New Year's holidays are fun, gifts, sincere joy and feelings of happiness, and, of course, festive feasts with friends, family, and loved ones. When the atmosphere is so pleasant and the tables are filled with delicious delicacies, it is natural to allow yourself to forget about your usual diet and eat for pleasure.

One problem is that when the holidays are over, it turns out that you have gained a couple, or maybe not a couple of extra pounds. But don't be sad - drive away excess weight you can do it as easily and naturally as dialing, the main thing is to know what to do and what not to do! Let's find out!

There is no reason to panic or be too hasty

If you think that holidays You have recovered significantly - know that this is an illusion. Even if you set yourself such a task, you would not be able to gain irreparably large weight in just 15 days. It is also important to understand that already in the first days of constant overeating (if you allowed it), a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, digestive juices and enzymes will no longer be secreted in the manner in which they should, and you simply will not be able to eat and absorb very much fat

In a week of very dense nutrition, you gain no more than one kilogram of excess weight. And if you, looking at the scales, doubt these words, know that all the weight you gained over 14-15 holidays, except for the 2-3 kilograms that are really “extra”, is just water, and getting rid of it is not difficult. Just give preference in food to carrots, apples, cabbage, dietary salads, and do not forget to drink at least your normal, daily norm water.

How to properly regain weight after the holidays?

The worst and most common mistake you can make if you are afraid of the weight you gained during the days of celebration is to start a strict fasting or low-calorie diet. Preference should be given to softer, restorative diets. Judge for yourself: during such generous feasts, the stomach has a hard time. Gastritis, kidney disease, cholecystitis, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that have made themselves felt in the past can remind themselves, there is no need to provoke them to this.

You can help your body recover faster by choosing restorative, tender, enveloping foods. Puree soups made from vegetables, porridge with water or milk without butter are perfect. It is also recommended to eat fresh vegetables. It is better to replace fatty meat and fish with steamed fish, chicken, veal and beef. You should not eat meat and fish more than 1-2 times a week. Portions of fish and meat should be chosen small - no more than 100-150 grams. Naturally, strong tea and coffee, spicy, fried foods should be excluded from the diet. All nutritionists without exception recommend drinking a lot of clean, ordinary water at a temperature that is pleasant for you.

Starting an active weight loss program

It has already been said above that even under the most unfavorable circumstances, in 15 days you will not be able to gain more than 1-3 kilograms of excess weight, therefore there is simply no need to use any express methods harmful to your health. We need to take a course on a balanced, healthy diet, and this, without any suffering, will quickly put our body in order. Unlike harsh methods, by switching to a healthy diet, you can be sure that the weight you lose is fat, not muscle or water. Let's take a look at the basic principles of forming a balanced diet.

Postulate one: nutrition must be complete.

Your diet should consist of six types of foods:

  • Vegetables;
  • Berries, fruits, dried fruits;
  • Cereals (potatoes also belong to this group);
  • Fats (nuts, seeds, vegetable oil);
  • Liquid dairy products;
  • Protein foods (fish, poultry, meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese).

Regarding the size of portions in each specific case, it is necessary to approach individually. If your weight is 70 kilograms - if you want to lose 3 or more kilograms - you can allow 400-500 g of vegetables, 400 milliliters of dairy products, 300 g of fruits, 180 g of proteins, two potatoes, 180 g of pasta or porridge, two tea tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon seeds, 6 nuts. When choosing dairy products, you should give preference to those with minimal fat content. Fish and meat should be lean. Must be eaten minimal amount fat, in order for the body to burn accumulated fat, you need to focus on fiber, which requires energy to digest.

Postulate two: follow the regime.

There are two rules to remember and use:

  1. It is necessary to keep a food diary;
  2. It is necessary to take food in accordance with the daily regimen: 3 or 4 times a day.

The gastrointestinal tract should have 3 to 5 hours of rest between meals. As for the time of eating and playing sports, here you should follow the recommendations: The last meal before training should be one and a half or two hours before training, the first after training should be half an hour or an hour after training. At the same time, you should take a moderate amount of food during each meal. The evening diet can be made up of vegetables and a small amount of protein, for example, 300-400 grams of fruit and a glass of yogurt.

