Soulful man
Scientists were able to photograph the soul - the camera recorded how vital forces leave the body at the moment of its biological death.

A unique study confirmed the ancient belief that in people who were killed or died suddenly, for example, in a disaster, the soul cannot tear itself away from the body for a long time. She keeps coming back, especially at night.

It's no surprise that ghost stories have been around since ancient times. Most often, stories describe the ghosts of innocent murdered or executed criminals.

The St. Petersburg scientist’s apparatus can see the soul. It measures what is commonly called a person's aura. The camera, called GDV, was invented and presented by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute Physical culture Konstantin Korotkov.

The GDV scans the body, and a photograph of its aura is displayed on the computer screen.

The living healthy area is highlighted in blue on the computer screen, and the dead, inactive part is highlighted in warmer shades, even red, says Konstantin Georgievich.

The GDV image shows how the soul leaves the human body, the blue color changes to warm shades(from left to right - shortly before death, at the moment of death and three hours after death)


Studying the properties of the camera, scientists decided to experiment - they filmed a dying person using a GDV. We received three frames - shortly before death, at the moment of death and three hours after death was recorded. The resulting images show that the life force (that is, the soul) leaves the abdominal area first. It is not for nothing that earlier in the Russian language the word “belly” was equivalent to the word “life”. Then the head loses strength.

The photograph of a person who has just died shows that the aura is glowing in the groin and heart area. After all, it often happens that doctors manage to bring a patient back to life by starting his heart with the help of current. The patient is sometimes resuscitated within five minutes after his death. Some actually come back.

“It’s as if the patient or someone from above is contemplating whether to die or not,” said one experienced surgeon. “Sometimes we realize that it is not us who revive the patient. We just do our job, and the decision is made somewhere outside.

About three hours after the death of a person, only the groin area remains, where something else reminds that the body was alive. Soon, in the photographs of the deceased, only a red silhouette remains - the soul has left the body.


Professor Korotkov’s discovery is confirmed by another previously known study: experts noticed that the body of a deceased person becomes 21 grams lighter. However, the work of the St. Petersburg scientist helped to discover additional details.

GDV images, to the great surprise of specialists, showed that a person’s aura records the circumstances of death. In the case of a natural, calm death, the aura loses activity gradually. Then the body of the deceased emits a constant and uniform glow, characteristic of an inanimate object. If a person died suddenly or violently, then his aura shows “restlessness” for several days and does this especially clearly at night.

Konstantin Korotkov concluded that the human soul after death behaves as religion has described it since ancient times. She either calms down and flies away, leaving her physical refuge, or temporarily remains connected to the body, as if tied to it. She hasn't used up all her energy resources yet!

Scientists' research suggests that the human body is a biological mass that comes to life only thanks to vitality, which fills him during his life. As soon as a person dies, the charge of life - the soul - disappears. Perhaps, as some religions claim, in order to find another refuge.

A person’s aura before the work of a psychic (left) and after

GDV stands for “gas discharge visualization”. Recently, the scientist presented the device in St. Petersburg at the “Science. Information. Consciousness". Any participant could independently verify that he has a soul by filming himself on a GDV camera. True, people of science prefer to call the discovered soul more carefully - aura.

During the development process, the device was tested on psychics... and encountered terrible opposition. After all, the GDV camera exposed charlatans in no time.

The aura of a real psychic has very powerful activity,” says Korotkov. — In one Moscow medical center, all “traditional healers” were offered to undergo testing using our device. And, imagine, almost everyone flatly refused.

What appearance does the human soul have after death? Here, in earthly life, we see ourselves in a certain form and we may like it or not. What do we look like after death?

When her appearance does not remain constant, but changes. And these changes depend on the level of development of the soul. Immediately the soul retains the human form in which it was in the physical world. For some time, usually up to a year, she retains the same external appearance.

If the soul has a low level of development, but sufficient to continue its development, then after a year of being in another world it begins to change externally.

A low soul is incapable of comprehending the Subtle World and working in it and therefore falls asleep. Similarly, for example, in our world a bear falls asleep for the winter, incapable of actively expressing itself in forest conditions in winter time. And other animals can survive well in the cold season.

That is, the activity of the soul depends on the degree of its development and ability to actively participate in his life. Such a soul can clear space of unnecessary elements and perform some primitive work. Because low souls towards them appearance can be divided into two types.

The soul that falls asleep, as a rule, loses its human appearance quite quickly, because it is not yet adapted to anything, much less capable of maintaining its appearance in the desired form.

The same low soul, which has already had several incarnations and acquired the rudiments of primary human qualities, is capable of maintaining its form in the form of a human body for up to six months or a year, and then, forgetting about its previous appearance, begins to adapt to anything.

Low souls do not yet possess any stable qualities or knowledge, therefore their idea of ​​themselves and the world around them can often change. Since souls have developed imitation, at first they will mold themselves according to what they see nearby, or what is preserved in their memory from past lives.

The young soul does not have a permanent concept, therefore its form can take on a variety of external signs: the soul, after several years of being on the Subtle Plane, can resemble an octopus, cuttlefish, oval, ball, any figure, etc. It is able to adapt to what it sees. So the appearance of young souls who have not entered hibernation can change constantly throughout their stay on the Subtle Plane.

