To provide tomato seedlings Better conditions for development in a greenhouse, several requirements must be met, one of which is the use of a specific planting scheme. The term “planting pattern” means planting tomatoes at a certain distance from each other. What distance between tomatoes needs to be provided in the greenhouse during planting is discussed in this article, as well as in the photo and video accompanying it.

How does the tomato variety influence the choice of planting scheme?

The most promising varieties for cultivation in greenhouses are medium- and tall-growing tomatoes. The first are formed into 2 trunks, removing the remaining side shoots, the second - into 1 trunk.

Usually, medium-sized tomatoes, having formed 8-10 bunches, stop growing, so in order to prolong their life, it is recommended to leave 1 strong shoot.

Tall tomatoes are the most productive; when cultivated in a greenhouse, they can please you with a bountiful harvest throughout the season - up to 12-18 kg. Their main feature is the ability to grow up to 3-3.5 m in height. Due to low productivity, low-growing varieties are practically not cultivated in greenhouse conditions, with the exception of early ripening ultra-early hybrid forms. They are usually not pinched, so they grow to form several stems.

The planting pattern of tomatoes largely depends on the variety.

Attention! The choice of planting scheme for tomato seedlings in a greenhouse is influenced by the type of tomatoes grown.

The advantages of following certain tomato planting patterns in a greenhouse are:

  • in the simplicity and convenience of caring for plants, carrying out typical procedures - root watering, fertilizing, pinching;
  • in preventing the appearance of pests and diseases, the risk of which increases depending on the degree of thickening;
  • providing plants with the space necessary for normal development.

Each planted tomato bush in a greenhouse must receive the required amount of light and air.

Possible planting schemes in a greenhouse

Traditionally, the beds are laid out along the long walls of the greenhouse (3x6 m) and can be equipped with:

  • 2 beds 1.1-1.2 m wide with one wide passage;
  • 3 beds 0.6-0.7 m wide and 2 aisles between them.

Tall varieties of tomatoes need to be tied up

If there are 2 wide beds in the greenhouse, planting tomato seedlings can be done according to a two-line scheme, which involves placement as follows:

  • for low-growing varieties arranged in a zig-zag pattern - the distance between seedlings in one row is up to 40 cm, between rows in one bed - about 50-60 cm, the size of a wide passage - about 80 cm;
  • for medium-sized varieties - the distance in one row between plants is up to 30 cm, between rows in one bed - about 60 cm, the size of the wide passage between the beds is 80-90 cm. In this case, the bushes can be placed opposite each other or in a checkerboard pattern;
  • for tall varieties - the distance between seedlings in one row is about 50 cm, between rows in one bed - about 70-80 cm, the size of the wide passage between the beds is 80-90 cm. In this case, the bushes should be planted in a zig-zag pattern.

Planting tomatoes in two wide beds

If there are 3 narrow beds in the greenhouse, planting tomato seedlings can be done as follows:

  • for low-growing varieties planted in one line - the distance in one row between plants is up to 40 cm;
  • for medium-sized varieties planted in 2 rows - the distance in one row between seedling bushes is up to 50 cm, between rows in one bed - about 30 cm, the size of the passage is at least 50 cm. To avoid crowding with such a planting scheme, tomato seedlings are recommended checker;
  • for tall varieties planted in 1 row - the distance between seedlings is 50-60 cm, the size of the passage between the beds is 50-60 cm. In this case, bushes in adjacent beds should be planted in a checkerboard pattern.

Formation of tomato bushes

4-5 days after planting tomato seedlings in the beds, medium- and tall-growing varieties should be tied to trellises.

Attention! Tying them to supports will prevent deformation of the bushes and the possibility of them breaking off under the weight of the fruit.

Scheme of planting tomatoes in three beds

For tying tomatoes, 2 types of trellises can be used:

  • frame, which are two supports installed at opposite ends of the bed, between which cords are stretched parallel to each other at a distance of 40 cm;
  • linear, also representing two supports installed on both edges of the bed, but connected to each other at the top by one crossbar, from which one rope support is lowered down to each bush.