Postulate three: accept sufficient quantity liquids.

Throughout the day, you need to drink at least the minimum volume of water at the rate of 30 ml for each kilogram of your weight. In this case, it is advisable to drink clean water, and not tea, coffee, or other drinks. You can eat 5 times a day, so the feeling of hunger will not torment you.

Finally, we should add

Holidays are “dangerous” not only because we eat a lot, but also because we move little. Feasts, pleasant gatherings, pleasant rest. All this relaxes our body, and therefore after the holidays we have to get back into the working rhythm. Don't rush to overload your body. You should start with 20-50% of your usual loads, gradually and reach your personal “norm” in 2 weeks. Spend a lot of time resting: the body needs time to recover more than ever.

For those who have not previously engaged in strength training, we strongly recommend that you begin training only after consultation with a trainer, and exclusively in accordance with his advice and recommendations.

New Year's feasts rarely pass without a trace for anyone: on holidays it is impossible to deny yourself, for example, a large piece of cake. The insidious extra pounds creep up unnoticed. According to statistics, we gain an average of 2-3 kg during two weeks of winter celebrations. At the beginning of January, everyone is trying to lose weight. The "R" correspondent looked into Minsk gyms and found out how to lose excess weight and not undermine your health.

Collage by Yulia KOSTIKOVA

I'll ride my bike for a long time

The holidays pass and I step on the scale. My mood drops: where does the excess weight come from? Fizzy drinks, sweets and salads with mayonnaise do their job - after several days of “zhora” the figure turns into a pumpkin. Treats quickly “imprint” on the stomach and sides. The realization comes: it’s time to stop with this. I walk confidently to the gym.

In the first days of the new year, there is an influx of visitors in gyms. Everyone is eager to shed excess ballast: they “sew up” their mouths and pedal intensely on exercise bikes. My refrigerator is still full of unhealthy fatty foods, but I pull myself together and decide to put my body in order. From the depths of the closet I take out sweatpants and sneakers - and into battle! I will pay for the festive gastronomic pleasure in Minsk gym on Oktyabrskaya street.

I’m crossing the threshold of the world of fitness: everyone is working - both women and men, and of different ages. I take a turn at the treadmill and watch other people’s efforts: sweat flows in streams from all the runners.

Don't rush into the quarry. Classes should be started gradually. Especially if there hasn’t been physical activity for a long time, I’m lucky that I heard it in time useful advice from the coach. - At first it is better to limit yourself to short training sessions every other day or two. This is 30 minutes of fast walking or running, 10 minutes of exercises for the abs and other muscle groups, and the same amount of time should be spent stretching.

We remove fat, not muscle

After just a week you can increase the load. But don’t overdo it: don’t forget about rest, since between workouts you need to give the body time to recover. Experts emphasize: after holidays and long weekends without sports, you should not get carried away with strength training if you have not given such a load to your muscles for a long time.

“If that’s the case, I’ll train half-heartedly. “I’ll lose weight with the help of diets,” I thought. But, as it turned out, she made the wrong decision.

Fitness trainer Olga Titkova put everything into perspective:

You need to lose weight slowly. Don’t even think about express methods: so-called fasting days and fasting are very harmful to the body. The stomach is still in shock from New Year's salads with mayonnaise and fried meat, give it time to recover. But at the same time, eat often and regularly. It is best to eat five times a day - and you will lose weight.

We go to the store, and the professional continues to explain to me what’s what:

The post-holiday diet is a balanced one, healthy food. The extra pounds will go away slowly but surely: you will lose unnecessary fat, not water and muscle. In addition, you will not live with a constant feeling of hunger: frequent meals in small portions are the key to losing weight. It is important that the body receives breakfast, lunch and dinner, but in small amounts, 200-250 grams per meal every 2-3 hours. Don't forget about snacks. This mode speeds up metabolism and improves blood sugar control.