All low souls are isolated from the middle and high ones. All of them are located in certain artificial worlds at their Levels. And souls of the same Level cannot mix into lower or higher planes, or rather, it will not work out for them purely according to physical laws. Because each soul can only be located in its corresponding layer of energy potential.

A soul of average development is already capable of maintaining the general shape of the human body throughout its entire stay in the Subtle World. But outwardly she is quickly changing and does not resemble the person whose physical body she left behind. Their appearance also constantly undergoes changes, just like the human body during earthly life.

The high soul similarly retains the external features of the human body, but changes in features and details, just as any person in the physical world changes. Appearance is influenced by the energies that the soul matrix accumulates. The higher its energy, the more harmonious and beautiful the soul becomes in its external form.

Meeting the soul after death

Old concepts stated that the soul is met by previously deceased relatives. This is true, but let’s expand the concepts on this issue.
Each meeting is individual. High souls, for example, do not need to be greeted by relatives. When they find themselves in the next world, they partially remember the rules of the soul’s transition from the gross world to the subtle world and the possibilities of this existence.

They are met by Tall Luminous Beings, who treat people as angels. In reality these may be highly developed souls former people who are intensively improving in the spiritual direction and have accumulated a large volume of high energies, which provide them with a bright glow. Among them there may be angels from energy worlds. This, by the way, is another form of existence of the physical body - luminous Essence-angels. But in this form, as a rule, the person remains only in subtle world, helping the Higher Essences work with the souls of deceased people. In fact, these souls are assigned to work in the Separator (or Distributor).

However, let us return to the souls of mere mortals. They can be met both by relatives and friends who died before them, and by luminous beings. Relatives are rarely genuine. Often these are holograms of people. Few of those who died earlier remain free. Having passed the Court, he goes to his world and begins to improve in it. To memory past life in the physical world did not prevent him from executing a new program; it often closes. The person seems to forget everything that happened to him before and calmly continues to exist in the new world. However, for some souls the memory can last up to a year or more. Some low souls fall asleep and, as a result, cannot meet loved ones.

Due to the fact that many of the souls forget about earthly life and former relatives over time, and also because of their busyness, High Essences do not distract them from meeting the souls of recently deceased relatives. After all, they are already in other worlds and returning to the Separator to old memories is unpleasant for them.

Therefore, out of humanity, the Highest came up with the idea that souls after death would meet something like “holograms” of former loved ones. Why do we mention humanitarian considerations?

After all, no one could have met the soul. However, at the moment of death, many souls leave the body in a state of stress and great confusion. The soul is in a depressed state because it has parted forever with its body and with the beautiful earthly world; it is in confusion, since it often does not even understand what happened to it and what to do next. Therefore, in order to smooth out these negative impressions and speed up the adaptation of the soul to new conditions, the Highest Ones came up with a procedure for meeting their relatives, reproduced in the form of holograms. But the soul, without understanding this, takes them for real relatives.

All souls look young in the other world. There are no old people there. And this is due to the properties of subtle matter and the new program of the soul, which does not include settings for the aging of the outer shell. So by the time the soul leaves the tunnel into the “new” world, holograms of loved ones are already waiting for him, they meet him with love and help him accept what happened as a given and normal phenomenon.

Humanity has been trying to unravel the mystery of death for many millennia. But no one was able to fully understand the essence of this process and where our soul goes after death. Throughout life, we set goals and dreams for ourselves, and try to get the maximum of positive emotions and happiness from them. But the hour will come, and we will have to leave this world, plunge into the unknown abyss of another existence.

People have been interested in what the soul does after death since ancient times. Many who have experienced clinical death say that they fell into a tunnel known to many and saw bright light. What happens to a person and his soul after death? Can he observe living people? These and many questions cannot but worry us. The most interesting thing is that there are many different theories about what happens to a person after death. Let's try to understand them and answer the questions that concern many people.

The human soul continues to live after death. She is the spiritual beginning of man. A mention of this can be found in Genesis (chapter 2), and it sounds approximately as follows: “God created man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his face. Now man has become a living soul.” Holy Bible“tells” us that a person is two-part. If the body can die, then the soul lives forever. She is a living entity, endowed with the ability to think, remember, feel. In other words, a person’s soul continues to live after death. She understands everything, feels and - most importantly - remembers.

In order to make sure that the soul is really capable of feeling and understanding, you only need to remember cases when a person’s body died for some time, and the soul saw and understood everything. Similar stories can be read in a variety of sources, for example, K. Ikskul in his book “Incredible for many, but a true incident” describes what happens after death to a person and his soul. Everything that is written in the book is personal experience the author, who fell ill with a serious illness and experienced clinical death. Almost everything that can be read on this topic in various sources is very similar to each other.

People who have experienced clinical death describe it as a white, enveloping fog. Below you can see the body of the man himself, next to him are his relatives and doctors. It is interesting that the soul, separated from the body, can move in space and understands everything. Some say that after the body ceases to show any signs of life, the soul passes through a long tunnel, at the end of which there is a bright white light. Then, usually over a period of time, the soul returns to the body and the heart begins to beat. What if a person dies? What then happens to him? What does the human soul do after death?

