Experienced beekeepers, in order to save time and space in their own apiary, try to use bee pavilions. They can be of several types, namely mobile and stationary. Before using such an idea, you need to weigh all the pros and cons and understand the design drawings.

Design idea

Drawing. General form pavilion
1 - wheel; 2 - platform; 3 - box; 4 — brake system; 5 — electrical equipment system; 7 — hive compartments; 8 - room for the beekeeper; 9 — service ladder; 10 - roof covering; 11 — hatch; 12 — exhaust shaft; 13 — tap hole; 14 — vertical separator; 15 — arrival board; 16 - window; 17 — entrance slits; 18 - volumetric figures; 19 — horizontal separator; 20 - technological ladder.

Mobile and stationary pavilions for bee families will help save space in the apiary. In addition, with their help you can make wintering and keeping bees easier, as well as significantly increase the percentage of yield. You can build it yourself, but you will need special drawings. The mobile pavilion is mobile, so it can be easily moved to suitable locations, such as flowering centers at specific times. When designing, you can use vans or truck trailers, drawing up a drawing of the device according to the appropriate size.

As for the stationary pavilion for bees, it does not have high mobility. It is not put on wheels. It is installed at a specific location in the apiary for a long period of time. The main purpose of the device is to facilitate the wintering and maintenance of bees, as well as to save space.

In beekeeping, there is a rule that implies that all bees must be completely safe, especially during the winter. Cassette pavilions are extremely popular. You can make them yourself. When constructing them, it is important to take into account the main features of the parameters of the automotive equipment acting as the tractor of the device. A self-made cassette pavilion for bees must fit into a van or trailer so that there is free space for the beekeeper to work (a small cubby).

The cassette bee pavilion resembles a kind of chest of drawers, in which hives with bees are located in separate cabinets, independent of each other. Thus, the process of keeping and wintering bees is simplified, and it is easy for the beekeeper to carry out all the necessary activities. The cassette structure can be easily moved to a specific area with honey plants. The beekeeper can do this manipulation independently, without using a face mask or a smoker.

Pros and cons

Beekeeping in pavilions has many advantages. Each of the bee families is in a separate cassette, so maintaining the apiary becomes easier. To inspect a family of bees, you do not need to disturb all the insects; it is enough to select one cassette of the pavilion. The amount of honey produced is significantly greater than that obtained from bees kept in other types of hives. This is explained by the fact that such pavilions can be easily moved to a place located close to a cluster of honey plants. Insects survive winter well in such structures.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that the families are too close to each other. They often confuse the hives, and queen bees get lost among the houses. Beekeepers may find it difficult to work due to the cramped hives.

When constructing a structure, it is necessary to take into account the number of families that will be contained in it. Professional beekeepers recommend sticking to the drawings and the dimensions indicated in them. It is necessary to consider the lighting, ventilation, and heating systems.

Before starting construction, you should prepare boards, plywood sheets, metal products, nails and other tools and materials. First it is built metal carcass, then the roof and walls of the pavilion are sheathed.


There are mobile and non-mobile houses for keeping bee families. If it is important for the beekeeper to be able to move the pavilion to select areas with a large number of honey collections, it is better to choose a mobile type. When the beekeeper allows his insects to take care of finding pollination sites on their own, a permanent pavilion can be set up.



This type of pavilion resembles a trailer. There is a beekeeper's pantry and beehives on it. It is recommended to arrange the beekeeper’s room in such a way that it has a passageway - this way the beekeeper will have easy access to the houses.

DIY making

You can construct a pavilion designed for bees with your own hands. First you need to select competent drawings and mini-schemes (shown below) that will meet all construction conditions:

  • optimal trailer or van size;
  • internal heating function;
  • presence of living and working compartments;
  • mandatory lighting of the passage located between the change house and the hive with bees;
  • the presence of a folding platform and ladders;
  • the main condition is ventilation, since without it unwanted dampness and mold will appear;
  • luggage compartment - a kind of tier above the hives where the bees are located, as well as under the bottom of the device, they can be used to store all the necessary things and equipment;
  • thermal insulation for walls and roofs, which can be constructed using a layer of various insulation materials.

