Green island in the apartment

Vertical gardens and living paintings are like oases among the concrete walls of new buildings. Is it possible to create a green wall in your apartment yourself, how to choose plants, how difficult it is to care for them, read on.

A living wall of greenery is a fashionable trend in the world of interior design. Harmoniously created compositions are pleasing to the eye and purify the air of dust and harmful substances.

A piece of nature in the house: what is a green wall

The phytowall is a huge structure, similar to a puzzle, which consists of cells with plants - phytomodules. A fashionable green carpet has many advantages for lovers of indoor flowers:

  • saves space;
  • increases humidity, saturates the room with oxygen;
  • does not require special care, as it is usually equipped with an automatic watering system;
  • an excellent screen for zoning the space of a room;
  • Gives you the feeling of summer all year round.

Where can it be used in the interior of an apartment?

Vertical installations made of greenery will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment made in eco style. Phytostructures look impressive in the living room or bedroom. Norwegian designers were the first to offer this option, lining the wall behind the head of the marital bed with moss.

You can create islands of greenery in the bathroom or toilet. The kitchen is another place created for landscaping. Modern designers propose decorating the interior not only with large structures made of plants, but also with living paintings, as well as inscriptions created using moss.

What plants are used to make a living wall in an apartment?

For a vertical garden, it is better to choose plants with a developed root system that can support the weight of the leaves. The stem should be short or curly. Lush bushes with small leaves will also come in handy. Here is a list of greens that fit these criteria:

  1. Ampelous plants. Their distinctive feature is their rapid growth both in height and in breadth, and they curl well.
  2. Varieties of decorative grapes. A wonderful decoration for the kitchen. Some of them bear fruit, although they are not worth eating, but they are quite suitable for decoration.
  3. Saptiphyllum, chlorophytum, other plants like these.
  4. Small succulents and low sanseviers are simply irreplaceable in apartments whose windows face the sunny side and the room is constantly hot.

Use just one type of plant or combine several. For your first living wall project, it is better to choose unpretentious plants that do not require a lot of light or abundant watering.


This plant is suitable for beginners in phytodesign. It is unpretentious, shade-loving, and does not need fertilizer. If the apartment has thin walls, make a wall of moss and forget about noisy neighbors. This plant has excellent soundproofing properties. Usually moss is used, but you can make a composition from ordinary forest moss.

Resin moss is subjected to special treatment. It is preserved, that is, special solutions and dyes are applied to the surface so that its texture is bright, elastic, durable, and also does not rot and is reliably protected from mold and bacteria. Resin moss does not need soil. It is glued to the MDF panel.

Greenery structures should be kept away from children and pets. Parts of the green wall can cause poisoning to the body.

Flower plants

A green wall can sometimes bloom with lush, bright flowers. To diversify the rich green color, you need to provide space for saptiphyllum and anthurium in the phytomodules. These two flowers are called female and male happiness. The combination of white and red will advantageously emphasize the greenery of the florarium.

Beautiful compositions featuring begonias. This plant has many species and a variety of colors. Christmas cactus (Decembrist), Kalanchoe, and violet are well suited for the role of bright accents.

Artificial plants

Many allergy sufferers, pet owners, and people who are often forced to leave home for a long time prefer artificial greenery to natural greenery. It does not create a special microclimate, but it has a number of other advantages:

  • durable and does not require maintenance;
  • safe, does not emit odors;
  • thanks to modern materials, plants look like alive;


Herbs that thrive outdoors can decorate walls inside your home. Most often, housewives grow chives, peppermint, basil, cumin, rosemary, cilantro, lemon balm, sage, etc. in the kitchen. Some set up a vertical garden, harvesting onions, garlic, parsley, celery, and radishes from the phytowall.

Regular lawn grass, wheat sprouts, and seeds of other cereals are used to make the phytowall look like a football field. Seedlings grown from grains are planted in module pockets mounted on the wall.

Green phytocorner of plants and flowers in the apartment: how to make it yourself

To make a living corner of the house, you will need several hours of time, skillful hands and suitable materials and tools. Let's look at how to make a phytowall from felt. This design is lightweight, and to make it you need:

  1. Metal or wooden frame.
  2. Waterproof film. Better than greenhouse. In order to create waterproofing of the rear wall of the structure.
  3. A plastic pipe for irrigation with many small holes and a plug on one side.
  4. Hose. It is attached to the water supply pipe.
  5. Aquarium or fountain pump.
  6. A tray for collecting excess moisture and supplying water to the pump.
  7. A canvas made of felt or other non-rotting material with pockets.

First, sew a fabric organizer with pockets. For seams, use nylon thread. It is strong enough to support the weight of the flowers. The canvas is attached to the frame either with a construction stapler or with glue. Between the frame and the felt you need to lay waterproofing - greenhouse film.

The distance between the phytomodule and the wall must be at least 2 cm for ventilation.

Place a plastic pipe between the fabric and the frame and attach a hose to one end. Place a tray at the bottom of the canvas; it will perform two functions at once: provide the plants with fresh moisture and collect excess water after watering. To plant plants, you need to pull them out of the ground, shake off the roots from the soil and, wrap them in a piece of felt, insert them into a pocket. In a couple of days they will grow through the fabric.

Is it possible to create a picture of flowers in the kitchen?