The first few days after death

It is interesting what happens after death to a person’s soul in the first few days, because this period is for it a time of freedom and enjoyment. It is in the first three days that the soul can move freely on earth. As a rule, she is near her relatives at this time. She even tries to talk to them, but it is difficult, because a person is not able to see and hear spirits. In rare cases, when the connection between people and the dead is very strong, they feel the presence of a soul mate nearby, but cannot explain it. For this reason, the burial of a Christian takes place exactly 3 days after death. In addition, it is this period that the soul needs in order to realize where it is now. It’s not easy for her, she may not have had time to say goodbye to anyone or say anything to anyone. Most often, a person is not ready for death, and he needs these three days to understand the essence of what is happening and say goodbye.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. For example, K. Ikskul began his journey to another world on the first day, because the Lord told him so. Most of the saints and martyrs were ready for death, and in order to move to another world, it took them only a few hours, because this was their main goal. Each case is completely different, and information comes only from those people who have experienced the “post-mortem experience” themselves. If we are not talking about clinical death, then everything can be completely different. Proof that in the first three days a person’s soul is on earth is also the fact that it is during this period of time that relatives and friends of the deceased feel their presence nearby.

What happens 9, 40 days and six months after death

In the first days after death, a person’s spirit is in the place where he lived. According to church canons, the soul after death prepares for God’s judgment for 40 days.

The first three days she travels to the places of her earthly life, and from the third to the ninth she heads to the gates of Paradise, where she discovers the special atmosphere and happy existence of this place.
From the ninth to the fortieth days, the soul visits the terrible dwelling of Darkness, where it will see the torment of sinners.
After 40 days, she must obey the decision of the Almighty about her further fate. The soul is not given the power to influence the course of events, but the prayers of close relatives can improve its lot.

Relatives should try not to start loud sobs or hysterics and take everything for granted. The soul hears everything, and such a reaction can cause it severe torment. Relatives need to say sacred prayers to calm her down and show her the right path.

Six months and a year after death, the spirit of the deceased comes to his relatives for the last time to say goodbye.

Soul of a suicide after death

It is believed that a person does not have the right to take his own life, since it was given to him by the Almighty, and only he can take it. In moments of terrible despair, pain, suffering, a person decides to end his life not on his own - Satan assists him in this.

After death, the spirit of the suicidal person rushes to the Gates of Heaven, but entry there is closed to him. When he returns to earth, he begins a long and painful search for his body, but also cannot find it. The terrible ordeals of the soul last for a very long time, until the time of natural death comes. Only then does the Lord decide where the tormented soul of the suicide will go.

In ancient times, people who committed suicide were prohibited from being buried in a cemetery. Their graves were located on the edges of roads, in dense forests or swampy areas. All objects with which a person committed suicide were carefully destroyed, and the tree where the hanging took place was cut down and burned.

Transmigration of souls after death

Proponents of the theory of transmigration of souls confidently claim that the soul after death acquires a new shell, another body. Eastern practitioners assure that transformation can occur up to 50 times. A person learns about facts from his past life only in a state of deep trance or when he is diagnosed with certain diseases of the nervous system.

The most famous person in the study of reincarnation is the US psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. According to his theory, irrefutable evidence of the transmigration of the soul is:

Unique ability to speak strange languages.
The presence of scars or birthmarks in identical places in a living and deceased person.
Accurate historical narratives.
Almost all people who have experienced reincarnation have some kind of birth defect. For example, a person who has an incomprehensible growth on the back of his head, during a trance, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death. Stevenson began an investigation and found a family where the death of one of its members had occurred in this manner. The shape of the deceased's wound, like a mirror image, was an exact copy of this growth.

Hypnosis will help you remember details about facts from your past life. Scientists conducting research in this area interviewed several hundred people in a state of deep hypnosis. Almost 35% of them talked about events that never happened to them in real life. Some people began to speak in unknown languages, with a pronounced accent, or in an ancient dialect.

However, not all studies are scientifically proven and cause a lot of thought and controversy. Some skeptics believe that a person during hypnosis can simply fantasize or follow the lead of the hypnotist. It is also known that incredible moments from the past can be voiced by people after clinical death or by patients with severe mental illness.

What does the soul look like after a person's death?

What appearance does the human soul have after death? Here, in earthly life, we see ourselves in a certain form and we may like it or not. What is our appearance in the Subtle World after death?

When the soul leaves the body, its appearance does not remain constant, but changes. And these changes depend on the level of development of the soul. Immediately after death, the soul retains the human form in which it was in the physical world. For some time, usually up to a year, she retains the same external appearance.

If the soul has a low level of development, but sufficient to continue its development, then after a year of being in another world it begins to change externally.

A low soul is incapable of comprehending the Subtle World and working in it and therefore falls asleep. Similarly, for example, in our world a bear falls asleep for the winter and is not capable of actively expressing itself in forest conditions in winter. And other animals can survive well in the cold season.

That is, the activity of the soul on the Subtle Plane depends on the degree of its development and the ability to actively participate in its life. Such a soul can clear space of unnecessary elements and perform some primitive work. Therefore, low souls with regard to their appearance can be divided into two types.

The soul that falls asleep, as a rule, loses its human appearance quite quickly, because it is not yet adapted to anything, much less capable of maintaining its appearance in the desired form.

The same low soul, which has already had several incarnations and acquired the rudiments of primary human qualities, is capable of maintaining its form in the form of a human body for up to six months or a year, and then, forgetting about its previous appearance, begins to adapt to anything.

Low souls do not yet possess any stable qualities or knowledge, therefore their idea of ​​themselves and the world around them can often change. Since souls have developed imitation, at first they will mold themselves according to what they see nearby, or what is preserved in their memory from past lives.