Drawings of a mobile pavilion for 14 bee families

The number of sections must correspond to the parameters of the pavilion. Skilled beekeepers advise using no more than 20 sections, otherwise the bees will constantly interfere with each other. First you need to assemble the body to divide it into the number of sections. They are allocated for placing frames according to construction plans. Then all the elements are assembled into a single device, covered with a roof. For this you will need certain experience

and the ability to work with various raw materials, namely metal, wood and other materials.

If the device for bees will be placed in a van, then 3 tiers of hives should be mounted on 2 sides, leaving a passage between them for the beekeeper. For convenience, hatches or windows can be placed above the working passage to provide natural light. To obtain artificial light, you can use a solar panel, batteries and transformers. However, many beekeepers use simple flashlights.

Wintering plays an important role in beekeeping, since the future harvest and the condition of bee families depend on it. In order for wintering to be successful, it is necessary to pay special attention to the insulation of the structure. You can install a layer using conventional construction insulation. If desired, you can use sheets of roofing felt, placing them above the floor and between the plywood ones. For a warmer winter in beekeeping, the front door is insulated using roofing iron.

Pavilions for bees are a simple structure that can be built even by inexperienced beekeepers. The main thing is to correctly calculate the parameters of the room and use durable materials. If you wish, you can buy finished design or order its construction from professionals.

The classic apiary occupies a large space. Pavilions for bees can significantly reduce the location of hives, located vertically in several rows.

Make budget options You can build similar structures (both mobile and stationary) yourself. To do this, you should draw up a drawing with exact measurements, stock up on the necessary materials and strictly follow the construction plan.

Important! For pavilion beekeeping, special breeds of Carpathian and black bees are used. Insects are characterized by calmness, friendliness, and ability to survive in confined spaces.

Product Features

Thanks to them, it is possible to achieve improvements in the following indicators:

  • high bribes due to movement to places of large concentration of flowering honey plants;
  • collection of various different varieties honey;
  • simple pumping;
  • saving space in the apiary;
  • simple care of bee colonies, maintenance of the premises itself.

Advantages of keeping bees in pavilions

  • Mobility. The mobile pavilion is easy to transport from one place to another.
  • Space saving. The compact arrangement of the hives does not require a large area.
  • Increased yield. This is facilitated by the ability to transport hives to new honey-bearing places depending on the time of flowering of plants, which ultimately increases the volume of honey by 2 times compared to a regular apiary.
  • Obtaining different types of honey. During the season, a mobile apiary is installed in several places, which gives this result.
  • Ease of maintenance and security. The bee pavilion does not require additional work to insulate the hives before wintering. You can work in any climatic conditions. A cassette hive is lighter and smaller than a regular hive, so one person can handle its movement.

Types of beekeeping pavilions

If we talk about the fundamental differences between the pavilions, there are only two of them. Structures can be mobile or stationary.

If the apiary is located in difficult conditions and the bees are faced with the task of pollinating a small area, then you can limit yourself to a small pavilion for 12-15 families.

The usual way of such organization is with hives lined up in rows.

The minor differences are in size, design and other minor details.

Cassette pavilion

A cassette-type bee pavilion is extremely useful for its ability to carry out anti-varroa measures in the absence of brood, even in late autumn.

If a large pollination area is expected, then the best option for a pavilion is a design with compartments for 20-30 families, but if bees are kept in difficult climatic conditions, a pavilion for 15 families will be sufficient. And such an event can be carried out directly in the hive compartments.

The big advantage is that the hives do not need to be loaded and unloaded every time; they can be permanently stored in the pavilion.

Even the winter huts of bees are excellent in it, because when using ordinary hives you have to acquire special winter hives.

Also, such a pavilion has a beekeeper’s pantry, which provides storage of beekeeping equipment.

Caring for an apiary housed in such a structure is practically no different from maintaining hives under normal conditions.

In addition, this design is convenient when moving and installing in the area of ​​honey plants.

Mobile pavilion for bees

Beekeepers build a mobile installation for working with bees to move bee families and change apiary locations.

In the process of building a stationary pavilion for bees, you need to decide on the number of sections. Experts recommend limiting yourself to 20 sections, because if there are more, the insects will interfere with each other.

In one season, a mobile pavilion can be installed in several places where honey plants bloom at different times. It must be said that the advantages of such a design as a bee pavilion outweigh all its possible disadvantages.