A phyto-painting can decorate any room, including the kitchen. This part of the house is designed to be decorated with flowers and plants. They can be either living or artificial. A composition of succulents, stones and moss framed by wood and placed in the dining area will look great. The main rule is to create a small picture of flowers in a small kitchen.

What are the conditions for the growth of living plants on a panel of greenery?

Phytowalls are unpretentious structures. All that is needed for living green plants is timely watering. There is no need to spray the florarium, since flowers and herbs only need moisture that evaporates from the soil. But installing additional lighting won’t hurt. This will not only give the green corner an even more attractive appearance, but will also have a beneficial effect on the growth of greenery. It is also necessary to feed the plants in a timely manner and cut off excess shoots and dried leaves.

Painting of blooming flowers at home: what you need

To create a masterpiece of natural art, you will need a regular picture frame, a sheet of plywood of a suitable size, and a wire mesh with small holes. The mesh is usually stapled to the underside of the frame, and moss and universal primer with perlite are laid out on it. All this is secured with plywood.

Peculiarities of observing interior ethics in a neighborhood with a living green corner

In an effort to create a beautiful picture and create comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the house, it is important not to forget about the rules of ethics in the vicinity of living herbs and flowers. Before planting a plant at home, it is important to know its characteristics and care for each species accordingly.

Follow a few rules:

  1. You should not grow plants with a strong smell at home, otherwise you will get headaches.
  2. Say no to flowers and herbs that contain poisons that cause allergies.
  3. Give preference to unpretentious green friends, so as not to accidentally ruin valuable specimens.

Creating a green area in a city apartment is easy and simple. Use the services of phytodesigners or make a small island of green harmony yourself. The main thing is to choose unpretentious plants and care for them regularly.

Useful video

Many women simply cannot live without plants in their apartment. For them, the main attribute of a decent interior is a living wall made of various types of greenery.

But not every lover of the flower world knows and can properly care for a large number of plants at the same time.

Serious disadvantages from the presence of greenery in the apartment

A room or room is tidy if everything that is located there is looked after. Plants cause a lot of trouble to their owners.

It all depends on the economy of the people living in the room. Let's consider everything that can happen if you don't take care of your home.

  1. The apartment, along with the greenery, is covered with moss and cobwebs.
  2. Constant care of the grass and application of fertilizers to the soil is required.
  3. Midges and cockroaches appear, as well as pests on plants. All this moves freely around the room.
  4. Containers in which grass grows may leak after watering.
  5. There is a need for constant watering, wiping the greenery and other cleansing actions.

If you do not carry out all of the above measures, the plants will wither, turn yellow and not germinate further.

It is important to understand: In addition to the room with plants, there are other rooms in the same apartment that also require their own individual approach. The task of which is to create comfort and an atmosphere of family.

Plants begin to turn green and prettier only in an atmosphere of good psychological conditions.

Benefits of Living Green Plants

The wall of densely growing blooming greenery has a man-made creation. Undoubtedly, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon inspire with their splendor. Admiring nature, we feel better.

Spacious green rooms provide more oxygen. In the Middle Ages, and in earlier periods of time, kings specially landscaped their premises. Transforming such housing into heavenly places.

Currently, in apartments, greenery is placed on special vertical structures or scaffolds. Allowing you to become a highlight for the entire room.

Living plants mounted on the wall are in harmony with any furniture. Such a miracle looks unfortunate in small apartments. Although in large rooms this is simply an irreplaceable detail of the overall decor.

Small indoor plants are simply attached to the structure. There is no need to ventilate the premises. The Hanging Garden does not consume oxygen, but rather distributes it. Such greens do not have a very cloying smell.

In contrast to large vegetation.

A selection of living walls

A vertically hanging garden attached to a wall takes root, just like living branches on the ground. Special façade tanks contain soil for indoor flowers.

This land requires special treatment. In this case, it will benefit the residents. For example: humidify the air to the required level and purify the room atmosphere.

Phytowalls begin to degrade due to lack of sunlight. Living walls must be additionally heated.

As a result, such gardens turn into an absurdity without amateur care. How do they spoil the interior of an apartment?

The question arises: Who wants to take extra care of their flowers on the walls when there are much more important things to do?

Flowers are the decoration of any celebration; it is not for nothing that they are given for all holidays and decorate any events. Such a floral pann O can be made from either fresh or artificial flowers . Live ones look more impressive, but the cost of such design will be much higher. A flower wall will be an excellent photo zone for a wedding, anniversary and other events; it can be used to decorate a studio for a photo shoot or a wall in the house (why not). And you can do this without involving any services, with your own hands. Registration e It will take a certain amount of time, but it will be worth it.

Flower wall made of paper flowers.

With a little effort, you can diversify the decor of your event by creating something like this:

So, to make such a panel, you will need:

  • sheets of thick colored paper (one large flower requires A1 paper);
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • paper glue;
  • double sided tape.

On a thick piece of colored paper, draw a pattern, cut it out and fold it like an accordion, as shown in the picture below:

Make a cut at the base of each petal and overlap the petals, of which there should be 6 in total. Glue the lower three first, then the upper ones.

Make a core from paper of a different color. To do this, you need to cut out 2 circles of different sizes. Then we make cuts in a circle from the edge to the center, leaving the middle and using scissors we twist the edges.

Glue the core to the flower.