Advice! To prevent the tomato stems from being injured due to tying to the supports, you should use soft materials for this, for example, twine or fabric cut into strips 3-4 cm wide.

As the seedlings grow, the plants form into 1 or 2 stems, providing them good lighting and air flow. To do this, the side shoots are pinched manually so that a two-centimeter stump remains, and the bush is also topped (pinched off the top) after reaching the required height. In addition, you should control the number of ovaries on tomatoes, leaving no more than 7-9 flower clusters on each plant.

From correct landing tomatoes depends on their future yield

Planting tomatoes in a greenhouse - video

Despite the fact that tomatoes are not a very demanding crop, when growing them in a greenhouse you need to know some secrets of planting and care. Experienced vegetable growers harvest rich harvests from several bushes and a small area.

They achieve this this way: they properly prepare the greenhouses and soil for tomatoes, and also follow all the nuances of planting seedlings. We will tell you in detail how to properly grow tomatoes in a greenhouse in our article.

Today there is a large number of varieties of tomatoes that can be planted in open ground where they will grow and bear fruit well. But to obtain an early and rich harvest, plants should be provided with conditions protected from frost and precipitation.

To do this, you can use a greenhouse covered with film, glass or polycarbonate. When preparing the greenhouse the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Tomatoes love good lighting, so you need to choose an open area for the greenhouse. Otherwise, to avoid shading, the bushes will need to be planted at a great distance from each other.
  2. The greenhouse must be well ventilated, for which purpose there are vents at the bottom and top of the building.
  3. It is best to water tomatoes with a drip system, connecting a dropper to each bush. If you install automatic watering, it will be regulated by special controllers.
  4. You can install a heating system in the greenhouse and grow tomatoes and other vegetables in it all year round. For this purpose, steam, stove, air, gas or electric heating is used.
  5. Before planting seedlings, the room must be disinfected to destroy mold, bacteria, fungi and harmful insects. If the frame of the building is metal, then use a solution of bleach (400 grams per 10 liters of water), which is infused for 5 hours and used to spray the room inside.
  6. After two days, the frame is poured with boiling water, and the greenhouse itself is well ventilated. In a wooden greenhouse it is necessary to seal all the cracks and metal sheets Set fire to a mixture of sulfur and kerosene, which should smolder for at least 5 days. Then the greenhouse needs to be ventilated, and wooden frame wipe with copper sulfate solution.

Which greenhouse is better

When preparing a greenhouse, the material from which it is made is of great importance. Advantages of film coating: cheap material, which can easily cover any frame; in case of a breakthrough, the film can be easily replaced; in winter the material is removed and there is no need to think about covering the ground to insulate the snow.

Polycarbonate is not a cheap material, but it is very durable, suitable for covering winter heated greenhouses and protects plantings well from ultraviolet radiation. However, in polycarbonate structures it is necessary to do ventilation holes and cover the ground so that it does not freeze in winter.

The significant difference between the materials is that tomatoes can be planted in polycarbonate greenhouses several times. Thanks to this, you can get a harvest of delicious vegetables more often.

Landing rules

First of all, you need to take care of preparing the soil in the greenhouse. It should be disinfected before planting. It is recommended to change the soil every five years, since during this time it is depleted, and no fertilizer applied will help.

Soil for tomatoes in a greenhouse can be disinfected with the following preparations:

  • copper sulfate solution;
  • Bordeaux mixture solution;
  • dolomite flour (per 1 square meter - 50 grams).

The soil for tomatoes in the greenhouse should be prepare in the fall, placing under it a 10 cm thick layer of straw, sawdust or pine needles for insulation. From above, everything is covered with the same thick layer of compost, which is covered with soil. The result should be a bed approximately thirty to forty centimeters high.