Also, if the pavilion is placed in a van or trailer, the disadvantage may be that it is cramped and the conditions in which it is not very convenient to work.

Before the onset of cold weather, the bee pavilion must be thoroughly insulated. Experts recommend using building insulation materials, creating an additional layer of them. In addition, it is necessary to close all the cracks to protect the apiary from draft winds.
Thus, beekeepers receive several advantages at once, among which the main ones are:

  • increasing the volume of honey produced;
  • variety of varieties.

Internal device

Equipped at their own discretion, taking into account the basic conditions necessary for comfortable work:

  • hives are installed in 2 or 3 floors on the sides of the van;
  • there must be a passage between the rows that will allow bee colonies to be served;
  • space is left between the hives so that frames can be stored;
  • a room is equipped in which work and free time beekeeper.
  • In such pavilions, bees can spend winters calmly - no additional investments will be required for the construction of wintering houses.

Ventilation in the pavilion for bees

Natural ventilation from spring to autumn is provided by ventilation through windows and doors. In winter, a lot of dampness accumulates inside and around the cassette modules. Humidity increases greatly in stationary houses on strip foundations.

First important rule keeping bees is the presence of high-quality heating and ventilation inside the pavilion. In winter, death is detected by inspection. If a good microclimate is maintained inside the pavilion, the bees practically do not die. Feeding is carried out through feeders.

It is convenient to make glass windows or hatches above the passage in the roof in order to create natural light. The same windows should be provided in the cabins. Artificial lighting can be made using batteries, transformers or using solar panels

They are attached to the doors of cassette modules. The amount of feed is checked by inspection through the transparent wall of the feeder. In February, Kandy is used for feeding. To prevent the food from drying out, it is covered with film on top.

Based on reasonable considerations, it is better to install non-mobile buildings on columnar or pile foundations. Additionally, supply and exhaust ducts with adjustable dampers are equipped.

Natural ventilation is arranged so that in winter moisture escapes along with stale air, and heat is retained in the modules.

It’s good if the beekeeper’s cabin has two exits – one outside, the other into the room with the hives. In the second case, doors on hinges are inconvenient; it is better to make them sliding, or to separate the compartments with a curtain. The living compartment should have a place to work, a table for printing honeycombs, and lockers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Throughout this topic, the benefits are clearly visible. But there are no shortcomings. They exist, although not so many.

  1. The hives in the pavilions are located close, almost close to each other. Bees can confuse houses.
  2. Almost the entire structure is assembled from flammable materials. At dangerous situation all this flares up and burns out instantly. It will not be possible to save the bees. Chemicals repel bees.

Most modern beekeepers strive to optimize their business to reduce costs. This takes beekeeping to a new, higher level.

Performing thermal insulation

This function should be performed by environmental materials such as cork, natural flax fibers, mineral wool or glass wool. It is easiest to work with cork panels, as they are easy to process and quite simple to attach.

But difficulties arise with the use of fiber and cotton insulation. Here you need to monitor the distribution on the plane so that the material lies evenly, without voids. And then, using the lathing, press the insulation against the wall.


A bee pavilion initially requires manufacturing costs. In the future, bee maintenance will be simplified, the beekeeper will receive more honey, insects will endure winter more easily, and the amount of death will be reduced.

Observing simple rules keeping bees, you will be able to avoid problems. The advantages of keeping insects in pavilions outweigh all the disadvantages. Build such an apiary, having at hand a well-drawn drawing and that’s it necessary materials, not difficult.

The idea of ​​a comprehensive arrangement of an apiary, in which several families can be conveniently placed and transported at once, sooner or later comes to the mind of every beekeeper. There is nothing original in it, and experienced beekeepers have been implementing such designs for a long time. A classic bee pavilion is in some ways comparable to a dormitory or apartment building, which also accommodates different families. But such structures also have one feature - they provide the possibility of transportation from place to place.

General information about bee pavilions

It would be wrong to classify such pavilions as specialized living quarters for honey growers. This is not entirely true, since the design is designed more for the technical organization and maintenance of the houses themselves with entrances. Moreover, the mobile pavilion for bees in the basic concept was designed precisely as a means of increasing the convenience of operating apiaries. The owner rather than the insects receives the benefits of this method of keeping bees.