The next step is to cut out the flower petals and glue them to the bottom. The result should be a flower like this:

Other options for making walls from paper flowers can be viewed at the links below:

Panel of fresh flowers

Decorating a wall with fresh flowers is a little more difficult than with paper ones, since fresh flowers are more delicate and require special care. You can’t make decorations much in advance of the event, because the flowers may wither. Roses, peonies, carnations, lilies, chrysanthemums are ideal, you can also take orchids, but this plant is very fancy and expensive. But, for example, the Dior company used them at its show:

You can decorate an event by fixing a flower panel in a frame, while saving a lot of money.

Man is part of nature and it is quite natural that all people have indoor plants. One can only be amazed at their diversity. They are not only beautiful, but also useful for humans. They humidify the air in the room, absorb carbon dioxide, trap dust, absorb noise, and create shade in hot weather.

Plants are placed in pots and boxes on the floor and window sills, or vertically along the walls, using special structures. Now vertical gardening has become popular, as it saves the space occupied by flowers and, finally, it is simply very beautiful.

There are two types of systems: using soil and hydroponics.

What plants are suitable

To choose the right plants, you need to understand what is required of them:

  • Developed root system;
  • Lack of stems, bushiness;
  • Small size;
  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Climbing plants.

For clarity, you can consider several examples of the most unpretentious plants suitable for beginners. Each of these crops is unpretentious and will allow you to quickly landscape the required area:

Chlorophytum (chlorophytums)– any type of this plant will look good in a vertical composition. It is not only beautiful, but also useful for others, as it accumulates harmful substances and processes them. The dirtier the air in the apartment, the faster it will grow. Can be placed in separate pots in horizontal rows of the structure.

Chlorophytums and ferns.

Philodendron (philodendrons)- a perennial evergreen plant that can grow quickly. It is a climbing plant, translated as “I love a tree.” Has many types. Does not require bright lighting, but loves moisture.

An example of a simple module available for any room. Pileas, rhipsalis and philodendrons were used.

Hedera (ivies)– represent a climbing stem. It has many leaves of simple shape, having from three to seven lobes. They feel good in the shade, are undemanding when it comes to watering, and do not require constant attention. But sometimes you need to water it.

Green wall using ivy, syngoniums and bromeliads.

Epipremnum (scindapsus) is a liana that has beautiful large leaves. It is unpretentious, grows well, so it needs to be pinched. When used in a phytomodule, the pattern holds well. At home it does not bloom, the root system is fibrous. Aerial roots form on the stems and subsequently become woody.

This industrial module uses scindapsus among other crops - for example, the second vertical stripe from the left edge.

Asparagus (asparagus). Growing quickly. Takes up a lot of space. Belongs to the asparagus plant family. It has thin and flexible stems, leaf-shaped shoots resemble needles and act as leaves. It looks airy and weightless. An unpretentious plant. It is used when designing vertical and cascading compositions.

Green walls using asparagus.

Thymus (Tradescantia). Great for indoor breeding. Hangs beautifully in loops. If pruned frequently, it takes the form of a small bush. It has colorful and bright leaves. Undemanding to living conditions.

For the kitchen you can choose a composition of edible plants: onion, dill, parsley, mint. This approach will decorate the room and also provide the family with fresh herbs.

In fact, there are a lot of plants that are suitable for planting in a phytomodule; there are almost no restrictions. Only very capricious plants with special requirements will not be suitable. So the choice of plant for a phytomodule depends on the preferences of the owner. Also, the selection of plant species can be entrusted to a phytodesigner.

Equipment for vertical gardening

The basis of this design includes the following elements:

  • A frame made of wood, metal or PVC, which is installed parallel to the wall.
  • Guides in the form of plates are fixed to the frame.
  • Pots, trays, containers, pockets made of polymer felt, which are installed in rows on plates.
  • Automatic watering systems.
  • Water drainage systems.

Ready-made phytomodules

Products such as phtomodules greatly facilitate the care of indoor plants. They are a plastic structure, the back of which is lined with waterproofing to prevent the wall from getting wet. Dimensions can be from 30 cm x 30 cm, for decorating a painting, to 80 cm x 180 cm, for a wall.

Maintenance is simplified by turning on the automatic watering system. The water supply is switched on by a moisture sensor when the soil dries out. The advantage is also the width, no more than 20 cm. The disadvantage is the rather high price, from 5,500 rubles per square meter.

Buyers respond positively to the products produced by Biosten. Among the advantages are the use of environmentally friendly materials, reasonable prices, and short delivery times.

DIY living walls

When choosing a vertical gardening method, you can save a lot if you make the module yourself. You can use both available materials and those specially purchased in the store.

For example, choose a wall. From floor to ceiling, at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from each other and 5-10 cm from the wall, wooden blocks of 5 cm x 5 cm are attached. Guides of 2.5 cm x 2.5 cm are attached to them. Distance between them is chosen so that the container or tray chosen for planting fits strictly between them. Insert containers across the span and plant plants. It is advisable to use light peat mixtures.

You can simply stretch the mesh and plant any climbing plant under it, which will quickly spread over it.

Automatic watering for vertical gardening

Watering plants can be done manually or automatically. Manual watering is inconvenient because in such a system there can be about 60 plants per square meter.

Self-watering is mainly used. You can do it yourself using flexible tubes (medical droppers). The water tank must be placed above the plants, the water supply must be adjusted, and water must be supplied to each flower. Place a container below to collect excess water.

Another simple design is an aquaglobe. This is a form with a narrow neck into which water is poured. It is inserted upside down into the pot. Water enters the soil until it becomes wet, creating a vacuum in the mold. When the soil dries, it allows air bubbles into the mold and the water begins to moisten the soil again.