Stomach in shock

Well, let's buy the “right” products. First of all, it is enveloping food. The basket contains ingredients for vegetable puree soups and porridge. We also take meat: beef, veal and chicken should not be fried in oil, but steamed. One serving is 100-120 grams. You should do the same with fish. As for drinks, to restore the body it is better to drink pure drinking non-carbonated water at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight. Consume in any form: summer temperature, cool or warm.

Experts voice statistics that have not changed for years: a person with normal weight can gain 300-400 grams of excess weight in one party or feast. With increased nutrition throughout the week, you can gain a whole kilogram. I analyze with horror my long and stormy weekend: from Catholic Christmas to this day, I ate very much and unhealthy.

But there is comforting news: if you exercise, eat right and often, you can get rid of 0.5 to 1.5 kg in 7 days. This is possible if you have recently gained weight - like me. Simple calculation: you can say goodbye to the consequences of holiday dishes in just 2-3 weeks. Well, let's prepare a “proper” dinner - and don’t forget about getting to work.

We must act before the New Year's feast has time to “strengthen itself” on the waist and hips!
You can easily lose weight after the holidays if you know how to lose weight correctly

Holidays are holidays to enjoy life, including good food. Therefore, it is not surprising that a couple of kilograms end up in our fat depot! But don’t be sad - there are ways and methods to get rid of them easily and simply!

1. Using fasting days

Reduce your calorie intake for 1 or 2 days. - Use no more 800 kcal in a day!

You can eat: unsalted rice, unsweetened compotes, fruits and vegetables.
Avoid: sweet fruits, such as bananas, dried fruits, grapes.
Preference to give : citrus fruits, apples, berries.
Choose from vegetables: cucumber tomato, leaf salad, green onions, red pepper, kohlrabi, fennel.

Do between meals break at 6 o'clock. - It is after this period of time that fat begins to burn.

You need to drink a lot - it's better about 3 liters: water, herbal teas, diluted juices (1 part juice and 2 parts water).

A salt-free diet and plenty of fluids help dehydrate the body and remove harmful waste products.

Morning: rice with applesauce

Boil 50 g of rice without salt. — Rice can be eaten with applesauce, seasoned with cinnamon, cloves or cardamom.

Dinner: a portion of rice with boiled vegetables: onions, leeks, paprika and fresh herbs.

Evening: rice and fruit - pineapple or berries (can be frozen). Or vegetables, salad.

This way you can lose 1 kg. But - important!- don’t try to eat like this for a long time! Fasting days are, indeed, DAYS, not a diet...

Eating this way for a long time, a person experiences a lack of vitamins and other nutrients - and this is already harmful to health and poor health.

In addition, after just 3 days of eating with severe restrictions, the body “switches” its metabolism:

- calorie consumption is sharply reduced
- the body, even with the intake of a small amount of calories, is able to function normally, but after receiving additional calories, it immediately turns them into fat, so to speak, for a “rainy day”!

So after the holidays, 2 fasting days are enough. Then you can regularly - no more than once a week - spend such days.

2. Practical advice

  • Start practicing as soon as possible sports and go to healthy eating no frills

Lean on vegetables and fruits

  • Don't start radical. Don’t torture yourself with radical diets - it’s better to lose weight more slowly, but stay healthy this way!
    Find time for meals: eat at the table, chew your food thoroughly, enjoy your food
    Reduce your consumption salt- season with herbs
    Avoid fatty sauces- they don’t even seem like “real food”, but how many calories are there!
    Do not eat baked goods and sweets!

Fast food and anything deep-fried is taboo!

  • Eat at least 3 times a day!
    Drink enough water - from 1.5 liters per day or more
    Refuse from alcohol

Eat yogurt, legumes, fish and seafood, eggs, salads, honey, whole grain bread... If you don’t overeat, then success will not keep you waiting!

Feeling hungry?

Eat a serving of hot vegetable soup .

100-150 g of meat with vegetables or salad will also have a positive effect. Legumes are also a source of protein.

And be resourceful: Instead of sour cream and mayonnaise, eat low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt. For dessert, instead of tiramisu - fruits, berries...

3 large servings a day or 5 small ones - everyone decides for themselves! Either way, enjoy your meal and eat slowly!