However, indirectly, bees also have certain benefits from such an organization of life. Firstly, the portable design saves the beekeeper from unnecessary manipulations with the houses, therefore, the honey plants are less worried if they need to relocate their place of residence. Secondly, it eliminates the need to arrange a separate place for wintering, which in itself is a serious problem in cold regions. A high-quality insulated bee pavilion provides optimal microclimate at any time of the year. It turns out that this benefits everyone.

Bee pavilion design

By technical device The pavilion is a metal-wood base with several tiers, in which a special place is given to the chassis. There are different approaches to its implementation. For example, large professional farms design structures with the possibility of further installation on a truck, depending on the size of the pavilion. The central part of the structure is the frame frame. The most advantageous design of a bee pavilion from the point of view of mobile operation involves the use of rolled metal profiles to which the brackets of the rear and front springs are fixed. Under the roof on a frame there are hives fastened together and attached with screws to the racks. For the manufacture of the latter, traditional wood-plywood panels are used, allowing the possibility of integrating magazine extensions. Some versions also provide for the installation of a veranda with a blind latch.

Types of designs

Design models differ according to many criteria that determine the classification of pavilions. First of all, experts divide objects by the number of families. Minimal amount equals 10. Such structures are usually used on large areas. They can be easily relocated to an area and at the same time disturb the bees less during transportation. The traditional cassette pavilion for bees includes large quantities hives - up to 30. It is more advisable to use such structures in small areas. There are also classifications of pavilions, which are based on differences in the structure of the houses themselves. For example, windows of different designs and special ventilation systems can be installed on the walls. Approaches to organizing the possibility of a spring flight also differ. Advanced projects are designed for the construction of bee eliminators.

Pavilion dimensions

Typical average projects provide a pavilion length of 6-7 m, a width of 2 to 3 m and a height of about 3 m. These dimensions meet the requirements of the traffic police, which is important when transporting pavilions on public roads. As for the indoor parameters, the height is usually about 2 m, and the passages between the houses are 70-80 cm. When calculating the dimensions, it is important not to forget that the thickness of the walls will be influenced not only by the main material, but also by finishing in the form of insulation. Typically, the bee pavilion is additionally provided with a layer of polystyrene foam, the thickness of which can reach 2 cm. As finishing cladding Three-layer plywood is used to cover the insulation. If, in the case of foam insulation, the material parameters are calculated taking into account the requirements for the local climate, then exterior finishing must be as durable as possible. That is, three-layer plywood can be considered as the best option.

Tools and materials for the construction of the pavilion

In the manufacture of a structure, much depends on the quality of the element base, so you should not skimp on materials. The basic set of tools should include carpentry and plumbing kits. It would also be a good idea to provide welding tools, a jack, measuring devices and paint brushes. Supplies you will need are nails, paint, and hinges for windows and doors. Depending on the initial plan, the answer to the question of how to make a pavilion for bees with your own hands may involve different approaches to constructing the basic structure. If you are planning for a small pavilion, then you can focus on wood-based materials - in particular, give preference to fiberboard or chipboard panels. Massive structures, on the contrary, should preferably be made using metal sheets. By the way, the frame base will also have to be made of stainless steel.

Installation work

In work operations, you should proceed from the characteristics of the trailer chosen as the platform for the pavilion. It should be leveled using a jack and leveling tools. If there are sides and floors, they must be removed. All parts that, according to the project, form the basis of the structure are made only from new materials. Work begins with the installation of a metal skeleton - a frame is formed from the prepared frames. Wooden strips are then screwed to the technological holes, similar to the type of sheathing. It will be possible to make a high-quality bee pavilion with your own hands only if the mounting points were initially correctly placed. These are points in the metal corners through which the sheathing elements are fixed to the metal using self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws. Wooden or metal panels are installed on the sheathing. At the final stage, it is necessary to provide the structure with windows and doors.