"Wick" watering. A bucket or tank is placed under the structure. A cord made of porous material is inserted into each pot at the bottom. Through this channel, water is absorbed into the soil. In this case, the flower consumes as much water as it needs and when it needs it.

If there are a lot of plants in the vertical module, you can buy automatic watering in the store. The prices are different, but the principle is the same. Water is poured into a large container and supplied to the flowers through a system of tubes. The frequency of watering is controlled by a timer.

The system includes the main components:

  • Water tank;
  • The supply tube system includes many tubes of different lengths to feed each flower;
  • Tips made of special material that prevents contamination;
  • Timer responsible for turning on at the right time;
  • Pump;
  • Humidity sensors;
  • Water flow distributor.

Important points in caring for living walls

When using living walls, I take into account the following points:

  1. Sometimes it is not possible to place a module next to a window. Therefore, you need to take care of additional lighting. To do this, you can use fluorescent lamps built into the wall structure. Or install them yourself. Energy-saving lamps work well. They are a little more expensive than regular ones, but consume significantly less energy.
  2. It is necessary to regularly spray the leaves of plants to maintain the required level of humidity, as well as to wash away the dust that settles on them.
  3. Remove dried leaves that interfere with the appearance of new shoots.
  4. Overgrown plants need to be trimmed to maintain a beautiful appearance, and to give freedom to neighboring plants, or to plant them in other pots.
  5. Periodically inspect plants for diseases and pests. This is done to prevent all flowers from becoming infected. Remove the diseased plant and plant another in its place.

If you follow all these rules, the living wall will last a very long time, delighting the owner with its beauty.

Example of vertical gardening design

A very simple module that you can make yourself with minimal cost.

This solution is suitable for a small room. The module is designed in the form of a picture in which several types of plants are presented.

This example is more suitable for decorating large rooms and offices. Plants here occupy a large volume and, accordingly, have a positive effect on the microclimate.

This photo shows that vertical gardening can be used both indoors and outdoors. But this is only possible in milder climatic conditions. When plants can stay green and make people happy all year round.

Master class on video

The material below is a detailed instruction on how to make a green wall with your own hands.

The use of environmentally friendly materials is one of the trends in modern interior decor. The embodiment of this principle in the home will be a phytowall and a phytomodule made by hand from living plants and flowers. Despite the apparent complexity of this element of eco-friendly home decoration, it can be made quite quickly. You will learn the main points of the new technology from this material.

What is phytowall

The phytomodule and phytowall in the interior are a ready-to-use structure on a plastic or other durable base, with fresh flowers and decorative elements planted in special recesses.

At your discretion, the structure can be equipped with an automatic watering system, connection to an alarm system or a smart home panel. The parameters of such decor can vary from 0.5 to 5 m2, depending on the size of the home and the financial capabilities of the owners.

Types of decorative details of a “green wall”

Modern interior design has many faces. There are several types of phytowall in an apartment:

  • Vertical phytowall. This is a voluminous, integral composition in which plants are placed in niches designated for them. Often these are “green” islands, which are located in one place and do not require movement.

  • Phytomodules for vertical gardening are made according to the previous system, but their main difference is their compactness and the ability to be transported from place to place.

  • "Green Picture" These are small-sized elements, and their use is similar to the use of ordinary artistic canvases.

  • Mobile phytowall. It is used in the form of a self-sufficient screen or even a door when using territory zoning. Due to the specific use of decor, its service life is shorter than that of vertical gardening. However, such a fence can enliven any home and arouse the interest and admiration of guests.

  • Ceiling type. The name determines its location. The ceiling or its sections are decorated. Often used in the kitchen or winter garden.

Interesting! The choice of shape depends only on your idea. The basis for flights of fancy and the arrangement of greenery can be columns, cube paintings, and round flower beds.

Life expectancy of phytowalls and modules

The service life of a decorative addition to the interior depends on several factors:

  • vegetation age;
  • level of wear resistance of the base. (when choosing plastic, the period is unlimited).

Important! The average service life is about 7 years.

Advantages of using “green” modules

This design has many advantages not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a practical point of view:

  • natural conditioner due to the ability of greenery to absorb “dirt”;
  • it can be installed anywhere for all dimensions of the apartment;
  • environmental friendliness, high safety and health improvement;
  • the ability to regulate the level of humidity in the room;
  • unlimited design possibilities;
  • increasing the efficiency and concentration of the occupants of the premises;
  • the ability to hide interior defects in the form of wires, ceilings and blind areas.

Do-it-yourself phytowall and phytomodule - step-by-step diagram

It is much easier to purchase an eco-element in a store, but such a solution will cost you a pretty penny. If you are interested in how to make a phytowall with your own hands, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the simple technology.

Start of work on eco-decor

  • decide on the location;
  • develop a design and select vegetation;
  • decide on additional decorative elements;
  • Prepare the materials and begin assembling according to plan.

Rules for collecting eco-module

  • Consider the proximity of light sources.
  • Measure the dimensions and transfer them to the sheet with a contour.
  • Draw out the space into the compartments necessary for each plant.

Selection of ornamental plants

The production of phytowalls involves the use of the following plant filling options:

  • The main background is ivy, fern, tradescantia, dracaenas, zebrins, vines, chlorophytums, etc.
  • Brightness - orchids, succulents, arrowroots, pileas, vriesea, fittonia, etc.