The soil in the greenhouse for tomatoes can be turf or humus. For one square meter soil will need to be added:

  • wood ash– 1.5 cups;
  • sodium nitrate – 1 teaspoon;
  • potassium sulfate or potassium magnesia - 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated double superphosphate - 3 tablespoons.

If the soil on the site is clay or loamy, then before planting the plants it should be additionally fertilize with peat, humus and sawdust(one bucket per square meter). Peat soil is also mixed with coarse sand (1/2 bucket per square meter) and humus and turf soil (one bucket per square meter).

Planting dates

When seedlings grown at home grow to approximately 25–30 cm, they can be planted in a greenhouse. When planting taller bushes, plants can be accidentally damaged, and small bushes may not take root and die.

Overgrown plants get sick more because they have a lot of green mass, which requires water and fertilizers from the soil.

Soil temperature is a very important indicator when planting seedlings. Planting can only be done when the ground temperature is warms up to 12–15 degrees heat.

Disembarkation is carried out in the evening or on a cloudy day so that the newly planted plants are not exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, the seedlings will be sick for a long time.

The holes for planting tomato seedlings in the greenhouse should be approximately fifteen centimeters deep. Before planting seedlings, each hole is spilled with one liter of warm potassium permanganate solution (1 gram per 10 liters of water at a temperature of 50 degrees).

Young plants, together with a lump of earth or peat pots, are planted in the hole immediately, while the solution has not yet been absorbed. For overgrown seedlings, the hole should be made deeper, but at the same time cover only the roots with soil. When the plants take root, the hole can be completely filled with soil.

When planting bushes, it is necessary to place them so that the inflorescences are not shaded by the leaves of nearby plants and are directed into the passage. The soil around the tomato bushes compacted, watered and mulched. To make it convenient to apply fertilizers in the form of solutions, you can dig small holes between the plants.


The planting pattern and distance between bushes depend on the tomato variety:

Closer to the passage, standard and giant plants formed into one stem are planted into the soil. Distance between them should be 25 cm. When it is already possible to harvest from the standard ones, the giant bushes will still ripen.

Beginner vegetable growers will find the basic rules for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse useful:

If you follow all the rules for planting tomatoes, the plants will quickly take root, grow healthy and produce good harvest.

Features of care

When planting seedlings in the ground, supports are installed in the garden bed, to which the grown plants will later be tied. To do this, each plant can be tied to a separate peg or a wire can be stretched between the supports and the plants can be tied to it.

Pegs are driven into the ground to a depth of about thirty centimeters. About a week after planting, the soil around the bushes should be gently loosen so that air flows to the roots.

As soon as stepsons begin to appear on the tomatoes, they should be removed. The first pinching is usually done immediately after planting the seedlings. The stepchildren are then removed every week. To reduce humidity and improve ventilation after fruiting, it is recommended to remove all lower branches on the bushes.

Since pollinating insects do not fly into the greenhouse, tomatoes pollinate on their own. To do this, carry out the following procedure:

  • shake the brushes on a sunny day;
  • using a sprayer, spray the soil and flowers;
  • After two hours, open the vents in the greenhouse to reduce air humidity.

However, if self-pollinating hybrids were planted in the greenhouse, such actions need not be carried out. In the first week after landing plants are not watered, otherwise they will begin to stretch in length rather than take root.

Seedlings should water frequently but moderately, and adult plants are rare but abundant. Urgent watering is necessary if the upper leaves on the bushes begin to curl. The approximate water consumption and frequency of watering should be as follows:

  • Before budding begins, about five liters of water are poured under each plant once every five or six days.
  • During the fruiting period - up to four liters two or three times a week.

With high humidity in the greenhouse, various infections can develop, so after each watering it should be ventilate well.

During the season tomatoes should be feed three or four times. Twenty days after planting the seedlings, use the following solution: water - ten liters; liquid mullein - half a liter; nitrophoska - one tablespoon. Each plant will need one liter of this fertilizer.

After another ten days, the soil in the beds is fed with a solution prepared from ten liters of water and the following preparations: potassium sulfate - one teaspoon; ready-made fertilizer for tomatoes - one tablespoon. One square meter of soil is fertilized with five liters of this solution.