Performing thermal insulation

The issues of creating an optimal microclimate for the life of bees are key in the arrangement of traditional hives, and, of course, they are of significant importance in the construction of mobile apiaries. Since the maintenance of bees in pavilions is calculated on winter period, the creation of appropriate thermal insulation is required. The insulation function can be performed primarily by environmentally friendly materials, which at the same time are suitable for installation in the structure in question. This can be cork, natural flax fibers or traditional mineral wool. From an installation point of view, it is more advisable to use cork panels, since they are easy to process and can be attached to hardware without much difficulty. The situation is more complicated with fiber and cotton insulators. They will have to be laid out on a vertical plane, ensuring uniformity and the absence of voids. Next, you can apply the principle of lathing, the elements of which will press the material against the wall.

Pros and cons of bee pavilions

The advantages of cluster housing of bee families are obvious and are emphasized by many experts. First of all, the pavilion makes it easier for the owner to care for and maintain the farm. For example, feeding is simplified and families develop faster. Since the design of the pavilion for bees is designed with the ability to move, its advantages include increasing the efficiency of the pollination-honey process. Timely moving of houses to the most advantageous places on a beekeeping farm ultimately affects both the improvement of the quality of the honey itself and the health of insects. If we talk about the minuses, then perhaps the only significant drawback of the pavilions will be the close proximity of the bee colonies to each other. But the problems of the internal organization of life depend on how the design and houses are initially suitable for supporting specific families.


Despite all the advantages of mobile pavilions for bees, their use is not always justified. Most often, owners of large apiaries resort to such structures, where it really makes sense to move the hives. If we're talking about On a modest farm, a bee pavilion may be unnecessary. In any case, keeping several families in separate houses is in no way inferior to the cassette organization of the life of honey plants, if the processes of feeding and care are properly organized. Another thing is that pavilions have obvious advantages from the point of view of comfortable maintenance of large bee farms that require increased attention.

To save space and time in the apiary, beekeepers use pavilions with hives. They are mobile and stationary. Today we offer to learn more about bee pavilions, whether it is better to make them yourself or buy them, about keeping bees in cassette pavilions, and the best design drawings.

Design idea

Pavilions for bees, both mobile and stationary, help not only save time and space in the apiary, but also increase productivity, simplify preparation for wintering and make it easier to keep bees in the apiary.

Mobile pavilion in a truck trailer

Mobile pavilion, moreover, it has mobility - it can easily be moved to flowering areas of nectar collectors at the right time. Most often, such a mobile pavilion is made by hand in trailers or truck vans, adjusting the design drawings to its size.

The pavilion for bees is stationary and not so mobile, it is not placed on wheels, and is most often installed on for a long time in a specific apiary. Its purpose is to save apiary space and make it easier to maintain bee colonies.

Stationary pavilion in Germany

Mobile cassette pavilions are especially popular among beekeepers. s. When constructing a pavilion with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the main parametric features of the vehicle that will serve as a tractor for the structure. The cassette pavilion must “fit” into the van in such a way that there is easy access to all hives and that there remains workplace for the beekeeper, a small closet for work.

A cassette pavilion is a structure similar to a chest of drawers - each hive is located in a separate cabinet, which is independent from the others. Keeping bees is simplified - it is easier for the beekeeper to carry out anti-varroa measures if there is no brood, even late in the fall. In addition, this design for bees can be easily moved to the territory of honey plants. Moreover, the beekeeper can do this alone - and he will not need either a smoker or a face mask. With the usual keeping of bees in hives, moving them is always a long and labor-intensive process.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is much easier to keep bees in such pavilions. Each bee colony lives in its own compartment - a cassette. To inspect any home, the beekeeper simply needs to remove the cassette from the common “cabinet” without disturbing other bee colonies.

The big advantage of a bee pavilion is that the honey yield in them is one and a half to two times greater than when maintaining ordinary individual hives. This occurs due to the possibility of their mobile movement so that the honey collection is in close proximity to the bee hives.

The mobility of the mobile pavilion also facilitates the production of several varieties of honey from the same bee colonies. Depending on the territory and the time of flowering of honey collections, hives move from one apiary to another.

In such pavilions, bees can spend winters calmly - no additional investments will be required for the construction of wintering houses.

The disadvantages include the close proximity of bee colonies to each other. Because of this, they can wander and confuse their homes. Problems arise in maintaining bee colonies: the formation of layering, loss of queen bees flying away to mate.

Also, if the pavilion is placed in a van or trailer, the disadvantage may be that it is cramped and the conditions in which it is not very convenient to work.