Important! The number of plants in one arrangement depends on your level of gardening experience.

Decorative ideas

Anything that may seem interesting to you is used as additional decor:

  • shells;
  • mirrors;
  • lamps;
  • glass baguettes;
  • improvised waterfalls.

Important! A wall or phytomodule made by yourself will look organic if the additional decor does not disturb the overall composition.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

For your attention the technology of how phytomodules with automatic watering are manufactured.

  • Frame made of boards, metal profile or plastic.
  • Waterproof fabric. It will not allow moisture to seep in. It can be polypropylene or PVC fabric.
  • Tubes of the required cross-section for optimal drip irrigation.

  • Pocket fabric made from felt thread to prevent rotting.
  • Low power submersible pump for pumping up aquarium-type water. The rules are as follows: for walls 1 m high, you need 1.5 m of pump lift height.
  • A suitable tray for collecting excess liquid.
  • Priming. Better hydroponics and expanded clay. They do not wash out and repel insects.

Important! You can see a photo of the module below.

Assembly and installation of an eco-wall

Prepare the following tools:

  • construction stapler and staples;
  • screws;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • scissors.

The action plan is as follows:

  1. Assemble the frame according to the diagram suggested above.
  2. Sew the fabric according to the markings.
  3. Create pockets and finish the seams so that the niches don’t fall apart.
  4. Attach the finished base to a plastic sheet using a stapler or glue. This will not only provide waterproofing, but also give rigidity to the structure.
  5. Attach the base with screws to the wall at a distance of about 2 cm. The distance will provide ventilation and prevent moisture accumulation.
  6. Place a PVC tube in the upper part between the profile and the fabric to ensure watering. The pipe should have a plug on one side, and make many holes along the entire length of the pipe in advance so that the liquid flows evenly to the plants.
  7. Attach the hose to the tube so that it is hidden under the felt.
  8. Place a tray at the bottom of the product to collect liquid.
  9. Install an aquarium pump into it. Connect the pump via a timer - it will work twice a day and turn off after half an hour.
  10. Remove the flowers from the pots one at a time.
  11. Lightly shake off excess soil.
  12. Wrap the roots in felt flaps and wet them with water.
  13. Place the flowers in the pockets according to the diagram.

Important! Carefully make sure that the plants are placed correctly, since they can only be changed in the next 2-3 days. And after that the flowers will already take root in the felt.

How to care for a module or wall with plants

An artificial phytowall needs less maintenance, but a real one creates a special mood and atmosphere in the apartment.

  • If necessary, do not forget to add liquid to the pockets if you decide not to install automatic watering.

  • If your choice falls on a model with automatic watering, then at first pay close attention to the watering schedule - make sure that water is always freely available.

  • Remove dry and dead leaves in a timely manner.
  • A mixture of mineral fertilizers is the best feeding.

  • Trim overgrown shoots.
  • Check the serviceability of the pump and irrigation pipe.

A phytowall made of moss and flowers is simple to make, and at the same time the result is beautiful and original. You will spend many pleasant moments next to this decorative element, you will be able to improve your health and get a charge of vigor and strength.

Video: DIY designer phyto-painting

How to make a “green wall” with your own hands

Urban landscapes outside the window, long hours spent inside offices with a coldly emasculated design, a lot of cars around - all this makes us, city dwellers, yearn for living nature. Not everyone has the opportunity to have their own full-fledged garden, or at least a garden on the balcony, but you can still make your life a little livelier. To do this, you just need to know how to make a “green wall” at home with your own hands. This is a complete benefit for breathing, and for the eyes, and for the nerves.

It may seem that such an undertaking is very costly and time-consuming (just look at the cost of equipment and the fee for specialist services), but this is not so. You can do without a landscape designer and without any special devices. It all depends on what result you consider sufficient.

What types of “green walls” are there?

Before you make a phytowall with your own hands, you should figure out which option suits you best:

Stationary or mobile;
wall or floor;
in the form of a panel or in the form of a cascade of individual pots;
with automatic or manual watering system.

You can classify phytowalls a little differently:

Modular (aka panels);
felt (aka pocket);
container (plants are planted in pots).

How to make a mobile green wall

The simplest option is a phytowall assembled on a vertical stand, that is, container type. It can be unilateral or bilateral. Most often it is a wooden or metal frame on which pots with plants are fixed. You can adapt anything to it, including an old unnecessary chair, a picture frame, an easel, and so on. And you will have the opportunity to grow whatever your heart desires, including not only ornamental plants, but also very utilitarian ones: radishes, herbs and even some varieties of strawberries.

In fact, this is an ordinary shelf for flowers, with the only difference that the pots should be hidden from prying eyes, so the main thing is to choose the right vegetation. Flowers with a shallow root system, with the same “claims” for light and humidity, with a cascade-like or weeping crown are preferred - this will make it easier to disguise the container.

“Green wall” felt

If you are interested in how to make a “green wall” in a full-fledged stationary version, then you will already need special wall pockets. They are usually hung on top of a moisture-proof board, preferably plastic. It (the shield) can be mounted on an aluminum profile or in another way.

Pockets are attached on top, in which we will later place the plants. They can be made from special textiles or ordinary felt. Another fabric that does not rot from water, allows it to pass through, but has a sufficiently fine mesh structure so that the soil does not spill out is also suitable. You can attach the pockets using glue or a furniture stapler.

