKontakte phone number, but not the support service, but the main office of the company, which you should contact with commercial offers or other important issues. There is no support hotline as such, and the only method for an ordinary social network user to get an answer to their question is to write to VKontakte in the manner discussed above.

VKontakte is the most popular Russian social network throughout the post-Soviet space and is available in various languages. In it, users can create personal pages, information publics, events, communicate and exchange media files with other people, play Online Games and use other services.

VKontakte hotline phone number

There is no direct phone number or contact center on VKontakte.

You can contact the social network’s employees with a question or problem exclusively online directly on the official website or by writing an email.

Contact information of the VKontakte press service

Contact information for cooperation issues

[email protected]

What issues can be resolved by contacting VKontakte technical support?

By contacting technical support staff directly on the VKontakte website, the user can ask a question or solve a problem related to the social network. Among them:

  • Ask questions or solve problems related to access to the social network;
  • Clarify privacy and confidentiality issues on the VKontakte social network;
  • Find out more information about how you can join the development team or become a technical support agent;
  • Receive information related to promotion on the VKontakte social network;
  • Get information about additional services and special applications that are available on the Vkontakte social network;
  • Information about events held by the social network VKontakte;
  • Get general information about the work of the social network Vkontakte;
  • Ask a question about advertising on social networks;
  • Get information on how to create an official page on the VKontakte social network;
  • Find out where you can download the official VKontakte application for mobile devices based on iOS, Android, Windows;
  • Get information about video calls on a social network;
  • Get information about the rules for using the VKontakte network;
  • Ask a question about integrating your VKontakte profile with other social networks;
  • Report an error in the operation of the VKontakte website;
  • Complain about the work of VKontakte or another user of the social network.

In what cases will VKontakte technical support not be able to help?

Technical support agents will not be able to help if the issue is related to:

  • With the work of other social networks or their services;
  • If the requested information is related to or classified as a trade secret;
  • If the answer to the question involves disclosing confidential information about the social network or its users;
  • If personal data of third parties (employees, partners) is requested;
  • If the question is of a general nature and not related to the work of the VKontakte social network.

Alternative communication channels

You can send an official request or question to the following postal address:

LLC "VKontakte" St. Petersburg, Nevsky pr. 28

Competence of support agents and response time

Technical support was created specifically to quickly provide information and solve problems related to the use of the social network, so the network makes sure that the response time to a request is as fast as possible.

The social network VKontakte is developing its agent support service. All technical support employees undergo special training and training for a long time in order to respond to every request from social network users as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Don't know why your page is frozen? Want to delete your profile but have no idea how to do it? Captcha keeps popping up?

Do you have an urgent issue that you just can’t resolve?

  1. It is possible to resolve controversial issues, find out about login problems and deal with spam,
  2. by writing to technical support on VKontakte.
  3. If you have problems with your password and number, you want to delete a page from which you have long forgotten the data, or you think that your profile has been hacked by scammers, go to the list of questions tab.
  4. Select the item from the general sections that bothers you this moment. If you look more closely, you will notice that VK provides a fairly extensive and full information about all the difficulties that users may encounter.
  5. If you don't find the item that completely solves your problem, create your own question.
  6. Open the section you are having difficulty with. Expand the question that is closest in topic to your problem.
  7. At the bottom of the blue area where the answer is, there is a link that says "This doesn't solve my problem." Touch it. Select "I still have questions."

Describe in detail the situation that you cannot understand. Attach screenshots if it is impossible to clarify the topic without them. Submit your question and check the help section periodically. The answer from VK will come to you within 10-14 hours. You can view it in the “My Questions” tab.

You can find some answers on the Internet. For example, how to collect And .

Technical support VKontakte telephone hotline

If you are looking VK support phone number, then, unfortunately, you are simply wasting your time.

Since every day the VKontakte administration faces more than one thousand requests, such a number simply does not exist. All the questions you want to ask can be written in the help section and all you have to do is wait for them to be answered.

Calling and asking directly about your problem in VK does not seem realistic. Perhaps, due to the stupid questions of some users, VK does not want to create a hotline, or the reason is that there are too many requests and people do not have time to answer them.

If you want your question to be answered in the shortest period of time, then describe the problem more clearly, do not write several questions at once and do not bother the support service over trifles.

This way you can solve your problem as soon as possible. VKontakte technical support online

VKontakte technical support online may be in groups dedicated to helping and resolving issues in VK. For example, one of such groups is VK Help. and don’t know how to manage it, you can go to this group and find answers to the most popular questions. Ordinary users can also do this.

Hello, dear friends. Today we’ll talk about the support service of the social network VKontakte, or more precisely, how to reach it.

I warn you right away that you don’t need to write to technical support for any trivial matter; it’s easier to find a solution to your question on the Internet or in the answer database of the social network itself. There is no need to waste time from technical support workers over trifles. But if you really have a good reason to write, and your problem cannot be solved by reading the forums, then let's figure out how to do it.

We go to our page, click on the top menu in the right corner and select “Help” from the drop-down list:

We are opening a help section. We enter what we want to know into the appropriate field at the top and press the Enter button:

You are presented with search results in which we can see a list of answers that can help you. These are the answers that are in the social network database. Read it quickly, maybe one of these answers will help you.

If nothing helps, then click on the “This doesn’t solve my problem” button:

The next step is to ask us why their answers didn't help. We need to click on the link “I still have questions”:

That's it, they tell us that technical support has a lot of work to do, and they also write to us how long it will take for us to get an answer. Read and click on the “Ask a Question” button.

A field pops up for entering an extended description of the problem. Describe your problem in detail, and I am sure that your problem will be solved:

Now I want to go back a little, to the moment when we entered our question into the field and we were given a list of answers. I want to warn you that there may not be any answers. In this case, they write to us that nothing was found according to the request, and that, if we want, we can write to them. We do not refuse the offer and click on the “write to us” link.

Here is another screenshot of what this window might look like.

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the already familiar page for entering a message for the support service.

And the last thing I would like to draw your attention to in this article is the “My Questions” tab. Everything that was asked and answers from the support service are placed there. You can always return to a point if a problem suddenly arises again. Technical support will resume correspondence with you until the problem is resolved.

This is where I would like to end this article. Write, don’t be shy, technical support on the social network VKontakte is quite adequate and polite, helping to resolve some issues. But you, for your part, also ask adequate questions, don’t make the support team laugh :)

Until we meet again, dear friends. If something was not clear, you, as always, can ask your question in the comments.