A young soul does not have a permanent concept, therefore its form can take on a variety of external signs: after several years of being on the Subtle Plane, the soul can resemble an octopus, cuttlefish, oval, ball, any figure, etc. It is able to adapt to what sees. So the appearance of young souls who have not entered hibernation can change constantly throughout their stay on the Subtle Plane.

All low souls are isolated from the middle and high ones. All of them are located in certain artificial worlds at their Levels. And souls of the same Level cannot mix into lower or higher planes, or rather, it will not work out for them purely according to physical laws. Because each soul can only be located in its corresponding layer of energy potential.

A soul of average development is already capable of maintaining the general shape of the human body throughout its entire stay in the Subtle World. But outwardly she is quickly changing and does not resemble the person whose physical body she left behind. Their appearance also constantly undergoes changes, just like the human body during earthly life.

The high soul similarly retains the external features of the human body, but changes in features and details, just as any person in the physical world changes. Appearance is influenced by the energies that the soul matrix accumulates. The higher its energy, the more harmonious and beautiful the soul becomes in its external form.

In the previous article about the soul, we looked at the more technical side of creation, development and existence in a physical medium. In this article I want to pay attention to other aspects of the life of the soul - existence and development outside the physical body. How people’s souls live after death beyond our reality, what is their meaning and aspirations.

To be honest, I beat around the bush for a long time about writing this article. I dug through a lot of literature and online resources studying this topic. After all, the topic is not easy. The task is to put unprovable metaphysical concepts into simple three-dimensional words, and to convey this to people who, perhaps, are encountering this kind of esotericism for the first time.

In this article, as in many others, along with my conclusions, I will use the work of trustworthy researchers, writers, and channelers. The topic of the other life of the soul is a body of knowledge, and what is revealed in this moment- this is a tiny percentage of everything that remains to be discovered.

When studying this direction and reading these articles, we need to get rid of blinders and restrictions like “it can’t be, we weren’t taught that way, it doesn’t happen.” If you are looking for the truth, look for it everywhere, and not just in what is recognized, officially and permitted.

One person asked me: “Where are the references to the Bible in your works?” You know, if we had access to the real Bible given to us by the Prophets, and not edited millions of times by people, we probably wouldn’t need to write anything. We read the most important book of life - the Bible, and everything fell into place. Of course, the evolution of the last two thousand years would have been different. Better, worse, definitely faster.

It’s not just that the Supreme Ones now give knowledge through ordinary people, bypassing representatives of ossified official science and religion. And we, these simple people, need to accept them, assimilate them, find the missing components and pass them on.

So what kind of substance is this omniscient - our soul?

From point of view technical characteristics this is described in detail in the article "". In short, the soul is a matrix cellular structure, constantly developing and striving to enter the Volume of God.

Earthly incarnation for the soul is an opportunity to increase its vibrational range. While on Earth, the embodied soul works to receive, process and transmit energies to the Hierarchy.

At the same time, it develops and, thanks to life situations in the physical body, takes lessons to develop its own power. All functions are surprisingly clearly interconnected and harmonious. One follows from the other. The essence of the soul is the desire for development and merging with God.

I won't be original here. Before delving into the study of this topic, like many others, I always thought that the souls of people after death simply fly somewhere in the Universe. Some are close to their relatives, some are not, but all of them, being invisible, are simply flying somewhere.

A more in-depth study of this topic, of course, dotted a lot of i’s. Nothing in the Universe is uncontrollable. Everything is subject to a clear order and hierarchical principle of development.

The place where disembodied souls reside between lives is described in great detail and well by Michael Newton (a regressionist hypnologist who studied life between lives) in his book “The Journey of the Soul.”

The place where souls are located is an endless energy multi-level space in which souls are distributed according to their level of development. If we take roughly one hundred stages of soul development (according to L.A. Seklitova’s channeled information), then it will look like one hundred levels on which disembodied souls are located.

The degree of development of a soul can be determined by the color composite it emits. So, these levels also differ from each other in color, since they represent an accumulation of souls corresponding to a given level of vibration.

Within each of these levels there are sublevels and various types of clusters of souls, united according to certain parameters. Visually, the similarity parameters are the color scheme. And the color scheme is the types of energy gained by souls in the process of development.

That is, first of all, within one level, souls are united by level of development (main color set) and exist in large and small groups, united by energetic similarity - similar lessons worked, one type of activity, relatives or friends in incarnations, and so on.

When such souls incarnate into physical reality, they may have similar interests, be friends or spouses. Such souls having a similar composite, as a rule, develop together for a long time. Who among us in life has not experienced such a feeling when you meet a person, look at him and feel that you have known him for thousands of years? This shining example meeting of souls of one group.

Over the course of centuries, such souls have been meeting in the physical body to accomplish certain tasks, and after death on Earth (or on another planet), they are in the same group, at the same level of development.

And sometimes the situation is the opposite, when the person seems to be a good person and there are no complaints against him, but as a result of communicating with him, you get the impression that you are from different planets. Very often this happens even within the same family. Communication just doesn't go well. These are souls of different groups, even, most likely, of different stages of development. It’s just that, within the framework of life programs for certain purposes, they were forced to intersect in physical reality.

In a subtle sense, souls from lower levels to higher ones cannot physically get there just like that, for a visit. Only by developing and increasing your range of vibrations can you move from level to level. This is a gradual process. Coarser energies become more refined, change their composition, and thus move from level to level corresponding to the soul.