It doesn’t matter what kind of irrigation system you provide, it is very desirable that at the bottom of our entire “green wall” there is a container where excess water will drain. Such a container can be not only functional, but also beautiful. For example, a rectangular aquarium that can be filled with decorative shells and pebbles is perfect.

Modular phytowall systems

The most difficult to create with your own hands are modular systems, although there are also quite simple designs. The point here is to choose a substrate that will not wake up when it dries, and make (or better yet, purchase - it’s inexpensive) a good drip irrigation system. Then it will be possible to create real wall phyto-paintings - there is such a fashionable trend in interior design today.

Plants for a “green wall”

If you are interested in how to make a “green wall” at home, then one of the most important issues will be the choice of plants. Some will be happy with unpretentious green pets, while others will want more spectacular, but also more capricious indoor flowers. So, the most suitable ones would be:

Spicy herbs, salads, greens (note that some types have deep rhizomes);
ornamental ivies, hops and grapes (also have long roots, but the direction of their growth can be controlled);
succulents (with succulent leaves) - their choice is huge, they are very unpretentious and hold their shape well;
ampels (plants with hanging branches) - among them there are plants with beautiful flowers and simply deciduous ones with decorative leaf color.

A “green wall” in the house is by no means an expensive pleasure; you can cope with the task of creating it yourself. A phytowall will improve the microclimate of any room, decorate it, purify the air and put you in a good mood.

How to make a green corner in your apartment with your own hands using live or artificial plants: a living wall of moss, flowers or herbs on the walls of the kitchen, living room or bedroom

Green island in the apartment

Vertical gardens and living paintings are like oases among the concrete walls of new buildings. Is it possible to create a green wall in your apartment yourself, how to choose plants, how difficult it is to care for them, read on.

A living wall of greenery is a fashionable trend in the world of interior design. Harmoniously created compositions are pleasing to the eye and purify the air of dust and harmful substances.

A piece of nature in the house: what is a green wall

The phytowall is a huge structure, similar to a puzzle, which consists of cells with plants - phytomodules. A fashionable green carpet has many advantages for lovers of indoor flowers:

  • saves space;
  • increases humidity, saturates the room with oxygen;
  • does not require special care, as it is usually equipped with an automatic watering system;
  • an excellent screen for zoning the space of a room;
  • Gives you the feeling of summer all year round.

Where can it be used in the interior of an apartment?

Vertical installations made of greenery will fit perfectly into the interior of an apartment made in eco style. Phytostructures look impressive in the living room or bedroom. Norwegian designers were the first to offer this option, lining the wall behind the head of the marital bed with moss.

You can create islands of greenery in the bathroom or toilet. The kitchen is another place created for landscaping. Modern designers propose decorating the interior not only with large structures made of plants, but also with living paintings, as well as inscriptions created using moss.

What plants are used to make a living wall in an apartment?

For a vertical garden, it is better to choose plants with a developed root system that can support the weight of the leaves. The stem should be short or curly. Lush bushes with small leaves will also come in handy. Here is a list of greens that fit these criteria:

  1. Ampelous plants. Their distinctive feature is their rapid growth both in height and in breadth, and they curl well.
  2. Varieties of decorative grapes. A wonderful decoration for the kitchen. Some of them bear fruit, although they are not worth eating, but they are quite suitable for decoration.
  3. Saptiphyllum, chlorophytum, other plants like these.
  4. Small succulents and low sanseviers are simply irreplaceable in apartments whose windows face the sunny side and the room is constantly hot.

This plant is suitable for beginners in phytodesign. It is unpretentious, shade-loving, and does not need fertilizer. If the apartment has thin walls, make a wall of moss and forget about noisy neighbors. This plant has excellent soundproofing properties. Usually moss is used, but you can make a composition from ordinary forest moss.

Resin moss is subjected to special treatment. It is preserved, that is, special solutions and dyes are applied to the surface so that its texture is bright, elastic, durable, and also does not rot and is reliably protected from mold and bacteria. Resin moss does not need soil. It is glued to the MDF panel.

Flower plants

A green wall can sometimes bloom with lush, bright flowers. To diversify the rich green color, you need to provide space for saptiphyllum and anthurium in the phytomodules. These two flowers are called female and male happiness. The combination of white and red will advantageously emphasize the greenery of the florarium.

Beautiful compositions featuring begonias. This plant has many species and a variety of colors. Christmas cactus (Decembrist), Kalanchoe, and violet are well suited for the role of bright accents.

Artificial plants

Many allergy sufferers, pet owners, and people who are often forced to leave home for a long time prefer artificial greenery to natural greenery. It does not create a special microclimate, but it has a number of other advantages:

  • durable and does not require maintenance;
  • safe, does not emit odors;
  • thanks to modern materials, plants look like alive;


Herbs that thrive outdoors can decorate walls inside your home. Most often, housewives grow chives, peppermint, basil, cumin, rosemary, cilantro, lemon balm, sage, etc. in the kitchen. Some set up a vertical garden, harvesting onions, garlic, parsley, celery, and radishes from the phytowall.

Regular lawn grass, wheat sprouts, and seeds of other cereals are used to make the phytowall look like a football field. Seedlings grown from grains are planted in module pockets mounted on the wall.