The third feeding is carried out two weeks after the second. Each square meter of bed is watered with six liters of solution, which is prepared from a bucket of water, two tablespoons of wood ash and a tablespoon of superphosphate.

To speed up the ripening of fruits, the soil is watered with a solution of a bucket of water, two tablespoons of superphosphate and one spoon of liquid humate.

Growing tomatoes both in open ground and in a greenhouse requires responsible and competent approach. Plants should be planted in a greenhouse and soil previously prepared according to all the rules. By following the planting scheme and properly caring for tomatoes, you can get a good harvest of both early and late ripening vegetables.

Attention, TODAY only!

Most Popular vegetable crop, which is grown by half of gardeners, are tomatoes. In order to get a bountiful and tasty harvest, you need to know how to properly grow these plants and care for them. This article will tell you how to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse differs from similar activities carried out in open ground. And the differences begin from the preparation stage. This stage consists of two subparagraphs: proper preparation soil and seeds. Let's look at each sub-item in more detail.

The soil, both in a greenhouse and in open ground, plays an important role in the growth of cultivated plants and the ripening of fruits. Usually in greenhouses the soil used is manure type. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible to place a greenhouse structure on the site of black soil. Therefore, soil is brought into the greenhouse separately. The applied soil must be of high quality, previously fertilized with natural additives. This will avoid contamination of tomatoes with chemicals. Despite the somewhat high cost of such soil, its purchase in the future will allow you to save on fertilizing applied during the growing season in order to restore the fertility of the land.

Preparing the soil for beds for tomatoes is carried out as follows:

  • First, the top layer of soil is removed from the garden bed. You need to remove approximately 20 cm;
  • During the process of removing soil, a groove is formed. Its length should extend over the entire length of the plantation;
  • humus should be poured onto the bottom of the formed groove. He must wait three years for this procedure. Remember that humus should not contain hay and straw, since these components increase its decomposition time in the soil;
  • approximately half of the ditch should be filled with humus;
  • after this, it is necessary to pour either new land, or soil that was discarded when digging a ditch.

This is the simplest option for preparing the soil. If you want to further increase your chances of success when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is recommended to carry out additional procedures. To control weeds, you need to use disinfected soil.

It is worth remembering that the main parameter for assessing soil fertility is the presence of earthworms in it. They are the ones who can best prepare the land for the next gardening season. Therefore, it is recommended to populate the soil in the greenhouse with earthworms, which you will have to dig up yourself with your own hands.

Properly prepared soil will be the key to your future excellent tomato harvest. But besides this, you also need to be able to properly prepare the seed. Since tomatoes are most often grown in a greenhouse using the seedling method, this procedure will significantly increase the germination of seeds. It will also make it possible to obtain tall and strong seedlings that can be planted in a greenhouse.

Choice seed material do it like this:

  • First, we decide on the variety (early, middle or late). The choice of variety directly determines when the seeds will be sown and seedlings planted in greenhouse soil. Remember that it is necessary to choose a variety not only for taste, but also for agrotechnical characteristics;
  • the seeds should appear unfrozen and of good quality. The presence of plaque and mold on them is not allowed;
  • Next, the seed must be sorted by size, discarding all unsuitable seeds.

The largest seeds should be selected, without visible defects. Proper calibration of the seed will ensure healthy tomato shoots.

After the highest quality seed has been selected, it is disinfected. For example, seeds can be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or calcined. In the second case, they must be heated for three days at a temperature of +50°C. Then, before direct sowing, it is recommended to treat the seeds with any growth stimulant.

Planting material prepared in this way can be used to produce seedlings. They can also be planted in open ground. But still, experienced gardeners advise growing tomatoes in a greenhouse using the seedling method.