Souls can pass from higher levels to lower ones without hindrance. They only do this out of necessity, for example, to convey the necessary information or for other work.

What do souls look like without a physical body?

To begin with, let's immediately define this point: everything that happens outside of our physical three-dimensional perception is difficult to describe in words and concepts intended specifically for three-dimensional reality. For complete perception of the fourth, fifth, sixth dimensions, and even more so those higher (there are 72 of them in total), there are ways to transmit information at the mental level (telepathy) and light ( higher levels telepathy).

But this is a jungle of high matters that can be comprehended while in the physical body only by constant work on oneself. These are special meditative techniques for changing consciousness from three-dimensional to multidimensional. Therefore, everything that I describe here is much richer in content, but not everything can be described in human language.

After death, people's souls look like glowing balls of energy. The youngest - white. Each stage of development adds an additional color to their color, which indicates the types of energies gained.

The color of souls is a composite consisting of many shades and indicating the level of development. The rainbow that we are used to seeing in the sky is a palette of colors visible to the eye that correspond different types energy. It is from these colors and millions of their shades that the composite of souls is made.

Anastasia Novykh's book "AllatRa" describes the paints that were used by ancient civilizations to paint frescoes. Here's an excerpt:

"... Moreover, to paint such frescoes, colors were used that are inherent in the Soul in a transitional state: blue and green (this paint was obtained from copper ore), dark and bright red (from mercury oxide and hematite), yellow (from iron oxide), gray (from galena), violet (from manganese) and, naturally, white."

But there is very important point, having understood which, we can draw an analogy with physical reality for its better understanding.

All souls go through a colossal path in the process of development. They can incarnate on Earth, they can incarnate on other planets in various creatures we have never seen, they can develop in a subtle state without incarnating. And this multi-thousand-year experience of development, naturally, is the baggage of the soul, which has a direct impact on its current existence.

All personalities in which the soul resided leave an informational imprint on the subtle structure itself, and, consequently, on subsequent incarnations.

And along with the classic spherical appearance of souls, if desired, they can take on absolutely any shape. For example, when meeting in the subtle world the soul of a person with whom they had a relationship in some of their incarnations, souls can acquire the shape in which they were at that time.

Michael Newton's book "Journey of the Soul" describes one soul that lived almost constantly in the form of a cowboy. Getting to the bottom of the reasons for this choice of appearance, we found out (in the process of regressive hypnosis) that this was the most comfortable and pleasant embodiment of this soul. It is this soul that feels best like a cowboy on the prairie.

Meet me in heaven

I was constantly worried about the question: is it true that the souls of people after death can meet with those whom they loved during life? I think this is of interest to many, especially those whose loved ones have already passed away. I will try to describe to you in detail everything that I have managed to find out so far.

We already know that souls exist at their respective levels, united in large and small groups according to different characteristics. When souls incarnate, they come with certain life goals. And on Earth in physical life there are only those for whom this was initially planned for a given scenario of events (certain scenarios are included in the choice that a person makes at the point of decision-making, at the so-called fork in the road).

People meet on Earth to work out mutually beneficial tasks that were planned for them. Of course, these can be souls from different groups of the same level and from different levels in general. Since everyone exists in a certain place according to their level of development, it is far from necessary that those who were close here will be together there too.

But everything is not so hopeless. In the subtle world, the power of thought has slightly different manifestations - more visible than in the physical world. Any soul can mentally call any other soul to itself and communicate with it as much as it wants. At the same time, taking on those images in which they were most comfortable on Earth. They can even show their love by enveloping each other in a cloud of energy of a certain quality.

But there is another point. Often our close relationships are tied not to spiritual attraction, but to some kind of physical connections. With the death of the physical body, such attachments are destroyed, and souls in the subtle world do not feel such a need to communicate with this person as they do here. That is, everything is possible, but is it necessary? Only the deepest desires of the soul matter here.

It often happens that souls that exist in the same group decide to incarnate together. And they have such a connection over the centuries. In one life they are husband and wife, in another they are mother and son, in the third they are brother and sister, or something else. In such cases, they take on programs that allow them to help each other develop on Earth. And there they are together, and here they are together.

Of course, the kinship of such souls is visible in many manifestations. It happens that a disembodied soul decides to incarnate when it sees that a soul close to it has sharply deviated from the course of its original program. And then, for example, a child is born, and the father, an experienced alcoholic, becomes thanks to this event on the right path.

Yes, in the subtle world we can see everyone who is dear to us if we want to. And the most important thing is that it does not matter at all whether this soul lives in a new body or is still in a subtle state. Why? I'll explain now. This is very important to understand.

The energetic position of man and soul in dimensional space

There are seventy-two dimensions in total. A person in physical embodiment is the level of the third dimension.

For clarity and understanding, as a first approximation, I will describe it this way: a point in space is the first dimension. A flat picture that can be placed on a coordinate plane is the second dimension (it already has, at a minimum, height and length).

A person, like any object in space that has height, length and width, is a three-dimensional object. Or a third dimensional object. These are purely physical indicators. Roughly speaking, just a body without a soul is a three-dimensional object located simultaneously in three dimensions. It can be observed as a point, as a flat picture and as a three-dimensional object. It all depends on the position in which the observer is relative to the object.