When developing drawings and installation, you need to take into account the fact that the cells are separated - otherwise, in order to get the lower hive in the cell, you have to remove the two upper tiers of the hives.

DIY pavilion

It is quite possible to make a pavilion for bees with your own hands. You need to start by preparing or finding well-designed drawings that satisfy the basic conditions:

  • Suitable sizes for van or trailer;
  • Equipment for working and living compartments;
  • Possibility of heating inside;
  • Provide thermal insulation for the roof and walls of the structure, making it a layer of any suitable insulation;
  • Lighting of the working passage between the hives and the hives;
  • Ventilation – to avoid dampness in the pavilion;
  • The technical tier above the hives and below the bottom of the pavilion is the luggage compartment. They are useful for storing equipment, hives for layering;
  • The need and availability of ladders and folding platforms.

Now let’s tell you a little more about the arrangement of the structure. The number of sections should be based on the size of the pavilion, but experienced beekeepers do not recommend making more than twenty, otherwise the bees will interfere with each other. At the very beginning, the body is assembled and divided into sections. Frames are placed in them according to the accepted drawings. Everything is assembled into a single structure and covered with a roof.

1 - roof with ventilation slots, 2 - upper anti-mite grille, 3 - landing boards, 4 - central entrance, 5 - slotted entrance, 6, 8 - retractable tray with lower anti-mite grille, 7 - support posts, 9 - removable table, 10 - honeycomb frames, 11 - runners, 12 - doors, 13 - cap hooks.

It’s not very easy to do it yourself; you need certain skills in working with wood, metal and related equipment. But the result of the work is difficult to overestimate.

If your bee pavilion is located in a van, then it is better to mount the hives in the working compartment in three tiers on both sides, leaving a working passage between them. It is convenient to make glass windows or hatches above the passage in the roof to create natural light. The same windows should be provided in the cabins. Artificial lighting can be done using batteries, transformers or using solar panels. Some beekeepers make do with regular flashlights.

Drawing - a mobile pavilion for 14 bee families with hives placed in one tier

In a stationary design, the compartments can be arranged in one row, without a second row opposite. In this case, the valves cover the hives, practically closing with them.

Pay attention to the insulation of the pavilion, since the bees will have to spend the winter here. Make a layer of insulating material (any construction household insulation) or roofing felt between two sheets of plywood along the walls and above the floor of the pavilion. Then keeping bees in winter will not cause concern. Entrance door also insulated with roofing iron. Double walls will help you not to overheat in the summer.

It’s good if the beekeeper’s cabin has two exits – one outside, the other into the room with the hives. In the second case, doors on hinges are inconvenient; it is better to make them sliding, or to separate the compartments with a curtain. The living compartment should have a place to work, a table for printing honeycombs, and lockers.

We bring you another one practical advice experienced beekeeper:

For better orientation of the bees, the pavilion should be painted in a bright, attractive color on the outside; yellow is preferred. The roof is also painted with oil paint, but in several colors - blue, red and others. The embrasures of the hives are also multi-colored. But it’s better not to paint the boards on the window sills - they are “migratory” for bees.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that all materials used for the construction of the pavilion are flammable. There is a high risk of fire, so Experienced beekeepers do not recommend using open fire inside the pavilion.

Buying ready-made pavilions today will not be a problem. Present on the market various designs different sizes, from different materials, the price accordingly ranges from cheap to expensive options.

Beekeeping is a rather troublesome business, but very profitable. The main thing is to prevent diseases and increase the strength of the bee colony. There are no calendars for insects, so they need to create conditions for a favorable wintering. This is done in order to increase the amount of nectar brought in the next season. The best option The solution to this issue is a pavilion for bees.

With the advent of such a structure as the pavilion, beekeeping reached new level. This DIY structure can accommodate more than 10 families. The most important thing is to separate families with plywood partitions so that insects do not interfere with each other’s living and working.

A bee pavilion is a very advantageous design in an apiary, as it significantly saves space, which can be rationally used for other needs. There are different types of bee houses: stationary and mobile. Even a beginner in this field can build a bee pavilion with his own hands.

Pavilion for bees

How to build it yourself

To build a structure, you must first make a drawing on which everything will be marked down to the smallest detail. This will make the work much easier later.