Video “How to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse”

This video discusses 5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Sowing technology

You can plant tomato seeds in greenhouse soil or seedlings in early March. Planting seeds is carried out as follows:

After the seeds have been planted in the greenhouse, the temperature in it should be at +23-25°C. When the first shoots appear on the beds, it would be correct to organize additional lighting for them using phytolamps. If the lighting was organized correctly, the seedlings will have a bright green color.

After the seeds are planted in the ground and until the first true leaves develop, approximately 20 days pass. Seedlings require moderate watering. At the same time, remember that the greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly.

In order to obtain seedlings, tomato seeds should be planted as follows:

  • First we determine the landing time. Here it is necessary to take into account that seedlings should grow from 50 to 70 days. You need to count from the moment when it is recommended to plant it in the greenhouse. Planting is carried out in a heated greenhouse in April. In such a situation, seeds are sown for seedlings in February. In a greenhouse that is not heated, transplantation is carried out in May (the first ten days). Therefore, sowing in this case is carried out in mid-March;
  • It is most convenient to grow planting material in separate containers, the height of which is approximately 15 cm;
  • the selected containers are filled with substrate. It should be compacted. After this, the surface of the soil mixture is leveled;
  • Next, use a knife to form furrows into which the seeds are poured. They need to be sprinkled with earth on top.

Immediately after planting, watering is carried out. After this, the containers are placed in a room with temperature conditions, which is at +25°C. Before transplanting into a greenhouse, planting care is as follows:

  • during the first two days, planting requires round-the-clock artificial lighting;
  • when the first shoots appear, the room temperature should be lowered to +15°C. This will avoid excessive stretching of the seedlings;
  • Watering is carried out as the soil dries. It should be moderate. Do not water the tomato until the first true leaf appears. Only spraying the soil with water is allowed;
  • the room should be ventilated regularly. In this case, it is necessary to avoid the formation of drafts.

To carry out picking of seedlings, prepare separate peat pots or plastic cups. Each plant is carefully removed and its root is pinched. This procedure allows you to form a well-branched rhizome.

Picking tomato seedlings for further planting in a greenhouse can be done in the following ways:

  • Each plant is planted in a separate cup. This way you will get a strong and tall bush;
  • Two plants are placed in one container at once. When they reach a height of 10 cm, the stems of the bushes are tightly tied to each other using a nylon thread. As a result, a bush with two roots is formed. This also requires pinching the top of a less developed plant. This method significantly increases the yield of tomatoes.

Hardening of seedlings must begin approximately 14 days before planting them in the greenhouse. To do this, containers should be taken out into the open air. First, they are placed on the balcony for 2-3 hours. Then you need to gradually increase the time the seedlings spend in the air to a day.

After this, the seedlings can only be planted in the greenhouse.


When the seedlings have developed, they should be transplanted into a greenhouse. The planting scheme for tomatoes in a greenhouse is selected based on the tomato variety. Remember that to get an excellent harvest, plantings should not be thickened. However, they require sunlight.

There is no single correct answer to the question “how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse,” since there are a wide variety of planting schemes:

  • for low-growing, early-ripening varieties that form several stems, the distance between tomatoes should be 40 cm, and between their rows - 50 cm. It is recommended to use a checkerboard pattern when creating two rows;
  • for determinate varieties that form 1 stem, the distance between their rows is 50 cm, and between plants - 25 cm.
  • indeterminate tall varieties must be planted in a checkerboard pattern in 2 rows. The distance here between rows should be 80 cm, and between neighboring plants - 60 cm.

When a planting scheme has been chosen, seedlings are transplanted as follows:

After planting, moderate watering is required. It is recommended to spray the soil with water. This type of watering should be done at first. When the seedlings have taken root, watering is carried out every 4-5 days. For one sq. m. you need to pour out about 4 liters of water. Usually this procedure is carried out at the root in the morning. During the flowering period, it is recommended to increase the number of waterings by 2-3 times.

The greenhouse should be ventilated approximately 1.5-2 hours after watering.