The place where souls are ordinary people after death is the sixth dimension, and souls in pure form, without karmic layers - the seventh dimension. Uniting with the human body, this structure becomes six-dimensional (or seven-dimensional, if we take into account the soul in its pure form). And it exists, by analogy with a three-dimensional body, simultaneously in six dimensions.

But our physical brain is initially configured by consciousness to perceive the first three levels. Although the manifestation occurs on all six, it is unconscious.

The physical body is surrounded by the substance of the etheric body. This body keeps the structure in shape and does not allow it to crumble into elementary particles. Serves as a conductor between subtle energies and gross matter. This is a component of the three-dimensional physical body, which contains the soul.

Next comes the astral body, the body of human emotions and desires. This is the fourth dimension. Next is the mental, body of thoughts. This is the fifth dimension. Then the sixth dimension is the karmic or causal body. And the seventh dimension is Atman, connection with God.

Man exists simultaneously in six dimensions. But the physical brain covers only the first three. The soul initially exists in the sixth, but together with the body - in the fifth, fourth and physical.

When infused, the soul does not disappear anywhere, it seems to be stratified and is in all of the listed changes at the same time. And for that part of the soul that is in a person, there is a natural desire to return home - to the seventh dimension.

When people engage in self-discovery and meditative techniques, they free their soul from the clutches of three-dimensional reality and allow it to work with the physical brain, tuning it to perceive the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

To achieve nirvana is to unite all parts of your soul and gain the integrity of your perception of the world. Seeing the world in three dimensions or at least five is a big difference. And the soul will incarnate until it unites with all its parts during life. And then it will continue to develop in the subtle world, in.

The soul fully passes into the seventh dimension when it is freed from the circle of reincarnation and freed from the karmic body. This is precisely why one can clearly understand that even an embodied soul is present in all dimensions and at any level can communicate with those with whom it wishes.

What happens during the dying process of a person

Of course, within the framework of this article it is simply impossible not to touch upon such a burning topic for living people. Let's start with ordinary, natural death.

The natural death of a person can occur only if his life program ends. Absolutely at any age, mainly, of course, in old age. But the program may have different time frames.

When a person dies, his soul simply leaves the three-dimensional body and is in the 4th, 5th, 6th shell. We understand that the fourth sheath is the body of emotions and desires, the fifth is thoughts. This suggests that a soul without a body is the same living person with thoughts and desires, only without a physical shell.

When the soul leaves the body, it still sees and hears. It retains the same qualities as during life, but does not have a physical body. The soul sees how loved ones cry, how funerals are held. She is still impressed by this life and perceives everything like a living person. As a rule, souls try to make themselves known, to attract the attention of loved ones in order to console them, but no one hears them. And they suffer from it themselves.

The fact that a person has died can only impress him due to the effect of surprise. At first, he may even be confused or worried about his family. But very quickly the soul gets used to the idea of ​​another reality. The soul can be close to loved ones for the first three days, or it can visit places that the person loved during life.

The etheric shell holds the soul on the earthly plane. On the third day it disintegrates, the energies are relieved, and the soul rises to the astral plane. There the astral shell disintegrates on the ninth day, after which the soul rises to the mental plane of the Earth. Mentally, on the fortieth day, the mental shell also disintegrates. After which the soul rises to the causal plane, where it undergoes debriefing in its last incarnation. This is what memorial days are associated with.

The sixth sheath is human karma. The soul will be able to shed this body forever only when it leaves the circle of reincarnation and moves into the Hierarchy. Until that moment, the karmic body, like a chronicle of lives, is constantly with her. At this moment, the soul continues to exist in the sixth and seventh dimensions, striving to develop, free itself from the sixth shell and move into pure existence without aggravating energies.

During the process of physical death, very much is released a large number of energy. It happens that a person dies exhausted, after a debilitating illness. Then he may simply not have enough energy for his soul to rise to the necessary planes.

Of course, the souls of people do not leave alone after death. If necessary, they are helped to leave, but the living can also make the transition easier for the soul. For this purpose, a forty-day prayer service is ordered in the church. Prayer is an energy boost for a given soul, which will allow it to easily reach its destination.

Sometimes a person dies an unnatural death - accidents, murders, suicides and so on. We must understand that at all levels of the Universe, except for the Hierarchy of the Devil, souls have the right of free choice. When a person’s life is interrupted unexpectedly for him, this is the work of the same program. A person will never leave this life if this is not in his program. You have to come to terms with this.

Even when a person commits suicide, this option is in his program, but this is the most undesirable option of all possible. Even in this case, a person has the right to choose whether to throw himself under a train or not. In rare cases, it happens that a person, for some reason, tries to commit suicide, which is not in the program. Then he just doesn't die. Lies in a coma while the body heals and comes back.

When a person returns to life after seemingly incompatible injuries, it means he simply did not complete his program. And in this case, no one will take him.

When a person commits suicide, as a rule, he does it under a moment of insanity. A person thinks that in this way he will end his suffering. But the whole point is that the suffering is just beginning. From the very first seconds, as soon as he realizes what happened, he begins to regret, because he sees the situation from the other, less distorted side. He tries to return everything back, but nothing can be returned.

The soul is attached to the body by a silver-colored energy thread (silver thread), and as long as this thread is not broken, the soul can return; if it is broken, there is no way back. The souls of suicides can walk the Earth until the day of their planned death comes. And this is a great torment for the soul - with all human qualities, living among family and friends, when no one accepts you, seeing your wife marry someone else, and so on.