Note! To ensure that bee families do not interfere with each other, it is recommended to construct a pavilion for no more than 25 families.

The bee house plan has some requirements for appearance and internal content:

  • The dimensions of the structure should be correctly calculated;
  • The bee house must be equipped with both working premises and premises for household needs;
  • The drawing must include a ventilation system;
  • It is recommended to consider lighting for the beehouse and its heating during the cold season;
  • IN mandatory a place should be allocated in which work equipment will be stored.

You will also need the material from which the bee pavilion will be created:

  • Tools for working with metal (cutting, welding, etc.);
  • Jack for raising the van;
  • Metal corners and channels;
  • Wood beams, boards;
  • Material for covering the roof of the structure;
  • Nails;
  • Plywood.

Instructions and dimensions

On a note! After creating the drawing, you can begin work on the construction of the pavilion. It is recommended to calculate the height of the beehouse not lower than the height of the beekeeper. This is done for the convenience of working with bee families, collecting nectar, and moving inside the pavilion. The corridor in the van must be at least 90 cm so that the beekeeper can pass through it with a honey extractor without disturbing the bee colonies.

Next, it is recommended to place the van, which will be the base of the house, on a flat surface in order to lower the bottom in it. During this period of work, a jack and a level will be indispensable assistants. After the floor is lowered and the wooden partitions are dismantled, a frame is constructed, which consists of metal channels and corners. Experience working with welding machine. Next, the frame is covered with wooden plywood sheets, which are attached to wooden beams. Also on wooden beams the roof is constructed from boards and covering material, most often roofing felt is used. It is recommended to make windows or hatches in the pavilion for air ventilation. After this work, you can place evidence with bees inside. They can be secured using bars.

Instructions and dimensions of the pavelion

Interesting! Creating a bee house does not require any special effort. A great desire and minimal knowledge of working with materials is enough.

Typical project drawings

You can draw drawings for creating a bee pavilion yourself, or you can take them from the Internet. Basically, the same type of bee pavilion plans are provided on the Internet. You should pay attention to the fact that the following parameters are marked in the drawing:

  • Van size:
  • Unimpeded access to every piece of evidence;
  • Thermal insulation of the structure itself;
  • Availability of a ventilation circuit;
  • Lighting plan.

The beekeeper can choose the roof design himself. It can be flat, sloping, or even folding. The beekeeper's workroom is located in standard designs, at the beginning of the pavilion.

Types of bee pavilions

Bee pavilions come in two types: stationary and cassette.

The stationary bee pavilion does not provide for moments of movement. It is a solid structure made of metal panels, with evidence rooms made of plywood. This beehouse has a utility room in which the beekeeper stores his work equipment. It is possible to reconstruct a stationary pavilion into a mobile one, but in this case you should select wheels. Another disadvantage of converting a stationary beehouse into a mobile one is that it will be too heavy and inconvenient.

On a note! The mobile version of the bee house is practically no different from the stationary one in terms of the floor plan. The same utility room for storing equipment, the same location of evidence along two walls. What distinguishes a mobile pavilion from a stationary structure is the presence of a wheel pair in the first, with the help of which the structure can be moved from place to place.

Bee pavilion cassette

Differences between houses for insects

Stationary and cassette types of bee pavilions still differ from each other; before constructing a pavilion with your own hands in your apiary, you should give preference to one type.

These two types of insect houses are undeniably good. Their main differences end in the availability of one wheel pair option. They save space in the apiary, their presence calms the beekeeper in the winter, since the bees are kept warm, life in the bee pavilion increases honey production by 30%. In them you can divide the bees into brood and non-brood and place them on both sides of the aisle.

Recently, beekeepers have given greater preference to the mobile variety of bee houses. Because of its transportability, the cassette type is more profitable to maintain. A stationary view can be reconstructed into a mobile view, but it will cost several times more than creating a pavilion with your own hands. The cassette house for honey insects is easy to use and maintain. It can be transported closer to the flower stalks; it is more convenient to treat walls and floors against bee diseases such as nosematosis.

Thus, it becomes clear that it is not so difficult to build a house for honey insects with your own hands. This is a very advantageous design in terms of caring for bees and collecting honey.