The gained kilograms invariably upset women after the rich feasts that accompany numerous New Year holidays. How difficult it is to resist when the tables of hospitable hosts are bursting with culinary delights, and to celebrate tradition New Year and Christmas with tasting all kinds of delicacies, and enjoying your favorite cocktails and champagne, no one has yet managed to cancel it.

Those arriving from holidays in Turkey, Egypt and other areas also face the problem of an accumulated layer of fat on the waist and hips. Purchased all-inclusive packages turn out to be extra weight due to the inability to refuse the excesses generously offered by hotel restaurants. Therefore, in the middle of winter, a reasonable question arises in the minds of the majority of ladies who are well versed in delicacies: how to quickly lose weight, bring the body back to normal and get rid of extra centimeters?

Experienced nutritionists and “slimness experts” advise not to delay taking emergency measures. If you do not urgently take thoughtful steps to lose weight, then fat deposits can firmly settle on your figure and continue their rapid growth, and this threatens emotional turmoil and a complete change of wardrobe in the near future. You don’t want to become an adorable hippopotamus by summer, do you? Therefore, we begin to lose weight immediately after the holidays are over. You don't need anything overly complicated.

Fasting days

The best way to activate metabolism, relieve swelling, cleanse the intestines of fecal debris, get rid of waste, toxins and alcohol breakdown products is a fasting day.

Mono-nutrition, when only one type of food is taken throughout the day, plus an increased drinking regimen, leads to a decrease in body weight by 0.5-1.5 kg, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Fasting day on buckwheat porridge

Plan to unload immediately after the holidays. It is best to use buckwheat as the main product. You will need 6 tablespoons of buckwheat per day. It is steamed in a thermos with boiling water for 2 hours, and then consumed throughout the day, divided into 5-6 doses. No salt, no sugar, no butter is added to the porridge.

Buckwheat is rich in fiber, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements. Porridge has a diuretic effect and the ability to remove excess fluid, so get ready for the fact that you will go to the toilet much more often.

To increase the effectiveness of unloading, drink rosehip infusion between meals, which also increases diuresis. Rose hips are a storehouse of fatty and organic acids, antioxidants, ascorbic acid, carotenoids and vitamins of groups E, B, D.

During the day you should drink 2-3 glasses of rosehip drink, which is prepared in a thermos in the evening. Take 2 tablespoons of fruits crushed in a coffee grinder per liter container; infuse the nutritious elixir for at least 12 hours, this is the only way it will accumulate the maximum concentration of nutrients.

Additionally, be sure to drink clean water (at least 5 glasses), which helps remove toxins from the body and activate the processes of burning subcutaneous fat. The energy value of a fasting day is 450 kcal.

Fasting day on kefir

Another popular option product for a fasting day - kefir. It is not necessary to purchase a low-fat fermented milk drink. Regular kefir with a fat content of up to 2.5% is also suitable. Drink from 1.2 to 1.5 liters of kefir (5-6 glasses) per day. The interval between taking the drink is 2-3 hours.

Additionally, drink clean water, for example, melt water or spring water (at least 3 glasses). The daily calorie content of unloading ranges from 500 to 700 kcal (it depends on the fat content of the fermented milk product).

It is recommended to do unloading at intervals of 3-4 days. More frequent express diets can harm the body. On other days, give up flour, sweet, salty, smoked, potatoes, rice and do not have dinner later than 19-00. At night, drink a glass of natural yoghurt, organic fermented baked milk, yogurt or kefir with probiotics. This will help improve bowel function and cleanse it of accumulated metabolites through morning bowel movements.

In addition to mononutrition, experts advise using a regimen of intense physical activity. You don't have to work out on the machines at the fitness center for several hours. Fast, intense walking in the fresh air for 45-60 minutes activates your metabolism well.

If you have a dog in your house, then instead of walking, you can spend active half-hour games with your pet in the mornings and evenings. This is useful for stabilizing the owner’s emotional state, for the slimness of her body, and for the four-legged friend himself.