One more important point caring for fondants is stepsoning. The resulting stepsons weaken the plants. Therefore they should be removed. This procedure is carried out in the morning. Tomatoes can be propagated using cut shoots. The first feeding is carried out 2 weeks after planting.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse is a troublesome task. The main thing is to stick correct sowing and plant care. If everything is done correctly, the harvest will be abundant and tasty. This is a real reward for any gardener.

Video “Technology for growing tomatoes in greenhouses”

In this video, a farmer shares his experience of growing tomatoes.

When growing tomatoes, every stage is of great importance: preparing the soil, planting material, disembarkation, departure. Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse requires compliance with certain rules, with the help of which the correct development of the bush occurs.

Preparing the greenhouse and soil

The greenhouse is built in advance so that the soil has time to warm up by the time of planting. If it is made of polycarbonate, you can build it in the fall and only clean it in the spring. If the greenhouse is covered with film, you can build the frame in the fall and do the rest of the work in the spring.

Preparing the soil for planting tomato seedlings

Soil preparation includes the following activities:

  • remove the 10 cm layer in which pests are predominantly stored;
  • treat the ground with copper sulfate;
  • loosen, remove weeds;
  • add fertilizer: humus, wood ash;
  • form beds at a distance of 50 cm;
  • make holes every 40-60 cm (according to the degree of growth of the planted variety).

Planting is carried out only in heated soil (up to 15°C), so it is worth pouring warm water over the holes and covering them with film.

Preparing seedlings

Tomato seedlings

Seedlings are grown in pots, the soil and seeds are pre-treated with potassium permanganate. When 4 leaves are formed, the seedlings dive. After 2-3 weeks, the picking is done again. Light, warmth and regular watering are the main components of properly grown seedlings.

Before planting, it is recommended to harden the seedlings. To do this, open the windows in the room, and you can also take the seedlings outside for several hours. A week before planting, it is worth treating the seedlings with boric acid as a disease prevention measure. Before planting, it is recommended to tear off the lower leaves. This will speed up the plant’s adaptation and development process.

Properly prepared seedlings have 8 leaves, a thick strong trunk and a well-developed root.

How to plant seedlings correctly

Tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at a steady temperature of 20°C (18°C at night). In a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is easier to achieve this temperature due to the thermal insulation properties of the material. In a greenhouse made of glass or film, it is worth sealing all the seams in advance to achieve a tight seal.

Tomato seedlings are very fragile and begin to hurt after injury

Water the holes 20 minutes before planting. After this, small depressions are made, equal to the size of the pots, and the seedlings are lowered into them directly in the containers. The earth around the trunk is compacted. If planting is not done in pots, the seedling must be carefully removed from the container, with a piece of soil on the root. If desired, the ends of the roots can be trimmed. This promotes rapid growth, development and strengthening of the root, which will begin to grow in breadth.

Afterwards, it is worthwhile to slightly shade the seedlings for 2-3 days. After a week, a number of actions need to be taken:

  • feed with complex fertilizer;
  • loosen the ground;
  • pour with settled warm water.

Transplanting tomatoes to a permanent place

Tall tomato seedlings usually differ in size. Such a seedling should be immediately tied to a peg or trellis so that it is stable.

If several are planted in a greenhouse different varieties, different in height, you should immediately think through a planting scheme: place low-growing tomatoes near the walls, and tall ones in the second row closer to the aisle. So, tall seedlings will not block the access of light to the rest of the tomatoes.

How to plant overgrown seedlings

If the planting date has not yet arrived, but the seedlings have already formed, it is recommended to stop their growth. This can be done by pinching off the top. At the same time, the bush will begin to more actively send out side shoots, which can also be pinched off if desired.

Advice. The torn off top can be placed in a glass of water. After a while, a root will begin to form on it and a full-fledged seedling will grow, which can also be transplanted into a greenhouse.

Planting tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, if they have grown slightly, is possible using this principle. Make another, smaller hole inside the hole, and plant a tomato in it. Do not fill the top hole for 2 weeks until the bush takes root. After the specified time, loosen the soil, water and fill the hole.