Do all souls rise

Of course, most souls rise, but not all. At all levels of the Universe there is an unshakable right of choice. Well, except for the Devil's Hierarchy, of course. But, by the way, even in this Hierarchy, Essences at high levels of development already acquire this right.

But let's return to souls. Every soul has the right to choose whether to leave or stay. There are such strong attachments to the physical world that even without a body a person is not ready to leave this life. For example, we talked about suicides - often they do not leave, hoping to get everything back.

Very often souls who had honor and glory here do not leave. Academician Gulyaev E.A. gave the example of Yu. Gagarin. When his plane crashed, he was at the peak of his fame. His life was so fabulous that unexpected death became unacceptable to him, and he remained on Earth in an etheric body for many more years until he was helped to leave. By the way, he left the Earthly plane relatively recently.

Such things are often observed among famous people. There may also be murder victims who want revenge, or parents who are not ready to leave their children.

Of course, it is more natural for the soul to immediately rise up and act according to the established plan. But we must understand that a soul that has just lost its body is still the same person, only disembodied. No longer a person, but not yet a soul, it is an essence. And all human desires, passions, thoughts, experiences are completely inherent in it.

For the continued existence of such non-ascended entities, there are two options: to remain in a subtle body and to move in with living people.

An entity can only move in if it is much more powerful than the owner of the body. Very often, addiction is observed in alcoholics or drug addicts. If an alcoholic dies and does not want or cannot leave, he can easily move in with another alcoholic when he is drunk and does not have high energy.

They can inhabit old people or children, or a body that is in a coma. The main thing is that the owner of the body is energetically weaker than the inhabitant. When sharing a home, split personality and other similar deviations may develop. According to the healer E.A. Gulyaev, who works a lot with settlers, he came across people who had up to fifty such settlers.

Naturally, such people can only turn to healers, strong exorcists, priests, and magicians for help, because official psychiatry will never cure this.

What happens between death and birth

The birth of a person on Earth is a very interesting and, of course, largely unknown process. The topic of birth is partially raised in articles and. Here I will try to briefly cover the entire process from the end of one life to the birth of the next.

When the soul is purified from the astral and mental body, it rises to the causal plane of the Earth. Michael Newton describes in detail the processes of elevation and advancement in the subtle world. Passing through distributors and purifiers. I am not referring entirely to his works here. Here, as in all my articles, there is information from various printed and non-print sources, which finds the maximum response in my consciousness and subconscious.

So, the soul, having gone through all the stages of purification, comes to the entrance to its original world. Since she has only recently existed as a certain personality, this personality has the greatest influence on her awareness of herself. The higher ones perfectly understand the experiences of the arriving soul and, in order to alleviate stress, especially for young souls, allow it to be met by those who were close to it throughout life (the last or previous ones) and left earlier.

Often in a state of regressive hypnosis, people talk about meetings with parents, long dead, or loved ones. These people may be at other levels of development. They are called upon only to meet and mitigate the situation. Then they return to their monastery.

Every soul has a Determinant. The essence from the first stage of the Hierarchy of God, which leads one or several souls at the same time, and is interested in the correct and rapid development of the led souls no less than they themselves.

The Determinant grows and develops through the development and growth of the souls subordinate to it. Here one can see the same hierarchical principle of development as everything else in the Universe. The Determinant guides the soul on all levels. If the soul is rapidly developing, it can be given another Determinant, the Essence from higher levels of the Hierarchy.

The Determinant meets the returning soul and guides it to the proper level of existence. In various sources I have seen attempts to describe in detail all the distribution points where souls come and what they do. I don't see the point in this detail yet. The main thing is to understand the general points.

At some stage, when the arriving soul has become accustomed to the situation, the Highest, together with the Determinant, conduct a “debriefing” in its last incarnation. What worked, what didn’t work, what was worked through, what debts there were, what debts were incurred. All this information is recorded in the causal body - the sixth shell.

In general, debriefing is a comparison. When the soul goes to incarnate, it has a multivariate life program. This program is also written in the sixth shell. And after death, these records are simply compared. All program flaws or major mistakes (serious sins) are a complication of the program for the next incarnation.

In the subtle world, the soul develops in the same way between lives. There are an unlimited number of activities there. Basically, it's creativity. In the Hierarchy of the Devil, these are, of course, calculations, programming and implementation of destructive projects.

The soul can stay in the subtle world as long as it wants. It may not incarnate at all and always develop in the subtle world. There, development occurs more easily, since the information is not distorted and processes occur much faster, at the speed of thought.

But such development is less valuable. After all, the most important thing for the soul - it is structured this way - is to move into the Hierarchy of God and then enter the Volume of God. And this is possible only after developing a certain energy set.

IN earthly incarnations such a set is developed much faster than in thin ones. Much heavier, but the more valuable it is. Therefore, the soul, simply wanting to quickly move into a more comfortable existence for it, takes on body after body, person after person, in order to speed up the development process.

When a soul decides to incarnate, the Highest Ones prepare programs for it. There may be several to choose from, maybe just one. A very young soul may not even be introduced to the program, since their programs are often associated with either wars, hunger, or poverty. For starter kit necessary energies it is necessary to go through such cataclysms.