Green phytocorner of plants and flowers in the apartment: how to make it yourself

To make a living corner of the house, you will need several hours of time, skillful hands and suitable materials and tools. Let's look at how to make a phytowall from felt. This design is lightweight, and to make it you need:

  1. Metal or wooden frame.
  2. Waterproof film. Better than greenhouse. In order to create waterproofing of the rear wall of the structure.
  3. A plastic pipe for irrigation with many small holes and a plug on one side.
  4. Hose. It is attached to the water supply pipe.
  5. Aquarium or fountain pump.
  6. A tray for collecting excess moisture and supplying water to the pump.
  7. A canvas made of felt or other non-rotting material with pockets.

First, sew a fabric organizer with pockets. For seams, use nylon thread. It is strong enough to support the weight of the flowers. The canvas is attached to the frame either with a construction stapler or with glue. Between the frame and the felt you need to lay waterproofing - greenhouse film.

Place a plastic pipe between the fabric and the frame and attach a hose to one end. Place a tray at the bottom of the canvas; it will perform two functions at once: provide the plants with fresh moisture and collect excess water after watering. To plant plants, you need to pull them out of the ground, shake off the roots from the soil and, wrap them in a piece of felt, insert them into a pocket. In a couple of days they will grow through the fabric.

Is it possible to create a picture of flowers in the kitchen?

A phyto-painting can decorate any room, including the kitchen. This part of the house is designed to be decorated with flowers and plants. They can be either living or artificial. A composition of succulents, stones and moss framed by wood and placed in the dining area will look great. The main rule is to create a small picture of flowers in a small kitchen.

What are the conditions for the growth of living plants on a panel of greenery?

Phytowalls are unpretentious structures. All that is needed for living green plants is timely watering. There is no need to spray the florarium, since flowers and herbs only need moisture that evaporates from the soil. But installing additional lighting won’t hurt. This will not only give the green corner an even more attractive appearance, but will also have a beneficial effect on the growth of greenery. It is also necessary to feed the plants in a timely manner and cut off excess shoots and dried leaves.

Painting of blooming flowers at home: what you need

To create a masterpiece of natural art, you will need a regular picture frame, a sheet of plywood of a suitable size, and a wire mesh with small holes. The mesh is usually stapled to the underside of the frame, and moss and universal primer with perlite are laid out on it. All this is secured with plywood.

Peculiarities of observing interior ethics in a neighborhood with a living green corner

In an effort to create a beautiful picture and create comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the house, it is important not to forget about the rules of ethics in the vicinity of living herbs and flowers. Before planting a plant at home, it is important to know its characteristics and care for each species accordingly.

Follow a few rules:

  1. You should not grow plants with a strong smell at home, otherwise you will get headaches.
  2. Say no to flowers and herbs that contain poisons that cause allergies.
  3. Give preference to unpretentious green friends, so as not to accidentally ruin valuable specimens.

Creating a green area in a city apartment is easy and simple. Use the services of phytodesigners or make a small island of green harmony yourself. The main thing is to choose unpretentious plants and care for them regularly.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself vertical gardening in an apartment

Vertical gardening in an apartment is a fairly popular way today to enliven a home, decorate unsightly walls, and create a visually attractive interior with the help of green spaces growing in a vertical direction.

Vertical gardening is a good solution!

In addition to significant space savings, this method of interior design is a good solution because it creates coolness during hot periods, protects the room from bright rays of the sun and reduces the level of urban noise, divides the apartment into zones if necessary, cleans the air from dust and significantly improves the internal microclimate.

The simplest and long-used solution for vertical wall decoration is planting vines, which, climbing to a height with the help of various devices, hide obvious surface errors. But this method is a thing of the past, and it has been replaced by more advanced technologies and designers’ ideas, in particular, do-it-yourself vertical gardening in an apartment. The photo fully conveys all the originality and beauty of such a bold, but already quite popular idea of ​​the designers.

A little imagination...

You can arrange vertical gardening in an apartment yourself, with just a little effort and the maximum desire to have such incredible beauty in your home. One of the popular elements of vertical gardening is a phytowall - a special structure with plants planted in it.

An original composition can be created using phytomodules characterized by small sizes and various shapes, which are assembled into one composition like a puzzle. A little imagination, and the space of the apartment will be decorated with an extraordinary picture-garden of living green plants. The vertical structure can be purchased in specialized stores, which is quite expensive, or you can try to build it yourself.

Components of the phytomodule

The phytomodule for vertical gardening consists of:

  • a frame (wooden or plastic), sealed on the back side and thus protecting the wall to which it is attached from getting wet and damp;
  • cells placed on a vertical base where plants are planted;
  • water tank;
  • motor for supplying water to the top;
  • humidity sensor, which is installed in store products; at a minimum moisture value, it triggers the automatic watering system (if a certain program for supplying water necessary for the growth and development of plants is set).

Do it yourself!

Do-it-yourself vertical gardening is a process that brings great pleasure when creating your own green composition, unlike anyone else’s. Of course, you should start with the construction of a phytomodule - the basis of a living picture. To do this, you need to attach a film, preferably greenhouse film, to the frame, which can be made of boards or PVC, using a stapler (this will create waterproofing), and attach a water container to the bottom of the frame to collect excess liquid after watering the plants. Pockets for planting green beauty are made of felt fabric (or any other fabric that is not subject to rotting) and are also attached to the base.

Store-bought models often have a drip irrigation system, which you can also try to do yourself using available material. At the top point of the structure, you need to secure a reservoir with a lid, attach to it a medical dropper system with small punctures made in advance (using a needle) and distribute it evenly over the entire area of ​​the vertical field.