A special set of exercises will help burn fat in problem areas. It will take only 10 minutes of your time and even a woman with minimal physical training can do it. All gymnastics consists of 3 exercises: 25 squats, 20 straight leg raises from the “lying on your back” position and a plank on your elbows for 100 seconds. If you completed it in less than 10 minutes, then repeat the entire sequence again.

Continue doing this exercise until your body acquires its usual shape. In combination with fasting days, you can restore your slim figure in 14-20 days maximum. If you smoke, either quit the habit or minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke per day. Nicotine slows down fat burning and makes it difficult to lose weight.

How do you deal with extra pounds after the New Year holidays? Share your experience in the comments so that our readers are always in shape! I wish you a beautiful figure at any age and at any time of the year!

Holidays, especially New Year's, are one of the most wonderful days of the year. But it's hard not to gain extra pounds.

Therefore, I offer you 2 ways to lose the weight you gained over the holidays. The first one is designed, on average, for a week, it is more correct and gentle. The second is more rigid, for those cases when it is necessary to regain harmony in 2-3 days.

If you have gained only 1-2 kg, then simply select any of the recipes.

It can help not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body, or rice. Two such days - a vegetable fasting day, and one day of mono-diet - will be enough for the weight to be restored.

You can carry out mono-diets for more than 1 day only if you do not have health problems. All digestive system and so it functioned these days, experiencing increased load. Therefore, for example, a buckwheat mono-diet can lead to exacerbation of liver or pancreas diseases.

And in case of intestinal dysfunction, if you spend 2 days adhering to kefir diet or vegetable, you can provoke stool disturbances and painful bloating, even colic and cramps.

If you experience these symptoms, immediately eliminate cabbage or, best of all, all raw vegetables from your menu. In this case, boiled will help more. oatmeal, boiled in water, with the addition of a tablespoon of bran and a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.

Fresh kefir acts as a laxative, and three-day-old kefir acts as a fixative. But with gastritis and increased acidity, such a diet is prohibited. Tips and recipes and or No. 2 will help you choose the most suitable one.

To some, these tips and warnings may seem unnecessary. But I have a friend who is a gastroenterologist. And I know very well the statistics of the sharp increase in the number of patients admitted to her department after the holidays. Therefore, first of all, I advise you to lose weight gradually, without additional stress on the body or harm to your health.

We lose weight after the holidays in a week.

For some, a week may seem like a very long time to return to your previous weight, but the process will take place gradually, without additional stress on the body.

During the holidays, your stomach has become “accustomed” to taking a large number food, the liver - to increased production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins and fats, the kidneys and intestines had to cope with the increased need to cleanse the body of waste and toxic substances.

Therefore, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed and its calorie content, to help the body eliminate all excess. If this is done abruptly, then the breakdown of adipose tissue will not occur, but on the contrary, after such stress, the body will begin to “store” fats, in accordance with the established program for survival in extreme conditions. The more often you listen to it, the more effective the weight loss process will be, with a stable result.

Your program could be like this:

1 day, cleansing – menu from vegetable salad, which can be eaten every 2-3 hours, for lunch - chicken soup, salad, tea or juice. For dinner - an omelet, a salad of apples, carrots and pumpkin, which will help cleanse the liver. Or vegetable stew and soft-boiled egg. 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of kefir with bran.

Day 2 – already the main menu. If possible, this will help you lose a little weight, but the main effect is cleansing the body. They will help remove toxins, reduce the density of adipose tissue, improve overall well-being. As well as a session in the pool or gym.

The most effective, in combination with a low-calorie menu, will be exercises on a home exercise machine, or at least performed every morning during this week.

Your main menu for the week.

Breakfasts should be hearty, as usual. By reducing the calorie content of breakfast, you will not lose weight, but you will deprive your body of the energy it needs for the whole day, which it gets from carbohydrates. Prepare oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, boiled in water and milk, with the addition of a cube of butter.

Every other day, your breakfast may consist of cottage cheese mixed with one of the fermented milk products: bio-yogurt, biolife or bifidok, which contain lactic acid bacteria, would be optimal. They will help normalize the intestinal microflora and improve peristalsis, faster natural cleansing of the body.

Only through effective cleansing, your weight can decrease by 1-2 kg on the second day.