Older and more sophisticated souls, as a rule, introduce the main criteria of the programs and give the opportunity to choose. The selection criteria include place of residence, gender of the future person, family, era and many others.

When the choice is made, the Determinator selects the parents of the future child in accordance with the chosen option. For example, the soul is supposed to be karmically born in the body of a disabled child in order to work out some programs. Such a child can only be born to those parents who must also karmically raise a disabled child.

And if such options happen, it’s just a program that needs to be carried out as worthy as possible. The program of life is a complex system of interconnection of the destinies of different people, points of choice, and turning points of events. Therefore, when a person suddenly commits suicide, it becomes a serious loss for the Higher Ones, since too many lives need to be adjusted in which he had to take part. But the right to choose is the right to choose.

When the program is chosen, all the preparatory moments have been carried out, conception has occurred, the soul receives its causal shell with a new program, descends into the mental plane, receives a mental shell, descends into the astral plane, receives an astral shell. Then, in the etheric plane of the Earth, putting on an ethereal shell, it merges with the body of the fetus.

Various sources describe different periods merging the soul with the body. Seklitova L.A. speaks about the moment of birth, Michael Newton speaks about the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. Other sources indicate completely early dates- second or third week after conception.

I am inclined to think that there are no clearly limited boundaries here, everything is individual. And any of the above deadlines are possible. But whenever this merger occurs, the process of conception is already a process controlled by the Supreme.

There is already a program for the potential fetus that is linked to millions of other programs. And when parents choose to get rid of the fetus, they thereby violate a harmoniously built system, which will definitely affect their karma. Not necessarily in the next life; a person can work off karma in the current incarnation.

Perhaps, while reading, it will seem to you that such a mysterious phenomenon as the soul is somehow presented too simply and has too many humanized features. I also used to think about the soul as something otherworldly and unknown. But a person’s personality is formed not only by a set of chromosomes, but also by a piece of God - the soul. And we are like this because these components shape us this way.

How can they be radically different from what they themselves constitute? After all, a dead person is physically similar to a living person, only there is no energy component in him. This is how the souls of people after death are absolutely the same energetically, only without a physical body.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that the soul is just as happy, sad, experiences, creates and feels absolutely everything that a person does, only without having a physical component, it does not manifest itself so clearly in Earthly reality.

This is how the article turned out. We briefly examined the basic concepts that characterize the existence of the soul between lives. Of course, there is a lot left unsaid here. But these are such deep topics that deserve separate articles, and I will make every effort to please you with new information in the near future.

I also want to address people who may disagree with what is written. Surely the article will be read by those who have long formed their picture of a different reality. Just take from here what is missing for your puzzle. We can only guess, explore, study. But we will be able to find out for sure a little at other stages of our development. A little bit later

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What does the human soul look like? Where does she go after death?

    If there is a soul, then it is immaterial. And it hardly looks like it at all. It's just like a bundle of energy. You. which either simply goes off into infinity to plow the universe, or else it moves into a new being. The kind that she deserved in her previous body. These points of view are more real for me personally, and again, if the soul does exist

    In general, this theory came to me in the 1st year of college, when I was preparing for a test in philosophy.

    I’ll explain it very simply, if you look at the TV and see the same TV behind you, and in that TV you will see the same TV, and if you look through a magnifying glass, then we will see the same TV again and so on ad infinitum. So, doesn’t our soul move after death to another dimension in this way? Because even scientists have established that it exists and has its own weight, so it moves somewhere...

    The soul of a person looks like the person himself while he is alive. The Bible gives a specific answer that the soul of a person is in the blood. As long as a person has the breath of life through which blood circulation is maintained, he is a living soul, which has a functioning organism, memory, feelings, knowledge... After death, the dead know nothing. It is clearly and understandably written, but people continue to believe, like everyone else, in something that does not exist...

    After death, when the soul has shed its physical shell, it moves to the astral plane, where it must become conscious in order to move to the Higher Spheres and shed its astral body of desires. Sometimes this is accompanied by severe suffering, since earthly sensual desires are still very strong, but there is no longer a physical body to realize them. And the soul experiences suffering until the astral body in which it is clothed is destroyed. Usually it takes 40 days. This is precisely the basis of the 40-day commemoration tradition, but not everyone understands the true essence and meaning. After liberation from all earthly elements and desires that attract the soul to the Earth, it is freed from the astral body and moves to the mental plane - the subtle plane of thoughts and mind, for rest before the next birth. Truly, everyone has their own paradise here, all the sublime unrealized dreams of a person are realized here, everyone whom the soul loved is here with it, and the soul receives a reward here for all the injustices that it did not experience during life. Naturally, all this is essentially an illusion. But this is the same illusion as the physical world. Leaving it, the soul ceases to consider it a reality, but when the soul is incarnated in a physical body, it temporarily considers the physical world to be real. Exactly the same there. The soul remains on the mental plane until, by the inexorable law of karma, the time comes for the next incarnation in the physical world to reap the consequences of all the causes generated in the past life. If a person believed in all this during his physical life and prepared his consciousness for all this, then this posthumous time will be quite bright and conscious for him. But the whole paradox is that if a person was an atheist and did not believe in either the soul or God, then his consciousness is atrophied in this regard, and for him there will really be nothing posthumous in terms of awareness in this state, this period will pass for him like an ordinary deep dreamless sleep, as if nothing had happened, and he will wake up when his soul is already embodied in another body, that is, in his next birth on Earth.