Overgrown tomato seedlings

If the seedlings have grown significantly, you can use this method:

  1. Make the holes narrow but long.
  2. Prepare the furrows and water.
  3. Trim the lower leaves, leaving the seedling no more than 50 cm.
  4. Plant the seedlings in a semi-horizontal state. The root should lie in the furrow, and the top should remain almost vertical on the surface.
  5. Cover the holes with soil.
  6. Tie the top part to the peg.

When planting seedlings in this way, you need to remember that the soil cannot be loosened deeply so as not to damage the roots. The buried stem, while in the ground, will begin to take root and strengthen. This will form a more powerful root system.

Tying a tomato bush to a support

Various landing methods

Today there are several ways to plant tomatoes that differ from traditional ones. These include:

Kazarin's method. Involves minimal or virtually no watering. The essence of the method is to form a powerful root by growing in search of moisture. Planting of seedlings occurs at an angle, almost horizontally. In this case, half of the seedling must be placed in the ground. There is no need to lift the upper part, it will rise on its own over time and then tie it to a peg. Watering is done as follows: half a bucket into the hole before and after planting. Subsequent watering - once every 14-16 days.

Planting tomatoes using the Kazarin method

Grafting method. Provides for the development of a more powerful root. Two tomato seedlings of the same variety are planted in one pot, 5 cm apart. When the trunks reach 0.5 cm in diameter, they must be pulled towards each other. Make cuts (0.2 mm) at the contact points and bandage. The bandage needs to be sprayed daily. After two weeks, cut off one of the tops. Remove the bandage before disembarking.

Landing of stepchildren. As the tomatoes grow in the greenhouse, do not throw away the shoots, but plant them in separate holes. You will need to water and shade them for 5 days. Once every 10 days, fertilize with mineral, organic and micronutrients (alternating). It is believed that such tomatoes are less susceptible to disease.

Growing tomatoes

Attention! Tomatoes are one of the few plants that can easily tolerate short periods of drought. If there is no other option, deep watering once a week will be enough for them.

Tomato care

After planting seedlings, it is necessary to provide high-quality care for tomatoes:

  • watering. Water the tomatoes at the root with warm water after 2-3 days. If there is excessive humidity, the regularity of watering should be reduced and the greenhouse should be ventilated;
  • feeding It is recommended to apply fertilizers 4-5 times per season. The first time - on the 14th day after planting, subsequent times - at the time of flowering, active fruit set, fruit filling. You can fertilize every 14-20 days. It is important to alternate organic matter with mineral supplements so that the tomatoes develop evenly;
  • stepsoning. After 10 days, you need to inspect the bushes and remove the stepsons. Repeat the procedure every week. This helps redirect nutrients to flowers and ovaries;
  • bush formation. For tall hybrids, one stem is left, for medium- and short-growing ones - 2-3 stems. An additional stem grows from a stepson, which is left in advance on the main trunk;
  • pinching the top. A month before the end of the harvest or when the optimal number of fruits has formed on each shoot, the top is pinched off. This promotes the speed of ripening of the set tomatoes.

Tomatoes need to be well watered

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the greenhouse. In a polycarbonate greenhouse, windows are usually made that can be opened all day long. This gives insects free access to pollinate the tomato and acts as a preventive measure against many types of fungal and viral diseases.

How to properly plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: video

Tomato seedlings in a greenhouse: photo

  1. An equal amount of garden soil, cleared of weeds and roots, peat and river sand is mixed. The resulting substrate is watered with mineral fertilizers dissolved in water. Any ready-made kit from a hardware store will do. Peat can be replaced with humus. To reduce acidity, add 50 grams of chalk.
  2. Humus and peat are added to the turf soil in equal quantities. Add 2 matchboxes of superphosphate and a half-liter jar of wood ash to a bucket of the mixture. Everything must be spilled with fresh water.

Simple instructions for preparing the soil will help you get full-fledged and healthy seedlings.