Types of vertical gardening

You can add originality and individuality to a room in different ways. For example, hanging baskets with special slits on the sides will look interesting. Plants are planted in them, forming a bright, spectacular ball. To retain soil and moisture, the inside of the basket is lined with material that does not allow moisture to pass through and holds the soil well; this could be coconut fibers, wool or waste from wood processing.

The most complex and original design of vertical gardening is a phytowall - a giant-sized curtain made of porous material with many pockets in which various house flowers are planted.

An excellent option for vertical gardening is a phyto-picture (otherwise known as a phytomodule), designed independently. To create it, it is recommended to purchase a picture frame, a plywood sheet the size of the purchased frame, and a wire mesh with small holes (sold in any construction market). The frame needs to be turned upside down and the wire mesh secured to it using a stapler (furniture or construction).

Then, without turning the future masterpiece over, you need to lay moss and universal soil with added perlite on the mesh, and secure it all with plywood. Next, you should plant the plantings using a stick: first, give priority to large specimens, and then complete the picture with small details using small plants. In order for the latter to take root well, they should be left in this position for two weeks, watered by spraying. And then the fruit of your imagination, characterized by a variety of colors and unpredictability of shapes, can be installed vertically and admire such beauty with sincere delight.

Advantages of the vertical gardening method

Do-it-yourself vertical gardening has enough advantages for every owner to try to diversify and decorate their home in this way.

  1. Green walls create a huge aesthetic effect; they look fresh, elegant and noble.
  2. The design (phytowall or phytomodule) allows you to collect a huge number of plants in a small area, which saves space.
  3. The weight of the structure is relatively small, which makes it possible to attach the phytomodule to the wall.
  4. There is the possibility of automatic watering, which greatly simplifies caring for plants.
  5. Plants are planted without soil, which guarantees cleanliness.

Green harmony in everyday life

Almost all small green plants are suitable for vertical gardening. They are planted in pre-prepared cells, each of which needs to be filled by a third with fine expanded clay. It is recommended to use sphagnum moss as a planting soil, a characteristic feature of which is complete absorption of moisture and its long-term retention. Moss also has disinfectant and antibacterial properties, which prevents the development of fungal diseases of plants and protects them from rotting.

To properly perform vertical gardening in an apartment, you need to know how to plant flowers in cells correctly. To do this, you need to shake off all the soil from the plant, shorten the tips of the roots by a couple of centimeters, which are then wrapped in damp sphagnum. In this form, the flower must be placed in a pocket; It is recommended to fill the remaining voids with moss. It is recommended to plant plants in one piece so that the greenery completely covers the planned area.

Features of planting plants in a felt phytomodule

Plants for vertical gardening are planted in a felt phytomodule a little differently than in a PVC structure. The roots need to be shaken off the ground, washed, shortened and wrapped with prepared soil in pieces of felt fabric. Then insert the resulting pot with the plant into your pocket. Plants require the use of special soil, which is much lighter than ordinary soil, which makes the structure lightweight. To retain water, you need to add some sphagnum moss to the soil.

Such a phytosystem is often not equipped with an automatic watering system, so the plants need to be watered as the soil dries out. With proper and careful use of the structure and timely care of plants, such a phytowall will serve faithfully for about 5 years.

Caring for vertical composition plants

So, the original composition already pleases household members with a fresh look and the advantage of green color. What's next? Vertical gardening in an apartment requires mandatory plant care, which consists of periodically adding water and various fertilizers to the automatic watering tank. There is no need to spray the plants, because peat evaporates moisture, thereby creating comfortable humidity and the special microclimate required by the plants. As it grows, it is necessary to remove dried flowers and leaves and trim protruding shoots.

How to choose the right plants?

Vertical gardening in an apartment (photo) requires a competent selection of plants: the most suitable specimens are those with short or curly stems and a well-developed root system that can be firmly held in a vertical position.

It is optimal if the leaves are bushy and small in size. Ampelous plants climb well and grow quickly, covering the entire structure, in particular hoya, scindapsus, spathiphyllum, chlorophytum, fittonia, fatsia, ivy-shaped philodendron. If frequent watering is not possible or in a hot room, you can effectively place a composition of low sansevierias, ground covers (thyme, bryozoan, yasnotka, jasmine, goat weed), small succulents (sedum, young, sedum) or mosses of different varieties; they retain the given shape of the composition for a long time and are able to do without watering for a long time.

Plants for vertical gardening in an apartment, such as cacti, will look original in the intended composition. You can use one type of plant and plant, for example, only spathiphyllum or anthurium, or create a harmonious composition of flowers of different types. A composition of herbs, small varieties of lettuce, dill, basil and mint would look very appropriate in the kitchen.

Lighting is an important aspect when vertically gardening an apartment

Vertical gardening in an apartment with your own hands requires a small but very important nuance - lighting, thanks to which you can stylishly highlight the created composition. Lamps can be mounted using decorative self-tapping screws, pointing them at plants, in a phyto-picture (top, bottom, sides).

A special effect of the green composition will be given by LED lighting, for the arrangement of which you need to attach a wooden block on top and on the back side of the frame. Glue the LED strip with double-sided tape along the free edges of the structure and at the back and connect it to the power supply. The switched on lighting will create the effect of a vertical composition floating in the air.