The best time to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse

Because seedlings can be planted in it only after the soil has warmed up. And the plants should already have 5-7 leaves, a well-developed root system. It is important that the tomatoes are not overgrown.

May 30th is the time when you can plant tomatoes in a greenhouse without fear of frost. The soil has already warmed up enough, and the seedlings have reached the desired size. If the greenhouse does not have a film cover, but a polycarbonate one, then you can transfer the plants to the ground on May 15.

It is preferable to carry out the transplant procedure in the afternoon, towards evening. It's good if the weather is cloudy and warm. Then overnight the plants will get stronger and take root better. Since grown seedlings are transported with a lump of earth from a cup, weather conditions are not of fundamental importance - the root system remains intact.

You can also grow seedlings directly in a greenhouse. To do this, prepare a high bed, about 20 cm. It consists of dug up and cleared of weeds soil, peat and river sand.

A mandatory element is compost.

Note! After applying mineral fertilizers, the soil is thoroughly mixed and covered with a thick plastic film. With this approach, weed seeds and bacteria die due to lack of oxygen.

Planting seeds in the ground

In southern regions with a milder climate, it is possible to grow tomatoes from seeds directly in the ground. In this case, you have to decide when to sow tomatoes in a greenhouse, guided by the temperature of the soil and air. But you can not depend on weather fluctuations and speed up the process of warming the soil.

You can install a heating system in the greenhouse. This is done either with manure or wiring electric cable along the bottom of the greenhouse. In the first case, at the very beginning of preparing the soil for planting, horse manure is placed at the bottom of the trench, sprinkled with river sand, and on top fertile soil. When manure rots, it releases heat, which warms the greenhouse and plants.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity to prevent the seedlings from drying out. If seeds are sown directly into the soil, then it is necessary to pick the seedlings.

This is done after two true leaves appear. After picking, the seedlings take root faster and grow better. Don't forget about feeding with fertilizers.

When the time has come to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can be completely sure that its age is suitable for planting. If she is too young, then she will not have enough time for the bulk of the fruit to ripen.

Cause of seed death

An important step before planting is preparing the seeds., and here it is important not to overdo it.

Some vegetable growers recommend immersing the entire batch in a saline solution to separate bad seeds from good ones. Floated units are considered not to germinate and are discarded. But, as practice shows, normal plants can develop from them.

Before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you should not torment the seeds with lengthy quality testing procedures. This only reduces their productivity and can affect the quality of the harvest. There are a number of factors that lead to seed death.


  • Seeds obtained from other vegetable growers, rather than purchased from a store, may be contaminated with infection. They should be disinfected before planting;
  • The infection is sometimes contained in the soil - it is recommended to water it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • The soil may be toxic or overloaded with salts;
  • Many amateur gardeners know when to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, but not everyone knows that the seeds should not be buried too deep. This often leads to rotting of the seedlings due to the extended germination period;
  • Excessive watering is one of the causes of seed death, especially in combination with low temperatures;
  • When the seeds for a long time stored at low temperatures, they fall into a state of deep dormancy. It's quite difficult to get them out of there. Planting may turn out to be pointless - they will either sprout in 3-4 weeks, or they will not sprout at all.

To achieve maximum germination and germination of seeds naturally, without resorting to chemicals, they need to be soaked in melt water. It is a catalyst and awakens plants very well.

There are two options:

  • Collect snow in a bucket to melt. For soaking, take only 1/3 of the part, pour out the rest - all harmful impurities settle there;
  • Pour water into a thick plastic bag and put it in freezer. When ¾ of the bag is frozen, the remainder is drained. They cannot be used. The rest is melted and added to the seeds.

This water is biologically active, 2-3 days it retains the ability to stimulate seed germination. The cost of these methods is only the cost of the freezer bag.


A greenhouse is a place that will help you collect a bucket of tomatoes from a bush. But everything depends on the right approach already at the stage of seed selection and preparation. It is also important to have nutritious and healthy soil containing fertilizers and microelements. The video in this article will tell you in detail how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.